Minetown | |
Location | Level 5–8 of the Gnomish Mines |
Variants | |
Bones | Yes |
Mappable | Yes |
Teleportable | Yes |
Diggable floor | Yes |
Diggable walls | Yes |
Minetown is one of eight different maps, located on the 3rd or 4th level of the Gnomish Mines. This gives Minetown a 1/6 chance of being on levels 5 or 8 in the mines, and a 1/3 chance of being on levels 6 or 7 in the mines. As in the rest of the Mines, monster creation on this level is biased towards lawful monsters.
In most games, Minetown is also the largest collection of shops, but there is a 1/7 chance of the shopless Orcish Town; failing that, there is a chance that any given shop other than Izchak's may not appear, which produces a 0.5% chance of having only Izchak's shop.
There are seven different Minetown variants, each with their own maps and guaranteed monsters. Note that Minetown is eligible to leave bones, so the monsters (and the map) may be in a different state than is shown below.
Also bear in mind that, as elsewhere in the Gnomish Mines, if you are playing a dwarf or gnome, two-thirds of the dwarves or gnomes that are listed in these descriptions will be made random monsters instead.
The following information pertains to an upcoming version (3.7.0). If this version is now released, please verify that the information below is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate it.
Any of the following maps may be mirrored and/or flipped.Town Square
Izchak's light shop (marked "lght") is guaranteed, but the general store ("gen"), food shop ("foo") and tool shop ("tool") have only a 90% chance of existing.
Only one + on each wall is randomly made a door. This level contains two random traps.
Monster | Symbol | Location |
The Watch | @@@@@ | Patrolling randomly |
Priest | @ | In temple |
Gnomish Wizards | GG | In temple |
Gnomes | GGG | In rooms marked with G |
Gnome lord | G | In room opposite light shop |
Gnomes | GGG | Outside mapped area |
Dwarf | h | Outside mapped area |
Alley Town
Izchak's light shop (marked "lgt" here) and the general store ("gen") are guaranteed to exist, but Alley Town has only a 30% chance of being generated with the tool shop marked "tl" and a 40% chance of having the one marked "too". The food shop ("foo") has a 90% chance of existing, and the quality apparel and accessories shop ("wan") a 30% chance.
Only one + on each wall is randomly made a door. This level contains two random traps.
Monster | Symbol | Location |
The Watch | @@@@@ | Patrolling randomly |
Priest | @ | In temple |
Gnomish Wizards | GG | In temple |
Gnomes | 3 random G | In rooms marked with G |
Gnomes | GGG | Outside mapped area |
Dwarf | h | Outside mapped area |
College Town
Izchak's light shop (marked "lgt") and the book shop ("boo") are guaranteed, but the general store ("gen"), food shop ("foo") and tool shop ("tool") have only a 90% chance of existing.
Only one + on each wall is randomly made a door. This level contains two random traps.
Monster | Symbol | Location |
The Watch | @@@@@ | Patrolling randomly |
Priest | @ | In temple |
Gnomish wizards | GG | In temple |
Gnomes | 3 random G | In rooms marked with G |
Kobold shamans | kk | In southwest room |
Kitten | f | In southwest room |
Feline | A random f | In southwest room |
Gnomes | GGG | Outside mapped area |
Dwarf | h | Outside mapped area |
Grotto Town
|<..--- ------.......-- ------- ---------------
|.....---|.........--..| |.....| ------- |.............|
--..|....|.---------|..| |.._..| |>...(| --+---+--.----+|
--.|-.....---- -CC- |.....| ------ --....---- |..|...|-.|.+..|
--|.........|--- -CC-- ---+--- |..+.|--D---..-..---|..|--+-..--|..|
----.|....|..----...-- |.| |..|.DDDDDD--+-.....-+--........--+|
-----..|....|.....---- |.| |G.|.------......--................|
------ |..|..........A..---.-- ---|.+..||.......-|..--------+--..--
|food| --.c....---...A.......----- |.|..||...{....|--|.........|..--
|....| |.c......|...|..........B---|.|..|--.......| |.general.|...|
---+--------....-------...---...B..-|.|------....--| -----------EEE|
------.---...-|...-|..|..|-...|..---...|.--..|...|....------- |.......--
|..|-.........|aa--|..|..|--.....|-....|.....d..---...-|....| |.-------
|..+...............-+---+-----..-|..........--....|-...+tool| |.|.G.S=
-----.....{....----.............bb|...G.......|-...|...-|....| |.|...|
|..............-- |-+--.---------.........--..|........|------ |.--+-------
|+-----.........| |...|.|....| --.......-----|...|....|--------.....|....|
|.G.| --..------- |.G.|.+lght| ---...--- --..|...--......|...{..+..-+|
|...| ---- ------|....| ----- -----.....----........|.G|(|
----- ------ ------- ---------------
In Nethack 3.6.0 and later, the map is partially randomized. For each pair of Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd one character is replaced with walls with equal probability (for Aa and Bb, this only happens 75% of the time), while there is a 50% chance that E is replaced with a wall. In previous versions, Aa, Bb, c, d and E are always floor, while C and D are always walls.
The map is mostly dark.
Izchak's light shop (marked "lght"), the general store ("general"), the food shop ("food") and the tool shop ("tool") are all guaranteed.
The G in the bottom center of the map is a historic statue of a gnome king.
The closet in the bottom right corner contains a chest with normal contents, and the room above it has a secret closet containing a random ring. The room containing the downstairs always contains a random tool.
Monster | Symbol | Location |
The Watch | @@@@@ | Patrolling randomly |
Priest | @ | In temple |
Gnomes | GGGGGG | Random |
Gnome lords | GG | Random |
Dwarves | hhh | Random |
Gnomish Wizards | GG | In far southwest room/In front of secret door |
Gnome lord | G | Larger southeast room |
Gnomes | 2 random G | Opposite light shop/In room at top of central corridor |
Bustling Town
The mapped town area is surrounded by empty cavern level, which is lit and contains the upstair (to the left of the town) and the downstair (to the right).
Two trees are marked ("#").
Izchak's light shop (marked "lgt"), the general store ("gen"), the food shop ("foo") and the tool shop ("too") are all guaranteed.
Monster | Symbol | Location |
The Watch | @@@@@ | Patrolling randomly |
Priest | @ | In temple |
Gnomes | GGGGGG | Random |
Gnome lords | GG | Random |
Dwarf | hhh | Random |
Gnomes | GG | In room between light and tool shops/In room east of fountain |
Gnome lords | G | In room between light and tool shops |
Bazaar Town
Izchak's light shop (marked "lgt") is guaranteed, while there is a 50% chance each of two food shops ('fd'), a 50% chance of one tool shop ('tl') and 30% chance of a second ('too'), and a 60% chance of a general store ('gn'). There is also a sink ('#')
Each of the rooms marked in yellow has a 75% chance of existing. If a room is not created, neither will the monsters that normally spawn there. The "+" characters on the wall represent valid locations for the room's door.
Only one + on each wall is randomly made a door. There is a random trap in the room with the downstair, and another in one of the other rooms not containing the upstair.
Monster | Symbol | Location |
The Watch | @@@@@ | Patrolling randomly |
Priest | @ | In temple |
Gnomish Wizards | GG | In temple |
Gnomes | GGGGGG | Random, some outside mapped area |
Gnome lord | G | Random |
Monkeys | YY | Random |
Gnomes | G | In marked rooms |
Monkeys | YYY | In room north of central fountain |
Nymph | Random n | In marked room |
Gnome king | G | In marked room |
Gnome | Random G | In room north of lower fountain |
Dwarf | h | Outside mapped area |
Orcish Town
Orcish Town, or Orctown, is a replacement of Frontier Town that has been ransacked and looted by orcs. All of the normal inhabitants have been killed, there are no functioning shops or temple, the entrances are barricaded with iron bars, and the whole area is swarming with orcs. It originated in SporkHack, then was added to 3.6.0 and UnNetHack.
The marked walls between shops have a chance of being knocked down, and 11-19 boulders or rock piles will be randomly placed throughout the level.
The altar is unaligned and may be converted by sacrificing (but not same-race sacrifice). Thus, you will always have an available coaligned altar in this level after you convert it.
Since Izchak's shop does not exist in this variant, several of the shopkeepers' corpses will be generated with candles. At least 7 are guaranteed. In addition, an oil lamp and several spent wands of striking and magic missile will be generated with them.
Monster | Symbol | Location |
The Watch | %%%%% | Random |
Priest | % | In temple above altar |
Shopkeepers | %%%%% | On marked squares not in the temple |
Orcs | 6-15 random o, o, and o | Inside the town walls |
Orc shamans | 2-6 o | Near or inside the temple |
Weak orcs | 10-19 o and o | Random |
All of the orcs in Orcish Town are generated with randomly generated names: an individual name which is different for each orc and a clan name which is the same for all of the orcs in the town.
In games that contain Orcish Town, several more named orcs (including orc zombies) can appear on other levels in the Mines, and an orc-captain with just the clan name appears on one of the very bottom levels of the Mines.
The orcs both in the town and on the other levels carry extra loot they would not normally have, from a pool of resources. This loot consists of candles, keys, random comestibles, one random pair of gloves, and either one long sword or silver saber, equally likely. Some orcs may be carrying additional loot consisting of gold, gems, and possibly a shiny ring. The named captain will always have a shiny ring.
A user has suggested improving this page or section as follows:
"Explore and explain the role and item generation of a monster called "(random orcish generated name) the Fence", which can sometimes generate in the main branch near the entrance to the Mines. See pager.c and dokick.c."
Comparison of Towns
This table lists the various shops, dungeon features, and extra monsters and items than can appear in each variant of Minetown. Each variant besides Orcish Town also has a stock of monsters and a guaranteed light shop. The light stores all have 6 item stacks, except the ones in the Town Square and Grotto Town variants, which have 9.
Also listed are, for each variant and for each shop, the number of item stacks that will appear in that shop, if it exists.
The "Expected Item Stacks" column lists the number of item stacks you can expect to find by shop type. (E.g., you should expect to find either 6 or 9 light store item stacks, depending on which variant you get.) There is a (dungeon level - 1)% chance of any given square containing a mimic instead of an item stack, the chance therefore depends on how deep Minetown is, but on average will be 5.5%.[1]. The "Expected Item Stacks" column does not account for this, because it does not impact inter-variant comparisons.
Variant | General | 1st Food | 2nd Food | 1st Tool | 2nd Tool | Extra | Expected Item Stacks |
Frontier Town | 90% 9 | 90% 4 | 90% 9 | 6 Light, 8.1 General, 3.6 Food, 8.1 Tool | |||
Town Square | 90% 9 | 90% 9 | 90% 9 | 6 Light, 8.1 General, 8.1 Food, 8.1 Tool | |||
Alley Town | 100% 6 | 90% 4 | 30% 4 | 40% 6 | 30% chance of a quality apparel and accessories shop with 4 items | 9 Light, 6 General, 3.6 Food, 3.6 Tool, 1.2 Quality apparel and accessories | |
College Town | 90% 6 | 90% 4 | 90% 6 | guaranteed book shop with 6 items, | 6 Light, 5.4 General, 3.6 Food, 5.4 Tool, 6 Book | ||
Grotto Town | 100% 9 | 100% 4 | 100% 9 | 3 fountains, Almost entirely dark, 1 random tool, 1 random ring, 1 chest | 9 Light, 9 General, 4 Food, 9 Tool | ||
Bustling Town | 100% 6 | 100% 4 | 100% 6 | 2 trees, 2 watch captains | 6 Light, 6 General, 4 Food, 6 Tool | ||
Bazaar Town | 60% 4 | 50% 4 | 50% 4 | 50% 4 | 30% 6 | sink, monkeys, random nymph | 6 Light, 2.4 General, 4 Food, 3.8 Tool |
Orcish Town | No shops, desecrated temple, many orcs | 7 Candle, 1 oil lamp, 5 empty wands of striking and magic missile, 11 human corpses |
A user has suggested improving this page or section as follows:
"Some of these probabilities should be recalculated to take Orcish Town and its lack of items into account"
You can therefore expect to find, on average, 6.857 stacks of lighting store items, 6.429 of general store items, 4.414 food, 6.286 tool, .857 book, and 0.171 stacks of quality apparel and accessory shop items in the shops of the average Minetown variant. Accounting for mimics, these figures become 6.480 lighting, 6.075 general, 4.171 food, 5.940 tool, .810 book, and 0.162 quality apparel and accessories.[2]
You can expect to find 0.18 magic lamps in the average 6 stack Izchak's lighting store, and 0.27 in the 9 stack Izchak's lighting store. This gives 0.206 expected[3] magic lamps in the average Izchak's lighting store, and 0.194 accounting for mimics.
In addition, you can expect to find 0.000729 wands of wishing on average in the Minetown quality apparel and accessories shop; as well as 0.00122 wands of wishing and 0.00729 magic lamps on average in the Minetown general store; and 0.0891 magic lamps on average in the Minetown tool stores; all accounting for mimics.[4]
In total, there will be on average, 0.25375 magic lamps and 0.001706 wands of wishing in Minetown shops, again, accounting for mimics.
The Watch
The watchmen patrol randomly to protect the merchandise and walls of Minetown. While in sight of a watchman, a player should not:
- Apply a lock pick, credit card or skeleton key on a locked door
- Attack any peaceful monster[5].
- Dig through with a spell or wand of digging, or use a pick-axe or dwarvish mattock on a door.
- Dig through walls.
- Cut down a tree.
- Dig down on a fountain (or overuse it — you will be warned first, unless successfully creating Excalibur in which case it will dry up the fountain and anger the Watch).
- Steal from a shop (even accidentally, i.e., unexpected teleportation).
- Improvise with a bugle (this angers all soldiers).
You will receive one warning before angering the watch for kicking down or unlocking doors. Digging through walls or doors with a pickaxe will receive a warning, but using a spell or wand to dig them will cause the watch to become hostile immediately (as it cannot be interrupted).
You will usually receive a warning before a fountain dries up, either from a watchman or from the fountain's flow "reducing to a trickle." However, if you dip for Excalibur and successfully receive it, the fountain will disappear without warning. No matter how you dried up the fountain, the watch will be angered whether or not they are in sight.
If you have stolen from a shop, you can pacify the watch by paying your debt to the shopkeeper, even if you made the watch angry in some other way.
See the main article for information on getting watchmen out of the way and killing them for profit.
Friendly variants
Because every Minetown variant except Orcish Town always has a temple and shops, it is usually an excellent location for a first stash. The temple's altar provides BUC identification while the shops provide price identification, especially if your Minetown has a general store. There is also a significant 1/3 chance that the temple is co-aligned, which makes it a sanctuary (and a useful altar which can be used for sacrifice right away). Many players unload some excess loot in the Minetown temple before going on to Mines' End, and then consolidate upon their return. The disadvantage is that you might not be putting your stash in a container.
Minetown often has a deli and a tool shop. (Remember not to let your pet eat all the tripe rations.) Minetown can be a good place to increase your food supply if you are low. Players who are missing a skeleton key or other cheap tool can buy one. Be aware though that the Gnomish Mines has several tools for free sitting on its other levels.
The popularity of Minetown means that players spend a long time there, and hence have a greater than average opportunity of dying there. Thus Minetown is often a bones level.
Reaching the Minetown priest is the objective of the protection racket, perhaps preceded bycloning credit in the stores.
Izchak's light shop will have .194 magic lamps on average. In case there are no other shops and you want price identification: clone credit, throw items in, and buy them back to get a price quote.
As mentioned above, if you dry up one of the fountains by dipping, the Watchmen will become hostile, regardless of whether the Watchmen can see you.
If you let your pet kill them (and perhaps heal it up afterwards), the Minetown guards will be a good source of studded leather armor and leather gloves for a spellcaster and help identify non-magical equipment. If you want to kill them yourself one by one, it is a good idea to lure them to a different level first. You will still be penalized for murder, but the other guards will not be angered with you.
A wizard should sacrifice for Magicbane as early as possible. If the Minetown temple happens to be cross-aligned, the tending priest needs to be killed safely beforehand (and after buying protection). (Note a Helm of opposite alignment might allow you to sacrifice without killing the priest, but you will never get Magicbane this way.)
Orcish Town
The Orcish Town variant is an unwelcome sight to many players, as its generation usually makes a game more difficult. As mentioned previously, it has no functioning shops or temple, and is densely populated with orcs. It is also fully closed off by walls and iron bars, requiring the player to either dig through the walls, destroy the bars with acid, teleport in, polymorph into a form that can either phase through the walls or pass through the bars, or just wait until someone or something else breaches the wall.
In the middle of the town there is always an unaligned altar that can be converted, practically guaranteeing a patient player their first sacrifice gift. However, many consider this a poor consolation prize that can't quite offset the many disadvantages of not being able to use the town's usual services in the early game, not to mention the considerable amount of fighting that needs to happen before the altar can even be accessed.
The absence of shops means no price identification, no gold to buy intrinsic protection with, and fewer items obtained in general, both from the ground and from inventories of potential shopkeepers, as they tend to be generated with offensive wands and healing potions. The absence of a temple means no (potential) sanctuary, no one to buy intrinsic protection from, and again, fewer items obtained from monsters' inventories, as aligned priests are generated with useful cloaks and spellbooks. The lack of items is at least partially compensated by the aforementioned extra loot that the specially generated orcs will spawn with.
A user has suggested improving this page or section as follows:
"Continue fleshing out Orctown strategy. Warn of potential instakill by poisoned arrows shot through iron bars when trying to just pass by. Suggest that the level is ideal for an early boulder fort stash. Consider which side to enter from. Remind that the town probably won't stay closed forever."
In NetHack 3.6.0 and NetHack 3.6.1, in games where Orcish Town appeared, monsters would be generated with the clan name and potentially items from the special Orcish Town loot pool even outside of the Mines branch. This was fixed in 3.6.2.
In NetHack 3.4.3 and earlier versions, Orcish Town existed in a non-destroyed form as Frontier Town:
Izchak's light shop (marked "lgt") is guaranteed, but the general store ("gen"), food shop ("fd") and tool shop ("too") have only a 90% chance of existing.
Only one + on each wall is randomly made a door. This level contains two random traps.
Monster | Symbol | Location |
The Watch | @@@@@ | Patrolling randomly |
Priest | @ | In temple |
Gnomish Wizards | GG | In temple |
Gnomes | GG | In rooms marked with G |
Gnome lord | G | In room marked with G |
Gnomes | GGG | Outside mapped area |
Dwarf | h | Outside mapped area |
In FIQHack, Minetown is guaranteed to contain a magic chest.
SporkHack adds a layout with rooms full of animals. Modified versions of this layout in other variants are called "Zoo Town".
EvilHack includes a modified version of SporkHack's Zoo Town.
SpliceHack includes a modified version of SporkHack's Zoo Town.[6] SpliceHack also adds a new "spooky" Minetown layout called "Lavender Town".
Lavender Town
.|.|....|....+....|......|.general |.|.
The town contains a food store (marked "food"), a tool shop (marked "tl"), a general store (marked "general") and Izchak's lighting store (marked "lgt"). There is also a graveyard and temple. In addition to the regular Minetown inhabitants, many undead creatures roam the level. Some of the undead are peaceful.
The mapped portion of the level is dark, except for the stores and altars.[7]
Monster | Symbol | Location |
The Watch | @@@@ | Patrolling randomly |
Priest | @ | In temple |
Gnomish Wizards | GGG | |
Gnome | G | |
Gnome ruler | G | |
Dwarf | h | |
Dwarf zombies | ZZZ | |
Gnome zombies | ZZ | |
Ghosts | ||
Human zombie | Z | In health food store |
Peaceful Ghoul | Z | |
Skeleton | Z | In graveyard |
Zombies | ZZ | In graveyard |
SlashTHEM includes Frontier Town, Zoo Town (like Bustling Town, but with felines and whips), and three other variants:
.......}|.-----..#@..{...#..|}......- 7
.......}|.|...--|to.|.|.sh|.|}....... 10
------.}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}..----- 16
This version is surrounded by a moat with two lowered drawbridges; the enclosed structure is undiggable. It contains a temple and a general, tool, and lighting store; on the far side there is also a food shop and an additional watchman on the fountain. On the near side is a locked half-room with 3 sleeping ogres. The upstairs are to the right, the downstairs to the left.
A user has suggested improving this page or section as follows:
"temple: align[1], priest?"
There is a (secret) locked door leading from the temple to a room with a sink and 2 gnomish wizards. The room in the lower left is also locked and contains 2 gnomes and a gnome lord; it leads to a (locked) dark alcove with a skeleton inside.
Wandering around this level are a gnome, gnome lord, dwarf lord, and dwarf.
The watch captain is asleep.
Creek Town
|..---- |.----- ----}}}| --.-- ---
---- ---- |.....----------|.....-- |..}}}-- |...----.--
----|..| |..|------..................---.}}}-- --- --...||...|
|...+..----..|.....|---...................}}.| ---------.----- |...-|..--
|can|....|...+genrl|..|.-----------+-....}.}.---.............| --...|..|
|---|..`.....-------+--.|#+-#+|.....|...}}}}.....|.....|...|..--..| --...--
| |....................|....d|-----|..}}}}}.....|.food|...|......----....|
| --...........-+-----+-|.@...| |...|.}}}}}}.....|.....|---|.|...........--
---...---+---..|G.|(.|..|.....| |scr|.}}}}}......--+---|...|.|--.......---
|.#....|.._..|..................--+---.}}}}}}}-+---+-...........| ----..|
|......|.....|...------..@............}}..}}}}|G.|..|.........------- --.--
--..#..--------..+...(|.....------...}}..}}}}.|(.|@.|....----.......| ---
--.........-----|..G.|.....+..| |..}.}..}}}}.-------...--..--......---
---.----.....----------.....|..| |.}}}....}}}................|........--
|...| |.....................|-----}}}.....}}}.----------.----.....--...|
----- ----------------------- --}}}.---.}}}}.| | --- --.|..|-----
|}}}--- ---}}}}| | ------
This variant contains four shops and a temple. It is inhabited by 3 gnome lords, 2 gnomes, 2 bugbears, a dwarf lord, a gnome thief, a dwarf thief, a hobbit and a dwarf. The watch captain is also present with 4 guards and a sleeping large dog. The river is infested with up to five jellyfish and up to five piranhas. On the bottom left is a hostile gnome king, of whom there is also a (historic?) statue.
There are four chests, three random items and a randomly placed squeaky board.
The watch-house walls in the center are undiggable, and its door is open. The watchman closet, shop and temple doors are closed, while the rest are locked. Both staircases are on the right side.
Ruined & Dangerous Town
This variant contains an empty temple, a couple of destroyed shops ("food" and "tool") and plenty of boulders. The candle ("cand") and general ("gen") shops will have active shopkeepers.
The town has a number of gnomes (including a gnome king), a bugbear chieftain, and a 50% chance of a cursed bag of holding.
- ↑ Weighted mean probability: (1/6)(5 - 1) + (1/3)(6 - 1) + (1/3)(7 - 1) + (1/6)(8 - 1) = 5.5%
- ↑ Expected without mimics, times .945, the proportion of squares without mimics on average.
- ↑ Weighted mean: 0.18 * 5/7 + .27 * (2/7)
- ↑ 3% of items in a light store are magic lamps; 8% of items in general store are tools, 0.015 tools are magic lamps; 90% of items in "wand" shop are wands, 4% of items in general store are wands, 0.5% of wands are wishing; see http://www.steelypips.org/nethack/343/tool-343.html and http://www.steelypips.org/nethack/343/wan1-343.html as well as the wiki's shop page.
- ↑ src/mon.c in NetHack 3.6.7, line 2983
- ↑ https://github.com/NullCGT/SpliceHack/blob/Spl-R-1.1.0/dat/minetn-8.lua
- ↑ https://github.com/NullCGT/SpliceHack/blob/Spl-R-1.1.0/dat/minetn-9.lua
This page is based on a spoiler by Dylan O'Donnell. The original license is:
Redistribution, copying, and editing of these spoilers, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- The original contributors to any spoiler must continue to be credited.
- Any modifications to the spoiler must be acknowledged and credited.
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