Potion of see invisible

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! Pink potion.png
Name see invisible
Appearance random
Base price 50 zm
Weight 20
Monster use Will not be used by monsters.

The potion of see invisible enables you to see invisible monsters.


Main article: see invisible

Blessed potions give you the see invisible intrinsic permanently; uncursed and cursed give you the intrinsic for 750-849 turns. If it is not cursed, this potion will also remove blindness.

If cancelled, a potion of see invisible will turn into a potion of fruit juice.


This potion has exactly the same messages as the potion of fruit juice (a reference to the game Rogue). This makes them quite difficult to tell apart by random quaffing. Some ways to identify it as see invisible include:

  • If you were blind and were unblinded, it was see invisible.
  • If you see previously invisible monsters after quaffing, it was see invisible.
  • If you are invisible, you get the message "You can see through yourself, but you are visible!"
  • If you become invisible after quaffing and get the message "Gee! All of a sudden, you can see right through yourself." rather than the normal "Gee! All of a sudden, you can't see yourself." then it was a potion of see invisible.
  • If enlightenment shows that you have the see invisible intrinsic, it was see invisible.


Potions of see invisible may be obtained through alchemy, by mixing fruit juice with either gain level or gain energy.


After you have permanently obtained intrinsic see invisible, these potions are a prime candidate for dilution. Foodless players may want to cancel these potions to gain nutrition from the resulting fruit juice.