Crossbow bolt/zh-CN

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) Crossbow bolt.png
名称 弩箭
外观 弩箭
伤害(小型) 1d4+1
伤害(大型) 1d6+1
命中修正 +0
武器技能类别 十字弓
规格 单手
基础价 2 zm
重量 1

弩箭(crossbow bolt)是NetHack中的一种发射物武器。它们是适用于十字弓的发射物,由制成。













十字弓和弩箭自Jay Fenlason's Hack的变体Hack 1.21开始就存在于游戏中。其专属射程和多重射击机制自NetHack 3.6.0开始加入游戏。




SLASH'EM introduces Hellfire, a chaotic artifact crossbow that causes bolts fired from it to produce a 3x3 fiery explosion centered on any monster that it hits.

Undead Slayers have a chance of starting the game with a crossbow and bolts.


In GruntHack, crossbows fire bolts at a set range regardless of strength, and require high strength for multishot.


In dNetHack, all gnomish characters in roles that start with a bow and arrows are given a crossbow and bolts, and all gnomes get an extra die of weapon damage when firing bolts from crossbows.

Each shot from a crossbow applies a 3x damage bonus based on current skill level: -5 at Restricted, -2 at Unskilled, +0 at Basic, +2 at Skilled and +5 at Expert. Higher skill levels also apply damage increases for each fired bolt instead of multishot:

  • Basic or lower: 1x(bolt+enchantment) damage
  • Skilled: 2x(bolt+enchantment) damage
  • Expert: 3x(bolt+enchantment) damage

The extra damage is precision-based and does not apply against monsters that are amorphous or stationary, or ones that are incorporeal (as they are assumed to lack discernible weak-points).

Some artifacts, usually artifact crossbows, have various effects related to crossbow bolts:

  • Hellfire causes bolts that it fires to explode in a 3x3 radius for 6d6 fire damage if they hit a monster, consuming the bolts in the process.
  • The Unstoppable causes fired bolts to pierce through hostile monsters on hit, and bolts that miss will continue flying until they hit a wall.
  • Wrathful Spider fires 1d8 bolts in a single volley: each bolt gains 12 of the normal damage bonus, bringing the total damage of a volley to twice the base damage in practice. (As with normal projectiles, using the number prefix via n when shooting can control the maximum amount of bolts in a volley.)
  • The Rogue Gear-spirits fires two crossbow bolts at minimum instead of one, and will automatically create and fire +0 crossbow bolts if there is no ammo quivered.
  • Sansara Mirror grants doubled multishot with any projectile, including crossbow bolts fired from a crossbow, whhile it is wielded or in the off-hand - this does not stack with the effect of The Rogue Gear-spirits.


In SpliceHack, merfolk characters in roles that would start the game with a bow and arrows receive a crossbow and bolts instead.


In EvilHack, bolt traps appear in the dungeon that can be untrapped to obtain their crossbow bolts.

Gnomish Rangers have their quest artifact changed to The Crossbow of Carl, an artifact crossbow that mirrors The Longbow of Diana and can be invoked to create crossbow bolts - this allows them to preserve their multishot bonuses and maintain a supply of bolts.

Crossbow bolts can be used to create many items at a forge:

The following information pertains to an upcoming version (EvilHack). If this version is now released, please verify that it is still accurate, then update the page to incorporate this information.

In EvilHack 0.9.0, The Crossbow of Carl is also the Hobbit Ranger quest artifact.


In SlashTHEM, in addition to SLASH'EM details, Warriors start each game with a +1 crossbow and a stack of +0 crossbow bolts; Undead Slayers now have a 12 chance of starting with a crossbow and some bolts.

Player monster undead slayers and gnomish player monsters that are not cavepeople are likely to generate with a crossbow and some bolts.
