Source:NetHack 3.1.0/exper.c

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Below is the full text to exper.c from the source code of NetHack 3.1.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.1.0/exper.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)exper.c	3.1	90/22/02
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    #include "hack.h"
7.    #ifdef LINT
8.    #define	NEW_SCORING
9.    #endif
10.   long
11.   newuexp(lev)
12.   register unsigned lev;
13.   {
14.   #ifdef LINT	/* long conversion */
15.   	return(0L * lev);
16.   #else
17.   	if(lev < 10) return (10L*(1L << lev));
18.   	if(lev < 20) return (10000L*(1L << (lev-10)));
19.   	return (10000000L*(lev-19));
20.   #endif
21.   }
23.   int
24.   experience(mtmp, nk)	/* return # of exp points for mtmp after nk killed */
25.   	register struct	monst *mtmp;
26.   	register int	nk;
27.   {
28.   	register struct permonst *ptr = mtmp->data;
29.   	int	i, tmp, tmp2;
31.   	tmp = 1 + mtmp->m_lev * mtmp->m_lev;
33.   /*	For higher ac values, give extra experience */
34.   	if((i = find_mac(mtmp)) < 3) tmp += (7 - i) * (i < 0) ? 2 : 1;
36.   /*	For very fast monsters, give extra experience */
37.   	if(ptr->mmove >= 12) tmp += (ptr->mmove >= 18) ? 5 : 3;
39.   /*	For each "special" attack type give extra experience */
40.   	for(i = 0; i < NATTK; i++) {
42.   	    tmp2 = ptr->mattk[i].aatyp;
43.   	    if(tmp2 > AT_BUTT) {
45.   		if(tmp2 == AT_WEAP) tmp += 5;
46.   		else if(tmp2 == AT_MAGC) tmp += 10;
47.   		else tmp += 3;
48.   	    }
49.   	}
51.   /*	For each "special" damage type give extra experience */
52.   	for(i = 0; i < NATTK; i++) {
54.   	    tmp2 = ptr->mattk[i].adtyp;
55.   	    if(tmp2 > AD_PHYS && tmp2 < AD_BLND) tmp += 2*mtmp->m_lev;
56.   	    else if((tmp2 == AD_DRLI) || (tmp2 == AD_STON)) tmp += 50;
57.   	    else if(tmp != AD_PHYS) tmp += mtmp->m_lev;
58.   		/* extra heavy damage bonus */
59.   	    if((int)(ptr->mattk[i].damd * ptr->mattk[i].damn) > 23)
60.   		tmp += mtmp->m_lev;
61.   	}
63.   /*	For certain "extra nasty" monsters, give even more */
64.   	if(extra_nasty(ptr)) tmp += (7*mtmp->m_lev);
65.   	if(ptr->mlet == S_EEL) tmp += 1000;
67.   /*	For higher level monsters, an additional bonus is given */
68.   	if(mtmp->m_lev > 8) tmp += 50;
70.   #ifdef NEW_SCORING
71.   	/* ------- recent addition: make nr of points decrease
72.   		   when this is not the first of this kind */
73.   	{ unsigned ul = u.ulevel;
74.   	  int ml = mtmp->m_lev;
75.   	/* points are given based on present and future level */
76.   	  if(ul < MAXULEV)
77.   	    for(tmp2 = 0; !tmp2 || ul + tmp2 <= ml; tmp2++)
78.   		if(u.uexp + 1 + (tmp + ((tmp2 <= 0) ? 0 : 4<<(tmp2-1)))/nk
79.   		    >= newuexp(ul) )
80.   			if(++ul == MAXULEV) break;
82.   	  tmp2 = ml - ul -1;
83.   	  tmp = (tmp + ((tmp2 < 0) ? 0 : 4<<tmp2))/nk;
84.   	  if(tmp <= 0) tmp = 1;
85.   	}
86.   	/* note: ul is not necessarily the future value of u.ulevel */
87.   	/* ------- end of recent valuation change ------- */
88.   #endif /* NEW_SCORING /**/
90.   #ifdef MAIL
91.   	/* Mail daemons put up no fight. */
92.   	if(mtmp->data == &mons[PM_MAIL_DAEMON]) tmp = 1;
93.   #endif
95.   	return(tmp);
96.   }
98.   void
99.   more_experienced(exp, rexp)
100.  	register int exp, rexp;
101.  {
102.  	u.uexp += exp;
103.  	u.urexp += 4*exp + rexp;
104.  	if(exp
105.  #ifdef SCORE_ON_BOTL
106.  	   || flags.showscore
107.  #endif
108.  	   ) flags.botl = 1;
109.  	if(u.urexp >= ((pl_character[0] == 'W') ? 1000 : 2000))
110.  		flags.beginner = 0;
111.  }
113.  void
114.  losexp() {	/* hit by drain life attack */
116.  	register int num;
118.  #ifdef POLYSELF
119.  	if(resists_drli(uasmon)) return;
120.  #endif
122.  	if(u.ulevel > 1) {
123.  		pline("Goodbye level %u.", u.ulevel--);
124.  		/* remove intrinsic abilities */
125.  		adjabil((int)u.ulevel+1, (int)u.ulevel);
126.  	} else
127.  		u.uhp = -1;
128.  	num = newhp();
129.  	u.uhp -= num;
130.  	u.uhpmax -= num;
131.  	num = rn1((int)u.ulevel/2+1, 2);		/* M. Stephenson */
132.  	u.uen -= num;
133.  	if (u.uen < 0)		u.uen = 0;
134.  	u.uenmax -= num;
135.  	if (u.uenmax < 0)	u.uenmax = 0;
136.  	u.uexp = newuexp(u.ulevel) - 1;
137.  	flags.botl = 1;
138.  }
140.  /*
141.   * Make experience gaining similar to AD&D(tm), whereby you can at most go
142.   * up by one level at a time, extra expr possibly helping you along.
143.   * After all, how much real experience does one get shooting a wand of death
144.   * at a dragon created with a wand of polymorph??
145.   */
146.  void
147.  newexplevel() {
149.  	register int tmp;
151.  	if(u.ulevel < MAXULEV && u.uexp >= newuexp(u.ulevel)) {
153.  		u.ulevel++;
154.  		if (u.uexp >= newuexp(u.ulevel)) u.uexp = newuexp(u.ulevel) - 1;
155.  		pline("Welcome to experience level %u.", u.ulevel);
156.  		set_uasmon();	/* set up for the new level. */
157.  		/* give new intrinsics */
158.  		adjabil((int)u.ulevel-1, (int)u.ulevel);
159.  		tmp = newhp();
160.  		u.uhpmax += tmp;
161.  		u.uhp += tmp;
162.  		tmp = rn1((int)ACURR(A_WIS)/2+1, 2); /* M. Stephenson */
163.  		u.uenmax += tmp;
164.  		u.uen += tmp;
165.  		flags.botl = 1;
166.  	}
167.  }
169.  void
170.  pluslvl() {
171.  	register int num;
173.  	You("feel more experienced.");
174.  	num = newhp();
175.  	u.uhpmax += num;
176.  	u.uhp += num;
177.  	num = rn1((int)ACURR(A_WIS)/2+1, 2);	/* M. Stephenson */
178.  	u.uenmax += num;
179.  	u.uen += num;
180.  	if(u.ulevel < MAXULEV) {
181.  		u.uexp = newuexp(u.ulevel);
182.  		pline("Welcome to experience level %u.", ++u.ulevel);
183.  		adjabil((int)u.ulevel-1, (int)u.ulevel);
184.  	}
185.  	flags.botl = 1;
186.  }
188.  long
189.  rndexp()
190.  {
191.  	register long minexp,maxexp;
193.  	if(u.ulevel == 1)
194.  		return rn2((int)newuexp(1));
195.  	else {
196.  		minexp = newuexp(u.ulevel - 1);
197.  		maxexp = newuexp(u.ulevel);
198.  		return(minexp + rn2((int)(maxexp - minexp)));
199.  	}
200.  }
202.  /*exper.c*/