Source:NetHack 3.2.0/windows.c

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Below is the full text to windows.c from the source code of NetHack 3.2.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.2.0/windows.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)windows.c	3.2	95/12/10	*/
2.    /* Copyright (c) D. Cohrs, 1993. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    #include "hack.h"
6.    #ifdef TTY_GRAPHICS
7.    #include "wintty.h"
8.    #endif
9.    #ifdef X11_GRAPHICS
10.   /* cannot just blindly include winX.h without including all of X11 stuff */
11.   /* and must get the order of include files right.  Don't bother */
12.   extern struct window_procs X11_procs;
13.   extern void NDECL(win_X11_init);
14.   #endif
15.   #ifdef MAC
16.   extern struct window_procs mac_procs;
17.   #endif
18.   #ifdef AMIGA_INTUITION
19.   extern struct window_procs amii_procs;
20.   extern struct window_procs amiv_procs;
21.   extern void NDECL(ami_wininit_data);
22.   #endif
23.   #ifdef WIN32_GRAPHICS
24.   extern struct window_procs win32_procs;
25.   extern void NDECL(win_win32_init);
26.   #endif
28.   static void FDECL(def_raw_print, (const char *s));
30.   NEARDATA struct window_procs windowprocs;
32.   static
33.   struct win_choices {
34.       struct window_procs *procs;
35.       void NDECL((*ini_routine));		/* optional (can be 0) */
36.   } winchoices[] = {
37.   #ifdef TTY_GRAPHICS
38.       { &tty_procs, win_tty_init },
39.   #endif
40.   #ifdef X11_GRAPHICS
41.       { &X11_procs, win_X11_init },
42.   #endif
43.   #ifdef MAC
44.       { &mac_procs, 0 },
45.   #endif
46.   #ifdef AMIGA_INTUITION
47.       { &amii_procs, ami_wininit_data },		/* Old font version of the game */
48.       { &amiv_procs, ami_wininit_data },		/* Tile version of the game */
49.   #endif
50.   #ifdef WIN32_GRAPHICS
51.       { &win32_procs, win_win32_init },
52.   #endif
53.       { 0, 0 }		/* must be last */
54.   };
56.   static
57.   void
58.   def_raw_print(s)
59.   const char *s;
60.   {
61.       puts(s);
62.   }
64.   void
65.   choose_windows(s)
66.   const char *s;
67.   {
68.       register int i;
70.       for(i=0; winchoices[i].procs; i++)
71.   	if (!strcmpi(s, winchoices[i].procs->name)) {
72.   	    windowprocs = *winchoices[i].procs;
73.   	    if (winchoices[i].ini_routine) (*winchoices[i].ini_routine)();
74.   	    return;
75.   	}
77.       if (!windowprocs.win_raw_print)
78.   	windowprocs.win_raw_print = def_raw_print;
80.       raw_printf("Window type %s not recognized.  Choices are:", s);
81.       for(i=0; winchoices[i].procs; i++)
82.   	raw_printf("        %s", winchoices[i].procs->name);
84.       if (windowprocs.win_raw_print == def_raw_print)
85.   	terminate(EXIT_SUCCESS);
86.   }
88.   /*
89.    * tty_message_menu() provides a means to get feedback from the
90.    * --More-- prompt; other interfaces generally don't need that.
91.    */
92.   /*ARGSUSED*/
93.   char
94.   genl_message_menu(let, how, mesg)
95.   char let;
96.   int how;
97.   const char *mesg;
98.   {
99.       pline("%s", mesg);
100.      return 0;
101.  }
103.  /*windows.c*/