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Revision as of 03:00, 31 August 2017 by FIQ (talk | contribs) (reply)
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Below is a list of messages sent to the DevTeam for anyone interested, starting from August 28th.

Rogue starting inventory -- "+9" lockpicks

(Fixed in 06d211f75c76a69dcb29e5c5a7c2c10f63cc7d4d)

Hi. Rogues seem to start with a lockpick with the spe 9. Why is that? Is it for historical reason (was introduced with 3.3.1 it seems), or was it just a typo?


Wand of teleportation quirks in muse

Hi. While backporting a FIQhack change into a bilious patch for 3.6.0, I reordered some of the musables (as part of the patch). Notably, MUSE_WAN_TELEPORTATION was changed to 13 from 15. The source didn't like this; this made MUSE_FIRE_HORN and MUSE_WAN_TELEPORTATION the same value which interfered in using offensive items. The MUSE_WAN_TELEPORTATION entry should probably be removed from m.has_offensive, because it can't actually be reached.

Another alternative is to combine the "enums" into a single one, to prevent cases like this, so that you can use one item for several cases.


Monks and martial arts

(Reply: Below is what you submitted to The_DevTeam on Wednesday, August 30, 2017 at 12:09:36 The ID number for this message is '#H5955'

mailversion: master:1.57

nhversion: 3.6.0

nhfrom: Our git repository - please list branch and ref below

hardware: Desktop 64bit computer

software: 30aea05f47073bec06127af3d33f7d851ab2fc60

comments: A lot of players end up using weapons when playing Monks eventually due to their comparably weak martial arts (despite the bonuses). To improve their martial arts, I suggest making the enchantment of your gloves matter if fighting bare-handed, at least if doing so with martial arts with Gauntlets of Power.