Source:NetHack 3.0.0/mhitu.c

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Below is the full text to mhitu.c from the source code of NetHack 3.0.0.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For newer releases, see Source code

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: \@(#)mhitu.c	3.0	88/10/28
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    #include	"hack.h"
6.    #ifdef NAMED_ITEMS
7.    #  include "artifact.h"
8.    #endif
10.   static struct obj *otmp;
11.   #ifdef POLYSELF
12.   static void urustm P((struct monst *, struct obj *));
13.   static int passiveum P((struct permonst *, struct monst *));
14.   #endif
15.   #ifdef SEDUCE
16.   static void mayberem P((struct obj *, char *));
17.   #endif
18.   static int hitmu P((struct monst *,struct attack *));
19.   static int gulpmu P((struct monst *,struct attack *));
20.   static int explmu P((struct monst *,struct attack *));
21.   static int gazemu P((struct monst *,struct attack *));
23.   #ifdef POLYSELF
24.   boolean
25.   /* also needed in uhitm.c */
26.   #else
27.   static boolean
28.   #endif
29.   incompatible(mon)
30.   register struct monst *mon;
31.   {
32.   	return(poly_gender() != 1-gender(mon));
33.   }
35.   boolean
36.   is_nymph(mon)
37.   register struct monst *mon;
38.   {
39.   	return( mon->data->mlet == S_NYMPH );
40.   }
42.   boolean
43.   sp_melee(mon)
44.   register struct monst *mon;
45.   {
46.   	return(
47.   #ifdef SEDUCE
48.   		(mon->data == &mons[PM_SUCCUBUS] && !mon->minvis) ||
49.   		(mon->data == &mons[PM_INCUBUS] && !mon->minvis) ||
50.   #endif
51.   		is_nymph(mon));
52.   }
54.   static void
55.   hitmsg(mtmp, attyp)
56.   register struct monst *mtmp;
57.   register uchar attyp;
58.   {
59.   	/* Note: if opposite gender, "seductively" */
60.   	/* If same gender, "engagingly" for nymph, normal msg for others */
61.   	if(sp_melee(mtmp) && !mtmp->mcan) {
62.   		if(!is_nymph(mtmp) && incompatible(mtmp)) goto strike;
63.   	    	kludge("%s %s you %s.", Monnam(mtmp),
64.   			Blind ? "talks to" : "smiles at",
65.   			incompatible(mtmp) ? "engagingly" : "seductively");
66.   	} else
67.   strike:
68.   	    switch (attyp) {
69.   		case AT_BITE:
70.   			kludge("%s bites!", Monnam(mtmp));
71.   			break;
72.   		case AT_KICK:
73.   #ifdef POLYSELF
74.   			kludge("%s kicks%c", Monnam(mtmp), thick_skinned(uasmon) ? '.' : '!');
75.   #else
76.   			kludge("%s kicks!", Monnam(mtmp));
77.   #endif
78.   			break;
79.   		case AT_STNG:
80.   			kludge("%s stings!", Monnam(mtmp));
81.   			break;
82.   		case AT_BUTT:
83.   			kludge("%s butts!", Monnam(mtmp));
84.   			break;
85.   		case AT_TUCH:
86.   			kludge("%s touches you!", Monnam(mtmp));
87.   			break;
88.   		default:
89.   			kludge("%s hits!", Monnam(mtmp));
90.   	    }
91.   }
93.   static void
94.   missmu(mtmp, nearmiss)		/* monster missed you */
95.   register struct monst *mtmp;
96.   register boolean nearmiss;
97.   {
98.   	if(sp_melee(mtmp) && !mtmp->mcan) {
99.   	    if(!is_nymph(mtmp) && incompatible(mtmp)) goto strike;
100.  	    kludge("%s pretends to be friendly.", Monnam(mtmp));
101.  	} else {
102.  strike:
103.  	    if (!flags.verbose || !nearmiss)
104.  		kludge("%s misses.", Monnam(mtmp));
105.  	    else
106.  		kludge("%s just misses!", Monnam(mtmp));
107.  	}
108.  }
110.  static void
111.  mswings(mtmp, otemp)		/* monster swings obj */
112.  register struct monst *mtmp;
113.  register struct obj *otemp;
114.  {
115.  	if (!flags.verbose || Blind || otemp->olet != WEAPON_SYM) return;
116.  	pline("%s %s %s %s.", Monnam(mtmp),
117.  	      (otemp->otyp == SPEAR ||
118.  	       otemp->otyp == LANCE ||
119.  	       otemp->otyp == GLAIVE ||
120.  	       otemp->otyp == TRIDENT) ? "thrusts" : "swings",
121.  	      is_female(mtmp) ? "her" :
122.  	      is_human(mtmp->data) ? "his" : "its",
123.  	      xname(otemp));
124.  }
126.  static void
127.  wildmiss(mtmp)		/* monster attacked your displaced image */
128.  	register struct monst *mtmp;
129.  {
130.  	if (!flags.verbose) return;
131.  	if (!cansee(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my)) return;
132.  		/* maybe it's attacking an image around the corner? */
133.  	if(Invis && !perceives(mtmp->data)) {
134.  	    if(sp_melee(mtmp) && !mtmp->mcan) {
135.  		if(!is_nymph(mtmp) && incompatible(mtmp)) goto strike;
136.  		kludge("%s tries to touch you and misses!", Monnam(mtmp));
137.  	    } else
138.  strike:
139.  		switch(rn2(3)) {
140.  		case 0: kludge("%s swings wildly and misses!", Monnam(mtmp));
141.  		    break;
142.  		case 1: kludge("%s attacks a spot beside you.", Monnam(mtmp));
143.  		    break;
144.  		case 2: kludge("%s strikes at thin air!", Monnam(mtmp));
145.  		    break;
146.  		default:kludge("%s swings wildly!", Monnam(mtmp));
147.  		    break;
148.  		}
149.  	}
150.  	else if(Displaced) {
151.  	    if(sp_melee(mtmp) && !mtmp->mcan) {
152.  		if(!is_nymph(mtmp) && incompatible(mtmp)) goto strikem;
153.  		kludge("%s smiles %s at your %sdisplaced image...",
154.  			Monnam(mtmp),
155.  			incompatible(mtmp) ? "engagingly" : "seductively",
156.  			Invis ? "invisible " : "");
157.  	   } else
158.  strikem:
159.  		kludge("%s strikes at your %sdisplaced image and misses you!",
160.  			/* Note: if you're both invisible and displaced,
161.  			 * only monsters which see invisible will attack your
162.  			 * displaced image, since the displaced image is also
163.  			 * invisible.
164.  			 */
165.  			Monnam(mtmp),
166.  			Invis ? "invisible " : "");
167.  	}
168.  	else impossible("%s attacks you without knowing your location?",
169.  		Monnam(mtmp));
170.  }
172.  static void
173.  regurgitates(mtmp)
174.  register struct monst *mtmp;
175.  {
176.  	u.ux = mtmp->mx;
177. = mtmp->my;
178.  	u.uswallow = 0;
179.  	u.ustuck = 0;
180.  	mnexto(mtmp);
181.  	setsee();
182.  	docrt();
183.  	spoteffects();
184.  	/* to cover for a case where mtmp is not in a next square */
185.  	if(um_dist(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my,1))
186.  		pline("Brrooaa...  You land hard at some distance.");
187.  }
189.  /*
190.   * mattacku: monster attacks you
191.   *	returns 1 if monster dies (e.g. "yellow light"), 0 otherwise
192.   *	Note: if you're displaced or invisible the monster might attack the
193.   *		wrong position...
194.   *	Assumption: it's attacking you or an empty square; if there's another
195.   *		monster which it attacks by mistake, the caller had better
196.   *		take care of it...
197.   */
198.  int
199.  mattacku(mtmp)
200.  	register struct monst *mtmp;
201.  {
202.  	struct	attack	*mattk;
203.  	int	i, j, tmp, sum[NATTK];
204.  	struct	permonst *mdat = mtmp->data;
205.  	boolean ranged = (dist(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my) > 3);
206.  		/* Is it near you?  Affects your actions */
207.  	boolean range2 = (dist2(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my, mtmp->mux, mtmp->muy) > 3);
208.  		/* Does it think it's near you?  Affects its actions */
209.  	boolean foundyou = (mtmp->mux==u.ux && mtmp->;
210.  		/* Is it attacking you or your image? */
211.  	boolean youseeit = (cansee(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my));
212.  		/* Necessary since if it's attacking your image around a
213.  		 * corner, you might not see it
214.  		 */
216.  	if(!ranged) nomul(0);
217.  	if(mtmp->mhp <= 0) return(0);
219.  	/* If swallowed, can only be affected by u.ustuck */
220.  	if(u.uswallow) {
221.  	    if(mtmp != u.ustuck)
222.  		return(0);
223.  	    u.ustuck->mux = u.ux;
224.  	    u.ustuck->muy =;
225.  	    range2 = 0;
226.  	    foundyou = 1;
227.  	    /* This is not impossible! */
228.  	    /* If the swallowing monster changes into a monster
229.  	     * that is not capable of swallowing you, you get
230.  	     * regurgitated - dgk
231.  	     */
232.  	    for(i = 0; i < NATTK; i++)
233.  		if(mdat->mattk[i].aatyp == AT_ENGL) goto doattack;
235.  	    You("get regurgitated!");
236.  	    regurgitates(mtmp);
237.  	    return(0);
238.  	}
239.  doattack:
240.  #ifdef POLYSELF
241.  	if (u.uundetected && !range2 && foundyou) {
242.  		u.uundetected = 0;
243.  		if (u.usym == S_PIERCER) {
244.  		    coord cc; /* maybe we need a unexto() function? */
246.  		    unpmon(mtmp);
247.  		    levl[mtmp->mx][mtmp->my].mmask = 0;
248.  		    mtmp->mx = u.ux; mtmp->my =;
249.  		    levl[mtmp->mx][mtmp->my].mmask = 1;
250.  		    pmon(mtmp);
251.  		    enexto(&cc, u.ux,;
252.  		    /* Luckily piercers cannot walk through walls, so this
253.  		     * will work.  If they can (i.e., if someone adds a potion
254.  		     * of phasing), we gotta change this...
255.  		     */
256.  		    teleds(cc.x, cc.y);
257.  		    You("fall from the ceiling!");
258.  		    if (is_mercenary(mtmp->data) && m_carrying(mtmp,HELMET)) {
259.  			kludge("Your blow glances off %s's helmet.",
260.  								mon_nam(mtmp));
261.  		    } else {
262.  			if (3 + mtmp->data->ac <= rnd(20)) {
263.  			    kludge("%s is hit by a falling piercer (you)!",
264.  								Monnam(mtmp));
265.  			    if ((mtmp->mhp -= d(3,6)) < 1)
266.  				killed(mtmp);
267.  			} else
268.  			  kludge("%s is almost hit by a falling piercer (you)!",
269.  			    					Monnam(mtmp));
270.  		    }
271.  		} else {
272.  		    if (Blind) pline("It tries to move where you are hiding.");
273.  		    else
274.  		     pline("Wait, %s!  There's a %s named %s hiding under %s!",
275.  			mtmp->mnamelth ? NAME(mtmp) : mtmp->data->mname,
276.  			uasmon->mname, plname,
277.  			levl[u.ux][].omask ? doname(o_at(u.ux, :
278.  			"some gold");
279.  		    prme();
280.  		}
281.  		return(0);
282.  	}
283.  	if (u.usym == S_MIMIC_DEF && !range2 && foundyou) {
284.  		if (Blind) pline("It gets stuck on you.");
285.  		    else pline("Wait, %s!  That's a %s named %s!",
286.  			mtmp->mnamelth ? NAME(mtmp) : mtmp->data->mname,
287.  			uasmon->mname, plname);
288.  		u.ustuck = mtmp;
289.  		u.usym = S_MIMIC;
290.  		prme();
291.  		return(0);
292.  	}
293.  #endif
294.  /*	Work out the armor class differential	*/
295.  	tmp = u.uac + 10;		/* tmp ~= 0 - 20 */
296.  /*	give people with Ac < -9 at least some vulnerability */
297.  /*	negative AC gives an actual AC of somewhere from -1 to the AC */
298.  	if (tmp < 10) tmp = 10 - rnd(10-tmp);
299.  	tmp += mtmp->m_lev;
300.  	if(multi < 0) tmp += 4;
301.  	if((Invis && !perceives(mdat)) || !mtmp->mcansee)
302.  		tmp -= 2;
303.  	if(mtmp->mtrapped) tmp -= 2;
304.  	if(tmp <= 0) tmp = 1;
306.  	/* make eels visible the moment they hit/miss us */
307.  	if(mdat->mlet == S_EEL && mtmp->minvis && cansee(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my)) {
308.  		mtmp->minvis = 0;
309.  		pmon(mtmp);
310.  	}
312.  /*	Special demon handling code */
313.  	if(!mtmp->cham && is_demon(mdat) && !range2
314.  #ifdef HARD
315.  	   && mtmp->data != &mons[PM_BALROG]
316.  	   && mtmp->data != &mons[PM_SUCCUBUS]
317.  	   && mtmp->data != &mons[PM_INCUBUS]
318.  #endif
319.  	   )
320.  	    if(!mtmp->mcan && !rn2(13))	dsummon(mdat);
322.  /*	Special lycanthrope handling code */
323.  	if(!mtmp->cham && is_were(mdat) && !range2) {
325.  	    if(is_human(mdat)) {
326.  		if(!rn2(5 - (night() * 2)) && !mtmp->mcan) new_were(mtmp);
327.  	    } else if(!rn2(30) && !mtmp->mcan) new_were(mtmp);
329.  	    if(!rn2(10) && !mtmp->mcan) {
330.  		if(!Blind) {
331.  			pline("%s summons help!",youseeit ?
332.  				Monnam(mtmp) : "It");
333.  		} else
334.  			You("feel hemmed in.");
335.  		/* Technically wrong; we really should check if you can see the
336.  		 * help, but close enough...
337.  		 */
338.  		if (!were_summon(mdat,FALSE) && !Blind)
339.  		    pline("But none comes.");
340.  	    }
341.  	}
343.  	for(i = 0; i < NATTK; i++) {
345.  	    mattk = &(mdat->mattk[i]);
346.  	    switch(mattk->aatyp) {
347.  		case AT_CLAW:	/* "hand to hand" attacks */
348.  		case AT_KICK:
349.  		case AT_BITE:
350.  		case AT_STNG:
351.  		case AT_TUCH:
352.  		case AT_BUTT:
353.  			if(!range2) {
354.  			    if (!foundyou) {
355.  				wildmiss(mtmp);
356.  				sum[i] = 0;
357.  			    } else if(tmp > (j = rnd(20+i)))
358.  #ifdef POLYSELF
359.  				if (mattk->aatyp == AT_KICK &&
360.  					thick_skinned(uasmon)) sum[i] = 0;
361.  			        else
362.  #endif
363.  					sum[i] = hitmu(mtmp, mattk);
364.  			    else {
365.  				missmu(mtmp, (tmp == j));
366.  				sum[i] = 0;
367.  			    }
368.  			} else	sum[i] = 0;
369.  			break;
371.  		case AT_HUGS:	/* automatic if prev two attacks succeed */
372.  			/* Note: if displaced, prev attacks never succeeded */
373.  			if(!range2) {
374.  			    if(sum[i-1] && sum[i-2])
375.  				sum[i]= hitmu(mtmp, mattk);
376.  			    else sum[i] = 0;
377.  			} else	 sum[i] = 0;
378.  			break;
380.  		case AT_GAZE:	/* can affect you either ranged or not */
381.  			if (!youseeit) sum[i] = 0;
382.  			    /* Displaced and around a corner so not visible */
383.  			else sum[i] = gazemu(mtmp, mattk);
384.  			break;
386.  		case AT_EXPL:	/* automatic hit if next to, and aimed at you */
387.  			if(!range2) {
388.  			    if (!foundyou) {
389.  				if (!mtmp->mcan) {
390.  				    pline("%s explodes at a spot in thin air!",
391.  					youseeit ? Monnam(mtmp) : "It");
392.  				    mondead(mtmp);
393.  				    sum[i] = 2;
394.  				} else sum[i] = 0;
395.  			    } else    sum[i] = explmu(mtmp, mattk);
396.  			} else sum[i] = 0;
397.  			break;
399.  		case AT_ENGL:
400.  			if (!range2) {
401.  			    if(foundyou) {
402.  				if(u.uswallow || tmp > (j = rnd(20+i))) {
403.  				    /* Force swallowing monster to be
404.  				     * displayed even when player is
405.  				     * moving away */
406.  				    nscr();
407.  				    sum[i] = gulpmu(mtmp, mattk);
408.  				} else {
409.  				    missmu(mtmp, (tmp == j));
410.  				    sum[i] = 0;
411.  				}
412.  			    } else pline("%s gulps some air!", youseeit ?
413.  				Monnam(mtmp) : "It");
414.  			} else	sum[i] = 0;
415.  			break;
416.  		case AT_BREA:
417.  			if(range2) sum[i] = breamu(mtmp, mattk);
418.  			/* Note: breamu takes care of displacement */
419.  			else	   sum[i] = 0;
420.  			break;
421.  		case AT_SPIT:
422.  			if(range2) sum[i] = spitmu(mtmp);
423.  			/* Note: spitmu takes care of displacement */
424.  			else	   sum[i] = 0;
425.  			break;
426.  		case AT_WEAP:
427.  			if(range2) {
428.  #ifdef REINCARNATION
429.  				if (dlevel != rogue_level)
430.  #endif
431.  					sum[i] = thrwmu(mtmp);
432.  			} else {
433.  			    if (!foundyou) {
434.  				wildmiss(mtmp);
435.  				sum[i] = 0;
436.  			    } else {
437.  				set_uasmon();
438.  				otmp = select_hwep(mtmp);
439.  				if(otmp) {
440.  				    tmp += hitval(otmp, uasmon);
441.  				    mswings(mtmp, otmp);
442.  				}
443.  				if(tmp > (j = rnd(20+i)))
444.  				    sum[i] = hitmu(mtmp, mattk);
445.  				else {
446.  				    missmu(mtmp, (tmp == j));
447.  				    sum[i] = 0;
448.  				}
449.  			    }
450.  			}
451.  			break;
452.  		case AT_MAGC:
453.  			if(!range2) {
454.  			    if (!foundyou) {
455.  				pline("%s casts a spell at thin air!",
456.  					youseeit ? Monnam(mtmp) : "It");
457.  				sum[i] = 0;
458.  				/* Not totally right since castmu allows other
459.  				 * spells, such as the monster healing itself,
460.  				 * that should work even when not next to you--
461.  				 * but the previous code was just as wrong.
462.  				 * --KAA
463.  				 */
464.  			    } else sum[i] = castmu(mtmp, mattk);
465.  			} else	sum[i] = buzzmu(mtmp, mattk);
466.  			break;
468.  		default:		/* no attack */
469.  			sum[i] = 0;
470.  			break;
471.  	    }
472.  	    if(flags.botl) bot();
473.  	    if(sum[i] == 2)  return(1);  	/* attacker dead */
474.  	}
475.  	return(0);
476.  }
478.  /*
479.   * hitmu: monster hits you
480.   *	  returns 2 if monster dies (e.g. "yellow light"), 0 otherwise
481.   */
482.  static
483.  int
484.  hitmu(mtmp, mattk)
485.  	register struct monst *mtmp;
486.  	register struct attack  *mattk;
487.  {
488.  	register struct permonst *mdat = mtmp->data;
489.  	register int dmg, ctmp, ptmp;
490.  	register boolean getbronze;
491.  	char	 buf[BUFSZ];
492.  #ifdef POLYSELF
493.  	struct permonst *olduasmon = uasmon;
494.  	int res;
495.  #endif
497.  /*	If the monster is undetected & hits you.  You should know where
498.   *	the attack came from.
499.   */
500.  	if(mtmp->mhide && mtmp->mundetected) {
501.  	    mtmp->mundetected = 0;
502.  	    if(!(Blind ? Telepat : (HTelepat & WORN_HELMET))) {
503.  		register struct obj *obj;
505.  		if(levl[mtmp->mx][mtmp->my].omask == 1) {
506.  		    if(obj = o_at(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my))
507.  			pline("%s was hidden under %s!",
508.  				  Xmonnam(mtmp), doname(obj));
509.  		} else if (levl[mtmp->mx][mtmp->my].gmask == 1)
510.  			pline("%s was hidden under some gold!",
511.  				  Xmonnam(mtmp));
512.  	    }
513.  	}
515.  /*	First determine the base damage done */
516.  	dmg = d((int)mattk->damn, (int)mattk->damd);
517.  	if(is_undead(mdat) && midnight())
518.  		dmg += d((int)mattk->damn, (int)mattk->damd); /* extra damage */
520.  /*	Next a cancellation factor	*/
521.  /*	Use ctmp when the cancellation factor takes into account certain
522.   *	armor's special magic protection.  Otherwise just use !mtmp->mcan.
523.   */
524.  	ctmp = !mtmp->mcan &&
525.  		(!uarm || (rn2(3) >= objects[uarm->otyp].a_can) || !rn2(50))
526.  	     && (!uarmc || (rn2(3) >= objects[uarmc->otyp].a_can) || !rn2(50));
528.  /*	Now, adjust damages via resistances or specific attacks */
529.  	switch(mattk->adtyp) {
530.  	    case AD_PHYS:
531.  		if(mattk->aatyp == AT_HUGS
532.  #ifdef POLYSELF
533.  					   && !sticks(uasmon)
534.  #endif
535.  								) {
536.  		    if(!u.ustuck && rn2(2)) {
537.  			u.ustuck = mtmp;
538.  			kludge("%s grabs you!", Monnam(mtmp));
539.  		    } else if(u.ustuck == mtmp)
540.  			You("are being %s.",
541.  #ifdef GOLEMS
542.  			      (mtmp->data == &mons[PM_ROPE_GOLEM])
543.  			      ? "choked" :
544.  #endif /* GOLEMS */
545.  			      "crushed");
547.  		} else {			  /* hand to hand weapon */
548.  		    hitmsg(mtmp,mattk->aatyp);
549.  		    if(mattk->aatyp == AT_WEAP && otmp) {
550.  			dmg += dmgval(otmp, uasmon);
551.  			if (dmg <= 0) dmg = 1;
552.  #ifdef NAMED_ITEMS
553.  			if (spec_ability(otmp, SPFX_DRLI)
554.  #  ifdef POLYSELF
555.  						&& !resists_drli(uasmon)
556.  #  endif
557.  									) {
558.  				pline("The %s blade drains your life!",
559.  					Hallucination ? hcolor() : black);
560.  				losexp();
561.  			}
562.  #endif
563.  #ifdef POLYSELF
564.  			if ( > 1 && > ((u.uac>0) ? dmg : dmg+u.uac) &&
565.  					(u.umonnum==PM_BLACK_PUDDING
566.  					|| u.umonnum==PM_BROWN_PUDDING)) {
567.  			    /* This redundancy necessary because you have to
568.  			     * take the damage _before_ being cloned.
569.  			     */
570.  			    if (u.uac < 0) dmg += u.uac;
571.  			    if (dmg < 1) dmg = 1;
572. -= dmg;
573.  			    flags.botl = 1;
574.  			    dmg = 0;
575.  			    if(cloneu())
576.  			    kludge("You divide as %s hits you!",mon_nam(mtmp));
577.  			}
578.  			urustm(mtmp, otmp);
579.  #endif
580.  		    }
581.  		}
582.  		break;
583.  	    case AD_DISE:
584.  		hitmsg(mtmp, mattk->aatyp);
585.  		You("feel very sick.");
586.  		make_sick((long)rn1(25-ACURR(A_CON),15),FALSE);
587.  		u.usick_cause = mdat->mname;
588.  		break;
589.  	    case AD_FIRE:
590.  		hitmsg(mtmp,mattk->aatyp);
591.  		if(ctmp && rn2(2)) {
592.  		    pline("You're on fire!");
593.  		    if (Fire_resistance) {
594.  			pline("The fire doesn't feel hot!");
595.  			dmg = 0;
596.  		    }
597.  		    if(mtmp->m_lev > rn2(20))
598.  			destroy_item(SCROLL_SYM, AD_FIRE);
599.  		    if(mtmp->m_lev > rn2(20))
600.  			destroy_item(POTION_SYM, AD_FIRE);
601.  #ifdef SPELLS
602.  		    if(mtmp->m_lev > rn2(25))
603.  			destroy_item(SPBOOK_SYM, AD_FIRE);
604.  #endif
605.  		}
606.  		break;
607.  	    case AD_COLD:
608.  		hitmsg(mtmp,mattk->aatyp);
609.  		if(ctmp && rn2(2)) {
610.  		    pline("You're covered in frost!");
611.  		    if (Cold_resistance) {
612.  			pline("The frost doesn't seem cold!");
613.  			dmg = 0;
614.  		    }
615.  		    if(mtmp->m_lev > rn2(20))
616.  			destroy_item(POTION_SYM, AD_COLD);
617.  		}
618.  		break;
619.  	    case AD_ELEC:
620.  		hitmsg(mtmp,mattk->aatyp);
621.  		if(ctmp && rn2(2)) {
622.  		    You("get zapped!");
623.  		    if (Shock_resistance) {
624.  			pline("The zap doesn't shock you!");
625.  			dmg = 0;
626.  		    }
627.  		    if(mtmp->m_lev > rn2(20))
628.  			destroy_item(WAND_SYM, AD_ELEC);
629.  		    if(mtmp->m_lev > rn2(20))
630.  			destroy_item(RING_SYM, AD_ELEC);
631.  		}
632.  		break;
633.  	    case AD_SLEE:
634.  		hitmsg(mtmp,mattk->aatyp);
635.  		if(ctmp && multi >= 0 && !rn2(5)) {
636.  		    if (Sleep_resistance) break;
637.  		    nomul(-rnd(10));
638.  		    if (Blind)	You("are put to sleep!");
639.  		    else	You("are put to sleep by %s!",mon_nam(mtmp));
640.  		}
641.  		break;
642.  	    case AD_DRST:
643.  		ptmp = A_STR;
644.  		goto dopois;
645.  	    case AD_DRDX:
646.  		ptmp = A_DEX;
647.  		goto dopois;
648.  	    case AD_DRCO:
649.  		ptmp = A_CON;
650.  dopois:
651.  		hitmsg(mtmp,mattk->aatyp);
652.  		if(ctmp && !rn2(8)) {
653.  			Sprintf(buf, "%s's %s",
654.  				Hallucination ? rndmonnam() : mdat->mname,
655.  				(mattk->aatyp == AT_BITE) ? "bite" : "sting");
656.  			poisoned(buf, ptmp, mdat->mname);
657.  		}
658.  		break;
659.  	    case AD_PLYS:
660.  		hitmsg(mtmp, mattk->aatyp);
661.  		if(ctmp && multi >= 0 && !rn2(3)) {
662.  		    if (Blind)	You("are frozen!");
663.  		    else	You("are frozen by %s!", mon_nam(mtmp));
664.  		    nomul(-rnd(10));
665.  		}
666.  		break;
667.  	    case AD_DRLI:
668.  		hitmsg(mtmp, mattk->aatyp);
669.  		if (ctmp && !rn2(3)
670.  #ifdef POLYSELF
671.  		    && !resists_drli(uasmon)
672.  #endif
673.  #ifdef NAMED_ITEMS
674.  		    && !defends(AD_DRLI, uwep)
675.  #endif
676.  		    ) losexp();
677.  		break;
678.  	    case AD_LEGS:
679.  		{ register long side = rn2(2) ? RIGHT_SIDE : LEFT_SIDE;
680.  		  if (mtmp->mcan) {
681.  		    pline("%s nuzzles against your %s %s!", Monnam(mtmp),
682.  			  (side == RIGHT_SIDE) ? "right" : "left",
683.  			  body_part(LEG));
684.  		  } else {
685.  		    if (uarmf) {
686.  			pline("%s scratches your %s boot!", Monnam(mtmp),
687.  				(side == RIGHT_SIDE) ? "right" : "left");
688.  			break;
689.  		    }
690.  		    pline("%s pricks your %s %s!", Monnam(mtmp),
691.  			  (side == RIGHT_SIDE) ? "right" : "left",
692.  			  body_part(LEG));
693.  		    set_wounded_legs(side, rnd(60-ACURR(A_DEX)));
694.  		  }
695.  		  break;
696.  		}
697.  	    case AD_STON:	/* at present only a cockatrice */
698.  		hitmsg(mtmp,mattk->aatyp);
699.  		if(!rn2(3) && !Stoned) {
700.  		    if (mtmp->mcan) {
701.  			if (flags.soundok)
702.  			    You("hear a cough from %s!", mon_nam(mtmp));
703.  		    } else {
704.  			if (flags.soundok)
705.  			    You("hear %s's hissing!", mon_nam(mtmp));
706.  			if((!rn2(10) ||
707.  			    (flags.moonphase == NEW_MOON &&
708.  			     !carrying(DEAD_LIZARD)))
709.  #ifdef POLYSELF
710.  			    && !resists_ston(uasmon)
711.  #endif
712.  			    ) {
713.  				Stoned = 5;
714.  				return(1);
715.  				/* You("turn to stone..."); */
716.  				/* done_in_by(mtmp); */
717.  			}
718.  		    }
719.  		}
720.  		break;
721.  	    case AD_STCK:
722.  		hitmsg(mtmp,mattk->aatyp);
723.  		if(ctmp && !u.ustuck
724.  #ifdef POLYSELF
725.  				     && !sticks(uasmon)
726.  #endif
727.  							) u.ustuck = mtmp;
728.  		break;
729.  	    case AD_WRAP:
730.  		if(ctmp
731.  #ifdef POLYSELF
732.  			&& !sticks(uasmon)
733.  #endif
734.  					  ) {
735.  		    if(!u.ustuck && !rn2(10)) {
736.  			pline("%s swings itself around you!",
737.  				Monnam(mtmp));
738.  			u.ustuck = mtmp;
739.  		    } else if(u.ustuck == mtmp) {
740.  			if (is_pool(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my)
741.  #ifdef POLYSELF
742.  			    && !is_swimmer(uasmon)
743.  #endif
744.  			   ) {
745.  			    pline("%s drowns you...", Monnam(mtmp));
746.  			    done("drowned");
747.  			} else if(mattk->aatyp == AT_HUGS)
748.  			    You("are being crushed.");
749.  		    } else dmg = 0;
750.  		} else dmg = 0;
751.  		break;
752.  	    case AD_WERE:
753.  		hitmsg(mtmp,mattk->aatyp);
754.  #ifdef POLYSELF
755.  		if (ctmp && !rn2(4) && u.ulycn == -1
756.  # ifdef NAMED_ITEMS
757.  		    && !defends(AD_WERE,uwep)
758.  # endif
759.  		    ) {
760.  		    You("feel feverish.");
761.  		    u.ulycn = monsndx(mdat);
762.  		}
763.  #endif
764.  		break;
765.  	    case AD_SGLD:
766.  		hitmsg(mtmp,mattk->aatyp);
767.  #ifdef POLYSELF
768.  		if (u.usym == mdat->mlet) break;
769.  #endif
770.  		if(!mtmp->mcan) stealgold(mtmp);
771.  		break;
773.  	    case AD_SITM:	/* for now these are the same */
774.  	    case AD_SEDU:
775.  #ifdef POLYSELF
776.  		if (dmgtype(uasmon, AD_SEDU)
777.  #  ifdef SEDUCE
778.  			|| dmgtype(uasmon, AD_SSEX)
779.  #  endif
780.  						) {
781.  			if (mtmp->minvent)
782.  	pline("%s brags about the goods some dungeon explorer provided.",
783.  	Monnam(mtmp));
784.  			else
785.  	pline("%s makes some remarks about how difficult theft is lately.",
786.  	Monnam(mtmp));
787.  			rloc(mtmp);
788.  		} else
789.  #endif
790.  		if(mtmp->mcan) {
791.  		    if (!Blind) {
792.  			pline("%s tries to %s you, but you seem %s.",
793.  			    Amonnam(mtmp, "plain"),
794.  			    flags.female ? "charm" : "seduce",
795.  			    flags.female ? "unaffected" : "uninterested");
796.  		    }
797.  		    if(rn2(3)) rloc(mtmp);
798.  		} else if(steal(mtmp)) {
799.  			rloc(mtmp);
800.  			mtmp->mflee = 1;
801.  		}
802.  		break;
803.  #ifdef SEDUCE
804.  	    case AD_SSEX:
805.  		if(!mtmp->mcan && !mtmp->minvis) doseduce(mtmp);
806.  		break;
807.  #endif
808.  	    case AD_SAMU:
809.  		hitmsg(mtmp,mattk->aatyp);
810.  		/* when the Wiz hits, 1/20 steals the amulet */
811.  		if (!carrying(AMULET_OF_YENDOR)) break;
812.  		if (!rn2(20)) stealamulet(mtmp);
813.  		break;
815.  	    case AD_TLPT:
816.  		hitmsg(mtmp,mattk->aatyp);
817.  		if(ctmp) {
818.  		    if(flags.verbose)
819.  			Your("position suddenly seems very uncertain!");
820.  		    tele();
821.  		}
822.  		break;
823.  	    case AD_RUST:
824.  		hitmsg(mtmp,mattk->aatyp);
825.  		if (mtmp->mcan) break;
826.  #ifdef POLYSELF
827.  #ifdef GOLEMS
828.  		if (u.umonnum == PM_IRON_GOLEM) {
829.  			You("rust!");
830.  			rehumanize();
831.  			break;
832.  		}
833.  #endif /* GOLEMS */
834.  #endif
835.  		/* What the following code does: it keeps looping until it
836.  		 * finds a target for the rust monster.
837.  		 * Head, feet, etc... not covered by metal, or covered by
838.  		 * rusty metal, are not targets.  However, your body always
839.  		 * is, no matter what covers it.
840.  		 */
841.  		getbronze = (mdat == &mons[PM_BLACK_PUDDING] &&
842.  			     uarm->otyp == BRONZE_PLATE_MAIL);
843.  		while (1) {
844.  		    switch(rn2(5)) {
845.  		    case 0:
846.  			if (!rust_dmg(uarmh, "helmet", 1, FALSE)) continue;
847.  			break;
848.  		    case 1:
849.  			if (uarmc) break;
850.  			/* Note the difference between break and continue;
851.  			 * break means it was hit and didn't rust; continue
852.  			 * means it wasn't a target and though it didn't rust
853.  			 * something else did.
854.  			 */
855.  			if (getbronze)
856.  			    (void)rust_dmg(uarm, "bronze armor", 3, TRUE);
857.  			else
858.  			    (void)rust_dmg(uarm, "armor", 1, TRUE);
859.  			break;
860.  		    case 2:
861.  			if (!rust_dmg(uarms, "shield", 1, FALSE)) continue;
862.  			break;
863.  		    case 3:
864.  			if (!rust_dmg(uarmg, "metal gauntlets", 1, FALSE))
865.  			    continue;
866.  			break;
867.  		    case 4:
868.  			if (!rust_dmg(uarmf, "metal boots", 1, FALSE)) continue;
869.  			break;
870.  		    }
871.  		    break; /* Out of while loop */
872.  		}
873.  		break;
874.  	    case AD_DCAY:
875.  		hitmsg(mtmp,mattk->aatyp);
876.  		if (mtmp->mcan) break;
877.  #ifdef POLYSELF
878.  #ifdef GOLEMS
879.  		if (u.umonnum == PM_WOOD_GOLEM ||
880.  		    u.umonnum == PM_LEATHER_GOLEM) {
881.  			You("rot!");
882.  			rehumanize();
883.  			break;
884.  		}
885.  #endif /* GOLEMS */
886.  #endif
887.  		while (1) {
888.  		    switch(rn2(5)) {
889.  		    case 0:
890.  			if (!rust_dmg(uarmh, "leather helmet", 2, FALSE))
891.  				continue;
892.  			break;
893.  		    case 1:
894.  			if (uarmc) break;
895.  			(void)rust_dmg(uarm, "leather armor", 2, TRUE);
896.  			break;
897.  		    case 2:
898.  			if (!rust_dmg(uarms, "wooden shield", 2, FALSE))
899.  				continue;
900.  			break;
901.  		    case 3:
902.  			if (!rust_dmg(uarmg, "gloves", 2, FALSE)) continue;
903.  			break;
904.  		    case 4:
905.  			if (!rust_dmg(uarmf, "boots", 2, FALSE)) continue;
906.  			break;
907.  		    }
908.  		    break; /* Out of while loop */
909.  		}
910.  		break;
911.  	    case AD_HEAL:
912.  		if(!uwep
913.  #ifdef SHIRT
914.  		   && !uarmu
915.  #endif
916.  		   && !uarm && !uarmh && !uarms && !uarmg && !uarmc && !uarmf) {
917.  		    kludge("%s hits! (I hope you don't mind.)", Monnam(mtmp));
918.  #ifdef POLYSELF
919.  			if (u.mtimedone) {
920. += rnd(7);
921.  				if(!rn2(7)) u.mhmax++;
922.  				if( > u.mhmax) = u.mhmax;
923.  				if( == u.mhmax && !rn2(50)) mongone(mtmp);
924.  			} else {
925.  #endif
926.  				u.uhp += rnd(7);
927.  				if(!rn2(7)) u.uhpmax++;
928.  				if(u.uhp > u.uhpmax) u.uhp = u.uhpmax;
929.  				if(u.uhp == u.uhpmax && !rn2(50)) mongone(mtmp);
930.  #ifdef POLYSELF
931.  			}
932.  #endif
933.  			flags.botl = 1;
934.  			if(!rn2(50)) rloc(mtmp);
935.  			dmg = 0;
936.  		} else
937.  		    if(pl_character[0] == 'H') {
938.  			    if (flags.soundok && !(moves % 5))
939.  				pline("'Doc, I can't help you unless you cooperate.'");
940.  			    dmg = 0;
941.  		    } else hitmsg(mtmp,mattk->aatyp);
942.  		break;
943.  	    case AD_CURS:
944.  		hitmsg(mtmp,mattk->aatyp);
945.  		if(!night() && mdat == &mons[PM_GREMLIN]) break;
946.  		if(!mtmp->mcan && !rn2(10)) {
947.  		    if (flags.soundok)
948.  			if (Blind) You("hear laughter.");
949.  			else       pline("%s chuckles.", Monnam(mtmp));
950.  #ifdef POLYSELF
951.  #ifdef GOLEMS
952.  		    if (u.umonnum == PM_CLAY_GOLEM) {
953.  			pline("Some writing vanishes from your head!");
954.  			rehumanize();
955.  			break;
956.  		    }
957.  #endif /* GOLEMS */
958.  #endif
959.  		    attrcurse();
960.  		}
961.  		break;
962.  	    case AD_STUN:
963.  		hitmsg(mtmp,mattk->aatyp);
964.  		if(!mtmp->mcan && !rn2(4)) {
965.  		    make_stunned(HStun + dmg, TRUE);
966.  		    dmg /= 2;
967.  		}
968.  		break;
969.  	    case AD_ACID:
970.  		hitmsg(mtmp,mattk->aatyp);
971.  		if(!mtmp->mcan && !rn2(3))
972.  #ifdef POLYSELF
973.  		    if (resists_acid(uasmon)) {
974.  			pline("You're covered in acid, but it seems harmless.");
975.  			dmg = 0;
976.  		    } else
977.  #endif
978.  			pline("You're covered in acid!	It burns!");
979.  		else		dmg = 0;
980.  		break;
981.  	    case AD_SLOW:
982.  		hitmsg(mtmp,mattk->aatyp);
983.  		if(!ctmp && (Fast & (INTRINSIC|TIMEOUT)) && !rn2(4)) {
984.  		    Fast &= ~(INTRINSIC|TIMEOUT);
985.  		    You("feel yourself slowing down.");
986.  		}
987.  		break;
988.  	    case AD_DREN:
989.  		hitmsg(mtmp,mattk->aatyp);
990.  #ifdef SPELLS
991.  		if(!ctmp && !rn2(4)) drain_en(dmg);
992.  #endif
993.  		dmg = 0;
994.  		break;
995.  	    case AD_CUSS:
996.  		if(flags.soundok && !rn2(3)) cuss(mtmp);
997.  		dmg = 0;
998.  		break;
999.  #ifdef HARD /* a non-gaze AD_CONF exists only for one of the demons */
1000. 	    case AD_CONF:
1001. 		hitmsg(mtmp,mattk->aatyp);
1002. 		if(!mtmp->mcan && !rn2(4) && !mtmp->mspec_used) {
1003. 		    mtmp->mspec_used += (dmg + rn2(6));
1004. 		    if(Confusion)
1005. 			 You("are getting even more confused.");
1006. 		    else You("are getting confused.");
1007. 		    make_confused(HConfusion + dmg, FALSE);
1008. 		}
1009. #endif
1010. 		/* fall through to next case */
1011. 	    default:	dmg = 0;
1012. 			break;
1013. 	}
1014. 	if(u.uhp < 1) done_in_by(mtmp);
1016. /*	Negative armor class reduces damage done instead of fully protecting
1017.  *	against hits.
1018.  */
1019. 	if (dmg && u.uac < 0) {
1020. 		dmg -= rnd(-u.uac);
1021. 		if (dmg < 1) dmg = 1;
1022. 	}
1024. 	if(dmg) mdamageu(mtmp, dmg);
1026. #ifdef POLYSELF
1027. 	res = passiveum(olduasmon, mtmp);
1028. 	stop_occupation();
1029. 	return res;
1030. #else
1031. 	stop_occupation();
1032. 	return 1;
1033. #endif
1034. }
1036. static
1037. int
1038. gulpmu(mtmp, mattk)	/* monster swallows you, or damage if u.uswallow */
1039. 	register struct monst *mtmp;
1040. 	register struct attack  *mattk;
1041. {
1042. 	int	tmp = d((int)mattk->damn, (int)mattk->damd);
1043. 	int	tim_tmp;
1044. #ifdef WALKIES
1045. 	int	i;
1046. #endif
1048. 	if(!u.uswallow) {	/* swallow him */
1049. 		levl[mtmp->mx][mtmp->my].mmask = 0;
1050. 		mtmp->mx = u.ux;
1051. 		mtmp->my =;
1052. 		levl[mtmp->mx][mtmp->my].mmask = 1;
1053. 		u.ustuck = mtmp;
1054. 		pmon(mtmp);
1055. 		kludge("%s engulfs you!", Monnam(mtmp));
1056. #ifdef WALKIES
1057. 		if((i = number_leashed()) > 0) {
1058. 			pline("The leash%s snap%s loose...",
1059. 					(i > 1) ? "es" : "",
1060. 					(i > 1) ? "" : "s");
1061. 			unleash_all();
1062. 		}
1063. #endif
1064. #ifdef POLYSELF
1065. 		if (u.umonnum==PM_COCKATRICE) {
1066. 			kludge("%s turns to stone!", Monnam(mtmp));
1067. 			stoned = 1;
1068. 			xkilled(mtmp, 0);
1069. 			return 2;
1070. 		}
1071. #endif
1072. 		more();
1073. 		seeoff(1);
1074. 		u.uswallow = 1;
1075. 		/*assume that u.uswldtim always set >=0*/
1076. 		u.uswldtim = (tim_tmp =
1077. 			(-u.uac + 10 + rnd(25 - (int)mtmp->m_lev)) >> 1) > 0 ?
1078. 			    tim_tmp : 0;
1079. 		swallowed(1);
1080. 	} else {
1082. 	    if(mtmp != u.ustuck) return(0);
1083. 	    switch(mattk->adtyp) {
1085. 		case AD_DGST:
1086. 		    if(!u.uswldtim) {	/* a3 *//*no cf unsigned <=0*/
1087. 			kludge("%s totally digests you!", Monnam(mtmp));
1088. 			tmp = u.uhp;
1089. 		    } else {
1090. 			kludge("%s digests you!", Monnam(mtmp));
1091. 		    }
1092. 		    break;
1093. 		case AD_PHYS:
1094. 		    You("are pummeled with debris!");
1095. 		    break;
1096. 		case AD_ACID:
1097. #ifdef POLYSELF
1098. 		    if (resists_acid(uasmon)) {
1099. 			You("are covered with a seemingly harmless goo.");
1100. 			tmp = 0;
1101. 		    } else
1102. #endif
1103. 		    if (Hallucination) pline("Ouch!  You've been slimed!");
1104. 		    else You("are covered in slime!  It burns!!!");
1105. 		    break;
1106. 		case AD_BLND:
1107. 		    if(!Blind) {
1108. 			You("can't see in here!");
1109. 			make_blinded((long)tmp,FALSE);
1110. 		    } else make_blinded(Blinded+1,FALSE);	/* keep him blind until disgorged */
1111. 		    tmp = 0;
1112. 		    break;
1113. 		case AD_ELEC:
1114. 		    if(!mtmp->mcan && rn2(2)) {
1115. 			pline("The air around you crackles with electricity.");
1116. 			if (Shock_resistance) {
1117. 				shieldeff(u.ux,;
1118. 				You("seem unhurt.");
1119. #if defined(POLYSELF) && defined(GOLEMS)
1120. 				ugolemeffects(AD_ELEC,tmp);
1121. #endif
1122. 				tmp = 0;
1123. 			}
1124. 		    } else tmp = 0;
1125. 		    break;
1126. 		case AD_COLD:
1127. 		    if(!mtmp->mcan && rn2(2)) {
1128. 			if (Cold_resistance) {
1129. 				shieldeff(u.ux,;
1130. 				You("feel mildly chilly.");
1131. #if defined(POLYSELF) && defined(GOLEMS)
1132. 				ugolemeffects(AD_COLD,tmp);
1133. #endif
1134. 				tmp = 0;
1135. 			} else You("are freezing to death!");
1136. 		    } else tmp = 0;
1137. 		    break;
1138. 		case AD_FIRE:
1139. 		    if(!mtmp->mcan && rn2(2)) {
1140. 			if (Fire_resistance) {
1141. 				shieldeff(u.ux,;
1142. 				You("feel mildly hot.");
1143. #if defined(POLYSELF) && defined(GOLEMS)
1144. 				ugolemeffects(AD_FIRE,tmp);
1145. #endif
1146. 				tmp = 0;
1147. 			} else You("are burning to a crisp!");
1148. 		    } else tmp = 0;
1149. 		    break;
1150. #ifdef HARD
1151. 		case AD_DISE:
1152. 		    if (!Sick) You("feel very sick.");
1153. 		    make_sick(Sick + (long)rn1(25-ACURR(A_CON),15),FALSE);
1154. 		    u.usick_cause = mtmp->data->mname;
1155. 		    break;
1156. #endif
1157. 		default:	tmp = 0;
1158. 				break;
1159. 	    }
1160. 	}
1162. 	mdamageu(mtmp, tmp);
1163. 	if(u.uswldtim) --u.uswldtim;
1164. 	if(!u.uswldtim
1165. #ifdef POLYSELF
1166. 	    || u.umonnum==PM_COCKATRICE
1167. #endif
1168. 	    ) {
1169. #ifdef POLYSELF
1170. 	    if (u.umonnum == PM_COCKATRICE) {
1171. 		kludge("%s very hurriedly regurgitates you!",
1172. 		       Monnam(mtmp));
1173. 		u.uswldtim = 0;
1174. 	    } else {
1175. #endif
1176. 		You("get regurgitated!");
1177. 		if(flags.verbose)
1178. 		    kludge("Obviously %s doesn't like your taste.",
1179. 							mon_nam(mtmp));
1180. #ifdef POLYSELF
1181. 	    }
1182. #endif
1183. 	    regurgitates(mtmp);
1184. 	}
1185. 	return(1);
1186. }
1188. static
1189. int
1190. explmu(mtmp, mattk)	/* monster explodes in your face */
1191. 	register struct monst *mtmp;
1192. 	register struct attack  *mattk;
1193. {
1194. 	register int tmp = d((int)mattk->damn, (int)mattk->damd);
1196. 	if(mtmp->mcan) return(0);
1197. 	if(!Blind)	kludge("%s explodes!", Monnam(mtmp));
1198. 	else		pline("It explodes!");
1200. 	switch(mattk->adtyp) {
1201. 	    case AD_COLD:
1202. 		if(Cold_resistance) {
1203. 			You("seem unaffected by it.");
1204. #if defined(POLYSELF) && defined(GOLEMS)
1205. 			ugolemeffects(AD_COLD,tmp);
1206. #endif
1207. 			tmp = 0;
1208. 		} else {
1209. 			if(ACURR(A_DEX) > rnd(20)) {
1210. 				if (!flags.verbose)
1211. 				    You("are caught in the blast!");
1212. 			} else {
1213. 				You("duck the blast...");
1214. 				tmp /= 2;
1215. 			}
1216. 		}
1217. 		break;
1218. 	    case AD_BLND:
1219. 		if(!Blind
1220. #ifdef POLYSELF
1221. 			&& u.usym != S_YLIGHT
1222. #endif
1223. 			) {
1224. 			You("are blinded by a blast of light!");
1225. 			make_blinded((long)tmp,FALSE);
1226. 		}
1227. 		tmp = 0;
1228. 		break;
1229. 	    default: break;
1230. 	}
1231. 	mdamageu(mtmp, tmp);
1232. 	mondead(mtmp);
1233. 	return(2);	/* it dies */
1234. }
1236. static
1237. int
1238. gazemu(mtmp, mattk)	/* monster gazes at you */
1239. 	register struct monst *mtmp;
1240. 	register struct attack  *mattk;
1241. {
1242. 	switch(mattk->adtyp) {
1243. 	    case AD_STON:
1244. 		if (mtmp->mcan) {
1245. 		    You("notice that %s isn't all that ugly.",mon_nam(mtmp));
1246. 		   break;
1247. 		}
1248. 		if (canseemon(mtmp)) {
1249. 			You("look upon %s.", mon_nam(mtmp));
1250. #ifdef POLYSELF
1251. 			if (resists_ston(uasmon)) {
1252. 				pline("So what?");
1253. 				break;
1254. 			}
1255. #endif
1256. 			You("turn to stone...");
1257. 			killer = mons[PM_MEDUSA].mname;
1258. 			done("stoned");
1259. 	    	}
1260. 		break;
1261. 	    case AD_CONF:
1262. 		if(!mtmp->mcan && canseemon(mtmp) && mtmp->mcansee && 
1263. 					!mtmp->mspec_used && rn2(5)) {
1264. 		    int conf = d(3,4);
1266. 		    mtmp->mspec_used += (conf + rn2(6));
1267. 		    if(!Confusion)
1268. 			pline("%s's gaze confuses you!", Monnam(mtmp));
1269. 		    else
1270. 			You("are getting more and more confused.");
1271. 		    make_confused(HConfusion + conf, FALSE);
1272. 		}
1273. 		break;
1274. 	    default: impossible("Gaze attack %d?", mattk->adtyp);
1275. 		break;
1276. 	}
1277. 	return(1);
1278. }
1280. void
1281. mdamageu(mtmp, n)	/* mtmp hits you for n points damage */
1282. 	register struct monst *mtmp;
1283. 	register int n;
1284. {
1285. #ifdef POLYSELF
1286. 	if (u.mtimedone) {
1287. -= n;
1288. 		flags.botl = 1;
1289. 		if ( < 1) rehumanize();
1290. 		return;
1291. 	}
1292. #endif
1293. 	u.uhp -= n;
1294. 	flags.botl = 1;
1295. 	if(u.uhp < 1)
1296. 		done_in_by(mtmp);
1297. }
1299. #ifdef POLYSELF
1300. static void
1301. urustm(mon, obj)
1302. register struct monst *mon;
1303. register struct obj *obj;
1304. {
1305. 	boolean vis = cansee(mon->mx, mon->my);
1307. 	if (!mon || !obj) return; /* just in case */
1308. 	if (u.umonnum == PM_RUST_MONSTER &&
1309. 				objects[obj->otyp].oc_material == METAL &&
1310. 				obj->spe > -2) {
1311. 		if(obj->rustfree) {
1312. 		    if (vis)
1313. 			pline("The rust vanishes from %s's weapon!",
1314. 								mon_nam(mon));
1315. 		} else if(obj->blessed && rn2(3)) {
1316. 		    if (vis)
1317. 			pline("Somehow, %s's weapon is not affected!",
1318. 								mon_nam(mon));
1319. 		} else {
1320. 		    if (vis)
1321. 			pline("%s's %s!", Monnam(mon), aobjnam(obj,"corrode"));
1322. 		    obj->spe--;
1323. 		}
1324. 	}
1325. }
1326. #endif
1328. #ifdef SEDUCE
1329. void
1330. doseduce(mon)
1331. register struct monst *mon;
1332. {
1333. 	register struct obj *ring;
1334. 	boolean fem = (mon->data == &mons[PM_SUCCUBUS]); /* otherwise incubus */
1336. 	if (fem == poly_gender() || poly_gender()==2) return;
1338. 	if (mon->mcan || mon->mspec_used) {
1339.   		pline("%s acts as though %s has got a %sheadache.",
1340.   			Blind ? "It" : Monnam(mon), Blind ? "it" :
1341.   			fem ? "she" : "he",
1342. 			mon->mcan ? "severe " : "");
1343. 		return;
1344. 	}
1346. 	if (unconscious()) {
1347. 		kludge("%s seems dismayed at your lack of response.",
1348. 			Monnam(mon));
1349. 		return;
1350. 	}
1352. 	if (Blind) pline("It caresses you...");
1353. 	else You("feel very attracted to %s.", mon_nam(mon));
1355. 	for(ring = invent; ring; ring = ring->nobj) {
1356. 	    if (ring->otyp != RIN_ADORNMENT) continue;
1357. 	    if (fem) {
1358. 		if (rn2(20) < ACURR(A_CHA)) {
1359. 		    pline("\"That %s looks pretty.  May I have it?\" ",
1360. 			xname(ring));
1361. 		    makeknown(RIN_ADORNMENT);
1362. 		    if (yn() == 'n') continue;
1363. 		} else pline("%s decides she'd like your %s, and takes it.",
1364. 			Blind ? "She" : Monnam(mon), xname(ring));
1365. 		if (ring->known) makeknown(RIN_ADORNMENT);
1366. 		if (ring==uleft || ring==uright) Ring_gone(ring);
1367. 		if (ring==uwep) setuwep((struct obj *)0);
1368. 		freeinv(ring);
1369. 		mpickobj(mon,ring);
1370. 	    } else {
1371. 		char buf[BUFSZ];
1373. 		if (uleft && uright && uleft->otyp == RIN_ADORNMENT
1374. 				&& uright->otyp==RIN_ADORNMENT)
1375. 			break;
1376. 		if (ring==uleft || ring==uright) continue;
1377. 		if (rn2(20) < ACURR(A_CHA)) {
1378. 		    pline("\"That %s looks pretty.  Would you wear it for me?\" ",
1379. 			xname(ring));
1380. 		    makeknown(RIN_ADORNMENT);
1381. 		    if (yn() == 'n') continue;
1382. 		} else {
1383. 		    pline("%s decides you'd look prettier wearing your %s,",
1384. 			Blind ? "He" : Monnam(mon), xname(ring));
1385. 		    pline("and puts it on your finger.");
1386. 		}
1387. 		makeknown(RIN_ADORNMENT);
1388. 		if (!uright) {
1389. 		    pline("%s puts the %s on your right hand.",
1390. 			Blind ? "He" : Monnam(mon), xname(ring));
1391. 		    setworn(ring, RIGHT_RING);
1392. 		} else if (!uleft) {
1393. 		    pline("%s puts the %s on your left hand.",
1394. 			Blind ? "He" : Monnam(mon), xname(ring));
1395. 		    setworn(ring, LEFT_RING);
1396. 		} else if (uright && uright->otyp != RIN_ADORNMENT) {
1397. 		    Strcpy(buf, xname(uright));
1398. 		    pline("%s replaces your %s with your %s.",
1399. 			Blind ? "He" : Monnam(mon), buf, xname(ring));
1400. 		    Ring_gone(uright);
1401. 		    setworn(ring, RIGHT_RING);
1402. 		} else if (uleft && uleft->otyp != RIN_ADORNMENT) {
1403. 		    Strcpy(buf, xname(uleft));
1404. 		    pline("%s replaces your %s with your %s.",
1405. 			Blind ? "He" : Monnam(mon), buf, xname(ring));
1406. 		    Ring_gone(uleft);
1407. 		    setworn(ring, LEFT_RING);
1408. 		} else impossible("ring replacement");
1409. 		Ring_on(ring);
1410. 	    	prinv(ring);
1411. 	    }
1412. 	}
1414. 	pline("%s murmurs in your ear, while helping you undress.",
1415. 		Blind ? (fem ? "She" : "He") : Monnam(mon));
1416. 	mayberem(uarmc, "cloak");
1417. 	if(!uarmc)
1418. 		mayberem(uarm, "suit");
1419. 	mayberem(uarmf, "boots");
1420. 	mayberem(uarmg, "gloves");
1421. 	mayberem(uarms, "shield");
1422. #ifdef SHIRT
1423. 	if(!uarmc && !uarm)
1424. 		mayberem(uarmu, "shirt");
1425. #endif
1427. 	if (uarm || uarmc) {
1428. 		pline("\"You're such a %s; I wish...\"",
1429. 				flags.female ? "sweet lady" : "nice guy");
1430. 		rloc(mon);
1431. 		return;
1432. 	}
1433. #define ALIGNLIM 	(5L + (moves/200L)) /* from pray.c */
1434. 	if (u.ualigntyp == U_CHAOTIC && u.ualign < ALIGNLIM) u.ualign++;
1436. 	/* by this point you have discovered mon's identity, blind or not... */
1437. 	pline("Time stands still while you and %s lie in each other's arms...",
1438. 		mon_nam(mon));
1439. 	if (rn2(35) > ACURR(A_CHA) + ACURR(A_INT)) {
1440. 		/* Don't bother with mspec_used here... it didn't get tired! */
1441. 		pline("%s seems to have enjoyed it more than you...",
1442. 			Monnam(mon));
1443. #ifdef SPELLS
1444. 		switch (rn2(5)) {
1445. 			case 0: You("feel drained of energy.");
1446. 				u.uen = 0;
1447. 				u.uenmax -= rnd(10);
1448. 				if (u.uenmax < 0) u.uenmax = 0;
1449. 				break;
1450. #else
1451. 		switch (rnd(4)) {
1452. #endif
1453. 			case 1: You("are down in the dumps.");
1454. 				adjattrib(A_CON, -1, TRUE);
1455. 				flags.botl = 1;
1456. 				break;
1457. 			case 2: Your("senses are dulled.");
1458. 				adjattrib(A_WIS, -1, TRUE);
1459. 				flags.botl = 1;
1460. 				break;
1461. 			case 3:
1462. #ifdef POLYSELF
1463. 				if (resists_drli(uasmon))
1464. 				    You("have a curious feeling...");
1465. 				else {
1466. #endif
1467. 				    You("feel out of shape.");
1468. 				    losexp();
1469. #ifdef POLYSELF
1470. 				}
1471. #endif
1472. 				break;
1473. 			case 4: You("feel exhausted.");
1474. 				losehp(5+rnd(10), "bout of exhaustion");
1475. 				break;
1476. 		}
1477. 	} else {
1478. 		mon->mspec_used = rnd(100); /* monster is worn out */
1479. 		You("seem to have enjoyed it more than %s...", mon_nam(mon));
1480. #ifdef SPELLS
1481. 		switch (rn2(5)) {
1482. 			case 0: You("feel raised to your full potential.");
1483. 				u.uen = (u.uenmax += rnd(5));
1484. 				break;
1485. #else
1486. 		switch (rnd(4)) {
1487. #endif
1488. 			case 1: You("feel good enough to do it again.");
1489. 				adjattrib(A_CON, 1, TRUE);
1490. 				flags.botl = 1;
1491. 				break;
1492. 			case 2: You("will always remember %s...", mon_nam(mon));
1493. 				adjattrib(A_WIS, 1, TRUE);
1494. 				flags.botl = 1;
1495. 				break;
1496. 			case 3: pline("That was a very educational experience.");
1497. 				pluslvl();
1498. 				break;
1499. 			case 4: You("feel restored to health!");
1500. 				u.uhp = u.uhpmax;
1501. #ifdef POLYSELF
1502. 				if (u.mtimedone) = u.mhmax;
1503. #endif
1504. 				flags.botl = 1;
1505. 				break;
1506. 		}
1507. 	}
1509. 	if (mon->mtame) /* don't charge */ ;
1510. 	else if (rn2(20) < ACURR(A_CHA)) {
1511. 		pline("%s demands that you pay %s, but you refuse...",
1512. 			Monnam(mon), (fem ? "her" : "him"));
1513. 	}
1514. #ifdef POLYSELF
1515. 	else if (u.umonnum == PM_LEPRECHAUN)
1516. 		pline("%s tries to take your money, but fails...",
1517. 				Monnam(mon));
1518. #endif
1519. 	else {
1520. 		long cost = (long)rnd(
1521. 			(int)(u.ugold > 32767L ? 32767 : u.ugold) +10) + 500;
1523. 		if (mon->mpeaceful) {
1524. 			cost /= 5;
1525. 			if (!cost) cost=1;
1526. 		}
1527. 		if (cost > u.ugold) cost = u.ugold;
1528. 		if (!cost) pline("%s says: \"It's on the house!\"", Monnam(mon));
1529. 		else {
1530. 		    pline("%s takes %ld Zorkmid%s for services rendered!",
1531. 			    Monnam(mon), cost, (cost==1) ? "" : "s");
1532. 		    u.ugold -= cost;
1533. 		    mon->mgold += cost;
1534. 		    flags.botl = 1;
1535. 		}
1536. 	}
1537. 	if (!rn2(25)) mon->mcan = 1; /* monster is worn out */
1538. 	rloc(mon);
1539. }
1541. static void
1542. mayberem(obj, str)
1543. register struct obj *obj;
1544. char *str;
1545. {
1546. 	if (!obj || !obj->owornmask) return;
1548. 	if (rn2(20) < ACURR(A_CHA)) {
1549. 		pline("\"Shall I remove your %s, %s?\" ",
1550. 			str,
1551. 			(!rn2(2) ? "lover" : !rn2(2) ? "dear" : "sweetheart"));
1552. 		if (yn() == 'n') return;
1553. 	} else pline("\"Take off your %s; %s.\"", str,
1554. 			(obj == uarm)  ? "let's get a little closer" :
1555. 			(obj == uarmc) ? "it's in the way" :
1556. 			(obj == uarmf) ? "let me rub your feet" :
1557. 			(obj == uarmg) ? "they're too clumsy" :
1558. #ifdef SHIRT
1559. 			(obj == uarmu) ? "let me massage you" :
1560. #endif
1561. 			/* obj == uarmh */
1562. 			"so I can run my fingers through your hair");
1564. 	if (obj == uarm)  (void) Armor_off();
1565. 	else if (obj == uarmc) (void) Cloak_off();
1566. 	else if (obj == uarmf) (void) Boots_off();
1567. 	else if (obj == uarmg) (void) Gloves_off();
1568. 	else if (obj == uarmh) (void) Helmet_off();
1569. 	else setworn((struct obj *)0, obj->owornmask & W_ARMOR);
1570. }
1571. #endif  /* SEDUCE */
1573. #ifdef POLYSELF
1574. static int
1575. passiveum(olduasmon,mtmp)
1576. struct permonst *olduasmon;
1577. register struct monst *mtmp;
1578. {
1579. 	register struct permonst *mdat = mtmp->data;
1580. 	int dam = 0;
1582. 	if (olduasmon->mattk[0].aatyp != AT_NONE) return 1;
1584. 	/* These affect the enemy even if you were "killed" (rehumanized) */
1585. 	switch(olduasmon->mattk[0].adtyp) {
1586. 	    case AD_ACID:
1587. 		if (!rn2(2)) {
1588. 		    kludge("%s is splashed by your acid!", Monnam(mtmp));
1589. 		    if(!resists_acid(mdat))
1590. 			dam = d((int)olduasmon->mlevel+1,
1591. 					(int)olduasmon->mattk[0].damd);
1592. 		    else pline("%s is not affected.", Monnam(mtmp));
1593. 		}
1594. 		break;
1595. 	    default:
1596. 		break;
1597. 	}
1598. 	if (!u.mtimedone) return 1;
1600. 	/* These affect the enemy only if you are still a monster */
1601. 	if (rn2(3)) switch(uasmon->mattk[0].adtyp) {
1602. 	    case AD_PLYS: /* Floating eye */
1603. 		if (!mtmp->mblinded && rn2(3)) {
1604. 		    if (Blind)
1605. 			pline("As a blind %s, you cannot defend yourself.",
1606. 							uasmon->mname);
1607. 		    else {
1608. 			pline("%s is frozen by your gaze!", Monnam(mtmp));
1609. 			mtmp->mfroz = 1;
1610. 		    }
1611. 		}
1612. 		break;
1613. 	    case AD_COLD: /* Brown mold or blue jelly */
1614. 		dam = d((int)uasmon->mlevel+1, (int)uasmon->mattk[0].damd);
1615. 		if(resists_cold(mdat)) {
1616.   		    shieldeff(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
1617. 		    kludge("%s is mildly chilly.", Monnam(mtmp));
1618. #ifdef GOLEMS
1619. 		    golemeffects(mtmp, AD_COLD, dam);
1620. #endif /* GOLEMS */
1621. 		    dam = 0;
1622. 		    break;
1623. 		}
1624. 		kludge("%s is suddenly very cold!", Monnam(mtmp));
1625. += dam / 2;
1626. 		if (u.mhmax < u.mhmax =;
1627. 		if (u.mhmax > ((uasmon->mlevel+1) * 8)) {
1628. 			register struct monst *mon;
1630. 			if (mon = cloneu()) {
1631. 			    mon->mhpmax = u.mhmax /= 2;
1632. 			    if (Blind)
1633. 				You("multiply from its heat!");
1634. 			    else
1635. 				You("multiply from %s's heat!", mon_nam(mtmp));
1636. 			}
1637. 		}
1638. 		break;
1639. 	    case AD_STUN: /* Yellow mold */
1640. 		if (!mtmp->mstun) {
1641. 		    mtmp->mstun = 1;
1642. 		    kludge("%s staggers...", Monnam(mtmp));
1643. 		}
1644. 		break;
1645. 	    case AD_FIRE: /* Red mold */
1646. 		dam = d((int)uasmon->mlevel+1, (int)uasmon->mattk[0].damd);
1647. 		if(resists_fire(mdat)) {
1648.   		    shieldeff(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
1649. 		    kludge("%s is mildly warm.", Monnam(mtmp));
1650. #ifdef GOLEMS
1651. 		    golemeffects(mtmp, AD_FIRE, dam);
1652. #endif /* GOLEMS */
1653. 		    dam = 0;
1654. 		    break;
1655. 		}
1656. 		kludge("%s is suddenly very hot!", Monnam(mtmp));
1657. 	}
1659. 	if((mtmp->mhp -= dam) <= 0) {
1660. 		kludge("%s dies!", Monnam(mtmp));
1661. 		xkilled(mtmp,0);
1662. 		return(2);
1663. 	}
1664. 	return 1;
1665. }
1667. #include "edog.h"
1668. struct monst *
1669. cloneu()
1670. {
1671. 	register struct monst *mon;
1672. 	register int nmlth = strlen(plname) + 1;
1674. 	if ( <= 1) return(struct monst *)0;
1675. 	uasmon->pxlth += sizeof(struct edog) + nmlth;
1676. 	mon = makemon(uasmon, u.ux,;
1677. 	uasmon->pxlth -= sizeof(struct edog) + nmlth;
1678. 	mon->mxlth = sizeof(struct edog);
1679. 	Strcpy(NAME(mon), plname);
1680. 	mon->mnamelth = nmlth;
1681. 	initedog(mon);
1682. 	mon->m_lev = uasmon->mlevel;
1683. 	mon->mhp = /= 2;
1684. 	mon->mhpmax = u.mhmax;
1685. 	return(mon);
1686. }
1687. #endif /* POLYSELF */