Source:NetHack 3.0.0/termcap.c

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Below is the full text to termcap.c from the source code of NetHack 3.0.0.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For newer releases, see Source code

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)termcap.c	3.0	88/11/20
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    #include <ctype.h>	/* for isdigit() */
7.    /* block some unused #defines to avoid overloading some cpp's */
8.    #define MONATTK_H
9.    #include "hack.h"	/* for ROWNO, COLNO, *HI, *HE, *AS, *AE */
11.   #if !defined(SYSV) || defined(TOS) || defined(UNIXPC)
12.   # ifndef LINT
13.   extern			/* it is defined in libtermlib (libtermcap) */
14.   # endif
15.   	short ospeed;	/* terminal baudrate; used by tputs */
16.   #else
17.   short	ospeed = 0;	/* gets around "not defined" error message */
18.   #endif
20.   static void nocmov();
21.   #ifdef MSDOSCOLOR
22.   static void init_hilite();
23.   #endif /* MSDOSCOLOR */
25.   static char tbuf[512];
26.   static char *HO, *CL, *CE, *UP, *CM, *ND, *XD, *BC, *SO, *SE, *TI, *TE;
27.   static char *VS, *VE, *US, *UE;
28.   static char *MR, *ME;
29.   #if 0
30.   static char *MB, *MD, *MH;
31.   #endif
32.   static int SG;
33.   static char PC = '\0';
35.   #if defined(MSDOS) && !defined(TERMLIB)
36.   static char tgotobuf[20];
37.   #ifdef TOS
38.   #define tgoto(fmt, x, y)	(Sprintf(tgotobuf, fmt, y+' ', x+' '), tgotobuf)
39.   #else
40.   #define tgoto(fmt, x, y)	(Sprintf(tgotobuf, fmt, y+1, x+1), tgotobuf)
41.   #endif
42.   #endif /* MSDOS /**/
44.   void
45.   startup()
46.   {
47.   #ifdef TOS
48.   	HO = "\033H";
49.   	CL = "\033E";		/* the VT52 termcap */
50.   	CE = "\033K";
51.   	UP = "\033A";
52.   	CM = "\033Y%c%c";	/* used with function tgoto() */
53.   	ND = "\033C";
54.   	XD = "\033B";
55.   	BC = "\033D";
56.   	SO = "\033p";
57.   	SE = "\033q";
58.   	HI = "\033p";
59.   	HE = "\033q";
60.   #else
61.   	register char *term;
62.   	register char *tptr;
63.   	char *tbufptr, *pc;
64.   	register int i;
66.   	tptr = (char *) alloc(1024);
68.   	tbufptr = tbuf;
69.   	if(!(term = getenv("TERM")))
70.   # ifdef ANSI_DEFAULT
71.   	{
72.   		HO = "\033[H";
73.   		CL = "\033[2J";		/* the ANSI termcap */
74.   /*		CD = "\033[J"; */
75.   		CE = "\033[K";
76.   		CM = "\033[%i%d;%dH";
77.   		UP = "\033[A";
78.   		ND = "\033[C";
79.   		XD = "\033[B";
80.   		BC = "\033[D";
81.   		HI = SO = "\033[1m";
82.   		US = "\033[4m";
83.   		TI = HE = SE = UE = "\033[0m";
84.   		/* strictly, SE should be 2, and UE should be 24,
85.   		   but we can't trust all ANSI emulators to be
86.   		   that complete.  -3. */
87.   		AS = "\016";
88.   		AE = "\017";
89.   		VS = VE = "";
90.   	} else {
91.   # else
92.   		error("Can't get TERM.");
93.   # endif
94.   	if(!strncmp(term, "5620", 4))
95.   		flags.nonull = 1;	/* this should be a termcap flag */
96.   	if(tgetent(tptr, term) < 1)
97.   		error("Unknown terminal type: %s.", term);
98.   	if(pc = tgetstr("pc", &tbufptr))
99.   		PC = *pc;
100.  #ifdef TERMINFO
101.  	if(!(BC = tgetstr("le", &tbufptr))) {	
102.  #else
103.  	if(!(BC = tgetstr("bc", &tbufptr))) {	
104.  #endif
105.  #if !defined(MINIMAL_TERM) && !defined(HISX)
106.  		if(!tgetflag("bs"))
107.  			error("Terminal must backspace.");
108.  #endif
109.  		BC = tbufptr;
110.  		tbufptr += 2;
111.  		*BC = '\b';
112.  	}
113.  #ifdef MINIMAL_TERM
114.  	HO = NULL;
115.  #else
116.  	HO = tgetstr("ho", &tbufptr);
117.  #endif
118.  	CO = tgetnum("co");
119.  	LI = tgetnum("li");
120.  	if(CO < COLNO || LI < ROWNO+2)
121.  		setclipped();
122.  	if(!(CL = tgetstr("cl", &tbufptr)))
123.  		error("Hack needs CL.");
124.  	ND = tgetstr("nd", &tbufptr);
125.  	if(tgetflag("os"))
126.  		error("Hack can't have OS.");
127.  	CE = tgetstr("ce", &tbufptr);
128.  	UP = tgetstr("up", &tbufptr);
129.  	/* It seems that xd is no longer supported, and we should use
130.  	   a linefeed instead; unfortunately this requires resetting
131.  	   CRMOD, and many output routines will have to be modified
132.  	   slightly. Let's leave that till the next release. */
133.  	XD = tgetstr("xd", &tbufptr);
134.  /* not: 		XD = tgetstr("do", &tbufptr); */
135.  	if(!(CM = tgetstr("cm", &tbufptr))) {
136.  		if(!UP && !HO)
137.  			error("Hack needs CM or UP or HO.");
138.  		Printf("Playing hack on terminals without cm is suspect...\n");
139.  		getret();
140.  	}
141.  	SO = tgetstr("so", &tbufptr);
142.  	SE = tgetstr("se", &tbufptr);
143.  	US = tgetstr("us", &tbufptr);
144.  	UE = tgetstr("ue", &tbufptr);
145.  	SG = tgetnum("sg");	/* -1: not fnd; else # of spaces left by so */
146.  	if(!SO || !SE || (SG > 0)) SO = SE = US = UE = "";
147.  	TI = tgetstr("ti", &tbufptr);
148.  	TE = tgetstr("te", &tbufptr);
149.  	VS = VE = "";
150.  #if 0
151.  	MB = tgetstr("mb", &tbufptr);	/* blink */
152.  	MD = tgetstr("md", &tbufptr);	/* boldface */
153.  	MH = tgetstr("mh", &tbufptr);	/* dim */
154.  #endif
155.  	MR = tgetstr("mr", &tbufptr);	/* reverse */
156.  	ME = tgetstr("me", &tbufptr);
158.  	/* Get rid of padding numbers for HI and HE.  Hope they
159.  	 * aren't really needed!!!  HI and HE are ouputted to the
160.  	 * pager as a string - so how can you send it NULLS???
161.  	 *  -jsb
162.  	 */
163.  	    HI = (char *) alloc((unsigned)(strlen(SO)+1));
164.  	    HE = (char *) alloc((unsigned)(strlen(SE)+1));
165.  	    i = 0;
166.  	    while(isdigit(SO[i])) i++;
167.  	    Strcpy(HI, &SO[i]);
168.  	    i = 0;
169.  	    while(isdigit(SE[i])) i++;
170.  	    Strcpy(HE, &SE[i]);
171.  	AS = tgetstr("as", &tbufptr);
172.  	AE = tgetstr("ae", &tbufptr);
173.  	CD = tgetstr("cd", &tbufptr);
174.  # ifdef ANSI_DEFAULT
175.  	}
176.  # endif
177.  	set_whole_screen();		/* uses LI and CD */
178.  	if(tbufptr-tbuf > sizeof(tbuf)) error("TERMCAP entry too big...\n");
179.  	free((genericptr_t)tptr);
180.  #ifdef MSDOSCOLOR
181.  	init_hilite();
182.  #endif
183.  #endif /* TOS /* */
184.  }
186.  void
187.  start_screen()
188.  {
189.  	xputs(TI);
190.  	xputs(VS);
191.  #ifdef DECRAINBOW
192.  	/* Select normal ASCII and line drawing character sets.
193.  	 */
194.  	if (flags.DECRainbow) {
195.  		xputs("\033(B\033)0");
196.  		if (!AS) {
197.  			AS = "\016";
198.  			AE = "\017";
199.  		}
200.  	}
201.  #endif /* DECRAINBOW */
202.  }
204.  void
205.  end_screen()
206.  {
207.  	clear_screen();
208.  	xputs(VE);
209.  	xputs(TE);
210.  }
212.  /* Cursor movements */
214.  void
215.  curs(x, y)
216.  register int x, y;	/* not xchar: perhaps xchar is unsigned and
217.  			   curx-x would be unsigned as well */
218.  {
220.  	if (y == cury && x == curx)
221.  		return;
222.  	if(!ND && (curx != x || x <= 3)) {	/* Extremely primitive */
223.  		cmov(x, y);			/* bunker!wtm */
224.  		return;
225.  	}
226.  	if(abs(cury-y) <= 3 && abs(curx-x) <= 3)
227.  		nocmov(x, y);
228.  	else if((x <= 3 && abs(cury-y)<= 3) || (!CM && x<abs(curx-x))) {
229.  		(void) putchar('\r');
230.  		curx = 1;
231.  		nocmov(x, y);
232.  	} else if(!CM) {
233.  		nocmov(x, y);
234.  	} else
235.  		cmov(x, y);
236.  }
238.  static void
239.  nocmov(x, y)
240.  {
241.  	if (cury > y) {
242.  		if(UP) {
243.  			while (cury > y) {	/* Go up. */
244.  				xputs(UP);
245.  				cury--;
246.  			}
247.  		} else if(CM) {
248.  			cmov(x, y);
249.  		} else if(HO) {
250.  			home();
251.  			curs(x, y);
252.  		} /* else impossible("..."); */
253.  	} else if (cury < y) {
254.  		if(XD) {
255.  			while(cury < y) {
256.  				xputs(XD);
257.  				cury++;
258.  			}
259.  		} else if(CM) {
260.  			cmov(x, y);
261.  		} else {
262.  			while(cury < y) {
263.  				xputc('\n');
264.  				curx = 1;
265.  				cury++;
266.  			}
267.  		}
268.  	}
269.  	if (curx < x) {		/* Go to the right. */
270.  		if(!ND) cmov(x, y); else	/* bah */
271.  			/* should instead print what is there already */
272.  		while (curx < x) {
273.  			xputs(ND);
274.  			curx++;
275.  		}
276.  	} else if (curx > x) {
277.  		while (curx > x) {	/* Go to the left. */
278.  			xputs(BC);
279.  			curx--;
280.  		}
281.  	}
282.  }
284.  void
285.  cmov(x, y)
286.  register int x, y;
287.  {
288.  	xputs(tgoto(CM, x-1, y-1));
289.  	cury = y;
290.  	curx = x;
291.  }
293.  void
294.  xputc(c)
295.  char c;
296.  {
297.  	(void) fputc(c, stdout);
298.  }
300.  void
301.  xputs(s)
302.  char *s;
303.  {
304.  #if defined(MSDOS) && !defined(TERMLIB)
305.  	(void) fputs(s, stdout);
306.  #else
307.  # ifdef __STDC__
308.  	tputs(s, 1, (int (*)())xputc);
309.  # else
310.  	tputs(s, 1, xputc);
311.  # endif
312.  #endif
313.  }
315.  void
316.  cl_end() {
317.  	if(CE)
318.  		xputs(CE);
319.  	else {	/* no-CE fix - free after Harold Rynes */
320.  		/* this looks terrible, especially on a slow terminal
321.  		   but is better than nothing */
322.  		register int cx = curx, cy = cury;
324.  		while(curx < COLNO) {
325.  			xputc(' ');
326.  			curx++;
327.  		}
328.  		curs(cx, cy);
329.  	}
330.  }
332.  void
333.  clear_screen() {
334.  	xputs(CL);
335.  	home();
336.  }
338.  void
339.  home()
340.  {
341.  	if(HO)
342.  		xputs(HO);
343.  	else if(CM)
344.  		xputs(tgoto(CM, 0, 0));
345.  	else
346.  		curs(1, 1);	/* using UP ... */
347.  	curx = cury = 1;
348.  }
350.  void
351.  standoutbeg()
352.  {
353.  	if(SO) xputs(SO);
354.  }
356.  void
357.  standoutend()
358.  {
359.  	if(SE) xputs(SE);
360.  }
362.  void
363.  revbeg()
364.  {
365.  	if(MR) xputs(MR);
366.  }
368.  #if 0	/* if you need one of these, uncomment it (here and in extern.h) */
369.  void
370.  boldbeg()
371.  {
372.  	if(MD) xputs(MD);
373.  }
375.  void
376.  blinkbeg()
377.  {
378.  	if(MB) xputs(MB);
379.  }
381.  void
382.  dimbeg()
383.  /* not in most termcap entries */
384.  {
385.  	if(MH) xputs(MH);
386.  }
387.  #endif
389.  void
390.  m_end()
391.  {
392.  	if(ME) xputs(ME);
393.  }
395.  void
396.  backsp()
397.  {
398.  	xputs(BC);
399.  }
401.  void
402.  bell()
403.  {
404.  	if (flags.silent) return;
405.  	(void) putchar('\007');		/* curx does not change */
406.  	(void) fflush(stdout);
407.  }
409.  void
410.  graph_on() {
411.  	if (AS) xputs(AS);
412.  }
414.  void
415.  graph_off() {
416.  	if (AE) xputs(AE);
417.  }
419.  #ifndef MSDOS
420.  static const short tmspc10[] = {		/* from termcap */
421.  	0, 2000, 1333, 909, 743, 666, 500, 333, 166, 83, 55, 41, 20, 10, 5
422.  };
423.  #endif
425.  void
426.  delay_output() {
427.  	/* delay 50 ms - could also use a 'nap'-system call */
428.  	/* BUG: if the padding character is visible, as it is on the 5620
429.  	   then this looks terrible. */
430.  #ifdef MSDOS
431.  	/* simulate the delay with "cursor here" */
432.  	register int i;
433.  	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
434.  		cmov(curx, cury);
435.  		(void) fflush(stdout);
436.  	}
437.  #else /* MSDOS /**/
438.  	if(!flags.nonull)
439.  #ifdef TERMINFO
440.  		/* cbosgd!cbcephus!pds for SYS V R2 */
441.  # ifdef __STDC__
442.  		tputs("$<50>", 1, (int (*)())xputc);
443.  # else
444.  		tputs("$<50>", 1, xputc);
445.  # endif
446.  #else
447.  		tputs("50", 1, xputs);
448.  #endif
450.  	else if(ospeed > 0 || ospeed < SIZE(tmspc10)) if(CM) {
451.  		/* delay by sending cm(here) an appropriate number of times */
452.  		register int cmlen = strlen(tgoto(CM, curx-1, cury-1));
453.  		register int i = 500 + tmspc10[ospeed]/2;
455.  		while(i > 0) {
456.  			cmov(curx, cury);
457.  			i -= cmlen*tmspc10[ospeed];
458.  		}
459.  	}
460.  #endif /* MSDOS /**/
461.  }
463.  void
464.  cl_eos()			/* free after Robert Viduya */
465.  {				/* must only be called with curx = 1 */
467.  	if(CD)
468.  		xputs(CD);
469.  	else {
470.  		register int cx = curx, cy = cury;
471.  		while(cury <= LI-2) {
472.  			cl_end();
473.  			xputc('\n');
474.  			curx = 1;
475.  			cury++;
476.  		}
477.  		cl_end();
478.  		curs(cx, cy);
479.  	}
480.  }
482.  #ifdef MSDOSCOLOR
483.  /* Sets up highlighting, using ANSI escape sequences, for monsters,
484.   * objects, and gold (highlight code found in pri.c).
485.   * The termcap entry for HI (from SO) is scanned to find the background 
486.   * color. If everything is OK, monsters are displayed in the color
487.   * used to define HILITE_MONSTER, objects are displayed in the color
488.   * used to define HILITE_OBJECT, and gold is displayed in the color
489.   * used to define HILITE_GOLD. -3. */
491.  #define ESC		0x1b
492.  #define NONE		0
493.  #define HIGH_INTENSITY	1
494.  #define BLACK		0
495.  #define RED		1
496.  #define GREEN		2
497.  #define YELLOW		3
498.  #define BLUE		4
499.  #define MAGENTA		5
500.  #define CYAN		6
501.  #define WHITE		7
505.  static void
506.  init_hilite()
507.  {
508.  	int backg = BLACK, foreg = WHITE, len;
509.  	register int c, color;
513.  	/* find the background color, HI[len] == 'm' */
514.  	len = strlen(HI) - 1;
516.  	if (HI[len] != 'm' || len < 3) return;
518.  	c = 2;
519.  	while (c < len) {
520.  	    if ((color = atoi(&HI[c])) == 0) {
521.  		/* this also catches errors */
522.  		foreg = WHITE; backg = BLACK;
523.  	    } else if (color >= 30 && color <= 37) {
524.  		foreg = color - 30;
525.  	    } else if (color >= 40 && color <= 47) {
526.  		backg = color - 40;
527.  	    }
528.  	    while (isdigit(HI[++c]));
529.  	    c++;
530.  	}
532.  	/* avoid invisibility */
533.  	if (foreg != RED && backg != RED) {
534.  	    HI_RED = (char *) alloc(sizeof("E[0;33;44;54m"));
535.  	    Sprintf(HI_RED, "%c[%d;3%d;4%dm", ESC, HILITE_ATTRIB,
536.  		    RED, backg);
537.  	}
539.  	if (foreg != YELLOW && backg != YELLOW) {
540.  	    HI_YELLOW = (char *) alloc(sizeof("E[0;33;44;54m"));
541.  	    Sprintf(HI_YELLOW, "%c[%d;3%d;4%dm", ESC, HILITE_ATTRIB,
542.  		    YELLOW, backg);
543.  	}
545.  	if (foreg != GREEN && backg != GREEN) {
546.  	    HI_GREEN = (char *) alloc(sizeof("E[0;33;44;54m"));
547.  	    Sprintf(HI_GREEN, "%c[%d;3%d;4%dm", ESC, HILITE_ATTRIB,
548.  		    GREEN, backg);
549.  	}
551.  	if (foreg != BLUE && backg != BLUE) {
552.  	    HI_BLUE = (char *) alloc(sizeof("E[0;33;44;54m"));
553.  	    Sprintf(HI_BLUE, "%c[%d;3%d;4%dm", ESC, HILITE_ATTRIB,
554.  		    BLUE, backg);
555.  	}
557.  	if (foreg != WHITE && backg != WHITE) {
558.  	    HI_WHITE = (char *) alloc(sizeof("E[0;33;44;54m"));
559.  	    Sprintf(HI_WHITE, "%c[%d;3%d;4%dm", ESC, HILITE_ATTRIB,
560.  		    WHITE, backg);
561.  	}
562.  }
564.  #endif