Elvish Racial quest

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The Elvish Racial Quest is a revival of the defunct Elf quest. It sees the elvish PC challenge The Necromancer for the Palantir of Westernesse.


Home level


Upper filler level(s)

This level is a Mines-style forest level.

Locate level

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Lower filler level(s)

This level is a Mines-style level.

Goal level

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The original elf quest appears to have been set in the last days of the First Age of the Sun and the Moon (since the Quest Leaders are Earendil and Elwing, who only lived on Earth during that time), and featured a nondescript Goblin King as the nemesis. This version of the quest is set during the Third Age, roughly concurrent with the Hobbit. Galadriel and Celeborn are the quest leaders, and the nemesis is Sauron in his guise of the Necromancer. The Quest changes history, as the Elvish PC recovers Sauron's Palantir, which would prevent him from using it as his Eye, and from corrupting Denethor and making a treaty with Saruman.

The locate level of this quest, the Drider Caves, is reused in the Drow Racial Quest and the Hedrow Racial Quest with different up- and down-stair positions; suggesting that Dol Guldur, the Grove of Eilistraee, and Firestorm Peak are all in the same world, and relatively close by one-another.

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