Killer bee

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Name Killer bee
Appearance random
Base price {{{cost}}} zm
Weight 3
Probability out of rings 3.57%
Probability out of items in:
containers Rogue level Gehennom Elsewhere
0.179% 0.179% 0.286% 0.107%

A killer bee, a, is a monster which is usually generated in large groups. They tend to be faster than you, so they can get more than one sting in each turn. Sometimes their sting is poisoned, which can kill you if you are not resistant.


Killer bees are fast, but weak. A medium-level character with a good chance to hit can often finish them off in one hit. This works best if you fight them in corridors where only one can sting you at a time. For low-level, slow, burdened or non-poison-resistant characters, discretion is the better part of valor. Have an escape route handy if you find yourself suddenly surrounded by these little nasties.

Although killer bee corpses are poisonous, they offer a high chance (30%) of granting poison resistance, which you might like to take advantage of if you have a temporary source of poison resistance like an amulet versus poison or a ring of poison resistance.

See also

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