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Revision as of 12:22, 14 September 2017 by FIQ (talk | contribs) (Player monsters and conflict)
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Below is a list of messages sent to the DevTeam for anyone interested, starting from August 28th.

Rogue starting inventory -- "+9" lockpicks

(Fixed in 06d211f75c76a69dcb29e5c5a7c2c10f63cc7d4d)

Hi. Rogues seem to start with a lockpick with the spe 9. Why is that? Is it for historical reason (was introduced with 3.3.1 [wiki note: incorrect, it was introduced in 3.0] it seems), or was it just a typo?


Wand of teleportation quirks in muse

(Fixed in 8d1e0d17565ca7567cd6c75565a3e5c6e87f8db1)

Hi. While backporting a FIQhack change into a bilious patch for 3.6.0, I reordered some of the musables (as part of the patch). Notably, MUSE_WAN_TELEPORTATION was changed to 13 from 15. The source didn't like this; this made MUSE_FIRE_HORN and MUSE_WAN_TELEPORTATION the same value which interfered in using offensive items. The MUSE_WAN_TELEPORTATION entry should probably be removed from m.has_offensive, because it can't actually be reached.

Another alternative is to combine the "enums" into a single one, to prevent cases like this, so that you can use one item for several cases.


Monks and martial arts


Below is what you submitted to The_DevTeam on Wednesday, August 30, 2017 at 12:09:36 The ID number for this message is '#H5955'

mailversion: master:1.57

nhversion: 3.6.0

nhfrom: Our git repository - please list branch and ref below

hardware: Desktop 64bit computer

software: 30aea05f47073bec06127af3d33f7d851ab2fc60

comments: A lot of players end up using weapons when playing Monks eventually due to their comparably weak martial arts (despite the bonuses). To improve their martial arts, I suggest making the enchantment of your gloves matter if fighting bare-handed, at least if doing so with martial arts with Gauntlets of Power.

Lycanthropy and polymorph control

(Fixed in 5710944258a683ad5219d262ea055ac9a41f0571)

Below is what you submitted to The_DevTeam on Tuesday, September 5, 2017 at 11:55:44 The ID number for this message is '#H5990'

mailversion: master:1.58

nhversion: 3.6.0

nhfrom: Our git repository - please list branch and ref below

hardware: Linux x64 desktop

software: 056ac5fe6428f56b855e78090a2485dc7f2d0687

comments: Lycanthropy prompts are very sudden, and answering y can potentially destroy armor (werewolf lycanthropy). So it should be possible to set up paranoid for that prompt.

Github PRs + 3.6.0 statuscolors

Below is what you submitted to The_DevTeam on Thursday, September 7, 2017 at 21:17:49 The ID number for this message is '#H6006'

mailversion: master:1.58

nhversion: 3.6.0

nhfrom: Our git repository - please list branch and ref below

hardware: Linux x64 computer

software: 70ac8a12af0957844d8078df80f7e227e3ff69b7

comments: Hi. I don't know how frequently (if at all?) you follow the GitHub pull request list for your GitHub mirror at . There's plenty of PRs there that should be noncontroversial (bug fixes/similar) where merging should be straightforward.

As for more complex/potentially controversial changes, I'd like to bring special attention to:

 - attack_mode to enhance safe_pet/confirm for various styles of play, 
 - colored walls, 

Also, I'm not sure if you've seen this bilious patch (also by tungtn). It's basically a rework of the 3.4.3 statuscolors patch, adapted to be more windowport-agnostic (which I think was the merit behind not porting said patch as part of 3.6.0), and contains all of the added configurability that you got with status_highlights (attribute gain/loss highlighting comes to mind), and would likely be very welcomed by the community.

The patch can be found at:

Sorry if this comes off as redundant or intrusive. I just wanted to remind you about these community enhancements, in case you wasn't aware of them.


Conflict and player monsters

Below is what you submitted to The_DevTeam on Thursday, September 14, 2017 at 08:20:10 The ID number for this message is '#H6051'

mailversion: master:1.58

nhversion: 3.6.0

nhfrom: Our git repository - please list branch and ref below

hardware: Linux x64 desktop

software: cd8f0283529f6d66b01547f821cc67ff78d971e2

comments: Player monsters are flavoured as basically being other advanturing players. Chatting with them even implies they are players. As such, they should ignore conflict, since conflict has no effect on players (for obvious reasons).

There's also other things that could be done for enhanced symmetry (delayed stoning, skills, casting player spells...) but they're not nearly as easy (and noncontroversial) to change.