Boomerang Boulders
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This is one of the new possible maps for Sokoban Level 1 in Nethack Fourk and Level 2 in Hack'EM. It has 12 boulders and 10 holes, leaving 2 spare boulders.
---- 0 boulder ---------..--- ^ hole |.0.0....0...--- > starting position/downstairs |.......|0..0..| < upstairs ---------|....0.| + door |.^^^^^^<|...0..| ? scroll of earth |.^------|-.----- --^^^.0..|.0...| |??|0.>....00.| ---|....|.....| ------------
All boulders are replaced by letters so they can be referred to. Moving the boulders is shortened to r for right, l for left, u for up, d for down. An asterisk is used to denote the last move filled a pit (and thus removed the boulder from the game). So "N ddrr*" means move boulder N two times down and two times to the right into a pit.
---- A ll* ---------..--- B ull* |.L.K....J...--- C uuud ddd |.......|I..H..| D u ---------|....G.| C llll llul ll* |.^^^^^^<|...F..| E llll llll ulll u* |.^------|-.----- D luuu dddd llll llul lluu* --^^^.A..|.C...| |..|B.>....DE.| ---|....|.....| ------------
---- H d ---------..--- F lldd dlll lllu lllu ur* |.L.K....J...--- H dlld ddll llll ulll uurr* |.......|I..H..| G dlll dddl llll lull luur rr* ---------|....G.| |..^^^^^<|...F..| |..------|-.----- --.......|.....| |..|..>.......| ---|....|.....| ------------
---- J lllr rrrd dddd dlll lllu lllu urrr r* ---------..--- I ulll rrrr dddd ddll llll ulll uurr rr* |.L.K....J...--- |.......|I.....| ---------|......| |.....^^<|......| |..------|-.----- --.......|.....| |..|..>.......| ---|....|.....| ------------