Book of the Dead

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+ Papyrus spellbook.png
Name Book of the Dead
Appearance papyrus spellbook
Base price 10000 zm
Weight 20

The Book of the Dead is a unique item you retrieve from the Wizard of Yendor in his tower. It is one of the items needed for the invocation. It is a papyrus spellbook when unidentified.

Reading the Book

The Book's effects depend on whether you are standing on the vibrating square (i.e. you are trying to perform the ritual).[1]

On the vibrating square

If you have correctly prepared all the invocation items, you perform the invocation ritual. Otherwise, you get one of the following failure effects:

  • If the Book is cursed, nothing happens.[2]
    • "The runes appear scrambled. You can't read them!"
  • If you lack either the Bell of Opening or the Candelabrum of Invocation, nothing happens ("A chill runs down your spine."), and you get a clue:[3]
    • "You hear a faint chime..." (without Bell)
    • "Vlad's doppelganger is amused." (without Candelabrum)
  • If either the Bell or Candelabrum is cursed, nothing happens.[4]
    • "The invocation fails!"/"At least one of your artifacts is cursed..."
  • If the Bell has not been rung recently, or the Candelabrum is not fully lit, you raise the dead.[5]
    • "You have a feeling that something is amiss..."/"You raised the dead!"

Not on the vibrating square

  • If the Book is uncursed, there is no effect, and you get a random message:[7]
    • "Your ancestors are annoyed with you!"
    • "The headstones in the cemetery begin to move!"
    • "Oh my! Your name appears in the book!"

Raising the dead

If you fail to prepare the invocation items, or read a cursed Book of the Dead when not on the vibrating square, you will raise the dead. This has the following effects:[9]

  • There is a 1/3 chance of summoning a hostile master lich. (If master liches cannot be created, a nalfeshnee will be summoned instead.)
  • A number of undead creatures will be created around you.
  • When carried by you, corpses will be revived and eggs will be rejuvenated.
  • The level becomes a graveyard level, meaning that undead are less likely to leave corpses.
