Source:NetHack 2.3e/you.h

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Below is the full text to you.h from the source code of NetHack 2.3e.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For newer releases, see Source code

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1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)you.h	2.3	87/12/12
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
4.    #ifndef YOU_H
5.    #define YOU_H
7.    #include "config.h"
8.    #include "onames.h"
9.    #include "permonst.h"
11.   struct prop {
13.   #define	TIMEOUT		007777	/* mask */
14.   #define	LEFT_RING	W_RINGL	/* 010000L */
15.   #define	RIGHT_RING	W_RINGR	/* 020000L */
16.   #define	INTRINSIC	040000L
17.   #define	LEFT_SIDE	LEFT_RING
21.   	long p_flgs;
22.   	int (*p_tofn)();	/* called after timeout */
23.   };
25.   struct you {
26.   	xchar ux, uy;
27.   	schar dx, dy, dz;	/* direction of move (or zap or ... ) */
28.   	schar di;		/* direction of FF */
29.   	xchar ux0, uy0;		/* initial position FF */
30.   	xchar udisx, udisy;	/* last display pos */
31.   	char usym;		/* usually '@' */
32.   	schar uluck;
33.   #define	LUCKMAX		10	/* on moonlit nights 11 */
34.   #define	LUCKMIN		(-10)
35.   	int last_str_turn;	/* 0: none, 1: half turn, 2: full turn */
36.   				/* +: turn right, -: turn left */
37.   	unsigned udispl;	/* @ on display */
38.   	unsigned ulevel;	/* 1 - 14 */
39.   #ifdef QUEST
40.   	unsigned uhorizon;
41.   #endif
42.   	unsigned utrap;		/* trap timeout */
43.   	unsigned utraptype;	/* defined if utrap nonzero */
44.   #define	TT_BEARTRAP	0
45.   #define	TT_PIT		1
46.   #ifdef SPIDERS
47.   #define	TT_WEB		2
48.   #endif
49.   	unsigned uinshop;	/* used only in shk.c - (roomno+1) of shop */
51.   /* perhaps these #define's should also be generated by makedefs */
52.   #define	TELEPAT		LAST_RING		/* not a ring */
53.   #define	HTelepat	u.uprops[TELEPAT].p_flgs
54.   #define	Telepat		((HTelepat) || (u.usym == 'E'))
55.   #define	FAST		(LAST_RING+1)		/* not a ring */
56.   #define	Fast		u.uprops[FAST].p_flgs
57.   #define	CONFUSION	(LAST_RING+2)		/* not a ring */
58.   #define	HConfusion	u.uprops[CONFUSION].p_flgs
59.   #define Confusion	((HConfusion) || index("BIy", u.usym))
60.   #define	INVIS		(LAST_RING+3)		/* not a ring */
61.   #define	HInvis		u.uprops[INVIS].p_flgs
62.   #define Invis		((HInvis) || u.usym == 'I')
63.   #define Invisible	(Invis && !See_invisible)
64.   #define	GLIB		(LAST_RING+4)		/* not a ring */
65.   #define	Glib		u.uprops[GLIB].p_flgs
66.   #define	PUNISHED	(LAST_RING+5)		/* not a ring */
67.   #define	Punished	u.uprops[PUNISHED].p_flgs
68.   #define	SICK		(LAST_RING+6)		/* not a ring */
69.   #define	Sick		u.uprops[SICK].p_flgs
70.   #define	BLINDED		(LAST_RING+7)		/* not a ring */
71.   #define	Blinded		u.uprops[BLINDED].p_flgs
72.   #define	WOUNDED_LEGS	(LAST_RING+8)		/* not a ring */
73.   #define Wounded_legs	u.uprops[WOUNDED_LEGS].p_flgs
74.   #define STONED		(LAST_RING+9)		/* not a ring */
75.   #define Stoned		u.uprops[STONED].p_flgs
76.   #define HALLUCINATION	(LAST_RING+10)		/* not a ring */
77.   #define Hallucination	u.uprops[HALLUCINATION].p_flgs
78.   #define	BLINDFOLDED	(LAST_RING+11)		/* not a ring */
79.   #define	Blindfolded	u.uprops[BLINDFOLDED].p_flgs
80.   #define Blind		(Blinded || Blindfolded)
81.   #define	BADGED		(LAST_RING+12)		/* not a ring */
82.   #define	Badged		u.uprops[BADGED].p_flgs
83.   #define LAST_PROP	(BADGED)		/* the last property */
84.   #define PROP(x) (x-RIN_ADORNMENT)       /* convert ring to index in uprops */
85.   	struct prop uprops[LAST_PROP+1];
87.   	unsigned umconf;
88.   	char *usick_cause;
89.   	int mh, mhmax, mtimedone, umonnum;	/* for polymorph-self */
90.   	schar mstr, mstrmax;			/* for saving ustr/ustrmax */
91.   #if defined(KOPS) && defined(KAA)
92.   	unsigned ucreamed;
93.   #endif
94.   	unsigned uswallow;		/* set if swallowed by a monster */
95.   	unsigned uswldtim;		/* time you have been swallowed */
96.   	unsigned uhs;			/* hunger state - see */
97.   #ifdef HARD
98.   	unsigned udemigod;		/* once you kill the wiz */
99.   	unsigned udg_cnt;		/* how long you have been demigod */
100.  #endif
101.  #ifdef RPH
102.  	int medusa_level;		/* level of wiz and medusa */
103.  	int wiz_level;
104.  #endif
105.  #ifdef STOOGES
106.  	int stooge_level;
107.  #endif
108.  	schar ustr,ustrmax;
109.  	schar udaminc;
110.  	schar uac;
111.  	int uhp,uhpmax;
112.  #ifdef SPELLS
113.  	int uen,uenmax;			/* magical energy - M. Stephenson */
114.  #endif
115.  #ifdef PRAYERS
116.  	int ugangr;			/* if the gods are angry at you */
117.  	int ublessed,ublesscnt;		/* blessing/duration from #pray */
118.  #endif
119.  	long int ugold,ugold0,uexp,urexp;
120.  	int uhunger;			/* refd only in eat.c and shk.c */
121.  	int uinvault;
122.  	struct monst *ustuck;
123.  	int nr_killed[CMNUM+2];		/* used for experience bookkeeping */
124.  };
126.  #endif /* YOU_H /**/