Source:SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2/gypsy.c

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Below is the full text to gypsy.c from the source code of SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2. To link to a particular line, write [[Source:SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2/gypsy.c#line123]], for example.

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*** gypsy.c ***/
3.    #include "hack.h"
4.    #include "egyp.h"
5.    #include "qtext.h"
8.    /* To do:
9.     *	fortune_lev()
10.    *	Fourtunes for suited cards
11.    *	On-line help
12.    */
15.   /*** Money-related functions ***/
17.   static void
18.   gypsy_charge (mtmp, amount)
19.   	struct monst *mtmp;
20.   	long amount;
21.   {
22.   #ifdef GOLDOBJ
23.   	struct obj *gypgold;
24.   #endif
26.   	/* Take from credit first */
27.   	if (amount > EGYP(mtmp)->credit) {
28.   		/* Do in several steps, for broken compilers */
29.   		amount -= EGYP(mtmp)->credit;
30.   		EGYP(mtmp)->credit = 0;
31.   #ifdef GOLDOBJ
32.   		money2mon(mtmp, amount);
33.   #else
34.   		u.ugold -= amount;
35.   #endif
36.   		flags.botl = 1;
37.   	} else
38.   		EGYP(mtmp)->credit -= amount;
40.   	/* The gypsy never carries cash; it might get stolen! */
41.   #ifdef GOLDOBJ
42.   	gypgold = findgold(mtmp->minvent);
43.   	if (gypgold)
44.   		m_useup(mtmp, gypgold);
45.   #endif
46.   	return;
47.   }
49.   static boolean
50.   gypsy_offer (mtmp, cost, txt)
51.   	struct monst *mtmp;
52.   	long cost;
53.   	char *txt;
54.   {
55.   #ifdef GOLDOBJ
56.   	long umoney;
57.   	umoney = money_cnt(invent);
58.   #endif
59.   	verbalize("For %ld credit I will %s!", cost, txt);
60.   	if (EGYP(mtmp)->credit >= cost) {
61.   		if (yn("Accept this offer?") == 'y') {
62.   			EGYP(mtmp)->credit -= cost;
63.   			return (TRUE);
64.   		}
65.   #ifndef GOLDOBJ
66.   	} else if (EGYP(mtmp)->credit + u.ugold >= cost)
67.   		verbalize("What a pity that I can't accept gold!");
68.   #else
69.   	} else if (EGYP(mtmp)->credit + umoney >= cost)
70.   		verbalize("What a pity that I can't accept money!");
71.   #endif
72.   		/* Maybe you could try gambling some of it for credit... */
73.   	else
74.   		verbalize("What a pity that you don't have enough!");
75.   	return (FALSE);
76.   }
78.   static long
79.   gypsy_bet (mtmp, minimum)
80.   	struct monst *mtmp;
81.   	long minimum;
82.   {
83.   	char prompt[BUFSZ], buf[BUFSZ];
84.   	long bet = 0L;
85.   #ifdef GOLDOBJ
86.   	long umoney;
87.   	umoney = money_cnt(invent);
88.   #endif
90.   	if (minimum > EGYP(mtmp)->credit + 
91.   #ifndef GOLDOBJ
92.   													u.ugold) {
93.   #else
94.    													umoney) {		
95.   #endif
96.   		You("don't have enough money for the minimum bet.");
97.   		return (0L);
98.   	}
100.  	/* Prompt for an amount */
101.  	Sprintf(prompt, "Bet how much (%ld to %ld)?", minimum,
102.  			EGYP(mtmp)->credit + 
103.  #ifndef GOLDOBJ
104.  													u.ugold);
105.  #else
106.  													umoney);													
107.  #endif
108.  	getlin(prompt, buf);
109.  	(void) sscanf(buf, "%ld", &bet);
111.  	/* Validate the amount */
112.  	if (bet == 0L) {
113.  		pline("Never mind.");
114.  		return (0L);
115.  	}
116.  	if (bet < minimum) {
117.  		You("must bet at least %ld.", minimum);
118.  		return (0L);
119.  	}
120.  	if (bet > EGYP(mtmp)->credit +
121.  #ifndef GOLDOBJ
122.  								u.ugold) {
123.  #else
124.  								umoney) {												
125.  #endif
126.  		You("don't have that much money to bet!");
127.  		return (0L);
128.  	}
129.  	return (bet);
130.  }
133.  /*** Card-related functions ***/
135.  static const char *suits[CARD_SUITS] =
136.  { "swords", "wands",     "shields",  "rings" };          /* Special */
137.  /* swords    wands/rods  roses/cups  pentacles/disks/coins  Tarot */
138.  /* spade     bastoni     coppe       denari                 Italian */
139.  /* swords    batons      cups        coins                  (translated) */
140.  /* spades    clubs       hearts      diamonds               French */
143.  static const char *ranks[CARD_RANKS] =
144.  { "ace", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10",
145.     /*none*/       "jack",       "queen", "king" }; /* French */
146.  /* page/princess  knight/prince  queen    king        Tarot */
149.  static const char *trumps[CARD_TRUMPS] =
150.  {	"the Fool",               /* This is NOT a Joker */
151.  	"the Magician",           /* same as the Magus */
152.  	"the High Priestess",     /* sometimes placed after the Emperor */
153.  #if 0
154.  	"the Empress",            /* not included here */
155.  	"the Emperor",            /* not included here */
156.  #endif
157.  	"the Oracle",             /* same as the Hierophant */
158.  	"the Lovers",
159.  	"the Chariot",
160.  	"Strength",               /* sometimes Adjustment */
161.  	"the Hermit",
162.  	"the Wheel of Fortune",   /* sometimes Fortune */
163.  	"Justice",                /* sometimes Lust */
164.  	"Punishment",             /* replaces the Hanged Man */
165.  	"the Devil",              /* normally #15 */
166.  	"Sorcery",                /* replaces Art or Temperance */
167.  	"Death",                  /* swapped with the Devil so it remains #13 */
168.  	"the Tower",              /* really! */
169.  	"the Star",
170.  	"the Moon",
171.  	"the Sun",
172.  	"Judgement",              /* sometimes Aeon */
173.  	"Infinity"                /* replaces the World or the Universe */
174.  };
177.  static void
178.  card_shuffle (mtmp)
179.  	struct monst *mtmp;
180.  {
181.  	xchar *cards = &EGYP(mtmp)->cards[0];
182.  	int i, j, k;
185.  	pline("%s shuffles the cards.", Monnam(mtmp));
186.  	for (i = 0; i < CARD_TOTAL; i++)
187.  		/* Initialize the value */
188.  		cards[i] = i;
189.  	for (i = 0; i < CARD_TOTAL; i++) {
190.  		/* Swap this value with another randomly chosen one */
191.  		j = rn2(CARD_TOTAL);
192.  		k = cards[j];
193.  		cards[j] = cards[i];
194.  		cards[i] = k;
195.  	}
196.  	EGYP(mtmp)->top = CARD_TOTAL;
197.  }
199.  static xchar
200.  card_draw (mtmp)
201.  	struct monst *mtmp;
202.  {
203.  	if (EGYP(mtmp)->top <= 0)
204.  		/* The deck is empty */
205.  		return (-1);
206.  	return (EGYP(mtmp)->cards[--EGYP(mtmp)->top]);
207.  }
209.  static void
210.  card_name (num, buf)
211.  	xchar num;
212.  	char *buf;
213.  {
214.  	int r, s;
217.  	if (!buf) return;
218.  	if (Hallucination) num = rn2(CARD_TOTAL);
219.  	if (num < 0 || num >= CARD_TOTAL) {
220.  		/* Invalid card */
221.  		impossible("no such card %d", num);
222.  		Strcpy(buf, "a card");
223.  	} else if (card_istrump(num)) {
224.  		/* Handle trump cards */
225.  		r = card_trump(num);
226.  		if (!r)
227.  			Sprintf(buf, "the zero of trumps (%s)", trumps[r]);
228.  		else
229.  			Sprintf(buf, "the %d of trumps (%s)", r, trumps[r]);
230.  	} else {
231.  		/* Handle suited cards */
232.  		r = card_rank(num);
233.  		s = card_suit(num);
234.  		Sprintf(buf, "the %s of %s", ranks[r], suits[s]);
235.  	}
236.  	return;
237.  }
240.  /*** Fortunes ***/
242.  #define FORTUNE_COST	50			/* Cost to play */
244.  static short birthstones[12] =
245.  {
246.  	/* Jan */  GARNET,      /* Feb */  AMETHYST,
247.  	/* Mar */  AQUAMARINE,  /* Apr */  DIAMOND,
248.  	/* May */  EMERALD,     /* Jun */  OPAL,
249.  	/* Jul */  RUBY,        /* Aug */  CHRYSOBERYL,
250.  	/* Sep */  SAPPHIRE,    /* Oct */  BLACK_OPAL,
251.  	/* Nov */  TOPAZ,       /* Dec */  TURQUOISE
252.  };
255.  static void
256.  fortune_lev (mtmp, name, txt)
257.  	struct monst *mtmp;
258.  	char *name, *txt;
259.  {
260.  	/*** FIXME -- still very buggy ***/
261.  /*	d_level *lev;*/
262.  	schar dep;
265.  	dep = lev_by_name(name);
266.  	if (!dep) {
267.  		/* Perhaps the level doesn't exist? */
268.  		verbalize("The vision is hazy.");
269.  		return;
270.  	}
272.  	if (dep == depth(&
273.  		verbalize("I see %s here.", txt);
274.  	else {
275.  		verbalize("I see %s on level %d.", txt, (int)dep);
276.  /*		if (gypsy_offer(mtmp, 5000L, "teleport you there"))
277.  			;*/
278.  	}
279.  	return;
280.  }
282.  static void
283.  fortune (mtmp)
284.  	struct monst *mtmp;
285.  {
286.  	xchar card;
287.  	char buf[BUFSZ];
288.  	short otyp;
289.  	struct obj *otmp;
292.  	/* Shuffle the deck, if neccessary, and draw a card */
293.  	gypsy_charge(mtmp, FORTUNE_COST);
294.  	if (EGYP(mtmp)->top <= 0)
295.  		card_shuffle(mtmp);
296.  	card = card_draw(mtmp);
297.  #ifdef WIZARD
298.  	if (wizard) {
299.  		long t = -1;
301.  		getlin("Which trump?", buf);
302.  		(void) sscanf(buf, "%ld", &t);
303.  		if (t >= 0) card = t + CARD_SUITED;
304.  	}
305.  #endif
306.  	card_name(card, buf);
307.  	verbalize("You have drawn %s.", buf);
309.  	if (card_istrump(card))
310.  		switch (card_trump(card)) {
311.  		case 0:	/* the Fool */
312.  			adjattrib(A_WIS, -1, 0);
313.  			change_luck(-3);
314.  			break;
315.  		case 1:	/* the Magician */
316.  			if (u.uevent.udemigod)
317.  				resurrect();
318.  			else
319.  				fortune_lev(mtmp, "fakewiz1",
320.  					"an entrance to the Wizard's tower");
321.  				/*fortune_lev(mtmp, &portal_level);*/
322.  			break;
323.  		case 2: /* the High Priestess */
324.  			if (u.uhave.amulet)
325.  				verbalize("I see a high altar in the heavens.");
326.  				/* Can only get there by ascending... */
327.  			else
328.  				verbalize("I see a high altar on level %d.",
329.  						depth(&sanctum_level));
330.  				/* Can only get there by invocation... */
331.  			break;
332.  		case 3: /* the Oracle */
333.  			fortune_lev(mtmp, "oracle", "the Oracle");
334.  			/*fortune_lev(mtmp, &oracle_level);*/
335.  			break;
336.  		case 4: /* the Lovers */
337.  			makemon(&mons[flags.female ? PM_INCUBUS : PM_SUCCUBUS],
338.  				u.ux,, 0);
339.  			break;
340.  		case 5: /* the Chariot */
341.  			if (gypsy_offer(mtmp, 5000L,
342.  					"teleport you to a level of your choosing")) {
343.  				incr_itimeout(&HTeleport_control, 1);
344.  				level_tele();
345.  			}
346.  			break;
347.  		case 6: /* Strength */
348.  			adjattrib(A_STR, 1, 0);
349.  			incr_itimeout(&HHalf_physical_damage, rn1(500, 500));
350.  			break;
351.  		case 7: /* the Hermit */
352.  			You_feel("like hiding!");
353.  			incr_itimeout(&HTeleportation, rn1(300, 300));
354.  			incr_itimeout(&HInvis, rn1(500, 500));
355.  			newsym(u.ux,;
356.  			break;
357.  		case 8: /* the Wheel of Fortune */
358.  			if (Hallucination)
359.  				pline("Where is Vanna?");
360.  			else
361.  				You_feel("lucky!");
362.  			if (u.uluck < 0)
363.  				u.uluck = 0;
364.  			else
365.  				change_luck(3);
366.  			break;
367.  		case 9: /* Justice */
368.  			makemon(&mons[PM_ERINYS], u.ux,, 0);
369.  			break;
370.  		case 10: /* Punishment */
371.  			if (!Punished)
372.  				punish((struct obj *)0);
373.  			else
374.  				rndcurse();
375.  			break;
376.  		case 11: /* the Devil */
377.  			summon_minion(A_NONE, TRUE);
378.  			break;
379.  		case 12: /* Sorcery */
380.  			adjattrib(urole.spelstat, 1, 0);
381.  			incr_itimeout(&HHalf_spell_damage, rn1(500, 500));
382.  			break;
383.  		case 13: /* Death */
384.  			if (nonliving( || is_demon( 
385.  					|| Antimagic)
386.  				shieldeff(u.ux,;
387.  			else if(Hallucination)
388.  				You("have an out of body experience.");
389.  			else  {
390.  				killer_format = KILLED_BY;
391.  				killer = "the card of Death";
392.  				done(DIED);
393.  			}
394.  			break;
395.  		case 14: /* the Tower */
396.  			fortune_lev(mtmp, "vlad\'s tower", "Vlad the Impaler");
397.  			/* fortune_lev(mtmp, &vlad_level); */
398.  			break;
399.  		case 15: /* the Star */
400.  			otyp = birthstones[getmonth()];
401.  			makeknown(otyp);
402.  			if ((otmp = mksobj(otyp, TRUE, FALSE)) != (struct obj *)0) {
403.  				pline("%s reaches behind your %s and pulls out %s.",
404.  						Monnam(mtmp), body_part(HEAD), doname(otmp));
405.  				if (pickup_object(otmp, otmp->quan, FALSE) <= 0) {
406.  					obj_extract_self(otmp);
407.  					place_object(otmp, u.ux,;
408.  					newsym(u.ux,;
409.  				}
410.  			}
411.  			break;
412.  		case 16: /* the Moon */
413.  			/* Reset the old moonphase */
414.  			if (flags.moonphase == FULL_MOON)
415.  				change_luck(-1);
417.  			/* Set the new moonphase */
418.  			flags.moonphase = phase_of_the_moon();
419.  			switch (flags.moonphase) {
420.  				case NEW_MOON:
421.  					pline("Be careful!  New moon tonight.");
422.  					break;
423.  				case 1:	case 2:	case 3:
424.  					pline_The("moon is waxing tonight.");
425.  					break;
426.  				case FULL_MOON:
427.  					You("are lucky!  Full moon tonight.");
428.  					change_luck(1);
429.  					break;
430.  				case 5:	case 6:	case 7:
431.  					pline_The("moon is waning tonight.");
432.  					break;
433.  				default:
434.  					impossible("wierd moonphase %d", flags.moonphase);
435.  					break;
436.  			}
437.  			break;
438.  		case 17: /* the Sun */
439.  			if (midnight())
440.  				verbalize("It is the witching hour.  Beware of the undead!");
441.  			else if (night())
442.  				verbalize("It is nighttime.  Beware of creatures of the night!");
443.  			else
444.  				verbalize("It is daytime.  Shouldn't you be working?");
445.  			break;
446.  		case 18: /* Judgement */
447.  			fortune_lev(mtmp, "portal to quest",
448.  				"a portal to a quest");
449.  			/* fortune_lev(mtmp, &quest_level); */
450.  			break;
451.  		case 19: /* Infinity */
452.  			if (mtmp->mcan) {
453.  				verbalize("I wish I wasn't here!");
454.  				mongone(mtmp);
455.  			} else if (gypsy_offer(mtmp, 10000L, "grant you a wish")) {
456.  				mtmp->mcan = TRUE;
457.  				makewish();
458.  			}
459.  			break;
460.  		default:
461.  			impossible("unknown trump %d", card_trump(card));
462.  			break;
463.  		}	/* End trumps */
464.  	else
465.  		/* Suited card */
466.  		com_pager(QT_GYPSY + card);
468.  	return;
469.  }
472.  /*** Three-card monte ***/
474.  #define MONTE_COST	1			/* Minimum bet */
475.  #define MONTE_MAX	10			/* Maximum value of monteluck */
478.  static void
479.  monte (mtmp)
480.  	struct monst *mtmp;
481.  {
482.  	long bet, n;
483.  	char buf[BUFSZ];
484.  	winid win;
485.  	anything any;
486.  	menu_item *selected;
487.  	int delta;
490.  	/* Get the bet */
491.  	bet = gypsy_bet(mtmp, MONTE_COST);
492.  	if (!bet) return;
494.  	/* Shuffle and pick */
495.  	if (flags.verbose)
496.  		pline("%s places three cards and rearranges them.", Monnam(mtmp));
497.  	any.a_void = 0;	/* zero out all bits */
498.  	win = create_nhwindow(NHW_MENU);
499.  	start_menu(win);
500.  	any.a_char = 'l';
501.  	add_menu(win, NO_GLYPH, &any , 'l', 0, ATR_NONE,
502.  			"Left card", MENU_UNSELECTED);
503.  	any.a_char = 'c';
504.  	add_menu(win, NO_GLYPH, &any , 'c', 0, ATR_NONE,
505.  			"Center card", MENU_UNSELECTED);
506.  	any.a_char = 'r';
507.  	add_menu(win, NO_GLYPH, &any , 'r', 0, ATR_NONE,
508.  			"Right card", MENU_UNSELECTED);
509.  	end_menu(win, "Pick a card:");
510.  	while (select_menu(win, PICK_ONE, &selected) != 1) ;
511.  	destroy_nhwindow(win);
513.  	/* Calculate the change in odds for next time */
514.  	/* Start out easy, but get harder once the player is suckered */
515.  	delta = rnl(4) - 3;	/* Luck helps */
516.  	if (u.umontelast == selected[0].item.a_char)
517.  		/* Only suckers keep picking the same card */
518.  		delta++;
519.  	u.umontelast = selected[0].item.a_char;
520.  	for (n = bet; n > 0; n /= 10L)
521.  		/* Penalize big bets */
522.  		delta++;
523.  /*	pline("luck = %d; delta = %d", u.umonteluck, delta);*/
525.  	/* Did we win? */
526.  	if (u.umonteluck <= rn2(MONTE_MAX)) {
527.  		if (u.umonteluck == 0)
528.  			verbalize("You win!  Wasn't that easy?");
529.  		else
530.  			verbalize("You win!");
531.  		EGYP(mtmp)->credit += bet;
533.  		/* Make it harder for next time */
534.  		if (delta > 0) u.umonteluck += delta;
535.  		if (u.umonteluck > MONTE_MAX) u.umonteluck = MONTE_MAX;
536.  	} else {
537.  		card_name(rn1(2, 1), buf);
538.  		verbalize("Sorry, you picked %s.  Try again.", buf);
539.  		gypsy_charge(mtmp, bet);
541.  		/* Make it a little easier for next time */
542.  		if (delta < 0) u.umonteluck += delta;
543.  		if (u.umonteluck < 0) u.umonteluck = 0;
544.  	}
545.  	return;
546.  }
549.  /*** Ninety-nine ***/
551.  #define NINETYNINE_COST		1	/* Minimum bet */
552.  #define NINETYNINE_HAND		3	/* Number of cards in hand */
553.  #define NINETYNINE_GOAL		99	/* Limit of the total */
555.  static boolean
556.  nn_playable (card, total)
557.  	xchar card;
558.  	int total;
559.  {
560.  	if (card_istrump(card))
561.  		/* The fool always loses; other trumps are always playable */
562.  		return (card != CARD_SUITED);
563.  	switch (card_rank(card)+1) {
564.  		case 11:	/* Jack */
565.  		case 12:	/* Queen */
566.  			return (total >= 10);
567.  		case 13:	/* King */
568.  			return (TRUE);
569.  		default:	/* Ace through 10 */
570.  			return ((total + card_rank(card) + 1) <= NINETYNINE_GOAL);
571.  	}
572.  }
574.  static int
575.  nn_play (card, total)
576.  	xchar card;
577.  	int total;
578.  {
579.  	if (card_istrump(card)) {
580.  		if (card == CARD_SUITED)
581.  			/* The Fool always loses */
582.  			return (NINETYNINE_GOAL+1);
583.  		else
584.  			/* Other trumps leave the total unchanged */
585.  			return (total);
586.  	}
587.  	switch (card_rank(card)+1) {
588.  		case 11:	/* Jack */
589.  		case 12:	/* Queen */
590.  			return (total - 10);
591.  		case 13:	/* King */
592.  			return (NINETYNINE_GOAL);
593.  		default:	/* Ace through 10 */
594.  			return (total + card_rank(card) + 1);
595.  	}
596.  }
598.  static int
599.  nn_pref (card)
600.  	xchar card;
601.  {
602.  	/* Computer's preferences for playing cards:
603.  	 * 3.  Get rid of Ace through 10 whenever we can.  Highest priority.
604.  	 * 2.  King will challenge the player.  High priority.
605.  	 * 1.  Jack and queen may help us, or the hero.  Low priority. 
606.  	 * 0.  Trumps can always be played (except the fool).  Lowest priority.
607.  	 */
608.  	if (card_istrump(card))
609.  		/* The fool always loses; other trumps are always playable */
610.  		return (0);
611.  	switch (card_rank(card)+1) {
612.  		case 11:	/* Jack */
613.  		case 12:	/* Queen */
614.  			return (1);
615.  		case 13:	/* King */
616.  			return (2);
617.  		default:	/* Ace through 10 */
618.  			return (3);
619.  	}
620.  }
623.  static void
624.  ninetynine (mtmp)
625.  	struct monst *mtmp;
626.  {
627.  	long bet;
628.  	int i, n, which, total = 0;
629.  	xchar uhand[NINETYNINE_HAND], ghand[NINETYNINE_HAND];
630.  	char buf[BUFSZ];
631.  	winid win;
632.  	anything any;
633.  	menu_item *selected;
636.  	/* Get the bet */
637.  	bet = gypsy_bet(mtmp, NINETYNINE_COST);
638.  	if (!bet) return;
640.  	/* Shuffle the deck and deal */
641.  	card_shuffle(mtmp);
642.  	for (i = 0; i < NINETYNINE_HAND; i++) {
643.  		uhand[i] = card_draw(mtmp);
644.  		ghand[i] = card_draw(mtmp);
645.  	}
647.  	while (1) {
648.  		/* Let the user pick a card */
649.  		any.a_void = 0;	/* zero out all bits */
650.  		win = create_nhwindow(NHW_MENU);
651.  		start_menu(win);
652.  		for (i = 0; i < NINETYNINE_HAND; i++) {
653.  			any.a_int = (nn_playable(uhand[i], total) ? i+1 : 0);
654.  			card_name(uhand[i], buf);
655.  			add_menu(win, NO_GLYPH, &any , 0, 0, ATR_NONE,
656.  					buf, MENU_UNSELECTED);
657.  		}
658.  		any.a_int = NINETYNINE_HAND + 1;
659.  		add_menu(win, NO_GLYPH, &any , 'q', 0, ATR_NONE,
660.  				"Forfeit", MENU_UNSELECTED);
661.  		end_menu(win, "Play a card:");
662.  		while (select_menu(win, PICK_ONE, &selected) != 1) ;
663.  		destroy_nhwindow(win);
665.  		/* Play the card */
666.  		which = selected[0].item.a_int-1;
667.  		if (which >= NINETYNINE_HAND) {
668.  			You("forfeit.");
669.  			gypsy_charge(mtmp, bet);
670.  			return;
671.  		}
672.  		card_name(uhand[which], buf);
673.  		total = nn_play(uhand[which], total);
674.  		You("play %s for a total of %d.", buf, total);
675.  		if (total < 0 || total > NINETYNINE_GOAL) {
676.  			You("lose!");
677.  			gypsy_charge(mtmp, bet);
678.  			return;
679.  		}
681.  		/* Draw a new card */
682.  		uhand[which] = card_draw(mtmp);
683.  		if (uhand[which] < 0) {
684.  			pline_The("deck is empty.  You win!");
685.  			EGYP(mtmp)->credit += bet;
686.  			return;
687.  		}
689.  		/* Let the gypsy pick a card */
690.  		n = 0;
691.  		for (i = 0; i < NINETYNINE_HAND; i++)
692.  			if (nn_playable(ghand[i], total)) {
693.  				/* The card is playable, but is it the best? */
694.  				if (!n++ || nn_pref(ghand[i]) > nn_pref(ghand[which]))
695.  					which = i;
696.  			}
697.  		if (!n) {
698.  			/* No playable cards */
699.  			pline("%s forfeits.  You win!", Monnam(mtmp));
700.  			EGYP(mtmp)->credit += bet;
701.  			return;
702.  		}
704.  		/* Play the card */
705.  		card_name(ghand[which], buf);
706.  		total = nn_play(ghand[which], total);
707.  		pline("%s plays %s for a total of %d.", Monnam(mtmp), buf, total);
709.  		/* Draw a new card */
710.  		ghand[which] = card_draw(mtmp);
711.  		if (ghand[which] < 0) {
712.  			pline_The("deck is empty.  You win!");
713.  			EGYP(mtmp)->credit += bet;
714.  			return;
715.  		}
716.  	}
718.  	return;
719.  }
723.  /*** Pawn gems ***/
725.  STATIC_OVL NEARDATA const char pawnables[] = { ALLOW_COUNT, GEM_CLASS, 0 };
727.  static void
728.  pawn (mtmp)
729.  	struct monst *mtmp;
730.  {
731.  	struct obj *otmp;
732.  	long value;
735.  	/* Prompt for an item */
736.  	otmp = getobj((const char *)pawnables, "pawn");
738.  	/* Is the item valid? */
739.  	if (!otmp) return;
740.  	if (!objects[otmp->otyp].oc_name_known) {
741.  		/* Reject unknown objects */
742.  		verbalize("Is this merchandise authentic?");
743.  		return;
744.  	}
745.  	if (otmp->otyp < DILITHIUM_CRYSTAL || otmp->otyp > LAST_GEM) {
746.  		/* Reject glass */
747.  		verbalize("Don\'t bother with that junk!");
748.  		return;
749.  	}
751.  	/* Give the credit */
752.  	value = otmp->quan * objects[otmp->otyp].oc_cost;
753.  	pline("%s gives you %ld zorkmid%s credit.", Monnam(mtmp),
754.  			value, plur(value));
755.  	EGYP(mtmp)->credit += value;
757.  	/* Gypsies don't keep merchandise; it could get stolen! */
758.  	otmp->quan = 1L;
759.  	useup(otmp);
760.  	return;
761.  }
764.  /*** Yendorian Tarocchi ***/
766.  #define TAROCCHI_COST	500		/* Cost to play */
767.  #define TAROCCHI_HAND	10		/* Number of cards in hand */
769.  static void
770.  tarocchi (mtmp)
771.  	struct monst *mtmp;
772.  {
773.  	int turn;
775.  	/* Shuffle the deck and deal */
776.  	gypsy_charge(mtmp, TAROCCHI_COST);
777.  	card_shuffle(mtmp);
779.  	/* Play the given number of turns */
780.  	for (turn = TAROCCHI_HAND; turn > 0; turn--) {
781.  	}
783.  	return;
784.  }
787.  /*** Monster-related functions ***/
789.  void
790.  gypsy_init (mtmp)
791.  	struct monst *mtmp;
792.  {
793.  	mtmp->isgyp = TRUE;
794.  	mtmp->mpeaceful = TRUE;
795.  	mtmp->msleeping = 0;
796.  	mtmp->mtrapseen = ~0;	/* traps are known */
797.  	EGYP(mtmp)->credit = 0L;
798.  	EGYP(mtmp)->top = 0;
799.  	return;
800.  }
803.  void
804.  gypsy_chat (mtmp)
805.  	struct monst *mtmp;
806.  {
807.  	long money;
808.  	winid win;
809.  	anything any;
810.  	menu_item *selected;
811.  #ifdef GOLDOBJ
812.  	long umoney;
813.  #endif
814.  	int n;
816.  #ifdef GOLDOBJ
817.  	umoney = money_cnt(invent);
818.  #endif
820.  	/* Sanity checks */
821.  	if (!mtmp || !mtmp->mpeaceful || !mtmp->isgyp ||
822.  			!humanoid(mtmp->data))
823.  		return;
825.  	/* Add up your available money */
826.  	You("have %ld zorkmid%s credit and are carrying %ld zorkmid%s.",
827.  			EGYP(mtmp)->credit, plur(EGYP(mtmp)->credit),
828.  #ifndef GOLDOBJ
829.  			u.ugold, plur(u.ugold));
830.  #else
831.  			umoney, plur(umoney));			
832.  #endif
833.  	money = EGYP(mtmp)->credit +
834.  #ifndef GOLDOBJ
835.  											u.ugold;
836.  #else
837.  											umoney;
838.  #endif
840.  	/* Create the menu */
841.  	any.a_void = 0;	/* zero out all bits */
842.  	win = create_nhwindow(NHW_MENU);
843.  	start_menu(win);
845.  	/* Fortune */
846.  	any.a_char = 'f';
847.  	if (money >= FORTUNE_COST)
848.  		add_menu(win, NO_GLYPH, &any , 'f', 0, ATR_NONE,
849.  				"Read your fortune", MENU_UNSELECTED);
851.  	/* Three-card monte */
852.  	any.a_char = 'm';
853.  	if (money >= MONTE_COST)
854.  		add_menu(win, NO_GLYPH, &any , 'm', 0, ATR_NONE,
855.  				"Three-card monte", MENU_UNSELECTED);
857.  	/* Ninety-nine */
858.  	any.a_char = 'n';
859.  	if (money >= NINETYNINE_COST)
860.  		add_menu(win, NO_GLYPH, &any , 'n', 0, ATR_NONE,
861.  				"Ninety-nine", MENU_UNSELECTED);
863.  	/* Pawn gems (always available) */
864.  	any.a_char = 'p';
865.  	add_menu(win, NO_GLYPH, &any , 'p', 0, ATR_NONE,
866.  			"Pawn gems", MENU_UNSELECTED);
868.  	/* Yendorian Tarocchi */
869.  	any.a_char = 't';
870.  /*	if (money >= TAROCCHI_COST)
871.  		add_menu(win, NO_GLYPH, &any , 't', 0, ATR_NONE,
872.  				"Yendorian Tarocchi", MENU_UNSELECTED);*/
874.  	/* Help */
875.  	any.a_char = '?';
876.  		add_menu(win, NO_GLYPH, &any , '?', 0, ATR_NONE,
877.  				"Help", MENU_UNSELECTED);
879.  	/* Display the menu */
880.  	end_menu(win, "Play which game?");
881.  	n = select_menu(win, PICK_ONE, &selected);
882.  	destroy_nhwindow(win);
883.  	if (n > 0) switch (selected[0].item.a_char) {
884.  		case 'f':
885.  			fortune(mtmp);
886.  			break;
887.  		case 'm':
888.  			monte(mtmp);
889.  			break;
890.  		case 'n':
891.  			ninetynine(mtmp);
892.  			break;
893.  		case 'p':
894.  			pawn(mtmp);
895.  			break;
896.  		case 't':
897.  			tarocchi(mtmp);
898.  			break;
899.  		case '?':
900.  			display_file_area(FILE_AREA_SHARE, "gypsy.txt", TRUE);
901.  			break;
902.  	}
904.  	return;
905.  }