Source:SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2/winproxy.h

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Below is the full text to winproxy.h from the source code of SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2. To link to a particular line, write [[Source:SLASH'EM 0.0.7E7F2/winproxy.h#line123]], for example.

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1.    /* $Id: winproxy.h,v 1.15 2003/05/31 08:12:43 j_ali Exp $ */
2.    /* Copyright (c) Slash'EM Development Team 2001-2003 */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    #ifndef WINEXT_H
6.    #define WINEXT_H
8.    #define E extern
10.   #ifdef NHXDR_H
11.   struct proxy_extension {
12.       const char *name;
13.       const char *version;
14.       void FDECL((*init), (unsigned short));
15.       int no_procedures;
16.       void FDECL((*handler), (unsigned short, NhExtXdr *, NhExtXdr *));
17.   };
19.   extern struct proxy_extension proxy_extents[];
20.   #endif
22.   extern struct window_procs proxy_procs;
24.   extern unsigned long proxy_interface_mode;
26.   extern short glyph2proxy[MAX_GLYPH];
28.   extern FILE *proxy_config_fp;
30.   /* external declarations */
31.   E void FDECL(proxy_init_nhwindows, (int *, char **));
32.   E void NDECL(proxy_player_selection);
33.   E void NDECL(proxy_askname);
34.   E void NDECL(proxy_get_nh_event) ;
35.   E void FDECL(proxy_exit_nhwindows, (const char *));
36.   E void FDECL(proxy_suspend_nhwindows, (const char *));
37.   E void NDECL(proxy_resume_nhwindows);
38.   E winid FDECL(proxy_create_nhwindow, (int));
39.   E void FDECL(proxy_clear_nhwindow, (winid));
40.   E void FDECL(proxy_display_nhwindow, (winid, BOOLEAN_P));
41.   E void FDECL(proxy_dismiss_nhwindow, (winid));
42.   E void FDECL(proxy_destroy_nhwindow, (winid));
43.   E void FDECL(proxy_curs, (winid, int, int));
44.   E void FDECL(proxy_putstr, (winid, int, const char *));
45.   #ifdef FILE_AREAS
46.   E void FDECL(proxy_display_file, (const char *, const char *, BOOLEAN_P));
47.   #else
48.   E void FDECL(proxy_display_file, (const char *, BOOLEAN_P));
49.   #endif
50.   E void FDECL(proxy_start_menu, (winid));
51.   E void FDECL(proxy_add_menu, (winid, int, const ANY_P *,
52.   			CHAR_P, CHAR_P, int, const char *, BOOLEAN_P));
53.   E void FDECL(proxy_end_menu, (winid, const char *));
54.   E int FDECL(proxy_select_menu, (winid, int, MENU_ITEM_P **));
55.   E char FDECL(proxy_message_menu, (CHAR_P, int, const char *));
56.   E void NDECL(proxy_update_inventory);
57.   E void NDECL(proxy_mark_synch);
58.   E void NDECL(proxy_wait_synch);
59.   #ifdef CLIPPING
60.   E void FDECL(proxy_cliparound, (int, int));
61.   #endif
62.   #ifdef POSITIONBAR
63.   E void FDECL(proxy_update_positionbar, (char *));
64.   #endif
65.   E void FDECL(proxy_print_glyph, (winid, XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, int));
66.   E void FDECL(proxy_raw_print, (const char *));
67.   E void FDECL(proxy_raw_print_bold, (const char *));
68.   E int NDECL(proxy_nhgetch);
69.   E int FDECL(proxy_nh_poskey, (int *, int *, int *));
70.   E void NDECL(proxy_nhbell);
71.   E int NDECL(proxy_doprev_message);
72.   E char FDECL(proxy_yn_function, (const char *, const char *, CHAR_P));
73.   E void FDECL(proxy_getlin, (const char *,char *));
74.   E int NDECL(proxy_get_ext_cmd);
75.   E void FDECL(proxy_number_pad, (int));
76.   E void NDECL(proxy_delay_output);
77.   #ifdef CHANGE_COLOR
78.   E void FDECL(proxy_change_color, (int, long, int));
79.   #ifdef MAC
80.   E void FDECL(proxy_change_background, (int));
81.   E short FDECL(set_proxy_font_name, (winid, char *));
82.   #endif
83.   E char * NDECL(proxy_get_color_string);
84.   #endif
85.   E void NDECL(proxy_start_screen);
86.   E void NDECL(proxy_end_screen);
87.   E void FDECL(proxy_outrip, (winid, int));
88.   E void FDECL(proxy_preference_update, (const char *));
89.   E void FDECL(proxy_status, (int, int, const char **));
90.   E FILE *NDECL(proxy_config_file_open);
92.   #undef E
94.   #endif /* WINPROXY_H */