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Below is the full text to do_wear.c from the source code of NetHack 2.2a. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 2.2a/do_wear.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

Screenshots and source code from Hack are used under the CWI license.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)do_wear.c	2.0	87/09/15
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
4.    #include <stdio.h>
5.    #include "hack.h"
6.    extern char *nomovemsg;
7.    extern char quitchars[];
8.    extern char *Doname();
10.   off_msg(otmp) register struct obj *otmp; {
11.   	pline("You were wearing %s.", doname(otmp));
12.   }
14.   doremarm() {
15.   	register struct obj *otmp;
16.   	if(!uarm && !uarmh && !uarms && !uarmg) {
17.   		pline("Not wearing any armor.");
18.   		return(0);
19.   	}
20.   	otmp = (!uarmh && !uarms && !uarmg) ? uarm :
21.   		(!uarms && !uarm && !uarmg) ? uarmh :
22.   		(!uarmh && !uarm && !uarmg) ? uarms :
23.   		(!uarmh && !uarm && !uarms) ? uarmg :
24.   		getobj("[", "take off");
25.   	if(!otmp) return(0);
26.   	if(!(otmp->owornmask & (W_ARMOR - W_ARM2))) {
27.   		pline("You can't take that off.");
28.   		return(0);
29.   	}
30.   	if( otmp == uarmg && uwep && uwep->cursed ) {	/* myers@uwmacc */
31.    pline("You seem not able to take off the gloves while holding your weapon.");
32.   		return(0);
33.   	}
34.   	(void) armoroff(otmp);
35.   	return(1);
36.   }
38.   doremring() {
39.   	if(!uleft && !uright){
40.   		pline("Not wearing any ring.");
41.   		return(0);
42.   	}
43.   	if(!uleft)
44.   		return(dorr(uright));
45.   	if(!uright)
46.   		return(dorr(uleft));
47.   	if(uleft && uright) while(1) {
48.   		char answer;
50.   		pline("What ring, Right or Left? [ rl?]");
51.   		if(index(quitchars, (answer = readchar())))
52.   			return(0);
53.   		switch(answer) {
54.   		case 'l':
55.   		case 'L':
56.   			return(dorr(uleft));
57.   		case 'r':
58.   		case 'R':
59.   			return(dorr(uright));
60.   		case '?':
61.   			(void) doprring();
62.   			/* might look at morc here %% */
63.   		}
64.   	}
65.   	/* NOTREACHED */
66.   #ifdef LINT
67.   	return(0);
68.   #endif
69.   }
71.   dorr(otmp) register struct obj *otmp; {
72.   	if(cursed(otmp)) return(0);
73.   	ringoff(otmp);
74.   	off_msg(otmp);
75.   	return(1);
76.   }
78.   cursed(otmp) register struct obj *otmp; {
79.   	if(otmp->cursed){
80.   		pline("You can't. It appears to be cursed.");
81.   		return(1);
82.   	}
83.   	return(0);
84.   }
86.   armoroff(otmp) register struct obj *otmp; {
87.   register int delay = -objects[otmp->otyp].oc_delay;
88.   	if(cursed(otmp)) return(0);
89.   	setworn((struct obj *) 0, otmp->owornmask & W_ARMOR);
90.   	if(delay) {
91.   		nomul(delay);
92.   		switch(otmp->otyp) {
93.   		case HELMET:
94.   			nomovemsg = "You finished taking off your helmet.";
95.   			break;
96.   		case PAIR_OF_GLOVES:
97.   			nomovemsg = "You finished taking off your gloves";
98.   			break;
99.   		default:
100.  			nomovemsg = "You finished taking off your suit.";
101.  		}
102.  	} else {
103.  		off_msg(otmp);
104.  	}
105.  	return(1);
106.  }
108.  doweararm() {
109.  	register struct obj *otmp;
110.  	register int delay;
111.  	register int err = 0;
112.  	long mask = 0;
114.  #ifdef KAA
115.  	if(!index("@enozCGHIKLNOTUVWXYZ&",u.usym)) {
116.  		pline("Don't even bother.");
117.  		return(0);
118.  	}
119.  #endif
120.  	otmp = getobj("[", "wear");
121.  	if(!otmp) return(0);
122.  	if(otmp->owornmask & W_ARMOR) {
123.  		pline("You are already wearing that!");
124.  		return(0);
125.  	}
126.  	if(otmp->otyp == HELMET){
127.  		if(uarmh) {
128.  			pline("You are already wearing a helmet.");
129.  			err++;
130.  		} else
131.  			mask = W_ARMH;
132.  	} else if(otmp->otyp == SHIELD){
133.  		if(uarms) pline("You are already wearing a shield."), err++;
134.  		if(uwep && uwep->otyp == TWO_HANDED_SWORD)
135.  	pline("You cannot wear a shield and wield a two handed sword."), err++;
136.  		if(!err) mask = W_ARMS;
137.  	} else if(otmp->otyp == PAIR_OF_GLOVES) {
138.  		if(uarmg) {
139.  			pline("You are already wearing gloves.");
140.  			err++;
141.  		} else
142.  		if(uwep && uwep->cursed) {
143.  			pline("You cannot wear gloves over your weapon.");
144.  			err++;
145.  		} else
146.  			mask = W_ARMG;
147.  	} else {
148.  #ifdef KAA
149.  		if(cantweararm(u.usym)) {
150.  			pline("You can't wear armor!");
151.  			return(0);
152.  		}
153.  #endif
154.  		if(uarm) {
155.  			if(otmp->otyp != ELVEN_CLOAK || uarm2) {
156.  				pline("You are already wearing some armor.");
157.  				err++;
158.  			}
159.  		}
160.  		if(!err) mask = W_ARM;
161.  	}
162.  	if(welded(otmp)) {
163.  		if(!err++)
164.  			pline("%s is welded to your hand.", Doname(uwep));
165.  	}
166.  	if(err) return(0);
167.  	setworn(otmp, mask);
168.  	if(otmp == uwep)
169.  		setuwep((struct obj *) 0);
170.  	delay = -objects[otmp->otyp].oc_delay;
171.  	if(delay){
172.  		nomul(delay);
173.  		nomovemsg = "You finished your dressing maneuvre.";
174.  	}
175.  	otmp->known = 1;
176.  	return(1);
177.  }
179.  dowearring() {
180.  	register struct obj *otmp;
181.  	long mask = 0;
182.  	long oldprop;
184.  	if(uleft && uright){
185.  		pline("There are no more ring-fingers to fill.");
186.  		return(0);
187.  	}
188.  	otmp = getobj("=", "wear");
189.  	if(!otmp) return(0);
190.  	if(otmp->owornmask & W_RING) {
191.  		pline("You are already wearing that!");
192.  		return(0);
193.  	}
194.  	if(otmp == uleft || otmp == uright) {
195.  		pline("You are already wearing that.");
196.  		return(0);
197.  	}
198.  	if(welded(otmp)) {
199.  		pline("%s is welded to your hand.", Doname(uwep));
200.  		return(0);
201.  	}
202.  	if(uleft) mask = RIGHT_RING;
203.  	else if(uright) mask = LEFT_RING;
204.  	else do {
205.  		char answer;
207.  		pline("What ring-finger, Right or Left? ");
208.  		if(index(quitchars, (answer = readchar())))
209.  			return(0);
210.  		switch(answer){
211.  		case 'l':
212.  		case 'L':
213.  			mask = LEFT_RING;
214.  			break;
215.  		case 'r':
216.  		case 'R':
217.  			mask = RIGHT_RING;
218.  			break;
219.  		}
220.  	} while(!mask);
221.  	setworn(otmp, mask);
222.  	if(otmp == uwep)
223.  		setuwep((struct obj *) 0);
224.  	oldprop = u.uprops[PROP(otmp->otyp)].p_flgs;
225.  	u.uprops[PROP(otmp->otyp)].p_flgs |= mask;
226.  	switch(otmp->otyp){
227.  	case RIN_LEVITATION:
228.  		if(!oldprop) float_up();
229.  		break;
230.  	case RIN_GAIN_STRENGTH:
231.  		u.ustr += otmp->spe;
232.  		u.ustrmax += otmp->spe;
233.  		if(u.ustr > 118) u.ustr = 118;
234.  		if(u.ustrmax > 118) u.ustrmax = 118;
235.  		flags.botl = 1;
236.  		break;
238.  		u.udaminc += otmp->spe;
239.  		break;
241.  		rescham();
242.  		break;
243.  	}
244.  	prinv(otmp);
245.  	return(1);
246.  }
248.  ringoff(obj)
249.  register struct obj *obj;
250.  {
251.  register long mask;
252.  	mask = obj->owornmask & W_RING;
253.  	setworn((struct obj *) 0, obj->owornmask);
254.  	if(!(u.uprops[PROP(obj->otyp)].p_flgs & mask))
255.  		impossible("Strange... I didn't know you had that ring.");
256.  	u.uprops[PROP(obj->otyp)].p_flgs &= ~mask;
257.  	switch(obj->otyp) {
259.  		/* Bad luck if the player is in hell... --jgm */
260.  		if (!Fire_resistance && dlevel >= 30) {
261.  			pline("The flames of Hell burn you to a crisp.");
262.  			killer = "stupidity in hell";
263.  			done("burned");
264.  		}
265.  		break;
266.  	case RIN_LEVITATION:
267.  		if(!Levitation) {	/* no longer floating */
268.  			float_down();
269.  		}
270.  		break;
271.  	case RIN_GAIN_STRENGTH:
272.  		u.ustr -= obj->spe;
273.  		u.ustrmax -= obj->spe;
274.  		if(u.ustr > 118) u.ustr = 118;
275.  		if(u.ustrmax > 118) u.ustrmax = 118;
276.  		flags.botl = 1;
277.  		break;
279.  		u.udaminc -= obj->spe;
280.  		break;
282.  #ifdef DGKMOD
283.  		/* If you're no longer protected, let the chameleons
284.  		 * change shape again -dgk
285.  		 */
286.  		restartcham();
287.  #endif /* DGKMOD /**/
288.  		break;
289.  	}
290.  }
292.  find_ac(){
293.  register int uac = 10;
294.  #ifdef KAA
295.  	if (u.mtimedone) uac = mons[u.umonnum].ac;
296.  #endif
297.  	if(uarm) uac -= ARM_BONUS(uarm);
298.  	if(uarm2) uac -= ARM_BONUS(uarm2);
299.  	if(uarmh) uac -= ARM_BONUS(uarmh);
300.  	if(uarms) uac -= ARM_BONUS(uarms);
301.  	if(uarmg) uac -= ARM_BONUS(uarmg);
302.  	if(uleft && uleft->otyp == RIN_PROTECTION) uac -= uleft->spe;
303.  	if(uright && uright->otyp == RIN_PROTECTION) uac -= uright->spe;
304.  #ifdef PRAYERS
305.  	if (Protection & INTRINSIC) uac -= u.ublessed;
306.  #endif
307.  	if(uac != u.uac){
308.  		u.uac = uac;
309.  		flags.botl = 1;
310.  	}
311.  }
313.  glibr(){
314.  register struct obj *otmp;
315.  int xfl = 0;
316.  	if(!uarmg) if(uleft || uright) {
317.  		/* Note: at present also cursed rings fall off */
318.  		/* changed 10/30/86 by GAN */
319.  		pline("Your %s off your fingers.",
320.  #ifdef HARD
321.  			((uleft && !uleft->cursed) && (uright && !uright->cursed)) ? "rings slip" : "ring slips");
322.  #else
323.  			(uleft && uright) ? "rings slip" : "ring slips");
324.  #endif
325.  		xfl++;
326.  		if((otmp = uleft) != Null(obj)){
327.  			ringoff(uleft);
328.  			dropx(otmp);
329.  		}
330.  		if((otmp = uright) != Null(obj)){
331.  			ringoff(uright);
332.  			dropx(otmp);
333.  		}
334.  	}
335.  	if(((otmp = uwep) != Null(obj))
336.  #ifdef HARD
337.  	   && !otmp->cursed
338.  #endif
339.  	) {
340.  		/* Note: at present also cursed weapons fall */
341.  		/* changed 10/30/86 by GAN */
342.  		setuwep((struct obj *) 0);
343.  		dropx(otmp);
344.  		pline("Your weapon %sslips from your hands.",
345.  			xfl ? "also " : "");
346.  	}
347.  }
349.  struct obj *
350.  some_armor(){
351.  register struct obj *otmph = uarm;
352.  	if(uarmh && (!otmph || !rn2(4))) otmph = uarmh;
353.  	if(uarmg && (!otmph || !rn2(4))) otmph = uarmg;
354.  	if(uarms && (!otmph || !rn2(4))) otmph = uarms;
355.  	return(otmph);
356.  }
358.  corrode_armor(){
359.  register struct obj *otmph = some_armor();
360.  	if(otmph){
361.  		if(otmph->rustfree ||
362.  		   otmph->otyp == CRYSTAL_PLATE_MAIL ||
363.  		   otmph->otyp == ELVEN_CLOAK ||
364.  		   otmph->otyp == LEATHER_ARMOR ||
365.  		   otmph->otyp == STUDDED_LEATHER_ARMOR) {
366.  			pline("Your %s not affected!",
367.  				aobjnam(otmph, "are"));
368.  			return;
369.  		}
370.  		pline("Your %s!", aobjnam(otmph, "corrode"));
371.  		otmph->spe--;
372.  	}
373.  }
375.  static
376.  remarm(obj) register struct obj *obj; {
377.  	if(!obj || obj->olet != '[')
378.  		return(0);
379.  	(void) marmoroff(obj);
380.  	return(1);
381.  }
383.  static
384.  marmoroff(otmp) register struct obj *otmp; {
385.  register int delay = -objects[otmp->otyp].oc_delay;
386.  	if(cursed(otmp)) return(0);
387.  	setworn((struct obj *) 0, otmp->owornmask & W_ARMOR);
388.  	if(delay)
389.  		nomul(delay);
390.  	off_msg(otmp);
391.  	nomovemsg = "You finished taking off your armor.";
392.  	return(1);
393.  }
395.  doddoremarm() {
396.  	return(ggetobj("take off",remarm,0));
397.  }