Source:NetHack 2.2a/o init.c

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Below is the full text to o_init.c from the source code of NetHack 2.2a. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 2.2a/o_init.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

Screenshots and source code from Hack are used under the CWI license.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)o_init.c	2.0	87/09/16
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
4.    #include	"config.h"		/* for typedefs */
5.    #include	"objects.h"
6.    #include	"onames.h"		/* for LAST_GEM */
7.    extern char *index();
9.    int
10.   letindex(let) register char let; {
11.   register int i = 0;
12.   register char ch;
13.   	while((ch = obj_symbols[i++]) != 0)
14.   		if(ch == let) return(i);
15.   	return(0);
16.   }
18.   init_objects(){
19.   register int i, j, first, last, sum, end;
20.   #ifdef MSDOS
21.   register int tmp_i;
22.   #endif
23.   register char let, *tmp;
25.   	/* bug fix to prevent "initialization error" abort on Intel Xenix.
26.   	 * reported by mikew@semike
27.   	 */
28.           for(i = 0; i != sizeof(obj_symbols); i++)
29.                   bases[i] = 0;
31.   	/* init base; if probs given check that they add up to 100, 
32.   	   otherwise compute probs; shuffle descriptions */
33.   	end = SIZE(objects);
34.   #ifdef MSDOS
35.   	/* Assign indices to all oc_descr_i first */
36.   	for (i = 0; i < end; i++)
37.   		objects[i].oc_descr_i = i;
38.   #endif
39.   	first = 0;
40.   	while( first < end ) {
41.   		let = objects[first].oc_olet;
42.   		last = first+1;
43.   		while(last < end && objects[last].oc_olet == let
44.   				 && objects[last].oc_name != NULL) last++;
45.   		i = letindex(let);
46.   		if((!i && let != ILLOBJ_SYM) || bases[i] != 0)
47.   			error("initialization error");
48.   		bases[i] = first;
50.   		if(let == GEM_SYM) setgemprobs();
51.   	check:
52.   		sum = 0;
53.   		for(j = first; j < last; j++) sum += objects[j].oc_prob;
54.   		if(sum == 0) {
55.   			for(j = first; j < last; j++)
56.   			    objects[j].oc_prob = (100+j-first)/(last-first);
57.   			goto check;
58.   		}
59.   		if(sum != 100)
60.   			error("init-prob error for %c (%d%%)", let, sum);
62.   		if(objects[first].oc_descr != NULL && let != TOOL_SYM){
63.   			/* shuffle, also some additional descriptions */
64.   			while(last < end && objects[last].oc_olet == let)
65.   				last++;
66.   			j = last;
67.   			while(--j > first) {
68.   				i = first + rn2(j+1-first);
69.   				tmp = objects[j].oc_descr;
70.   				objects[j].oc_descr = objects[i].oc_descr;
71.   				objects[i].oc_descr = tmp;
72.   #ifdef MSDOS
73.   	/* keep track of where the description came from */
74.   				tmp_i = objects[j].oc_descr_i;
75.   				objects[j].oc_descr_i = objects[i].oc_descr_i;
76.   				objects[i].oc_descr_i = tmp_i;
77.   #endif
78.   			}
79.   		}
80.   		first = last;
81.   	}
82.   }
84.   probtype(let) register char let; {
85.   register int i = bases[letindex(let)];
86.   register int prob = rn2(100);
87.   	while((prob -= objects[i].oc_prob) >= 0) i++;
88.   	if(objects[i].oc_olet != let || !objects[i].oc_name)
89.   		panic("probtype(%c) error, i=%d", let, i);
90.   	return(i);
91.   }
93.   setgemprobs()
94.   {
95.   	register int j,first;
96.   	extern xchar dlevel;
98.   	first = bases[letindex(GEM_SYM)];
100.  	for(j = 0; j < 9-dlevel/3; j++)
101.  		objects[first+j].oc_prob = 0;
102.  	first += j;
103.  	if(first >= LAST_GEM || first >= SIZE(objects) ||
104.  	    objects[first].oc_olet != GEM_SYM ||
105.  	    objects[first].oc_name == NULL)
106.  		printf("Not enough gems? - first=%d j=%d LAST_GEM=%d\n",
107.  			first, j, LAST_GEM);
108.  	for(j = first; j < LAST_GEM; j++)
109.  		objects[j].oc_prob = (20+j-first)/(LAST_GEM-first);
110.  }
112.  oinit()			/* level dependent initialization */
113.  {
114.  	setgemprobs();
115.  }
117.  extern long *alloc();
119.  savenames(fd) register fd; {
120.  register int i;
121.  unsigned len;
122.  	bwrite(fd, (char *) bases, sizeof bases);
123.  	bwrite(fd, (char *) objects, sizeof objects);
124.  	/* as long as we use only one version of Hack/Quest we
125.  	   need not save oc_name and oc_descr, but we must save
126.  	   oc_uname for all objects */
127.  	for(i=0; i < SIZE(objects); i++) {
128.  		if(objects[i].oc_uname) {
129.  			len = strlen(objects[i].oc_uname)+1;
130.  			bwrite(fd, (char *) &len, sizeof len);
131.  			bwrite(fd, objects[i].oc_uname, len);
132.  		}
133.  	}
134.  }
136.  restnames(fd) register fd; {
137.  register int i;
138.  unsigned len;
139.  #ifdef MSDOS
140.  	char *oc_descr[NROFOBJECTS + 1], *oc_name;
142.  	mread(fd, (char *) bases, sizeof bases);
144.  	/* Read in objects 1 at a time, correcting oc_name pointer and
145.  	 * saving pointer to current description.
146.  	 */
147.  	for (i = 0; i < SIZE(objects); i++) {
148.  		oc_name = objects[i].oc_name;
149.  		oc_descr[i] = objects[i].oc_descr;
150.  		mread(fd, (char *) &objects[i], sizeof (struct objclass));
151.  		objects[i].oc_name = oc_name;
152.  	}
154.  	/* Convert from saved indices into pointers */
155.  	for (i = 0; i < SIZE(objects); i++)
156.  		objects[i].oc_descr = oc_descr[objects[i].oc_descr_i];
157.  #else
158.  	mread(fd, (char *) bases, sizeof bases);
159.  	mread(fd, (char *) objects, sizeof objects);
160.  #endif
161.  	for(i=0; i < SIZE(objects); i++) if(objects[i].oc_uname) {
162.  		mread(fd, (char *) &len, sizeof len);
163.  		objects[i].oc_uname = (char *) alloc(len);
164.  		mread(fd, objects[i].oc_uname, len);
165.  	}
166.  }
168.  dodiscovered()				/* free after Robert Viduya */
169.  {
170.      extern char *typename();
171.      register int i, end;
172.      int	ct = 0;
173.  #ifdef DGKMOD
174.      char class = -1;
175.      extern char *let_to_name();
176.  #endif
178.      cornline(0, "Discoveries");
180.      end = SIZE(objects);
181.      for (i = 0; i < end; i++) {
182.  	if (interesting_to_discover (i)) {
183.  	    ct++;
184.  #ifdef DGKMOD
185.  	    if (objects[i].oc_olet != class) {
186.  		class = objects[i].oc_olet;
187.  		cornline(1, let_to_name(class));
188.  	    }
189.  #endif
190.  	    cornline(1, typename(i));
191.  	}
192.      }
193.      if (ct == 0) {
194.  	pline ("You haven't discovered anything yet...");
195.  	cornline(3, (char *) 0);
196.      } else
197.  	cornline(2, (char *) 0);
199.      return(0);
200.  }
202.  interesting_to_discover(i)
203.  register int i;
204.  {
205.      return(
206.  	objects[i].oc_uname != NULL ||
207.  	 (objects[i].oc_name_known && objects[i].oc_descr != NULL)
208.      );
209.  }
211.  init_corpses() {
213.  #ifdef SPIDERS
214.  	strcpy(objects[DEAD_GIANT_SPIDER].oc_name, "dead giant spider");
215.  #endif
217.  #ifdef KOPS
218.  	strcpy(objects[DEAD_KOP].oc_name, "dead Kop");
219.  # endif
221.  #ifdef ROCKMOLE
222.  	strcpy(objects[DEAD_ROCKMOLE].oc_name, "dead rockmole");
223.  #endif
225.  #ifndef KAA
226.  	strcpy(objects[DEAD_QUASIT].oc_name, "dead quasit");
227.  	strcpy(objects[DEAD_VIOLET_FUNGI].oc_name, "dead violet fungi");
228.  #endif
229.  	return(0);
230.  }