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Below is the full text to pray.c from the source code of NetHack 2.2a. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 2.2a/pray.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

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1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)pray.c	2.1	87/10/07
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
4.    #include "hack.h"
6.    extern char *nomovemsg;
7.    extern struct monst *mkmon_at();
8.    extern struct obj *mkobj_at();
10.   dopray() {		/* M. Stephenson (1.0.3b) */
11.   #ifdef PRAYERS
12.   	if (u.ublesscnt > 0)  {		/* disturbing the gods too much */
14.   		u.ublesscnt += 200;
15.   		u.uluck -= 3;
16.   		if (u.uluck < LUCKMIN)  u.uluck = LUCKMIN;
17.   #ifdef HARD
18.   		u.ugangr++;
19.   		angrygods();
20.   #else
21.   		if (u.ugangr++)	angrygods();
22.   		else {			/* exactly one warning */
23.   			pline("A voice booms out: You have angered us,");
24.   			pline("Disturb us again at your own risk!");
25.   		}
26.   #endif
27.   	} else  if (u.uluck < 0) angrygods();	/* a bad boy/girl */
28.   	else	pleased();	    		/* or a good boy/girl */
29.   #endif
30.   	nomovemsg = "You finished your prayer.";
31.   	nomul(-3);
32.   	return(1);
33.   }
35.   #ifdef PRAYERS
36.   angrygods() {
37.   	register int	tmp;
39.   	pline ("You get the feeling the gods are angry...");
40.   	/* changed from tmp = u.ugangr + abs (u.uluck) -- rph */
41.   	tmp =  3*u.ugangr + (u.uluck > 0 ? -u.uluck/3 : -u.uluck);
42.   	tmp =  (tmp > 15 ? 15 : tmp);  /* lets be a little reasonable */
43.   	switch (tmp ? rn2(tmp): 0) {
45.   	    case 0:
46.   	    case 1:	pline("but nothing appears to happen.");
47.   			break;
48.   	    case 2:
49.   	    case 3:	pline("A voice booms out: You are arrogant, mortal.");
50.   			pline("You must relearn your lessons!");
51.   			if (u.ulevel > 1)	losexp();
52.   			else  {
53.   			    u.uexp = 0;
54.   			    flags.botl = 1;
55.   			}
56.   			break;
57.   	    case 4:
58.   	    case 5:
59.   	    case 6:	pline("A black glow surrounds you.");
60.   			rndcurse();
61.   			break;
62.   	    case 7:
63.   	    case 8:	pline("A voice booms out: You dare to call upon us?");
64.   			pline("Then, die mortal!");
65.   			mkmon_at('&', u.ux, u.uy);
66.   			break;
68.   	    default:	pline("Suddenly, a bolt of lightning strikes you!");
69.   			pline("You are fried to a crisp.");
70.   			killer = "pissed off deity";
71.   			done("died");
72.   			break;
73.   	}
74.   	u.ublesscnt = 250;
75.   	return(0);
76.   }
78.   pleased() {
80.   	char	*tmp, *hcolor();
82.   	u.ugangr--;
83.   	if (u.ugangr < 0) u.ugangr = 0;
84.   	pline("You feel the gods are pleased.");
86.   	switch(rn2((u.uluck + 6)/2))  {
88.   	    case 0:	pline("but nothing seems to happen.");
89.   			break;
90.   	    case 1:
91.   			if(!uwep) {
92.   			    if(uleft && uleft->cursed) {
93.   				pline("your left hand glows amber.");
94.   				uleft->cursed = 0;
95.   			    } else if(uright && uright->cursed) {
96.   				pline("your right hand glows amber.");
97.   				uright->cursed = 0;
98.   			    } else    pline("but nothing seems to happen.");
99.   			    break;
100.  			}
101.  #ifdef KAA
102.  			if(uwep->olet == WEAPON_SYM) {
103.  			    if (uwep->cursed) {
104.  				uwep->cursed=0;
105.  				pline("Your %s %s.", aobjnam(uwep,"softly glow"), 
106.  				Hallucination ? hcolor() : "amber");
107.  			    } else if(uwep->otyp >= ARROW && uwep->otyp <= SPEAR) {
108.  				uwep->dknown=1;
109.  				tmp = Hallucination ? hcolor() : "light blue";
110.  				pline("Your %s with a%s %s aura.", aobjnam(uwep,"softly glow"),
111.  				index("aeiou",*tmp) ? "n" : "", tmp);
112.  			    }
113.  			} else
114.  #endif
115.  				pline("but nothing seems to happen.");
116.  			break;
117.  	    case 2:
118.  	    case 3:
119.  			pline("A %s glow surrounds you",
120.  			      Hallucination ? hcolor() : "golden");
121.  			u.uhp = u.uhpmax += 5;
122.  			u.ustr = u.ustrmax;
123.  			if (u.uhunger < 900)	init_uhunger();
124.  			if (u.uluck < 0)	u.uluck = 0;
125.  			if (Blinded)		Blinded = 1;
126.  			flags.botl = 1;
127.  			break;
128.  	    case 4:
129.  	    case 5:	pline("A voice booms out: We are pleased with your progress,");
130.  			pline("and grant you the gift of");
131.  			if (!(HTelepat & INTRINSIC))  {
132.  				HTelepat |= INTRINSIC;
133.  				pline ("Telepathy,");
134.  			} else if (!(Fast & INTRINSIC))  {
135.  				Fast |= INTRINSIC;
136.  				pline ("Speed,");
137.  			} else if (!(Stealth & INTRINSIC))  {
138.  				Stealth |= INTRINSIC;
139.  				pline ("Stealth,");
140.  			} else {
141.  			    if (!(Protection & INTRINSIC))  {
142.  				Protection |= INTRINSIC;
143.  				if (!u.ublessed)  u.ublessed = rnd(3) + 1;
144.  			    } else u.ublessed++;
145.  			    pline ("our protection,");
146.  			}
147.  			pline ("Use it wisely in our names!");
148.  			break;
150.  	    case 6:	pline ("An object appears at your feet!");
151.  #ifdef SPELLS
152.  			mkobj_at('+', u.ux, u.uy);
153.  #else
154.  			mkobj_at('?', u.ux, u.uy);
155.  #endif
156.  			break;
158.  	    case 7:	pline("A voice booms out:  We crown thee...");
159.  			pline("The Hand of Elbereth!");
160.  			HInvis |= INTRINSIC;
161.  			HSee_invisible |= INTRINSIC;
162.  			HFire_resistance |= INTRINSIC;
163.  			HCold_resistance |= INTRINSIC;
164.  			HPoison_resistance |= INTRINSIC;
165.  #ifdef RPH
166.  			if(uwep && (uwep->otyp == LONG_SWORD))
167.  				oname(uwep, "Excalibur");
168.  #endif
169.  			break;
171.  	    default:	impossible("Confused deity!");
172.  			break;
173.  	}
174.  	u.ublesscnt = 300;
175.  #ifdef HARD
176.  	u.ublesscnt += (u.udemigod * 1000);
177.  #endif
178.  	return(0);
179.  }
180.  #endif /* PRAYERS /**/
181.  #ifdef NEWCLASS
182.  doturn() {	/* Knights & Priest(esse)s only please */
184.  	register struct monst *mtmp;
185.  	register int	xlev = 6;
186.  	extern char	pl_character[];
188.  	if((pl_character[0] != 'P') &&
189.  	   (pl_character[0] != 'K')) {
191.  		pline("You don't know how to turn undead!");
192.  		return(0);
193.  	}
194.  	if (Inhell) {
196.  		pline("Being in hell, your gods won't help you.");
197.  		aggravate();
198.  		return(0);
199.  	}
200.  	pline("Calling upon your gods, you chant an arcane formula.");
201.  	for(mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon)
202.  	    if(cansee(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my)) {
203.  		if(index(UNDEAD,mtmp->data->mlet) ||
204.  		   ((mtmp->data->mlet == '&') && (u.ulevel > 10))) {
206.  		    if(Confusion) {
207.  			pline("Unfortunately, your voice falters.");
208.  			mtmp->mflee = mtmp->mfroz = mtmp->msleep = 0;
209.  		    } else if (! resist(mtmp, '+', 0, TELL))
210.  			switch (mtmp->data->mlet) {
211.  			    case 'V':   xlev += 2;
212.  			    case 'W':   xlev += 4;
213.  			    case 'Z':   if(u.ulevel >= xlev)  {
214.  					    if(!resist(mtmp, '+', 0, NOTELL)) {
215.  						pline("You destroy the %s", monnam(mtmp));
216.  						mondied(mtmp);
217.  					    } else	mtmp->mflee = 1;
218.  					} else	mtmp->mflee = 1;
219.  					break;
220.  			    default:    mtmp->mflee = 1;
221.  					break;
222.  			}
223.  		   }
224.  	    }
225.  	    nomul(-5);
226.  	    return(1);
227.  }
228.  #endif /* NEWCLASS /**/