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Below is the full text to mail.c from the source code of NetHack 3.0.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.0.0/mail.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)mail.c	3.0	89/07/07
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    /* block some unused #defines to avoid overloading some cpp's */
6.    #define MONATTK_H
7.    #include "hack.h"	/* mainly for index() which depends on BSD */
9.    #ifdef MAIL
11.   # ifdef UNIX
12.   #include <sys/stat.h>
13.   # endif
15.   /*
16.    * Notify user when new mail has arrived. [Idea from Merlyn Leroy, but
17.    * I don't know the details of his implementation.]
18.    * { Later note: he disliked my calling a general mailreader and felt that
19.    *   hack should do the paging itself. But when I get mail, I want to put it
20.    *   in some folder, reply, etc. - it would be unreasonable to put all these
21.    *   functions in hack. }
22.    * The motion of the mail daemon is less restrained than usual:
23.    * diagonal moves from a DOOR are possible. He might also use SDOOR's. Also,
24.    * the mail daemon is visible in a ROOM, even when you are Blind.
25.    * Its path should be longer when you are Telepat-hic and Blind.
26.    *
27.    * Possible extensions:
28.    *	- Open the file MAIL and do fstat instead of stat for efficiency.
29.    *	  (But sh uses stat, so this cannot be too bad.)
30.    *	- Examine the mail and produce a scroll of mail named "From somebody".
31.    *	- Invoke MAILREADER in such a way that only this single letter is read.
32.    *	- Do something to the text when the scroll is enchanted or cancelled.
33.    */
35.   /*
36.    * { Note by Olaf Seibert: On the Amiga, we usually don't get mail.
37.    *   So we go through most of the effects at 'random' moments. }
38.    */
40.   /*
41.    * I found many bugs in this code, some dating back to Hack.
42.    * Here are some minor problems i didn't fix:  -3.
43.    *
44.    *	- The code sometimes pops up the mail daemon next to you on
45.    *	  the corridor side of doorways when there are open spaces in
46.    *	  the room.
47.    *	- It may also do this with adjoining castle rooms.
48.    */
50.   # ifdef AMIGA
51.   int mustgetmail = -1;
52.   # endif
54.   # ifdef UNIX
55.   static struct stat omstat,nmstat;
56.   static char *mailbox;
57.   static long laststattime;
59.   void
60.   getmailstatus() {
61.   	if(!(mailbox = getenv("MAIL")))
62.   		return;
63.   	if(stat(mailbox, &omstat)){
64.   #  ifdef PERMANENT_MAILBOX
65.   		pline("Cannot get status of MAIL=%s .", mailbox);
66.   		mailbox = 0;
67.   #  else
68.   		omstat.st_mtime = 0;
69.   #  endif
70.   	}
71.   }
72.   # endif /* UNIX */
74.   /* make md run through the cave */
75.   static void
76.   mdrush(md,away)
77.   register struct monst *md;
78.   boolean away;
79.   {
80.   	register int uroom = inroom(u.ux, u.uy);
81.   	if(uroom >= 0 && inroom(md->mx,md->my) == uroom) {
82.   		register int tmp = rooms[uroom].fdoor;
83.   		register int cnt = rooms[uroom].doorct;
84.   		register int fx = u.ux, fy = u.uy;
85.   		while(cnt--) {
86.   			if(dist(fx,fy) < dist(doors[tmp].x, doors[tmp].y)){
87.   				fx = doors[tmp].x;
88.   				fy = doors[tmp].y;
89.   			}
90.   			tmp++;
91.   		}
92.   		if (has_dnstairs(&rooms[uroom]))
93.   			if(dist(fx,fy) < dist(xdnstair, ydnstair)){
94.   				fx = xdnstair;
95.   				fy = ydnstair;
96.   			}
97.   		if (has_upstairs(&rooms[uroom]))
98.   			if(dist(fx,fy) < dist(xupstair, yupstair)){
99.   				fx = xupstair;
100.  				fy = yupstair;
101.  			}
102.  		tmp_at(-1, md->data->mlet);	/* open call */
103.  		tmp_at(-3, (int)AT_MON);
104.  		if(away) {	/* interchange origin and destination */
105.  			unpmon(md);
106.  			levl[md->mx][md->my].mmask = 0;
107.  			levl[fx][fy].mmask = 1;
108.  			tmp = fx; fx = md->mx; md->mx = tmp;
109.  			tmp = fy; fy = md->my; md->my = tmp;
110.  		}
111.  		while(fx != md->mx || fy != md->my) {
112.  			register int dx,dy,nfx = fx,nfy = fy,d1,d2;
114.  			tmp_at(fx,fy);
115.  			d1 = dist2(fx,fy,md->mx,md->my);
116.  			for(dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++) for(dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy++)
117.  			    if((dx || dy) && 
118.  			       !IS_STWALL(levl[fx+dx][fy+dy].typ)) {
119.  				d2 = dist2(fx+dx,fy+dy,md->mx,md->my);
120.  				if(d2 < d1) {
121.  				    d1 = d2;
122.  				    nfx = fx+dx;
123.  				    nfy = fy+dy;
124.  				}
125.  			    }
126.  			if(nfx != fx || nfy != fy) {
127.  			    fx = nfx;
128.  			    fy = nfy;
129.  			} else {
130.  			    if(!away) {
131.  				levl[md->mx][md->my].mmask = 0;
132.  				levl[fx][fy].mmask = 1;
133.  				md->mx = fx;
134.  				md->my = fy;
135.  			    }
136.  			    break;
137.  			} 
138.  		}
139.  		tmp_at(-1,-1);			/* close call */
140.  	}
141.  	if(!away)
142.  		pmon(md);
143.  }
145.  static void
146.  newmail() {
147.  	/* deliver a scroll of mail */
148.  	register boolean invload =
149.  	((inv_weight() + (int)objects[SCR_MAIL].oc_weight) > 0 ||
150.  	 inv_cnt() >= 52 || Fumbling);
151.  	register struct monst *md = 
152.  	makemon(&mons[PM_MAIL_DAEMON], u.ux, u.uy);
154.  	if(!md)	return;
156.  	mdrush(md,0);
158.  	pline("\"Hello, %s!  I have some mail for you.\"", plname);
160.  	if(dist(md->mx,md->my) > 2)
161.  		verbalize("Catch!");
162.  	more();
163.  	if(invload) {
164.  		struct obj *obj = mksobj_at(SCR_MAIL,u.ux,u.uy);
165.  		obj->known = obj->dknown = TRUE;
166.  		makeknown(SCR_MAIL);
167.  		stackobj(fobj);		
168.  		verbalize("Oops!");
169.  		more();
170.  	} else {
171.  		/* set known and do prinv() */
172.  		(void) identify(addinv(mksobj(SCR_MAIL,FALSE)));
173.  	}
175.  	/* disappear again */
176.  	mdrush(md,1);
177.  	mongone(md);
179.  	/* force the graphics character set off */
180.  	nscr();
181.  }
183.  # ifdef AMIGA
184.  void
185.  ckmailstatus() {
186.  	if (mustgetmail < 0)
187.  	    return;
188.  	if (--mustgetmail <= 0) {
189.  		newmail();
190.  		mustgetmail = -1;
191.  	}
192.  }
194.  void
195.  readmail()
196.  {
197.  	pline("It says: \"How nice to get a letter down here!\"");
198.  }
199.  # endif /* AMIGA */
201.  # ifdef UNIX
202.  void
203.  ckmailstatus() {
204.  	if(!mailbox
205.  #  ifdef MAILCKFREQ
206.  		    || moves < laststattime + MAILCKFREQ
207.  #  endif
208.  							)
209.  		return;
211.  	laststattime = moves;
212.  	if(stat(mailbox, &nmstat)){
213.  #  ifdef PERMANENT_MAILBOX
214.  		pline("Cannot get status of MAIL=%s anymore.", mailbox);
215.  		mailbox = 0;
216.  #  else
217.  		nmstat.st_mtime = 0;
218.  #  endif
219.  	} else if(nmstat.st_mtime > omstat.st_mtime) {
220.  		if(nmstat.st_size)
221.  			newmail();
222.  		getmailstatus();	/* might be too late ... */
223.  	}
224.  }
226.  void
227.  readmail() {
228.  #  ifdef DEF_MAILREADER			/* This implies that UNIX is defined */
229.  	register char *mr = 0;
230.  	more();
231.  	if(!(mr = getenv("MAILREADER")))
232.  		mr = DEF_MAILREADER;
233.  	if(child(1)){
234.  		(void) execl(mr, mr, NULL);
235.  		exit(1);
236.  	}
237.  #  else
238.  	(void) page_file(mailbox, FALSE);
239.  #  endif
240.  	/* get new stat; not entirely correct: there is a small time
241.  	   window where we do not see new mail */
242.  	getmailstatus();
243.  }
244.  # endif /* UNIX */
246.  #endif /* MAIL */