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Below is the full text to makedefs.c from the source code of NetHack 3.0.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.0.0/makedefs.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
2.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
3.    /* makedefs.c - NetHack version 3.0 */
5.    #define MAKEDEFS_C
7.    #define EXTERN_H
8.    #include	"config.h"
9.    #include	"permonst.h"
10.   #include	"objclass.h"
11.   #ifdef NULL
12.   #undef NULL
13.   #endif /* NULL */
14.   #define NULL	((genericptr_t)0)
16.   #ifndef LINT
17.   static	const char	SCCS_Id[] = "@(#)makedefs.c\t3.0\t89/01/10";
18.   #endif
20.   #ifdef MSDOS
21.   # define freopen _freopen
22.   # undef	exit
23.   extern void exit P((int));
24.   # define RDMODE	"r"
25.   # define WRMODE	"w"
26.   #else
27.   # define RDMODE  "r+"
28.   # define WRMODE  "w+"
29.   #endif
30.   #if defined(SYSV) || defined(GENIX) || defined(UNIXDEBUG)
31.   void rename();
32.   #endif
33.   #ifdef AMIGA
34.   # undef freopen
35.   # undef printf
36.   # undef puts
37.   # undef fflush
38.   # define fflush FFLUSH
39.   # undef fputs
40.   # undef fprintf
41.   #endif
43.   /* construct definitions of object constants */
45.   #ifdef AMIGA
46.   # define MONST_FILE	 "include:pm.h"
47.   # define ONAME_FILE	 "include:onames.h"
48.   # define TRAP_FILE	 "include:trap.h"
49.   # define DATE_FILE	 "include:date.h"
50.   # define DATA_FILE	 "auxil:data"
51.   # define RUMOR_FILE	 "auxil:rumors"
52.   #else
53.   # define MONST_FILE	 "../include/pm.h"
54.   # define ONAME_FILE	 "../include/onames.h"
55.   # define TRAP_FILE	 "../include/trap.h"
56.   # define DATE_FILE	 "../include/date.h"
57.   # define DATA_FILE	 "../auxil/data"
58.   # define RUMOR_FILE	 "../auxil/rumors"
59.   #endif
61.   char	in_line[256];
62.   extern char *gets P((char *));
63.   void do_objs(), do_traps(), do_data(), do_date(), do_permonst(), do_rumors();
64.   char *limit P((char *,boolean));
65.   FILE *_freopen();
67.   int
68.   main(argc, argv)
69.   int	argc;
70.   char	*argv[];
71.   {
72.   	char	*option;
74.   	if(argc == 2) {
75.   	    option = argv[1];
76.   	    switch (option[1]) {
78.   		case 'o':
79.   		case 'O':	do_objs();
80.   				break;
81.   		case 't':
82.   		case 'T':	do_traps();
83.   				break;
85.   		case 'd':
86.   		case 'D':	do_data();
87.   				break;
89.   		case 'v':
90.   		case 'V':	do_date();
91.   				break;
93.   		case 'p':
94.   		case 'P':	do_permonst();
95.   				break;
97.   		case 'r':
98.   		case 'R':	do_rumors();
99.   				break;
101.  		default:
102.  				(void) fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option '%c'.\n", option[1]);
103.  				(void) fflush(stderr);
104.  				exit(1);
105.  	    }
106.  	    exit(0);
107.  	} else	(void) fprintf(stderr, "Bad arg count (%d).\n", argc-1);
108.  	(void) fflush(stderr);
109.  	exit(1);
110.  /*NOTREACHED*/
111.  #ifdef MSDOS
112.  	return 0;
113.  #endif
114.  }
116.  void
117.  do_traps() {
118.  	int	ntrap;
119.  	char	tempfile[30];
121.  	Sprintf(tempfile, "makedefs.%d", getpid());
122.  	if(freopen(tempfile, WRMODE, stdout) == (FILE *)0) {
123.  		perror(tempfile);
124.  		exit(1);
125.  	}
127.  	if(freopen(TRAP_FILE, RDMODE, stdin) == (FILE *)0) {
128.  		perror(TRAP_FILE);
129.  		exit(1);
130.  	}
132.  	while(gets(in_line) != NULL) {
133.  	    (void) puts(in_line);
134.  	    if(!strncmp(in_line, "/* DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE */", 29)) break;
135.  	}
136.  	ntrap = 10;
137.  	Printf("\n");
138.  	Printf("#define\tMGTRP\t\t%d\n", ntrap++);
139.  	Printf("#define\tSQBRD\t\t%d\n", ntrap++);
140.  	Printf("#define\tWEB\t\t%d\n", ntrap++);
141.  	Printf("#define\tSPIKED_PIT\t%d\n", ntrap++);
142.  	Printf("#define\tLEVEL_TELEP\t%d\n", ntrap++);
143.  #ifdef SPELLS
144.  	Printf("#define\tANTI_MAGIC\t%d\n", ntrap++);
145.  #endif
146.  	Printf("#define\tRUST_TRAP\t%d\n", ntrap++);
147.  #ifdef POLYSELF
148.  	Printf("#define\tPOLY_TRAP\t%d\n", ntrap++);
149.  #endif
150.  	Printf("#define\tLANDMINE\t%d\n", ntrap++);
151.  	Printf("\n#define\tTRAPNUM\t%d\n", ntrap);
152.  	Printf("\n#endif /* TRAP_H /**/\n");
153.  	(void) fclose(stdin);
154.  	(void) fclose(stdout);
155.  #ifdef MSDOS
156.  	remove(TRAP_FILE);
157.  #endif
158.  	rename(tempfile, TRAP_FILE);
159.  	return;
160.  }
163.  void
164.  do_rumors(){
165.  	char	infile[30];
166.  	FILE	*freopen();
167.  	long	true_rumor_size;
169.  	if(freopen(RUMOR_FILE, WRMODE, stdout) == (FILE *)0) {
170.  		perror(RUMOR_FILE);
171.  		exit(1);
172.  	}
174.  	Sprintf(infile, "%s.tru", RUMOR_FILE);
175.  	if(freopen(infile, RDMODE, stdin) == (FILE *)0) {
176.  		perror(infile);
177.  		exit(1);
178.  	}
180.  	/* get size of true rumors file */
181.  	(void) fseek(stdin, 0L, 2);
182.  	true_rumor_size = ftell(stdin);
183.  	(void) fwrite((genericptr_t)&true_rumor_size,sizeof(long),1,stdout);
184.  	(void) fseek(stdin, 0L, 0);
186.  	/* copy true rumors */
187.  	while(gets(in_line) != NULL)	 (void) puts(in_line);
189.  	Sprintf(infile, "%s.fal", RUMOR_FILE);
190.  	if(freopen(infile, RDMODE, stdin) == (FILE *)0) {
191.  		perror(infile);
192.  		exit(1);
193.  	}
195.  	/* copy false rumors */
196.  	while(gets(in_line) != NULL)	 (void) puts(in_line);
198.  	(void) fclose(stdin);
199.  	(void) fclose(stdout);
200.  	return;
201.  }
203.  #ifdef SYSV
204.  extern long time();
205.  #endif
207.  void
208.  do_date(){
209.  	long	clock;
210.  	char	cbuf[30], *c;
212.  	if(freopen(DATE_FILE, WRMODE, stdout) == (FILE *)0) {
213.  		perror(DATE_FILE);
214.  		exit(1);
215.  	}
216.  	Printf("/*\tSCCS Id: @(#)date.h\t3.0\t88/11/20 */\n\n");
218.  	(void) time(&clock);
219.  	Strcpy(cbuf, ctime(&clock));
220.  	for(c = cbuf; *c != '\n'; c++);	*c = 0; /* strip off the '\n' */
221.  	Printf("const char datestring[] = \"%s\";\n", cbuf);
223.  	(void) fclose(stdout);
224.  	return;
225.  }
227.  void
228.  do_data(){
229.  	char	tempfile[30];
231.  	Sprintf(tempfile, "%s.base", DATA_FILE);
232.  	if(freopen(tempfile, RDMODE, stdin) == (FILE *)0) {
233.  		perror(tempfile);
234.  		exit(1);
235.  	}
237.  	if(freopen(DATA_FILE, WRMODE, stdout) == (FILE *)0) {
238.  		perror(DATA_FILE);
239.  		exit(1);
240.  	}
242.  	while(gets(in_line) != NULL) {
243.  #ifdef  SINKS
244.  	    if(!strcmp(in_line, "#\ta corridor"))
245.  		Printf("#\ta corridor (or a kitchen sink)\n");
246.  	    else
247.  #endif
248.  #ifdef	ALTARS
249.  	    if(!strcmp(in_line, "_\tan iron chain"))
250.  		Printf("_\tan iron chain (or an altar)\n");
251.  	    else
252.  #endif
253.  #ifdef	SPELLS
254.  	    if(!strcmp(in_line, "+\ta door"))
255.  		Printf("+\ta door (or a spell book)\n");
256.  	    else
257.  #endif
258.  #ifdef	FOUNTAINS
259.  	    if(!strcmp(in_line, "}\twater filled area")) {
260.  		(void) puts(in_line);
261.  		Printf("{\ta fountain\n");
262.  	    } else
263.  #endif
264.  #ifdef	THRONES
265.  	    if(!strcmp(in_line, "^\ta trap")) {
266.  		(void) puts(in_line);
267.  		Printf("\\\tan opulent throne\n");
268.  	    } else
269.  #endif
270.  	    if(!strcmp(in_line, ";\ta giant eel")) {
271.  		(void) puts(in_line);
272.  #ifdef	WORM
273.  		Printf("~\tthe tail of a long worm\n");
274.  #endif
275.  #ifdef	GOLEMS
276.  Printf("'\ta golem\n");
277.  Printf("\t\tThese creatures, not quite living but not  really  nonliving\n");
278.  Printf("\t\teither,   are   created from inanimate materials by powerful\n");
279.  Printf("\t\tmages or priests.\n");
280.  #endif
281.  	    } else
282.  	      (void) puts(in_line);
283.  	}
284.  	(void) fclose(stdin);
285.  	(void) fclose(stdout);
286.  	return;
287.  }
289.  void
290.  do_permonst() {
292.  	int	i;
293.  	char	*c;
295.  	if(freopen(MONST_FILE, WRMODE, stdout) == (FILE *)0) {
296.  		perror(MONST_FILE);
297.  		exit(1);
298.  	}
299.  	Printf("/*\tSCCS Id: @(#)pm.h\t3.0\t88/11/20 */\n\n");
300.  	Printf("#ifndef PM_H\n#define PM_H\n");
302.  	for(i = 0; mons[i].mlet; i++) {
303.  		Printf("\n#define\tPM_");
304.  		for(c = mons[i].mname; *c; c++) {
305.  		    if((*c >= 'a') && (*c <= 'z')) *c -= (char)('a' - 'A');
306.  		    else if(*c == ' ' || *c == '-')	*c = '_';
307.  		}
308.  		Printf("%s\t%d", mons[i].mname, i);
309.  	}
310.  	Printf("\n\n#define\tNUMMONS\t%d\n", i);
311.  	Printf("\n#endif /* PM_H /**/\n");
312.  	(void) fclose(stdout);
313.  	return;
314.  }
316.  static	char	temp[32];
318.  char *
319.  limit(name,pref)	/* limit a name to 30 characters length */
320.  char	*name;
321.  boolean	pref;
322.  {
323.  	(void) strncpy(temp, name, pref ? 26 : 30);
324.  	temp[pref ? 26 : 30] = 0;
325.  	return temp;
326.  }
328.  void
329.  do_objs() {
331.  	register int i = 0, sum = 0;
332.  	register char *c;
333.  #ifdef SPELLS
334.  	register int nspell = 0;
335.  #endif
336.  	register boolean prefix = 0;
337.  	register char let = '\0';
338.  	boolean	sumerr = FALSE;
340.  	if(freopen(ONAME_FILE, WRMODE, stdout) == (FILE *)0) {
341.  		perror(ONAME_FILE);
342.  		exit(1);
343.  	}
344.  	Printf("/*\tSCCS Id: @(#)onames.h\t3.0\t89/01/10 */\n\n");
345.  	Printf("#ifndef ONAMES_H\n#define ONAMES_H\n\n");
347.  	for(i = 0; !i || objects[i].oc_olet != ILLOBJ_SYM; i++) {
348.  		if (!(c = objects[i].oc_name)) continue;
350.  		/* make sure probabilities add up to 1000 */
351.  		if(objects[i].oc_olet != let) {
352.  			if (sum && sum != 1000) {
353.  			    (void) fprintf(stderr, "prob error for %c (%d%%)", let, sum);
354.  			    (void) fflush(stderr);
355.  			    sumerr = TRUE;
356.  			}
357.  			let = objects[i].oc_olet;
358.  			sum = 0;
359.  		}
361.  		for(; *c; c++) {
362.  		    if((*c >= 'a') && (*c <= 'z')) *c -= (char)('a' - 'A');
363.  		    else if(*c == ' ' || *c == '-')	*c = '_';
364.  		}
366.  		switch (let) {
367.  		    case WAND_SYM:
368.  			Printf("#define\tWAN_"); prefix = 1; break;
369.  		    case RING_SYM:
370.  			Printf("#define\tRIN_"); prefix = 1; break;
371.  		    case POTION_SYM:
372.  			Printf("#define\tPOT_"); prefix = 1; break;
373.  #ifdef SPELLS
374.  		    case SPBOOK_SYM:
375.  			Printf("#define\tSPE_"); prefix = 1; nspell++; break;
376.  #endif
377.  		    case SCROLL_SYM:
378.  			Printf("#define\tSCR_"); prefix = 1; break;
379.  		    case GEM_SYM:
380.  			/* avoid trouble with stupid C preprocessors */
381.  			if(objects[i].oc_material == GLASS) {
382.  			    Printf("/* #define\t%s\t%d */\n", objects[i].oc_name, i);
383.  			    continue;
384.  			}
385.  		    default:
386.  			Printf("#define\t");
387.  		}
388.  		Printf("%s\t%d\n", limit(objects[i].oc_name, prefix), i);
389.  		prefix = 0;
391.  		sum += objects[i].oc_prob;
392.  	}
393.  	Printf("#define\tLAST_GEM\t(JADE+1)\n");
394.  #ifdef SPELLS
395.  	Printf("#define\tMAXSPELL\t%d\n", nspell+1);
396.  #endif
397.  	Printf("#define\tNROFOBJECTS\t%d\n", i-1);
398.  	Printf("\n#endif /* ONAMES_H /**/\n");
399.  	(void) fclose(stdout);
400.  	if (sumerr) exit(1);
401.  	return;
402.  }
404.  #if defined(SYSV) || defined(GENIX) || defined(UNIXDEBUG)
405.  void
406.  rename(oldname, newname)
407.  char	*oldname, *newname;
408.  {
409.  	if (strcmp(oldname, newname)) {
410.  		(void) unlink(newname);
411.  		(void) link(oldname, newname);
412.  		(void) unlink(oldname);
413.  	}
414.  	return;
415.  }
416.  #endif
418.  #ifdef MSDOS
419.  # ifndef AMIGA
420.  /* Get around bug in freopen when opening for writing	*/
421.  /* Supplied by Nathan Glasser (nathan@mit-eddie)	*/
422.  #undef freopen
423.  FILE *
424.  _freopen(fname, fmode, fp)
425.  char *fname, *fmode;
426.  FILE *fp;
427.  {
428.      if (!strncmp(fmode,"w",1))
429.      {
430.  	FILE *tmpfp;
432.  	if ((tmpfp = fopen(fname,fmode)) == (FILE *)0)
433.  	    return (FILE *)0;
434.  	if (dup2(fileno(tmpfp),fileno(fp)) < 0)
435.  	    return (FILE *)0;
436.  	(void) fclose(tmpfp);
437.  	return fp;
438.      }
439.      else
440.  	return freopen(fname,fmode,fp);
441.  }
442.  # endif /* AMIGA */
444.  # if defined(__TURBOC__) || defined(AMIGA)
445.  int
446.  getpid()
447.  {
448.  	return 1;
449.  }
450.  # endif
451.  #endif /* MSDOS */