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Below is the full text to mkroom.c from the source code of NetHack 3.0.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.0.0/mkroom.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)mkroom.c	3.0	88/11/24
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    /*
6.     * Entry points:
7.     *	mkroom() -- make and stock a room of a given type
8.     *	nexttodoor() -- return TRUE if adjacent to a door
9.     *	has_dnstairs() -- return TRUE if given room has a down staircase
10.    *	has_upstairs() -- return TRUE if given room has an up staircase
11.    *	dist2() -- Euclidean square-of-distance function
12.    *	courtmon() -- generate a court monster
13.    */
14.   #include "hack.h"
16.   static void mkshop(), mkzoo(), mkswamp();
17.   #ifdef ORACLE
18.   static void mkdelphi();
19.   #endif
20.   #if defined(ALTARS) && defined(THEOLOGY)
21.   static void mktemple();
22.   #endif
24.   static struct permonst *morguemon();
25.   #ifdef ARMY
26.   static struct permonst *squadmon();
27.   #endif
29.   #define sq(x) ((x)*(x))
31.   static boolean
32.   isbig(sroom)
33.   register struct mkroom *sroom;
34.   {
35.   	register int area = (sroom->hx - sroom->lx) * (sroom->hy - sroom->ly);
36.   	return( area > 20 );
37.   }
39.   void
40.   mkroom(roomtype)
41.   /* make and stock a room of a given type */
42.   int	roomtype;
43.   {
45.       if (roomtype >= SHOPBASE)
46.   	mkshop();	/* someday, we should be able to specify shop type */
47.       else switch(roomtype) {
48.   #ifdef THRONES
49.   	case COURT:	mkzoo(COURT); break;
50.   #endif
51.   	case ZOO:	mkzoo(ZOO); break;
52.   	case BEEHIVE:	mkzoo(BEEHIVE); break;
53.   	case MORGUE:	mkzoo(MORGUE); break;
54.   	case BARRACKS:	mkzoo(BARRACKS); break;
55.   	case SWAMP:	mkswamp(); break;
56.   #ifdef ORACLE
57.   	case DELPHI:	mkdelphi(); break;
58.   #endif
59.   #if defined(ALTARS) && defined(THEOLOGY)
60.   	case TEMPLE:	mktemple(); break;
61.   #endif
62.   	default:	impossible("Tried to make a room of type %d.", roomtype);
63.       }
64.   }
66.   static void
67.   mkshop()
68.   {
69.   	register struct mkroom *sroom;
70.   	int i = -1;
71.   #ifdef WIZARD
72.   	register char *ep;
74.   	/* first determine shoptype */
75.   	if(wizard){
76.   		ep = getenv("SHOPTYPE");
77.   		if(ep){
78.   			if(*ep == 'z' || *ep == 'Z'){
79.   				mkzoo(ZOO);
80.   				return;
81.   			}
82.   			if(*ep == 'm' || *ep == 'M'){
83.   				mkzoo(MORGUE);
84.   				return;
85.   			}
86.   			if(*ep == 'b' || *ep == 'B'){
87.   				mkzoo(BEEHIVE);
88.   				return;
89.   			}
90.   #ifdef THRONES
91.   			if(*ep == 't' || *ep == 'T'){
92.   				mkzoo(COURT);
93.   				return;
94.   			}
95.   #endif
96.   #ifdef ARMY
97.   			if(*ep == 's' || *ep == 'S'){
98.   				mkzoo(BARRACKS);
99.   				return;
100.  			}
101.  #endif /* ARMY */
102.  #if defined(ALTARS) && defined(THEOLOGY)
103.  			if(*ep == '_'){
104.  				mktemple();
105.  				return;
106.  			}
107.  #endif
108.  			if(*ep == '}'){
109.  				mkswamp();
110.  				return;
111.  			}
112.  			for(i=0; shtypes[i].name; i++)
113.  				if(*ep == shtypes[i].symb) goto gottype;
114.  			i = -1;
115.  		}
116.  	}
117.  gottype:
118.  #endif
119.  	for(sroom = &rooms[0]; ; sroom++){
120.  		if(sroom->hx < 0) return;
121.  		if(sroom - rooms >= nroom) {
122.  			pline("rooms not closed by -1?");
123.  			return;
124.  		}
125.  		if(sroom->rtype != OROOM) continue;
126.  		if(!sroom->rlit || has_dnstairs(sroom) || has_upstairs(sroom))
127.  			continue;
128.  		if(
129.  #ifdef WIZARD
130.  		   (wizard && ep && sroom->doorct != 0) ||
131.  #endif
132.  			sroom->doorct == 1) break;
133.  	}
135.  	if(i < 0) {			/* shoptype not yet determined */
136.  	    register int j;
138.  	    /* pick a shop type at random */
139.  	    for(j = rn2(100), i = 0; j -= shtypes[i].prob; i++)
140.  		if (j < 0)	break;
142.  	    /* big rooms cannot be wand or book shops,
143.  	     * - so make them general stores
144.  	     */
145.  	    if(isbig(sroom) && (shtypes[i].symb == WAND_SYM
146.  #ifdef SPELLS
147.  				|| shtypes[i].symb == SPBOOK_SYM
148.  #endif
149.  								)) i = 0;
150.  	}
151.  	sroom->rtype = SHOPBASE + i;
153.  	/* stock the room with a shopkeeper and artifacts */
154.  	stock_room(&(shtypes[i]), sroom);
155.  }
157.  static struct mkroom *
158.  pick_room()
159.  /* pick an unused room, preferably with only one door */
160.  {
161.  	register struct mkroom *sroom;
162.  	register int i = nroom;
164.  	for(sroom = &rooms[rn2(nroom)]; i--; sroom++) {
165.  		if(sroom == &rooms[nroom])
166.  			sroom = &rooms[0];
167.  		if(sroom->hx < 0)
168.  			return (struct mkroom *)0;
169.  		if(sroom->rtype != OROOM)	continue;
170.  		if(has_upstairs(sroom) || (has_dnstairs(sroom) && rn2(3)))
171.  			continue;
172.  		if(sroom->doorct == 1 || !rn2(5))
173.  			return sroom;
174.  	}
175.  	return (struct mkroom *)0;
176.  }
178.  static void
179.  mkzoo(type)
180.  int type;
181.  {
182.  	register struct mkroom *sroom;
183.  	struct monst *mon;
184.  	register int sx,sy,i;
185.  	int sh, tx, ty, goldlim = 500 * dlevel;
187.  	if(!(sroom = pick_room())) return;
189.  	sroom->rtype = type;
190.  	sh = sroom->fdoor;
191.  	switch(type) {
192.  	    case COURT:
193.  		tx = somex(sroom); ty = somey(sroom); break;
194.  		/* TODO: try to ensure the enthroned monster is an M2_PRINCE */
195.  	    case BEEHIVE:
196.  		tx = sroom->lx + (sroom->hx - sroom->lx + 1)/2;
197.  		ty = sroom->ly + (sroom->hy - sroom->ly + 1)/2;
198.  		break;
199.  	}
200.  	for(sx = sroom->lx; sx <= sroom->hx; sx++)
201.  	    for(sy = sroom->ly; sy <= sroom->hy; sy++){
202.  		if((sx == sroom->lx && doors[sh].x == sx-1) ||
203.  		   (sx == sroom->hx && doors[sh].x == sx+1) ||
204.  		   (sy == sroom->ly && doors[sh].y == sy-1) ||
205.  		   (sy == sroom->hy && doors[sh].y == sy+1)) continue;
206.  		mon = makemon(
207.  #ifdef THRONES
208.  		    (type == COURT) ? courtmon() :
209.  #endif
210.  #ifdef ARMY
211.  		    (type == BARRACKS) ? squadmon() :
212.  #endif
213.  		    (type == MORGUE) ? morguemon() :
214.  		    (type == BEEHIVE) ?
215.  			(sx == tx && sy == ty ? &mons[PM_QUEEN_BEE] : 
216.  			 &mons[PM_KILLER_BEE]) :
217.  		    (struct permonst *) 0,
218.  		   sx, sy);
219.  		if(mon) {
220.  			mon->msleep = 1;
221.  #ifdef THRONES
222.  			if (type==COURT && mon->mpeaceful) {
223.  				mon->mpeaceful = 0;
224.  				mon->malign = max(3,abs(mon->data->maligntyp));
225.  			}
226.  #endif
227.  		}
228.  		switch(type) {
229.  		    case ZOO:
230.  			i = sq(dist2(sx,sy,doors[sh].x,doors[sh].y));
231.  			if(i >= goldlim) i = 5*dlevel;
232.  			goldlim -= i;
233.  			mkgold((long)(10 + rn2(i)), sx, sy);
234.  			break;
235.  		    case MORGUE:
236.  			if(!rn2(5))
237.  			    (void) mk_tt_corpse(sx, sy);
238.  			if(!rn2(10))	/* lots of treasure buried with dead */
239.  			    (void) mksobj_at((rn2(3)) ? LARGE_BOX : CHEST, sx, sy);
240.  			break;
241.  		    case BEEHIVE:
242.  			if(!rn2(3))
243.  			    (void) mksobj_at(LUMP_OF_ROYAL_JELLY, sx, sy);
244.  			break;
245.  		    case BARRACKS:
246.  			if(!rn2(20))	/* the payroll and some loot */
247.  			    (void) mksobj_at((rn2(3)) ? LARGE_BOX : CHEST, sx, sy);
248.  			break;
249.  		}
250.  	}
251.  #ifdef THRONES
252.  	if(type == COURT)  {
253.  		levl[tx][ty].typ = THRONE;
254.  		levl[tx][ty].scrsym = THRONE_SYM;
256.  		tx = somex(sroom);
257.  		ty = somey(sroom);
258.  		mkgold((long) rn1(50 * dlevel,10), sx, sy);
259.  		(void) mksobj_at(CHEST, sx, sy);    /* the royal coffers */
260.  	}
261.  #endif
263.  }
265.  static struct permonst *
266.  morguemon()
267.  {
268.  	register int i = rn2(100), hd = rn2(dlevel);
270.  	if(hd > 10 && i < 10)
271.  		return((Inhell) ? mkclass(S_DEMON) : &mons[ndemon()]);
272.  	if(hd > 8 && i > 85)
273.  		return(mkclass(S_VAMPIRE));
275.  	return((i < 20) ? &mons[PM_GHOST]
276.  			: (i < 40) ? &mons[PM_WRAITH] : mkclass(S_ZOMBIE));
277.  }
279.  static void
280.  mkswamp()	/* Michiel Huisjes & Fred de Wilde */
281.  {
282.  	register struct mkroom *sroom;
283.  	register int sx,sy,i,eelct = 0;
285.  	for(i=0; i<5; i++) {		/* 5 tries */
286.  		sroom = &rooms[rn2(nroom)];
287.  		if(sroom->hx < 0 || sroom->rtype != OROOM ||
288.  		   has_upstairs(sroom) || has_dnstairs(sroom))
289.  			continue;
291.  		/* satisfied; make a swamp */
292.  		sroom->rtype = SWAMP;
293.  		for(sx = sroom->lx; sx <= sroom->hx; sx++)
294.  		for(sy = sroom->ly; sy <= sroom->hy; sy++)
295.  		if(levl[sx][sy].omask == 0 && levl[sx][sy].gmask == 0 &&
296.  		   levl[sx][sy].mmask == 0 &&
297.  		   !t_at(sx,sy) && !nexttodoor(sx,sy)) {
298.  		    if((sx+sy)%2) {
299.  			levl[sx][sy].typ = POOL;
300.  			levl[sx][sy].scrsym = POOL_SYM;
301.  			if(!eelct || !rn2(4)) {
302.  				(void) makemon(mkclass(S_EEL), sx, sy);
303.  				eelct++;
304.  			}
305.  		    } else if(!rn2(4))	/* swamps tend to be moldy */
306.  			(void) makemon(mkclass(S_FUNGUS), sx, sy);
307.  		}
308.  	}
309.  }
311.  #ifdef ORACLE
312.  static void
313.  mkdelphi()
314.  {
315.  	register struct mkroom *sroom;
316.  	register struct monst *oracl;
317.  	int dy,xx,yy;
319.  	if(doorindex >= DOORMAX) return;
320.  	if(!(sroom = pick_room())) return;
322.  	if(!place_oracle(sroom,&dy,&xx,&yy)) return;
324.  	/* set up Oracle and environment */
325.  	if(!(oracl = makemon(&mons[PM_ORACLE],xx,yy))) return;
326.  	sroom->rtype = DELPHI;
327.  	oracl->mpeaceful = 1;
329.  	yy -= dy;
330.  	if(ACCESSIBLE(levl[xx-1][yy].typ))
331.  		(void) mkstatue(&mons[PM_FOREST_CENTAUR], xx-1, yy);
332.  	if(ACCESSIBLE(levl[xx][yy].typ))
333.  		(void) mkstatue(&mons[PM_MOUNTAIN_CENTAUR], xx, yy);
334.  	if(ACCESSIBLE(levl[xx+1][yy].typ))
335.  		(void) mkstatue(&mons[PM_PLAINS_CENTAUR], xx+1, yy);
336.  # ifdef FOUNTAINS
337.  	mkfount(0,sroom);
338.  # endif
339.  }
340.  #endif
342.  #if defined(ALTARS) && defined(THEOLOGY)
343.  void
344.  shrine_pos(sx,sy,troom)
345.  int *sx,*sy;
346.  struct mkroom *troom;
347.  {
348.  	*sx = troom->lx + ((troom->hx - troom->lx) / 2);
349.  	*sy = troom->ly + ((troom->hy - troom->ly) / 2);
350.  }
352.  static void
353.  mktemple()
354.  {
355.  	register struct mkroom *sroom;
356.  	int sx,sy;
358.  	if(!(sroom = pick_room())) return;
360.  	/* set up Priest and shrine */
361.  	sroom->rtype = TEMPLE;
362.  	shrine_pos(&sx,&sy,sroom);
363.  	/*
364.  	 * In temples, shrines are blessed altars
365.  	 * located in the center of the room
366.  	 */
367.  	levl[sx][sy].typ = ALTAR;
368.  	levl[sx][sy].scrsym = ALTAR_SYM;
369.  	levl[sx][sy].altarmask = rn2((int)A_LAW+1) | A_SHRINE;
370.  	priestini(dlevel, sx, sy, (int) levl[sx][sy].altarmask);
371.  }
372.  #endif
374.  boolean
375.  nexttodoor(sx,sy)
376.  register int sx, sy;
377.  {
378.  	register int dx, dy;
379.  	register struct rm *lev;
380.  	for(dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++) for(dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy++)
381.  		if(IS_DOOR((lev = &levl[sx+dx][sy+dy])->typ) ||
382.  		    lev->typ == SDOOR)
383.  			return(TRUE);
384.  	return(FALSE);
385.  }
387.  boolean
388.  has_dnstairs(sroom)
389.  register struct mkroom *sroom;
390.  {
391.  	return(sroom->lx <= xdnstair && xdnstair <= sroom->hx &&
392.  		   sroom->ly <= ydnstair && ydnstair <= sroom->hy);
393.  }
395.  boolean
396.  has_upstairs(sroom)
397.  register struct mkroom *sroom;
398.  {
399.  	return(sroom->lx <= xupstair && xupstair <= sroom->hx &&
400.  		   sroom->ly <= yupstair && yupstair <= sroom->hy);
401.  }
403.  int
404.  dist2(x0,y0,x1,y1)
405.  int x0, y0, x1, y1;
406.  {
407.  	register int dx = x0 - x1, dy = y0 - y1;
408.  	return sq(dx) + sq(dy);
409.  }
411.  #ifdef THRONES
412.  struct permonst *
413.  courtmon()
414.  {
415.  	int     i = rn2(60) + rn2(3*dlevel);
416.  	if (i > 100)		return(mkclass(S_DRAGON));
417.  	else if (i > 95)	return(mkclass(S_GIANT));
418.  	else if (i > 85)	return(mkclass(S_TROLL));
419.  	else if (i > 75)	return(mkclass(S_CENTAUR));
420.  	else if (i > 60)	return(mkclass(S_ORC));
421.  	else if (i > 45)	return(&mons[PM_BUGBEAR]);
422.  	else if (i > 30)	return(&mons[PM_HOBGOBLIN]);
423.  	else if (i > 15)	return(mkclass(S_GNOME));
424.  	else			return(mkclass(S_KOBOLD));
425.  }
426.  #endif /* THRONES /**/
428.  #ifdef ARMY
429.  #define	    NSTYPES	(PM_CAPTAIN-PM_SOLDIER+1)
431.  struct {
432.      unsigned	pm;
433.      unsigned	prob;
434.  }   squadprob[NSTYPES] = {
436.  };
438.  static struct permonst *
439.  squadmon() {	    /* return soldier types. */
441.  	register struct permonst *ptr;
442.  	register int	i, cpro, sel = rnd(80+dlevel);
444.  	for(cpro = i = 0; i < NSTYPES; i++)
445.  	    if((cpro += squadprob[i].prob) > sel) {
447.  		ptr = &mons[squadprob[i].pm];
448.  		goto gotone;
449.  	    }
450.  	ptr = &mons[squadprob[rn2(NSTYPES)].pm];
451.  gotone:
452.  	if(!(ptr->geno & G_GENOD))  return(ptr);
453.  	else			    return((struct permonst *) 0);
454.  }
455.  #endif /* ARMY /* */