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Latest revision as of 05:05, 4 March 2008

Below is the full text to music.c from the source code of NetHack 3.0.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.0.0/music.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)music.c	3.0	88/10/22
2.    /* 	Copyright (c) 1989 by Jean-Christophe Collet */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    /*
6.     * This file contains the different functions designed to manipulate the
7.     * musical instruments and their various effects.
8.     *
9.     * Actually the list of instruments / effects is :
10.    *
11.    * Flute		may calm snakes if player has enough dexterity
12.    * Magic flute		may put monsters to sleep:  area of effect depends
13.    *			on player level.
14.    * Horn			Will awaken monsters:  area of effect depends on player
15.    *			level.  May also scare monsters.
16.    * Fire horn		Acts like a wand of fire.
17.    * Frost horn		Acts like a wand of cold.
18.    * Bugle		Will awaken soldiers (if any):  area of effect depends
19.    *			on player level.
20.    * Harp			May calm nymph if player has enough dexterity.
21.    * Magic harp		Charm monsters:  area of effect depends on player
22.    *			level.
23.    * Drum			Will awaken monsters like the horn.
24.    * Drum of earthquake	Will initiate an earthquake whose intensity depends
25.    *			on player level.  That is, it creates ramdom pits
26.    *			called here chasms.
27.    */
30.   #include "hack.h"
32.   #ifdef MUSIC
34.   /*
35.    * Wake every monster in range...
36.    */
38.   static void
39.   awaken_monsters(distance)
40.   int distance;
41.   {
42.   	register struct monst *mtmp = fmon;
44.   	while(mtmp) {
45.   		if (dist(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my) < distance/3) {
46.   			/* May scare some monsters */
47.   			if (!resist(mtmp, SCROLL_SYM, 0, NOTELL))
48.   			  mtmp->mflee = 1;
49.   		} else if (dist(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my) < distance) {
50.   			mtmp->msleep = 0;
51.   			mtmp->mfroz = 0;
52.   		}
53.   		mtmp = mtmp->nmon;
54.   	}
55.   }
57.   /*
58.    * Make monsters fall asleep.  Note that they may resist the spell.
59.    */
61.   static void
62.   put_monsters_to_sleep(distance)
63.   int distance;
64.   {
65.   	register struct monst *mtmp = fmon;
67.   	while(mtmp) {
68.   		  if (dist(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my) < distance)
69.   		    if(!mtmp->mfroz && !resist(mtmp, WAND_SYM, 0, NOTELL))
70.   		      mtmp->mfroz = 1;
71.   		mtmp = mtmp->nmon;
72.   	}
73.   }
75.   /*
76.    * Charm snakes in range.  Note that the snakes are NOT tamed.
77.    */
79.   static void
80.   charm_snakes(distance)
81.   int distance;
82.   {
83.   	register struct monst *mtmp = fmon;
85.   	while (mtmp) {
86.   		if (mtmp->data->mlet == S_SNAKE && dist(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my) < distance) {
87.   			mtmp->mpeaceful = 1;
88.   			if (cansee(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my))
89.   			  pline("%s freezes and sways with the music, then seems quieter.",defmonnam(mtmp));
90.   		}
91.   		mtmp = mtmp->nmon;
92.   	}
93.   }
95.   /*
96.    * Calm nymphs in range.
97.    */
99.   static void
100.  calm_nymphs(distance)
101.  int distance;
102.  {
103.  	register struct monst *mtmp = fmon;
105.  	while (mtmp) {
106.  		if (mtmp->data->mlet == S_NYMPH && dist(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my) < distance) {
107.  			mtmp->mpeaceful = 1;
108.  			if (cansee(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my))
109.  			  pline("%s listens cheerfully to the music, then seems quieter.",defmonnam(mtmp));
110.  		}
111.  		mtmp = mtmp->nmon;
112.  	}
113.  }
115.  /* Awake only soldiers of the level. */
117.  static void
118.  awaken_soldiers() {
119.  #ifdef ARMY
120.  #define IS_SOLDIER(dat)	((int)((dat) - mons) >= PM_UNARMORED_SOLDIER && \
121.  			 (int) ((dat) - mons) <= PM_CAPTAIN)
122.  	register struct monst *mtmp = fmon;
124.  	while(mtmp) {
125.  		if (IS_SOLDIER(mtmp->data))
126.  			mtmp->mpeaceful = mtmp->msleep = mtmp->mfroz = 0;
127.  		mtmp = mtmp->nmon;
128.  	}
129.  #endif /* ARMY /**/
130.  }
132.  /* Charm monsters in range.  Note that they may resist the spell. */
134.  static void
135.  charm_monsters(distance)
136.  int distance;
137.  {
138.  	register struct monst *mtmp = fmon;
140.  	while(mtmp) {
141.  		if(dist(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my) <= distance)
142.  		    if(!resist(mtmp, SCROLL_SYM, 0, NOTELL))
143.  			(void) tamedog(mtmp, (struct obj *) 0);
144.  		mtmp = mtmp->nmon;
145.  	}
147.  }
149.  /* Generate earthquake :-) of desired force.
150.   * That is:  create random chasms (pits).
151.   */
153.  static void
154.  do_earthquake(force)
155.  int force;
156.  {
157.  	register int x,y;
158.  	struct monst *mtmp;
159.  	struct trap *chasm;
160.  	int start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y;
162.  	start_x = u.ux - (force * 2);
163.  	start_y = u.uy - (force * 2);
164.  	end_x = u.ux + (force * 2);
165.  	end_y = u.uy + (force * 2);
166.  	if (start_x < 1) start_x = 1;
167.  	if (start_y < 1) start_y = 1;
168.  	if (end_x >= COLNO) end_x = COLNO - 1;
169.  	if (end_y >= ROWNO) end_y = ROWNO - 1;
170.  	for (x=start_x; x<=end_x; x++)
171.  	  for (y=start_y; y<=end_y; y++)
172.  	    if (!rn2(14 - force)) {
173.  		    switch (levl[x][y].typ) {
174.  #ifdef FOUNTAINS
175.  			  case FOUNTAIN : /* Make the fountain disappear */
176.  			    if (cansee(x,y))
177.  			      pline("The fountain falls into a chasm.");
178.  			    goto do_pit;
179.  #endif
180.  #ifdef SINKS
181.  			  case SINK :
182.  			    if (cansee(x,y))
183.  			      pline("The kitchen sink falls into a chasm.");
184.  			    goto do_pit;
185.  #endif
186.  #ifdef ALTARS
187.  			  case ALTAR :
188.  			    if (cansee(x,y))
189.  			      pline("The altar falls into a chasm.");
190.  			    goto do_pit;
191.  #endif
192.  #ifdef THRONES
193.  			  case THRONE :
194.  			    if (cansee(x,y))
195.  			      pline("The throne falls into a chasm.");
196.  				/* Falls into next case */
197.  #endif
198.  			  case ROOM :
199.  			  case CORR : /* Make a pit */
200.  do_pit:			    chasm = maketrap(x,y,PIT);
201.  			    chasm->tseen = 1;
203.  			    levl[x][y].doormask = 0;
205.  			    /* We have to check whether monsters or player
206.  			       fall in a chasm... */
208.  			    if (levl[x][y].mmask) {
209.  				mtmp = m_at(x,y);
210.  				if(!is_flyer(mtmp->data)) {
211.  				    mtmp->mtrapped = 1;
212.  				    if(cansee(x,y))
213.  					pline("%s falls into a chasm!",
214.  						Monnam(mtmp));
215.  				    else if (flags.soundok && humanoid(mtmp->data))
216.  					You("hear a scream!");
217.  				    if ((mtmp->mhp -= rnd(6)) <= 0) {
218.  					int saved_conf = u.umconf;
220.  					if(!cansee(x,y))
221.  					    pline("It has died!");
222.  					else {
223.  					    You("destroy %s!",
224.  					    mtmp->mtame ?
225.  						a_monnam(mtmp, "poor") :
226.  						mon_nam(mtmp));
227.  					}
228.  					xkilled(mtmp,0);
229.  					u.umconf = saved_conf;
230.  				    }
231.  				}
232.  			    } else if (x == u.ux && y == u.uy) {
233.  				    if (Levitation
234.  #ifdef POLYSELF
235.  					|| is_flyer(uasmon)
236.  #endif
237.  					) {
238.  					    pline("A chasm opens up under you!");
239.  					    You("don't fall in!");
240.  				    } else {
241.  					    You("fall into a chasm!");
242.  					    u.utrap = rn1(6,2);
243.  					    u.utraptype = TT_PIT;
244.  					    losehp(rnd(6),"fall into a chasm");
245.  					    selftouch("Falling, you");
246.  				    }
247.  			    } else
248.  				newsym(x,y);
249.  			    break;
250.  			  case DOOR : /* Make the door collapse */
251.  			    if (levl[x][y].doormask == D_NODOOR) break;
252.  			    if (cansee(x,y))
253.  				pline("The door collapses.");
254.  			    levl[x][y].doormask = D_NODOOR;
255.  			    if (!levl[x][y].mmask && !(x == u.ux && y == u.uy))
256.  				newsym(x,y);
257.  			    break;
258.  		    }
259.  	    }
260.  }
262.  /*
263.   * The player is trying to extract something from his/her instrument.
264.   */
266.  static int
267.  do_improvisation(instr)
268.  struct obj *instr;
269.  {
270.  	int damage;
272.  	if (Confusion)
273.  	  pline("What you produce is quite far from music...");
274.  	else
275.  	  You("start playing the %s.", xname(instr));
276.  	switch (instr->otyp) {
277.  	      case FLUTE:	/* May charm snakes */
278.  		if (rn2(ACURR(A_DEX)) + u.ulevel > 25)
279.  		  charm_snakes((int)u.ulevel*3);
280.  		break;
281.  	      case MAGIC_FLUTE: /* Make monster fall asleep */
282.  		You("produce soft music.");
283.  		put_monsters_to_sleep((int)u.ulevel*5);
284.  		break;
285.  	      case HORN:	/* Awaken monsters or scare monsters */
286.  		You("produce a frightful, grave sound.");
287.  		awaken_monsters((int)u.ulevel*30);
288.  		break;
289.  	      case FROST_HORN:	/* Idem wand of cold */
290.  	      case FIRE_HORN:	/* Idem wand of fire */
291.  		if (instr->spe > 0) {
292.  			instr->spe--;
293.  			if (!getdir(1)) {
294.  				if (!Blind)
295.  				    pline("The %s glows then fades.", xname(instr));
296.  			} else {
297.  				if (!u.dx && !u.dy && !u.dz) {
298.  					if((damage = zapyourself(instr)))
299.  					  losehp(damage,"self-inflicted injury");
300.  					makeknown(instr->otyp);
301.  					return(2);
302.  				}
303.  				buzz((instr->otyp == FROST_HORN) ? 3 : 1, rn1(6,6), u.ux, u.uy, u.dx, u.dy);
304.  				makeknown(instr->otyp);
305.  				return(2);
306.  			}
307.  		}
308.  		break;
309.  	      case BUGLE:	/* Awaken & attract soldiers */
310.  		You("extract a loud noise from the %s.",xname(instr));
311.  		awaken_soldiers();
312.  		break;
313.  	      case HARP:	/* May calm Nymph */
314.  		if (rn2(ACURR(A_DEX)) + u.ulevel > 25)
315.  		  calm_nymphs((int)u.ulevel*3);
316.  		break;
317.  	      case MAGIC_HARP:	/* Charm monsters */
318.  		if (instr->spe > 0) {
319.  			pline("The %s produces very attractive music.",xname(instr));
320.  			instr->spe--;
321.  			charm_monsters(((int)u.ulevel - 1) / 3 + 1);
322.  		}
323.  		break;
324.  	      case DRUM:	/* Awaken monsters */
325.  		You("beat a deafening row!");
326.  		awaken_monsters((int)u.ulevel * 40);
327.  		break;
328.  	      case DRUM_OF_EARTHQUAKE:	/* create several pits */
329.  		if (instr->spe > 0) {
330.  			You("produce a heavy, thunderous rolling!");
331.  			pline("The entire dungeon is shaking around you!");
332.  			do_earthquake(((int)u.ulevel - 1) / 3 + 1);
333.  			instr->spe--;
334.  			makeknown(DRUM_OF_EARTHQUAKE);
335.  		}
336.  		break;
337.  	      default:
338.  		impossible("What a weird instrument (%d)!",instr->otyp);
339.  		break;
340.  	}
341.  	return (2);		/* That takes time */
342.  }
344.  /*
345.   * So you want music...
346.   */
348.  int
349.  do_play_instrument(instr)
350.  struct obj *instr;
351.  {
352.  #ifdef STRONGHOLD
353.      char buf[BUFSZ], *s, c = 'y';
354.      int x,y;
355.      boolean ok;
357.      if (instr->otyp != DRUM && instr->otyp != DRUM_OF_EARTHQUAKE) {
358.  	pline("Improvise? ");
359.  	c = yn();
360.      }
361.      if (c == 'n') {
362.  	pline("What tune are you playing? [what 5 notes] ");
363.  	getlin(buf);
364.  	for(s=buf;*s;s++)
365.  	    *s = (*s >='a' && *s<='z') ? 'A' + *s - 'a' : *s;
366.  	You("extract a strange sound from the %s!",xname(instr));
367.  	/* Check if there was the Stronghold drawbridge near
368.  	 * and if the tune conforms to what we're waiting for.
369.  	 */
370.  	if (dlevel == stronghold_level)
371.  	    if (!strcmp(buf,tune)) {
372.  		/* Search for the drawbridge */
373.  		for(y=u.uy-1; y<=u.uy+1; y++)
374.  		    for(x=u.ux-1;x<=u.ux+1;x++)
375.  			if (find_drawbridge(&x,&y)) {
376.  			    if (levl[x][y].typ == DRAWBRIDGE_DOWN)
377.  				close_drawbridge(x,y);
378.  			    else
379.  				open_drawbridge(x,y);
380.  			    return 0;
381.  			}
382.  	    } else if (flags.soundok) {
383.  		/* Okay, it wasn't the right tune, but perhaps
384.  		 * we can give the player some hints like in the
385.  		 * Mastermind game */
386.  		ok = FALSE;
387.  		for(y = u.uy-1; y <= u.uy+1 && !ok; y++)
388.  		    for(x = u.ux-1; x <= u.ux+1 && !ok; x++)
389.  			if(IS_DRAWBRIDGE(levl[x][y].typ) ||
390.  			   is_drawbridge_wall(x,y) >= 0)
391.  				ok = TRUE;
392.  		if (ok) { /* There is a drawbridge near */
393.  		    int tumblers, gears;
394.  		    boolean matched[5];
396.  		    tumblers = gears = 0;
397.  		    for(x=0; x < 5; x++)
398.  			matched[x] = FALSE;
400.  		    for(x=0; x < strlen(buf); x++)
401.  			if(x < 5) {
402.  			    if(buf[x] == tune[x]) {
403.  				gears++;
404.  				matched[x] = TRUE;
405.  			    } else
406.  				for(y=0; y < 5; y++)
407.  				    if(!matched[y] &&
408.  				       buf[x] == tune[y] &&
409.  				       buf[y] != tune[y]) {
410.  					tumblers++;
411.  					matched[y] = TRUE;
412.  					break;
413.  				    }
414.  			}
415.  		    if(tumblers)
416.  			if(gears)
417.  			You("hear %d tumbler%s click and %d gear%s turn.",
418.  			    tumblers, (tumblers > 1 ? "s" : ""),
419.  			    gears, (gears > 1 ? "s" : ""));
420.  			else
421.  			    You("hear %d tumbler%s click.",
422.  			    tumblers, (tumblers > 1 ? "s" : ""));
423.  		    else if(gears)
424.  			You("hear %d gear%s turn.",
425.  			gears, (gears > 1 ? "s" : ""));
426.  		}
427.  	    }
428.  	return 1;
429.      } else
430.  #endif /* STRONGHOLD /**/
431.  	    return do_improvisation(instr);
432.  }
434.  #endif /* MUSIC /**/