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Revision as of 21:42, 24 September 2006

Below is the full text to search.c from the source code of NetHack 3.0.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.0.0/search.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)search.c	3.0	88/04/13
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    #include "hack.h"
6.    #ifdef NAMED_ITEMS
7.    #  include "artifact.h"
8.    #endif
10.   static void
11.   findone(zx,zy,num)
12.   xchar zx,zy;
13.   int *num;
14.   {
15.   	register struct trap *ttmp;
16.   	register struct monst *mtmp;
18.   	if(levl[zx][zy].typ == SDOOR) {
19.   		levl[zx][zy].typ = DOOR;
20.   		levl[zx][zy].seen = 0;
21.   		prl(zx, zy);
22.   		(*num)++;
23.   	} else if(levl[zx][zy].typ == SCORR) {
24.   		levl[zx][zy].typ = CORR;
25.   		levl[zx][zy].seen = 0;
26.   		prl(zx, zy);
27.   		(*num)++;
28.   	} else if(ttmp = t_at(zx, zy)) {
29.   		if(ttmp->ttyp == MONST_TRAP) {
30.   			(void) makemon(&mons[ttmp->pm], zx, zy);
31.   			(*num)++;
32.   			deltrap(ttmp);
33.   		} else if(!ttmp->tseen && ttmp->ttyp != STATUE_TRAP) {
34.   			ttmp->tseen = 1;
35.   			if(!vism_at(zx, zy))
36.   		    atl(zx,zy,(char)((ttmp->ttyp==WEB) ? WEB_SYM : TRAP_SYM));
37.   			(*num)++;
38.   		}
39.   	} else if(levl[zx][zy].mmask) {
40.   		mtmp = m_at(zx,zy);
41.   		if(mtmp->mimic) {
42.   		        seemimic(mtmp);
43.   		        (*num)++;
44.   		}
45.   	}
46.   }
48.   int
49.   findit()	/* returns number of things found */
50.   {
51.   	int num;
52.   	register xchar zx,zy;
53.   	xchar lx,hx,ly,hy;
54.   	xchar lx2,hx2,ly2,hy2;
56.   	if(u.uswallow) return(0);
57.   	if(inroom(u.ux,u.uy) < 0) {
58.   		lx = u.ux - 1;
59.   		hx = u.ux + 1;
60.   		ly = u.uy - 1;
61.   		hy = u.uy + 1;
62.   		lx2 = ly2 = 1;
63.   		hx2 = hy2 = 0;
64.   	} else
65.   		getcorners(&lx,&hx,&ly,&hy,&lx2,&hx2,&ly2,&hy2);
66.   	num = 0;
67.   	for(zy = ly; zy <= hy; zy++)
68.   		for(zx = lx; zx <= hx; zx++)
69.   			findone(zx,zy,&num);
70.   	for(zy = ly2; zy <= hy2; zy++)
71.   		for(zx = lx2; zx <= hx2; zx++)
72.   			findone(zx,zy,&num);
73.   	return(num);
74.   }
76.   int
77.   dosearch()
78.   {
79.   	return(dosearch0(0));
80.   }
82.   int
83.   dosearch0(aflag)
84.   register int aflag;
85.   {
86.   	register xchar x, y;
87.   	register struct trap *trap;
88.   	register struct monst *mtmp;
89.   	register struct obj *otmp;
91.   #ifdef NAMED_ITEMS
92.   	int fund = (spec_ability(uwep, SPFX_SEARCH)) ?
93.   			((uwep->spe > 5) ? 5 : uwep->spe) : 0;
94.   #endif /* NAMED_ITEMS */
96.   	if(u.uswallow) {
97.   		if (!aflag)
98.   			pline("What are you looking for?  The exit?");
99.   	} else
100.  	    for(x = u.ux-1; x < u.ux+2; x++)
101.  	      for(y = u.uy-1; y < u.uy+2; y++)
102.  		if(x != u.ux || y != u.uy) {
103.  		    if(levl[x][y].typ == SDOOR) {
104.  #ifdef NAMED_ITEMS
105.  			if(rnl(7-fund)) continue;
106.  #else
107.  			if(rnl(7)) continue;
108.  #endif
109.  			levl[x][y].typ = DOOR;
110.  			levl[x][y].seen = 0;	/* force prl */
111.  			nomul(0);
112.  			prl(x,y);
113.  		    } else if(levl[x][y].typ == SCORR) {
114.  #ifdef NAMED_ITEMS
115.  			if(rnl(7-fund)) continue;
116.  #else
117.  			if(rnl(7)) continue;
118.  #endif
119.  			levl[x][y].typ = CORR;
120.  			levl[x][y].seen = 0;	/* force prl */
121.  			nomul(0);
122.  			prl(x,y);
123.  		    } else {
124.  		/* Be careful not to find anything in an SCORR or SDOOR */
125.  			if(levl[x][y].mmask) {
126.  			    mtmp = m_at(x,y);
127.  			    if(!aflag && mtmp->mimic) {
128.  				seemimic(mtmp);
129.  				You("find %s.", defmonnam(mtmp));
130.  				return(1);
131.  			    }
132.  			}
134.  			for(trap = ftrap; trap; trap = trap->ntrap)
135.  			    if(trap->tx == x && trap->ty == y &&
136.  				!trap->tseen && !rnl(8)) {
137.  				nomul(0);
138.  				if(trap->ttyp != MONST_TRAP &&
139.  				   trap->ttyp != STATUE_TRAP)
140.  				You("find a%s.", traps[Hallucination ?
141.  				rn2(TRAPNUM-3)+2 : trap->ttyp ]);
143.  				if(trap->ttyp == MONST_TRAP) {
144.  				    if((mtmp=makemon(&mons[trap->pm], x, y)))
145.  					You("find %s.", defmonnam(mtmp));
146.  				    deltrap(trap);
147.  				    return(1);
148.  				} else if(trap->ttyp == STATUE_TRAP) {
149.  				    if((otmp = sobj_at(STATUE, x, y)))
150.  				      if(otmp->corpsenm == trap->pm) {
152.  					if((mtmp=makemon(&mons[trap->pm], x, y)))
153.  					    You("find %s posing as a statue.",
154.  						  defmonnam(mtmp));
155.  					delobj(otmp);
156.  				      }
157.  				    deltrap(trap);
158.  				    return(1);
159.  				}
160.  				trap->tseen = 1;
161.  				if(!vism_at(x,y)) atl(x,y,(char) TRAP_SYM);
162.  			    }
163.  		    }
164.  		}
165.  	return(1);
166.  }
168.  int
169.  doidtrap() {
170.  	register struct trap *trap;
171.  	register int x,y;
173.  	if(!getdir(1)) return 0;
174.  	x = u.ux + u.dx;
175.  	y = u.uy + u.dy;
176.  	for(trap = ftrap; trap; trap = trap->ntrap)
177.  		if(trap->tx == x && trap->ty == y && trap->tseen) {
178.  		    if(u.dz)
179.  			if((u.dz < 0) != (is_maze_lev && trap->ttyp == TRAPDOOR))
180.  			    continue;
181.  			pline("That is a%s.",traps[ Hallucination ? rn2(TRAPNUM-3)+2 :
182.  			trap->ttyp]);
183.  		    return 0;
184.  		}
185.  	pline("I can't see a trap there.");
186.  	return 0;
187.  }
189.  void
190.  wakeup(mtmp)
191.  register struct monst *mtmp;
192.  {
193.  	mtmp->msleep = 0;
194.  	mtmp->meating = 0;	/* assume there's no salvagable food left */
195.  	setmangry(mtmp);
196.  	if(mtmp->mimic) seemimic(mtmp);
197.  }
199.  /* NOTE: we must check if(mtmp->mimic) before calling this routine */
200.  void
201.  seemimic(mtmp)
202.  register struct monst *mtmp;
203.  {
204.  		mtmp->mimic = 0;
205.  		mtmp->mappearance = 0;
206.  		unpmon(mtmp);
207.  		pmon(mtmp);
208.  }