Source:NetHack 3.0.0/topten.c

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Below is the full text to topten.c from the source code of NetHack 3.0.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.0.0/topten.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)topten.c	3.0	88/11/24
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    /* block some unused #defines to avoid overloading some cpp's */
6.    #define MONATTK_H
7.    #include "hack.h"
9.    #include <errno.h>      /* George Barbanis */
11.   static char *itoa P((int)), *ordin P((int));
12.   static void outheader();
13.   static int outentry P((int,struct toptenentry *,int));
15.   #define newttentry() (struct toptenentry *) alloc(sizeof(struct toptenentry))
16.   #define	NAMSZ	10
17.   #define	DTHSZ	60
18.   #define	PERSMAX	 3		/* entries per name/uid per char. allowed */
19.   #define	POINTSMIN	1	/* must be > 0 */
20.   #define	ENTRYMAX	100	/* must be >= 10 */
21.   #ifndef MSDOS
22.   #define	PERS_IS_UID		/* delete for PERSMAX per name; now per uid */
23.   #endif
24.   struct toptenentry {
25.   	struct toptenentry *tt_next;
26.   	long int points;
27.   	int level,maxlvl,hp,maxhp;
28.   	int uid;
29.   	char plchar;
30.   	char sex;
31.   	char name[NAMSZ+1];
32.   	char death[DTHSZ+1];
33.   	char date[7];		/* yymmdd */
34.   } *tt_head;
36.   void
37.   topten(){
38.   	int uid = getuid();
39.   	int rank, rank0 = -1, rank1 = 0;
40.   	int occ_cnt = PERSMAX;
41.   	register struct toptenentry *t0, *t1, *tprev;
42.   	char *recfile = RECORD;
43.   #ifdef UNIX
44.   	char *reclock = "record_lock";
45.   #endif
46.   	int sleepct = 300;
47.   	FILE *rfile;
48.   	register int flg = 0;
49.   #ifdef LOGFILE
50.   	char *lgfile = LOGFILE;
51.   	FILE *lfile;
52.   #ifdef UNIX
53.   	char *loglock = "logfile_lock";
54.   	int sleeplgct = 30;
55.   #endif /* UNIX */
56.   #endif /* LOGFILE */
58.   #ifdef MSDOS
59.   #define HUP
60.   #else
61.   #define	HUP	if(!done_hup)
62.   #endif
64.   #ifdef UNIX
65.   	while(link(recfile, reclock) == -1) {
66.   		HUP perror(reclock);
67.   		if(!sleepct--) {
68.   			HUP (void) puts("I give up.  Sorry.");
69.   			HUP (void) puts("Perhaps there is an old record_lock around?");
70.   			return;
71.   		}
72.   		HUP Printf("Waiting for access to record file. (%d)\n",
73.   			sleepct);
74.   		HUP (void) fflush(stdout);
75.   #if defined(SYSV) || defined(ULTRIX)
76.   		(void)
77.   #endif
78.   		    sleep(1);
79.   	}
80.   #endif
81.   	if(!(rfile = fopen(recfile,"r"))){
82.   		HUP (void) puts("Cannot open record file!");
83.   		goto unlock;
84.   	}
85.   	HUP (void) putchar('\n');
87.   	/* create a new 'topten' entry */
88.   	t0 = newttentry();
89.   	t0->level = dlevel;
90.   	t0->maxlvl = maxdlevel;
91.   	t0->hp = u.uhp;
92.   	t0->maxhp = u.uhpmax;
93.   	t0->points = u.urexp;
94.   	t0->plchar = pl_character[0];
95.   	t0->sex = (flags.female ? 'F' : 'M');
96.   	t0->uid = uid;
97.   	(void) strncpy(t0->name, plname, NAMSZ);
98.   	(t0->name)[NAMSZ] = 0;
99.   	(void) strncpy(t0->death, killer, DTHSZ);
100.  	(t0->death)[DTHSZ] = 0;
101.  	Strcpy(t0->date, getdate());
103.  	/* assure minimum number of points */
104.  	if(t0->points < POINTSMIN) t0->points = 0;
105.  #ifdef LOGFILE		/* used for debugging (who dies of what, where) */
106.  #ifdef UNIX
107.  	while(link(lgfile, loglock) == -1) {
108.  		extern int errno;
110.  		if (errno == ENOENT) /* If no such file, do not keep log */
111.  			goto lgend;  /* George Barbanis */
112.  		HUP perror(loglock);
113.  		if(!sleeplgct--) {
114.  			HUP (void) puts("I give up.  Sorry.");
115.  			HUP (void) puts("Perhaps there is an old logfile_lock around?");
116.  			goto lgend;
117.  		}
118.  		HUP Printf("Waiting for access to log file. (%d)\n",
119.   			sleeplgct);
120.  		HUP (void) fflush(stdout);
121.  #if defined(SYSV) || defined(ULTRIX)
122.  		(void)
123.  #endif
124.  		    sleep(1);
125.  	}
126.  #endif /* UNIX */
127.  	if(!(lfile = fopen(lgfile,"a"))){
128.  		HUP (void) puts("Cannot open log file!");
129.  		goto lgend;
130.  	}
131.  	(void) fprintf(lfile,"%6s %d %d %d %d %d %ld %c%c %s,%s\n",
132.  	    t0->date, t0->uid,
133.  	    t0->level, t0->maxlvl,
134.  	    t0->hp, t0->maxhp, t0->points,
135.  	    t0->plchar, t0->sex, t0->name, t0->death);
136.  	(void) fclose(lfile);
137.  #ifdef UNIX
138.  	(void) unlink(loglock);
139.  #endif /* UNIX */
140.        lgend:;
141.  #endif /* LOGFILE */
143.  	t1 = tt_head = newttentry();
144.  	tprev = 0;
145.  	/* rank0: -1 undefined, 0 not_on_list, n n_th on list */
146.  	for(rank = 1; ; ) {
147.  #ifdef TOS
148.  	    char k1[2],k2[2];
149.  	    if(fscanf(rfile, "%6s %d %d %d %d %d %ld %1s%1s %s %s]",
150.  #else
151.  	    if(fscanf(rfile, "%6s %d %d %d %d %d %ld %c%c %[^,],%[^\n]",
152.  #endif
153.  		t1->date, &t1->uid,
154.  		&t1->level, &t1->maxlvl,
155.  		&t1->hp, &t1->maxhp, &t1->points,
156.  #ifdef TOS
157.  		k1, k2,
158.  #else
159.  		&t1->plchar, &t1->sex,
160.  #endif
161.  		t1->name, t1->death) != 11 || t1->points < POINTSMIN)
162.  			t1->points = 0;
164.  #ifdef TOS
165.  	    t1->plchar=k1[0];
166.  	    t1->sex=k2[0];
167.  #endif
168.  	    if(rank0 < 0 && t1->points < t0->points) {
169.  		rank0 = rank++;
170.  		if(tprev == 0)
171.  			tt_head = t0;
172.  		else
173.  			tprev->tt_next = t0;
174.  		t0->tt_next = t1;
175.  		occ_cnt--;
176.  		flg++;		/* ask for a rewrite */
177.  	    } else tprev = t1;
179.  	    if(t1->points == 0) break;
180.  	    if(
181.  #ifdef PERS_IS_UID
182.  		t1->uid == t0->uid &&
183.  #else
184.  		strncmp(t1->name, t0->name, NAMSZ) == 0 &&
185.  #endif
186.  		t1->plchar == t0->plchar && --occ_cnt <= 0) {
187.  		    if(rank0 < 0) {
188.  			rank0 = 0;
189.  			rank1 = rank;
190.  	HUP Printf("You didn't beat your previous score of %ld points.\n\n",
191.  				t1->points);
192.  		    }
193.  		    if(occ_cnt < 0) {
194.  			flg++;
195.  			continue;
196.  		    }
197.  		}
198.  	    if(rank <= ENTRYMAX) {
199.  		t1 = t1->tt_next = newttentry();
200.  		rank++;
201.  	    }
202.  	    if(rank > ENTRYMAX) {
203.  		t1->points = 0;
204.  		break;
205.  	    }
206.  	}
207.  	if(flg) {	/* rewrite record file */
208.  		(void) fclose(rfile);
209.  		if(!(rfile = fopen(recfile,"w"))){
210.  			HUP (void) puts("Cannot write record file\n");
211.  			goto unlock;
212.  		}
214.  		if(!done_stopprint) if(rank0 > 0){
215.  		    if(rank0 <= 10)
216.  			(void) puts("You made the top ten list!\n");
217.  		    else
218.  		Printf("You reached the %d%s place on the top %d list.\n\n",
219.  			rank0, ordin(rank0), ENTRYMAX);
220.  		}
221.  	}
222.  	if(rank0 == 0) rank0 = rank1;
223.  	if(rank0 <= 0) rank0 = rank;
224.  	if(!done_stopprint) outheader();
225.  	t1 = tt_head;
226.  	for(rank = 1; t1->points != 0; rank++, t1 = t1->tt_next) {
227.  	  if(flg) (void) fprintf(rfile,"%6s %d %d %d %d %d %ld %c%c %s,%s\n",
228.  	    t1->date, t1->uid,
229.  	    t1->level, t1->maxlvl,
230.  	    t1->hp, t1->maxhp, t1->points,
231.  	    t1->plchar, t1->sex, t1->name, t1->death);
232.  	  if(done_stopprint) continue;
233.  	  if(rank > flags.end_top &&
234.  	    (rank < rank0-flags.end_around || rank > rank0+flags.end_around)
235.  	    && (!flags.end_own ||
236.  #ifdef PERS_IS_UID
237.  				  t1->uid != t0->uid
238.  #else
239.  				  strncmp(t1->name, t0->name, NAMSZ)
240.  #endif
241.  		)) continue;
242.  	  if(rank == rank0-flags.end_around &&
243.  	     rank0 > flags.end_top+flags.end_around+1 &&
244.  	     !flags.end_own)
245.  		(void) putchar('\n');
246.  	  if(rank != rank0)
247.  		(void) outentry(rank, t1, 0);
248.  	  else if(!rank1)
249.  		(void) outentry(rank, t1, 1);
250.  	  else {
251.  		int t0lth = outentry(0, t0, -1);
252.  		int t1lth = outentry(rank, t1, t0lth);
253.  		if(t1lth > t0lth) t0lth = t1lth;
254.  		(void) outentry(0, t0, t0lth);
255.  	  }
256.  	}
257.  	if(rank0 >= rank) if(!done_stopprint)
258.  		(void) outentry(0, t0, 1);
259.  	(void) fclose(rfile);
260.  unlock:	;
261.  #ifdef UNIX
262.  	(void) unlink(reclock);
263.  #endif
264.  }
266.  static void
267.  outheader() {
268.  	char linebuf[BUFSZ];
269.  	register char *bp;
271.  	Strcpy(linebuf, " No  Points   Name");
272.  	bp = eos(linebuf);
273.  	while(bp < linebuf + COLNO - 9) *bp++ = ' ';
274.  	Strcpy(bp, "Hp [max]");
275.  	(void) puts(linebuf);
276.  }
278.  /* so>0: standout line; so=0: ordinary line; so<0: no output, return lth */
279.  static int
280.  outentry(rank, t1, so)
281.  register struct toptenentry *t1;
282.  register int rank, so;
283.  {
284.  	register boolean quit = FALSE, iskilled = FALSE, starv = FALSE,
285.  		isstoned = FALSE;
286.  	char linebuf[BUFSZ];
287.  	linebuf[0] = 0;
288.  	if(rank) Sprintf(eos(linebuf), " %2d", rank);
289.  		else Sprintf(eos(linebuf), "   ");
290.  	Sprintf(eos(linebuf), " %7ld  %.10s", t1->points, t1->name);
291.  	Sprintf(eos(linebuf), "-%c ", t1->plchar);
292.  	if(!strncmp("escaped", t1->death, 7)) {
293.  	  if(!strcmp(" (with amulet)", t1->death+7))
294.  	    Sprintf(eos(linebuf), "escaped the dungeon with amulet");
295.  	  else
296.  	    Sprintf(eos(linebuf), "escaped the dungeon [max level %d]",
297.  	      t1->maxlvl);
298.  #ifdef ENDGAME
299.  	} else if(!strncmp("ascended", t1->death, 8)) {
300.  	   Sprintf(eos(linebuf), "ascended to demigod-hood");
301.  #endif
302.  	} else {
303.  	  if(!strncmp(t1->death,"quit",4)) {
304.  		quit = TRUE;
305.  		Sprintf(eos(linebuf), "quit");
306.  	  } else if(!strcmp(t1->death,"choked"))
307.  		Sprintf(eos(linebuf), "choked on %s food",
308.  			(t1->sex == 'F') ? "her" : "his");
309.  	  else if(!strncmp(t1->death,"starv",5)) {
310.  		Sprintf(eos(linebuf), "starved to death");
311.  		starv = TRUE;
312.  	  } else if(!strncmp(t1->death, "turned to stone by ",19)) {
313.  		Sprintf(eos(linebuf), "was petrified");
314.  		isstoned = TRUE;
315.  	  } else {
316.  		Sprintf(eos(linebuf), "was killed");
317.  		iskilled = TRUE;
318.  	  }
319.  #ifdef ENDLEVEL
320.  	  if (t1->level == ENDLEVEL)
321.  		Strcpy(eos(linebuf), " in the endgame");
322.  	  else
323.  #endif
324.  	    Sprintf(eos(linebuf), " on%s level %d",
325.  	      (iskilled || isstoned || starv) ? "" : " dungeon", t1->level);
326.  	  if(t1->maxlvl != t1->level)
327.  	    Sprintf(eos(linebuf), " [max %d]", t1->maxlvl);
328.  	  if(quit && t1->death[4]) Sprintf(eos(linebuf), t1->death + 4);
329.  	}
330.  	if(iskilled) Sprintf(eos(linebuf), " by %s%s",
331.  	  (!strncmp(t1->death, "trick", 5) || !strncmp(t1->death, "the ", 4)
332.  	   || !strncmp(t1->death, "Mr. ", 4) || !strncmp(t1->death, "Ms. ", 4)
333.  	   ) ? "" :
334.  	  index(vowels,*t1->death) ? "an " : "a ",
335.  	  t1->death);
336.  	if (isstoned) Sprintf(eos(linebuf), " by %s%s", index(vowels,
337.  		*(t1->death + 19)) ? "an " : "a ", t1->death + 19);
338.  	Sprintf(eos(linebuf), ".");
339.  	if(t1->maxhp) {
340.  	  register char *bp = eos(linebuf);
341.  	  char hpbuf[10];
342.  	  int hppos;
343.  	  int lngr = strlen(linebuf);
344.  	  Sprintf(hpbuf, (t1->hp > 0) ? itoa(t1->hp) : "-");
345.  	  hppos = COLNO - 7 - strlen(hpbuf);
346.  	  if (lngr >= hppos) hppos = (2*COLNO) - 7 - strlen(hpbuf);
347.  	  if(bp <= linebuf + hppos) {
348.  	    /* pad any necessary blanks to the hit point entry */
349.  	    while(bp < linebuf + hppos) *bp++ = ' ';
350.  	    Strcpy(bp, hpbuf);
351.  	    if(t1->maxhp < 10)
352.  		 Sprintf(eos(bp), "   [%d]", t1->maxhp);
353.  	    else if(t1->maxhp < 100)
354.  		 Sprintf(eos(bp), "  [%d]", t1->maxhp);
355.  	    else Sprintf(eos(bp), " [%d]", t1->maxhp);
356.  	  }
357.  	}
358.  	if(so == 0) (void) puts(linebuf);
359.  	else if(so > 0) {
360.  	  register char *bp = eos(linebuf);
361.  	  if(so >= COLNO) so = COLNO-1;
362.  	  while(bp < linebuf + so) *bp++ = ' ';
363.  	  *bp = 0;
364.  	  standoutbeg();
365.  	  (void) fputs(linebuf,stdout);
366.  	  standoutend();
367.  	  (void) putchar('\n');
368.  	}
369.  	return(strlen(linebuf));
370.  }
372.  static char *
373.  itoa(a) int a; {
374.  #ifdef LINT	/* static char buf[12]; */
375.  char buf[12];
376.  #else
377.  static char buf[12];
378.  #endif
379.  	Sprintf(buf,"%d",a);
380.  	return(buf);
381.  }
383.  static char *
384.  ordin(n)
385.  int n; {
386.  	register int dd = n%10;
388.  #if ENTRYMAX > 110
389.  	return((dd==0 || dd>3 || (n/10)%10==1) ? "th" :
390.  #else
391.  	return((dd==0 || dd>3 || n/10==1) ? "th" :
392.  #endif
393.  	       (dd==1) ? "st" : (dd==2) ? "nd" : "rd");
394.  }
396.  char *
397.  eos(s)
398.  register char *s;
399.  {
400.  	while(*s) s++;
401.  	return(s);
402.  }
404.  /*
405.   * Called with args from main if argc >= 0. In this case, list scores as
406.   * requested. Otherwise, find scores for the current player (and list them
407.   * if argc == -1).
408.   */
409.  void
410.  prscore(argc,argv)
411.  int argc;
412.  char **argv;
413.  {
414.  	char **players;
415.  	int playerct;
416.  	int rank;
417.  	register struct toptenentry *t1, *t2;
418.  	char *recfile = RECORD;
419.  	FILE *rfile;
420.  	register int flg = 0, i;
421.  #ifdef nonsense
422.  	long total_score = 0L;
423.  	char totchars[10];
424.  	int totcharct = 0;
425.  #endif
426.  	int outflg = (argc >= -1);
427.  #ifdef PERS_IS_UID
428.  	int uid = -1;
429.  #else
430.  	char *player0;
431.  #endif
433.  	if(!(rfile = fopen(recfile,"r"))){
434.  		(void) puts("Cannot open record file!");
435.  		return;
436.  	}
438.  	if(argc > 1 && !strncmp(argv[1], "-s", 2)){
439.  		if(!argv[1][2]){
440.  			argc--;
441.  			argv++;
442.  		} else if(!argv[1][3] && index("ABCEHKPRSTVW", argv[1][2])) {
443.  			argv[1]++;
444.  			argv[1][0] = '-';
445.  		} else	argv[1] += 2;
446.  	}
447.  	if(argc <= 1){
448.  #ifdef PERS_IS_UID
449.  		uid = getuid();
450.  		playerct = 0;
451.  #else
452.  		player0 = plname;
453.  		if(!*player0)
454.  			player0 = "hackplayer";
455.  		playerct = 1;
456.  		players = &player0;
457.  #endif
458.  	} else {
459.  		playerct = --argc;
460.  		players = ++argv;
461.  	}
462.  	if(outflg) (void) putchar('\n');
464.  	t1 = tt_head = newttentry();
465.  	for(rank = 1; ; rank++) {
466.  #ifdef TOS
467.  	  char k1[2], k2[2];
468.  	  if(fscanf(rfile, "%6s %d %d %d %d %d %ld %1s%1s %s %s]",
469.  #else
470.  	  if(fscanf(rfile, "%6s %d %d %d %d %d %ld %c%c %[^,],%[^\n]",
471.  #endif
472.  		t1->date, &t1->uid,
473.  		&t1->level, &t1->maxlvl,
474.  		&t1->hp, &t1->maxhp, &t1->points,
475.  #ifdef TOS
476.  		k1, k2,
477.  #else
478.  		&t1->plchar, &t1->sex,
479.  #endif
480.  		t1->name, t1->death) != 11)
481.  			t1->points = 0;
482.  	  if(t1->points == 0) break;
483.  #ifdef TOS
484.  	  t1->plchar=k1[0];
485.  	  t1->sex=k2[0];
486.  #endif
487.  #ifdef PERS_IS_UID
488.  	  if(!playerct && t1->uid == uid)
489.  		flg++;
490.  	  else
491.  #endif
492.  	  for(i = 0; i < playerct; i++){
493.  		if(strcmp(players[i], "all") == 0 ||
494.  		   strncmp(t1->name, players[i], NAMSZ) == 0 ||
495.  		  (players[i][0] == '-' &&
496.  		   players[i][1] == t1->plchar &&
497.  		   players[i][2] == 0) ||
498.  		  (digit(players[i][0]) && rank <= atoi(players[i])))
499.  			flg++;
500.  	  }
501.  	  t1 = t1->tt_next = newttentry();
502.  	}
503.  	(void) fclose(rfile);
504.  	if(!flg) {
505.  	    if(outflg) {
506.  		Printf("Cannot find any entries for ");
507.  		if(playerct < 1) Printf("you.\n");
508.  		else {
509.  		  if(playerct > 1) Printf("any of ");
510.  		  for(i=0; i<playerct; i++)
511.  			Printf("%s%s", players[i], (i<playerct-1)?", ":".\n");
512.  		  Printf("Call is: %s -s [-role] [maxrank] [playernames]\n", hname);
513.  		}
514.  	    }
515.  	    return;
516.  	}
518.  	if(outflg) outheader();
519.  	t1 = tt_head;
520.  	for(rank = 1; t1->points != 0; rank++, t1 = t2) {
521.  		t2 = t1->tt_next;
522.  #ifdef PERS_IS_UID
523.  		if(!playerct && t1->uid == uid)
524.  			goto outwithit;
525.  		else
526.  #endif
527.  		for(i = 0; i < playerct; i++){
528.  			if(strcmp(players[i], "all") == 0 ||
529.  			   strncmp(t1->name, players[i], NAMSZ) == 0 ||
530.  			  (players[i][0] == '-' &&
531.  			   players[i][1] == t1->plchar &&
532.  			   players[i][2] == 0) ||
533.  			  (digit(players[i][0]) && rank <= atoi(players[i]))){
534.  			outwithit:
535.  				if(outflg)
536.  				    (void) outentry(rank, t1, 0);
537.  #ifdef nonsense
538.  				total_score += t1->points;
539.  				if(totcharct < sizeof(totchars)-1)
540.  				    totchars[totcharct++] = t1->plchar;
541.  #endif
542.  				break;
543.  			}
544.  		}
545.  		free((genericptr_t) t1);
546.  	}
547.  #ifdef nonsense
548.  	totchars[totcharct] = 0;
550.  	/* We would like to determine whether he is experienced. However,
551.  	   the information collected here only tells about the scores/roles
552.  	   that got into the topten (top 100?). We should maintain a
553.  	   .hacklog or something in his home directory. */
554.  	flags.beginner = (total_score < 6000);
555.  	for(i=0; i<6; i++)
556.  	    if(!index(totchars, "ABCEHKPRSTVW"[i])) {
557.  		flags.beginner = 1;
558.  		if(!pl_character[0]) pl_character[0] = "ABCEHKPRSTVW"[i];
559.  		break;
560.  	}
561.  #endif /* nonsense /**/
562.  }
564.  static int
565.  classmon(plch, fem)
566.  char plch;
567.  boolean fem;
568.  {
569.  	switch (plch) {
570.  		case 'A': return PM_ARCHEOLOGIST;
571.  		case 'B': return PM_BARBARIAN;
572.  		case 'C': return (fem ? PM_CAVEWOMAN : PM_CAVEMAN);
573.  		case 'E': return PM_ELF;
574.  		case 'H': return PM_HEALER;
575.  		case 'F':	/* accept old Fighter class */
576.  		case 'K': return PM_KNIGHT;
577.  		case 'P': return (fem ? PM_PRIESTESS : PM_PRIEST);
578.  		case 'R': return PM_ROGUE;
579.  		case 'N':	/* accept old Ninja class */
580.  		case 'S': return PM_SAMURAI;
581.  		case 'T': return PM_TOURIST;
582.  		case 'V': return PM_VALKYRIE;
583.  		case 'W': return PM_WIZARD;
584.  		default: impossible("What weird class is this? (%c)", plch);
585.  			return PM_HUMAN_ZOMBIE;
586.  	}
587.  }
589.  /*
590.   * Get a random player name and class from the high score list,
591.   * and attach them to an object (for statues or morgue corpses).
592.   */
593.  struct obj *
594.  tt_oname(otmp)
595.  struct obj *otmp;
596.  {
597.  	int rank;
598.  	register int i;
599.  	register struct toptenentry *tt;
600.  	char *recfile = RECORD;
601.  	FILE *rfile;
603.  	if (!otmp) return((struct obj *) 0);
605.  	if(!(rfile = fopen(recfile,"r")))
606.  		panic("Cannot open record file!");
608.  	tt = newttentry();
609.  	rank = rnd(10);
610.  pickentry:
611.  	for(i = rank; i; i--) {
612.  #ifdef TOS
613.  	  char k1[2], k2[2];
614.  	  if(fscanf(rfile, "%6s %d %d %d %d %d %ld %1s%1s %s %s]",
615.  #else
616.  	  if(fscanf(rfile, "%6s %d %d %d %d %d %ld %c%c %[^,],%[^\n]",
617.  #endif
618.  		tt->date, &tt->uid,
619.  		&tt->level, &tt->maxlvl,
620.  		&tt->hp, &tt->maxhp, &tt->points,
621.  #ifdef TOS
622.  		k1, k2,
623.  #else
624.  		&tt->plchar, &tt->sex,
625.  #endif
626.  		tt->name, tt->death) != 11)
627.  			tt->points = 0;
628.  	  if(tt->points == 0) break;
629.  #ifdef TOS
630.  	  tt->plchar=k1[0];
631.  	  tt->sex=k2[0];
632.  #endif
633.  	}
634.  	(void) fclose(rfile);
636.  	if(tt->points == 0) {
637.  		if(rank > 1) {
638.  			rank = 1;
639.  			goto pickentry;
640.  		}
641.  		free((genericptr_t) tt);
642.  		return((struct obj *) 0);
643.  	} else {
644.  		otmp->corpsenm = classmon(tt->plchar, (tt->sex == 'F'));
645.  		otmp->owt = mons[otmp->corpsenm].cwt;
646.  		otmp = oname(otmp, tt->name, 0);
647.  		free((genericptr_t) tt);
648.  		return otmp;
649.  	}
650.  }