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Below is the full text to unixtty.c from the source code of NetHack 3.0.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.0.0/unixtty.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)unixtty.c	3.0	88/05/03
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
4.    /* tty.c - (Unix) version */
6.    /* With thanks to the people who sent code for SYSV - hpscdi!jon,
7.     * arnold@ucsf-cgl, wcs@bo95b, cbcephus!pds and others.
8.     */
10.   /* block some unused #defines to avoid overloading some cpp's */
11.   #define MONATTK_H
12.   #define ONAMES_H
13.   #include "hack.h"
15.   /*
16.    * The distinctions here are not BSD - rest but rather USG - rest, as
17.    * BSD still has the old sgttyb structure, but SYSV has termio. Thus:
18.    */
19.   #if defined(BSD) || defined(ULTRIX)
20.   #define	V7
21.   #else
22.   #define USG
23.   #endif
26.   #ifdef USG
28.   #include	<termio.h>
29.   #define termstruct	termio
30.   #define kill_sym	c_cc[VKILL]
31.   #define erase_sym	c_cc[VERASE]
32.   #define intr_sym	c_cc[VINTR]
33.   #define EXTABS		TAB3
34.   #define tabflgs		c_oflag
35.   #define echoflgs	c_lflag
36.   #define cbrkflgs	c_lflag
37.   #define CBRKMASK	ICANON
38.   #define CBRKON		! /* reverse condition */
39.   #define OSPEED(x)	((x).c_cflag & CBAUD)
40.   #define GTTY(x)		(ioctl(0, TCGETA, x))
41.   /* STTY now modified to run under Sys V R3.	- may have to be #ifdef'ed */
42.   #define STTY(x)		(ioctl(0, TCSETAW, x))	/* TCSETAF? TCSETAW? */
43.   #define GTTY2(x)	1
44.   #define STTY2(x)	1
45.   #define nonesuch	0
46.   #define inittyb2	inittyb
47.   #define curttyb2	curttyb
49.   #else	/* V7 */
51.   #include	<sgtty.h>
52.   #define termstruct	sgttyb
53.   #define	kill_sym	sg_kill
54.   #define	erase_sym	sg_erase
55.   #define	intr_sym	t_intrc
56.   #define EXTABS		XTABS
57.   #define tabflgs		sg_flags
58.   #define echoflgs	sg_flags
59.   #define cbrkflgs	sg_flags
60.   #define CBRKMASK	CBREAK
61.   #define CBRKON		/* empty */
62.   #define OSPEED(x)	(x).sg_ospeed
63.   #define GTTY(x)		(gtty(0, x))
64.   #define STTY(x)		(stty(0, x))
65.   #define GTTY2(x)	(ioctl(0, TIOCGETC, (char *)x))
66.   #define STTY2(x)	(ioctl(0, TIOCSETC, (char *)x))
67.   #define nonesuch	-1
68.   struct tchars inittyb2, curttyb2;
70.   #endif
72.   extern short ospeed;
73.   char erase_char, intr_char, kill_char;
74.   static boolean settty_needed = FALSE;
75.   struct termstruct inittyb, curttyb;
77.   static void
78.   setctty(){
79.   	if(STTY(&curttyb) < 0 || STTY2(&curttyb2) < 0)
80.   		perror("NetHack (setctty)");
81.   }
83.   /*
84.    * Get initial state of terminal, set ospeed (for termcap routines)
85.    * and switch off tab expansion if necessary.
86.    * Called by startup() in termcap.c and after returning from ! or ^Z
87.    */
88.   void
89.   gettty(){
90.   	if(GTTY(&inittyb) < 0 || GTTY2(&inittyb2) < 0)
91.   		perror("NetHack (gettty)");
92.   	curttyb = inittyb;
93.   	curttyb2 = inittyb2;
94.   	ospeed = OSPEED(inittyb);
95.   	erase_char = inittyb.erase_sym;
96.   	kill_char = inittyb.kill_sym;
97.   	intr_char = inittyb2.intr_sym;
98.   	getioctls();
100.  	/* do not expand tabs - they might be needed inside a cm sequence */
101.  	if(curttyb.tabflgs & EXTABS) {
102.  		curttyb.tabflgs &= ~EXTABS;
103.  		setctty();
104.  	}
105.  	settty_needed = TRUE;
106.  }
108.  /* reset terminal to original state */
109.  void
110.  settty(s)
111.  char *s;
112.  {
113.  	clear_screen();
114.  	end_screen();
115.  	if(s) Printf(s);
116.  	(void) fflush(stdout);
117.  	if(STTY(&inittyb) < 0 || STTY2(&inittyb2) < 0)
118.  		perror("NetHack (settty)");
119.  	flags.echo = (inittyb.echoflgs & ECHO) ? ON : OFF;
120.  	flags.cbreak = (CBRKON(inittyb.cbrkflgs & CBRKMASK)) ? ON : OFF;
121.  	setioctls();
122.  }
124.  void
125.  setftty(){
126.  register int ef = 0;			/* desired value of flags & ECHO */
127.  #ifdef LINT	/* cf = CBRKON(CBRKMASK); const expr to initialize is ok */
128.  register int cf = 0;
129.  #else
130.  register int cf = CBRKON(CBRKMASK);	/* desired value of flags & CBREAK */
131.  #endif
132.  register int change = 0;
133.  	flags.cbreak = ON;
134.  	flags.echo = OFF;
135.  	/* Should use (ECHO|CRMOD) here instead of ECHO */
136.  	if((curttyb.echoflgs & ECHO) != ef){
137.  		curttyb.echoflgs &= ~ECHO;
138.  /*		curttyb.echoflgs |= ef;					*/
139.  		change++;
140.  	}
141.  	if((curttyb.cbrkflgs & CBRKMASK) != cf){
142.  		curttyb.cbrkflgs &= ~CBRKMASK;
143.  		curttyb.cbrkflgs |= cf;
144.  #ifdef USG
145.  		/* be satisfied with one character; no timeout */
146.  		curttyb.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;		/* was VEOF */
147.  		curttyb.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;	/* was VEOL */
148.  #endif
149.  		change++;
150.  	}
151.  	/* If an interrupt character is used, it will be overriden and
152.  	 * set to ^C.
153.  	 */
154.  	if(intr_char != nonesuch && curttyb2.intr_sym != '\003') {
155.  	    curttyb2.intr_sym = '\003';
156.  	    change++;
157.  	}
159.  	if(change) setctty();
160.  	start_screen();
161.  }
163.  void
164.  intron() {		/* enable kbd interupts if enabled when game started */
166.  	if(intr_char != nonesuch && curttyb2.intr_sym != '\003') {
167.  	    curttyb2.intr_sym = '\003';
168.  	    setctty();
169.  	}
170.  }
172.  void
173.  introff() {		/* disable kbd interrupts if required*/
175.  	if(curttyb2.intr_sym != nonesuch) {
176.  	    curttyb2.intr_sym = nonesuch;
177.  	    setctty();
178.  	}
179.  }
182.  /* fatal error */
183.  /*VARARGS1*/
184.  void
185.  error(s, x, y)
186.  char *s, *x, *y;
187.  {
188.  	if(settty_needed)
189.  		settty(NULL);
190.  	Printf(s,x,y);
191.  	(void) putchar('\n');
192.  	exit(1);
193.  }