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Revision as of 06:04, 4 March 2008

Below is the full text to ball.c from the source code of NetHack 3.1.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.1.0/ball.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)ball.c	3.1	92/11/04	*/
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    /* Ball & Chain =============================================================*/
7.    #include "hack.h"
9.    static void NDECL(litter);
11.   void
12.   ballfall()
13.   {
14.   	boolean gets_hit;
16.   	gets_hit = (((uball->ox != u.ux) || (uball->oy != u.uy)) &&
17.   		    ((uwep == uball)? FALSE : (boolean)rn2(5)));
18.   	if (carried(uball)) {
19.   		pline("Startled, you drop the iron ball.");
20.   		if (uwep == uball)
21.   			setuwep((struct obj *)0);
22.   		if (uwep != uball)
23.   			freeinv(uball);
24.   	}
25.   	if(gets_hit){
26.   		int dmg = rn1(7,25);
27.   		pline("The iron ball falls on your %s.",
28.   			body_part(HEAD));
29.   		if (uarmh)
30.   		    if(is_metallic(uarmh)) {
31.   			pline("Fortunately, you are wearing a hard helmet.");
32.   			dmg = 3;
33.   		    } else if (flags.verbose)
34.   			Your("%s does not protect you.", xname(uarmh));
35.   		losehp(dmg, "Crunched in the head by an iron ball",
37.   	}
38.   }
40.   /*
41.    *  To make this work, we have to mess with the hero's mind.  The rules for
42.    *  ball&chain are:
43.    *
44.    *	1. If the hero can see them, fine.
45.    *	2. If the hero can't see either, it isn't seen.
46.    *	3. If either is felt it is seen.
47.    *	4. If either is felt and moved, it disappears.
48.    *
49.    *  If the hero can see, then when a move is done, the ball and chain are
50.    *  first picked up, the positions under them are corrected, then they
51.    *  are moved after the hero moves.  Not too bad
52.    *
53.    *  If the hero is blind, then she can "feel" the ball and/or chain at any
54.    *  time.  However, when the hero moves, the felt ball and/or chain become
55.    *  unfelt and whatever was felt "under" the ball&chain appears.  Pretty
56.    *  nifty, but it requires that the ball&chain "remember" what was under
57.    *  them --- i.e. they pick-up glyphs when they are felt and drop them when
58.    *  moved (and felt).  When swallowed, the ball&chain are pulled completely
59.    *  off of the dungeon, but are still on the object chain.  They are placed
60.    *  under the hero when she is expelled.
61.    */
63.   /*
64.    *  Place the ball & chain under the hero.  Make sure that the ball & chain
65.    *  variables are set (actually only needed when blind, but what the heck).
66.    *  It is assumed that when this is called, the ball and chain are NOT
67.    *  attached to the object list.
68.    */
69.   void
70.   placebc()
71.   {
72.       if (!uchain || !uball) {
73.   	impossible("Where are your ball and chain?");
74.   	return;
75.       }
77.       uchain->nobj = fobj;		/* put chain on object list */
78.       fobj = uchain;
80.       if (carried(uball))		/* the ball is carried */
81.   	u.bc_order = 0;			/* chain & ball at different pos */
82.       else {			/* the ball is NOT carried */
83.   	uball->nobj = fobj;		/* put ball on object list */
84.   	fobj = uball;
86.   	place_object(uball, u.ux, u.uy);
87.   	u.bc_order = 1;			/* chain on top */
88.       }
90.       place_object(uchain, u.ux, u.uy);
92.       u.bglyph = u.cglyph = levl[u.ux][u.uy].glyph;   /* pick up glyph */
94.       newsym(u.ux,u.uy);
95.   }
97.   void
98.   unplacebc()
99.   {
100.      if (u.uswallow) return;	/* ball&chain not placed while swallowed */
102.      if (!carried(uball)) {
103.  	freeobj(uball);
104.  	if (Blind && (u.bc_felt & BC_BALL))		/* drop glyph */
105.  	    levl[uball->ox][uball->oy].glyph = u.bglyph;
107.  	newsym(uball->ox,uball->oy);
108.      }
109.      freeobj(uchain);
110.      if (Blind && (u.bc_felt & BC_CHAIN))		/* drop glyph */
111.  	levl[uchain->ox][uchain->oy].glyph = u.cglyph;
113.      newsym(uchain->ox,uchain->oy);
114.      u.bc_felt = 0;					/* feel nothing */
115.  }
118.  /*
119.   *  bc_order()
120.   *
121.   *  Return the stacking of the hero's ball & chain.  This assumes that the
122.   *  hero is being punished.
123.   *
124.   *  Return values:
125.   *	0   ball & chain not at same location
126.   *	1   chain on top
127.   *	2   ball on top
128.   */
129.  int
130.  bc_order()
131.  {
132.      int order;
133.      struct obj *obj;
135.      if (uchain->ox != uball->ox || uchain->oy != uball->oy || carried(uball))
136.  	return 0;
138.      obj = level.objects[uchain->ox][uchain->oy];
140.      for (order = -1; obj; obj = obj->nexthere) {
141.  	if (obj == uchain) {
142.  	    order = 1;
143.  	    break;
144.  	}
145.  	if (obj == uball) {
146.  	    order = 2;
147.  	    break;
148.  	}
149.      }
150.      if (order < 0) {
151.  	impossible("bc_order:  ball&chain not in same location!");
152.  	order = 0;
153.      }
154.      return order;
155.  }
157.  /*
158.   *  set_bc()
159.   *
160.   *  The hero is either about to go blind or already blind and just punished.
161.   *  Set up the ball and chain variables so that the ball and chain are "felt".
162.   */
163.  void
164.  set_bc(already_blind)
165.  int already_blind;
166.  {
167.      int ball_on_floor = !carried(uball);
168.      u.bc_order = bc_order();				/* get the order */
169.      u.bc_felt = ball_on_floor ? BC_BALL|BC_CHAIN : BC_CHAIN;	/* felt */
171.      if (already_blind) {
172.  	u.cglyph = u.bglyph = levl[u.ux][u.uy].glyph;
173.  	return;
174.      }
176.      /*
177.       *  Since we can still see, remove the ball&chain and get the glyph that
178.       *  would be beneath them.  Then put the ball&chain back.  This is pretty
179.       *  disgusting, but it will work.
180.       */
181.      remove_object(uchain);
182.      if (ball_on_floor) remove_object(uball);
184.      newsym(uchain->ox, uchain->oy);
185.      u.cglyph = levl[uchain->ox][uchain->oy].glyph;
187.      if (u.bc_order) {			/* same location (ball not carried) */
188.  	u.bglyph = u.cglyph;
189.  	if (u.bc_order == 1) {
190.  	    place_object(uball,  uball->ox, uball->oy);
191.  	    place_object(uchain, uchain->ox, uchain->oy);
192.  	} else {
193.  	    place_object(uchain, uchain->ox, uchain->oy);
194.  	    place_object(uball,  uball->ox, uball->oy);
195.  	}
196.  	newsym(uball->ox, uball->oy);
197.      } else {					/* different locations */
198.  	place_object(uchain, uchain->ox, uchain->oy);
199.  	newsym(uchain->ox, uchain->oy);
200.  	if (ball_on_floor) {
201.  	    newsym(uball->ox, uball->oy);		/* see under ball */
202.  	    u.bglyph = levl[uball->ox][uball->oy].glyph;
203.  	    place_object(uball,  uball->ox, uball->oy);
204.  	    newsym(uball->ox, uball->oy);		/* restore ball */
205.  	}
206.      }
207.  }
210.  /*
211.   *  move_bc()
212.   *
213.   *  Move the ball and chain.  This is called twice for every move.  The first
214.   *  time to pick up the ball and chain before the move, the second time to
215.   *  place the ball and chain after the move.  If the ball is carried, this
216.   *  function should never have BC_BALL as part of it's control.
217.   */
218.  void
219.  move_bc(before, control, ballx, bally, chainx, chainy)
220.  int   before, control;
221.  xchar ballx, bally, chainx, chainy;
222.  {
223.      if (Blind) {
224.  	/*
225.  	 *  The hero is blind.  Time to work hard.  The ball and chain that
226.  	 *  are attached to the hero are very special.  The hero knows that
227.  	 *  they are attached, so when they move, the hero knows that they
228.  	 *  aren't at the last position remembered.  This is complicated
229.  	 *  by the fact that the hero can "feel" the surrounding locations
230.  	 *  at any time, hence, making one or both of them show up again.
231.  	 *  So, we have to keep track of which is felt at any one time and
232.  	 *  act accordingly.
233.  	 */
234.  	if (!before) {
235.  	    if ((control & BC_CHAIN) && (control & BC_BALL)) {
236.  		/*
237.  		 *  Both ball and chain moved.  If felt, drop glyph.
238.  		 */
239.  		if (u.bc_felt & BC_BALL)			/* ball felt */
240.  		    levl[uball->ox][uball->oy].glyph = u.bglyph;
241.  		if (u.bc_felt & BC_CHAIN)			/* chain felt */
242.  		    levl[uchain->ox][uchain->oy].glyph = u.cglyph;
243.  		u.bc_felt = 0;
245.  		/* Pick up glyph a new location. */
246.  		u.bglyph = levl[ballx][bally].glyph;
247.  		u.cglyph = levl[chainx][chainy].glyph;
249.  		movobj(uball,ballx,bally);
250.  		movobj(uchain,chainx,chainy);
251.  	    } else if (control & BC_BALL) {
252.  		if (u.bc_felt & BC_BALL) {	/* ball felt */
253.  		    if (!u.bc_order) {		    /* ball by itself */
254.  			levl[uball->ox][uball->oy].glyph = u.bglyph;
255.  		    } else if (u.bc_order == 2) {    /* ball on top */
256.  			if (u.bc_felt & BC_CHAIN) {	/* chain felt */
257.  			    map_object(uchain, 0);
258.  			} else {
259.  			    levl[uball->ox][uball->oy].glyph = u.bglyph;
260.  			}
261.  		    }
262.  		    u.bc_felt &= ~BC_BALL;	/* no longer feel the ball */
263.  		}
265.  		/* Pick up glyph at new position. */
266.  		u.bglyph = (ballx != chainx || bally != chainy) ?
267.  					levl[ballx][bally].glyph : u.cglyph;
269.  		movobj(uball,ballx,bally);
270.  	    } else if (control & BC_CHAIN) {
271.  		if (u.bc_felt & BC_CHAIN) {	/* chain felt */
272.  		    if (!u.bc_order) {		    /* chain by itself */
273.  			levl[uchain->ox][uchain->oy].glyph = u.cglyph;
274.  		    } else if (u.bc_order == 1) {   /* chain on top */
275.  			if (u.bc_felt & BC_BALL) {	/* ball felt */
276.  			    map_object(uball, 0);
277.  			} else {
278.  			    levl[uchain->ox][uchain->oy].glyph = u.cglyph;
279.  			}
280.  		    }
281.  		    u.bc_felt &= ~BC_CHAIN;
282.  		}
283.  		/* Pick up glyph beneath at new position. */
284.  		u.cglyph = (ballx != chainx || bally != chainy) ?
285.  					levl[chainx][chainy].glyph : u.bglyph;
287.  		movobj(uchain,chainx,chainy);
288.  	    }
290.  	    u.bc_order = bc_order();	/* reset the order */
291.  	}
293.      } else {
294.  	/*
295.  	 *  The hero is not blind.  To make this work correctly, we need to
296.  	 *  pick up the ball and chain before the hero moves, then put them
297.  	 *  in their new positions after the hero moves.
298.  	 */
299.  	if (before) {
300.  	    /*
301.  	     *  Neither ball nor chain moved, so remember which was on top.
302.  	     *  Use the variable 'u.bc_order' since it is only valid when
303.  	     *  blind.
304.  	     */
305.  	    if (!control) u.bc_order = bc_order();
307.  	    remove_object(uchain);
308.  	    newsym(uchain->ox, uchain->oy);
309.  	    if (!carried(uball)) {
310.  		remove_object(uball);
311.  		newsym(uball->ox,  uball->oy);
312.  	    }
313.  	} else {
314.  	    int on_floor = !carried(uball);
316.  	    if ((control & BC_CHAIN) || (!control && u.bc_order == 1)) {
317.  		/* If the chain moved or nothing moved & chain on top. */
318.  		if (on_floor) place_object(uball,  ballx, bally);
319.  		place_object(uchain, chainx, chainy);	/* chain on top */
320.  	    } else {
321.  		place_object(uchain, chainx, chainy);
322.  		if (on_floor) place_object(uball,  ballx, bally);
323.  							    /* ball on top */
324.  	    }
325.  	    newsym(chainx, chainy);
326.  	    if (on_floor) newsym(ballx, bally);
327.  	}
328.      }
329.  }
331.  /* return TRUE if ball could be dragged */
332.  boolean
333.  drag_ball(x, y, bc_control, ballx, bally, chainx, chainy)
334.  xchar x, y;
335.  int *bc_control;
336.  xchar *ballx, *bally, *chainx, *chainy;
337.  {
338.  	struct trap *t = (struct trap *)0;
340.  	*ballx  = uball->ox;
341.  	*bally  = uball->oy;
342.  	*chainx = uchain->ox;
343.  	*chainy = uchain->oy;
344.  	*bc_control = 0;
346.  	if (dist2(x, y, uchain->ox, uchain->oy) <= 2) {
347.  	    *bc_control = 0;	/* nothing moved */
348.  	    move_bc(1, *bc_control, *ballx, *bally, *chainx, *chainy);
349.  	    return TRUE;
350.  	}
352.  	if (carried(uball) || dist2(x, y, uball->ox, uball->oy) < 3 ||
353.  		(uball->ox == uchain->ox && uball->oy == uchain->oy)) {
354.  	    *chainx = u.ux;
355.  	    *chainy = u.uy;
356.  	    *bc_control = BC_CHAIN;
357.  	    move_bc(1, *bc_control, *ballx, *bally, *chainx, *chainy);
358.  	    return TRUE;
359.  	}
361.  	if (near_capacity() > SLT_ENCUMBER) {
362.  	    You("cannot %sdrag the heavy iron ball.",
363.  			    invent ? "carry all that and also " : "");
364.  	    nomul(0);
365.  	    return FALSE;
366.  	}
368.  	if ((is_pool(uchain->ox, uchain->oy) &&
369.  			(levl[uchain->ox][uchain->oy].typ == POOL ||
370.  			 !is_pool(uball->ox, uball->oy) || 
371.  			 levl[uball->ox][uball->oy].typ == POOL))
372.  	    || ((t = t_at(uchain->ox, uchain->oy)) && 
373.  			(t->ttyp == PIT ||
374.  			 t->ttyp == SPIKED_PIT ||
375.  			 t->ttyp == TRAPDOOR)) ) {
377.  	    if (Levitation) {
378.  		You("feel a tug from your iron ball.");
379.  		if (t) t->tseen = 1;
380.  	    } else {
381.  		struct monst *victim;
383.  		You("are jerked back by your iron ball!");
384.  		if (victim = m_at(uchain->ox, uchain->oy)) {
385.  		    int tmp;
387.  		    tmp = -2 + Luck + find_mac(victim);
389.  		    if (victim->msleep) {
390.  			victim->msleep = 0;
391.  			tmp += 2;
392.  		    }
393.  		    if (!victim->mcanmove) {
394.  			tmp += 4;
395.  			if (!rn2(10)) {
396.  			    victim->mcanmove = 1;
397.  			    victim->mfrozen = 0;
398.  			}
399.  		    }
400.  		    if (tmp >= rnd(20))
401.  			(void) hmon(victim,uball,1); 
402.  		    else 
403.  			miss(xname(uball), victim);
405.  		} 		/* now check again in case mon died */
406.  		if (!m_at(uchain->ox, uchain->oy)) {
407.  		    u.ux = uchain->ox;
408.  		    u.uy = uchain->oy;
409.  		    newsym(u.ux0, u.uy0);
410.  		}
411.  		nomul(0);
413.  		*ballx = uchain->ox;
414.  		*bally = uchain->oy;
415.  		*bc_control = BC_BALL;
416.  		move_bc(1, *bc_control, *ballx, *bally, *chainx, *chainy);
417.  		move_bc(0, *bc_control, *ballx, *bally, *chainx, *chainy);
418.  		spoteffects();
419.  		return FALSE;
420.  	    } 
421.  	}
423.  	*ballx  = uchain->ox;
424.  	*bally  = uchain->oy;
425.  	*chainx = u.ux;
426.  	*chainy = u.uy;
427.  	*bc_control = BC_BALL|BC_CHAIN;;
428.  	nomul(-2);
429.  	nomovemsg = "";
431.  	move_bc(1, *bc_control, *ballx, *bally, *chainx, *chainy);
432.  	return TRUE;
433.  }
435.  /*
436.   *  drop_ball()
437.   *
438.   *  The punished hero drops or throws her iron ball.  If the hero is
439.   *  blind, we must reset the order and glyph.  Check for side effects.
440.   *  This routine expects the ball to be already placed.
441.   */
442.  void
443.  drop_ball(x, y)
444.  xchar x, y;
445.  {
446.      if (Blind) {
447.  	u.bc_order = bc_order();			/* get the order */
448.  							/* pick up glyph */
449.  	u.bglyph = (u.bc_order) ? u.cglyph : levl[x][y].glyph;
450.      }
452.      if (x != u.ux || y != u.uy) {
453.  	struct trap *t;
454.  	const char *pullmsg = "The ball pulls you out of the %s!";
456.  	if (u.utrap && u.utraptype != TT_INFLOOR) {
457.  	    switch(u.utraptype) {
458.  	    case TT_PIT:
459.  		pline(pullmsg, "pit");
460.  		break;
461.  	    case TT_WEB:
462.  		pline(pullmsg, "web");
463.  		pline("The web is destroyed!");
464.  		deltrap(t_at(u.ux,u.uy));
465.  		break;
466.  	    case TT_LAVA:
467.  		pline(pullmsg, "lava");
468.  		break;
469.  	    case TT_BEARTRAP: {
470.  		register long side = rn2(3) ? LEFT_SIDE : RIGHT_SIDE;
471.  		pline(pullmsg, "bear trap");
472.  		Your("%s %s is severely damaged.",
473.  					(side == LEFT_SIDE) ? "left" : "right",
474.  					body_part(LEG));
475.  		set_wounded_legs(side, rn1(1000, 500));
476.  		losehp(2, "leg damage from being pulled out of a bear trap",
477.  					KILLED_BY);
478.  		break;
479.  	      }
480.  	    }
481.  	    u.utrap = 0;
482.  	    fill_pit(u.ux, u.uy);
483.  	}
485.  	u.ux0 = u.ux;
486.  	u.uy0 = u.uy;
487.  	if (!Levitation && !MON_AT(x, y) && !u.utrap &&
488.  			    (is_pool(x, y) ||
489.  			     ((t = t_at(x, y)) &&
490.  			      ((t->ttyp == PIT) || (t->ttyp == SPIKED_PIT) ||
491.  			       (t->ttyp == TRAPDOOR))))) {
492.  	    u.ux = x;
493.  	    u.uy = y;
494.  	} else {
495.  	    u.ux = x - u.dx;
496.  	    u.uy = y - u.dy;
497.  	}
498.  	vision_full_recalc = 1;	/* hero has moved, recalculate vision later */
500.  	if (Blind) {
501.  	    /* drop glyph under the chain */
502.  	    if (u.bc_felt & BC_CHAIN)
503.  		levl[uchain->ox][uchain->oy].glyph = u.cglyph;
504.  	    u.bc_felt  = 0;		/* feel nothing */
505.  	    u.bc_order = bc_order();	/* reset bc order */
506.  	}
507.  	movobj(uchain,u.ux,u.uy);	/* has a newsym */
508.  	newsym(u.ux0,u.uy0);		/* clean up old position */
509.  	spoteffects();
510.      }
511.  }
514.  static void
515.  litter()
516.  {
517.  	struct obj *otmp = invent, *nextobj;
518.  	int capacity = weight_cap();
520.  	while (otmp) {
521.  		nextobj = otmp->nobj;
522.  		if ((otmp != uball) && (rnd(capacity) <= otmp->owt)) {
523.  			if (otmp == uwep)
524.  				setuwep((struct obj *)0);
525.  			if ((otmp != uwep) && (canletgo(otmp, ""))) {
526.  				Your("%s you down the stairs.",
527.  				     aobjnam(otmp, "follow"));
528.  				dropx(otmp);
529.  			}
530.  		}
531.  		otmp = nextobj;
532.  	}
533.  }
535.  void
536.  drag_down()
537.  {
538.  	boolean forward;
539.  	uchar dragchance = 3;
541.  	/* 
542.  	 *	Assume that the ball falls forward if:
543.  	 *
544.  	 *	a) the character is wielding it, or
545.  	 *	b) the character has both hands available to hold it (i.e. is 
546.  	 *	   not wielding any weapon), or 
547.  	 *	c) (perhaps) it falls forward out of his non-weapon hand
548.  	 */
550.  	forward = (!(carried(uball))? 
551.  		  FALSE : ((uwep == uball) || (!uwep))? 
552.  			  TRUE : (boolean)(rn2(3) / 2));
554.  	if (carried(uball)) 
555.  		You("lose your grip on the iron ball.");
557.  	if (forward) {
558.  		if(rn2(6)) {
559.  			You("get dragged downstairs by the iron ball.");
560.  			losehp(rnd(6), "dragged downstairs by an iron ball",
561.  				NO_KILLER_PREFIX);
562.  			litter();
563.  		}
564.  	} else {
565.  		if(rn2(2)) {
566.  			pline("The iron ball smacks into you!");
567.  			losehp(rnd(20), "iron ball collision", KILLED_BY_AN);
568.  			exercise(A_STR, FALSE);
569.  			dragchance -= 2;
570.  		} 
571.  		if( (int) dragchance >= rnd(6)) {
572.  			You("get dragged downstairs by the iron ball.");
573.  			losehp(rnd(3), "dragged downstairs by an iron ball",
574.  				NO_KILLER_PREFIX);
575.  			exercise(A_STR, FALSE);
576.  			litter();
577.  		}
578.  	}
579.  }
581.  /*ball.c*/