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Revision as of 22:21, 24 September 2006

Below is the full text to display.h from the source code of NetHack 3.1.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.1.0/display.h#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)display.h	3.1	92/07/11		  */
2.    /* Copyright (c) Dean Luick, with acknowledgements to Kevin Darcy */
3.    /* and Dave Cohrs, 1990.					  */
4.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
6.    #ifndef DISPLAY_H
7.    #define DISPLAY_H
9.    #ifndef VISION_H
10.   #include "vision.h"
11.   #endif
13.   #ifndef MONDATA_H
14.   #include "mondata.h"	/* for mindless() */
15.   #endif
18.   #define vobj_at(x,y) (level.objects[x][y])
19.   #endif
21.   /*
22.    * sensemon()
23.    *  
24.    * Returns true if the hero can sense the given monster.  This includes
25.    * monsters that are hiding or mimicing other monsters.
26.    */
27.   #define sensemon(mon) (		/* The hero can always sense a monster IF:  */\
28.       (!mindless(mon->data)) &&	/* 1. the monster has a brain to sense AND  */\
29.         ((Blind && Telepat) ||	/* 2a. hero is blind and telepathic OR      */\
30.       				/* 2b. hero is wearing a telepathy inducing */\
31.   				/*	 object and in range		    */\
32.         ((HTelepat & (WORN_HELMET|WORN_AMUL|W_ART)) &&			      \
33.   	(distu(mon->mx, mon->my) <= (BOLT_LIM * BOLT_LIM))))		      \
34.   )
37.   /*
38.    * mon_visible()
39.    *  
40.    * Returns true if the hero can see the monster.  It is assumed that the
41.    * hero can physically see the location of the monster.  The function
42.    * vobj_at() returns a pointer to an object that the hero can see there.
43.    */
44.   #define mon_visible(mon) (		/* The hero can see the monster	    */\
45.   					/* IF the monster		    */\
46.       (!mon->minvis || See_invisible) &&	/* 1. is not invisible AND	    */\
47.       (!mon->mundetected)			/* 2. not an undetected hider	    */\
48.   )
51.   /*
52.    * canseemon()
53.    *  
54.    * This is the globally used canseemon().  It is not called within the display
55.    * routines.
56.    */
57.   #define canseemon(mon) (cansee(mon->mx, mon->my) && mon_visible(mon))
60.   /*
61.    * canspotmon(mon)
62.    *
63.    * This is sensemon() or mon_visible() except that hiding under objects
64.    * is considered irrelevant for this special case.
65.    */
66.   #define canspotmon(mon)	\
67.   	(mon && (Blind ? sensemon(mon) : (!mon->minvis || See_invisible)))
69.   /*
70.    * is_safepet(mon)
71.    *
72.    * A special case check used in attack() and domove().  Placing the
73.    * definition here is convenient.
74.    */
75.   #define is_safepet(mon)	\
76.   	(mon && mon->mtame && canspotmon(mon) && flags.safe_dog \
77.   		&& !Confusion && !Hallucination && !Stunned)
80.   /*
81.    * canseeself()
82.    *  
83.    * This returns true if the hero can see her/himself.
84.    *
85.    * The u.uswallow check assumes that you can see yourself even if you are
86.    * invisible.  If not, then we don't need the check.
87.    */
88.   #ifdef POLYSELF
89.   #define canseeself()	(Blind || u.uswallow || (!Invisible && !u.uundetected))
90.   #else
91.   #define canseeself()	(Blind || u.uswallow || !Invisible)
92.   #endif
95.   /*
96.    * random_monster()
97.    * random_object()
98.    *  
99.    * Respectively return a random monster or object number.
100.   */
101.  #define random_monster() rn2(NUMMONS)
102.  #define random_object()  (rn2(NROFOBJECTS) + 1)
105.  /*
106.   * what_obj()
107.   * what_mon()
108.   *  
109.   * If hallucinating, choose a random object/monster, otherwise, use the one
110.   * given.
111.   */
112.  #define what_obj(obj)	(Hallucination ? random_object()  : obj)
113.  #define what_mon(mon)	(Hallucination ? random_monster() : mon)
116.  /*
117.   * covers_objects()
118.   * covers_traps()
119.   *  
120.   * These routines are true if what is really at the given location will
121.   * "cover" any objects or traps that might be there.
122.   */
123.  #define covers_objects(xx,yy)						      \
124.      ((is_pool(xx,yy) && !Underwater) || (levl[xx][yy].typ == LAVAPOOL))
126.  #define covers_traps(xx,yy)	covers_objects(xx,yy)
129.  /*
130.   * tmp_at() control calls.
131.   */
132.  #define DISP_BEAM   (-1)  /* Keep all glyphs showing & clean up at end. */
133.  #define DISP_FLASH  (-2)  /* Clean up each glyph before displaying new one. */
134.  #define DISP_CHANGE (-3)  /* Change glyph. */
135.  #define DISP_END    (-4)  /* Clean up. */
138.  /* Total number of cmap indices in the sheild_static[] array. */
139.  #define SHIELD_COUNT 21
142.  /*
143.   *  display_self()
144.   *  
145.   *  Display the hero.  This has degenerated down to this.  Perhaps there is
146.   *  more needed here, but I can't think of any cases.
147.   */
148.  #ifdef POLYSELF
149.  #define display_self()						\
150.      show_glyph(u.ux, u.uy,					\
151.  	u.usym == 0 ? objnum_to_glyph(GOLD_PIECE) :		\
152.  	monnum_to_glyph((u.umonnum < 0 ? u.umonster : u.umonnum)))
153.  #else
154.  #define display_self()						\
155.      show_glyph(u.ux, u.uy,					\
156.  	u.usym == 0 ? objnum_to_glyph(GOLD_PIECE) :		\
157.  	monnum_to_glyph(u.umonster))
158.  #endif
161.  /*
162.   * A glyph is an abstraction that represents a _unique_ monster, object,
163.   * dungeon part, or effect.  The uniqueness is important.  For example,
164.   * It is not enough to have four (one for each "direction") zap beam glyphs,
165.   * we need a set of four for each beam type.  Why go to so much trouble?
166.   * Because it is possible that any given window dependent display driver
167.   * [print_glyph()] can produce something different for each type of glyph.
168.   * That is, a beam of cold and a beam of fire would not only be different
169.   * colors, but would also be represented by different symbols.
170.   *
171.   * Glyphs are grouped for easy accessibility:
172.   *
173.   * monster	Represents all the wild (not tame) monsters.  Count: NUMMONS.
174.   *
175.   * pet		Represents all of the tame monsters.  Count: NUMMONS
176.   *
177.   * corpse	One for each monster.  Count: NUMMONS
178.   *
179.   * object	One for each object.  Count: NROFOBJECTS+1 (we need the +1
180.   *		because NROFOBJECTS does not include the illegal object)
181.   *
182.   * trap		One for each trap type.  Count: TRAPNUM
183.   *
184.   * cmap		One for each entry in the character map.  The character map
185.   *		is the dungeon features and other miscellaneous things.
186.   *		Count: MAXPCHARS
187.   *
188.   * zap beam	A set of four (there are four directions) for each beam type.
189.   *		The beam type is shifted over 2 positions and the direction
190.   *		is stored in the lower 2 bits.  Count: NUM_ZAP << 2
191.   *
192.   * swallow	A set of eight for each monster.  The eight positions rep-
193.   *		resent those surrounding the hero.  The monster number is
194.   *		shifted over 3 positions and the swallow position is stored
195.   *		in the lower three bits.  Count: NUMMONS << 3
196.   *
197.   * The following are offsets used to convert to and from a glyph.
198.   */
199.  #define NUM_ZAP	8	/* number of zap beam types */
201.  #define GLYPH_MON_OFF  	  0
202.  #define GLYPH_PET_OFF 	  (NUMMONS        + GLYPH_MON_OFF)
203.  #define GLYPH_BODY_OFF 	  (NUMMONS        + GLYPH_PET_OFF)
204.  #define GLYPH_OBJ_OFF 	  (NUMMONS        + GLYPH_BODY_OFF)
206.  #define GLYPH_CMAP_OFF	  (TRAPNUM        + GLYPH_TRAP_OFF)
208.  #define GLYPH_SWALLOW_OFF ((NUM_ZAP << 2) + GLYPH_ZAP_OFF)
210.  #define MAX_GLYPH 	  ((NUMMONS << 3) + GLYPH_SWALLOW_OFF)
213.  #define mon_to_glyph(mon) ((int) what_mon(monsndx((mon)->data))+GLYPH_MON_OFF)
214.  #define pet_to_glyph(mon) ((int) what_mon(monsndx((mon)->data))+GLYPH_PET_OFF)
216.  /* This has the unfortunate side effect of needing a global variable	*/
217.  /* to store a result. 'otg_temp' is defined and declared in decl.{ch}.	*/
218.  #define obj_to_glyph(obj)						      \
219.      (Hallucination ?							      \
220.  	((otg_temp = random_object()) == CORPSE ?			      \
221.  	    random_monster() + GLYPH_BODY_OFF :				      \
222.  	    otg_temp + GLYPH_OBJ_OFF)	:				      \
223.  	((obj)->otyp == CORPSE ?					      \
224.  	    (int) (obj)->corpsenm + GLYPH_BODY_OFF :			      \
225.  	    (int) (obj)->otyp + GLYPH_OBJ_OFF))
227.  #define trap_to_glyph(trap)	((int) (trap)->ttyp + GLYPH_TRAP_OFF)
228.  #define cmap_to_glyph(cmap_idx)	((int) (cmap_idx)   + GLYPH_CMAP_OFF)
230.  /* Not affected by hallucination.  Gives a generic body for CORPSE */
231.  #define objnum_to_glyph(onum)	((int) (onum) + GLYPH_OBJ_OFF)
232.  #define monnum_to_glyph(mnum)	((int) (mnum) + GLYPH_MON_OFF)
233.  #define petnum_to_glyph(mnum)	((int) (mnum) + GLYPH_PET_OFF)
236.  /*
237.   * Change the given glyph into it's given type.  Note:
238.   *	1) Pets are animals and are converted to the proper monster number.
239.   *	2) Bodies are all mapped into the generic CORPSE object
240.   *	3) glyph_to_swallow() does not return a showsyms[] index, but an
241.   *	   offset from the first swallow symbol.
242.   *	4) These functions assume that the glyph type has already been
243.   *	   determined.  That is, you have checked it with a glyph_is_XXXX()
244.   *	   call.
245.   */
246.  #define glyph_to_mon(glyph)	((int) ((glyph) < GLYPH_PET_OFF ?	      \
247.  				glyph - GLYPH_MON_OFF : glyph - GLYPH_PET_OFF))
248.  #define glyph_to_obj(glyph)	((int) ((glyph) < GLYPH_OBJ_OFF ?	      \
249.  				CORPSE : (glyph) - GLYPH_OBJ_OFF))
250.  #define glyph_to_trap(glyph)	((int) (glyph) - GLYPH_TRAP_OFF)
251.  #define glyph_to_cmap(glyph)	((int) (glyph) - GLYPH_CMAP_OFF)
252.  #define glyph_to_swallow(glyph) (((glyph) - GLYPH_SWALLOW_OFF) & 0x7)
254.  /*
255.   * Return true if the given glyph is what we want.  Note that bodies are
256.   * considered objects.
257.   */
258.  #define glyph_is_monster(glyph)						      \
259.      ((glyph) >= GLYPH_MON_OFF && (glyph) < GLYPH_BODY_OFF)
260.  #define glyph_is_object(glyph)						      \
261.      ((glyph) >= GLYPH_BODY_OFF && (glyph) < GLYPH_TRAP_OFF)
262.  #define glyph_is_trap(glyph)						      \
263.      ((glyph) >= GLYPH_TRAP_OFF && (glyph) < GLYPH_CMAP_OFF)
264.  #define glyph_is_cmap(glyph)						      \
265.      ((glyph) >= GLYPH_CMAP_OFF && (glyph) < GLYPH_ZAP_OFF)
266.  #define glyph_is_swallow(glyph) \
267.      ((glyph) >= GLYPH_SWALLOW_OFF && (glyph) < MAX_GLYPH)
269.  #endif /* DISPLAY_H */