Source:NetHack 3.1.0/dogmove.c

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Below is the full text to dogmove.c from the source code of NetHack 3.1.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.1.0/dogmove.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)dogmove.c	3.1	92/11/26	*/
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    #include "hack.h"
7.    #include "mfndpos.h"
8.    #include "edog.h"
10.   #ifdef OVL0
12.   static boolean FDECL(dog_hunger,(struct monst *,struct edog *));
13.   static boolean FDECL(dog_invent,(struct monst *,struct edog *,int));
14.   static int FDECL(dog_goal,(struct monst *,struct edog *,int,int,int));
16.   #ifndef MUSE
17.   #define DROPPABLES(mtmp) mtmp->minvent
18.   #else
19.   static struct obj *FDECL(DROPPABLES, (struct monst *));
21.   static struct obj *
22.   DROPPABLES(mon)
23.   register struct monst *mon;
24.   {
25.   	register struct obj *obj;
26.   	struct obj *wep = MON_WEP(mon);
28.   	for(obj = mon->minvent; obj; obj = obj->nobj)
29.   		if (!obj->owornmask && obj != wep) return obj;
30.   	return (struct obj *)0;
31.   }
32.   #endif
34.   static const char NEARDATA nofetch[] = { BALL_CLASS, CHAIN_CLASS, ROCK_CLASS, 0 };
36.   #endif /* OVL0 */
38.   STATIC_VAR xchar gtyp, gx, gy;	/* type and position of dog's current goal */
40.   STATIC_DCL void FDECL(dog_eat, (struct monst *, struct obj *, int, int));
41.   STATIC_PTR void FDECL(wantdoor, (int, int, genericptr_t));
43.   #ifdef OVLB
45.   STATIC_OVL void
46.   dog_eat(mtmp, obj, x, y)
47.   register struct monst *mtmp;
48.   register struct obj * obj;
49.   int x, y;
50.   {
51.   	register struct edog *edog = EDOG(mtmp);
52.   	int nutrit;
54.   	if(edog->hungrytime < moves)
55.   	    edog->hungrytime = moves;
56.   	/*
57.   	 * It is arbitrary that the pet takes the same length of time to eat
58.   	 * as a human, but gets more nutritional value.
59.   	 */
60.   	if (obj->oclass == FOOD_CLASS) {
61.   	    if(obj->otyp == CORPSE) {
62.   		mtmp->meating = 3 + (mons[obj->corpsenm].cwt >> 6);
63.   		nutrit = mons[obj->corpsenm].cnutrit;
64.   	    } else {
65.   		mtmp->meating = objects[obj->otyp].oc_delay;
66.   		nutrit = objects[obj->otyp].oc_nutrition;
67.   	    }
68.   	    switch(mtmp->data->msize) {
69.   		case MZ_TINY: nutrit *= 8; break;
70.   		case MZ_SMALL: nutrit *= 6; break;
71.   		default:
72.   		case MZ_MEDIUM: nutrit *= 5; break;
73.   		case MZ_LARGE: nutrit *= 4; break;
74.   		case MZ_HUGE: nutrit *= 3; break;
75.   		case MZ_GIGANTIC: nutrit *= 2; break;
76.   	    }
77.   	    if(obj->oeaten) {
78.   		mtmp->meating = eaten_stat(mtmp->meating, obj);
79.   		nutrit = eaten_stat(nutrit, obj);
80.   	    }
81.   	} else if (obj->oclass == GOLD_CLASS) {
82.   	    mtmp->meating = ((int)obj->quan/2000) + 1;
83.   	    nutrit = ((int)obj->quan/20);
84.   	} else {
85.   	    /* Unusual pet such as gelatinous cube eating odd stuff.
86.   	     * meating made consistent with wild monsters in mon.c.
87.   	     * nutrit made consistent with polymorphed player nutrit in
88.   	     * eat.c.  (This also applies to pets eating gold.)
89.   	     */
90.   	    mtmp->meating = obj->owt/20 + 1;
91.   	    nutrit = 5*objects[obj->otyp].oc_nutrition;
92.   	}
93.   	edog->hungrytime += nutrit;
94.   	mtmp->mconf = 0;
95.   	if (mtmp->mtame < 20) mtmp->mtame++;
96.   	if(cansee(x,y))
97.   	    pline("%s eats %s.", Monnam(mtmp), (obj->oclass==FOOD_CLASS)
98.   		? singular(obj, doname) : doname(obj));
99.   	/* It's a reward if it's DOGFOOD and the player dropped/threw it. */
100.  	/* We know the player had it if invlet is set -dlc */
101.  	if(dogfood(mtmp,obj) == DOGFOOD && obj->invlet)
102.  #ifdef LINT
103.  	    edog->apport = 0;
104.  #else
105.  	    edog->apport += (unsigned)(200L/
106.  		((long)edog->dropdist+moves-edog->droptime));
107.  #endif
108.  	if (obj == uball) {
109.  	    unpunish();
110.  	    delobj(obj);
111.  	} else if (obj == uchain)
112.  	    unpunish();
113.  	else if (obj->quan > 1L && obj->oclass == FOOD_CLASS)
114.  	    obj->quan--;
115.  	else
116.  	    delobj(obj);
117.  }
119.  #endif /* OVLB */
120.  #ifdef OVL0
122.  /* hunger effects -- returns TRUE on starvation */
123.  static boolean
124.  dog_hunger(mtmp, edog)
125.  register struct monst *mtmp;
126.  register struct edog *edog;
127.  {
128.  	if(moves > edog->hungrytime + 500) {
129.  	    if(!carnivorous(mtmp->data) && !herbivorous(mtmp->data)) {
130.  		edog->hungrytime = moves + 500;
131.  		/* but not too high; it might polymorph */
132.  	    } else if (!mtmp->mconf) {
133.  		mtmp->mconf = 1;
134.  		mtmp->mhpmax /= 3;
135.  		if(mtmp->mhp > mtmp->mhpmax)
136.  		    mtmp->mhp = mtmp->mhpmax;
137.  		if(mtmp->mhp < 1) goto dog_died;
138.  		if(cansee(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my))
139.  		    pline("%s is confused from hunger.", Monnam(mtmp));
140.  		else {
141.  		    char buf[BUFSZ];
143.  		    Strcpy(buf, "the ");
144.  		    You("feel worried about %s.", mtmp->mnamelth ?
145.  			NAME(mtmp) : strcat(buf, Hallucination
146.  			? rndmonnam() : mtmp->data->mname));
147.  		}
148.  	    } else if(moves > edog->hungrytime + 750 || mtmp->mhp < 1) {
149.  	    dog_died:
150.  #ifdef WALKIES
151.  		if(mtmp->mleashed)
152.  		    Your("leash goes slack.");
153.  #endif
154.  		if(cansee(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my))
155.  		    pline("%s dies%s.", Monnam(mtmp),
156.  			    (mtmp->mhp >= 1) ? "" : " from hunger");
157.  		else
158.  		    You("have a sad feeling for a moment, then it passes.");
159.  		mondied(mtmp);
160.  		return(TRUE);
161.  	    }
162.  	}
163.  	return(FALSE);
164.  }
166.  /* do something with object (drop, pick up, eat) at current position
167.   * returns TRUE if object eaten (since that counts as dog's move)
168.   */
169.  static boolean
170.  dog_invent(mtmp, edog, udist)
171.  register struct monst *mtmp;
172.  register struct edog *edog;
173.  int udist;
174.  {
175.  	register int omx, omy;
176.  	struct obj *obj;
178.  	omx = mtmp->mx;
179.  	omy = mtmp->my;
181.  	/* if we are carrying sth then we drop it (perhaps near @) */
182.  	/* Note: if apport == 1 then our behaviour is independent of udist */
183.  	if(DROPPABLES(mtmp) || mtmp->mgold) {
184.  	    if(!rn2(udist) || !rn2((int) edog->apport))
185.  		if(rn2(10) < edog->apport){
186.  		    relobj(mtmp, (int)mtmp->minvis, TRUE);
187.  		    if(edog->apport > 1) edog->apport--;
188.  		    edog->dropdist = udist;		/* hpscdi!jon */
189.  		    edog->droptime = moves;
190.  		}
191.  	} else {
192.  	    if((obj=level.objects[omx][omy]) && !index(nofetch,obj->oclass)
193.  #ifdef MAIL
194.  			&& obj->otyp != SCR_MAIL
195.  #endif
196.  									){
197.  		if (dogfood(mtmp, obj) <= CADAVER) {
198.  		    dog_eat(mtmp, obj, omx, omy);
199.  		    return TRUE;
200.  		}
201.  		if(can_carry(mtmp, obj) && !obj->cursed)
202.  		    if(rn2(20) < edog->apport+3)
203.  			if(rn2(udist) || !rn2((int) edog->apport)) {
204.  			    if (cansee(omx, omy) && flags.verbose)
205.  				pline("%s picks up %s.", Monnam(mtmp),
206.  				    distant_name(obj, doname));
207.  			    freeobj(obj);
208.  			    newsym(omx,omy);
209.  			    mpickobj(mtmp,obj);
210.  			}
211.  	    }
212.  	}
213.  	return FALSE;
214.  }
216.  /* set dog's goal -- gtyp, gx, gy
217.   * returns -1/0/1 (dog's desire to approach player) or -2 (abort move)
218.   */
219.  static int
220.  dog_goal(mtmp, edog, after, udist, whappr)
221.  register struct monst *mtmp;
222.  struct edog *edog;
223.  int after, udist, whappr;
224.  {
225.  	register int omx, omy;
226.  	boolean in_masters_sight;
227.  	register struct obj *obj;
228.  	xchar otyp;
229.  	int appr;
231.  	omx = mtmp->mx;
232.  	omy = mtmp->my;
234.  	in_masters_sight = couldsee(omx, omy);
236.  	if (!edog
237.  #ifdef WALKIES
238.  		    || mtmp->mleashed	/* he's not going anywhere... */
239.  #endif
240.  					) {
241.  	    gtyp = APPORT;
242.  	    gx = u.ux;
243.  	    gy =;
244.  	} else {
245.  #define DDIST(x,y) (dist2(x,y,omx,omy))
246.  #define SQSRCHRADIUS 5
247.  	    int min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y;
248.  	    register int nx, ny;
250.  	    gtyp = UNDEF;	/* no goal as yet */
251.  	    gx = gy = 0;	/* suppress 'used before set' message */
253.  	    if ((min_x = omx - SQSRCHRADIUS) < 0) min_x = 0;
254.  	    if ((max_x = omx + SQSRCHRADIUS) >= COLNO) max_x = COLNO - 1;
255.  	    if ((min_y = omy - SQSRCHRADIUS) < 0) min_y = 0;
256.  	    if ((max_y = omy + SQSRCHRADIUS) >= ROWNO) max_y = ROWNO - 1;
258.  	    /* nearby food is the first choice, then other objects */
259.  	    for (obj = fobj; obj; obj = obj->nobj) {
260.  		nx = obj->ox;
261.  		ny = obj->oy;
262.  		if (nx >= min_x && nx <= max_x && ny >= min_y && ny <= max_y) {
263.  		    otyp = dogfood(mtmp, obj);
264.  		    if (otyp > gtyp || otyp == UNDEF)
265.  			continue;
266.  		    if (otyp < MANFOOD) {
267.  			if (otyp < gtyp || DDIST(nx,ny) < DDIST(gx,gy)) {
268.  			    gx = nx;
269.  			    gy = ny;
270.  			    gtyp = otyp;
271.  			}
272.  		    } else if(gtyp == UNDEF && in_masters_sight &&
273.  			      !mtmp->minvent &&
274.  			      (!levl[omx][omy].lit || levl[u.ux][].lit) &&
275.  			      (otyp == MANFOOD || m_cansee(mtmp, nx, ny)) &&
276.  			      edog->apport > rn2(8) &&
277.  			      can_carry(mtmp,obj)) {
278.  			gx = nx;
279.  			gy = ny;
280.  			gtyp = APPORT;
281.  		    }
282.  		}
283.  	    }
284.  	}
286.  	/* follow player if appropriate */
287.  	if (gtyp == UNDEF ||
288.  	    (gtyp != DOGFOOD && gtyp != APPORT && moves < edog->hungrytime)) {
289.  		gx = u.ux;
290.  		gy =;
291.  		if (after && udist <= 4 && gx == u.ux && gy ==
292.  			return(-2);
293.  		appr = (udist >= 9) ? 1 : (mtmp->mflee) ? -1 : 0;
294.  		if (udist > 1) {
295.  			if (!IS_ROOM(levl[u.ux][].typ) || !rn2(4) ||
296.  			   whappr ||
297.  			   (mtmp->minvent && rn2((int) edog->apport)))
298.  				appr = 1;
299.  		}
300.  		/* if you have dog food it'll follow you more closely */
301.  		if (appr == 0) {
302.  			obj = invent;
303.  			while (obj) {
304.  				if(dogfood(mtmp, obj) == DOGFOOD) {
305.  					appr = 1;
306.  					break;
307.  				}
308.  				obj = obj->nobj;
309.  			}
310.  		}
311.  	} else
312.  	    appr = 1;	/* gtyp != UNDEF */
313.  	if(mtmp->mconf)
314.  	    appr = 0;
316.  #define FARAWAY (COLNO + 2)		/* position outside screen */
317.  	if (gx == u.ux && gy == && !in_masters_sight) {
318.  	    register coord *cp;
320.  	    cp = gettrack(omx,omy);
321.  	    if (cp) {
322.  		gx = cp->x;
323.  		gy = cp->y;
324.  		if(edog) edog->ogoal.x = 0;
325.  	    } else {
326.  		/* assume master hasn't moved far, and reuse previous goal */
327.  		if(edog && edog->ogoal.x &&
328.  		   ((edog->ogoal.x != omx) || (edog->ogoal.y != omy))) {
329.  		    gx = edog->ogoal.x;
330.  		    gy = edog->ogoal.y;
331.  		    edog->ogoal.x = 0;
332.  		} else {
333.  		    int fardist = FARAWAY * FARAWAY;
334.  		    gx = gy = FARAWAY; /* random */
335.  		    do_clear_area(omx, omy, 9, wantdoor,
336.  				  (genericptr_t)&fardist);
338.  		    /* here gx == FARAWAY e.g. when dog is in a vault */
339.  		    if (gx == FARAWAY || (gx == omx && gy == omy)) {
340.  			gx = u.ux;
341.  			gy =;
342.  		    } else if(edog) {
343.  			edog->ogoal.x = gx;
344.  			edog->ogoal.y = gy;
345.  		    }
346.  		}
347.  	    }
348.  	} else if(edog) {
349.  	    edog->ogoal.x = 0;
350.  	}
351.  	return appr;
352.  }
354.  /* return 0 (no move), 1 (move) or 2 (dead) */
355.  int
356.  dog_move(mtmp, after)
357.  register struct monst *mtmp;
358.  register int after;	/* this is extra fast monster movement */
359.  {
360.  	int omx, omy;		/* original mtmp position */
361.  	int appr, whappr, udist;
362.  	int i, j;
363.  	register struct edog *edog = EDOG(mtmp);
364.  	struct obj *obj = (struct obj *) 0;
365.  	xchar otyp;
366.  	boolean has_edog, cursemsg = FALSE, do_eat = FALSE;
367.  	xchar nix, niy;		/* position mtmp is (considering) moving to */
368.  	register int nx, ny;	/* temporary coordinates */
369.  	xchar cnt, uncursedcnt, chcnt;
370.  	int chi = -1, nidist, ndist;
371.  	coord poss[9];
372.  	long info[9], allowflags;
373.  #define GDIST(x,y) (dist2(x,y,gx,gy))
375.  	/*
376.  	 * Tame Angels have isminion set and an ispriest structure instead of
377.  	 * an edog structure.  Fortunately, guardian Angels need not worry
378.  	 * about mundane things like eating and fetching objects, and can
379.  	 * spend all their energy defending the player.  (They are the only
380.  	 * monsters with other structures that can be tame.)
381.  	 */
382.  	has_edog = !mtmp->isminion;
384.  	omx = mtmp->mx;
385.  	omy = mtmp->my;
386.  	if (has_edog && dog_hunger(mtmp, edog)) return(2);	/* starved */
388.  	udist = distu(omx,omy);
389.  	/* maybe we tamed him while being swallowed --jgm */
390.  	if (!udist) return(0);
392.  	nix = omx;	/* set before newdogpos */
393.  	niy = omy;
395.  	if (has_edog && dog_invent(mtmp, edog, udist))	/* eating something */
396.  		goto newdogpos;
398.  	if (has_edog)
399.  	    whappr = (moves - edog->whistletime < 5);
400.  	else
401.  	    whappr = 0;
403.  	appr = dog_goal(mtmp, has_edog ? edog : (struct edog *)0,
404.  							after, udist, whappr);
405.  	if (appr == -2) return(0);
407.  	allowflags = ALLOW_M | ALLOW_TRAPS | ALLOW_SSM | ALLOW_SANCT;
408.  	if (passes_walls(mtmp->data)) allowflags |= (ALLOW_ROCK|ALLOW_WALL);
409.  	if (throws_rocks(mtmp->data)) allowflags |= ALLOW_ROCK;
410.  	if (Conflict && !resist(mtmp, RING_CLASS, 0, 0)) {
411.  	    allowflags |= ALLOW_U;
412.  	    if (!has_edog) {
413.  		coord mm;
414.  		/* Guardian angel refuses to be conflicted; rather,
415.  		 * it disappears, angrily, and sends in some nasties
416.  		 */
417.  		if (canseemon(mtmp) || sensemon(mtmp)) {
418.  		    pline("%s rebukes you, saying:", Monnam(mtmp));
419.  		    verbalize("Since you desire conflict, have some more!");
420.  		}
421.  		mongone(mtmp);
422.  		i = rnd(4);
423.  		while(i--) {
424.  		    mm.x = u.ux;
425.  		    mm.y =;
426.  		    if(enexto(&mm, mm.x, mm.y, &mons[PM_ANGEL]))
427.  			(void) mk_roamer(&mons[PM_ANGEL], u.ualign.type,
428.  					 mm.x, mm.y, FALSE);
429.  		}
430.  		return(2);
432.  	    }
433.  	}
434.  	if (!nohands(mtmp->data) && !verysmall(mtmp->data)) {
435.  		allowflags |= OPENDOOR;
436.  		if (m_carrying(mtmp, SKELETON_KEY)) allowflags |= BUSTDOOR;
437.  	}
438.  	if (is_giant(mtmp->data)) allowflags |= BUSTDOOR;
439.  	if (tunnels(mtmp->data) && !needspick(mtmp->data))
440.  		allowflags |= ALLOW_DIG;
441.  	cnt = mfndpos(mtmp, poss, info, allowflags);
443.  	/* Normally dogs don't step on cursed items, but if they have no
444.  	 * other choice they will.  This requires checking ahead of time
445.  	 * to see how many cursed item squares are around.
446.  	 */
447.  	uncursedcnt = 0;
448.  	for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
449.  		nx = poss[i].x; ny = poss[i].y;
450.  		if (MON_AT(nx,ny)) continue;
451.  		for (obj = level.objects[nx][ny]; obj; obj = obj->nexthere)
452.  			if (obj->cursed) goto skipu;
453.  		uncursedcnt++;
454.  skipu:;
455.  	}
457.  	chcnt = 0;
458.  	chi = -1;
459.  	nidist = GDIST(nix,niy);
461.  	for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
462.  		nx = poss[i].x;
463.  		ny = poss[i].y;
464.  #ifdef WALKIES
465.  		/* if leashed, we drag him along. */
466.  		if (mtmp->mleashed && distu(nx, ny) > 4) continue;
467.  #endif
468.  		/* if a guardian, try to stay close by choice */
469.  		if (!has_edog &&
470.  		    (j = distu(nx, ny)) > 16 && j >= udist) continue;
472.  		if ((info[i] & ALLOW_M) && MON_AT(nx, ny)) {
473.  		    int stat;
474.  		    register struct monst *mtmp2 = m_at(nx,ny);
476.  		    if ((int)mtmp2->m_lev >= (int)mtmp->m_lev+2 ||
477.  			(mtmp2->data == &mons[PM_FLOATING_EYE] && rn2(10) &&
478.  			 mtmp->mcansee && haseyes(mtmp->data) && mtmp2->mcansee
479.  			 && (perceives(mtmp->data) || !mtmp2->minvis)) ||
480.  			(mtmp2->data==&mons[PM_GELATINOUS_CUBE] && rn2(10)) ||
481.  			(max_passive_dmg(mtmp2, mtmp) >= mtmp->mhp) ||
482.  			(mtmp->mhp*4 < mtmp->mhpmax &&
483.  			 mtmp2->mpeaceful && !Conflict) ||
484.  			   (mtmp2->data->mlet == S_COCKATRICE &&
485.  				!resists_ston(mtmp->data)))
486.  			continue;
488.  		    if (after) return(0); /* hit only once each move */
490.  		    stat = mattackm(mtmp, mtmp2);
492.  		    /* aggressor (pet) died */
493.  		    if (stat & MM_AGR_DIED) return 2;
495.  		    if ((stat & MM_HIT) && !(stat & MM_DEF_DIED) &&
496.  			rn2(4) && mtmp2->mlstmv != monstermoves) {
497.  			stat = mattackm(mtmp2, mtmp);	/* return attack */
498.  			if (stat & MM_DEF_DIED) return 2;
499.  		    }
501.  		    return 0;
502.  		}
504.  		{   /* dog avoids traps, but perhaps it has to pass a trap
505.  		     * in order to follow player
506.  		     */
507.  		    struct trap *trap;
509.  		    if ((info[i] & ALLOW_TRAPS) && (trap = t_at(nx,ny))) {
510.  			if ((trap->ttyp == RUST_TRAP
511.  					&& mtmp->data != &mons[PM_IRON_GOLEM])
512.  				|| trap->ttyp == STATUE_TRAP
513.  				|| ((trap->ttyp == PIT
514.  				    || trap->ttyp == SPIKED_PIT
515.  				    || (trap->ttyp == TRAPDOOR &&
516.  					!Can_fall_thru(&
517.  				    && (is_flyer(mtmp->data) ||
518.  					is_clinger(mtmp->data)))
519.  				|| (trap->ttyp == SLP_GAS_TRAP &&
520.  				    resists_sleep(mtmp->data)))
521.  			    if(!trap->tseen || rn2(3)) continue;
522.  #ifdef WALKIES
523.  			if (!mtmp->mleashed) {
524.  #endif
525.  			    if (!trap->tseen && rn2(40)) continue;
526.  			    if (rn2(10)) continue;
527.  #ifdef WALKIES
528.  			}
529.  # ifdef SOUNDS
530.  			else if (flags.soundok)
531.  				whimper(mtmp);
532.  # endif
533.  #endif
534.  		    }
535.  		}
537.  		/* dog eschews cursed objects, but likes dog food */
538.  		for (obj = level.objects[nx][ny]; obj; obj = obj->nexthere) {
539.  		    if (obj->cursed && !mtmp->mleashed && uncursedcnt)
540.  			goto nxti;
541.  		    if (obj->cursed) cursemsg = TRUE;
542.  		    if (has_edog && (otyp = dogfood(mtmp, obj)) < MANFOOD &&
543.  				(otyp < ACCFOOD || edog->hungrytime <= moves)){
544.  			/* Note: our dog likes the food so much that he
545.  			 * might eat it even when it conceals a cursed object */
546.  			nix = nx;
547.  			niy = ny;
548.  			chi = i;
549.  			do_eat = TRUE;
550.  			goto newdogpos;
551.  		    }
552.  		}
554.  		for (j = 0; j < MTSZ && j < cnt-1; j++)
555.  			if (nx == mtmp->mtrack[j].x && ny == mtmp->mtrack[j].y)
556.  				if (rn2(4*(cnt-j))) goto nxti;
558.  		j = ((ndist = GDIST(nx,ny)) - nidist) * appr;
559.  		if ((j == 0 && !rn2(++chcnt)) || j < 0 ||
560.  			(j > 0 && !whappr &&
561.  				((omx == nix && omy == niy && !rn2(3))
562.  					|| !rn2(12))
563.  			)) {
564.  			nix = nx;
565.  			niy = ny;
566.  			nidist = ndist;
567.  			if(j < 0) chcnt = 0;
568.  			chi = i;
569.  		}
570.  	nxti:	;
571.  	}
572.  newdogpos:
573.  	if (nix != omx || niy != omy) {
574.  		if (info[chi] & ALLOW_U) {
575.  #ifdef WALKIES
576.  			if (mtmp->mleashed) { /* play it safe */
577.  				pline("%s breaks loose of %s leash!",
578.  					Monnam(mtmp),
579.  					humanoid(mtmp->data)
580.  					    ? (mtmp->female ? "her" : "his")
581.  					    : "its");
582.  				m_unleash(mtmp);
583.  			}
584.  #endif
585.  			(void) mattacku(mtmp);
586.  			return(0);
587.  		}
588.  		/* insert a worm_move() if worms ever begin to eat things */
589.  		remove_monster(omx, omy);
590.  		place_monster(mtmp, nix, niy);
591.  		if (cursemsg && (cansee(omx,omy) || cansee(nix,niy)))
592.  			pline("%s moves only reluctantly.", Monnam(mtmp));
593.  		for (j=MTSZ-1; j>0; j--) mtmp->mtrack[j] = mtmp->mtrack[j-1];
594.  		mtmp->mtrack[0].x = omx;
595.  		mtmp->mtrack[0].y = omy;
596.  		/* We have to know if the pet's gonna do a combined eat and
597.  		 * move before moving it, but it can't eat until after being
598.  		 * moved.  Thus the do_eat flag.
599.  		 */
600.  		if (do_eat)
601.  			dog_eat(mtmp, obj, nix, niy);
602.  	}
603.  #ifdef WALKIES
604.  	  /* an incredible kludge, but the only way to keep pooch near
605.  	   * after it spends time eating or in a trap, etc.
606.  	   */
607.  	  else if (mtmp->mleashed && distu(omx, omy) > 4) {
608.  		coord cc;
610.  		nx = sgn(omx - u.ux);
611.  		ny = sgn(omy -;
612.  		cc.x = u.ux + nx;
613.  		cc.y = + ny;
614.  		if (goodpos(cc.x, cc.y, mtmp, mtmp->data)) goto dognext;
616.  	 	i  = xytod(nx, ny);
617.  		for (j = (i + 7)%8; j < (i + 1)%8; j++) {
618.  			dtoxy(&cc, j);
619.  			if (goodpos(cc.x, cc.y, mtmp, mtmp->data)) goto dognext;
620.  		}
621.  		for (j = (i + 6)%8; j < (i + 2)%8; j++) {
622.  			dtoxy(&cc, j);
623.  			if (goodpos(cc.x, cc.y, mtmp, mtmp->data)) goto dognext;
624.  		}
625.  		cc.x = mtmp->mx;
626.  		cc.y = mtmp->my;
627.  dognext:
628.  		remove_monster(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
629.  		place_monster(mtmp, cc.x, cc.y);
630.  		newsym(cc.x,cc.y);
631.  		set_apparxy(mtmp);
632.  	}
633.  #endif
634.  	return(1);
635.  }
637.  #endif /* OVL0 */
638.  #ifdef OVLB
640.  /*ARGSUSED*/	/* do_clear_area client */
641.  STATIC_PTR void
642.  wantdoor(x, y, distance)
643.  int x, y;
644.  genericptr_t distance;
645.  {
646.      register ndist;
648.      if (*(int*)distance > (ndist = distu(x, y))) {
649.  	gx = x;
650.  	gy = y;
651.  	*(int*)distance = ndist;
652.      }
653.  }
655.  #endif /* OVLB */
657.  /*dogmove.c*/