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Below is the full text to fountain.c from the source code of NetHack 3.1.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.1.0/fountain.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)fountain.c	3.1	92/12/19	*/
2.    /*	Copyright Scott R. Turner, srt@ucla, 10/27/86 */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    /* Code for drinking from fountains. */
7.    #include "hack.h"
9.    static void NDECL(dowatersnakes);
10.   static void NDECL(dowaterdemon);
11.   static void NDECL(dowaternymph);
12.   STATIC_PTR void FDECL(gush, (int,int,genericptr_t));
13.   static void NDECL(dofindgem);
15.   static void
16.   dowatersnakes() /* Fountain of snakes! */
17.   {
18.       register int num = rn1(5,2);
19.       struct monst *mtmp;
21.       if (!(mons[PM_WATER_MOCCASIN].geno & (G_GENOD | G_EXTINCT))) {
22.   	if (!Blind)
23.   	    pline("An endless stream of %s pours forth!",
24.   		  Hallucination ? makeplural(rndmonnam()) : "snakes");
25.   	else
26.   	    You("hear something hissing!");
27.   	while(num-- > 0)
28.   	    if((mtmp = makemon(&mons[PM_WATER_MOCCASIN],u.ux,u.uy)) &&
29.   	       t_at(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my))
30.   		(void) mintrap(mtmp);
31.       } else
32.   	pline("The fountain bubbles furiously for a moment, then calms.");
33.   }
35.   static
36.   void
37.   dowaterdemon() /* Water demon */
38.   {
39.   	register struct monst *mtmp;
41.   	if(mons[PM_WATER_DEMON].geno & (G_GENOD | G_EXTINCT)) return;
42.   	if((mtmp = makemon(&mons[PM_WATER_DEMON],u.ux,u.uy))) {
43.   	    if (!Blind)
44.   		You("have unleashed %s!", a_monnam(mtmp));
45.   	    else
46.   		You("feel the presence of evil.");
48.   	/* Give those on low levels a (slightly) better chance of survival */
49.   	    if ( rnd(100) > (80 + level_difficulty())) {
50.   		pline("Grateful for %s release, %s grants you a wish!",
51.   			Blind ? "its" : "his", Blind ? "it" : "he" );
52.   		makewish();
53.   		mongone(mtmp);
54.   	    } else if (t_at(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my))
55.   		(void) mintrap(mtmp);
56.   	}
57.   }
59.   static void
60.   dowaternymph() /* Water Nymph */
61.   {
62.   	register struct monst *mtmp;
64.   	if(mons[PM_WATER_NYMPH].geno & (G_GENOD | G_EXTINCT)) return;
65.   	if((mtmp = makemon(&mons[PM_WATER_NYMPH],u.ux,u.uy))) {
66.   		if (!Blind)
67.   		   You("have attracted %s!", a_monnam(mtmp));
68.   		else
69.   		   You("hear a seductive voice.");
70.   		mtmp->msleep = 0;
71.   		if (t_at(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my))
72.   		    (void) mintrap(mtmp);
73.   	} else
74.   		if (!Blind)
75.   		   pline("A large bubble rises to the surface and pops.");
76.   		else
77.   		   You("hear a loud pop.");
78.   }
80.   void
81.   dogushforth(drinking) /* Gushing forth along LOS from (u.ux, u.uy) */
82.   int drinking;
83.   {
84.   	int madepool = 0;
86.   	do_clear_area(u.ux, u.uy, 7, gush, (genericptr_t)&madepool);
87.   	if (!madepool)
88.   	    if (drinking)
89.   		Your("thirst is quenched.");
90.   	    else
91.   		pline("Water sprays all over you.");
92.   }
94.   STATIC_PTR void
95.   gush(x, y, poolcnt)
96.   int x, y;
97.   genericptr_t poolcnt;
98.   {
99.   	register struct monst *mtmp;
101.  	if (((x+y)%2) || (x == u.ux && y == u.uy) ||
102.  	    (rn2(1 + distmin(u.ux, u.uy, x, y)))  ||
103.  	    (levl[x][y].typ != ROOM) || t_at(x,y) ||
104.  	    (sobj_at(BOULDER, x, y)) || nexttodoor(x, y))
105.  		return;
107.  	if (!((*(int *)poolcnt)++))
108.  	    pline("Water gushes forth from the overflowing fountain!");
110.  	/* Put a pool at x, y */
112.  	levl[x][y].typ = POOL;
114.  	if ((mtmp = m_at(x, y)) != 0)
115.  		(void) minwater(mtmp);
116.  	else
117.  		newsym(x,y);
118.  }
120.  static void
121.  dofindgem() /* Find a gem in the sparkling waters. */
122.  {
123.  	if (!Blind) You("spot a gem in the sparkling waters!");
124.  	(void) mksobj_at(rnd_class(DILITHIUM_CRYSTAL, LUCKSTONE-1),
125.  						u.ux, u.uy, FALSE);
126.  	levl[u.ux][u.uy].looted |= F_LOOTED;
127.  	newsym(u.ux, u.uy);
128.  	exercise(A_WIS, TRUE);			/* a discovery! */
129.  }
131.  void
132.  dryup(x,y)
133.  xchar x, y;
134.  {
135.  	boolean isyou = (x == u.ux && y == u.uy);
137.  	if (IS_FOUNTAIN(levl[x][y].typ) &&
138.  	    (!rn2(3) || (levl[x][y].looted & F_WARNED))) {
139.  		s_level *slev = Is_special(&u.uz);
140.  		if(isyou && slev && slev->flags.town &&
141.  		   !(levl[x][y].looted & F_WARNED)) {
142.  			struct monst *mtmp;
143.  			levl[x][y].looted |= F_WARNED;
144.  			/* Warn about future fountain use. */
145.  			for(mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon) {
146.  			    if((mtmp->data == &mons[PM_WATCHMAN] ||
147.  				mtmp->data == &mons[PM_WATCH_CAPTAIN]) &&
148.  			       couldsee(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my) &&
149.  			       mtmp->mpeaceful) {
150.  				pline("%s yells:", Amonnam(mtmp));
151.  				verbalize("Hey, stop using that fountain!");
152.  				break;
153.  			    }
154.  			}
155.  			/* You can see or hear this effect */
156.  			if(!mtmp) pline("The waterflow reduces to a trickle.");
157.  			return;
158.  		}
159.  #ifdef WIZARD
160.  		if (isyou && wizard) {
161.  			if (yn("Dry up fountain?") == 'n')
162.  				return;
163.  		}
164.  #endif
165.  		if (cansee(x,y)) pline("The fountain dries up!");
166.  		levl[x][y].typ = ROOM;
167.  		levl[x][y].looted = 0;
168.  		levl[x][y].blessedftn = 0;
169.  		/* The location is seen if the hero/monster is invisible */
170.  		/* or felt if the hero is blind.			 */
171.  		newsym(x, y);
172.  		level.flags.nfountains--;
173.  		if(isyou && slev && slev->flags.town)
174.  		    (void) angry_guards(FALSE);
175.  	}
176.  }
178.  void
179.  drinkfountain()
180.  {
181.  	/* What happens when you drink from a fountain? */
182.  	register boolean mgkftn = (levl[u.ux][u.uy].blessedftn == 1);
183.  	register int fate = rnd(30);
185.  	if (Levitation) {
186.  		You("are floating high above the fountain.");
187.  		return;
188.  	}
190.  	if (mgkftn && u.uluck >= 0 && fate >= 10) {
191.  		int i, ii, littleluck = (u.uluck < 4);
193.  		pline("Wow!  This makes you feel great!");
194.  		/* blessed restore ability */
195.  		for (ii = 0; ii < A_MAX; ii++)
196.  		    if (ABASE(ii) < AMAX(ii)) {
197.  			ABASE(ii) = AMAX(ii);
198.  			flags.botl = 1;
199.  		    }
200.  		/* gain ability, blessed if "natural" luck is high */
201.  		i = rn2(A_MAX);		/* start at a random attribute */
202.  		for (ii = 0; ii < A_MAX; ii++) {
203.  		    if (adjattrib(i, 1, littleluck ? -1 : 0) && littleluck)
204.  			break;
205.  		    if (++i >= A_MAX) i = 0;
206.  		}
207.  		display_nhwindow(WIN_MESSAGE, FALSE);
208.  		pline("A wisp of vapor escapes the fountain....");
209.  		exercise(A_WIS, TRUE);
210.  		levl[u.ux][u.uy].blessedftn = 0;
211.  		return;
212.  	}
214.  	if (fate < 10) {
215.  		pline("The cool draught refreshes you.");
216.  		u.uhunger += rnd(10); /* don't choke on water */
217.  		newuhs(FALSE);
218.  		if(mgkftn) return;
219.  	} else {
220.  	    switch (fate) {
222.  		case 19: /* Self-knowledge */
224.  			You("feel self-knowledgeable....");
225.  			display_nhwindow(WIN_MESSAGE, FALSE);
226.  			enlightenment(FALSE);
227.  			exercise(A_WIS, TRUE);
228.  			pline("The feeling subsides.");
229.  			break;
231.  		case 20: /* Foul water */
233.  			pline("The water is foul!  You gag and vomit.");
234.  			morehungry(rn1(20, 11));
235.  			vomit();
236.  			break;
238.  		case 21: /* Poisonous */
240.  			pline("The water is contaminated!");
241.  			if (Poison_resistance) {
242.  #ifdef TUTTI_FRUTTI
243.  	   pline("Perhaps it is runoff from the nearby %s farm.", pl_fruit);
244.  #else
245.  	   pline("Perhaps it is runoff from the nearby orange farm.");
246.  #endif
247.  			   losehp(rnd(4),"unrefrigerated sip of juice",
248.  				KILLED_BY_AN);
249.  			   break;
250.  			}
251.  			losestr(rn1(4,3));
252.  			losehp(rnd(10),"contaminated water", KILLED_BY);
253.  			exercise(A_CON, FALSE);
254.  			break;
256.  		case 22: /* Fountain of snakes! */
258.  			dowatersnakes();
259.  			break;
261.  		case 23: /* Water demon */
262.  			dowaterdemon();
263.  			break;
265.  		case 24: /* Curse an item */ {
266.  			register struct obj *obj;
268.  			pline("This water's no good!");
269.  			morehungry(rn1(20, 11));
270.  			exercise(A_CON, FALSE);
271.  			for(obj = invent; obj ; obj = obj->nobj)
272.  				if (!rn2(5))	curse(obj);
273.  			break;
274.  			}
276.  		case 25: /* See invisible */
278.  			You("see an image of someone stalking you.");
279.  			pline("But it disappears.");
280.  			HSee_invisible |= FROMOUTSIDE;
281.  			newsym(u.ux,u.uy);
282.  			exercise(A_WIS, TRUE);
283.  			break;
285.  		case 26: /* See Monsters */
287.  			(void) monster_detect((struct obj *)0, 0);
288.  			exercise(A_WIS, TRUE);
289.  			break;
291.  		case 27: /* Find a gem in the sparkling waters. */
293.  			if (!levl[u.ux][u.uy].looted) {
294.  				dofindgem();
295.  				break;
296.  			}
298.  		case 28: /* Water Nymph */
300.  			dowaternymph();
301.  			break;
303.  		case 29: /* Scare */ {
304.  			register struct monst *mtmp;
306.  			pline("This water gives you bad breath!");
307.  			for(mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon)
308.  				mtmp->mflee = 1;
309.  			}
310.  			break;
312.  		case 30: /* Gushing forth in this room */
314.  			dogushforth(TRUE);
315.  			break;
317.  		default:
319.  			pline("This tepid water is tasteless.");
320.  			break;
321.  	    }
322.  	}
323.  	dryup(u.ux, u.uy);
324.  }
326.  void
327.  dipfountain(obj)
328.  register struct obj *obj;
329.  {
330.  	if (Levitation) {
331.  		You("are floating high above the fountain.");
332.  		return;
333.  	}
335.  	/* Don't grant Excalibur when there's more than one object.  */
336.  	/* (quantity could be > 1 if merged daggers got polymorphed) */
337.  	if (obj->otyp == LONG_SWORD && obj->quan == 1L
338.  	    && u.ulevel >= 5 && !rn2(6)
339.  	    && !obj->oartifact
340.  	    && !exist_artifact(LONG_SWORD, artiname(ART_EXCALIBUR))) {
341.  		if (u.ualign.type != A_LAWFUL) {
342.  			/* Ha!  Trying to cheat her. */
343.  			pline("A freezing mist rises from the water and envelopes the sword.");
344.  			pline("The fountain disappears!");
345.  			curse(obj);
346.  			if (obj->spe > -6 && !rn2(3)) obj->spe--;
347.  			obj->oerodeproof = FALSE;
348.  			exercise(A_WIS, FALSE);
349.  		} else {
350.  			/* The lady of the lake acts! - Eric Backus */
351.  			/* Be *REAL* nice */
352.  	  pline("From the murky depths, a hand reaches up to bless the sword.");
353.  			pline("As the hand retreats, the fountain disappears!");
354.  			obj = oname(obj, artiname(ART_EXCALIBUR), 1);
355.  			bless(obj);
356.  			obj->oeroded = 0;
357.  			obj->oerodeproof = TRUE;
358.  			exercise(A_WIS, TRUE);
359.  		}
360.  		levl[u.ux][u.uy].typ = ROOM;
361.  		levl[u.ux][u.uy].looted = 0;
362.  		if(Invisible) newsym(u.ux, u.uy);
363.  		level.flags.nfountains--;
364.  		return;
365.  	} else (void) get_wet(obj);
367.  	switch (rnd(30)) {
368.  		case 16: /* Curse the item */
369.  			curse(obj);
370.  			break;
371.  		case 17:
372.  		case 18:
373.  		case 19:
374.  		case 20: /* Uncurse the item */
375.  			if(obj->cursed) {
376.  			    if (!Blind)
377.  				pline("The water glows for a moment.");
378.  			    uncurse(obj);
379.  			} else {
380.  			    pline("A feeling of loss comes over you.");
381.  			}
382.  			break;
383.  		case 21: /* Water Demon */
384.  			dowaterdemon();
385.  			break;
386.  		case 22: /* Water Nymph */
387.  			dowaternymph();
388.  			break;
389.  		case 23: /* an Endless Stream of Snakes */
390.  			dowatersnakes();
391.  			break;
392.  		case 24: /* Find a gem */
393.  			dofindgem();
394.  			break;
395.  		case 25: /* Water gushes forth */
396.  			dogushforth(FALSE);
397.  			break;
398.  		case 26: /* Strange feeling */
399.  			pline("A strange tingling runs up your %s.",
400.  							body_part(ARM));
401.  			break;
402.  		case 27: /* Strange feeling */
403.  			You("feel a sudden chill.");
404.  			break;
405.  		case 28: /* Strange feeling */
406.  			pline("An urge to take a bath overwhelms you.");
407.  			if (u.ugold > 10) {
408.  			    u.ugold -= somegold() / 10;
409.  			    You("lost some of your gold in the fountain!");
410.  			    levl[u.ux][u.uy].looted &= ~F_LOOTED;
411.  			    exercise(A_WIS, FALSE);
412.  			}
413.  			break;
414.  		case 29: /* You see coins */
416.  		/* We make fountains have more coins the closer you are to the
417.  		 * surface.  After all, there will have been more people going
418.  		 * by.	Just like a shopping mall!  Chris Woodbury  */
420.  		    mkgold((long)
421.  			(rnd((dunlevs_in_dungeon(&u.uz)-dunlev(&u.uz)+1)*2)+5),
422.  			u.ux, u.uy);
423.  		    if (!Blind)
424.  		pline("Far below you, you see coins glistening in the water.");
425.  		    exercise(A_WIS, TRUE);
426.  		    break;
427.  	}
428.  	dryup(u.ux, u.uy);
429.  }
431.  #ifdef SINKS
432.  void
433.  breaksink(x,y)
434.  int x, y;
435.  {
436.      if(cansee(x,y) || (x == u.ux && y == u.uy))
437.  	pline("The pipes break!  Water spurts out!");
438.      level.flags.nsinks--;
439.      levl[x][y].doormask = 0;
440.      levl[x][y].typ = FOUNTAIN;
441.      level.flags.nfountains++;
442.      newsym(x,y);
443.  }
445.  void
446.  drinksink()
447.  {
448.  	if (Levitation) {
449.  		You("are floating high above the sink.");
450.  		return;
451.  	}
452.  	switch(rn2(20)) {
453.  		static struct obj NEARDATA *otmp;
454.  		case 0: You("take a sip of very cold water.");
455.  			break;
456.  		case 1: You("take a sip of very warm water.");
457.  			break;
458.  		case 2: You("take a sip of scalding hot water.");
459.  			if (Fire_resistance)
460.  				pline("It seems quite tasty.");
461.  			else losehp(rnd(6), "sipping boiling water", KILLED_BY);
462.  			break;
463.  		case 3: if (mons[PM_SEWER_RAT].geno & (G_GENOD | G_EXTINCT))
464.  				pline("The sink seems quite dirty.");
465.  			else {
466.  				static struct monst NEARDATA *mtmp;
468.  				mtmp = makemon(&mons[PM_SEWER_RAT], u.ux, u.uy);
469.  				pline("Eek!  There's %s in the sink!",
470.  					Blind ? "something squirmy" :
471.  					a_monnam(mtmp));
472.  			}
473.  			break;
474.  		case 4: do {
475.  				otmp = mkobj(POTION_CLASS,FALSE);
476.  				if (otmp->otyp == POT_WATER) {
477.  					obfree(otmp, (struct obj *)0);
478.  					otmp = (struct obj *) 0;
479.  				}
480.  			} while(!otmp);
481.  			otmp->cursed = otmp->blessed = 0;
482.  			if (Blind)
483.  				pline("The sink emits some odd liquid.");
484.  			else
485.  				pline("The sink emits a stream of %s water.",
486.  				    Hallucination ? hcolor() :
487.  				    OBJ_DESCR(objects[otmp->otyp]));
488.  			otmp->dknown = !(Blind || Hallucination);
489.  			otmp->quan++; /* Avoid panic upon useup() */
490.  			otmp->corpsenm = 1; /* kludge for docall() */
491.  			(void) dopotion(otmp);
492.  			obfree(otmp, (struct obj *)0);
493.  			break;
494.  		case 5: if (!(levl[u.ux][u.uy].looted & S_LRING)) {
495.  			    You("find a ring in the sink!");
496.  			    (void) mkobj_at(RING_CLASS, u.ux, u.uy, TRUE);
497.  			    levl[u.ux][u.uy].looted |= S_LRING;
498.  			    exercise(A_WIS, TRUE);
499.  			} else pline("Some dirty water backs up in the drain.");
500.  			break;
501.  		case 6: breaksink(u.ux,u.uy);
502.  			break;
503.  		case 7: pline("The water moves as though of its own will!");
504.  			if ((mons[PM_WATER_ELEMENTAL].geno & (G_GENOD | G_EXTINCT))
505.  			    || !makemon(&mons[PM_WATER_ELEMENTAL], u.ux, u.uy))
506.  				pline("But it quiets down.");
507.  			break;
508.  		case 8: pline("Yuk, this water tastes awful.");
509.  			more_experienced(1,0);
510.  			newexplevel();
511.  			break;
512.  		case 9: pline("Gaggg... this tastes like sewage!  You vomit.");
513.  			morehungry(rn1(30-ACURR(A_CON), 11));
514.  			vomit();
515.  			break;
516.  #ifdef POLYSELF
517.  		case 10: pline("This water contains toxic wastes!");
518.  			You("undergo a freakish metamorphosis!");
519.  			polyself();
520.  			break;
521.  #endif
522.  		/* more odd messages --JJB */
523.  		case 11: You("hear clanking from the pipes....");
524.  			break;
525.  		case 12: You("hear snatches of song from among the sewers....");
526.  			break;
527.  		case 19: if (Hallucination) {
528.  		   pline("From the murky drain, a hand reaches up... --oops--");
529.  				break;
530.  			}
531.  		default: You("take a sip of %s water.",
532.  			rn2(3) ? (rn2(2) ? "cold" : "warm") : "hot");
533.  	}
534.  }
535.  #endif /* SINKS */
537.  /*fountain.c*/