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Below is the full text to mhitm.c from the source code of NetHack 3.1.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.1.0/mhitm.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

The NetHack General Public License applies to screenshots, source code and other content from NetHack.

This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)mhitm.c	3.1	92/12/10	*/
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    #include "hack.h"
6.    #include "artifact.h"
7.    #include "edog.h"
9.    #ifdef OVLB
11.   static boolean NEARDATA vis, NEARDATA far_noise;
12.   static long NEARDATA noisetime;
13.   static struct obj NEARDATA *otmp;
15.   static void FDECL(mrustm, (struct monst *, struct monst *, struct obj *));
16.   static int FDECL(hitmm, (struct monst *,struct monst *,struct attack *));
17.   static int FDECL(gazemm, (struct monst *,struct monst *,struct attack *));
18.   static int FDECL(gulpmm, (struct monst *,struct monst *,struct attack *));
19.   static int FDECL(explmm, (struct monst *,struct monst *,struct attack *));
20.   static int FDECL(mdamagem, (struct monst *,struct monst *,struct attack *));
21.   static void FDECL(mswingsm, (struct monst *, struct monst *, struct obj *));
22.   static void FDECL(noises,(struct monst *,struct attack *));
23.   static void FDECL(missmm,(struct monst *,struct monst *,struct attack *));
24.   static int FDECL(passivemm, (struct monst *, struct monst *, BOOLEAN_P, int));
26.   /* Needed for the special case of monsters wielding vorpal blades (rare).
27.    * If we use this a lot it should probably be a parameter to mdamagem()
28.    * instead of a global variable.
29.    */
30.   static int dieroll;
32.   static void
33.   noises(magr, mattk)
34.   	register struct monst *magr;
35.   	register struct	attack *mattk;
36.   {
37.   	boolean farq = (distu(magr->mx, magr->my) > 15);
39.   	if(flags.soundok && (farq != far_noise || moves-noisetime > 10)) {
40.   		far_noise = farq;
41.   		noisetime = moves;
42.   		You("hear %s%s.",
43.   			(mattk->aatyp == AT_EXPL) ? "an explosion" : "some noises",
44.   			farq ? " in the distance" : "");
45.   	}
46.   }
48.   static
49.   void
50.   missmm(magr, mdef, mattk)
51.   	register struct monst *magr, *mdef;
52.   	struct attack *mattk;
53.   {
54.   	const char *fmt;
55.   	char buf[BUFSZ];
57.   	if (vis) {
58.   		if (mdef->m_ap_type) seemimic(mdef);
59.   		if (magr->m_ap_type) seemimic(magr);
60.   		fmt = (could_seduce(magr,mdef,mattk) && !magr->mcan) ?
61.   			"%s pretends to be friendly to" : "%s misses";
62.   		Sprintf(buf, fmt, Monnam(magr));
63.   		pline("%s %s.", buf, mon_nam(mdef));
64.   	} else  noises(magr, mattk);
65.   }
67.   /*
68.    *  fightm()  -- fight some other monster
69.    *
70.    *  Returns:
71.    *	0 - Monster did nothing.
72.    *	1 - If the monster made an attack.  The monster might have died.
73.    *
74.    *  There is an exception to the above.  If mtmp has the hero swallowed,
75.    *  then we report that the monster did nothing so it will continue to
76.    *  digest the hero.
77.    */
78.   int
79.   fightm(mtmp)		/* have monsters fight each other */
80.   	register struct monst *mtmp;
81.   {
82.   	register struct monst *mon, *nmon;
83.   	int result, has_u_swallowed;
84.   #ifdef LINT
85.   	nmon = 0;
86.   #endif
87.   	/* perhaps the monster will resist Conflict */
88.   	if(resist(mtmp, RING_CLASS, 0, 0))
89.   	    return(0);
90.   #ifdef POLYSELF
91.   	if(u.ustuck == mtmp) {
92.   	    /* perhaps we're holding it... */
93.   	    if(itsstuck(mtmp))
94.   		return(0);
95.   	}
96.   #endif
97.   	has_u_swallowed = (u.uswallow && (mtmp == u.ustuck));
99.   	for(mon = fmon; mon; mon = nmon) {
100.  	    nmon = mon->nmon;
101.  	    if(nmon == mtmp) nmon = mtmp->nmon;
102.  	    if(mon != mtmp) {
103.  		if(monnear(mtmp,mon->mx,mon->my)) {
104.  		    if(!u.uswallow && (mtmp == u.ustuck)) {
105.  			if(!rn2(4)) {
106.  			    pline("%s releases you!", Monnam(mtmp));
107.  			    u.ustuck = 0;
108.  			} else
109.  			    break;
110.  		    }
112.  		    /* mtmp can be killed */
113.  		    bhitpos.x = mon->mx;
114.  		    bhitpos.y = mon->my;
115.  		    result = mattackm(mtmp,mon);
117.  		    if (result & MM_AGR_DIED) return 1;	/* mtmp died */
118.  		    /*
119.  		     *  If mtmp has the hero swallowed, lie and say there
120.  		     *  was no attack (this allows mtmp to digest the hero).
121.  		     */
122.  		    if (has_u_swallowed) return 0;
124.  		    return ((result & MM_HIT) ? 1 : 0);
125.  		}
126.  	    }
127.  	}
128.  	return 0;
129.  }
131.  /*
132.   * mattackm() -- a monster attacks another monster.
133.   *
134.   * This function returns a result bitfield:
135.   *	   
136.   *	    --------- agressor died
137.   *	   /  ------- defender died
138.   *	  /  /  ----- defender was hit
139.   *	 /  /  /
140.   *	x  x  x
141.   *
142.   *	0x4	MM_AGR_DIED
143.   *	0x2	MM_DEF_DIED
144.   *	0x1	MM_HIT
145.   *	0x0	MM_MISS
146.   *
147.   * Each successive attack has a lower probability of hitting.  Some rely on the
148.   * success of previous attacks.  ** this doen't seem to be implemented -dl **
149.   *
150.   * In the case of exploding monsters, the monster dies as well.
151.   */
152.  int
153.  mattackm(magr, mdef)
154.      register struct monst *magr,*mdef;
155.  {
156.      int		    i,		/* loop counter */
157.  		    tmp,	/* amour class difference */
158.  		    strike,	/* hit this attack */
159.  		    attk,	/* attack attempted this time */
160.  		    struck = 0,	/* hit at least once */
161.  		    res[NATTK];	/* results of all attacks */
162.      struct attack   *mattk;
163.      struct permonst *pa, *pd;
165.      if (!magr || !mdef) return(MM_MISS);		/* mike@genat */
166.      pa = magr->data; pd = mdef->data;
167.      if (!magr->mcanmove) return(MM_MISS);		/* riv05!a3 */
169.      /* Grid bugs cannot attack at an angle. */
170.      if (pa == &mons[PM_GRID_BUG] && magr->mx != mdef->mx
171.  						&& magr->my != mdef->my)
172.  	return(MM_MISS);
174.      /* Calculate the armour class differential. */
175.      tmp = find_mac(mdef) + magr->m_lev;
176.      if (mdef->mconf || !mdef->mcanmove || mdef->msleep){
177.  	tmp += 4;
178.  	if (mdef->msleep) mdef->msleep = 0;
179.      }
181.      /* undetect monsters become un-hidden if they are attacked */
182.      if (mdef->mundetected) {
183.  	mdef->mundetected = 0;
184.  	newsym(mdef->mx, mdef->my);
185.  	if(canseemon(mdef))
186.  	    pline("Suddenly, you notice %s.", a_monnam(mdef));
187.      }
189.      /* Elves hate orcs. */
190.      if (is_elf(pa) && is_orc(pd)) tmp++;
193.      /* Set up the visibility of action */
194.      vis = (cansee(magr->mx,magr->my) && cansee(mdef->mx,mdef->my));
196.      /*	Set flag indicating monster has moved this turn.  Necessary since a
197.       *	monster might get an attack out of sequence (i.e. before its move) in
198.       *	some cases, in which case this still counts as its move for the round
199.       *	and it shouldn't move again.
200.       */
201.      magr->mlstmv = monstermoves;
203.      /* Now perform all attacks for the monster. */
204.      for (i = 0; i < NATTK; i++) {
205.  	res[i] = MM_MISS;
206.  	mattk = &(pa->mattk[i]);
207.  	otmp = (struct obj *)0;
208.  	attk = 1;
209.  	switch (mattk->aatyp) {
210.  	    case AT_WEAP:		/* "hand to hand" attacks */
211.  #ifdef MUSE
212.  		if (magr->weapon_check == NEED_WEAPON || !MON_WEP(magr)) {
213.  			magr->weapon_check = NEED_HTH_WEAPON;
214.  			if (mon_wield_item(magr) != 0) return 0;
215.  		}
216.  		otmp = MON_WEP(magr);
217.  #else
218.  		otmp = select_hwep(magr);
219.  #endif
220.  		if (otmp) {
221.  		    if (vis) mswingsm(magr, mdef, otmp);
222.  		    tmp += hitval(otmp, pd);
223.  		}
224.  		/* fall through */
225.  	    case AT_CLAW:
226.  	    case AT_KICK:
227.  	    case AT_BITE:
228.  	    case AT_STNG:
229.  	    case AT_TUCH:
230.  	    case AT_BUTT:
231.  	    case AT_TENT:
232.  		dieroll = rnd(20 + i);
233.  		strike = (tmp > dieroll);
234.  		if (strike)
235.  		    res[i] = hitmm(magr, mdef, mattk);
236.  		else
237.  		    missmm(magr, mdef, mattk);
238.  		break;
240.  	    case AT_HUGS:	/* automatic if prev two attacks succeed */
241.  		strike = (i >= 2 && res[i-1] == MM_HIT && res[i-2] == MM_HIT);
242.  		if (strike)
243.  		    res[i] = hitmm(magr, mdef, mattk);
245.  		break;
247.  	    case AT_GAZE:
248.  		strike = 0;	/* will not wake up a sleeper */
249.  		res[i] = gazemm(magr, mdef, mattk);
250.  		break;
252.  	    case AT_EXPL:
253.  		strike = 1;	/* automatic hit */
254.  		res[i] = explmm(magr, mdef, mattk);
255.  		break;
257.  	    case AT_ENGL:
258.  		/* Engulfing attacks are directed at the hero if
259.  		 * possible. -dlc
260.  		 */
261.  		if (u.uswallow && magr == u.ustuck)
262.  		    strike = 0;
263.  		else {
264.  		    if ((strike = (tmp > rnd(20+i))))
265.  			res[i] = gulpmm(magr, mdef, mattk);
266.  		    else
267.  			missmm(magr, mdef, mattk);
268.  		}
269.  		break;
271.  	    default:		/* no attack */
272.  		strike = 0;
273.  		attk = 0;
274.  		break;
275.  	}
277.  	if (attk && !(res[i] & MM_AGR_DIED))
278.  	    res[i] = passivemm(magr, mdef, strike, res[i] & MM_DEF_DIED);
280.  	if (res[i] & MM_DEF_DIED) return res[i];
282.  	/*
283.  	 *  Wake up the defender.  NOTE:  this must follow the check
284.  	 *  to see if the defender died.  We don't want to modify
285.  	 *  unallocated monsters!
286.  	 */
287.  	if (strike) mdef->msleep = 0;
289.  	if (res[i] & MM_AGR_DIED)  return res[i];
290.  	/* return if aggressor can no longer attack */
291.  	if (!magr->mcanmove || magr->msleep) return res[i];
292.  	if (res[i] & MM_HIT) struck = 1;	/* at least one hit */
293.      }
295.      return(struck ? MM_HIT : MM_MISS);
296.  }
298.  /* Returns the result of mdamagem(). */
299.  static int
300.  hitmm(magr, mdef, mattk)
301.  	register struct monst *magr,*mdef;
302.  	struct	attack *mattk;
303.  {
304.  	if(vis){
305.  		int compat;
306.  		char buf[BUFSZ];
308.  		if(mdef->m_ap_type) seemimic(mdef);
309.  		if(magr->m_ap_type) seemimic(magr);
310.  		if((compat = could_seduce(magr,mdef,mattk)) && !magr->mcan) {
311.  			Sprintf(buf, "%s %s", Monnam(magr),
312.  				mdef->mcansee ? "smiles at" : "talks to");
313.  			pline("%s %s %s.", buf, mon_nam(mdef),
314.  				compat == 2 ?
315.  					"engagingly" : "seductively");
316.  		} else {
317.  		    char magr_name[BUFSZ];
319.  		    Strcpy(magr_name, Monnam(magr));
320.  		    switch (mattk->aatyp) {
321.  			case AT_BITE:
322.  				Sprintf(buf,"%s bites", magr_name);
323.  				break;
324.  			case AT_STNG:
325.  				Sprintf(buf,"%s stings", magr_name);
326.  				break;
327.  			case AT_BUTT:
328.  				Sprintf(buf,"%s butts", magr_name);
329.  				break;
330.  			case AT_TUCH:
331.  				Sprintf(buf,"%s touches", magr_name);
332.  				break;
333.  			case AT_TENT:
334.  				Sprintf(buf, "%s tentacles suck",
335.  					s_suffix(magr_name));
336.  				break;
337.  			case AT_HUGS:
338.  				if (magr != u.ustuck) {
339.  				    Sprintf(buf,"%s squeezes", magr_name);
340.  				    break;
341.  				}
342.  			default:
343.  				Sprintf(buf,"%s hits", magr_name);
344.  		    }
345.  		}
346.  		pline("%s %s.", buf, mon_nam(mdef));
347.  	} else  noises(magr, mattk);
348.  	return(mdamagem(magr, mdef, mattk));
349.  }
351.  /* Returns the same values as mdamagem(). */
352.  static int
353.  gazemm(magr, mdef, mattk)
354.  	register struct monst *magr, *mdef;
355.  	struct attack *mattk;
356.  {
357.  	char buf[BUFSZ];
359.  	if(vis) {
360.  		Sprintf(buf,"%s gazes at", Monnam(magr));
361.  		pline("%s %s.", buf, mon_nam(mdef));
362.  	}
364.  	if (!mdef->mcansee || mdef->msleep) {
365.  	    if(vis) pline("but nothing happens.");
366.  	    return(MM_MISS);
367.  	}
369.  	return(mdamagem(magr, mdef, mattk));
370.  }
372.  /* Returns the same values as mattackm(). */
373.  static int
374.  gulpmm(magr, mdef, mattk)
375.  	register struct monst *magr, *mdef;
376.  	register struct	attack *mattk;
377.  {
378.  	xchar	ax, ay, dx, dy;
379.  	int	status;
380.  	char buf[BUFSZ];
382.  	if (mdef->data->msize >= MZ_HUGE) return MM_MISS;
384.  	if (vis) {
385.  		Sprintf(buf,"%s swallows", Monnam(magr));
386.  		pline("%s %s.", buf, mon_nam(mdef));
387.  	}
389.  	/*
390.  	 *  All of this maniuplation is needed to keep the display correct.
391.  	 *  There is a flush at the next pline().
392.  	 */
393.  	ax = magr->mx;
394.  	ay = magr->my;
395.  	dx = mdef->mx;
396.  	dy = mdef->my;
397.  	/*
398.  	 *  Leave the defender in the monster chain at it's current position,
399.  	 *  but don't leave it on the screen.  Move the agressor to the def-
400.  	 *  ender's position.
401.  	 */
402.  	remove_monster(ax, ay);
403.  	place_monster(magr, dx, dy);
404.  	newsym(ax,ay);			/* erase old position */
405.  	newsym(dx,dy);			/* update new position */
407.  	status = mdamagem(magr, mdef, mattk);
409.  	if ((status & MM_AGR_DIED) && (status & MM_DEF_DIED)) {
410.  	    ;					/* both died -- do nothing  */
411.  	}
412.  	else if (status & MM_DEF_DIED) {	/* defender died */
413.  	    /*
414.  	     *  Note:  remove_monster() was called in relmon(), wiping out
415.  	     *  magr from level.monsters[mdef->mx][mdef->my].  We need to
416.  	     *  put it back and display it.	-kd
417.  	     */
418.  	    place_monster(magr, dx, dy);
419.  	    newsym(dx, dy);
420.  	}
421.  	else if (status & MM_AGR_DIED) {	/* agressor died */
422.  	    place_monster(mdef, dx, dy);
423.  	    newsym(dx, dy);
424.  	}
425.  	else {					/* both alive, put them back */
426.  	    if (cansee(dx, dy))
427.  		pline("%s is regurgitated!", Monnam(mdef));
429.  	    place_monster(magr, ax, ay);
430.  	    place_monster(mdef, dx, dy);
431.  	    newsym(ax, ay);
432.  	    newsym(dx, dy);
433.  	}
435.  	return status;
436.  }
438.  static int
439.  explmm(magr, mdef, mattk)
440.  	register struct monst *magr, *mdef;
441.  	register struct	attack *mattk;
442.  {
443.  	int result, was_tame;
445.  	if(cansee(magr->mx, magr->my))
446.  		pline("%s explodes!", Monnam(magr));
447.  	else	noises(magr, mattk);
449.  	was_tame = magr->mtame;
450.  	result = mdamagem(magr, mdef, mattk);
452.  	/* The attacker could have died . . */
453.  	if (was_tame)
454.  	    You("have a sad feeling for a moment, then it passes.");
456.  	/* Kill off agressor if it didn't die. */
457.  	if (!(result & MM_AGR_DIED)) {
458.  	    mondead(magr);
459.  	    result |= MM_AGR_DIED;
460.  	}
462.  	return result;
463.  }
465.  static const char psf[] =
466.  	"have a peculiarly sad feeling for a moment, then it passes.";
468.  /*
469.   *  See comment at top of mattackm(), for return values.
470.   */
471.  static int
472.  mdamagem(magr, mdef, mattk)
473.  	register struct monst	*magr, *mdef;
474.  	register struct attack	*mattk;
475.  {
476.  	struct	permonst *pa = magr->data, *pd = mdef->data;
477.  	int	tmp = d((int)mattk->damn,(int)mattk->damd);
478.  	char buf[BUFSZ];
480.  	if (pd == &mons[PM_COCKATRICE] && !resists_ston(pa) &&
481.  	   (mattk->aatyp != AT_WEAP || !otmp) &&
482.  	   (mattk->aatyp != AT_GAZE && mattk->aatyp != AT_EXPL) &&
483.  #ifdef MUSE
484.  	   (!which_armor(magr, W_ARMG))) {
485.  #else
486.  	   (!is_mercenary(pa) || !m_carrying(magr, LEATHER_GLOVES))) {
487.  	   /* Note: other monsters may carry gloves, only soldiers have them */
488.  	   /* as their "armor" and can be said to wear them */
489.  #endif
490.  		if (poly_when_stoned(pa)) {
491.  		    mon_to_stone(magr);
492.  		    return MM_HIT; /* no damage during the polymorph */
493.  		}
494.  		if (vis) pline("%s turns to stone!", Monnam(magr));
495.  		else if (magr->mtame) You(psf);
496.  		monstone(magr);
497.  		return MM_AGR_DIED;
498.  	}
500.  	switch(mattk->adtyp) {
501.  	    case AD_DGST:
502.  		if(flags.verbose && flags.soundok) verbalize("Burrrrp!");
503.  		tmp = mdef->mhp;
504.  		break;
505.  	    case AD_STUN:
506.  		if (magr->mcan) break;
507.  		if(vis) pline("%s staggers for a moment.", Monnam(mdef));
508.  		mdef->mstun = 1;
509.  		/* fall through */
510.  	    case AD_WERE:
511.  	    case AD_HEAL:
512.  	    case AD_LEGS:
513.  	    case AD_PHYS:
514.  		if (mattk->aatyp == AT_KICK && thick_skinned(pd))
515.  			tmp = 0;
516.  		else if(mattk->aatyp == AT_WEAP) {
517.  		    if(otmp) {
518.  			tmp += dmgval(otmp, pd);
519.  			if (otmp->oartifact) {
520.  			    (void)artifact_hit(magr,mdef, otmp, &tmp, dieroll);
521.  			    if (mdef->mhp <= 0)
522.  				return (MM_DEF_DIED |
523.  					(grow_up(magr,mdef) ? 0 : MM_AGR_DIED));
524.  			}
525.  			if (tmp)
526.  				mrustm(magr, mdef, otmp);
527.  		    }
528.  		}
529.  		break;
530.  	    case AD_FIRE:
531.  		if (magr->mcan) {
532.  		    tmp = 0;
533.  		    break;
534.  		}
535.  		if(vis) pline("%s is on fire!", Monnam(mdef));
536.  		tmp += destroy_mitem(mdef, SCROLL_CLASS, AD_FIRE);
537.  		tmp += destroy_mitem(mdef, SPBOOK_CLASS, AD_FIRE);
538.  		if(resists_fire(pd)) {
539.  		    if (vis)
540.  			pline("The fire doesn't seem to burn %s!",
541.  								mon_nam(mdef));
542.  		    shieldeff(mdef->mx, mdef->my);
543.  		    golemeffects(mdef, AD_FIRE, tmp);
544.  		    tmp = 0;
545.  		}
546.  		/* only potions damage resistant players in destroy_item */
547.  		tmp += destroy_mitem(mdef, POTION_CLASS, AD_FIRE);
548.  		break;
549.  	    case AD_COLD:
550.  		if (magr->mcan) {
551.  		    tmp = 0;
552.  		    break;
553.  		}
554.  		if(vis) pline("%s is covered in frost!", Monnam(mdef));
555.  		if(resists_cold(pd)) {
556.  		    if (vis)
557.  			pline("The frost doesn't seem to chill %s!",
558.  								mon_nam(mdef));
559.  		    shieldeff(mdef->mx, mdef->my);
560.  		    golemeffects(mdef, AD_COLD, tmp);
561.  		    tmp = 0;
562.  		}
563.  		tmp += destroy_mitem(mdef, POTION_CLASS, AD_COLD);
564.  		break;
565.  	    case AD_ELEC:
566.  		if (magr->mcan) {
567.  		    tmp = 0;
568.  		    break;
569.  		}
570.  		if(vis) pline("%s gets zapped!", Monnam(mdef));
571.  		tmp += destroy_mitem(mdef, WAND_CLASS, AD_ELEC);
572.  		if(resists_elec(pd)) {
573.  		    if (vis) pline("The zap doesn't shock %s!", mon_nam(mdef));
574.  		    shieldeff(mdef->mx, mdef->my);
575.  		    golemeffects(mdef, AD_ELEC, tmp);
576.  		    tmp = 0;
577.  		}
578.  		/* only rings damage resistant players in destroy_item */
579.  		tmp += destroy_mitem(mdef, RING_CLASS, AD_ELEC);
580.  		break;
581.  	    case AD_ACID:
582.  		if (magr->mcan) {
583.  		    tmp = 0;
584.  		    break;
585.  		}
586.  		if(resists_acid(pd)) {
587.  		    if (vis)
588.  			pline("%s is covered in acid, but it seems harmless.",
589.  							Monnam(mdef));
590.  		    tmp = 0;
591.  		} else if (vis) {
592.  		    pline("%s is covered in acid!", Monnam(mdef));
593.  		    pline("It burns %s!", mon_nam(mdef));
594.  		}
595.  		break;
596.  	    case AD_RUST:
597.  		if (!magr->mcan && pd == &mons[PM_IRON_GOLEM]) {
598.  			if (vis) pline("%s falls to pieces!", Monnam(mdef));
599.  			else if(mdef->mtame)
600.  			     pline("May %s rust in peace.", mon_nam(mdef));
601.  			mondied(mdef);
602.  			return (MM_DEF_DIED | (grow_up(magr,mdef) ?
603.  							0 : MM_AGR_DIED));
604.  		}
605.  		tmp = 0;
606.  		break;
607.  	    case AD_DCAY:
608.  		if (!magr->mcan && (pd == &mons[PM_WOOD_GOLEM] ||
609.  		    pd == &mons[PM_LEATHER_GOLEM])) {
610.  			if (vis) pline("%s falls to pieces!", Monnam(mdef));
611.  			else if(mdef->mtame)
612.  			     pline("May %s rot in peace.", mon_nam(mdef));
613.  			mondied(mdef);
614.  			return (MM_DEF_DIED | (grow_up(magr,mdef) ?
615.  							0 : MM_AGR_DIED));
616.  		}
617.  		tmp = 0;
618.  		break;
619.  	    case AD_STON:
620.  		if(poly_when_stoned(pd)) {
621.  		    mon_to_stone(mdef);
622.  		    tmp = 0;
623.  		    break;
624.  		}
625.  		if(!resists_ston(pd)) {
626.  			if(vis) pline("%s turns to stone!", Monnam(mdef));
627.  			else if(mdef->mtame) You(psf);
628.  			monstone(mdef);
629.  			return (MM_DEF_DIED | (grow_up(magr,mdef) ?
630.  							0 : MM_AGR_DIED));
631.  		}
632.  		tmp = 0;	/* no damage if this fails */
633.  		break;
634.  	    case AD_TLPT:
635.  		if(!magr->mcan && tmp < mdef->mhp) {
636.  		    rloc(mdef);
637.  		    if(vis && !cansee(mdef->mx, mdef->my))
638.  			pline("%s suddenly disappears!", Monnam(mdef));
639.  		}
640.  		break;
641.  	    case AD_SLEE:
642.  		if(!resists_sleep(pd) && !magr->mcan && !mdef->msleep
643.  							&& mdef->mcanmove) {
644.  		    if (vis) {
645.  			Strcpy(buf, Monnam(mdef));
646.  			pline("%s is put to sleep by %s.", buf, mon_nam(magr));
647.  		    }
648.  		    mdef->mcanmove = 0;
649.  		    mdef->mfrozen = rnd(10);
650.  		}
651.  		break;
652.  	    case AD_PLYS:
653.  		if(!magr->mcan && mdef->mcanmove) {
654.  		    if (vis) {
655.  			Strcpy(buf, Monnam(mdef));
656.  			pline("%s is frozen by %s.", buf, mon_nam(magr));
657.  		    }
658.  		    mdef->mcanmove = 0;
659.  		    mdef->mfrozen = rnd(10);
660.  		}
661.  		break;
662.  	    case AD_SLOW:
663.  		if(!magr->mcan && vis && mdef->mspeed != MSLOW) {
664.  		    if (vis) pline("%s slows down.", Monnam(mdef));
665.  		    if (mdef->mspeed == MFAST) mdef->mspeed = 0;
666.  		    else mdef->mspeed = MSLOW;
667.  		}
668.  		break;
669.  	    case AD_CONF:
670.  		/* Since confusing another monster doesn't have a real time
671.  		 * limit, setting spec_used would not really be right (though
672.  		 * we still should check for it).
673.  		 */
674.  		if (!magr->mcan && vis && !mdef->mconf && !magr->mspec_used) {
675.  		    pline("%s looks confused.", Monnam(mdef));
676.  		    mdef->mconf = 1;
677.  		}
678.  		break;
679.  	    case AD_BLND:
680.  		if (!magr->mcan && haseyes(pd)) {
681.  		    register unsigned rnd_tmp;
683.  		    if (vis && mdef->mcansee)
684.  			pline("%s is blinded.", Monnam(mdef));
685.  		    rnd_tmp = d((int)mattk->damn, (int)mattk->damd);
686.  		    if ((rnd_tmp += mdef->mblinded) > 127) rnd_tmp = 127;
687.  		    mdef->mblinded = rnd_tmp;
688.  		    mdef->mcansee = 0;
689.  		}
690.  		tmp = 0;
691.  		break;
692.  	    case AD_CURS:
693.  		if (!night() && (pa == &mons[PM_GREMLIN])) break;
694.  		if (!magr->mcan && !rn2(10)) {
695.  		    if (is_were(pd) && pd->mlet != S_HUMAN)
696.  			were_change(mdef);
697.  		    if (pd == &mons[PM_CLAY_GOLEM]) {
698.  			    if (vis) {
699.  				pline("Some writing vanishes from %s head!",
700.  				    s_suffix(mon_nam(mdef)));
701.  				pline("%s dies!", Monnam(mdef));
702.  			    }
703.  			    else if (mdef->mtame)
704.  	You("have a strangely sad feeling for a moment, then it passes.");
705.  			    mondied(mdef);
706.  			    return (MM_DEF_DIED | (grow_up(magr,mdef) ?
707.  							0 : MM_AGR_DIED));
708.  		      }
709.  		    mdef->mcan = 1;
710.  		    if (flags.soundok) {
711.  			    if (!vis) You("hear laughter.");
712.  			    else pline("%s chuckles.", Monnam(magr));
713.  		    }
714.  		}
715.  		break;
716.  	    case AD_SGLD:
717.  		tmp = 0;
718.  		if (magr->mcan || !mdef->mgold) break;
719.  		/* technically incorrect; no check for stealing gold from
720.  		 * between mdef's feet...
721.  		 */
722.  		magr->mgold += mdef->mgold;
723.  		mdef->mgold = 0;
724.  		if (vis) {
725.  			Strcpy(buf, Monnam(magr));
726.  			pline("%s steals some gold from %s.", buf,
727.  								mon_nam(mdef));
728.  		}
729.  		break;
730.  	    case AD_DRLI:
731.  		if(rn2(2) && !resists_drli(pd)) {
732.  			tmp = d(2,6);
733.  			if (vis)
734.  			    pline("%s suddenly seems weaker!", Monnam(mdef));
735.  			mdef->mhpmax -= tmp;
736.  			if (mdef->m_lev == 0)
737.  				tmp = mdef->mhp;
738.  			else mdef->m_lev--;
739.  			/* Automatic kill if drained past level 0 */
740.  		}
741.  		break;
742.  #ifdef SEDUCE
743.  	    case AD_SSEX:
744.  #endif
745.  	    case AD_SITM:	/* for now these are the same */
746.  	    case AD_SEDU:
747.  		if (!magr->mcan && mdef->minvent) {
748.  		   	otmp = mdef->minvent;
749.  			mdef->minvent = otmp->nobj;
750.  			otmp->nobj = magr->minvent;
751.  			magr->minvent = otmp;
752.  			if (vis) {
753.  				Strcpy(buf, Monnam(magr));
754.  				pline("%s steals %s from %s!", buf,
755.  						doname(otmp), mon_nam(mdef));
756.  			}
757.  #ifdef MUSE
758.  			possibly_unwield(mdef);
759.  			if (otmp->owornmask) {
760.  				mdef->misc_worn_check &= ~otmp->owornmask;
761.  				otmp->owornmask = 0;
762.  			}
763.  #endif
764.  		}
765.  		tmp = 0;
766.  		break;
767.  	    case AD_DRST:
768.  	    case AD_DRDX:
769.  	    case AD_DRCO:
770.  		if (!magr->mcan && !rn2(8)) {
771.  		    if (vis)
772.  			pline("%s %s was poisoned!", s_suffix(Monnam(magr)),
773.  				mattk->aatyp==AT_BITE ? "bite" : "sting");
774.  		    if (resists_poison(pd)) {
775.  			if (vis)
776.  			    pline("The poison doesn't seem to affect %s.",
777.  				mon_nam(mdef));
778.  		    } else {
779.  			if (rn2(10)) tmp += rn1(10,6);
780.  			else {
781.  			    if (vis) pline("The poison was deadly...");
782.  			    tmp = mdef->mhp;
783.  			}
784.  		    }
785.  		}
786.  		break;
787.  	    case AD_DRIN:
788.  		if (!has_head(pd)) {
789.  		    if (vis) pline("%s doesn't seem harmed.", Monnam(mdef));
790.  		    tmp = 0;
791.  		    break;
792.  		}
793.  #ifdef MUSE
794.  		if ((mdef->misc_worn_check & W_ARMH) && rn2(8)) {
795.  		    if (vis) {
796.  			Strcpy(buf, s_suffix(Monnam(mdef)));
797.  			pline("%s helmet blocks %s attack to his head.",
798.  				buf, s_suffix(mon_nam(magr)));
799.  		    }
800.  		    break;
801.  		}
802.  #endif
803.  		if (vis) pline("%s brain is eaten!", s_suffix(Monnam(mdef)));
804.  		if (mindless(pd)) {
805.  		    if (vis) pline("%s doesn't notice.", Monnam(mdef));
806.  		    break;
807.  		}
808.  		tmp += rnd(10); /* fakery, since monsters lack INT scores */
809.  		if (magr->mtame && !magr->isminion) {
810.  		    EDOG(magr)->hungrytime += rnd(60);
811.  		    magr->mconf = 0;
812.  		}
813.  		if (tmp >= mdef->mhp && vis)
814.  		    pline("%s last thought fades away...", 
815.  			          s_suffix(Monnam(mdef)));
816.  		break;
817.  	    case AD_STCK:
818.  	    case AD_WRAP: /* monsters cannot grab one another, it's too hard */
819.  		break;
820.  	    default:	tmp = 0;
821.  			break;
822.  	}
823.  	if(!tmp) return(MM_MISS);
825.  	if((mdef->mhp -= tmp) < 1) {
826.  	    if (m_at(mdef->mx, mdef->my) == magr) {  /* see gulpmm() */
827.  		remove_monster(mdef->mx, mdef->my);
828.  		place_monster(mdef, mdef->mx, mdef->my);
829.  	    }
830.  	    monkilled(mdef, "", mattk->adtyp);
831.  	    return (MM_DEF_DIED | (grow_up(magr,mdef) ? 0 : MM_AGR_DIED));
832.  	}
833.  	return(MM_HIT);
834.  }
836.  #endif /* OVLB */
839.  #ifdef OVL0
841.  int
842.  noattacks(ptr)			/* returns 1 if monster doesn't attack */
843.  	struct	permonst *ptr;
844.  {
845.  	int i;
847.  	for(i = 0; i < NATTK; i++)
848.  		if(ptr->mattk[i].aatyp) return(0);
850.  	return(1);
851.  }
853.  #endif /* OVL0 */
854.  #ifdef OVLB
856.  static void
857.  mrustm(magr, mdef, obj)
858.  register struct monst *magr, *mdef;
859.  register struct obj *obj;
860.  {
861.  	if (!magr || !mdef || !obj) return; /* just in case */
862.  	if (mdef->data == &mons[PM_RUST_MONSTER] && !mdef->mcan &&
863.  	    is_rustprone(obj) && obj->oeroded < MAX_ERODE) {
864.  		if (obj->greased || obj->oerodeproof || (obj->blessed && rn2(3))) {
865.  		    if (cansee(mdef->mx, mdef->my) && flags.verbose)
866.  			pline("%s weapon is not affected.", 
867.  			                 s_suffix(Monnam(magr)));
868.  		    if (obj->greased && !rn2(2)) obj->greased = 0;
869.  		} else {
870.  		    if (cansee(mdef->mx, mdef->my)) {
871.  			pline("%s %s%s!", s_suffix(Monnam(magr)),
872.  			      aobjnam(obj, "rust"),
873.  			      obj->oeroded ? " further" : "");
874.  		    }
875.  		    obj->oeroded++;
876.  		}
877.  	}
878.  }
880.  static void
881.  mswingsm(magr, mdef, otemp)
882.  register struct monst *magr, *mdef;
883.  register struct obj *otemp;
884.  {
885.  	char buf[BUFSZ];
886.  	Strcpy(buf, mon_nam(mdef));
887.  	if (!flags.verbose || Blind || otemp->oclass != WEAPON_CLASS) return;
888.  	pline("%s %s %s %s at %s.", Monnam(magr),
889.  	      ((otemp->otyp >= SPEAR &&
890.  	        otemp->otyp <= LANCE) ||
891.  	       (otemp->otyp >= PARTISAN &&
892.  	        otemp->otyp <= SPETUM) ||
893.  	       otemp->otyp == TRIDENT) ? "thrusts" : "swings",
894.  	      humanoid(magr->data) ? (magr->female ? "her" : "his") : "its",
895.  	      xname(otemp), buf);
896.  }
898.  /*
899.   * Passive responses by defenders.  Does not replicate responses already
900.   * handled above.  Returns same values as mattackm.
901.   */
902.  static int
903.  passivemm(magr,mdef,mhit,mdead)
904.  register struct monst *magr, *mdef;
905.  boolean mhit;
906.  int mdead;
907.  {
908.  	register struct permonst *mddat = mdef->data;
909.  	register struct permonst *madat = magr->data;
910.  	char buf[BUFSZ];
911.  	int i, tmp;
913.  	for(i = 0; ; i++) {
914.  	    if(i >= NATTK) return (mdead | mhit); /* no passive attacks */
915.  	    if(mddat->mattk[i].aatyp == AT_NONE) break;
916.  	}
917.  	if (mddat->mattk[i].damn)
918.  	    tmp = d((int)mddat->mattk[i].damn, 
919.                                      (int)mddat->mattk[i].damd);
920.  	else if(mddat->mattk[i].damd)
921.  	    tmp = d((int)mddat->mlevel+1, (int)mddat->mattk[i].damd);
922.  	else
923.  	    tmp = 0;
925.  	/* These affect the enemy even if defender killed */
926.  	switch(mddat->mattk[i].adtyp) {
927.  	    case AD_ACID:
928.  		if (mhit && !rn2(2)) {
929.  		    Strcpy(buf, Monnam(magr));
930.  		    if(canseemon(magr))
931.  			pline("%s is splashed by %s acid!",
932.  			      buf, s_suffix(mon_nam(mdef)));
933.  		    if(resists_acid(madat)) {
934.  			if(canseemon(magr))
935.  			    pline("%s is not affected.", Monnam(magr));
936.  			tmp = 0;
937.  		    }
938.  		} else tmp = 0;
939.  		goto assess_dmg;
940.  	    default:
941.  		break;
942.  	}
943.  	if (mdead || mdef->mcan) return (mdead|mhit);
945.  	/* These affect the enemy only if defender is still alive */
946.  	if (rn2(3)) switch(mddat->mattk[i].adtyp) {
947.  	    case AD_PLYS: /* Floating eye */
948.  		if (mddat == &mons[PM_FLOATING_EYE]) {
949.  		    if (magr->mcansee && haseyes(madat) && mdef->mcansee &&
950.  			(perceives(madat) || !mdef->minvis)) {
951.  			Strcpy(buf, Monnam(magr));
952.  			if(canseemon(magr))
953.  			    pline("%s is frozen by %s gaze!",
954.  				  buf, s_suffix(mon_nam(mdef)));
955.  			magr->mcanmove = 0;
956.  			magr->mfrozen = tmp;
957.  			return (mdead|mhit);
958.  		    }
959.  		} else { /* gelatinous cube */
960.  		    Strcpy(buf, Monnam(magr));
961.  		    if(canseemon(magr))
962.  			pline("%s is frozen by %s.", buf, mon_nam(mdef));
963.  		    magr->mcanmove = 0;
964.  		    magr->mfrozen = tmp;
965.  		    return (mdead|mhit);
966.  		}
967.  		return 1;
968.  	    case AD_COLD:
969.  		if (resists_cold(madat)) {
970.  		    if (canseemon(magr)) {
971.  			pline("%s is mildly chilly.", Monnam(magr));
972.  			golemeffects(magr, AD_COLD, tmp);
973.  			tmp = 0;
974.  			break;
975.  		    }
976.  		}
977.  		if(canseemon(magr))
978.  		    pline("%s is suddenly very cold!", Monnam(magr));
979.  		mdef->mhp += tmp / 2;
980.  		if (mdef->mhpmax < mdef->mhp) mdef->mhpmax = mdef->mhp;
981.  		if (mdef->mhpmax > ((int) (mdef->m_lev+1) * 8)) {
982.  		    register struct monst *mtmp;
984.  		    if ((mtmp = clone_mon(mdef)) != 0) {
985.  			mtmp->mhpmax = mdef->mhpmax /= 2;
986.  			if(canseemon(magr)) {
987.  			    Strcpy(buf, Monnam(mdef));
988.  			    pline("%s multiplies from %s heat!",
989.  				    buf, s_suffix(mon_nam(magr)));
990.  			}
991.  		    }
992.  		}
993.  		break;
994.  	    case AD_STUN:
995.  		if (!magr->mstun) {
996.  		    magr->mstun = 1;
997.  		    if (canseemon(magr))
998.  			pline("%s staggers....", Monnam(magr));
999.  		}
1000. 		tmp = 0;
1001. 		break;
1002. 	    case AD_FIRE:
1003. 		if (resists_fire(madat)) {
1004. 		    if (canseemon(magr)) {
1005. 			pline("%s is mildly warmed.", Monnam(magr));
1006. 			golemeffects(magr, AD_FIRE, tmp);
1007. 			tmp = 0;
1008. 			break;
1009. 		    }
1010. 		}
1011. 		if(canseemon(magr))
1012. 		    pline("%s is suddenly very hot!", Monnam(magr));
1013. 		break;
1014. 	    case AD_ELEC:
1015. 		if (resists_elec(madat)) {
1016. 		    if (canseemon(magr)) {
1017. 			pline("%s is mildly tingled.", Monnam(magr));
1018. 			golemeffects(magr, AD_ELEC, tmp);
1019. 			tmp = 0;
1020. 			break;
1021. 		    }
1022. 		}
1023. 		if(canseemon(magr))
1024. 		    pline("%s is jolted with electricity!", Monnam(magr));
1025. 		break;
1026. 	    default: tmp = 0;
1027. 		break;
1028. 	}
1029. 	else tmp = 0;
1031.     assess_dmg:
1032. 	if((magr->mhp -= tmp) <= 0) {
1033. 		monkilled(magr,"",mddat->mattk[i].adtyp);
1034. 		return (mdead | mhit | MM_AGR_DIED);
1035. 	}
1036. 	return (mdead | mhit);
1037. }
1039. #endif /* OVLB */
1041. /*mhitm.c*/