Source:NetHack 3.1.0/mkmap.c

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Below is the full text to mkmap.c from the source code of NetHack 3.1.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.1.0/mkmap.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)mkmap.c	3.1	92/07/15	*/
2.    /* Copyright (c) J. C. Collet, M. Stephenson and D. Cohrs, 1992   */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    #include "hack.h"
6.    #include "sp_lev.h"
8.    #define	HEIGHT	(ROWNO - 1)
9.    #define WIDTH	(COLNO - 2)
11.   static void FDECL(init_map,(SCHAR_P));
12.   static void FDECL(init_fill,(SCHAR_P,SCHAR_P));
13.   static schar FDECL(get_map,(int,int,SCHAR_P));
14.   static void FDECL(pass_one,(SCHAR_P,SCHAR_P));
15.   static void FDECL(pass_two,(SCHAR_P,SCHAR_P));
16.   static void FDECL(pass_three,(SCHAR_P,SCHAR_P));
17.   static void NDECL(wallify_map);
18.   static void FDECL(join_map,(SCHAR_P,SCHAR_P));
19.   static void FDECL(finish_map,(SCHAR_P,SCHAR_P,XCHAR_P,XCHAR_P));
20.   void FDECL(mkmap, (lev_init *));
22.   char *new_locations;
23.   int min_rx, max_rx, min_ry, max_ry; /* rectangle bounds for regions */
24.   static int n_loc_filled;
26.   static void
27.   init_map(bg_typ)
28.   	schar	bg_typ;
29.   {
30.   	register int i,j;
32.   	for(i=1; i<COLNO; i++)
33.   	    for(j=0; j<ROWNO; j++)
34.   		levl[i][j].typ = bg_typ;
35.   }
37.   static void
38.   init_fill(bg_typ, fg_typ)
39.   	schar	bg_typ, fg_typ;
40.   {
41.   	register int i,j;
42.   	long limit, count;
44.   	limit = (WIDTH * HEIGHT * 2) / 5;
45.   	count = 0;
46.   	while(count < limit) {
47.   	    i = rn1(WIDTH-1, 2);
48.   	    j = rnd(HEIGHT-1);
49.   	    if (levl[i][j].typ == bg_typ) {
50.   		levl[i][j].typ = fg_typ;
51.   		count++;
52.   	    }
53.   	}
54.   }
56.   static schar
57.   get_map(col,row, bg_typ)
58.   	int col,row;
59.   	schar	bg_typ;
60.   {
61.   	if (col <= 0 || row < 0 || col > WIDTH || row >= HEIGHT)
62.   		return bg_typ;
63.   	return levl[col][row].typ;
64.   }
66.   static int dirs[16] = {
67.       -1, -1 /**/, -1, 0 /**/, -1, 1 /**/,
68.        0, -1 /**/,              0, 1 /**/,
69.        1, -1 /**/,  1, 0 /**/,  1, 1};
71.   static void
72.   pass_one(bg_typ, fg_typ)
73.   	schar	bg_typ, fg_typ;
74.   {
75.   	register int i,j;
76.   	short count, dr;
78.   	for(i=2; i<=WIDTH; i++)
79.   	    for(j=1; j<HEIGHT; j++) {
80.   		for(count=0, dr=0; dr < 8; dr++)
81.   		    if(get_map(i+dirs[dr*2], j+dirs[(dr*2)+1], bg_typ)
82.   								== fg_typ)
83.   			count++;
85.   		switch(count) {
86.   		  case 0 : /* death */
87.   		  case 1 :
88.   		  case 2:
89.   			  levl[i][j].typ = bg_typ;
90.   			  break;
91.   		  case 5:
92.   		  case 6:
93.   		  case 7:
94.   		  case 8:
95.   			  levl[i][j].typ = fg_typ;
96.   			  break;
97.   		  default:
98.   			  break;
99.   		  }
100.  	    }
101.  }
103.  #define new_loc(i,j)	*(new_locations+ ((j)*(WIDTH+1)) + (i))
105.  static void
106.  pass_two(bg_typ, fg_typ)
107.  	schar	bg_typ, fg_typ;
108.  {
109.  	register int i,j;
110.  	short count, dr;
112.  	for(i=2; i<=WIDTH; i++)
113.  	    for(j=1; j<HEIGHT; j++) {
114.  		for(count=0, dr=0; dr < 8; dr++)
115.  		    if(get_map(i+dirs[dr*2], j+dirs[(dr*2)+1], bg_typ)
116.  								== fg_typ)
117.  			count++;
118.  		    if (count == 5)
119.  			new_loc(i,j) = bg_typ;
120.  		    else
121.  			new_loc(i,j) = get_map(i,j, bg_typ);
122.  	    }
124.  	for(i=2; i<=WIDTH; i++)
125.  	    for(j=1; j<HEIGHT; j++)
126.  		levl[i][j].typ = new_loc(i,j);
127.  }
129.  static void
130.  pass_three(bg_typ, fg_typ)
131.  	schar	bg_typ, fg_typ;
132.  {
133.  	register int i,j;
134.  	short count, dr;
136.  	for(i=2; i<=WIDTH; i++)
137.  	    for(j=1; j<HEIGHT; j++) {
138.  		for(count=0, dr=0; dr < 8; dr++)
139.  		    if(get_map(i+dirs[dr*2], j+dirs[(dr*2)+1], bg_typ)
140.  								== fg_typ)
141.  			count++;
142.  		if (count < 3)
143.  		    new_loc(i,j) = bg_typ;
144.  		else
145.  		    new_loc(i,j) = get_map(i,j, bg_typ);
146.  	    }
148.  	for(i=2; i<=WIDTH; i++)
149.  	    for(j=1; j<HEIGHT; j++)
150.  		levl[i][j].typ = new_loc(i,j);
151.  }
153.  /*
154.   * use a flooding algorithm to find all locations that should
155.   * have the same rm number as the current location.
156.   * if anyroom is TRUE, use IS_ROOM to check room membership instead of
157.   * exactly matching levl[sx][sy].typ and walls are included as well.
158.   */
159.  void
160.  flood_fill_rm(sx, sy, rmno, lit, anyroom)
161.      int sx;
162.      register int sy;
163.      register int rmno;
164.      boolean lit;
165.      boolean anyroom;
166.  {
167.      register int i;
168.      int nx;
169.      schar fg_typ = levl[sx][sy].typ;
171.      /* back up to find leftmost uninitialized location */
172.      while(sx > 0
173.  	  && (anyroom ? IS_ROOM(levl[sx][sy].typ) : levl[sx][sy].typ == fg_typ)
174.  	  && levl[sx][sy].roomno != rmno)
175.  	sx--;
176.      sx++; /* compensate for extra decrement */
178.      /* assume sx,sy is valid */
179.      if(sx < min_rx) min_rx = sx;
180.      if(sy < min_ry) min_ry = sy;
182.      for(i=sx; i<=WIDTH && levl[i][sy].typ == fg_typ; i++) {
183.  	levl[i][sy].roomno = rmno;
184.  	levl[i][sy].lit = lit;
185.  	if(anyroom) {
186.  	    /* add walls to room as well */
187.  	    register int ii,jj;
188.  	    for(ii= (i == sx ? i-1 : i); ii <= i+1; ii++)
189.  		for(jj = sy-1; jj <= sy+1; jj++)
190.  		    if(isok(ii,jj) &&
191.  		       (IS_WALL(levl[ii][jj].typ) ||
192.  			IS_DOOR(levl[ii][jj].typ))) {
193.  			levl[ii][jj].edge = 1;
194.  			if(lit) levl[ii][jj].lit = lit;
195.  			if (levl[ii][jj].roomno != rmno)
196.  			    levl[ii][jj].roomno = SHARED;
197.  			else
198.  			    levl[ii][jj].roomno = rmno;
199.  		    }
200.  	}
201.  	n_loc_filled++;
202.      }
203.      nx = i;
205.      if(isok(sx,sy-1))
206.  	for(i=sx; i<nx; i++)
207.  	    if(levl[i][sy-1].typ == fg_typ) {
208.  		if(levl[i][sy-1].roomno != rmno)
209.  		    flood_fill_rm(i,sy-1,rmno,lit,anyroom);
210.  	    } else {
211.  		if((i>sx || isok(i-1,sy-1)) &&
212.  		      levl[i-1][sy-1].typ == fg_typ) {
213.  		    if(levl[i-1][sy-1].roomno != rmno)
214.  			flood_fill_rm(i-1,sy-1,rmno,lit,anyroom);
215.  		}
216.  		if((i<nx-1 || isok(i+1,sy-1)) &&
217.  		      levl[i+1][sy-1].typ == fg_typ) {
218.  		    if(levl[i+1][sy-1].roomno != rmno)
219.  			flood_fill_rm(i+1,sy-1,rmno,lit,anyroom);
220.  		}
221.  	    }
222.      if(isok(sx,sy+1))
223.  	for(i=sx; i<nx; i++)
224.  	    if(levl[i][sy+1].typ == fg_typ) {
225.  		if(levl[i][sy+1].roomno != rmno)
226.  		    flood_fill_rm(i,sy+1,rmno,lit,anyroom);
227.  	    } else {
228.  		if((i>sx || isok(i-1,sy+1)) &&
229.  		      levl[i-1][sy+1].typ == fg_typ) {
230.  		    if(levl[i-1][sy+1].roomno != rmno)
231.  			flood_fill_rm(i-1,sy+1,rmno,lit,anyroom);
232.  		}
233.  		if((i<nx-1 || isok(i+1,sy+1)) &&
234.  		      levl[i+1][sy+1].typ == fg_typ) {
235.  		    if(levl[i+1][sy+1].roomno != rmno)
236.  			flood_fill_rm(i+1,sy+1,rmno,lit,anyroom);
237.  		}
238.  	    }
240.      if(nx > max_rx) max_rx = nx - 1; /* nx is just past valid region */
241.      if(sy > max_ry) max_ry = sy;
242.  }
244.  /*
245.   *	If we have drawn a map without walls, this allows us to
246.   *	auto-magically wallify it.  Taken from lev_main.c.
247.   */
248.  static void
249.  wallify_map()
250.  {
252.      int x, y, xx, yy;
254.      for(x = 1; x < COLNO; x++)
255.  	for(y = 0; y < ROWNO; y++)
256.  	    if(levl[x][y].typ == STONE) {
257.  		for(yy = y - 1; yy <= y+1; yy++)
258.  		    for(xx = x - 1; xx <= x+1; xx++)
259.  			if(isok(xx,yy) && levl[xx][yy].typ == ROOM) {
260.  			    if(yy != y)	levl[x][y].typ = HWALL;
261.  			    else	levl[x][y].typ = VWALL;
262.  			}
263.  	    }
264.  }
266.  static void
267.  join_map(bg_typ, fg_typ)
268.  	schar	bg_typ, fg_typ;
269.  {
270.      register struct mkroom *croom, *croom2;
272.      register int i, j;
273.      int sx, sy;
274.      coord sm, em;
276.      /* first, use flood filling to find all of the regions that need joining */
277.      for(i=2; i<=WIDTH; i++)
278.  	for(j=1; j<HEIGHT; j++) {
279.  	    if(levl[i][j].typ == fg_typ && levl[i][j].roomno == NO_ROOM) {
280.  		min_rx = max_rx = i;
281.  		min_ry = max_ry = j;
282.  		n_loc_filled = 0;
283.  		flood_fill_rm(i,j,nroom+ROOMOFFSET,FALSE,FALSE);
284.  		if(n_loc_filled > 3) {
285.  		    add_room(min_rx, min_ry, max_rx, max_ry,
286.  			     FALSE, OROOM, TRUE);
287.  		    rooms[nroom-1].irregular = TRUE;
288.  		    if(nroom >= (MAXNROFROOMS*2))
289.  			goto joinm;
290.  		} else {
291.  		    /*
292.  		     * it's a tiny hole; erase it from the map to avoid
293.  		     * having the player end up here with no way out.
294.  		     */
295.  		    for(sx = min_rx; sx<=max_rx; sx++)
296.  			for(sy = min_ry; sy<=max_ry; sy++)
297.  			    if(levl[sx][sy].roomno == nroom+ROOMOFFSET) {
298.  				levl[sx][sy].typ = bg_typ;
299.  				levl[sx][sy].roomno = NO_ROOM;
300.  			    }
301.  		}
302.  	    }
303.  	}
305.  joinm:
306.      /*
307.       * Ok, now we can actually join the regions with fg_typ's.
308.       * The rooms are already sorted due to the previous loop,
309.       * so don't call sort_rooms(), which can screw up the roomno's
310.       * validity in the levl structure.
311.       */
312.      for(croom = &rooms[0], croom2 = croom + 1; croom2 < &rooms[nroom]; ) {
313.  	/* pick random starting and end locations for "corridor" */
314.  	if(!somexy(croom, &sm) || !somexy(croom2, &em)) {
315.  	    /* ack! -- the level is going to be busted */
316.  	    /* arbitrarily pick centers of both rooms and hope for the best */
317.  	    impossible("No start/end room loc in join_map.");
318.  	    sm.x = croom->lx + ((croom->hx - croom->lx) / 2);
319.  	    sm.y = croom->ly + ((croom->hy - croom->ly) / 2);
320.  	    em.x = croom2->lx + ((croom2->hx - croom2->lx) / 2);
321.  	    em.y = croom2->ly + ((croom2->hy - croom2->ly) / 2);
322.  	}
324.  	(void) dig_corridor(sm, em, FALSE, fg_typ, bg_typ);
326.  	/* choose next region to join */
327.  	/* only increment croom if croom and croom2 are non-overlapping */
328.  	if(croom2->lx > croom->hx ||
329.  	   ((croom2->ly > croom->hy || croom2->hy < croom->ly) && rn2(3))) {
330.  	    croom = croom2;
331.  	}
332.  	croom2++; /* always increment the next room */
333.      }
334.  }
336.  static void
337.  finish_map(fg_typ, bg_typ, lit, walled)
338.          schar	fg_typ, bg_typ;
339.          boolean	lit, walled;
340.  {
341.  	int	i, j;
343.  	if(walled) wallify_map();
345.  	if(lit) {
346.  	    for(i=1; i<COLNO; i++)
347.  		for(j=0; j<ROWNO; j++)
348.  		    if((!IS_ROCK(fg_typ) && levl[i][j].typ == fg_typ) ||
349.  		       (!IS_ROCK(bg_typ) && levl[i][j].typ == bg_typ) ||
350.  			(walled && IS_WALL(levl[i][j].typ)))
351.  			levl[i][j].lit = TRUE;
352.  	    for(i = 0; i < nroom; i++)
353.  		rooms[i].rlit = 1;
354.  	}
355.  }
357.  #define	N_P1_ITER	1	/* tune map generation via this value */
358.  #define	N_P2_ITER	1	/* tune map generation via this value */
359.  #define	N_P3_ITER	2	/* tune map smoothing via this value */
361.  void
362.  mkmap(init_lev)
364.  	lev_init	*init_lev;
365.  {
366.  	schar	bg_typ = init_lev->bg,
367.  		fg_typ = init_lev->fg;
368.  	boolean smooth = init_lev->smoothed,
369.                  join = init_lev->joined;
370.          xchar   lit = init_lev->lit,
371.                  walled = init_lev->walled;
372.  	int i;
374.  	if(lit < 0)
375.  	    lit = (rnd(1+abs(depth(& < 11 && rn2(77)) ? 1 : 0;
377.  	new_locations = (char *)alloc((WIDTH+1) * HEIGHT);
379.  	init_map(bg_typ);
380.  	init_fill(bg_typ, fg_typ);
382.  	for(i = 0; i < N_P1_ITER; i++)
383.  	    pass_one(bg_typ, fg_typ);
385.  	for(i = 0; i < N_P2_ITER; i++)
386.  	pass_two(bg_typ, fg_typ);
388.  	if(smooth)
389.  	    for(i = 0; i < N_P3_ITER; i++)
390.  		pass_three(bg_typ, fg_typ);
392.  	if(join)
393.  	    join_map(bg_typ, fg_typ);
395.  	finish_map(fg_typ, bg_typ, (boolean)lit, (boolean)walled);
396.  	/* a walled, joined level is cavernous, not mazelike -dlc */
397.  	if (walled && join) {
398.  	    level.flags.is_maze_lev = FALSE;
399.  	    level.flags.is_cavernous_lev = TRUE;
400.  	}
401.  	free(new_locations);
402.  }