Source:NetHack 3.1.0/pickup.c

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Below is the full text to pickup.c from the source code of NetHack 3.1.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.1.0/pickup.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)pickup.c	3.1	93/01/04	*/
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    /*
6.     *	Contains code for picking objects up, and container use.
7.     */
9.    #include	"hack.h"
11.   static void FDECL(unsplitobj, (struct obj *,struct obj *,long));
12.   static void FDECL(simple_look, (struct obj *,BOOLEAN_P));
13.   static boolean FDECL(query_classes, (char *,boolean *,boolean *,
14.   			     const char *,struct obj *,BOOLEAN_P,BOOLEAN_P));
15.   static boolean FDECL(pickup_object, (struct obj *,struct obj *));
16.   static boolean FDECL(mbag_explodes, (struct obj *,int));
17.   STATIC_PTR int FDECL(in_container,(struct obj *));
18.   STATIC_PTR int FDECL(ck_bag,(struct obj *));
19.   STATIC_PTR int FDECL(out_container,(struct obj *));
21.   /*
22.    *  How much the weight of the given container will change when the given
23.    *  object is removed from it.  This calculation must match the one used
24.    *  by weight() in mkobj.c.
25.    */
26.   #define DELTA_CWT(cont,obj)		\
27.       ((cont)->cursed ? (obj)->owt * 2 :	\
28.   		      1 + ((obj)->owt / ((cont)->blessed ? 4 : 2)))
30.   static const char moderateloadmsg[] = "You have a little trouble lifting";
31.   static const char nearloadmsg[] = "You have much trouble lifting";
33.   static void
34.   unsplitobj(obj_block, obj_chip, resplit)
35.   register struct obj *obj_block, *obj_chip;
36.   long resplit;	/* non-zero => shift the quantities */
37.   {
38.   	if (obj_block->nobj != obj_chip) {
39.   		impossible("can't unsplit objects");
40.   	} else if (resplit) { /* 1st object should be reduced to 'resplit' */
41.   		obj_chip->quan += (obj_block->quan - resplit);
42.   		obj_block->quan = resplit;
43.   		obj_block->owt = weight(obj_block);
44.   		obj_chip->owt = weight(obj_chip);
45.   	} else {  /* 2nd obj should be merged back into 1st, then destroyed */
46.   		obj_block->nobj = obj_chip->nobj;
47.   		obj_block->nexthere = obj_chip->nexthere;
48.   		obj_block->quan += obj_chip->quan;
49.   		obj_block->owt = weight(obj_block);
50.   		/* no need to worry about 'unsplitbill'; unsplit only occurs
51.   		   when unable to pick something up, hence we're not dealing
52.   		   with billable objects here (I hope!)
53.   		 */
54.   		dealloc_obj(obj_chip);
55.   	}
56.   }
58.   /* much simpler version of the look-here code; used by query_classes() */
59.   static void
60.   simple_look(otmp, here)
61.   struct obj *otmp;	/* list of objects */
62.   boolean here;		/* flag for type of obj list linkage */
63.   {
64.   	/* Neither of the first two cases is expected to happen, since
65.   	 * we're only called after multiple classes of objects have been
66.   	 * detected, hence multiple objects must be present.
67.   	 */
68.   	if (!otmp) {
69.   	    impossible("simple_look(NULL)");
70.   	} else if (!(here ? otmp->nexthere : otmp->nobj)) {
71.   	    pline("%s", doname(otmp));
72.   	} else {
73.   	    winid tmpwin = create_nhwindow(NHW_MENU);
74.   	    putstr(tmpwin, 0, "");
75.   	    do {
76.   		putstr(tmpwin, 0, doname(otmp));
77.   		otmp = here ? otmp->nexthere : otmp->nobj;
78.   	    } while (otmp);
79.   	    display_nhwindow(tmpwin, TRUE);
80.   	    destroy_nhwindow(tmpwin);
81.   	}
82.   }
84.   int
85.   collect_obj_classes(ilets, otmp, here, incl_gold)
86.   char ilets[];
87.   register struct obj *otmp;
88.   boolean here, incl_gold;
89.   {
90.   	register int iletct = 0;
91.   	register char c, last_c = '\0';
93.   	if (incl_gold)
94.   		ilets[iletct++] = def_oc_syms[GOLD_CLASS];
95.   	ilets[iletct] = '\0'; /* terminate ilets so that index() will work */
96.   	while (otmp) {
97.   		c = def_oc_syms[(int)otmp->oclass];
98.   		if (c != last_c && !index(ilets, (last_c = c)))
99.   			ilets[iletct++] = c,  ilets[iletct] = '\0';
100.  		otmp = here ? otmp->nexthere : otmp->nobj;
101.  	}
103.  	return iletct;
104.  }
106.  static boolean
107.  query_classes(olets, one_at_a_time, everything, action, objs, here, incl_gold)
108.  char olets[];
109.  boolean *one_at_a_time, *everything;
110.  const char *action;
111.  struct obj *objs;
112.  boolean here, incl_gold;
113.  {
114.  	char ilets[20], inbuf[BUFSZ];
115.  	int iletct, oletct;
116.  	char qbuf[QBUFSZ];
118.  	olets[oletct = 0] = '\0';
119.  	*one_at_a_time = *everything = FALSE;
120.  	iletct = collect_obj_classes(ilets, objs, here, incl_gold);
121.  	if (iletct == 0) {
122.  		return FALSE;
123.  	} else if (iletct == 1) {
124.  		olets[0] = def_char_to_objclass(ilets[0]);
125.  		olets[1] = '\0';
126.  	} else  {	/* more than one choice available */
127.  		const char *where = 0;
128.  		register char sym, oc_of_sym, *p;
129.  		/* additional choices */
130.  		ilets[iletct++] = ' ';
131.  		ilets[iletct++] = 'a';
132.  		ilets[iletct++] = 'A';
133.  		ilets[iletct++] = (objs == invent ? 'i' : ':');
134.  		ilets[iletct] = '\0';
135.  ask_again:
136.  		olets[oletct = 0] = '\0';
137.  		*one_at_a_time = *everything = FALSE;
138.  		Sprintf(qbuf,"What kinds of thing do you want to %s? [%s]",
139.  			action, ilets);
140.  		getlin(qbuf,inbuf);
141.  		if (*inbuf == '\033') {
142.  			clear_nhwindow(WIN_MESSAGE);
143.  			return FALSE;
144.  		}
145.  		for (p = inbuf; (sym = *p++); ) {
146.  		    /* new A function (selective all) added by GAN 01/09/87 */
147.  		    if (sym == ' ') continue;
148.  		    else if (sym == 'A') *one_at_a_time = TRUE;
149.  		    else if (sym == 'a') *everything = TRUE;
150.  		    else if (sym == ':') {
151.  			simple_look(objs, here);  /* dumb if objs==invent */
152.  			goto ask_again;
153.  		    } else if (sym == 'i') {
154.  			(void) display_inventory(NULL, FALSE);
155.  			goto ask_again;
156.  		    } else {
157.  			oc_of_sym = def_char_to_objclass(sym);
158.  			if (index(ilets,sym)) {
159.  			    olets[oletct++] = oc_of_sym;
160.  			    olets[oletct] = '\0';
161.  			} else {
162.  			    if (!where)
163.  				where = !strcmp(action,"pick up")  ? "here" :
164.  					!strcmp(action,"take out") ?
165.  							    "inside" : "";
166.  			    if (*where)
167.  				pline("There are no %c's %s.", sym, where);
168.  			    else
169.  				You("have no %c's.", sym);
170.  			}
171.  		    }
172.  		}
173.  		if (!oletct && !*everything) *one_at_a_time = TRUE;
174.  	}
175.  	return TRUE;
176.  }
178.  void
179.  pickup(all)
180.  int all;	/* all >= 0 => yes/no; < 0 => -count */
181.  {
182.  	register struct obj *obj;
183.  	struct obj *obj2, *objx;
184.  	boolean all_of_a_type = FALSE, selective = FALSE;
185.  	char olets[20];
186.  	long count;
188.  	count = (all < 0) ? (-1L * all) : 0L;
189.  	if (count) all = 0;
191.  	if(Levitation && !Is_airlevel(& && !Is_waterlevel(& {
192.  		if ((multi && ! || (all && !flags.pickup))
193.  			read_engr_at(u.ux,;
194.  		return;
195.  	}
197.  	/* multi && ! means they are in the middle of some other
198.  	 * action, or possibly paralyzed, sleeping, etc.... and they just
199.  	 * teleported onto the object.  They shouldn't pick it up.
200.  	 */
201.  	if ((multi && ! || (all && !flags.pickup)) {
202.  		int ct = 0;
204.  		for (obj = level.objects[u.ux][]; obj;
205.  						 obj = obj->nexthere)
206.  			if(obj != uchain)
207.  				ct++;
209.  		/* If there are objects here, take a look.
210.  		 */
211.  		if (ct) {
212.  			if (
213.  				nomul(0);
214.  			flush_screen(1);
215.  			if (ct < 5)
216.  				(void) dolook();
217.  			else {
218.  				read_engr_at(u.ux,;
219.  				pline("There are several objects here.");
220.  			}
221.  		} else read_engr_at(u.ux,;
222.  		return;
223.  	}
225.  	/* check for more than one object */
226.  	if(!all) {
227.  		register int ct = 0;
229.  		for(obj = level.objects[u.ux][]; obj; obj = obj->nexthere)
230.  			ct++;
231.  		if(ct < 2)
232.  			all++;
233.  		else {
234.  			pline("There are several objects here.");
235.  			count = 0;
236.  		}
237.  	}
239.  #ifdef POLYSELF
240.  	if (nolimbs(uasmon)) {
241.  		You("cannot pick things up without limbs.");
242.  		return;
243.  	}
244.  #endif
246.  	/* added by GAN 10/24/86 to allow selective picking up */
247.  	if (!all) {
248.  		if (!query_classes(olets, &selective, &all_of_a_type,
249.  			  "pick up", level.objects[u.ux][], TRUE, FALSE))
250.  			return;
251.  	}
252.  	if(all_of_a_type && !olets[0]) all = TRUE;
254.  	for(obj = level.objects[u.ux][]; obj; obj = obj2) {
255.  		obj2 = obj->nexthere;	/* perhaps obj will be picked up */
256.  		objx = 0;
257.  		if( nomul(0);
259.  		if(!all)  {
260.  		    if(!selective && !index(olets,obj->oclass)) continue;
262.  		    if (!all_of_a_type) {
263.  			char qbuf[QBUFSZ];
264.  			Sprintf(qbuf,"Pick up %s?", doname(obj));
265.  			switch ((obj->quan < 2L) ? ynaq(qbuf) : ynNaq(qbuf)) {
266.  			case 'q': return;
267.  			case 'n': continue;
268.  			case 'a':
269.  			    all_of_a_type = TRUE;
270.  			    if (selective) {
271.  				selective = FALSE;
272.  				olets[0] = obj->oclass;
273.  				olets[1] = '\0';
274.  			    }
275.  			    break;
276.  			case '#':	/* count was entered */
277.  			    if (!yn_number) continue; /* 0 count => No */
278.  			    else count = yn_number;
279.  			    /* fall thru :-} */
280.  			default:	/* 'y' */
281.  			    break;
282.  			}
283.  		    }
284.  		}
286.  		if (count) {
287.  		    /* Pickup a specific number of items; split the object
288.  		       unless count corresponds to full quantity.  1 special
289.  		       case:  cursed loadstones will remain as merged unit.
290.  		     */
291.  		    if (count < obj->quan &&
292.  			    (!obj->cursed || obj->otyp != LOADSTONE)) {
293.  			objx = splitobj(obj, count);
294.  			if (!objx || objx->nexthere != obj2)
295.  			    impossible("bad object split in pickup");
296.  		    }
297.  		    count = 0;	/* reset */
298.  		}
299.  		if (pickup_object(obj, objx)) break;
300.  	}
302.  	/*
303.  	 *  Re-map what is at the hero's location after the pickup so the
304.  	 *  map is correct.
305.  	 */
306.  	newsym(u.ux,;
307.  }
309.  /*
310.   * Pick up an object from the ground or out of a container and add it to
311.   * the inventory.  Returns true if pickup() should break out of its loop.
312.   */
313.  static boolean
314.  pickup_object(obj, objx)
315.  struct obj *obj, *objx;
316.  {
317.  	int wt, nearload;
318.  	long pickquan;
320.  	if (obj == uchain) {    /* do not pick up attached chain */
321.  	    return FALSE;
322.  	} else if (obj->oartifact && !touch_artifact(obj,&youmonst)) {
323.  	    return FALSE;
324.  	} else if (obj->otyp == GOLD_PIECE) {
325.  	    /*
326.  	     *  Special consideration for gold pieces...
327.  	     */
328.  	    long iw = (long)max_capacity() - ((u.ugold + 50L) / 100L);
329.  	    long gold_capacity = ((-iw) * 100L) - 50L + 99L - u.ugold;
331.  	    if (gold_capacity <= 0L) {
332.  		if (objx) unsplitobj(obj, objx, 0L);
333.         pline("There %s %ld gold piece%s here, but you cannot carry any more.",
334.  			(obj->quan == 1L) ? "is" : "are",
335.  			obj->quan, plur(obj->quan));
336.  		return FALSE;
337.  	    } else if (gold_capacity < obj->quan) {
338.  		if (objx) unsplitobj(obj, objx, 0L);
339.  		You("can only carry %s of the %ld gold pieces lying here.",
340.  		    gold_capacity == 1L ? "one" : "some", obj->quan);
341.  		pline("%s %ld gold piece%s.",
342.  		    nearloadmsg, gold_capacity, plur(gold_capacity));
343.  		u.ugold += gold_capacity;
344.  		obj->quan -= gold_capacity;
345.  		costly_gold(obj->ox, obj->oy, gold_capacity);
346.  	    } else {
347.  		u.ugold += obj->quan;
348.  		if ((nearload = near_capacity()) != 0)
349.  		    pline("%s %ld gold piece%s.",
350.  			  nearload < MOD_ENCUMBER ?
351.  			  moderateloadmsg : nearloadmsg,
352.  			  obj->quan, plur(obj->quan));
353.  		else
354.  		    prinv(NULL, obj, 0L);
355.  		costly_gold(obj->ox, obj->oy, obj->quan);
356.  		delobj(obj);
357.  	    }
358.  	    flags.botl = 1;
359.  	    if ( nomul(0);
360.  	    return FALSE;
361.  	} else if (obj->otyp == CORPSE) {
363.  	    if (obj->corpsenm == PM_COCKATRICE && !uarmg
364.  #ifdef POLYSELF
365.  		&& !resists_ston(uasmon)
366.  #endif
367.  	    ) {
368.  #ifdef POLYSELF
369.  		if (poly_when_stoned(uasmon) && polymon(PM_STONE_GOLEM))
370.  		    display_nhwindow(WIN_MESSAGE, FALSE);
371.  		else
372.  #endif
373.  		{
374.  		  pline("Touching the cockatrice corpse is a fatal mistake.");
375.  		    You("turn to stone.");
376.  		    You("die...");
377.  		    killer_format = KILLED_BY_AN;
378.  		    killer = "cockatrice corpse";
379.  		    done(STONING);
380.  		}
381.  	    } else if (is_rider(&mons[obj->corpsenm])) {
382.  		pline("At your touch, the corpse suddenly moves...");
383.  		revive_corpse(obj, 1, FALSE);
384.  		exercise(A_WIS, FALSE);
385.  		return FALSE;
386.  	    }
388.  	} else  if (obj->otyp == SCR_SCARE_MONSTER) {
389.  	    if (obj->blessed) obj->blessed = 0;
390.  	    else if (!obj->spe && !obj->cursed) obj->spe = 1;
391.  	    else {
392.  		pline("The scroll%s turn%s to dust as you pick %s up.",
393.  			plur(obj->quan), (obj->quan == 1L) ? "s" : "",
394.  			(obj->quan == 1L) ? "it" : "them");
395.  		if (!(objects[SCR_SCARE_MONSTER].oc_name_known) &&
396.  				    !(objects[SCR_SCARE_MONSTER].oc_uname))
397.  		    docall(obj);
398.  		useupf(obj);
399.  		return FALSE;
400.  	    }
401.  	}
403.  	wt = max_capacity() + (int)obj->owt;
404.  	if (obj->otyp == LOADSTONE)
405.  	    goto lift_some;     /* pick it up even if too heavy */
406.  #ifdef POLYSELF
407.  	if (obj->otyp == BOULDER && throws_rocks(uasmon)) {
408.  	    goto lift_some;
409.  	}
410.  #endif
411.  	if (wt > 0) {
412.  	    if (obj->quan > 1L) {
413.  		/* see how many we can lift */
414.  		long qq, savequan = obj->quan;
415.  		int iw = max_capacity();
416.  		/*  This is correct only because containers */
417.  		/*  don't merge.	-dean		    */
418.  		for (qq = 1; qq < savequan; qq++) {
419.  			obj->quan = qq;
420.  			if (iw + weight(obj) > 0)
421.  				break;
422.  		}
423.  		obj->quan = savequan;
424.  		qq--;
425.  		/* we can carry qq of them */
426.  		if (qq) {
427.  		    if (objx) {		/* temporarily unsplit */
428.  			savequan = obj->quan;
429.  			obj->quan += objx->quan;
430.  		    }
431.  		    You("can only carry %s of the %s lying here.",
432.  			(qq == 1L) ? "one" : "some", doname(obj));
433.  		    if (objx) {		/* re-do the prior split */
434.  			obj->quan = savequan;
435.  			unsplitobj(obj, objx, qq);
436.  		    } else {		/* split into two groups */
437.  			objx = splitobj(obj, qq);
438.  			if (objx->otyp == SCR_SCARE_MONSTER) objx->spe = 0;
439.  		    }
440.  		    goto lift_some;
441.  		}
442.  	    }
443.  	    if (objx) unsplitobj(obj, objx, 0L);
444.  	    pline("There %s %s here, but %s.",
445.  		    (obj->quan == 1L) ? "is" : "are", doname(obj),
446.  		    !invent ? (obj->quan == 1L ?
447.  				"it is too heavy for you to lift" :
448.  				"they are too heavy for you to lift") :
449.  			"you cannot carry any more");
450.  	    if (obj->otyp == SCR_SCARE_MONSTER) obj->spe = 0;
451.  	    return TRUE;
452.  	}
454.  lift_some:
455.  	if (inv_cnt() >= 52) {
456.  	    if (objx) unsplitobj(obj, objx, 0L);
457.  	    Your("knapsack cannot accommodate any more items.");
458.  	    if (obj->otyp == SCR_SCARE_MONSTER) obj->spe = 0;
459.  	    return TRUE;
460.  	}
462.  	pickquan = obj->quan;	/* save number picked up */
463.  	obj = pick_obj(obj);
465.  	if (!Blind) obj->dknown = 1;
466.  	if (uwep && uwep == obj) mrg_to_wielded = TRUE;
467.  	nearload = near_capacity();
468.  	prinv(nearload > SLT_ENCUMBER ? nearloadmsg :
469.  	      nearload > UNENCUMBERED ? moderateloadmsg : NULL,
470.  	      obj, pickquan);
471.  	mrg_to_wielded = FALSE;
472.  	return FALSE;
473.  }
475.  /* Gold never reaches this routine. */
476.  struct obj *
477.  pick_obj(otmp)
478.  register struct obj *otmp;
479.  {
480.  	freeobj(otmp);
481.  	if (*u.ushops && costly_spot(u.ux, &&
482.  	    otmp != uball)     /* don't charge for this - kd, 1/17/90 */
483.  	   /* sets obj->unpaid if necessary */
484.  	    addtobill(otmp, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);
485.  	if(Invisible) newsym(u.ux,;
486.  	return(addinv(otmp));    /* might merge it with other objects */
487.  }
489.  /*
490.   * prints a message if encumbrance changed since the last check and
491.   * returns the new encumbrance value (from near_capacity()).
492.   */
493.  int
494.  encumber_msg()
495.  {
496.      static int oldcap = UNENCUMBERED;
497.      int newcap = near_capacity();
499.      if(oldcap < newcap) {
500.  	switch(newcap) {
501.  	case 1: Your("movements are slowed slightly because of your load.");
502.  		break;
503.  	case 2: You("rebalance your load.  Movement is difficult.");
504.  		break;
505.  	case 3: You("stagger under your heavy load.  Movement is very hard.");
506.  		break;
507.  	default: You("can barely move a handspan with this load!");
508.  		break;
509.  	}
510.  	flags.botl = 1;
511.      } else if(oldcap > newcap) {
512.  	switch(newcap) {
513.  	case 0: Your("movements are now unencumbered.");
514.  		break;
515.  	case 1: Your("movements are only slowed slightly by your load.");
516.  		break;
517.  	case 2: You("rebalance your load.  Movement is still difficult.");
518.  		break;
519.  	case 3: You("stagger under your load.  Movement is still very hard.");
520.  		break;
521.  	}
522.  	flags.botl = 1;
523.      }
525.      oldcap = newcap;
526.      return (newcap);
527.  }
529.  int
530.  doloot()	/* loot a container on the floor. */
531.  {
532.  	register struct obj *cobj, *nobj;
533.  	register int c;
534.  	int timepassed = 0;
536.  	if (Levitation && !Is_airlevel(& && !Is_waterlevel(& {
537.  		You("cannot reach the floor.");
538.  		return(0);
539.  	}
540.  	if(is_pool(u.ux, {
541.  		You("cannot loot things that are deep in the water.");
542.  		return(0);
543.  	}
545.  #ifdef POLYSELF
546.  	if(nolimbs(uasmon)) {
547.  		You("cannot loot things without limbs.");
548.  		return(0);
549.  	}
550.  #endif
552.  	for(cobj = level.objects[u.ux][]; cobj; cobj = nobj) {
553.  		nobj = cobj->nexthere;
555.  		if(Is_container(cobj)) {
556.  		    char qbuf[QBUFSZ];
558.  		    Sprintf(qbuf, "There is %s here, loot it?", doname(cobj));
559.  		    c = ynq(qbuf);
560.  		    if(c == 'q') return (timepassed);
561.  		    if(c == 'n') continue;
563.  		    if(cobj->olocked) {
564.  			pline("Hmmm, it seems to be locked.");
565.  			continue;
566.  		    }
567.  		    if(cobj->otyp == BAG_OF_TRICKS) {
568.  			You("carefully open the bag...");
569.  			pline("It develops a huge set of teeth and bites you!");
570.  			c = rnd(10);
571.  			if(Half_physical_damage) c = (c+1) / 2;
572.  			losehp(c, "carnivorous bag", KILLED_BY_AN);
573.  			makeknown(BAG_OF_TRICKS);
574.  			timepassed = 1;
575.  			continue;
576.  		    }
578.  		    You("carefully open %s...", the(xname(cobj)));
579.  		    if (cobj->otrapped && chest_trap(cobj, FINGER, FALSE)) {
580.  			timepassed = 1;
581.  			continue;	/* explosion destroyed cobj */
582.  		    }
583.  		    if(multi < 0) return (1); /* a paralysis trap */
585.  		    timepassed |= use_container(cobj, 0);
586.  		}
587.  	}
588.  	return (timepassed);
589.  }
591.  /*
592.   * Decide whether an object being placed into a magic bag will cause
593.   * it to explode.  If the object is a bag itself, check recursively.
594.   */
595.  static boolean
596.  mbag_explodes(obj, depthin)
597.      struct obj *obj;
598.      int depthin;
599.  {
600.      /* odds: 1/1, 2/2, 3/4, 4/8, 5/16, 6/32, 7/64, 8/128, 9/128, 10/128,... */
601.      if ((Is_mbag(obj) || (obj->otyp == WAN_CANCELLATION && obj->spe > 0)) &&
602.  	(rn2(1 << (depthin > 7 ? 7 : depthin)) <= depthin))
603.  	return TRUE;
604.      else if (Is_container(obj)) {
605.  	struct obj *otmp;
607.  	for (otmp = obj->cobj; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj)
608.  	    if (mbag_explodes(otmp, depthin+1)) return TRUE;
609.      }
610.      return FALSE;
611.  }
613.  /* A variable set in use_container(), to be used by the callback routines */
614.  /* chk_bg(), in_container(), and out_container() from askchain().	  */
615.  static struct obj NEARDATA *current_container;
616.  #define Icebox (current_container->otyp == ICE_BOX)
618.  STATIC_PTR int
619.  in_container(obj)
620.  register struct obj *obj;
621.  {
622.  	register struct obj *gold;
623.  	boolean is_gold = (obj->otyp == GOLD_PIECE);
624.  	boolean floor_container = !carried(current_container);
625.  	char buf[BUFSZ];
627.  	if (!current_container) {
628.  		impossible("<in> no current_container?");
629.  		return 0;
630.  	} else if (obj == uball || obj == uchain) {
631.  		You("must be kidding.");
632.  		return 0;
633.  	} else if (obj == current_container) {
634.  		pline("That would be an interesting topological exercise.");
635.  		return 0;
636.  	} else if (obj->owornmask & (W_ARMOR | W_RING | W_AMUL | W_TOOL)) {
637.  		Norep("You cannot %s something you are wearing.",
638.  			Icebox ? "refrigerate" : "stash");
639.  		return 0;
640.  	} else if ((obj->otyp == LOADSTONE) && obj->cursed) {
641.  		obj->bknown = 1;
642.  	      pline("The stone%s won't leave your person.", plur(obj->quan));
643.  		return 0;
644.  	} else if (obj->otyp == AMULET_OF_YENDOR ||
645.  		   obj->otyp == CANDELABRUM_OF_INVOCATION ||
646.  		   obj->otyp == BELL_OF_OPENING ||
647.  		   obj->otyp == SPE_BOOK_OF_THE_DEAD) {
648.  	/* Prohibit Amulets in containers; if you allow it, monsters can't
649.  	 * steal them.  It also becomes a pain to check to see if someone
650.  	 * has the Amulet.  Ditto for the Candelabrum, the Bell and the Book.
651.  	 */
652.  	    pline("%s cannot be confined in such trappings.", The(xname(obj)));
653.  	    return 0;
654.  	}
655.  #ifdef WALKIES
656.  	else if (obj->otyp == LEASH && obj->leashmon != 0) {
657.  		pline("%s is attached to your pet.", The(xname(obj)));
658.  		return 0;
659.  	}
660.  #endif
661.  	else if (obj == uwep) {
662.  		if (welded(obj)) {
663.  			weldmsg(obj, FALSE);
664.  			return 0;
665.  		}
666.  		setuwep((struct obj *) 0);
667.  		if (uwep) return 0;	/* unwielded, died, rewielded */
668.  	}
670.  	/* boxes can't fit into any container */
671.  	if (obj->otyp == ICE_BOX || Is_box(obj)) {
672.  		/*
673.  		 *  xname() uses a static result array.  Save obj's name
674.  		 *  before current_container's name is computed.  Don't
675.  		 *  use the result of strcpy() within You() --- the order
676.  		 *  of evaluation of the parameters is undefined.
677.  		 */
678.  		Strcpy(buf, the(xname(obj)));
679.  		You("cannot fit %s into %s.", buf,
680.  		    the(xname(current_container)));
681.  		return 0;
682.  	}
684.  	freeinv(obj);
686.  	if (is_gold) {	/* look for other gold within the container */
687.  		for (gold = current_container->cobj; gold; gold = gold->nobj)
688.  			if (gold->otyp == GOLD_PIECE) break;
689.  	} else
690.  		gold = 0;
692.  	if (gold) {
693.  		gold->quan += obj->quan;
694.  	} else {
695.  		obj->nobj = current_container->cobj;
696.  		current_container->cobj = obj;
697.  	}
699.  	current_container->owt = weight(current_container);
701.  	Strcpy(buf, the(xname(current_container)));
702.  	You("put %s into %s.", doname(obj), buf);
704.  	if (floor_container && costly_spot(u.ux, {
705.  		sellobj_state(TRUE);
706.  		sellobj(obj, u.ux,;
707.  		sellobj_state(FALSE);
708.  	}
709.  	(void) snuff_candle(obj); /* must follow the "put" msg */
710.  	if (Icebox && obj->otyp != OIL_LAMP && obj->otyp != BRASS_LANTERN
711.  			&& !Is_candle(obj))
712.  		obj->age = monstermoves - obj->age; /* actual age */
714.  	else if (Is_mbag(current_container) && mbag_explodes(obj, 0)) {
715.  		You("are blasted by a magical explosion!");
717.  		/* the !floor_container case is taken care of */
718.  		if(*u.ushops && costly_spot(u.ux, && floor_container) {
719.  		    register struct monst *shkp;
721.  		    if ((shkp = shop_keeper(*u.ushops)) != 0)
722.  			(void)stolen_value(current_container, u.ux,,
723.  					   (boolean)shkp->mpeaceful, FALSE);
724.  		}
725.  		delete_contents(current_container);
726.  		if (!floor_container)
727.  			useup(current_container);
728.  		else if (obj_here(current_container, u.ux,
729.  			useupf(current_container);
730.  		else
731.  			panic("in_container:  bag not found.");
733.  		losehp(d(6,6),"magical explosion", KILLED_BY_AN);
734.  		current_container = 0;	/* baggone = TRUE; */
735.  	}
737.  	if (is_gold) {
738.  		if (gold) dealloc_obj(obj);
739.  		bot();	/* update character's gold piece count immediately */
740.  	}
742.  	return(current_container ? 1 : -1);
743.  }
745.  STATIC_PTR int
746.  ck_bag(obj)
747.  struct obj *obj;
748.  {
749.  	return current_container && obj != current_container;
750.  }
752.  STATIC_PTR int
753.  out_container(obj)
754.  register struct obj *obj;
755.  {
756.  	register struct obj *otmp, *ootmp;
757.  	boolean is_gold = (obj->otyp == GOLD_PIECE);
758.  	int loadlev;
759.  	long quan;
761.  	if (!current_container) {
762.  		impossible("<out> no current_container?");
763.  		return -1;
764.  	} else if (is_gold) {
765.  		obj->owt = weight(obj);
766.  	} else if (inv_cnt() >= 52) {
767.  		You("have no room to hold anything else.");
768.  		return -1;	/* skips gold too; oh well */
769.  	}
771.  	if(obj->oartifact && !touch_artifact(obj,&youmonst)) return 0;
773.  	if(obj->otyp != LOADSTONE && max_capacity() + (int)obj->owt -
774.  	   (carried(current_container) ?
775.  	    (current_container->otyp == BAG_OF_HOLDING ?
776.  	     (int)DELTA_CWT(current_container,obj) : (int)obj->owt) : 0) > 0) {
777.  		char buf[BUFSZ];
779.  		Strcpy(buf, doname(obj));
780.  		pline("There %s %s in %s, but %s.",
781.  			obj->quan==1 ? "is" : "are",
782.  			buf, the(xname(current_container)),
783.  			invent ? "you cannot carry any more"
784.  			: "it is too heavy for you to carry");
785.  		/* "too heavy for you to lift" is not right if you're carrying
786.  		   the container... */
787.  		return(0);
788.  	}
789.  	/* Remove the object from the list. */
790.  	if (obj == current_container->cobj)
791.  		current_container->cobj = obj->nobj;
792.  	else {
793.  		for(otmp = current_container->cobj; otmp->nobj != obj;
794.  							    otmp = otmp->nobj)
795.  			if(!otmp->nobj) panic("out_container");
796.  		otmp->nobj = obj->nobj;
797.  	}
799.  	current_container->owt = weight(current_container);
801.  	if (Icebox && obj->otyp != OIL_LAMP && obj->otyp != BRASS_LANTERN
802.  			&& !Is_candle(obj))
803.  		obj->age = monstermoves - obj->age;
804.  	/* simulated point of time */
806.  	if(!obj->unpaid && !carried(current_container) &&
807.  	     costly_spot(current_container->ox, current_container->oy)) {
809.  		addtobill(obj, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
810.  	}
812.  	quan = obj->quan;
813.  	ootmp = addinv(obj);
814.  	loadlev = near_capacity();
815.  	prinv(loadlev ?
816.  	      (loadlev < MOD_ENCUMBER ?
817.  	       "You have a little trouble removing" :
818.  	       "You have much trouble removing") : NULL,
819.  	      ootmp, quan);
821.  	if (is_gold) {
822.  		dealloc_obj(obj);
823.  		bot();	/* update character's gold piece count immediately */
824.  	}
825.  	return 1;
826.  }
828.  /* for getobj: allow counts, allow all types, expect food */
829.  static const char NEARDATA frozen_food[] =
832.  int
833.  use_container(obj, held)
834.  register struct obj *obj;
835.  register int held;
836.  {
837.  	register int cnt = 0;
838.  	register struct obj *curr, *prev, *otmp;
839.  	boolean one_by_one, allflag;
840.  	char select[MAXOCLASSES+1];
841.  	char qbuf[QBUFSZ];
842.  	int used = 0, lcnt = 0;
843.  	long loss = 0L;
844.  	register struct monst *shkp;
846.  	current_container = obj;	/* for use by in/out_container */
847.  	if (current_container->olocked) {
848.  		pline("%s seems to be locked.", The(xname(current_container)));
849.  		if (held) You("must put it down to unlock.");
850.  		return 0;
851.  	}
852.  	/* Count the number of contained objects. Sometimes toss objects if */
853.  	/* a cursed magic bag.						    */
854.  	for(curr = obj->cobj, prev = (struct obj *) 0; curr;
855.  					    prev = curr, curr = otmp) {
856.  	    otmp = curr->nobj;
857.  	    if (Is_mbag(obj) && obj->cursed && !rn2(13)) {
858.  		if (curr->known)
859.  		    pline("%s to have vanished!", The(aobjnam(curr,"seem")));
860.  		else
861.  		    You("%s %s disappear.", Blind ? "notice" : "see",
862.  							doname(curr));
863.  		if (prev)
864.  		    prev->nobj = otmp;
865.  		else
866.  		    obj->cobj = otmp;
868.  		if(*u.ushops && (shkp = shop_keeper(*u.ushops))) {
869.  		    if(held) {
870.  			if(curr->unpaid)
871.  			    loss += stolen_value(curr, u.ux,,
872.  					     (boolean)shkp->mpeaceful, TRUE);
873.  			lcnt++;
874.  		    } else if(costly_spot(u.ux, {
875.  			loss += stolen_value(curr, u.ux,,
876.  					     (boolean)shkp->mpeaceful, TRUE);
877.  			lcnt++;
878.  		    }
879.  		}
880.  		/* obfree() will free all contained objects */
881.  		obfree(curr, (struct obj *) 0);
882.  	    } else
883.  		cnt++;
884.  	}
886.  	if (cnt && loss)
887.  	    You("owe %ld zorkmids for lost item%s.",
888.  		loss, lcnt > 1 ? "s" : "");
890.  	current_container->owt = weight(current_container);
892.  	if(!cnt)
893.  	    pline("%s %s is empty.", (held) ? "Your" : "The", xname(obj));
894.  	else {
895.  	    Sprintf(qbuf, "Do you want to take something out of %s?",
896.  			the(xname(obj)));
897.  ask_again:
898.  	    switch (yn_function(qbuf, ":ynq", 'n')) {
899.  	    case ':':
900.  		container_contents(current_container, FALSE, FALSE);
901.  		goto ask_again;
902.  	    case 'y':
903.  		if (query_classes(select, &one_by_one, &allflag, "take out",
904.  				   current_container->cobj, FALSE, FALSE)) {
905.  		    if (askchain((struct obj **)&current_container->cobj,
906.  				 (one_by_one ? (char *)0 : select), allflag,
907.  				 out_container, (int (*)())0, 0, "nodot"))
908.  			used = 1;
909.  		}
910.  		/*FALLTHRU*/
911.  	    case 'n':
912.  		break;
913.  	    case 'q':
914.  	    default:
915.  		return 0;
916.  	    }
917.  	}
919.  	if (!invent && (u.ugold == 0 || Icebox)) return used;
920.  	if (yn_function("Do you wish to put something in?", ynqchars, 'n')
921.  	    != 'y') return used;
922.  	if (Icebox && current_container->dknown) {
923.  		otmp = getobj(frozen_food, "put in");
924.  		if(!otmp || !in_container(otmp))
925.  			flags.move = multi = 0;
926.  	} else {
927.  		if (query_classes(select, &one_by_one, &allflag, "put in",
928.  					   invent, FALSE, (u.ugold != 0L))) {
929.  		    struct obj *u_gold = (struct obj *)0;
930.  		    if (u.ugold && (one_by_one || (allflag && !*select)
931.  				    || index(select, GOLD_CLASS))) {
932.  			/* make gold object & insert at head of inventory */
933.  			u_gold = mkgoldobj(u.ugold);	/*(removes gold too)*/
934.  			u.ugold = u_gold->quan;		/* put the gold back */
935.  			u_gold->nobj = invent;
936.  			invent = u_gold;
937.  		    }
938.  		    used = (askchain((struct obj **)&invent,
939.  				(one_by_one ? (char *)0 : select), allflag,
940.  				in_container, ck_bag, 0, "nodot") > 0);
941.  		    if (u_gold && invent && invent->otyp == GOLD_PIECE) {
942.  			/* didn't stash [all of] it */
943.  			u_gold = invent;
944.  			invent = u_gold->nobj;
945.  			dealloc_obj(u_gold);
946.  		    }
947.  		}
948.  	}
950.  	return used;
951.  }
953.  /*pickup.c*/