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Below is the full text to priest.c from the source code of NetHack 3.1.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.1.0/priest.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)priest.c	3.1	92/01/05
2.    /* Copyright (c) Izchak Miller, Steve Linhart, 1989. 		  */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    #include "hack.h"
6.    #include "mfndpos.h"
7.    #include "eshk.h"
8.    #include "epri.h"
9.    #include "emin.h"
11.   #ifdef OVLB
13.   static boolean FDECL(histemple_at,(struct monst *,XCHAR_P,XCHAR_P));
14.   static boolean FDECL(has_shrine,(struct monst *));
16.   /*
17.    * Move for priests and shopkeepers.  Called from shk_move() and pri_move().
18.    * Valid returns are  1: moved  0: didn't  -1: let m_move do it  -2: died.
19.    */
20.   int
21.   move_special(mtmp,in_his_shop,appr,uondoor,avoid,omx,omy,gx,gy)
22.   register struct monst *mtmp;
23.   boolean in_his_shop;
24.   schar appr;
25.   boolean uondoor,avoid;
26.   register xchar omx,omy,gx,gy;
27.   {
28.   	register xchar nx,ny,nix,niy;
29.   	register schar i;
30.   	schar chcnt,cnt;
31.   	coord poss[9];
32.   	long info[9];
33.   	long allowflags;
34.   	struct obj *ib = (struct obj *)0;
36.   	if(omx == gx && omy == gy)
37.   		return(0);
38.   	if(mtmp->mconf) {
39.   		avoid = FALSE;
40.   		appr = 0;
41.   	}
43.   	nix = omx;
44.   	niy = omy;
45.   	if (mtmp->isshk) allowflags = ALLOW_SSM;
46.   	else allowflags = ALLOW_SSM | ALLOW_SANCT;
47.   	if (passes_walls(mtmp->data)) allowflags |= (ALLOW_ROCK|ALLOW_WALL);
48.   	if (throws_rocks(mtmp->data)) allowflags |= ALLOW_ROCK;
49.   	if (tunnels(mtmp->data) &&
50.   		    (!needspick(mtmp->data) || m_carrying(mtmp, PICK_AXE)))
51.   		allowflags |= ALLOW_DIG;
52.   	if (!nohands(mtmp->data) && !verysmall(mtmp->data)) {
53.   		allowflags |= OPENDOOR;
54.   		if (m_carrying(mtmp, SKELETON_KEY)) allowflags |= BUSTDOOR;
55.   	}
56.   	if (is_giant(mtmp->data)) allowflags |= BUSTDOOR;
57.   	cnt = mfndpos(mtmp, poss, info, allowflags);
59.   	if(mtmp->isshk && avoid && uondoor) { /* perhaps we cannot avoid him */
60.   		for(i=0; i<cnt; i++)
61.   		    if(!(info[i] & NOTONL)) goto pick_move;
62.   		avoid = FALSE;
63.   	}
65.   #define	GDIST(x,y)	(dist2(x,y,gx,gy))
66.   pick_move:
67.   	chcnt = 0;
68.   	for(i=0; i<cnt; i++) {
69.   		nx = poss[i].x;
70.   		ny = poss[i].y;
71.   		if(levl[nx][ny].typ == ROOM ||
72.   			(mtmp->ispriest &&
73.   			    levl[nx][ny].typ == ALTAR) ||
74.   			(mtmp->isshk &&
75.   			    (!in_his_shop || ESHK(mtmp)->following))) {
76.   		    if(avoid && (info[i] & NOTONL))
77.   			continue;
78.   		    if((!appr && !rn2(++chcnt)) ||
79.   			(appr && GDIST(nx,ny) < GDIST(nix,niy))) {
80.   			    nix = nx;
81.   			    niy = ny;
82.   		    }
83.   		}
84.   	}
85.   	if(mtmp->ispriest && avoid &&
86.   			nix == omx && niy == omy && onlineu(omx,omy)) {
87.   		/* might as well move closer as long it's going to stay
88.   		 * lined up */
89.   		avoid = FALSE;
90.   		goto pick_move;
91.   	}
93.   	if(nix != omx || niy != omy) {
94.   		remove_monster(omx, omy);
95.   		place_monster(mtmp, nix, niy);
96.   		newsym(nix,niy);
97.   		if (mtmp->isshk && !in_his_shop && inhishop(mtmp))
98.   		    check_special_room(FALSE);
99.   		if(ib) {
100.  			if (cansee(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my))
101.  			    pline("%s picks up %s.", Monnam(mtmp),
102.  				distant_name(ib,doname));
103.  			freeobj(ib);
104.  			mpickobj(mtmp, ib);
105.  		}
106.  		return(1);
107.  	}
108.  	return(0);
109.  }
111.  #endif /* OVLB */
113.  #ifdef OVL0
115.  char
116.  temple_occupied(array)
117.  register char *array;
118.  {
119.  	register char *ptr;
121.  	for (ptr = array; *ptr; ptr++)
122.  		if (rooms[*ptr - ROOMOFFSET].rtype == TEMPLE)
123.  			return(*ptr);
124.  	return('\0');
125.  }
127.  #endif /* OVL0 */
128.  #ifdef OVLB
130.  static boolean
131.  histemple_at(priest, x, y)
132.  register struct monst *priest;
133.  register xchar x, y;
134.  {
135.  	return((EPRI(priest)->shroom == *in_rooms(x, y, TEMPLE)) &&
136.  	       on_level(&(EPRI(priest)->shrlevel), &u.uz));
137.  }
139.  /*
140.   * pri_move: return 1: moved  0: didn't  -1: let m_move do it  -2: died
141.   */
142.  int
143.  pri_move(priest)
144.  register struct monst *priest;
145.  {
146.  	register xchar gx,gy,omx,omy;
147.  	schar temple;
148.  	boolean avoid = TRUE;
150.  	omx = priest->mx;
151.  	omy = priest->my;
153.  	if(!histemple_at(priest, omx, omy)) return(-1);
155.  	temple = EPRI(priest)->shroom;
157.  	gx = EPRI(priest)->shrpos.x;
158.  	gy = EPRI(priest)->shrpos.y;
160.  	gx += rn1(3,-1);	/* mill around the altar */
161.  	gy += rn1(3,-1);
163.  	if(!priest->mpeaceful ||
164.  	   (Conflict && !resist(priest, RING_CLASS, 0, 0))) {
165.  		if(monnear(priest, u.ux, u.uy)) {
166.  			if(Displaced)
167.  				Your("displaced image doesn't fool %s!",
168.  					mon_nam(priest));
169.  			(void) mattacku(priest);
170.  			return(0);
171.  		} else if(index(u.urooms, temple)) {
172.  			/* chase player if inside temple & can see him */
173.  			if(priest->mcansee && m_canseeu(priest)) {
174.  				gx = u.ux;
175.  				gy = u.uy;
176.  			}
177.  			avoid = FALSE;
178.  		}
179.  	} else if(Invis) avoid = FALSE;
181.  	return(move_special(priest,FALSE,TRUE,FALSE,avoid,omx,omy,gx,gy));
182.  }
184.  /* exclusively for mktemple() */
185.  void
186.  priestini(lvl, sroom, sx, sy, sanctum)
187.  d_level	*lvl;
188.  struct mkroom *sroom;
189.  int sx, sy;
190.  boolean sanctum;   /* is it the seat of the high priest? */
191.  {
192.  	register struct monst *priest;
193.  	register struct obj *otmp;
194.  	register int cnt;
196.  	if(MON_AT(sx+1, sy))
197.  		rloc(m_at(sx+1, sy)); /* insurance */
199.  	if(priest = (sanctum ? makemon(&mons[PM_HIGH_PRIEST], sx+1, sy)
200.  			     : makemon(&mons[PM_ALIGNED_PRIEST], sx+1, sy))) {
201.  		EPRI(priest)->shroom = (sroom - rooms) + ROOMOFFSET;
202.  		EPRI(priest)->shralign = Amask2align(levl[sx][sy].altarmask);
203.  		EPRI(priest)->shrpos.x = sx;
204.  		EPRI(priest)->shrpos.y = sy;
205.  		assign_level(&(EPRI(priest)->shrlevel), lvl);
206.  		priest->mtrapseen = ~0;	/* traps are known */
207.  		priest->mpeaceful = 1;
208.  		priest->ispriest = 1;
209.  		priest->msleep = 0;
210.  		set_malign(priest); /* mpeaceful may have changed */
212.  		/* now his/her goodies... */
213.  		(void) mongets(priest, CHAIN_MAIL);
214.  		(void) mongets(priest, SMALL_SHIELD);
215.  #ifdef MUSE
216.  		m_dowear(priest, TRUE);
217.  #endif
218.  		priest->mgold = (long)rn1(10,20);
219.  		if(sanctum && EPRI(priest)->shralign == A_NONE &&
220.  		     on_level(&sanctum_level, &u.uz))
221.  			(void) mongets(priest, AMULET_OF_YENDOR);
222.  		/* Do NOT put the rest in m_initinv.    */
223.  		/* Priests created elsewhere than in a  */
224.  		/* temple should not carry these items, */
225.  		/* except for the mace.			*/
226.  		cnt = rn1(2,3);
227.  		while(cnt) {
228.  		    otmp = mkobj(SPBOOK_CLASS, FALSE);
229.  		    if(otmp) mpickobj(priest, otmp);
230.  		    cnt--;
231.  		}
232.  		if(p_coaligned(priest))
233.  		    (void) mongets(priest, rn2(2) ? CLOAK_OF_PROTECTION
235.  		else {
236.  		    if(!rn2(5))
237.  			otmp = mksobj(CLOAK_OF_MAGIC_RESISTANCE, TRUE, FALSE);
238.  		    else otmp = mksobj(CLOAK_OF_PROTECTION, TRUE, FALSE);
239.  		    if(otmp) {
240.  			if(!rn2(2)) curse(otmp);
241.  			mpickobj(priest, otmp);
242.  		    }
243.  		}
245.  		otmp = mksobj(MACE, FALSE, FALSE);
246.  		if(otmp) {
247.  		    otmp->spe = rnd(3);
248.  		    if(!rn2(2)) curse(otmp);
249.  		    mpickobj(priest, otmp);
250.  		}
251.  	}
252.  }
254.  /*
255.   * Specially aligned monsters are named specially.
256.   *	- aligned priests with ispriest and high priests have shrines
257.   *		they retain ispriest and epri when polymorphed
258.   *	- aligned priests without ispriest and Angels are roamers
259.   *		they retain isminion and access epri as emin when polymorphed
260.   *		(coaligned Angels are also created as minions, but they
261.   *		use the same naming convention)
262.   *	- minions do not have ispriest but have isminion and emin
263.   */
264.  char *
265.  priestname(mon)
266.  register struct monst *mon;
267.  {
268.  	static char NEARDATA pname[PL_NSIZ];
270.  	Strcpy(pname, "the ");
271.  	if (mon->minvis) Strcat(pname, "invisible ");
272.  	if (mon->ispriest || mon->data == &mons[PM_ALIGNED_PRIEST] ||
273.  					mon->data == &mons[PM_ANGEL]) {
274.  		/* use epri */
275.  		if (mon->mtame && mon->data == &mons[PM_ANGEL])
276.  			Strcat(pname, "guardian ");
277.  		if (mon->data != &mons[PM_ALIGNED_PRIEST] &&
278.  				mon->data != &mons[PM_HIGH_PRIEST]) {
279.  			Strcat(pname, mon->data->mname);
280.  			Strcat(pname, " ");
281.  		}
282.  		if (mon->data != &mons[PM_ANGEL]) {
283.  			if (!mon->ispriest && EPRI(mon)->renegade)
284.  				Strcat(pname, "renegade ");
285.  			if (mon->data == &mons[PM_HIGH_PRIEST])
286.  				Strcat(pname, "high ");
287.  			if (mon->female)
288.  				Strcat(pname, "priestess ");
289.  			else
290.  				Strcat(pname, "priest ");
291.  		}
292.  		Strcat(pname, "of ");
293.  		Strcat(pname, align_gname((int)EPRI(mon)->shralign));
294.  		return(pname);
295.  	}
296.  	/* use emin instead of epri */
297.  	Strcat(pname, mon->data->mname);
298.  	Strcat(pname, " of ");
299.  	Strcat(pname, align_gname(EMIN(mon)->min_align));
300.  	return(pname);
301.  }
303.  boolean
304.  p_coaligned(priest)
305.  struct monst *priest;
306.  {
307.  	return(u.ualign.type == ((int)EPRI(priest)->shralign));
308.  }
310.  static boolean
311.  has_shrine(pri)
312.  struct monst *pri;
313.  {
314.  	struct rm *lev;
316.  	if(!pri)
317.  		return(FALSE);
318.  	lev = &levl[EPRI(pri)->shrpos.x][EPRI(pri)->shrpos.y];
319.  	if (!IS_ALTAR(lev->typ) || !(lev->altarmask & AM_SHRINE))
320.  		return(FALSE);
321.  	return(EPRI(pri)->shralign == Amask2align(lev->altarmask & ~AM_SHRINE));
322.  }
324.  struct monst *
325.  findpriest(roomno)
326.  char roomno;
327.  {
328.  	register struct monst *mtmp;
329.  	extern struct monst *fdmon; /* from mon.c */
331.  	for(mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon)
332.  	    if(mtmp->ispriest && (EPRI(mtmp)->shroom == roomno) &&
333.  	       histemple_at(mtmp,mtmp->mx,mtmp->my))
334.  		return(mtmp);
335.  	for(mtmp = fdmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon)
336.  	    if(mtmp->ispriest && (EPRI(mtmp)->shroom == roomno) &&
337.  	       histemple_at(mtmp,mtmp->mx,mtmp->my))
338.  		return(mtmp);
339.  	return (struct monst *)0;
340.  }
342.  /* called from check_special_room() when the player enters the temple room */
343.  void
344.  intemple(roomno)
345.  register int roomno;
346.  {
347.  	register struct monst *priest = findpriest((char)roomno);
348.  	boolean tended = (priest != (struct monst *)0);
349.  	boolean shrined = (tended && has_shrine(priest));
350.  	boolean sanctum = (tended && priest->data == &mons[PM_HIGH_PRIEST] &&
351.  			    (Is_sanctum(&u.uz) || In_endgame(&u.uz)));
353.  	if(!temple_occupied(u.urooms0)) {
354.  	    if(tended) {
355.  		pline("%s intones:",
356.  		      (!Blind ? Monnam(priest) : "A nearby voice"));
357.  		if(sanctum && Is_sanctum(&u.uz)) {
358.  		    if(priest->mpeaceful) {
359.  			  verbalize("Infidel, you entered Moloch's Sanctum!");
360.  			  verbalize("Be gone!");
361.  			  priest->mpeaceful = 0;
362.  			  set_malign(priest);
363.  		    } else
364.  		      verbalize("You desecrate this place by your presence!");
365.  		} else verbalize("Pilgrim, you enter a%s place!",
366.  			   !shrined ? " desecrated" :
367.  			   " sacred");
368.  		if(!sanctum) {
369.  		    /* !tended -> !shrined */
370.  		    if(!shrined || !p_coaligned(priest) ||
371.  						   u.ualign.record < -5)
372.  			You("have a%s forbidding feeling...",
373.  				(!shrined) ? "" : " strange");
374.  		    else You("experience a strange sense of peace.");
375.  		}
376.  	    } else {
377.  		switch(rn2(3)) {
378.  		  case 0: You("have an eerie feeling..."); break;
379.  		  case 1: You("feel like you are being watched."); break;
380.  		  default: pline("A shiver runs down your spine."); break;
381.  		}
382.  		if(!rn2(5)) {
383.  		    struct monst *mtmp;
385.  		    if(!(mtmp = makemon(&mons[PM_GHOST],u.ux,u.uy))) return;
386.  		    pline("An enormous ghost appears next to you!");
387.  		    mtmp->mpeaceful = 0;
388.  		    set_malign(mtmp);
389.  		    if(flags.verbose)
390.  			You("are frightened to death, and unable to move.");
391.  		    nomul(-3);
392.  		    nomovemsg = "You regain your composure.";
393.  	       }
394.  	   }
395.         }
396.  }
398.  void
399.  priest_talk(priest)
400.  register struct monst *priest;
401.  {
402.  	boolean coaligned = p_coaligned(priest);
403.  	boolean strayed = (u.ualign.record < 0);
405.  	if(priest->mflee || (!priest->ispriest && coaligned && strayed)) {
406.  	    pline("%s doesn't want anything to do with you!",
407.  				Monnam(priest));
408.  	    priest->mpeaceful = 0;
409.  	    return;
410.  	}
412.  	/* priests don't chat unless peaceful and in their own temple */
413.  	if(!histemple_at(priest,priest->mx,priest->my) ||
414.  		 !priest->mpeaceful || !priest->mcanmove || priest->msleep) {
415.  	    if(!priest->mcanmove || priest->msleep) {
416.  		pline("%s breaks out of %s reverie!",
417.  			humanoid(priest->data)
418.  				? (priest->female ? "her" : "his")
419.  				: "its",
420.  			Monnam(priest));
421.  		priest->mfrozen = priest->msleep = 0;
422.  		priest->mcanmove = 1;
423.  	    }
424.  	    priest->mpeaceful = 0;
425.  	    switch(rn2(3)) {
426.  		case 0:
427.  		   verbalize("Thou wouldst have words, eh?  I'll give thee a word or two!");
428.  		   break;
429.  		case 1:
430.  		   verbalize("Talk?  Here is what I have to say!");
431.  		   break;
432.  		default:
433.  		   verbalize("Pilgrim, I have lost mine desire to talk.");
434.  		   break;
435.  	    }
436.  	    return;
437.  	}
439.  	/* you desecrated the temple and now you want to chat? */
440.  	if(priest->mpeaceful && *in_rooms(priest->mx, priest->my, TEMPLE) &&
441.  		  !has_shrine(priest)) {
442.  	    verbalize("Begone!  Thou desecratest this holy place with thy presence.");
443.  	    priest->mpeaceful = 0;
444.  	    return;
445.  	}
447.  	if(!u.ugold) {
448.  	    if(coaligned && !strayed) {
449.  		if (priest->mgold > 0L) {
450.  		    /* Note: two bits is actually 25 cents.  Hmm. */
451.  		    pline("%s gives you %s for an ale.", Monnam(priest),
452.  			(priest->mgold == 1L) ? "one bit" : "two bits");
453.  		    if (priest->mgold > 1L)
454.  			u.ugold = 2L;
455.  		    else
456.  			u.ugold = 1L;
457.  		    priest->mgold -= u.ugold;
458.  		    flags.botl = 1;
459.  		} else
460.  		    pline("%s preaches the virtues of poverty.", Monnam(priest));
461.  		exercise(A_WIS, TRUE);
462.  	    } else
463.  		pline("%s is not interested.", Monnam(priest));
464.  	    return;
465.  	} else {
466.  	    long offer;
468.  	    pline("%s asks you for a contribution for the temple.",
469.  			Monnam(priest));
470.  	    if((offer = bribe(priest)) == 0) {
471.  		verbalize("Thou shalt regret thine action!");
472.  		if(coaligned) u.ualign.record--;
473.  	    } else if(offer < (u.ulevel * 200)) {
474.  		if(u.ugold > (offer * 2L)) verbalize("Cheapskate.");
475.  		else {
476.  		    verbalize("I thank thee for thy contribution.");
477.  		    /*  give player some token  */
478.  		    exercise(A_WIS, TRUE);
479.  		}
480.  	    } else if(offer < (u.ulevel * 400)) {
481.  		verbalize("Thou art indeed a pious individual.");
482.  		if(u.ugold < (offer * 2L)) {
483.  		    if(coaligned && u.ualign.record < -5) u.ualign.record++;
484.  		    verbalize("I bestow upon thee a blessing.");
485.  		    Clairvoyant += rn1(500,500);
486.  		}
487.  	    } else if(offer < (u.ulevel * 600)) {
488.  		verbalize("Thy devotion has been rewarded.");
489.  		if (!(Protection & INTRINSIC))  {
490.  			Protection |= FROMOUTSIDE;
491.  			if (!u.ublessed)  u.ublessed = rn1(3, 2);
492.  		} else u.ublessed++;
493.  	    } else {
494.  		verbalize("Thy selfless generosity is deeply appreciated.");
495.  		if(u.ugold < (offer * 2L) && coaligned) {
496.  		    if(strayed && (moves - u.ucleansed) > 5000L) {
497.  			u.ualign.record = 0; /* cleanse him */
498.  			u.ucleansed = moves;
499.  		    } else {
500.  			u.ualign.record += 2;
501.  		    }
502.  		}
503.  	    }
504.  	}
505.  }
507.  struct monst *
508.  mk_roamer(ptr, alignment, x, y, peaceful)
509.  register struct permonst *ptr;
510.  aligntyp alignment;
511.  xchar x, y;
512.  boolean peaceful;
513.  {
514.  	register struct monst *roamer;
515.  	register boolean coaligned = (u.ualign.type == alignment);
517.  	if (ptr != &mons[PM_ALIGNED_PRIEST] && ptr != &mons[PM_ANGEL])
518.  		return((struct monst *)0);
520.  	if (MON_AT(x, y)) rloc(m_at(x, y));	/* insurance */
522.  	if (!(roamer = makemon(ptr, x, y)))
523.  		return((struct monst *)0);
525.  	EPRI(roamer)->shralign = alignment;
526.  	if (coaligned && !peaceful)
527.  		EPRI(roamer)->renegade = TRUE;
528.  	/* roamer->ispriest == FALSE naturally */
529.  	roamer->isminion = TRUE;	/* borrowing this bit */
530.  	roamer->mtrapseen = ~0;		/* traps are known */
531.  	roamer->mpeaceful = peaceful;
532.  	roamer->msleep = 0;
533.  	set_malign(roamer); /* peaceful may have changed */
535.  	/* MORE TO COME */
536.  	return(roamer);
537.  }
539.  void
540.  reset_hostility(roamer)
541.  register struct monst *roamer;
542.  {
543.          if(!(roamer->isminion && (roamer->data == &mons[PM_ALIGNED_PRIEST] ||
544.  				  roamer->data == &mons[PM_ANGEL])))
545.  	        return;
547.          if(EPRI(roamer)->shralign != u.ualign.type) {
548.  	    roamer->mpeaceful = roamer->mtame = 0;
549.  	    set_malign(roamer);
550.  	}
551.  	newsym(roamer->mx, roamer->my);
552.  }
554.  boolean
555.  in_your_sanctuary(x, y)
556.  xchar x, y;
557.  {
558.  	register char roomno;
559.  	register struct monst *priest;
561.  	if ((u.ualign.record < -5) || !(roomno = temple_occupied(u.urooms)) ||
562.  	    (roomno != *in_rooms(x, y, TEMPLE)) ||
563.  	    !(priest = findpriest(roomno)))
564.  		return(FALSE);
565.  	return(has_shrine(priest) && p_coaligned(priest) && priest->mpeaceful);
566.  }
568.  void
569.  ghod_hitsu(priest) 	/* when attacking "priest" in his temple */
570.  struct monst *priest;
571.  {
572.  	int x, y, ax, ay, roomno = (int)temple_occupied(u.urooms);
573.  	struct mkroom *troom;
575.  	if (!roomno || !has_shrine(priest))
576.  		return;
578.  	ax = x = EPRI(priest)->shrpos.x;
579.  	ay = y = EPRI(priest)->shrpos.y;
580.  	troom = &rooms[roomno - ROOMOFFSET];
582.  	if((u.ux == x && u.uy == y) || !linedup(u.ux, u.uy, x, y)) {
583.  	    if(IS_DOOR(levl[u.ux][u.uy].typ)) {
585.  		if(u.ux == troom->lx - 1) {
586.  		    x = troom->hx;
587.  		    y = u.uy;
588.  		} else if(u.ux == troom->hx + 1) {
589.  		    x = troom->lx;
590.  		    y = u.uy;
591.  		} else if(u.uy == troom->ly - 1) {
592.  		    x = u.ux;
593.  		    y = troom->hy;
594.  		} else if(u.uy == troom->hy + 1) {
595.  		    x = u.ux;
596.  		    y = troom->ly;
597.  		}
598.  	    } else {
599.  		switch(rn2(4)) {
600.  		case 0:  x = u.ux; y = troom->ly; break;
601.  		case 1:  x = u.ux; y = troom->hy; break;
602.  		case 2:  x = troom->lx; y = u.uy; break;
603.  		default: x = troom->hx; y = u.uy; break;
604.  		}
605.  	    }
606.  	    if(!linedup(u.ux, u.uy, x, y)) return;
607.  	}
609.  	switch(rn2(3)) {
610.  	case 0:
611.  	    pline("%s roars in anger:  \"Thou shalt suffer!\"",
612.  			a_gname_at(ax, ay));
613.  	    break;
614.  	case 1:
615.  	    pline("%s voice booms:  \"How darest thou harm my servant!\"",
616.  			s_suffix(a_gname_at(ax, ay)));
617.  	    break;
618.  	default:
619.  	    pline("%s roars:  \"Thou dost profane my shrine!\"",
620.  			a_gname_at(ax, ay));
621.  	    break;
622.  	}
624.  	buzz(-10-(AD_ELEC-1), 6, x, y, sgn(tbx), sgn(tby)); /* bolt of lightning */
625.  	exercise(A_WIS, FALSE);
626.  }
628.  void
629.  angry_priest()
630.  {
631.  	register struct monst *priest;
633.  	if(priest = findpriest(temple_occupied(u.urooms)))
634.  		wakeup(priest);
635.  }
637.  #endif /* OVLB */
639.  /*priest.c*/