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Below is the full text to weapon.c from the source code of NetHack 3.1.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.1.0/weapon.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)weapon.c	3.1	93/01/15	*/
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    /*
6.     *	This module contains code for calculation of "to hit" and damage
7.     *	bonuses for any given weapon used, as well as weapons selection
8.     *	code for monsters.
9.     */
10.   #include	"hack.h"
12.   #ifdef OVLB
14.   static const char NEARDATA kebabable[] = { S_XORN, S_DRAGON, S_NAGA, S_GIANT, 0 };
16.   /*
17.    *	hitval returns an integer representing the "to hit" bonuses
18.    *	of "otmp" against the monster type "ptr".
19.    */
20.   int
21.   hitval(otmp, ptr)
22.   struct	obj *otmp;
23.   struct	permonst *ptr;
24.   {
25.   	int	tmp = 0;
27.   	if (otmp->oclass == WEAPON_CLASS ||
28.   	    otmp->otyp == PICK_AXE || otmp->otyp == UNICORN_HORN)
29.   		tmp += otmp->spe;
31.   /*	Put weapon specific "to hit" bonuses in below:		*/
32.   	tmp += objects[otmp->otyp].oc_hitbon;
34.   /*	Put weapon vs. monster type "to hit" bonuses in below:	*/
36.   	/* Blessed weapons used against undead or demons */
37.   	if(otmp->oclass == WEAPON_CLASS && otmp->blessed &&
38.   	   (is_demon(ptr) || is_undead(ptr))) tmp += 2;
40.   	if(otmp->otyp >= SPEAR && otmp->otyp <= JAVELIN &&
41.   	   index(kebabable, ptr->mlet)) tmp += 2;
43.   	/* Check specially named weapon "to hit" bonuses */
44.   	if (otmp->oartifact) tmp += spec_abon(otmp, ptr);
45.   	return tmp;
46.   }
48.   /*
49.    *	dmgval returns an integer representing the damage bonuses
50.    *	of "otmp" against the monster type "ptr".
51.    */
52.   int
53.   dmgval(otmp, ptr)
54.   struct	obj *otmp;
55.   struct	permonst *ptr;
56.   {
57.   	int	tmp = 0;
59.   	if(otmp->otyp == CREAM_PIE)	return(0);
61.   	if(ptr->msize >= MZ_HUMAN) {
62.   	    if(objects[otmp->otyp].oc_wldam)
63.   		tmp = rnd(objects[otmp->otyp].oc_wldam);
64.   	    switch (otmp->otyp) {
65.   		case CROSSBOW_BOLT:
66.   		case MORNING_STAR:
67.   		case PARTISAN:
68.   		case ELVEN_BROADSWORD:
69.   		case BROADSWORD:	tmp++; break;
71.   		case FLAIL:
72.   		case RANSEUR:
73.   		case VOULGE:		tmp += rnd(4); break;
75.   		case ACID_VENOM:
76.   		case HALBERD:
77.   		case SPETUM:		tmp += rnd(6); break;
79.   		case BATTLE_AXE:
80.   		case BARDICHE:
81.   		case TRIDENT:		tmp += d(2,4); break;
83.   		case TSURUGI:
84.   		case DWARVISH_MATTOCK:
85.   		case TWO_HANDED_SWORD:	tmp += d(2,6); break;
86.   	    }
87.   	} else {
88.   	    if(objects[otmp->otyp].oc_wsdam)
89.   		tmp = rnd(objects[otmp->otyp].oc_wsdam);
90.   	    switch (otmp->otyp) {
91.   		case CROSSBOW_BOLT:
92.   		case MACE:
93.   		case WAR_HAMMER:
94.   		case FLAIL:
95.   		case SPETUM:
96.   		case TRIDENT:		tmp++; break;
98.   		case BATTLE_AXE:
99.   		case BARDICHE:
100.  		case BILL_GUISARME:
101.  		case GUISARME:
102.  		case LUCERN_HAMMER:
103.  		case MORNING_STAR:
104.  		case RANSEUR:
105.  		case BROADSWORD:
106.  		case ELVEN_BROADSWORD:
107.  		case VOULGE:		tmp += rnd(4); break;
109.  		case ACID_VENOM:	tmp += rnd(6); break;
110.  	    }
111.  	}
112.  	if (otmp->oclass == WEAPON_CLASS || otmp->otyp == PICK_AXE
113.  						|| otmp->otyp == UNICORN_HORN)
114.  		tmp += otmp->spe;
116.  	tmp -= otmp->oeroded;
118.  	if (objects[otmp->otyp].oc_material <= LEATHER && thick_skinned(ptr))
119.  		/* thick skinned/scaled creatures don't feel it */
120.  		tmp = 0;
121.  	if (ptr == &mons[PM_SHADE] && objects[otmp->otyp].oc_material != SILVER)
122.  		tmp = 0;
124.  /*	Put weapon vs. monster type damage bonuses in below:	*/
125.  	if(otmp->oclass == WEAPON_CLASS) {
126.  	    if (otmp->blessed && (is_undead(ptr) || is_demon(ptr)))
127.  		tmp += rnd(4);
128.  	    if ((otmp->otyp == AXE || otmp->otyp == BATTLE_AXE)
129.  		&& is_wooden(ptr))
130.  		tmp += rnd(4);
131.  	    if (objects[otmp->otyp].oc_material == SILVER && hates_silver(ptr))
132.  		tmp += rnd(20);
133.  	}
135.  	return(tmp);
136.  }
138.  void
139.  set_uasmon()		/* update the "uasmon" structure */
140.  {
141.  #ifdef POLYSELF
142.  	if(u.umonnum >= 0) uasmon = &mons[u.umonnum];
143.  	else {
144.  #endif
146.  		uasmon = &playermon;
147.  		playermon.mlevel = u.ulevel;
148.  		playermon.ac = u.uac;
149.  		playermon.mr = (u.ulevel > 8) ? 5 * (u.ulevel-7) : u.ulevel;
150.  #ifdef POLYSELF
151.  	}
152.  #endif
153.  	return;
154.  }
156.  #endif /* OVLB */
157.  #ifdef OVL0
159.  #define	Oselect(x)	if((otmp = oselect(mtmp, x))) return(otmp);
161.  static struct obj * FDECL(oselect, (struct monst *,int));
163.  static struct obj *
164.  oselect(mtmp, x)
165.  struct monst *mtmp;
166.  int x;
167.  {
168.  	struct obj *otmp;
170.  	for(otmp=mtmp->minvent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj) {
171.  		if (otmp->otyp == x && touch_artifact(otmp,mtmp))
172.  			return otmp;
173.  	}
174.  	return (struct obj *)0;
175.  }
177.  static const int NEARDATA rwep[] =
182.  	  /* note: CREAM_PIE should NOT be #ifdef KOPS */
183.  	  };
185.  static struct obj *propellor;
187.  struct obj *
188.  select_rwep(mtmp)	/* select a ranged weapon for the monster */
189.  register struct monst *mtmp;
190.  {
191.  	register struct obj *otmp;
192.  	int i;
194.  #ifdef KOPS
195.  	char mlet = mtmp->data->mlet;
196.  #endif
198.  	propellor = &zeroobj;
199.  #ifdef KOPS
200.  	if(mlet == S_KOP)	/* pies are first choice for Kops */
201.  	    Oselect(CREAM_PIE);
202.  #endif
203.  	if(throws_rocks(mtmp->data))	/* ...boulders for giants */
204.  	    Oselect(BOULDER);
205.  	/*
206.  	 * other than these two specific cases, always select the
207.  	 * most potent ranged weapon to hand.
208.  	 */
209.  	for (i = 0; i < SIZE(rwep); i++) {
210.  	    int prop;
212.  	    propellor = &zeroobj;
213.  	    /* shooting gems from slings; this goes just before the darts */
214.  	    if (rwep[i]==DART && !likes_gems(mtmp->data)
215.  			&& (propellor = m_carrying(mtmp, SLING))) {
216.  		for(otmp=mtmp->minvent; otmp; otmp=otmp->nobj) {
217.  		    if(otmp->oclass==GEM_CLASS &&
218.  				(otmp->otyp != LOADSTONE || !otmp->cursed))
219.  			return(otmp);
220.  		}
221.  	    }
222.  	    prop = (objects[rwep[i]]).w_propellor;
223.  	    if (prop > 0) {
224.  		switch (prop) {
225.  		case WP_BOW:
226.  		  propellor = (oselect(mtmp, ELVEN_BOW));
227.  		  if (!propellor) propellor = (oselect(mtmp, BOW));
228.  		  if (!propellor) propellor = (oselect(mtmp, ORCISH_BOW));
229.  		  break;
230.  		case WP_SLING:
231.  		  propellor = (oselect(mtmp, SLING));
232.  		  break;
233.  		case WP_CROSSBOW:
234.  		  propellor = (oselect(mtmp, CROSSBOW));
235.  		}
236.  #ifdef MUSE
237.  		if ((otmp = MON_WEP(mtmp)) && otmp->cursed && otmp != propellor
238.  				&& mtmp->weapon_check == NO_WEAPON_WANTED)
239.  			propellor = 0;
240.  #endif
241.  	    }
242.  	    /* propellor = obj, propellor to use
243.  	     * propellor = &zeroobj, doesn't need a propellor
244.  	     * propellor = 0, needed one and didn't have one
245.  	     */
246.  	    if (propellor != 0) {
247.  		/* Note: cannot use m_carrying for loadstones, since it will
248.  		 * always select the first object of a type, and maybe the
249.  		 * monster is carrying two but only the first is unthrowable.
250.  		 */
251.  		if (rwep[i] != LOADSTONE) {
252.  #ifdef MUSE
253.  			/* Don't throw a cursed weapon-in-hand */
254.  			if ((otmp = oselect(mtmp, rwep[i]))
255.  			    && (!otmp->cursed || otmp != MON_WEP(mtmp)))
256.  				return(otmp);
257.  #else
258.  			Oselect(rwep[i]);
259.  #endif
260.  		} else for(otmp=mtmp->minvent; otmp; otmp=otmp->nobj) {
261.  		    if (otmp->otyp == LOADSTONE && !otmp->cursed)
262.  			return otmp;
263.  		}
264.  	    }
265.  	  }
267.  	/* failure */
268.  	return (struct obj *)0;
269.  }
271.  /* 0 = used by any monster; 1 = only used by strong monsters */
272.  static const struct hwep { short otyp, big; } NEARDATA hwep[] = {
273.  	  {TSURUGI,1}, {RUNESWORD,0},
275.  	  {KATANA,0}, {UNICORN_HORN,1}, {CRYSKNIFE,0},
278.  	  {PARTISAN,1}, {LANCE,1}, {FAUCHARD,1}, {BILL_GUISARME,1},
279.  	  {BEC_DE_CORBIN,1}, {GUISARME,1}, {RANSEUR,1}, {SPETUM,1},
280.  	  {VOULGE,1}, {BARDICHE,0}, {MORNING_STAR,0}, {GLAIVE,0},
283.  	  {ELVEN_SPEAR,0}, {SPEAR,0}, {ORCISH_SPEAR,0}, {FLAIL,0},
284.  	  {QUARTERSTAFF,1}, {JAVELIN,0}, {AKLYS,0}, {CLUB,0}, {PICK_AXE,0},
285.  #ifdef KOPS
286.  	  {RUBBER_HOSE,0},
287.  #endif /* KOPS */
289.  	  {ATHAME,0}, {SCALPEL,0}, {KNIFE,0}, {WORM_TOOTH,0}, {BULLWHIP,0}
290.  	};
292.  struct obj *
293.  select_hwep(mtmp)	/* select a hand to hand weapon for the monster */
294.  register struct monst *mtmp;
295.  {
296.  	register struct obj *otmp;
297.  	register int i;
298.  	register const struct hwep *hw;
299.  	boolean strong = strongmonst(mtmp->data);
301.  	if(is_giant(mtmp->data))	/* giants just love to use clubs */
302.  	    Oselect(CLUB);
304.  	/* only strong monsters can wield big (esp. long) weapons */
305.  	/* all monsters can wield the remaining weapons */
306.  	for (i = 0, hw = hwep; i < SIZE(hwep); i++, hw++)
307.  	    if ((strong || !hw->big) &&
308.  #ifdef MUSE
309.  	      (!objects[hw->otyp].oc_bimanual || !which_armor(mtmp, W_ARMS)) &&
310.  #endif
311.  	(objects[hw->otyp].oc_material != SILVER || !hates_silver(mtmp->data)))
312.  		Oselect(hw->otyp);
314.  	/* failure */
315.  	return (struct obj *)0;
316.  }
318.  #ifdef MUSE
319.  /* Called after polymorphing a monster, robbing it, etc....  Monsters
320.   * otherwise never unwield stuff on their own.  Shouldn't print messages.
321.   */
322.  void
323.  possibly_unwield(mon)
324.  register struct monst *mon;
325.  {
326.  	register struct obj *obj;
327.  	struct obj *otmp, *backobj, *mw_tmp;
329.  	if (!(mw_tmp = MON_WEP(mon)))
330.  		return;
331.  	for(obj=mon->minvent; obj; obj=obj->nobj)
332.  		if (obj == mw_tmp) break;
333.  	if (!obj) { /* The weapon was stolen or destroyed */
334.  		MON_NOWEP(mon);
335.  		mon->weapon_check = NEED_WEAPON;
336.  		return;
337.  	}
338.  	if (!attacktype(mon->data, AT_WEAP)) {
339.  		MON_NOWEP(mon);
340.  		mon->weapon_check = NO_WEAPON_WANTED;
341.  		if (cansee(mon->mx, mon->my)) {
342.  			pline("%s drops %s.", Monnam(mon),
343.  				distant_name(obj, doname));
344.  		}
345.  		backobj = 0;
346.  		for(otmp = mon->minvent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj) {
347.  			/* flooreffects unnecessary, can't wield boulders */
348.  			if (otmp == obj) {
349.  				if (!backobj) mon->minvent = otmp->nobj;
350.  				else backobj->nobj = otmp->nobj;
351.  				place_object(otmp, mon->mx, mon->my);
352.  				otmp->nobj = fobj;
353.  				fobj = otmp;
354.  				stackobj(fobj);
355.  				if(cansee(mon->mx,mon->my))
356.  					newsym(mon->mx, mon->my);
357.  				break;
358.  			}
359.  			backobj = otmp;
360.  		}
361.  		return;
362.  	}
363.  	/* The remaining case where there is a change is where a monster
364.  	 * is polymorphed into a stronger/weaker monster with a different
365.  	 * choice of weapons.  This has no parallel for players.  It can
366.  	 * be handled by waiting until mon_wield_item is actually called.
367.  	 * Though the monster still wields the wrong weapon until then,
368.  	 * this is OK since the player can't see it.
369.  	 * Possible problem: big monster with big cursed weapon gets
370.  	 * polymorphed into little monster.  But it's not quite clear how to
371.  	 * handle this anyway....
372.  	 */
373.  	mon->weapon_check = NEED_WEAPON;
374.  	return;
375.  }
377.  /* Let a monster try to wield a weapon, based on mon->weapon_check.
378.   * Returns 1 if the monster took time to do it, 0 if it did not.
379.   */
380.  int
381.  mon_wield_item(mon)
382.  register struct monst *mon;
383.  {
384.  	struct obj *obj;
386.  	/* This case actually should never happen */
387.  	if (mon->weapon_check == NO_WEAPON_WANTED) return 0;
389.  	switch(mon->weapon_check) {
390.  		case NEED_HTH_WEAPON:
391.  			obj = select_hwep(mon);
392.  			break;
393.  		case NEED_RANGED_WEAPON:
394.  			(void)select_rwep(mon);
395.  			obj = propellor;
396.  			break;
397.  		case NEED_PICK_AXE:
398.  			obj = m_carrying(mon, PICK_AXE);
399.  			break;
400.  		default: impossible("weapon_check %d for %s?",
401.  				mon->weapon_check, mon_nam(mon));
402.  			return 0;
403.  	}
404.  	if (obj && obj != &zeroobj) {
405.  		struct obj *mw_tmp = MON_WEP(mon);
406.  		if (mw_tmp == obj) { /* already wielding it */
407.  			mon->weapon_check = NEED_WEAPON;
408.  			return 0;
409.  		}
410.  		/* Actually, this isn't necessary--as soon as the monster
411.  		 * wields the weapon, the weapon welds itself, so the monster
412.  		 * can know it's cursed and needn't even bother trying.
413.  		 * Still....
414.  		 */
415.  		if (mw_tmp && mw_tmp->cursed) {
416.  		    if (obj->otyp == PICK_AXE) {
417.  			if (canseemon(mon)) {
418.  			    pline("Since %s weapon %s welded to %s hand,",
419.  				s_suffix(mon_nam(mon)),
420.  				(mw_tmp->quan == 1L) ? "is" : "are",
421.  				humanoid(mon->data)
422.  					? (mon->female ? "her" : "his")
423.  					: "its");
424.  			    pline("%s cannot wield that %s.",
425.  				mon_nam(mon), xname(obj));
426.  			    mw_tmp->bknown = 1;
427.  			}
428.  		    } else {
429.  			if (canseemon(mon)) {
430.  			    pline("%s tries to wield %s.", Monnam(mon),
431.  				doname(obj));
432.  			    pline("%s %s %s welded to %s hand!",
433.  				s_suffix(Monnam(mon)), xname(mw_tmp),
434.  				(mw_tmp->quan == 1L) ? "is" : "are",
435.  				humanoid(mon->data)
436.  					? (mon->female ? "her" : "his")
437.  					: "its");
438.  			    mw_tmp->bknown = 1;
439.  			}
440.  		    }
441.  		    mon->weapon_check = NO_WEAPON_WANTED;
442.  		    return 1;
443.  		}
444.  		mon->mw = obj;		/* wield obj */
445.  		mon->weapon_check = NEED_WEAPON;
446.  		if (canseemon(mon)) {
447.  			pline("%s wields %s!", Monnam(mon), doname(obj));
448.  			if (obj->cursed) {
449.  				pline("%s %s to %s hand!",
450.  					The(xname(obj)),
451.  					(obj->quan == 1L) ? "welds itself"
452.  					    : "weld themselves",
453.  					s_suffix(mon_nam(mon)));
454.  				obj->bknown = 1;
455.  			}
456.  		}
457.  		return 1;
458.  	}
459.  	mon->weapon_check = NEED_WEAPON;
460.  	return 0;
461.  }
463.  /* rearrange a monster's inventory so that wielded weapon is first */
464.  void
465.  sort_mwep(mon)
466.  struct monst *mon;
467.  {
468.  	struct obj *otmp, *prev, *mw_tmp = MON_WEP(mon);
470.  	if (!mw_tmp) return;
471.  	for (otmp = mon->minvent, prev = 0; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj) {
472.  		if (otmp == mw_tmp)  break;
473.  		prev = otmp;
474.  	}
475.  	if (!otmp) {
476.  		MON_NOWEP(mon);
477.  	} else if (prev) {
478.  		prev->nobj = otmp->nobj;
479.  		otmp->nobj = mon->minvent;
480.  		mon->minvent = otmp;
481.  	}
482.  }
483.  #endif
485.  int
486.  abon() {	/* attack bonus for strength & dexterity */
487.  	int	sbon;
488.  	register int	str = ACURR(A_STR), dex = ACURR(A_DEX);
490.  #ifdef POLYSELF
491.  	if (u.umonnum >= 0) return(adj_lev(&mons[u.umonnum])-3);
492.  #endif
493.  	if (str < 6) sbon = -2;
494.  	else if (str < 8) sbon = -1;
495.  	else if (str < 17) sbon = 0;
496.  	else if (str < 69) sbon = 1;	/* up to 18/50 */
497.  	else if (str < 118) sbon = 2;
498.  	else sbon = 3;
499.  /*
500.   *	Temporary kludge - make it a bit easier for a low level character
501.   *			   to hit until we tune the game a little better.
502.   */
503.  	sbon += (u.ulevel < 3) ? 1 : 0;
505.  	if (dex < 4) return(sbon-3);
506.  	else if (dex < 6) return(sbon-2);
507.  	else if (dex < 8) return(sbon-1);
508.  	else if (dex < 14) return(sbon);
509.  	else return(sbon + dex-14);
510.  }
512.  #endif /* OVL0 */
513.  #ifdef OVL1
515.  int
516.  dbon() {	/* damage bonus for strength */
517.  	register int	str = ACURR(A_STR);
519.  #ifdef POLYSELF
520.  	if (u.umonnum >= 0) return(0);
521.  #endif
523.  	if (str < 6) return(-1);
524.  	else if (str < 16) return(0);
525.  	else if (str < 18) return(1);
526.  	else if (str == 18) return(2);		/* up to 18 */
527.  	else if (str < 94) return(3);		/* up to 18/75 */
528.  	else if (str < 109) return(4);		/* up to 18/90 */
529.  	else if (str < 118) return(5);		/* up to 18/99 */
530.  	else return(6);
531.  }
533.  #endif /* OVL1 */
535.  /*weapon.c*/