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Latest revision as of 07:51, 4 March 2008

Below is the full text to wield.c from the source code of NetHack 3.1.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.1.0/wield.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)wield.c	3.1	92/12/10	*/
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    #include	"hack.h"
7.    /* elven weapons vibrate warningly when enchanted beyond a limit */
8.    #define is_elven_weapon(optr)	((optr)->otyp == ELVEN_ARROW\
9.    				|| (optr)->otyp == ELVEN_SPEAR\
10.   				|| (optr)->otyp == ELVEN_DAGGER\
11.   				|| (optr)->otyp == ELVEN_SHORT_SWORD\
12.   				|| (optr)->otyp == ELVEN_BROADSWORD\
13.   				|| (optr)->otyp == ELVEN_BOW)
15.   /* Note: setuwep() with a null obj, and uwepgone(), are NOT the same!  Sometimes
16.    * unwielding a weapon can kill you, and lifesaving will then put it back into
17.    * your hand.  If lifesaving is permitted to do this, use
18.    * setwuep((struct obj *)0); otherwise use uwepgone().
19.    */
20.   void
21.   setuwep(obj)
22.   register struct obj *obj;
23.   {
24.   	setworn(obj, W_WEP);
25.   	/* Note: Explicitly wielding a pick-axe will not give a "bashing"
26.   	 * message.  Wielding one via 'a'pplying it will.
27.   	 */
28.   	if (obj)
29.   		unweapon = ((obj->otyp >= BOW || obj->otyp <= BOOMERANG) &&
30.   			obj->otyp != PICK_AXE && obj->otyp != UNICORN_HORN);
31.   	else
32.   		unweapon = TRUE;	/* for "bare hands" message */
33.   }
35.   void
36.   uwepgone()
37.   {
38.   	if (uwep) {
39.   		setnotworn(uwep);
40.   		unweapon = TRUE;
41.   	}
42.   }
44.   static const char NEARDATA wield_objs[] =
47.   int
48.   dowield()
49.   {
50.   	register struct obj *wep;
51.   	register int res = 0;
53.   	multi = 0;
54.   #ifdef POLYSELF
55.   	if (cantwield(uasmon)) {
56.   		pline("Don't be ridiculous!");
57.   		return(0);
58.   	}
59.   #endif
60.   	if (!(wep = getobj(wield_objs, "wield"))) /* nothing */;
61.   	else if (uwep == wep)
62.   		You("are already wielding that!");
63.   	else if (welded(uwep))
64.   		weldmsg(uwep, TRUE);
65.   	else if (wep == &zeroobj) {
66.   	    if (uwep == 0)
67.   		You("are already empty %s.", body_part(HANDED));
68.   	    else  {
69.   	  	You("are empty %s.", body_part(HANDED));
70.   	  	setuwep((struct obj *) 0);
71.   	  	res++;
72.   	    }
73.   	} else if (!uarmg &&
74.   #ifdef POLYSELF
75.   		   !resists_ston(uasmon) &&
76.   #endif
77.   		   (wep->otyp == CORPSE && wep->corpsenm == PM_COCKATRICE)) {
78.   	    /* Prevent wielding cockatrice when not wearing gloves --KAA */
79.   	    You("wield the cockatrice corpse in your bare %s.",
80.   			makeplural(body_part(HAND)));
81.   # ifdef POLYSELF
82.   	    if (!(poly_when_stoned(uasmon) && polymon(PM_STONE_GOLEM)))
83.   # endif
84.   	    {
85.   		You("turn to stone...");
86.   		killer_format = KILLED_BY;
87.   		killer="touching a cockatrice corpse";
88.   		done(STONING);
89.   	    }
90.   	} else if (uarms && bimanual(wep))
91.   	    You("cannot wield a two-handed %s while wearing a shield.",
92.   		is_sword(wep) ? "sword" :
93.   		    wep->otyp == BATTLE_AXE ? "axe" : "weapon");
94.   	else if (wep->owornmask & (W_ARMOR | W_RING | W_AMUL | W_TOOL))
95.   		You("cannot wield that!");
96.   	else if (!wep->oartifact || touch_artifact(wep,&youmonst)) {
97.   		res++;
98.   		if (wep->cursed &&
99.   		    (wep->oclass == WEAPON_CLASS ||
100.  		     wep->otyp == HEAVY_IRON_BALL || wep->otyp == PICK_AXE ||
101.  		     wep->otyp == UNICORN_HORN || wep->otyp == TIN_OPENER)) {
102.  		    const char *tmp = xname(wep), *thestr = "The ";
103.  		    if (strncmp(tmp, thestr, 4) && !strncmp(The(tmp),thestr,4))
104.  			tmp = thestr;
105.  		    else tmp = "";
106.  		    pline("%s%s %s to your %s!",
107.  			tmp, aobjnam(wep, "weld"),
108.  			(wep->quan == 1L) ? "itself" : "themselves", /* a3 */
109.  			body_part(HAND));
110.  		    wep->bknown = TRUE;
111.  		} else {
112.  			/* The message must be printed before setuwep (since
113.  			 * you might die and be revived from changing weapons),
114.  			 * and the message must be before the death message and
115.  			 * Lifesaved rewielding.  Yet we want the message to
116.  			 * say "weapon in hand", thus this kludge.
117.  			 */
118.  			long dummy = wep->owornmask;
119.  			wep->owornmask |= W_WEP;
120.  			prinv(NULL, wep, 0L);
121.  			wep->owornmask = dummy;
122.  		}
123.  		setuwep(wep);
124.  	}
125.  	return(res);
126.  }
128.  void
129.  erode_weapon(acid_dmg)
130.  boolean acid_dmg;
131.  /* Rust weapon, or corrode it if acid damage is called for */
132.  {
133.  	if(!uwep || uwep->oclass != WEAPON_CLASS) return;	/* %% */
134.  	if (uwep->greased) {
135.  		grease_protect(uwep,NULL,FALSE);
136.  	} else if(uwep->oerodeproof ||
137.  	   (acid_dmg ? !is_corrodeable(uwep) : !is_rustprone(uwep))) {
138.  		if (flags.verbose || !(uwep->oerodeproof && uwep->rknown))
139.  		    Your("%s not affected.", aobjnam(uwep, "are"));
140.  		if (uwep->oerodeproof) uwep->rknown = TRUE;
141.  	} else if (uwep->oeroded < MAX_ERODE) {
142.  		Your("%s%s!", aobjnam(uwep, acid_dmg ? "corrode" : "rust"),
143.  		     uwep->oeroded+1 == MAX_ERODE ? " completely" :
144.  		     uwep->oeroded ? " further" : "");
145.  		uwep->oeroded++;
146.  	} else
147.  		if (flags.verbose)
148.  		    Your("%s completely %s.",
149.  			 aobjnam(uwep, Blind ? "feel" : "look"),
150.  			 acid_dmg ? "corroded" : "rusty");
151.  }
153.  int
154.  chwepon(otmp, amount)
155.  register struct obj *otmp;
156.  register int amount;
157.  {
158.  	register const char *color = Hallucination ? hcolor() :
159.  				     (amount < 0) ? Black : blue;
160.  	register const char *xtime;
162.  	if(!uwep || (uwep->oclass != WEAPON_CLASS && uwep->otyp != PICK_AXE
163.  			&& uwep->otyp != UNICORN_HORN)) {
164.  		char buf[36];
166.  		Sprintf(buf, "Your %s %s.", makeplural(body_part(HAND)),
167.  			(amount >= 0) ? "twitch" : "itch");
168.  		strange_feeling(otmp, buf);
169.  		exercise(A_DEX, amount >= 0);
170.  		return(0);
171.  	}
173.  	if(uwep->otyp == WORM_TOOTH && amount >= 0) {
174.  		uwep->otyp = CRYSKNIFE;
175.  		Your("weapon seems sharper now.");
176.  		uwep->cursed = 0;
177.  		return(1);
178.  	}
180.  	if(uwep->otyp == CRYSKNIFE && amount < 0) {
181.  		uwep->otyp = WORM_TOOTH;
182.  		Your("weapon seems duller now.");
183.  		return(1);
184.  	}
186.  	if (amount < 0 && uwep->oartifact && restrict_name(uwep, ONAME(uwep))) {
187.  	    if (!Blind)
188.  		Your("%s %s.", aobjnam(uwep, "faintly glow"), color);
189.  	    return(1);
190.  	}
191.  	/* there is a (soft) upper and lower limit to uwep->spe */
192.  	if(((uwep->spe > 5 && amount >= 0) || (uwep->spe < -5 && amount < 0))
193.  								&& rn2(3)) {
194.  	    if (!Blind)
195.  	    Your("%s %s for a while and then evaporate%s.",
196.  		 aobjnam(uwep, "violently glow"), color,
197.  		 uwep->quan == 1L ? "s" : "");
198.  	    else
199.  		Your("%s.", aobjnam(uwep, "evaporate"));
201.  	    while(uwep)		/* let all of them disappear */
202.  				/* note: uwep->quan = 1 is nogood if unpaid */
203.  		useup(uwep);
204.  	    return(1);
205.  	}
206.  	if (!Blind) {
207.  	    xtime = (amount*amount == 1) ? "moment" : "while";
208.  	    Your("%s %s for a %s.",
209.  		 aobjnam(uwep, amount == 0 ? "violently glow" : "glow"),
210.  		 color, xtime);
211.  	}
212.  	uwep->spe += amount;
213.  	if(amount > 0) uwep->cursed = 0;
215.  	/*
216.  	 * Enchantment, which normally improves a weapon, has an
217.  	 * addition adverse reaction on Magicbane whose effects are
218.  	 * spe dependent.  Give an obscure clue here.
219.  	 */
220.  	if (uwep->oartifact == ART_MAGICBANE && uwep->spe >= 0) {
221.  		Your("right %s %sches!",
222.  			body_part(HAND),
223.  			(((amount > 1) && (uwep->spe > 1)) ? "flin" : "it"));
224.  	}
226.  	/* an elven magic clue, cookie@keebler */
227.  	if ((uwep->spe > 5)
228.  		&& (is_elven_weapon(uwep) || uwep->oartifact || !rn2(7)))
229.  	    Your("%s unexpectedly.",
230.  		aobjnam(uwep, "suddenly vibrate"));
232.  	return(1);
233.  }
235.  int
236.  welded(obj)
237.  register struct obj *obj;
238.  {
239.  	if (obj && obj == uwep && obj->cursed &&
240.  		  (obj->oclass == WEAPON_CLASS ||
241.  		   obj->otyp == HEAVY_IRON_BALL ||
242.  		   obj->otyp == TIN_OPENER || obj->otyp == PICK_AXE ||
243.  		   obj->otyp == UNICORN_HORN))
244.  	{
245.  		obj->bknown = TRUE;
246.  		return 1;
247.  	}
248.  	return 0;
249.  }
251.  /* The reason for "specific" is historical; some parts of the code used
252.   * the object name and others just used "weapon"/"sword".  This function
253.   * replaced all of those.  Which one we use is really arbitrary.
254.   */
255.  void
256.  weldmsg(obj, specific)
257.  register struct obj *obj;
258.  boolean specific;
259.  {
260.  	char buf[BUFSZ];
262.  	if (specific) {
263.  		long savewornmask = obj->owornmask;
264.  		obj->owornmask &= ~W_WEP;
265.  		Strcpy(buf, Doname2(obj));
266.  		obj->owornmask = savewornmask;
267.  	} else
268.  		Sprintf(buf, "Your %s%s",
269.  			is_sword(obj) ? "sword" : "weapon",
270.  			plur(obj->quan));
271.  	Strcat(buf, (obj->quan == 1L) ? " is" : " are");
272.  #ifdef POLYSELF
273.  	Sprintf(eos(buf), " welded to your %s!",
274.  		bimanual(obj) ? (const char *)makeplural(body_part(HAND)) : body_part(HAND));
275.  #else
276.  	Sprintf(eos(buf), " welded to your hand%s!",
277.  		bimanual(obj) ? "s" : "");
278.  #endif
279.  	pline(buf);
280.  }
282.  /*wield.c*/