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Below is the full text to attrib.c from the source code of NetHack 3.3.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.3.0/attrib.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

The NetHack General Public License applies to screenshots, source code and other content from NetHack.

This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)attrib.c	3.3	1999/08/16	*/
2.    /*	Copyright 1988, 1989, 1990, 1992, M. Stephenson		  */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    /*  attribute modification routines. */
7.    #include "hack.h"
8.    #include "artifact.h"
10.   /* #define DEBUG */	/* uncomment for debugging info */
12.   #ifdef OVLB
14.   	/* part of the output on gain or loss of attribute */
15.   static
16.   const char	*plusattr[] = {
17.   	"strong", "smart", "wise", "agile", "tough", "charismatic"
18.   },
19.   		*minusattr[] = {
20.   	"weak", "stupid", "foolish", "clumsy", "vulnerable", "ugly"
21.   };
24.   static
25.   const struct innate {
26.   	schar	ulevel;
27.   	long	*ability;
28.   	const char *gainstr, *losestr;
29.   }	arc_abil[] = { {	 1, &(HStealth), "", "" },
30.   		     {   1, &(HFast), "", "" },
31.   		     {  10, &(HSearching), "perceptive", "" },
32.   		     {	 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
34.   	bar_abil[] = { {	 1, &(HPoison_resistance), "", "" },
35.   		     {   7, &(HFast), "quick", "slow" },
36.   		     {  15, &(HStealth), "stealthy", "" },
37.   		     {	 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
39.   	cav_abil[] = { {	 7, &(HFast), "quick", "slow" },
40.   		     {	15, &(HWarning), "sensitive", "" },
41.   		     {	 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
43.   	hea_abil[] = { {	 1, &(HPoison_resistance), "", "" },
44.   		     {	15, &(HWarning), "sensitive", "" },
45.   		     {	 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
47.   	kni_abil[] = { {	 7, &(HFast), "quick", "slow" },
48.   		     {	 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
50.   	mon_abil[] = { {   1, &(HFast), "", "" },
51.   		     {   1, &(HSleep_resistance), "", "" },
52.   		     {   1, &(HSee_invisible), "", "" },
53.   		     {   3, &(HPoison_resistance), "healthy", "" },
54.   		     {   5, &(HStealth), "stealthy", "" },
55.   		     {   7, &(HWarning), "sensitive", "" },
56.   		     {   9, &(HSearching), "perceptive", "unaware" },
57.   		     {  11, &(HFire_resistance), "cool", "warmer" },
58.   		     {  13, &(HCold_resistance), "warm", "cooler" },
59.   		     {  15, &(HShock_resistance), "insulated", "conductive" },
60.   		     {  17, &(HTeleport_control), "controlled","uncontrolled" },
61.   		     {   0, 0, 0, 0 } },
63.   	pri_abil[] = { {	15, &(HWarning), "sensitive", "" },
64.   		     {  20, &(HFire_resistance), "cool", "warmer" },
65.   		     {	 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
67.   	ran_abil[] = { {   1, &(HSearching), "", "" },
68.   		     {	 7, &(HStealth), "stealthy", "" },
69.   		     {	15, &(HSee_invisible), "", "" },
70.   		     {	 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
72.   	rog_abil[] = { {	 1, &(HStealth), "", ""  },
73.   		     {  10, &(HSearching), "perceptive", "" },
74.   		     {	 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
76.   	sam_abil[] = { {	 1, &(HFast), "", "" },
77.   		     {  15, &(HStealth), "stealthy", "" },
78.   		     {	 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
80.   	tou_abil[] = { {	10, &(HSearching), "perceptive", "" },
81.   		     {	20, &(HPoison_resistance), "hardy", "" },
82.   		     {	 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
84.   	val_abil[] = { {	 1, &(HCold_resistance), "", "" },
85.   		     {	 1, &(HStealth), "", "" },
86.   		     {   7, &(HFast), "quick", "slow" },
87.   		     {	 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
89.   	wiz_abil[] = { {	15, &(HWarning), "sensitive", "" },
90.   		     {  17, &(HTeleport_control), "controlled","uncontrolled" },
91.   		     {	 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
93.   	/* Intrinsics conferred by race */
94.   	elf_abil[] = { {	4, &(HSleep_resistance), "awake", "tired" },
95.   		     {	 0, 0, 0, 0 } },
97.   	orc_abil[] = { {	1, &(HPoison_resistance), "", "" },
98.   		     {	 0, 0, 0, 0 } };
100.  static long next_check = 600L;	/* arbitrary first setting */
101.  STATIC_DCL void NDECL(exerper);
103.  /* adjust an attribute; return TRUE if change is made, FALSE otherwise */
104.  boolean
105.  adjattrib(ndx, incr, msgflg)
106.  	int	ndx, incr;
107.  	int	msgflg;	    /* positive => no message, zero => message, and */
108.  {			    /* negative => conditional (msg if change made) */
109.  	if (Fixed_abil || !incr) return FALSE;
111.  	if ((ndx == A_INT || ndx == A_WIS)
112.  				&& uarmh && uarmh->otyp == DUNCE_CAP) {
113.  		if (msgflg == 0)
114.  		    Your("cap constricts briefly, then relaxes again.");
115.  		return FALSE;
116.  	}
118.  	if (incr > 0) {
119.  	    if ((AMAX(ndx) >= ATTRMAX(ndx)) && (ACURR(ndx) >= AMAX(ndx))) {
120.  		if (msgflg == 0 && flags.verbose)
121.  		    pline("You're already as %s as you can get.",
122.  			  plusattr[ndx]);
123.  		ABASE(ndx) = AMAX(ndx) = ATTRMAX(ndx); /* just in case */
124.  		return FALSE;
125.  	    }
127.  	    ABASE(ndx) += incr;
128.  	    if(ABASE(ndx) > AMAX(ndx)) {
129.  		incr = ABASE(ndx) - AMAX(ndx);
130.  		AMAX(ndx) += incr;
131.  		if(AMAX(ndx) > ATTRMAX(ndx))
132.  		    AMAX(ndx) = ATTRMAX(ndx);
133.  		ABASE(ndx) = AMAX(ndx);
134.  	    }
135.  	} else {
136.  	    if (ABASE(ndx) <= ATTRMIN(ndx)) {
137.  		if (msgflg == 0 && flags.verbose)
138.  		    pline("You're already as %s as you can get.",
139.  			  minusattr[ndx]);
140.  		ABASE(ndx) = ATTRMIN(ndx); /* just in case */
141.  		return FALSE;
142.  	    }
144.  	    ABASE(ndx) += incr;
145.  	    if(ABASE(ndx) < ATTRMIN(ndx)) {
146.  		incr = ABASE(ndx) - ATTRMIN(ndx);
147.  		ABASE(ndx) = ATTRMIN(ndx);
148.  		AMAX(ndx) += incr;
149.  		if(AMAX(ndx) < ATTRMIN(ndx))
150.  		    AMAX(ndx) = ATTRMIN(ndx);
151.  	    }
152.  	}
153.  	if (msgflg <= 0)
154.  	    You_feel("%s%s!",
155.  		  (incr > 1 || incr < -1) ? "very ": "",
156.  		  (incr > 0) ? plusattr[ndx] : minusattr[ndx]);
157.  	flags.botl = 1;
158.  	if (moves > 0 && (ndx == A_STR || ndx == A_CON))
159.  		(void)encumber_msg();
160.  	return TRUE;
161.  }
163.  void
164.  gainstr(otmp, incr)
165.  	register struct obj *otmp;
166.  	register int incr;
167.  {
168.  	int num = 1;
170.  	if(incr) num = incr;
171.  	else {
172.  	    if(ABASE(A_STR) < 18) num = (rn2(4) ? 1 : rnd(6) );
173.  	    else if (ABASE(A_STR) < STR18(85)) num = rnd(10);
174.  	}
175.  	(void) adjattrib(A_STR, (otmp && otmp->cursed) ? -num : num, TRUE);
176.  }
178.  void
179.  losestr(num)	/* may kill you; cause may be poison or monster like 'a' */
180.  	register int num;
181.  {
182.  	int ustr = ABASE(A_STR) - num;
184.  	while(ustr < 3) {
185.  	    ++ustr;
186.  	    --num;
187.  	    if (Upolyd) {
188.  		u.mh -= 6;
189.  		u.mhmax -= 6;
190.  	    } else {
191.  		u.uhp -= 6;
192.  		u.uhpmax -= 6;
193.  	    }
194.  	}
195.  	(void) adjattrib(A_STR, -num, TRUE);
196.  }
198.  void
199.  change_luck(n)
200.  	register schar n;
201.  {
202.  	u.uluck += n;
203.  	if (u.uluck < 0 && u.uluck < LUCKMIN)	u.uluck = LUCKMIN;
204.  	if (u.uluck > 0 && u.uluck > LUCKMAX)	u.uluck = LUCKMAX;
205.  }
207.  int
208.  stone_luck(parameter)
209.  boolean parameter; /* So I can't think up of a good name.  So sue me. --KAA */
210.  {
211.  	register struct obj *otmp;
212.  	register long bonchance = 0;
214.  	for(otmp = invent; otmp; otmp=otmp->nobj)
215.  	    if (otmp->otyp == LUCKSTONE
216.  		|| (otmp->oartifact && spec_ability(otmp, SPFX_LUCK))) {
217.  		if (otmp->cursed) bonchance -= otmp->quan;
218.  		else if (otmp->blessed) bonchance += otmp->quan;
219.  		else if (parameter) bonchance += otmp->quan;
220.  	    }
222.  	return sgn((int)bonchance);
223.  }
225.  /* there has just been an inventory change affecting a luck-granting item */
226.  void
227.  set_moreluck()
228.  {
229.  	int luckbon = stone_luck(TRUE);
231.  	if (!luckbon && !carrying(LUCKSTONE)) u.moreluck = 0;
232.  	else if (luckbon >= 0) u.moreluck = LUCKADD;
233.  	else u.moreluck = -LUCKADD;
234.  }
236.  #endif /* OVLB */
237.  #ifdef OVL1
239.  void
240.  restore_attrib()
241.  {
242.  	int	i;
244.  	for(i = 0; i < A_MAX; i++) {	/* all temporary losses/gains */
246.  	   if(ATEMP(i) && ATIME(i)) {
247.  		if(!(--(ATIME(i)))) { /* countdown for change */
248.  		    ATEMP(i) += ATEMP(i) > 0 ? -1 : 1;
250.  		    if(ATEMP(i)) /* reset timer */
251.  			ATIME(i) = 100 / ACURR(A_CON);
252.  		}
253.  	    }
254.  	}
255.  	(void)encumber_msg();
256.  }
258.  #endif /* OVL1 */
259.  #ifdef OVLB
261.  #define AVAL	50		/* tune value for exercise gains */
263.  void
264.  exercise(i, inc_or_dec)
265.  int	i;
266.  boolean	inc_or_dec;
267.  {
268.  #ifdef DEBUG
269.  	pline("Exercise:");
270.  #endif
271.  	if (i == A_INT || i == A_CHA) return;	/* can't exercise these */
273.  	/* no physical exercise while polymorphed; the body's temporary */
274.  	if (Upolyd && i != A_WIS) return;
276.  	if(abs(AEXE(i)) < AVAL) {
277.  		/*
278.  		 *	Law of diminishing returns (Part I):
279.  		 *
280.  		 *	Gain is harder at higher attribute values.
281.  		 *	79% at "3" --> 0% at "18"
282.  		 *	Loss is even at all levels (50%).
283.  		 *
284.  		 *	Note: *YES* ACURR is the right one to use.
285.  		 */
286.  		AEXE(i) += (inc_or_dec) ? (rn2(19) > ACURR(i)) : -rn2(2);
287.  #ifdef DEBUG
288.  		pline("%s, %s AEXE = %d",
289.  			(i == A_STR) ? "Str" : (i == A_WIS) ? "Wis" :
290.  			(i == A_DEX) ? "Dex" : "Con",
291.  			(inc_or_dec) ? "inc" : "dec", AEXE(i));
292.  #endif
293.  	}
294.  	if (moves > 0 && (i == A_STR || i == A_CON)) (void)encumber_msg();
295.  }
297.  /* hunger values - from eat.c */
298.  #define SATIATED	0
299.  #define NOT_HUNGRY	1
300.  #define HUNGRY		2
301.  #define WEAK		3
302.  #define FAINTING	4
303.  #define FAINTED		5
304.  #define STARVED		6
306.  STATIC_OVL void
307.  exerper()
308.  {
309.  	if(!(moves % 10)) {
310.  		/* Hunger Checks */
312.  		int hs = (u.uhunger > 1000) ? SATIATED :
313.  			 (u.uhunger > 150) ? NOT_HUNGRY :
314.  			 (u.uhunger > 50) ? HUNGRY :
315.  			 (u.uhunger > 0) ? WEAK : FAINTING;
317.  #ifdef DEBUG
318.  		pline("exerper: Hunger checks");
319.  #endif
320.  		switch (hs) {
321.  		    case SATIATED:	exercise(A_DEX, FALSE); break;
322.  		    case NOT_HUNGRY:	exercise(A_CON, TRUE); break;
323.  		    case WEAK:		exercise(A_STR, FALSE); break;
324.  		    case FAINTING:
325.  		    case FAINTED:	exercise(A_CON, FALSE); break;
326.  		}
328.  		/* Encumberance Checks */
329.  #ifdef DEBUG
330.  		pline("exerper: Encumber checks");
331.  #endif
332.  		switch (near_capacity()) {
333.  		    case MOD_ENCUMBER:	exercise(A_STR, TRUE); break;
334.  		    case HVY_ENCUMBER:	exercise(A_STR, TRUE);
335.  					exercise(A_DEX, FALSE); break;
336.  		    case EXT_ENCUMBER:	exercise(A_DEX, FALSE);
337.  					exercise(A_CON, FALSE); break;
338.  		}
340.  	}
342.  	/* status checks */
343.  	if(!(moves % 5)) {
344.  #ifdef DEBUG
345.  		pline("exerper: Status checks");
346.  #endif
347.  		if ((HClairvoyant & (INTRINSIC|TIMEOUT)) &&
348.  			!BClairvoyant)                      exercise(A_WIS, TRUE);
349.  		if (HRegeneration)			exercise(A_STR, TRUE);
351.  		if(Sick || Vomiting)     exercise(A_CON, FALSE);
352.  		if(Confusion || Hallucination)		exercise(A_WIS, FALSE);
353.  		if(Wounded_legs || Fumbling || HStun)	exercise(A_DEX, FALSE);
354.  	}
355.  }
357.  void
358.  exerchk()
359.  {
360.  	int	i, mod_val;
362.  	/*	Check out the periodic accumulations */
363.  	exerper();
365.  #ifdef DEBUG
366.  	if(moves >= next_check)
367.  		pline("exerchk: ready to test. multi = %d.", multi);
368.  #endif
369.  	/*	Are we ready for a test?	*/
370.  	if(moves >= next_check && !multi) {
371.  #ifdef DEBUG
372.  	    pline("exerchk: testing.");
373.  #endif
374.  	    /*
375.  	     *	Law of diminishing returns (Part II):
376.  	     *
377.  	     *	The effects of "exercise" and "abuse" wear
378.  	     *	off over time.  Even if you *don't* get an
379.  	     *	increase/decrease, you lose some of the
380.  	     *	accumulated effects.
381.  	     */
382.  	    for(i = 0; i < A_MAX; AEXE(i++) /= 2) {
384.  		if(ABASE(i) >= 18 || !AEXE(i)) continue;
385.  		if(i == A_INT || i == A_CHA) continue;/* can't exercise these */
387.  #ifdef DEBUG
388.  		pline("exerchk: testing %s (%d).",
389.  			(i == A_STR) ? "Str" : (i == A_WIS) ? "Wis" :
390.  			(i == A_DEX) ? "Dex" : "Con", AEXE(i));
391.  #endif
392.  		/*
393.  		 *	Law of diminishing returns (Part III):
394.  		 *
395.  		 *	You don't *always* gain by exercising.
396.  		 *	[MRS 92/10/28 - Treat Wisdom specially for balance.]
397.  		 */
398.  		if(rn2(AVAL) > ((i != A_WIS) ? abs(AEXE(i)*2/3) : abs(AEXE(i))))
399.  		    continue;
400.  		mod_val = sgn(AEXE(i));
402.  #ifdef DEBUG
403.  		pline("exerchk: changing %d.", i);
404.  #endif
405.  		if(adjattrib(i, mod_val, -1)) {
406.  #ifdef DEBUG
407.  		    pline("exerchk: changed %d.", i);
408.  #endif
409.  		    /* if you actually changed an attrib - zero accumulation */
410.  		    AEXE(i) = 0;
411.  		    /* then print an explanation */
412.  		    switch(i) {
413.  		    case A_STR: You((mod_val >0) ?
414.  				    "must have been exercising." :
415.  				    "must have been abusing your body.");
416.  				break;
417.  		    case A_WIS: You((mod_val >0) ?
418.  				    "must have been very observant." :
419.  				    "haven't been paying attention.");
420.  				break;
421.  		    case A_DEX: You((mod_val >0) ?
422.  				    "must have been working on your reflexes." :
423.  				    "haven't been working on reflexes lately.");
424.  				break;
425.  		    case A_CON: You((mod_val >0) ?
426.  				    "must be leading a healthy life-style." :
427.  				    "haven't been watching your health.");
428.  				break;
429.  		    }
430.  		}
431.  	    }
432.  	    next_check += rn1(200,800);
433.  #ifdef DEBUG
434.  	    pline("exerchk: next check at %ld.", next_check);
435.  #endif
436.  	}
437.  }
439.  /* next_check will otherwise have its initial 600L after a game restore */
440.  void
441.  reset_attribute_clock()
442.  {
443.  	if (moves > 600L) next_check = moves + rn1(50,800);
444.  }
447.  void
448.  init_attr(np)
449.  	register int	np;
450.  {
451.  	register int	i, x, tryct;
454.  	for(i = 0; i < A_MAX; i++) {
455.  	    ABASE(i) = AMAX(i) = urole.attrbase[i];
456.  	    ATEMP(i) = ATIME(i) = 0;
457.  	    np -= urole.attrbase[i];
458.  	}
460.  	tryct = 0;
461.  	while(np > 0 && tryct < 100) {
463.  	    x = rn2(100);
464.  	    for (i = 0; (i < A_MAX) && ((x -= urole.attrdist[i]) > 0); i++) ;
465.  	    if(i >= A_MAX) continue; /* impossible */
467.  	    if(ABASE(i) >= ATTRMAX(i)) {
469.  		tryct++;
470.  		continue;
471.  	    }
472.  	    tryct = 0;
473.  	    ABASE(i)++;
474.  	    AMAX(i)++;
475.  	    np--;
476.  	}
478.  	tryct = 0;
479.  	while(np < 0 && tryct < 100) {		/* for redistribution */
481.  	    x = rn2(100);
482.  	    for (i = 0; (i < A_MAX) && ((x -= urole.attrdist[i]) > 0); i++) ;
483.  	    if(i >= A_MAX) continue; /* impossible */
485.  	    if(ABASE(i) <= ATTRMIN(i)) {
487.  		tryct++;
488.  		continue;
489.  	    }
490.  	    tryct = 0;
491.  	    ABASE(i)--;
492.  	    AMAX(i)--;
493.  	    np++;
494.  	}
495.  }
497.  void
498.  redist_attr()
499.  {
500.  	register int i, tmp;
502.  	for(i = 0; i < A_MAX; i++) {
503.  	    if (i==A_INT || i==A_WIS) continue;
504.  		/* Polymorphing doesn't change your mind */
505.  	    tmp = AMAX(i);
506.  	    AMAX(i) += (rn2(5)-2);
507.  	    if (AMAX(i) > ATTRMAX(i)) AMAX(i) = ATTRMAX(i);
508.  	    if (AMAX(i) < ATTRMIN(i)) AMAX(i) = ATTRMIN(i);
509.  	    ABASE(i) = ABASE(i) * AMAX(i) / tmp;
510.  	    /* ABASE(i) > ATTRMAX(i) is impossible */
511.  	    if (ABASE(i) < ATTRMIN(i)) ABASE(i) = ATTRMIN(i);
512.  	}
513.  	(void)encumber_msg();
514.  }
516.  void
517.  adjabil(oldlevel,newlevel)
518.  int oldlevel, newlevel;
519.  {
520.  	register const struct innate *abil, *rabil;
521.  	long mask = FROMEXPER;
524.  	switch (Role_switch) {
525.  	case PM_ARCHEOLOGIST:   abil = arc_abil;	break;
526.  	case PM_BARBARIAN:      abil = bar_abil;	break;
527.  	case PM_CAVEMAN:        abil = cav_abil;	break;
528.  	case PM_HEALER:         abil = hea_abil;	break;
529.  	case PM_KNIGHT:         abil = kni_abil;	break;
530.  	case PM_MONK:           abil = mon_abil;	break;
531.  	case PM_PRIEST:         abil = pri_abil;	break;
532.  	case PM_RANGER:         abil = ran_abil;	break;
533.  	case PM_ROGUE:          abil = rog_abil;	break;
534.  	case PM_SAMURAI:        abil = sam_abil;	break;
535.  #ifdef TOURIST
536.  	case PM_TOURIST:        abil = tou_abil;	break;
537.  #endif
538.  	case PM_VALKYRIE:       abil = val_abil;	break;
539.  	case PM_WIZARD:         abil = wiz_abil;	break;
540.  	default:                abil = 0;		break;
541.  	}
543.  	switch (Race_switch) {
544.  	case PM_ELF:            rabil = elf_abil;	break;
545.  	case PM_ORC:            rabil = orc_abil;	break;
546.  	case PM_HUMAN:
547.  	case PM_DWARF:
548.  	case PM_GNOME:
549.  	default:                rabil = 0;		break;
550.  	}
552.  	while (abil || rabil) {
553.  	    /* Have we finished with the intrinsics list? */
554.  	    if (!abil || !abil->ability) {
555.  	    	/* Try the race intrinsics */
556.  	    	if (!rabil || !rabil->ability) break;
557.  	    	abil = rabil;
558.  	    	rabil = 0;
559.  	    	mask = FROMRACE;
560.  	    }
562.  		if(oldlevel < abil->ulevel && newlevel >= abil->ulevel) {
563.  			/* Abilities gained at level 1 can never be lost
564.  			 * via level loss, only via means that remove _any_
565.  			 * sort of ability.  A "gain" of such an ability from
566.  			 * an outside source is devoid of meaning, so we set
567.  			 * FROMOUTSIDE to avoid such gains.
568.  			 */
569.  			if (abil->ulevel == 1)
570.  				*(abil->ability) |= (mask|FROMOUTSIDE);
571.  			else
572.  				*(abil->ability) |= mask;
573.  			if(!(*(abil->ability) & INTRINSIC & ~mask)) {
574.  			    if(*(abil->gainstr))
575.  				You_feel("%s!", abil->gainstr);
576.  			}
577.  		} else if (oldlevel >= abil->ulevel && newlevel < abil->ulevel) {
578.  			*(abil->ability) &= ~mask;
579.  			if(!(*(abil->ability) & INTRINSIC)) {
580.  			    if(*(abil->losestr))
581.  				You_feel("%s!", abil->losestr);
582.  			    else if(*(abil->gainstr))
583.  				You_feel("less %s!", abil->gainstr);
584.  			}
585.  		}
586.  	    abil++;
587.  	}
589.  	if (oldlevel > 0) {
590.  	    if (newlevel > oldlevel)
591.  		add_weapon_skill(newlevel - oldlevel);
592.  	    else
593.  		lose_weapon_skill(oldlevel - newlevel);
594.  	}
595.  }
598.  int
599.  newhp()
600.  {
601.  	int	hp, conplus;
604.  	if (u.ulevel == 0) {
605.  	    /* Initialize hit points */
606.  	    hp = urole.hpadv.infix + urace.hpadv.infix;
607.  	    if (urole.hpadv.inrnd > 0) hp += rnd(urole.hpadv.inrnd);
608.  	    if (urace.hpadv.inrnd > 0) hp += rnd(urace.hpadv.inrnd);
610.  	    /* Initialize alignment stuff */
611.  	    u.ualign.type = aligns[flags.initalign].value;
612.  	    u.ualign.record = urole.initrecord;
614.  		return hp;
615.  	} else {
616.  	    if (u.ulevel < urole.xlev) {
617.  	    	hp = urole.hpadv.lofix + urace.hpadv.lofix;
618.  	    	if (urole.hpadv.lornd > 0) hp += rnd(urole.hpadv.lornd);
619.  	    	if (urace.hpadv.lornd > 0) hp += rnd(urace.hpadv.lornd);
620.  	    } else {
621.  	    	hp = urole.hpadv.hifix + urace.hpadv.hifix;
622.  	    	if (urole.hpadv.hirnd > 0) hp += rnd(urole.hpadv.hirnd);
623.  	    	if (urace.hpadv.hirnd > 0) hp += rnd(urace.hpadv.hirnd);
624.  	    }
625.  	}
627.  	switch(ACURR(A_CON)) {
628.  		case	3:	conplus = -2; break;
629.  		case	4:
630.  		case	5:
631.  		case	6:	conplus = -1; break;
632.  		case	15:
633.  		case	16:	conplus = 1; break;
634.  		case	17:	conplus = 2; break;
635.  		case	18:	conplus = 3; break;
636.  		default:	conplus = 0;
637.  	}
638.  	hp += conplus;
639.  	return((hp <= 0) ? 1 : hp);
640.  }
642.  #endif /* OVLB */
643.  #ifdef OVL0
645.  schar
646.  acurr(x)
647.  int x;
648.  {
649.  	register int tmp = (u.abon.a[x] + u.atemp.a[x] + u.acurr.a[x]);
651.  	if (x == A_STR) {
652.  		if (uarmg && uarmg->otyp == GAUNTLETS_OF_POWER) return(125);
653.  #ifdef WIN32_BUG
654.  		else return(x=((tmp >= 125) ? 125 : (tmp <= 3) ? 3 : tmp));
655.  #else
656.  		else return((schar)((tmp >= 125) ? 125 : (tmp <= 3) ? 3 : tmp));
657.  #endif
658.  	} else if (x == A_CHA) {
659.  		if (tmp < 18 && (youmonst.data->mlet == S_NYMPH ||
660.  		    u.umonnum==PM_SUCCUBUS || u.umonnum == PM_INCUBUS))
661.  		    return 18;
662.  	} else if (x == A_INT || x == A_WIS) {
663.  		/* yes, this may raise int/wis if player is sufficiently
664.  		 * stupid.  there are lower levels of cognition than "dunce".
665.  		 */
666.  		if (uarmh && uarmh->otyp == DUNCE_CAP) return(6);
667.  	}
668.  #ifdef WIN32_BUG
669.  	return(x=((tmp >= 25) ? 25 : (tmp <= 3) ? 3 : tmp));
670.  #else
671.  	return((schar)((tmp >= 25) ? 25 : (tmp <= 3) ? 3 : tmp));
672.  #endif
673.  }
675.  /* condense clumsy ACURR(A_STR) value into value that fits into game formulas
676.   */
677.  schar
678.  acurrstr()
679.  {
680.  	register int str = ACURR(A_STR);
682.  	if (str <= 18) return((schar)str);
683.  	if (str <= 121) return((schar)(19 + str / 50)); /* map to 19-21 */
684.  	else return((schar)(str - 100));
685.  }
687.  #endif /* OVL0 */
688.  #ifdef OVL2
690.  /* avoid possible problems with alignment overflow, and provide a centralized
691.   * location for any future alignment limits
692.   */
693.  void
694.  adjalign(n)
695.  register int n;
696.  {
697.  	register int newalign = u.ualign.record + n;
699.  	if(n < 0) {
700.  		if(newalign < u.ualign.record)
701.  			u.ualign.record = newalign;
702.  	} else
703.  		if(newalign > u.ualign.record) {
704.  			u.ualign.record = newalign;
705.  			if(u.ualign.record > ALIGNLIM)
706.  				u.ualign.record = ALIGNLIM;
707.  		}
708.  }
710.  #endif /* OVL2 */
712.  /*attrib.c*/