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Below is the full text to eat.c from the source code of NetHack 3.4.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.4.0/eat.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)eat.c	3.4	2002/01/02	*/
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    #include "hack.h"
6.    /* #define DEBUG */	/* uncomment to enable new eat code debugging */
8.    #ifdef DEBUG
9.    # ifdef WIZARD
10.   #define debugpline	if (wizard) pline
11.   # else
12.   #define debugpline	pline
13.   # endif
14.   #endif
16.   STATIC_PTR int NDECL(eatmdone);
17.   STATIC_PTR int NDECL(eatfood);
18.   STATIC_PTR int NDECL(opentin);
19.   STATIC_PTR int NDECL(unfaint);
21.   #ifdef OVLB
22.   STATIC_DCL const char *FDECL(food_xname, (struct obj *,BOOLEAN_P));
23.   STATIC_DCL void FDECL(choke, (struct obj *));
24.   STATIC_DCL void NDECL(recalc_wt);
25.   STATIC_DCL struct obj *FDECL(touchfood, (struct obj *));
26.   STATIC_DCL void NDECL(do_reset_eat);
27.   STATIC_DCL void FDECL(done_eating, (BOOLEAN_P));
28.   STATIC_DCL void FDECL(cprefx, (int));
29.   STATIC_DCL int FDECL(intrinsic_possible, (int,struct permonst *));
30.   STATIC_DCL void FDECL(givit, (int,struct permonst *));
31.   STATIC_DCL void FDECL(cpostfx, (int));
32.   STATIC_DCL void FDECL(start_tin, (struct obj *));
33.   STATIC_DCL int FDECL(eatcorpse, (struct obj *));
34.   STATIC_DCL void FDECL(start_eating, (struct obj *));
35.   STATIC_DCL void FDECL(fprefx, (struct obj *));
36.   STATIC_DCL void FDECL(fpostfx, (struct obj *));
37.   STATIC_DCL int NDECL(bite);
38.   STATIC_DCL int FDECL(edibility_prompts, (struct obj *));
40.   STATIC_DCL int FDECL(rottenfood, (struct obj *));
41.   STATIC_DCL void NDECL(eatspecial);
42.   STATIC_DCL void FDECL(eataccessory, (struct obj *));
43.   STATIC_DCL const char *FDECL(foodword, (struct obj *));
45.   char msgbuf[BUFSZ];
47.   #endif /* OVLB */
49.   /* hunger texts used on bottom line (each 8 chars long) */
50.   #define SATIATED	0
51.   #define NOT_HUNGRY	1
52.   #define HUNGRY		2
53.   #define WEAK		3
54.   #define FAINTING	4
55.   #define FAINTED		5
56.   #define STARVED		6
58.   /* also used to see if you're allowed to eat cats and dogs */
59.   #define CANNIBAL_ALLOWED() (Role_if(PM_CAVEMAN) || Race_if(PM_ORC))
61.   #ifndef OVLB
63.   STATIC_DCL NEARDATA const char comestibles[];
64.   STATIC_DCL NEARDATA const char allobj[];
65.   STATIC_DCL boolean force_save_hs;
67.   #else
69.   STATIC_OVL NEARDATA const char comestibles[] = { FOOD_CLASS, 0 };
71.   /* Gold must come first for getobj(). */
72.   STATIC_OVL NEARDATA const char allobj[] = {
77.   STATIC_OVL boolean force_save_hs = FALSE;
79.   const char *hu_stat[] = {
80.   	"Satiated",
81.   	"        ",
82.   	"Hungry  ",
83.   	"Weak    ",
84.   	"Fainting",
85.   	"Fainted ",
86.   	"Starved "
87.   };
89.   #endif /* OVLB */
90.   #ifdef OVL1
92.   /*
93.    * Decide whether a particular object can be eaten by the possibly
94.    * polymorphed character.  Not used for monster checks.
95.    */
96.   boolean
97.   is_edible(obj)
98.   register struct obj *obj;
99.   {
100.  	/* protect invocation tools but not Rider corpses (handled elsewhere)*/
101.       /* if (obj->oclass != FOOD_CLASS && obj_resists(obj, 0, 0)) */
102.  	if (objects[obj->otyp].oc_unique)
103.  		return FALSE;
104.  	/* above also prevents the Amulet from being eaten, so we must never
105.  	   allow fake amulets to be eaten either [which is already the case] */
107.  	if (metallivorous(youmonst.data) && is_metallic(obj) &&
108.  	    (youmonst.data != &mons[PM_RUST_MONSTER] || is_rustprone(obj)))
109.  		return TRUE;
110.  	if (u.umonnum == PM_GELATINOUS_CUBE && is_organic(obj) &&
111.  		/* [g.cubes can eat containers and retain all contents
112.  		    as engulfed items, but poly'd player can't do that] */
113.  	    !Has_contents(obj))
114.  		return TRUE;
116.       /* return((boolean)(!!index(comestibles, obj->oclass))); */
117.  	return (boolean)(obj->oclass == FOOD_CLASS);
118.  }
120.  #endif /* OVL1 */
121.  #ifdef OVLB
123.  void
124.  init_uhunger()
125.  {
126.  	u.uhunger = 900;
127.  	u.uhs = NOT_HUNGRY;
128.  }
130.  static const struct { const char *txt; int nut; } tintxts[] = {
131.  	{"deep fried",	 60},
132.  	{"pickled",	 40},
133.  	{"soup made from", 20},
134.  	{"pureed",	500},
135.  #define ROTTEN_TIN 4
136.  	{"rotten",	-50},
137.  #define HOMEMADE_TIN 5
138.  	{"homemade",	 50},
139.  	{"stir fried",   80},
140.  	{"candied",      100},
141.  	{"boiled",       50},
142.  	{"dried",        55},
143.  	{"szechuan",     70},
144.  #define FRENCH_FRIED_TIN 11
145.  	{"french fried", 40},
146.  	{"sauteed",      95},
147.  	{"broiled",      80},
148.  	{"smoked",       50},
149.  	{"", 0}
150.  };
151.  #define TTSZ	SIZE(tintxts)
153.  static NEARDATA struct {
154.  	struct	obj *tin;
155.  	int	usedtime, reqtime;
156.  } tin;
158.  static NEARDATA struct {
159.  	struct	obj *piece;	/* the thing being eaten, or last thing that
160.  				 * was partially eaten, unless that thing was
161.  				 * a tin, which uses the tin structure above,
162.  				 * in which case this should be 0 */
163.  	/* doeat() initializes these when piece is valid */
164.  	int	usedtime,	/* turns spent eating */
165.  		reqtime;	/* turns required to eat */
166.  	int	nmod;		/* coded nutrition per turn */
167.  	Bitfield(canchoke,1);	/* was satiated at beginning */
169.  	/* start_eating() initializes these */
170.  	Bitfield(fullwarn,1);	/* have warned about being full */
171.  	Bitfield(eating,1);	/* victual currently being eaten */
172.  	Bitfield(doreset,1);	/* stop eating at end of turn */
173.  } victual;
175.  static char *eatmbuf = 0;	/* set by cpostfx() */
178.  int
179.  eatmdone()		/* called after mimicing is over */
180.  {
181.  	/* release `eatmbuf' */
182.  	if (eatmbuf) {
183.  	    if (nomovemsg == eatmbuf) nomovemsg = 0;
184.  	    free((genericptr_t)eatmbuf),  eatmbuf = 0;
185.  	}
186.  	/* update display */
187.  	if (youmonst.m_ap_type) {
188.  	    youmonst.m_ap_type = M_AP_NOTHING;
189.  	    newsym(u.ux,u.uy);
190.  	}
191.  	return 0;
192.  }
194.  /* ``[the(] singular(food, xname) [)] with awareness of unique monsters */
195.  STATIC_OVL const char *
196.  food_xname(food, the_pfx)
197.  struct obj *food;
198.  boolean the_pfx;
199.  {
200.  	const char *result;
201.  	int mnum = food->corpsenm;
203.  	if (food->otyp == CORPSE && (mons[mnum].geno & G_UNIQ)) {
204.  	    /* grab xname()'s modifiable return buffer for our own use */
205.  	    char *bufp = xname(food);
206.  	    Sprintf(bufp, "%s%s corpse",
207.  		    (the_pfx && !type_is_pname(&mons[mnum])) ? "the " : "",
208.  		    s_suffix(mons[mnum].mname));
209.  	    result = bufp;
210.  	} else {
211.  	    /* the ordinary case */
212.  	    result = singular(food, xname);
213.  	    if (the_pfx) result = the(result);
214.  	}
215.  	return result;
216.  }
218.  /* Created by GAN 01/28/87
219.   * Amended by AKP 09/22/87: if not hard, don't choke, just vomit.
220.   * Amended by 3.  06/12/89: if not hard, sometimes choke anyway, to keep risk.
221.   *		  11/10/89: if hard, rarely vomit anyway, for slim chance.
222.   */
223.  STATIC_OVL void
224.  choke(food)	/* To a full belly all food is bad. (It.) */
225.  	register struct obj *food;
226.  {
227.  	/* only happens if you were satiated */
228.  	if (u.uhs != SATIATED) {
229.  		if (!food || food->otyp != AMULET_OF_STRANGULATION)
230.  			return;
231.  	} else if (Role_if(PM_KNIGHT) && u.ualign.type == A_LAWFUL) {
232.  			adjalign(-1);		/* gluttony is unchivalrous */
233.  			You_feel("like a glutton!");
234.  	}
236.  	exercise(A_CON, FALSE);
238.  	if (Breathless || (!Strangled && !rn2(20))) {
239.  		/* choking by eating AoS doesn't involve stuffing yourself */
240.  		if (food && food->otyp == AMULET_OF_STRANGULATION) {
241.  			You("choke, but recover your composure.");
242.  			return;
243.  		}
244.  		You("stuff yourself and then vomit voluminously.");
245.  		morehungry(1000);	/* you just got *very* sick! */
246.  		nomovemsg = 0;
247.  		vomit();
248.  	} else {
249.  		killer_format = KILLED_BY_AN;
250.  		/*
251.  		 * Note all "killer"s below read "Choked on %s" on the
252.  		 * high score list & tombstone.  So plan accordingly.
253.  		 */
254.  		if(food) {
255.  			You("choke over your %s.", foodword(food));
256.  			if (food->oclass == GOLD_CLASS) {
257.  				killer = "a very rich meal";
258.  			} else {
259.  				killer = food_xname(food, FALSE);
260.  			}
261.  		} else {
262.  			You("choke over it.");
263.  			killer = "quick snack";
264.  		}
265.  		You("die...");
266.  		done(CHOKING);
267.  	}
268.  }
270.  /* modify object wt. depending on time spent consuming it */
271.  STATIC_OVL void
272.  recalc_wt()
273.  {
274.  	struct obj *piece = victual.piece;
276.  #ifdef DEBUG
277.  	debugpline("Old weight = %d", piece->owt);
278.  	debugpline("Used time = %d, Req'd time = %d",
279.  		victual.usedtime, victual.reqtime);
280.  #endif
281.  	piece->owt = weight(piece);
282.  #ifdef DEBUG
283.  	debugpline("New weight = %d", piece->owt);
284.  #endif
285.  }
287.  void
288.  reset_eat()		/* called when eating interrupted by an event */
289.  {
290.      /* we only set a flag here - the actual reset process is done after
291.       * the round is spent eating.
292.       */
293.  	if(victual.eating && !victual.doreset) {
294.  #ifdef DEBUG
295.  	    debugpline("reset_eat...");
296.  #endif
297.  	    victual.doreset = TRUE;
298.  	}
299.  	return;
300.  }
302.  STATIC_OVL struct obj *
303.  touchfood(otmp)
304.  register struct obj *otmp;
305.  {
306.  	if (otmp->quan > 1L) {
307.  	    if(!carried(otmp))
308.  		(void) splitobj(otmp, otmp->quan - 1L);
309.  	    else
310.  		otmp = splitobj(otmp, 1L);
311.  #ifdef DEBUG
312.  	    debugpline("split object,");
313.  #endif
314.  	}
316.  	if (!otmp->oeaten) {
317.  	    if(((!carried(otmp) && costly_spot(otmp->ox, otmp->oy) &&
318.  		 !otmp->no_charge)
319.  		 || otmp->unpaid) &&
320.  		 (otmp->otyp == CORPSE || objects[otmp->otyp].oc_delay > 1)) {
321.  		/* create a dummy duplicate to put on bill */
322.  		verbalize("You bit it, you bought it!");
323.  		bill_dummy_object(otmp);
324.  	    }
325.  	    otmp->oeaten = (otmp->otyp == CORPSE ?
326.  				mons[otmp->corpsenm].cnutrit :
327.  				objects[otmp->otyp].oc_nutrition);
328.  	}
330.  	if (carried(otmp)) {
331.  	    freeinv(otmp);
332.  	    if (inv_cnt() >= 52) {
333.  		sellobj_state(SELL_DONTSELL);
334.  		dropy(otmp);
335.  		sellobj_state(SELL_NORMAL);
336.  	    } else {
337.  		otmp->oxlth++;		/* hack to prevent merge */
338.  		otmp = addinv(otmp);
339.  		otmp->oxlth--;
340.  	    }
341.  	}
342.  	return(otmp);
343.  }
345.  /* When food decays, in the middle of your meal, we don't want to dereference
346.   * any dangling pointers, so set it to null (which should still trigger
347.   * do_reset_eat() at the beginning of eatfood()) and check for null pointers
348.   * in do_reset_eat().
349.   */
350.  void
351.  food_disappears(obj)
352.  register struct obj *obj;
353.  {
354.  	if (obj == victual.piece) victual.piece = (struct obj *)0;
355.  	if (obj->timed) obj_stop_timers(obj);
356.  }
358.  /* renaming an object usually results in it having a different address;
359.     so the sequence start eating/opening, get interrupted, name the food,
360.     resume eating/opening would restart from scratch */
361.  void
362.  food_substitution(old_obj, new_obj)
363.  struct obj *old_obj, *new_obj;
364.  {
365.  	if (old_obj == victual.piece) victual.piece = new_obj;
366.  	if (old_obj == tin.tin) tin.tin = new_obj;
367.  }
369.  STATIC_OVL void
370.  do_reset_eat()
371.  {
372.  #ifdef DEBUG
373.  	debugpline("do_reset_eat...");
374.  #endif
375.  	if (victual.piece) {
376.  		victual.piece = touchfood(victual.piece);
377.  		recalc_wt();
378.  	}
379.  	victual.fullwarn = victual.eating = victual.doreset = FALSE;
380.  	/* Do not set canchoke to FALSE; if we continue eating the same object
381.  	 * we need to know if canchoke was set when they started eating it the
382.  	 * previous time.  And if we don't continue eating the same object
383.  	 * canchoke always gets recalculated anyway.
384.  	 */
385.  	stop_occupation();
386.  	newuhs(FALSE);
387.  }
390.  int
391.  eatfood()		/* called each move during eating process */
392.  {
393.  	if(!victual.piece ||
394.  	 (!carried(victual.piece) && !obj_here(victual.piece, u.ux, u.uy))) {
395.  		/* maybe it was stolen? */
396.  		do_reset_eat();
397.  		return(0);
398.  	}
399.  	if(!victual.eating) return(0);
401.  	if(++victual.usedtime <= victual.reqtime) {
402.  	    if(bite()) return(0);
403.  	    return(1);	/* still busy */
404.  	} else {	/* done */
405.  	    done_eating(TRUE);
406.  	    return(0);
407.  	}
408.  }
410.  STATIC_OVL void
411.  done_eating(message)
412.  boolean message;
413.  {
414.  	victual.piece->in_use = TRUE;
415.  	occupation = 0; /* do this early, so newuhs() knows we're done */
416.  	newuhs(FALSE);
417.  	if (nomovemsg) {
418.  		if (message) pline(nomovemsg);
419.  		nomovemsg = 0;
420.  	} else if (message)
421.  		You("finish eating %s.", food_xname(victual.piece, TRUE));
423.  	if(victual.piece->otyp == CORPSE)
424.  		cpostfx(victual.piece->corpsenm);
425.  	else
426.  		fpostfx(victual.piece);
428.  	if (carried(victual.piece)) useup(victual.piece);
429.  	else useupf(victual.piece, 1L);
430.  	victual.piece = (struct obj *) 0;
431.  	victual.fullwarn = victual.eating = victual.doreset = FALSE;
432.  }
434.  STATIC_OVL void
435.  cprefx(pm)
436.  register int pm;
437.  {
438.  	if (!CANNIBAL_ALLOWED() && your_race(&mons[pm])) {
439.  		if (Upolyd)
440.  			You("have a bad feeling deep inside.");
441.  		You("cannibal!  You will regret this!");
442.  		HAggravate_monster |= FROMOUTSIDE;
443.  		change_luck(-rn1(4,2));		/* -5..-2 */
444.  	}
446.  	if (touch_petrifies(&mons[pm]) || pm == PM_MEDUSA) {
447.  	    if (!Stone_resistance &&
448.  		!(poly_when_stoned(youmonst.data) && polymon(PM_STONE_GOLEM))) {
449.  		Sprintf(killer_buf, "tasting %s meat", mons[pm].mname);
450.  		killer_format = KILLED_BY;
451.  		killer = killer_buf;
452.  		You("turn to stone.");
453.  		done(STONING);
454.  		if (victual.piece)
455.  		    victual.eating = FALSE;
456.  		return; /* lifesaved */
457.  	    }
458.  	}
460.  	switch(pm) {
461.  	    case PM_LITTLE_DOG:
462.  	    case PM_DOG:
463.  	    case PM_LARGE_DOG:
464.  	    case PM_KITTEN:
465.  	    case PM_HOUSECAT:
466.  	    case PM_LARGE_CAT:
467.  		if (!CANNIBAL_ALLOWED()) {
468.  		    You_feel("that eating the %s was a bad idea.", mons[pm].mname);
469.  		    HAggravate_monster |= FROMOUTSIDE;
470.  		}
471.  		break;
472.  	    case PM_LIZARD:
473.  		if (Stoned) fix_petrification();
474.  		break;
475.  	    case PM_DEATH:
476.  	    case PM_PESTILENCE:
477.  	    case PM_FAMINE:
478.  		{ char buf[BUFSZ];
479.  		    pline("Eating that is instantly fatal.");
480.  		    Sprintf(buf, "unwisely ate the body of %s",
481.  			    mons[pm].mname);
482.  		    killer = buf;
483.  		    killer_format = NO_KILLER_PREFIX;
484.  		    done(DIED);
485.  		    /* It so happens that since we know these monsters */
486.  		    /* cannot appear in tins, victual.piece will always */
487.  		    /* be what we want, which is not generally true. */
488.  		    if (revive_corpse(victual.piece))
489.  			victual.piece = (struct obj *)0;
490.  		    return;
491.  		}
492.  	    case PM_GREEN_SLIME:
493.  		if (!Slimed && !Unchanging &&
494.  			youmonst.data != &mons[PM_FIRE_VORTEX] &&
495.  			youmonst.data != &mons[PM_FIRE_ELEMENTAL] &&
496.  			youmonst.data != &mons[PM_SALAMANDER] &&
497.  			youmonst.data != &mons[PM_GREEN_SLIME]) {
498.  		    You("don't feel very well.");
499.  		    Slimed = 10L;
500.  		    flags.botl = 1;
501.  		}
502.  		/* Fall through */
503.  	    default:
504.  		if (acidic(&mons[pm]) && Stoned)
505.  		    fix_petrification();
506.  		break;
507.  	}
508.  }
510.  void
511.  fix_petrification()
512.  {
513.  	Stoned = 0;
514.  	delayed_killer = 0;
515.  	if (Hallucination)
516.  	    pline("What a pity - you just ruined a future piece of %sart!",
517.  		  ACURR(A_CHA) > 15 ? "fine " : "");
518.  	else
519.  	    You_feel("limber!");
520.  }
522.  /*
523.   * If you add an intrinsic that can be gotten by eating a monster, add it
524.   * to intrinsic_possible() and givit().  (It must already be in prop.h to
525.   * be an intrinsic property.)
526.   * It would be very easy to make the intrinsics not try to give you one
527.   * that you already had by checking to see if you have it in
528.   * intrinsic_possible() instead of givit().
529.   */
531.  /* intrinsic_possible() returns TRUE iff a monster can give an intrinsic. */
532.  STATIC_OVL int
533.  intrinsic_possible(type, ptr)
534.  int type;
535.  register struct permonst *ptr;
536.  {
537.  	switch (type) {
538.  	    case FIRE_RES:
539.  #ifdef DEBUG
540.  		if (ptr->mconveys & MR_FIRE) {
541.  			debugpline("can get fire resistance");
542.  			return(TRUE);
543.  		} else  return(FALSE);
544.  #else
545.  		return(ptr->mconveys & MR_FIRE);
546.  #endif
547.  	    case SLEEP_RES:
548.  #ifdef DEBUG
549.  		if (ptr->mconveys & MR_SLEEP) {
550.  			debugpline("can get sleep resistance");
551.  			return(TRUE);
552.  		} else  return(FALSE);
553.  #else
554.  		return(ptr->mconveys & MR_SLEEP);
555.  #endif
556.  	    case COLD_RES:
557.  #ifdef DEBUG
558.  		if (ptr->mconveys & MR_COLD) {
559.  			debugpline("can get cold resistance");
560.  			return(TRUE);
561.  		} else  return(FALSE);
562.  #else
563.  		return(ptr->mconveys & MR_COLD);
564.  #endif
565.  	    case DISINT_RES:
566.  #ifdef DEBUG
567.  		if (ptr->mconveys & MR_DISINT) {
568.  			debugpline("can get disintegration resistance");
569.  			return(TRUE);
570.  		} else  return(FALSE);
571.  #else
572.  		return(ptr->mconveys & MR_DISINT);
573.  #endif
574.  	    case SHOCK_RES:	/* shock (electricity) resistance */
575.  #ifdef DEBUG
576.  		if (ptr->mconveys & MR_ELEC) {
577.  			debugpline("can get shock resistance");
578.  			return(TRUE);
579.  		} else  return(FALSE);
580.  #else
581.  		return(ptr->mconveys & MR_ELEC);
582.  #endif
583.  	    case POISON_RES:
584.  #ifdef DEBUG
585.  		if (ptr->mconveys & MR_POISON) {
586.  			debugpline("can get poison resistance");
587.  			return(TRUE);
588.  		} else  return(FALSE);
589.  #else
590.  		return(ptr->mconveys & MR_POISON);
591.  #endif
592.  	    case TELEPORT:
593.  #ifdef DEBUG
594.  		if (can_teleport(ptr)) {
595.  			debugpline("can get teleport");
596.  			return(TRUE);
597.  		} else  return(FALSE);
598.  #else
599.  		return(can_teleport(ptr));
600.  #endif
601.  	    case TELEPORT_CONTROL:
602.  #ifdef DEBUG
603.  		if (control_teleport(ptr)) {
604.  			debugpline("can get teleport control");
605.  			return(TRUE);
606.  		} else  return(FALSE);
607.  #else
608.  		return(control_teleport(ptr));
609.  #endif
610.  	    case TELEPAT:
611.  #ifdef DEBUG
612.  		if (telepathic(ptr)) {
613.  			debugpline("can get telepathy");
614.  			return(TRUE);
615.  		} else  return(FALSE);
616.  #else
617.  		return(telepathic(ptr));
618.  #endif
619.  	    default:
620.  		return(FALSE);
621.  	}
622.  	/*NOTREACHED*/
623.  }
625.  /* givit() tries to give you an intrinsic based on the monster's level
626.   * and what type of intrinsic it is trying to give you.
627.   */
628.  STATIC_OVL void
629.  givit(type, ptr)
630.  int type;
631.  register struct permonst *ptr;
632.  {
633.  	register int chance;
635.  #ifdef DEBUG
636.  	debugpline("Attempting to give intrinsic %d", type);
637.  #endif
638.  	/* some intrinsics are easier to get than others */
639.  	switch (type) {
640.  		case POISON_RES:
641.  			if ((ptr == &mons[PM_KILLER_BEE] ||
642.  					ptr == &mons[PM_SCORPION]) && !rn2(4))
643.  				chance = 1;
644.  			else
645.  				chance = 15;
646.  			break;
647.  		case TELEPORT:
648.  			chance = 10;
649.  			break;
650.  		case TELEPORT_CONTROL:
651.  			chance = 12;
652.  			break;
653.  		case TELEPAT:
654.  			chance = 1;
655.  			break;
656.  		default:
657.  			chance = 15;
658.  			break;
659.  	}
661.  	if (ptr->mlevel <= rn2(chance))
662.  		return;		/* failed die roll */
664.  	switch (type) {
665.  	    case FIRE_RES:
666.  #ifdef DEBUG
667.  		debugpline("Trying to give fire resistance");
668.  #endif
669.  		if(!(HFire_resistance & FROMOUTSIDE)) {
670.  			You(Hallucination ? "be chillin'." :
671.  			    "feel a momentary chill.");
672.  			HFire_resistance |= FROMOUTSIDE;
673.  		}
674.  		break;
675.  	    case SLEEP_RES:
676.  #ifdef DEBUG
677.  		debugpline("Trying to give sleep resistance");
678.  #endif
679.  		if(!(HSleep_resistance & FROMOUTSIDE)) {
680.  			You_feel("wide awake.");
681.  			HSleep_resistance |= FROMOUTSIDE;
682.  		}
683.  		break;
684.  	    case COLD_RES:
685.  #ifdef DEBUG
686.  		debugpline("Trying to give cold resistance");
687.  #endif
688.  		if(!(HCold_resistance & FROMOUTSIDE)) {
689.  			You_feel("full of hot air.");
690.  			HCold_resistance |= FROMOUTSIDE;
691.  		}
692.  		break;
693.  	    case DISINT_RES:
694.  #ifdef DEBUG
695.  		debugpline("Trying to give disintegration resistance");
696.  #endif
697.  		if(!(HDisint_resistance & FROMOUTSIDE)) {
698.  			You_feel(Hallucination ?
699.  			    "totally together, man." :
700.  			    "very firm.");
701.  			HDisint_resistance |= FROMOUTSIDE;
702.  		}
703.  		break;
704.  	    case SHOCK_RES:	/* shock (electricity) resistance */
705.  #ifdef DEBUG
706.  		debugpline("Trying to give shock resistance");
707.  #endif
708.  		if(!(HShock_resistance & FROMOUTSIDE)) {
709.  			if (Hallucination)
710.  				You_feel("grounded in reality.");
711.  			else
712.  				Your("health currently feels amplified!");
713.  			HShock_resistance |= FROMOUTSIDE;
714.  		}
715.  		break;
716.  	    case POISON_RES:
717.  #ifdef DEBUG
718.  		debugpline("Trying to give poison resistance");
719.  #endif
720.  		if(!(HPoison_resistance & FROMOUTSIDE)) {
721.  			You_feel(Poison_resistance ?
722.  				 "especially healthy." : "healthy.");
723.  			HPoison_resistance |= FROMOUTSIDE;
724.  		}
725.  		break;
726.  	    case TELEPORT:
727.  #ifdef DEBUG
728.  		debugpline("Trying to give teleport");
729.  #endif
730.  		if(!(HTeleportation & FROMOUTSIDE)) {
731.  			You_feel(Hallucination ? "diffuse." :
732.  			    "very jumpy.");
733.  			HTeleportation |= FROMOUTSIDE;
734.  		}
735.  		break;
736.  	    case TELEPORT_CONTROL:
737.  #ifdef DEBUG
738.  		debugpline("Trying to give teleport control");
739.  #endif
740.  		if(!(HTeleport_control & FROMOUTSIDE)) {
741.  			You_feel(Hallucination ?
742.  			    "centered in your personal space." :
743.  			    "in control of yourself.");
744.  			HTeleport_control |= FROMOUTSIDE;
745.  		}
746.  		break;
747.  	    case TELEPAT:
748.  #ifdef DEBUG
749.  		debugpline("Trying to give telepathy");
750.  #endif
751.  		if(!(HTelepat & FROMOUTSIDE)) {
752.  			You_feel(Hallucination ?
753.  			    "in touch with the cosmos." :
754.  			    "a strange mental acuity.");
755.  			HTelepat |= FROMOUTSIDE;
756.  			/* If blind, make sure monsters show up. */
757.  			if (Blind) see_monsters();
758.  		}
759.  		break;
760.  	    default:
761.  #ifdef DEBUG
762.  		debugpline("Tried to give an impossible intrinsic");
763.  #endif
764.  		break;
765.  	}
766.  }
768.  STATIC_OVL void
769.  cpostfx(pm)		/* called after completely consuming a corpse */
770.  register int pm;
771.  {
772.  	register int tmp = 0;
774.  	/* in case `afternmv' didn't get called for previously mimicking
775.  	   gold, clean up now to avoid `eatmbuf' memory leak */
776.  	if (eatmbuf) (void)eatmdone();
778.  	switch(pm) {
779.  	    case PM_WRAITH:
780.  		pluslvl(FALSE);
781.  		break;
782.  	    case PM_HUMAN_WERERAT:
783.  		u.ulycn = PM_WERERAT;
784.  		break;
785.  	    case PM_HUMAN_WEREJACKAL:
786.  		u.ulycn = PM_WEREJACKAL;
787.  		break;
788.  	    case PM_HUMAN_WEREWOLF:
789.  		u.ulycn = PM_WEREWOLF;
790.  		break;
791.  	    case PM_NURSE:
792.  		if (Upolyd) u.mh = u.mhmax;
793.  		else u.uhp = u.uhpmax;
794.  		flags.botl = 1;
795.  		break;
796.  	    case PM_STALKER:
797.  		if(!Invis) {
798.  			set_itimeout(&HInvis, (long)rn1(100, 50));
799.  		} else {
800.  			if (!(HInvis & INTRINSIC)) You_feel("hidden!");
801.  			HInvis |= FROMOUTSIDE;
802.  			HSee_invisible |= FROMOUTSIDE;
803.  		}
804.  		newsym(u.ux, u.uy);
805.  		/* fall into next case */
806.  	    case PM_YELLOW_LIGHT:
807.  		/* fall into next case */
808.  	    case PM_GIANT_BAT:
809.  		make_stunned(HStun + 30,FALSE);
810.  		/* fall into next case */
811.  	    case PM_BAT:
812.  		make_stunned(HStun + 30,FALSE);
813.  		break;
814.  	    case PM_GIANT_MIMIC:
815.  		tmp += 10;
816.  		/* fall into next case */
817.  	    case PM_LARGE_MIMIC:
818.  		tmp += 20;
819.  		/* fall into next case */
820.  	    case PM_SMALL_MIMIC:
821.  		tmp += 20;
822.  		if (youmonst.data->mlet != S_MIMIC) {
823.  		    char buf[BUFSZ];
824.  		    You_cant("resist the temptation to mimic a pile of gold.");
825.  #ifdef STEED
826.                      /* A pile of gold can't ride. */
827.  		    if (u.usteed) dismount_steed(DISMOUNT_FELL);
828.  #endif
829.  		    nomul(-tmp);
830.  		    Sprintf(buf, "You now prefer mimicking %s again.",
831.  			    an(Upolyd ? youmonst.data->mname : urace.noun));
832.  		    eatmbuf = strcpy((char *) alloc(strlen(buf) + 1), buf);
833.  		    nomovemsg = eatmbuf;
834.  		    afternmv = eatmdone;
835.  		    /* ??? what if this was set before? */
836.  		    youmonst.m_ap_type = M_AP_OBJECT;
837.  		    youmonst.mappearance = GOLD_PIECE;
838.  		    newsym(u.ux,u.uy);
839.  		    curs_on_u();
840.  		    /* make gold symbol show up now */
841.  		    display_nhwindow(WIN_MAP, TRUE);
842.  		}
843.  		break;
844.  	    case PM_QUANTUM_MECHANIC:
845.  		Your("velocity suddenly seems very uncertain!");
846.  		if (HFast & INTRINSIC) {
847.  			HFast &= ~INTRINSIC;
848.  			You("seem slower.");
849.  		} else {
850.  			HFast |= FROMOUTSIDE;
851.  			You("seem faster.");
852.  		}
853.  		break;
854.  	    case PM_LIZARD:
855.  		if (HStun > 2)  make_stunned(2L,FALSE);
856.  		if (HConfusion > 2)  make_confused(2L,FALSE);
857.  		break;
858.  	    case PM_CHAMELEON:
859.  	    case PM_DOPPELGANGER:
860.  	 /* case PM_SANDESTIN: */
861.  		if (!Unchanging) {
862.  		    You_feel("a change coming over you.");
863.  		    polyself(FALSE);
864.  		}
865.  		break;
866.  	    case PM_MIND_FLAYER:
867.  	    case PM_MASTER_MIND_FLAYER:
868.  		if (ABASE(A_INT) < ATTRMAX(A_INT)) {
869.  			if (!rn2(2)) {
870.  				pline("Yum! That was real brain food!");
871.  				(void) adjattrib(A_INT, 1, FALSE);
872.  				break;	/* don't give them telepathy, too */
873.  			}
874.  		}
875.  		else {
876.  			pline("For some reason, that tasted bland.");
877.  		}
878.  		/* fall through to default case */
879.  	    default: {
880.  		register struct permonst *ptr = &mons[pm];
881.  		int i, count;
883.  		if (dmgtype(ptr, AD_STUN) || dmgtype(ptr, AD_HALU) ||
884.  		    pm == PM_VIOLET_FUNGUS) {
885.  			pline ("Oh wow!  Great stuff!");
886.  			make_hallucinated(HHallucination + 200,FALSE,0L);
887.  		}
888.  		if(is_giant(ptr)) gainstr((struct obj *)0, 0);
890.  		/* Check the monster for all of the intrinsics.  If this
891.  		 * monster can give more than one, pick one to try to give
892.  		 * from among all it can give.
893.  		 *
894.  		 * If a monster can give 4 intrinsics then you have
895.  		 * a 1/1 * 1/2 * 2/3 * 3/4 = 1/4 chance of getting the first,
896.  		 * a 1/2 * 2/3 * 3/4 = 1/4 chance of getting the second,
897.  		 * a 1/3 * 3/4 = 1/4 chance of getting the third,
898.  		 * and a 1/4 chance of getting the fourth.
899.  		 *
900.  		 * And now a proof by induction:
901.  		 * it works for 1 intrinsic (1 in 1 of getting it)
902.  		 * for 2 you have a 1 in 2 chance of getting the second,
903.  		 *	otherwise you keep the first
904.  		 * for 3 you have a 1 in 3 chance of getting the third,
905.  		 *	otherwise you keep the first or the second
906.  		 * for n+1 you have a 1 in n+1 chance of getting the (n+1)st,
907.  		 *	otherwise you keep the previous one.
908.  		 * Elliott Kleinrock, October 5, 1990
909.  		 */
911.  		 count = 0;	/* number of possible intrinsics */
912.  		 tmp = 0;	/* which one we will try to give */
913.  		 for (i = 1; i <= LAST_PROP; i++) {
914.  			if (intrinsic_possible(i, ptr)) {
915.  				count++;
916.  				/* a 1 in count chance of replacing the old
917.  				 * one with this one, and a count-1 in count
918.  				 * chance of keeping the old one.  (note
919.  				 * that 1 in 1 and 0 in 1 are what we want
920.  				 * for the first one
921.  				 */
922.  				if (!rn2(count)) {
923.  #ifdef DEBUG
924.  					debugpline("Intrinsic %d replacing %d",
925.  								i, tmp);
926.  #endif
927.  					tmp = i;
928.  				}
929.  			}
930.  		 }
932.  		 /* if any found try to give them one */
933.  		 if (count) givit(tmp, ptr);
934.  	    }
935.  	    break;
936.  	}
937.  	return;
938.  }
940.  void
941.  violated_vegetarian()
942.  {
943.      u.uconduct.unvegetarian++;
944.      if (Role_if(PM_MONK)) {
945.  	You_feel("guilty.");
946.  	adjalign(-1);
947.      }
948.      return;
949.  }
952.  int
953.  opentin()		/* called during each move whilst opening a tin */
954.  {
955.  	register int r;
956.  	const char *what;
957.  	int which;
959.  	if(!carried(tin.tin) && !obj_here(tin.tin, u.ux, u.uy))
960.  					/* perhaps it was stolen? */
961.  		return(0);		/* %% probably we should use tinoid */
962.  	if(tin.usedtime++ >= 50) {
963.  		You("give up your attempt to open the tin.");
964.  		return(0);
965.  	}
966.  	if(tin.usedtime < tin.reqtime)
967.  		return(1);		/* still busy */
968.  	if(tin.tin->otrapped ||
969.  	   (tin.tin->cursed && tin.tin->spe != -1 && !rn2(8))) {
970.  		b_trapped("tin", 0);
971.  		goto use_me;
972.  	}
973.  	You("succeed in opening the tin.");
974.  	if(tin.tin->spe != 1) {
975.  	    if (tin.tin->corpsenm == NON_PM) {
976.  		pline("It turns out to be empty.");
977.  		tin.tin->dknown = tin.tin->known = TRUE;
978.  		goto use_me;
979.  	    }
980.  	    r = tin.tin->cursed ? ROTTEN_TIN :	/* always rotten if cursed */
981.  		    (tin.tin->spe == -1) ? HOMEMADE_TIN :  /* player made it */
982.  			rn2(TTSZ-1);		/* else take your pick */
983.  	    if (r == ROTTEN_TIN && (tin.tin->corpsenm == PM_LIZARD ||
984.  			tin.tin->corpsenm == PM_LICHEN))
985.  		r = HOMEMADE_TIN;		/* lizards don't rot */
986.  	    else if (tin.tin->spe == -1 && !tin.tin->blessed && !rn2(7))
987.  		r = ROTTEN_TIN;			/* some homemade tins go bad */
988.  	    which = 0;	/* 0=>plural, 1=>as-is, 2=>"the" prefix */
989.  	    if (Hallucination) {
990.  		what = rndmonnam();
991.  	    } else {
992.  		what = mons[tin.tin->corpsenm].mname;
993.  		if (mons[tin.tin->corpsenm].geno & G_UNIQ)
994.  		    which = type_is_pname(&mons[tin.tin->corpsenm]) ? 1 : 2;
995.  	    }
996.  	    if (which == 0) what = makeplural(what);
997.  	    pline("It smells like %s%s.", (which == 2) ? "the " : "", what);
998.  	    if (yn("Eat it?") == 'n') {
999.  		if (!Hallucination) tin.tin->dknown = tin.tin->known = TRUE;
1000. 		if (flags.verbose) You("discard the open tin.");
1001. 		goto use_me;
1002. 	    }
1003. 	    /* in case stop_occupation() was called on previous meal */
1004. 	    victual.piece = (struct obj *)0;
1005. 	    victual.fullwarn = victual.eating = victual.doreset = FALSE;
1007. 	    You("consume %s %s.", tintxts[r].txt,
1008. 			mons[tin.tin->corpsenm].mname);
1010. 	    /* KMH, conduct */
1011. 	    u.uconduct.food++;
1012. 	    if (!vegan(&mons[tin.tin->corpsenm]))
1013. 		u.uconduct.unvegan++;
1014. 	    if (!vegetarian(&mons[tin.tin->corpsenm]))
1015. 		violated_vegetarian();
1017. 	    tin.tin->dknown = tin.tin->known = TRUE;
1018. 	    cprefx(tin.tin->corpsenm); cpostfx(tin.tin->corpsenm);
1020. 	    if(((!carried(tin.tin) && costly_spot(tin.tin->ox, tin.tin->oy) &&
1021. 		 !tin.tin->no_charge)
1022. 		|| tin.tin->unpaid)) {
1023. 		verbalize("You open it, you bought it!");
1024. 		bill_dummy_object(tin.tin);
1025. 	    }
1027. 	    /* check for vomiting added by GAN 01/16/87 */
1028. 	    if(tintxts[r].nut < 0) make_vomiting((long)rn1(15,10), FALSE);
1029. 	    else lesshungry(tintxts[r].nut);
1031. 	    if(r == 0 || r == FRENCH_FRIED_TIN) {
1032. 	        /* Assume !Glib, because you can't open tins when Glib. */
1033. 		incr_itimeout(&Glib, rnd(15));
1034. 		pline("Eating deep fried food made your %s very slippery.",
1035. 		      makeplural(body_part(FINGER)));
1036. 	    }
1037. 	} else {
1038. 	    if (tin.tin->cursed)
1039. 		pline("It contains some decaying%s%s substance.",
1040. 			Blind ? "" : " ", Blind ? "" : hcolor(green));
1041. 	    else
1042. 		pline("It contains spinach.");
1044. 	    if (yn("Eat it?") == 'n') {
1045. 		if (!Hallucination && !tin.tin->cursed)
1046. 		    tin.tin->dknown = tin.tin->known = TRUE;
1047. 		if (flags.verbose)
1048. 		    You("discard the open tin.");
1049. 		goto use_me;
1050. 	    }
1052. 	    tin.tin->dknown = tin.tin->known = TRUE;
1053. 	    if(((!carried(tin.tin) && costly_spot(tin.tin->ox, tin.tin->oy) &&
1054. 		 !tin.tin->no_charge)
1055. 		|| tin.tin->unpaid)) {
1056. 		verbalize("You open it, you bought it!");
1057. 		bill_dummy_object(tin.tin);
1058. 	    }
1060. 	    if (!tin.tin->cursed)
1061. 		pline("This makes you feel like %s!",
1062. 		      Hallucination ? "Swee'pea" : "Popeye");
1063. 	    lesshungry(600);
1064. 	    gainstr(tin.tin, 0);
1065. 	    u.uconduct.food++;
1066. 	}
1067. use_me:
1068. 	if (carried(tin.tin)) useup(tin.tin);
1069. 	else useupf(tin.tin, 1L);
1070. 	tin.tin = (struct obj *) 0;
1071. 	return(0);
1072. }
1074. STATIC_OVL void
1075. start_tin(otmp)		/* called when starting to open a tin */
1076. 	register struct obj *otmp;
1077. {
1078. 	register int tmp;
1080. 	if (metallivorous(youmonst.data)) {
1081. 		You("bite right into the metal tin...");
1082. 		tmp = 1;
1083. 	} else if (nolimbs(youmonst.data)) {
1084. 		You("cannot handle the tin properly to open it.");
1085. 		return;
1086. 	} else if (otmp->blessed) {
1087. 		pline_The("tin opens like magic!");
1088. 		tmp = 1;
1089. 	} else if(uwep) {
1090. 		switch(uwep->otyp) {
1091. 		case TIN_OPENER:
1092. 			tmp = 1;
1093. 			break;
1094. 		case DAGGER:
1095. 		case SILVER_DAGGER:
1096. 		case ELVEN_DAGGER:
1097. 		case ORCISH_DAGGER:
1098. 		case ATHAME:
1099. 		case CRYSKNIFE:
1100. 			tmp = 3;
1101. 			break;
1102. 		case PICK_AXE:
1103. 		case AXE:
1104. 			tmp = 6;
1105. 			break;
1106. 		default:
1107. 			goto no_opener;
1108. 		}
1109. 		pline("Using your %s you try to open the tin.",
1110. 			aobjnam(uwep, (char *)0));
1111. 	} else {
1112. no_opener:
1113. 		pline("It is not so easy to open this tin.");
1114. 		if(Glib) {
1115. 			pline_The("tin slips from your %s.",
1116. 			      makeplural(body_part(FINGER)));
1117. 			if(otmp->quan > 1L) {
1118. 			    otmp = splitobj(otmp, 1L);
1119. 			}
1120. 			if (carried(otmp)) dropx(otmp);
1121. 			else stackobj(otmp);
1122. 			return;
1123. 		}
1124. 		tmp = rn1(1 + 500/((int)(ACURR(A_DEX) + ACURRSTR)), 10);
1125. 	}
1126. 	tin.reqtime = tmp;
1127. 	tin.usedtime = 0;
1128. 	tin.tin = otmp;
1129. 	set_occupation(opentin, "opening the tin", 0);
1130. 	return;
1131. }
1133. int
1134. Hear_again()		/* called when waking up after fainting */
1135. {
1136. 	flags.soundok = 1;
1137. 	return 0;
1138. }
1140. /* called on the "first bite" of rotten food */
1141. STATIC_OVL int
1142. rottenfood(obj)
1143. struct obj *obj;
1144. {
1145. 	pline("Blecch!  Rotten %s!", foodword(obj));
1146. 	if(!rn2(4)) {
1147. 		if (Hallucination) You_feel("rather trippy.");
1148. 		else You_feel("rather %s.", body_part(LIGHT_HEADED));
1149. 		make_confused(HConfusion + d(2,4),FALSE);
1150. 	} else if(!rn2(4) && !Blind) {
1151. 		pline("Everything suddenly goes dark.");
1152. 		make_blinded((long)d(2,10),FALSE);
1153. 		if (!Blind) Your(vision_clears);
1154. 	} else if(!rn2(3)) {
1155. 		const char *what, *where;
1156. 		if (!Blind)
1157. 		    what = "goes",  where = "dark";
1158. 		else if (Levitation || Is_airlevel(&u.uz) ||
1159. 			 Is_waterlevel(&u.uz))
1160. 		    what = "you lose control of",  where = "yourself";
1161. 		else
1162. 		    what = "you slap against the", where =
1163. #ifdef STEED
1164. 			   (u.usteed) ? "saddle" :
1165. #endif
1166. 			   surface(u.ux,u.uy);
1167. 		pline_The("world spins and %s %s.", what, where);
1168. 		flags.soundok = 0;
1169. 		nomul(-rnd(10));
1170. 		nomovemsg = "You are conscious again.";
1171. 		afternmv = Hear_again;
1172. 		return(1);
1173. 	}
1174. 	return(0);
1175. }
1177. STATIC_OVL int
1178. eatcorpse(otmp)		/* called when a corpse is selected as food */
1179. 	register struct obj *otmp;
1180. {
1181. 	int tp = 0, mnum = otmp->corpsenm;
1182. 	long rotted = 0L;
1183. 	boolean uniq = !!(mons[mnum].geno & G_UNIQ);
1184. 	int retcode = 0;
1185. 	boolean stoneable = (touch_petrifies(&mons[mnum]) && !Stone_resistance &&
1186. 				!poly_when_stoned(youmonst.data));
1188. 	/* KMH, conduct */
1189. 	if (!vegan(&mons[mnum])) u.uconduct.unvegan++;
1190. 	if (!vegetarian(&mons[mnum])) violated_vegetarian();
1192. 	if (mnum != PM_LIZARD && mnum != PM_LICHEN) {
1193. 		long age = peek_at_iced_corpse_age(otmp);
1195. 		rotted = (monstermoves - age)/(10L + rn2(20));
1196. 		if (otmp->cursed) rotted += 2L;
1197. 		else if (otmp->blessed) rotted -= 2L;
1198. 	}
1200. 	if (mnum != PM_ACID_BLOB && !stoneable && rotted > 5L) {
1201. 		pline("Ulch - that %s was tainted!",
1202. 		      mons[mnum].mlet == S_FUNGUS ? "fungoid vegetation" :
1203. 		      !vegetarian(&mons[mnum]) ? "meat" : "protoplasm");
1204. 		if (Sick_resistance) {
1205. 			pline("It doesn't seem at all sickening, though...");
1206. 		} else {
1207. 			char buf[BUFSZ];
1208. 			long sick_time;
1210. 			sick_time = (long) rn1(10, 10);
1211. 			/* make sure new ill doesn't result in improvement */
1212. 			if (Sick && (sick_time > Sick))
1213. 			    sick_time = (Sick > 1L) ? Sick - 1L : 1L;
1214. 			if (!uniq)
1215. 			    Sprintf(buf, "rotted %s", corpse_xname(otmp,TRUE));
1216. 			else
1217. 			    Sprintf(buf, "%s%s rotted corpse",
1218. 				    !type_is_pname(&mons[mnum]) ? "the " : "",
1219. 				    s_suffix(mons[mnum].mname));
1220. 			make_sick(sick_time, buf, TRUE, SICK_VOMITABLE);
1221. 		}
1222. 		if (carried(otmp)) useup(otmp);
1223. 		else useupf(otmp, 1L);
1224. 		return(2);
1225. 	} else if (acidic(&mons[mnum]) && !Acid_resistance) {
1226. 		tp++;
1227. 		You("have a very bad case of stomach acid."); /* not body_part() */
1228. 		losehp(rnd(15), "acidic corpse", KILLED_BY_AN);
1229. 	} else if (poisonous(&mons[mnum]) && rn2(5)) {
1230. 		tp++;
1231. 		pline("Ecch - that must have been poisonous!");
1232. 		if(!Poison_resistance) {
1233. 			losestr(rnd(4));
1234. 			losehp(rnd(15), "poisonous corpse", KILLED_BY_AN);
1235. 		} else	You("seem unaffected by the poison.");
1236. 	/* now any corpse left too long will make you mildly ill */
1237. 	} else if ((rotted > 5L || (rotted > 3L && rn2(5)))
1238. 					&& !Sick_resistance) {
1239. 		tp++;
1240. 		You_feel("%ssick.", (Sick) ? "very " : "");
1241. 		losehp(rnd(8), "cadaver", KILLED_BY_AN);
1242. 	}
1244. 	/* delay is weight dependent */
1245. 	victual.reqtime = 3 + (mons[mnum].cwt >> 6);
1247. 	if (!tp && mnum != PM_LIZARD && mnum != PM_LICHEN &&
1248. 			(otmp->orotten || !rn2(7))) {
1249. 	    if (rottenfood(otmp)) {
1250. 		otmp->orotten = TRUE;
1251. 		(void)touchfood(otmp);
1252. 		retcode = 1;
1253. 	    }
1255. 	    if (!mons[otmp->corpsenm].cnutrit) {
1256. 		/* no nutrution: rots away, no message if you passed out */
1257. 		if (!retcode) pline_The("corpse rots away completely.");
1258. 		if (carried(otmp)) useup(otmp);
1259. 		else useupf(otmp, 1L);
1260. 		retcode = 2;
1261. 	    }
1263. 	    if (!retcode) consume_oeaten(otmp, 2);	/* oeaten >>= 2 */
1264. 	} else {
1265. 	    pline("%s%s %s!",
1266. 		  !uniq ? "This " : !type_is_pname(&mons[mnum]) ? "The " : "",
1267. 		  food_xname(otmp, FALSE),
1268. 		  (vegan(&mons[mnum]) ?
1269. 		   (!carnivorous(youmonst.data) && herbivorous(youmonst.data)) :
1270. 		   (carnivorous(youmonst.data) && !herbivorous(youmonst.data)))
1271. 		  ? "is delicious" : "tastes terrible");
1272. 	}
1274. 	return(retcode);
1275. }
1277. STATIC_OVL void
1278. start_eating(otmp)		/* called as you start to eat */
1279. 	register struct obj *otmp;
1280. {
1281. #ifdef DEBUG
1282. 	debugpline("start_eating: %lx (victual = %lx)", otmp, victual.piece);
1283. 	debugpline("reqtime = %d", victual.reqtime);
1284. 	debugpline("(original reqtime = %d)", objects[otmp->otyp].oc_delay);
1285. 	debugpline("nmod = %d", victual.nmod);
1286. 	debugpline("oeaten = %d", otmp->oeaten);
1287. #endif
1288. 	victual.fullwarn = victual.doreset = FALSE;
1289. 	victual.eating = TRUE;
1291. 	if (otmp->otyp == CORPSE) {
1292. 	    cprefx(victual.piece->corpsenm);
1293. 	    if (!victual.piece || !victual.eating) {
1294. 		/* rider revived, or died and lifesaved */
1295. 		return;
1296. 	    }
1297. 	}
1299. 	if (bite()) return;
1301. 	if (++victual.usedtime >= victual.reqtime) {
1302. 	    /* print "finish eating" message if they just resumed -dlc */
1303. 	    done_eating(victual.reqtime > 1 ? TRUE : FALSE);
1304. 	    return;
1305. 	}
1307. 	Sprintf(msgbuf, "eating %s", food_xname(otmp, TRUE));
1308. 	set_occupation(eatfood, msgbuf, 0);
1309. }
1312. STATIC_OVL void
1313. fprefx(otmp)		/* called on "first bite" of (non-corpse) food */
1314. struct obj *otmp;
1315. {
1316. 	switch(otmp->otyp) {
1317. 	    case FOOD_RATION:
1318. 		if(u.uhunger <= 200)
1319. 		    pline(Hallucination ? "Oh wow, like, superior, man!" :
1320. 			  "That food really hit the spot!");
1321. 		else if(u.uhunger <= 700) pline("That satiated your %s!",
1322. 						body_part(STOMACH));
1323. 		break;
1324. 	    case TRIPE_RATION:
1325. 		if (carnivorous(youmonst.data) && !humanoid(youmonst.data))
1326. 		    pline("That tripe ration was surprisingly good!");
1327. 		else if (maybe_polyd(is_orc(youmonst.data), Race_if(PM_ORC)))
1328. 		    pline(Hallucination ? "Tastes great! Less filling!" :
1329. 			  "Mmm, tripe... not bad!");
1330. 		else {
1331. 		    pline("Yak - dog food!");
1332. 		    more_experienced(1,0);
1333. 		    newexplevel();
1334. 		    /* not cannibalism, but we use similar criteria
1335. 		       for deciding whether to be sickened by this meal */
1336. 		    if (rn2(2) && !CANNIBAL_ALLOWED())
1337. 			make_vomiting((long)rn1(victual.reqtime, 14), FALSE);
1338. 		}
1339. 		break;
1340. 	    case MEATBALL:
1341. 	    case MEAT_STICK:
1342. 	    case HUGE_CHUNK_OF_MEAT:
1343. 	    case MEAT_RING:
1344. 		goto give_feedback;
1345. 	     /* break; */
1346. 	    case CLOVE_OF_GARLIC:
1347. 		if (is_undead(youmonst.data)) {
1348. 			make_vomiting((long)rn1(victual.reqtime, 5), FALSE);
1349. 			break;
1350. 		}
1351. 		/* Fall through otherwise */
1352. 	    default:
1353. 		if (otmp->otyp==SLIME_MOLD && !otmp->cursed
1354. 			&& otmp->spe == current_fruit)
1355. 		    pline("My, that was a %s %s!",
1356. 			  Hallucination ? "primo" : "yummy",
1357. 			  singular(otmp, xname));
1358. 		else
1359. #ifdef UNIX
1360. 		if (otmp->otyp == APPLE || otmp->otyp == PEAR) {
1361. 		    if (!Hallucination) pline("Core dumped.");
1362. 		    else {
1363. /* This is based on an old Usenet joke, a fake a.out manual page */
1364. 			int x = rnd(100);
1365. 			if (x <= 75)
1366. 			    pline("Segmentation fault -- core dumped.");
1367. 			else if (x <= 99)
1368. 			    pline("Bus error -- core dumped.");
1369. 			else pline("Yo' mama -- core dumped.");
1370. 		    }
1371. 		} else
1372. #endif
1373. #ifdef MAC	/* KMH -- Why should Unix have all the fun? */
1374. 		if (otmp->otyp == APPLE) {
1375. 			pline("Delicious!  Must be a Macintosh!");
1376. 		} else
1377. #endif
1378. 		if (otmp->otyp == EGG && stale_egg(otmp)) {
1379. 		    pline("Ugh.  Rotten egg.");	/* perhaps others like it */
1380. 		    make_vomiting(Vomiting+d(10,4), TRUE);
1381. 		} else
1382.  give_feedback:
1383. 		    pline("This %s is %s", singular(otmp, xname),
1384. 		      otmp->cursed ? (Hallucination ? "grody!" : "terrible!") :
1385. 		      (otmp->otyp == CRAM_RATION
1386. 		      || otmp->otyp == K_RATION
1387. 		      || otmp->otyp == C_RATION)
1388. 		      ? "bland." :
1389. 		      Hallucination ? "gnarly!" : "delicious!");
1390. 		break;
1391. 	}
1393. 	/* KMH, conduct */
1394. 	switch (objects[otmp->otyp].oc_material) {
1395. 	  case WAX: /* let's assume bees' wax */
1396. 	    u.uconduct.unvegan++;
1397. 	    break;
1399. 	  case FLESH:
1400. 	    if (otmp->otyp == EGG) {
1401. 		u.uconduct.unvegan++;
1402. 		break;
1403. 	    }
1404. 	  case LEATHER:
1405. 	  case BONE:
1406. 	  case DRAGON_HIDE:
1407. 	    u.uconduct.unvegan++;
1408. 	    violated_vegetarian();
1409. 	    break;
1411. 	  default:
1412. 	    if (otmp->otyp == PANCAKE ||
1413. 			otmp->otyp == FORTUNE_COOKIE || /* eggs */
1414. 		otmp->otyp == CREAM_PIE || otmp->otyp == CANDY_BAR || /* milk */
1415. 			otmp->otyp == LUMP_OF_ROYAL_JELLY)
1416. 		u.uconduct.unvegan++;
1417. 	    break;
1418. 	}
1419. }
1421. STATIC_OVL void
1422. eataccessory(otmp)
1423. struct obj *otmp;
1424. {
1425. 	int typ = otmp->otyp;
1426. 	long oldprop;
1428. 	/* Note: rings are not so common that this is unbalancing. */
1429. 	/* (How often do you even _find_ 3 rings of polymorph in a game?) */
1430. 	oldprop = u.uprops[objects[typ].oc_oprop].intrinsic;
1431. 	if (otmp == uleft || otmp == uright) {
1432. 	    Ring_gone(otmp);
1433. 	    if (u.uhp <= 0) return; /* died from sink fall */
1434. 	}
1435. 	otmp->known = otmp->dknown = 1; /* by taste */
1436. 	if (!rn2(otmp->oclass == RING_CLASS ? 3 : 5))
1437. 	  switch (otmp->otyp) {
1438. 	    default:
1439. 	        if (!objects[typ].oc_oprop) break; /* should never happen */
1441. 		if (!(u.uprops[objects[typ].oc_oprop].intrinsic & FROMOUTSIDE))
1442. 		    pline("Magic spreads through your body as you digest the %s.",
1443. 			  otmp->oclass == RING_CLASS ? "ring" : "amulet");
1445. 		u.uprops[objects[typ].oc_oprop].intrinsic |= FROMOUTSIDE;
1447. 		switch (typ) {
1448. 		  case RIN_SEE_INVISIBLE:
1449. 		    set_mimic_blocking();
1450. 		    see_monsters();
1451. 		    if (Invis && !oldprop && !ESee_invisible &&
1452. 				!perceives(youmonst.data) && !Blind) {
1453. 			newsym(u.ux,u.uy);
1454. 			pline("Suddenly you can see yourself.");
1455. 			makeknown(typ);
1456. 		    }
1457. 		    break;
1458. 		  case RIN_INVISIBILITY:
1459. 		    if (!oldprop && !EInvis && !BInvis &&
1460. 					!See_invisible && !Blind) {
1461. 			newsym(u.ux,u.uy);
1462. 			Your("body takes on a %s transparency...",
1463. 				Hallucination ? "normal" : "strange");
1464. 			makeknown(typ);
1465. 		    }
1466. 		    break;
1468. 		    rescham();
1469. 		    break;
1470. 		  case RIN_LEVITATION:
1471. 		    /* undo the `.intrinsic |= FROMOUTSIDE' done above */
1472. 		    u.uprops[LEVITATION].intrinsic = oldprop;
1473. 		    if (!Levitation) {
1474. 			float_up();
1475. 			incr_itimeout(&HLevitation, d(10,20));
1476. 			makeknown(typ);
1477. 		    }
1478. 		    break;
1479. 		}
1480. 		break;
1481. 	    case RIN_ADORNMENT:
1482. 		if (adjattrib(A_CHA, otmp->spe, -1))
1483. 		    makeknown(typ);
1484. 		break;
1485. 	    case RIN_GAIN_STRENGTH:
1486. 		if (adjattrib(A_STR, otmp->spe, -1))
1487. 		    makeknown(typ);
1488. 		break;
1489. 	    case RIN_GAIN_CONSTITUTION:
1490. 		if (adjattrib(A_CON, otmp->spe, -1))
1491. 		    makeknown(typ);
1492. 		break;
1493. 	    case RIN_INCREASE_ACCURACY:
1494. 		u.uhitinc += otmp->spe;
1495. 		break;
1496. 	    case RIN_INCREASE_DAMAGE:
1497. 		u.udaminc += otmp->spe;
1498. 		break;
1499. 	    case RIN_PROTECTION:
1500. 		HProtection |= FROMOUTSIDE;
1501. 		u.ublessed += otmp->spe;
1502. 		flags.botl = 1;
1503. 		break;
1504. 	    case RIN_FREE_ACTION:
1505. 		/* Give sleep resistance instead */
1506. 		if (!Sleep_resistance)
1507. 		    You_feel("wide awake.");
1508. 		HSleep_resistance |= FROMOUTSIDE;
1509. 		break;
1510. 	    case AMULET_OF_CHANGE:
1511. 		makeknown(typ);
1512. 		change_sex();
1513. 		You("are suddenly very %s!",
1514. 		    flags.female ? "feminine" : "masculine");
1515. 		flags.botl = 1;
1516. 		break;
1517. 	    case AMULET_OF_STRANGULATION: /* bad idea! */
1518. 		choke(otmp);
1519. 		break;
1520. 	    case AMULET_OF_RESTFUL_SLEEP: /* another bad idea! */
1521. 		HSleeping = FROMOUTSIDE | rnd(100);
1522. 		break;
1524. 	    case AMULET_OF_LIFE_SAVING:
1525. 	    case AMULET_OF_REFLECTION: /* nice try */
1526. 	    /* can't eat Amulet of Yendor or fakes,
1527. 	     * and no oc_prop even if you could -3.
1528. 	     */
1529. 		break;
1530. 	  }
1531. }
1533. STATIC_OVL void
1534. eatspecial() /* called after eating non-food */
1535. {
1536. 	register struct obj *otmp = victual.piece;
1538. 	lesshungry(victual.nmod);
1539. 	victual.piece = (struct obj *)0;
1540. 	victual.eating = 0;
1541. 	if (otmp->oclass == GOLD_CLASS) {
1542. #ifdef GOLDOBJ
1543. 		if (carried(otmp))
1544. 		    useupall(otmp);
1545. 		else
1546. #endif
1547. 		dealloc_obj(otmp);
1548. 		return;
1549. 	}
1550. 	if (otmp->oclass == POTION_CLASS) {
1551. 		otmp->quan++; /* dopotion() does a useup() */
1552. 		(void)dopotion(otmp);
1553. 	}
1554. 	if (otmp->oclass == RING_CLASS || otmp->oclass == AMULET_CLASS)
1555. 		eataccessory(otmp);
1556. 	else if (otmp->otyp == LEASH && otmp->leashmon)
1557. 		o_unleash(otmp);
1559. 	/* KMH -- idea by "Tommy the Terrorist" */
1560. 	if ((otmp->otyp == TRIDENT) && !otmp->cursed)
1561. 	{
1562. 		pline(Hallucination ? "Four out of five dentists agree." :
1563. 				"That was pure chewing satisfaction!");
1564. 		exercise(A_WIS, TRUE);
1565. 	}
1566. 	if ((otmp->otyp == FLINT) && !otmp->cursed)
1567. 	{
1568. 		pline("Yabba-dabba delicious!");
1569. 		exercise(A_CON, TRUE);
1570. 	}
1572. 	if (otmp == uwep && otmp->quan == 1L) uwepgone();
1573. 	if (otmp == uquiver && otmp->quan == 1L) uqwepgone();
1574. 	if (otmp == uswapwep && otmp->quan == 1L) uswapwepgone();
1576. 	if (otmp == uball) unpunish();
1577. 	if (otmp == uchain) unpunish(); /* but no useup() */
1578. 	else if (carried(otmp)) useup(otmp);
1579. 	else useupf(otmp, 1L);
1580. }
1582. /* NOTE: the order of these words exactly corresponds to the
1583.    order of oc_material values #define'd in objclass.h. */
1584. static const char *foodwords[] = {
1585. 	"meal", "liquid", "wax", "food", "meat",
1586. 	"paper", "cloth", "leather", "wood", "bone", "scale",
1587. 	"metal", "metal", "metal", "silver", "gold", "platinum", "mithril",
1588. 	"plastic", "glass", "rich food", "stone"
1589. };
1591. STATIC_OVL const char *
1592. foodword(otmp)
1593. register struct obj *otmp;
1594. {
1595. 	if (otmp->oclass == FOOD_CLASS) return "food";
1596. 	if (otmp->oclass == GEM_CLASS &&
1597. 	    objects[otmp->otyp].oc_material == GLASS &&
1598. 	    otmp->dknown)
1599. 		makeknown(otmp->otyp);
1600. 	return foodwords[objects[otmp->otyp].oc_material];
1601. }
1603. STATIC_OVL void
1604. fpostfx(otmp)		/* called after consuming (non-corpse) food */
1605. register struct obj *otmp;
1606. {
1607. 	switch(otmp->otyp) {
1608. 	    case SPRIG_OF_WOLFSBANE:
1609. 		if (u.ulycn >= LOW_PM || is_were(youmonst.data))
1610. 		    you_unwere(TRUE);
1611. 		break;
1612. 	    case CARROT:
1613. 		make_blinded((long)u.ucreamed,TRUE);
1614. 		break;
1615. 	    case FORTUNE_COOKIE:
1616. 		outrumor(bcsign(otmp), BY_COOKIE);
1617. 		if (!Blind) u.uconduct.literate++;
1618. 		break;
1619. 	    case LUMP_OF_ROYAL_JELLY:
1620. 		/* This stuff seems to be VERY healthy! */
1621. 		gainstr(otmp, 1);
1622. 		if (Upolyd) {
1623. 		    u.mh += otmp->cursed ? -rnd(20) : rnd(20);
1624. 		    if (u.mh > u.mhmax) {
1625. 			if (!rn2(17)) u.mhmax++;
1626. 			u.mh = u.mhmax;
1627. 		    } else if (u.mh <= 0) {
1628. 			rehumanize();
1629. 		    }
1630. 		} else {
1631. 		    u.uhp += otmp->cursed ? -rnd(20) : rnd(20);
1632. 		    if (u.uhp > u.uhpmax) {
1633. 			if(!rn2(17)) u.uhpmax++;
1634. 			u.uhp = u.uhpmax;
1635. 		    } else if (u.uhp <= 0) {
1636. 			killer_format = KILLED_BY_AN;
1637. 			killer = "rotten lump of royal jelly";
1638. 			done(POISONING);
1639. 		    }
1640. 		}
1641. 		if(!otmp->cursed) heal_legs();
1642. 		break;
1643. 	    case EGG:
1644. 		if (touch_petrifies(&mons[otmp->corpsenm])) {
1645. 		    if (!Stone_resistance &&
1646. 			!(poly_when_stoned(youmonst.data) && polymon(PM_STONE_GOLEM))) {
1647. 			if (!Stoned) Stoned = 5;
1648. 			killer_format = KILLED_BY_AN;
1649. 			Sprintf(killer_buf, "%s egg", mons[otmp->corpsenm].mname);
1650. 			delayed_killer = killer_buf;
1651. 		    }
1652. 		}
1653. 		break;
1654. 	    case EUCALYPTUS_LEAF:
1655. 		if (Sick && !otmp->cursed)
1656. 		    make_sick(0L, (char *)0, TRUE, SICK_ALL);
1657. 		if (Vomiting && !otmp->cursed)
1658. 		    make_vomiting(0L, TRUE);
1659. 		break;
1660. 	}
1661. 	return;
1662. }
1664. /*
1665.  * return 0 if the food was not dangerous.
1666.  * return 1 if the food was dangerous and you chose to stop.
1667.  * return 2 if the food was dangerous and you chose to eat it anyway.
1668.  */
1669. STATIC_OVL int
1670. edibility_prompts(otmp)
1671. struct obj *otmp;
1672. {
1673. 	/* blessed food detection granted you a one-use
1674. 	   ability to detect food that is unfit for consumption
1675. 	   or dangerous and avoid it. */
1677. 	char buf[BUFSZ], foodsmell[BUFSZ];
1678. 	char *eat_it_anyway = "Eat it anyway?";
1679. 	boolean cadaver = (otmp->otyp == CORPSE);
1680. 	boolean stoneorslime = FALSE;
1681. 	int material = objects[otmp->otyp].oc_material;
1682. 	long rotted = 0L;
1683. 	int mnum;
1685. #ifdef GCC_WARN
1686. 	mnum = 0;
1687. #endif
1689. 	Strcpy(foodsmell, Tobjnam(otmp, "smell"));
1690. 	if (cadaver || otmp->otyp == EGG || otmp->otyp == TIN) {
1691. 		mnum = otmp->corpsenm;
1692. 		/* These checks must match those in eatcorpse() */
1693. 	  	stoneorslime = (touch_petrifies(&mons[mnum]) &&
1694. 			    !Stone_resistance && !poly_when_stoned(youmonst.data));
1696. 		if (mnum == PM_GREEN_SLIME)
1697. 		    stoneorslime = (!Unchanging &&
1698. 			youmonst.data != &mons[PM_FIRE_VORTEX] &&
1699. 			youmonst.data != &mons[PM_FIRE_ELEMENTAL] &&
1700. 			youmonst.data != &mons[PM_SALAMANDER] &&
1701. 			youmonst.data != &mons[PM_GREEN_SLIME]);
1703. 		if (cadaver && mnum != PM_LIZARD && mnum != PM_LICHEN) {
1704. 			long age = peek_at_iced_corpse_age(otmp);
1705. 			/* worst case rather than random
1706. 			   in this calculation to force prompt */
1707. 			rotted = (monstermoves - age)/(10L + 0 /* was rn2(20) */);
1708. 			if (otmp->cursed) rotted += 2L;
1709. 			else if (otmp->blessed) rotted -= 2L;
1710. 		}
1711. 	}
1713. 	/*
1714. 	 * These problems with food should be checked in
1715. 	 * order from most detrimental to least detrimental.
1716. 	 */
1718. 	if (cadaver && mnum != PM_ACID_BLOB && rotted > 5L && !Sick_resistance) {
1719. 		/* Tainted meat */
1720. 		Sprintf(buf, "%s like it could be tainted! %s",
1721. 		     foodsmell, eat_it_anyway);
1722. 		if (yn_function(buf,ynchars,'n')=='n') return 1;
1723. 		else return 2;
1724. 	}
1725. 	if (stoneorslime) {
1726. 		Sprintf(buf, "%s like it could be something very dangerous! %s",
1727. 		     foodsmell, eat_it_anyway);
1728. 		if (yn_function(buf,ynchars,'n')=='n') return 1;
1729. 		else return 2;
1730. 	}
1731. 	if (otmp->orotten || (cadaver && rotted > 3L)) {
1732. 		/* Rotten */
1733. 		Sprintf(buf, "%s like it could be rotten! %s",
1734. 			foodsmell, eat_it_anyway);
1735. 		if (yn_function(buf,ynchars,'n')=='n') return 1;
1736. 		else return 2;
1737. 	}
1738. 	if (cadaver && poisonous(&mons[mnum]) && !Poison_resistance) {
1739. 		/* poisonous */
1740. 		Sprintf(buf, "%s like it might be poisonous! %s",
1741. 			foodsmell, eat_it_anyway);
1742. 		if (yn_function(buf,ynchars,'n')=='n') return 1;
1743. 		else return 2;
1744. 	}
1745. 	if (cadaver && !vegetarian(&mons[mnum]) &&
1746. 	    !u.uconduct.unvegetarian && Role_if(PM_MONK)) {
1747. 		Sprintf(buf, "%s unhealthy. %s",
1748. 			foodsmell, eat_it_anyway);
1749. 		if (yn_function(buf,ynchars,'n')=='n') return 1;
1750. 		else return 2;
1751. 	}
1752. 	if (cadaver && acidic(&mons[mnum]) && !Acid_resistance) {
1753. 		Sprintf(buf, "%s rather acidic. %s",
1754. 			foodsmell, eat_it_anyway);
1755. 		if (yn_function(buf,ynchars,'n')=='n') return 1;
1756. 		else return 2;
1757. 	}
1758. 	if (Upolyd &&
1759. 	    (u.umonnum == PM_RUST_MONSTER && is_metallic(otmp) && otmp->oerodeproof)) {
1760. 		Sprintf(buf, "%s disgusting to you right now. %s",
1761. 			foodsmell, eat_it_anyway);
1762. 		if (yn_function(buf,ynchars,'n')=='n') return 1;
1763. 		else return 2;
1764. 	}
1766. 	/*
1767. 	 * Breaks conduct, but otherwise safe.
1768. 	 */
1770. 	if (!u.uconduct.unvegan &&
1771. 	    ((material == LEATHER || material == BONE ||
1772. 	      material == DRAGON_HIDE || material == WAX) ||
1773. 	     (cadaver && !vegan(&mons[mnum])))) {
1774. 		Sprintf(buf, "%s foul and unfamiliar to you. %s",
1775. 			foodsmell, eat_it_anyway);
1776. 		if (yn_function(buf,ynchars,'n')=='n') return 1;
1777. 		else return 2;
1778. 	}
1779. 	if (!u.uconduct.unvegetarian &&
1780. 	    ((material == LEATHER || material == BONE || material == DRAGON_HIDE) ||
1781. 	     (cadaver && !vegetarian(&mons[mnum])))) {
1782. 		Sprintf(buf, "%s unfamiliar to you. %s",
1783. 			foodsmell, eat_it_anyway);
1784. 		if (yn_function(buf,ynchars,'n')=='n') return 1;
1785. 		else return 2;
1786. 	}
1788. 	if (cadaver && mnum != PM_ACID_BLOB && rotted > 5L && Sick_resistance) {
1789. 		/* Tainted meat with Sick_resistance */
1790. 		Sprintf(buf, "%s like it could be tainted! %s",
1791. 		     foodsmell, eat_it_anyway);
1792. 		if (yn_function(buf,ynchars,'n')=='n') return 1;
1793. 		else return 2;
1794. 	}
1795. 	return 0;
1796. }
1798. int
1799. doeat()		/* generic "eat" command funtion (see cmd.c) */
1800. {
1801. 	register struct obj *otmp;
1802. 	int basenutrit;			/* nutrition of full item */
1803. 	boolean dont_start = FALSE;
1805. 	if (Strangled) {
1806. 		pline("If you can't breathe air, how can you consume solids?");
1807. 		return 0;
1808. 	}
1809. 	if (!(otmp = floorfood("eat", 0))) return 0;
1810. 	if (check_capacity((char *)0)) return 0;
1812. 	if (u.uedibility) {
1813. 		int res = edibility_prompts(otmp);
1814. 		if (res) {
1815. 		    Your("%s stops tingling and your sense of smell returns to normal.",
1816. 			body_part(NOSE));
1817. 		    u.uedibility = 0;
1818. 		    if (res == 1) return 0;
1819. 		}
1820. 	}
1822. 	/* We have to make non-foods take 1 move to eat, unless we want to
1823. 	 * do ridiculous amounts of coding to deal with partly eaten plate
1824. 	 * mails, players who polymorph back to human in the middle of their
1825. 	 * metallic meal, etc....
1826. 	 */
1827. 	if (!is_edible(otmp)) {
1828. 	    You("cannot eat that!");
1829. 	    return 0;
1830. 	} else if ((otmp->owornmask & (W_ARMOR|W_TOOL|W_AMUL
1831. #ifdef STEED
1832. 			|W_SADDLE
1833. #endif
1834. 			)) != 0) {
1835. 	    /* let them eat rings */
1836. 	    You_cant("eat %s you're wearing.", something);
1837. 	    return 0;
1838. 	}
1839. 	if (is_metallic(otmp) &&
1840. 	    u.umonnum == PM_RUST_MONSTER && otmp->oerodeproof) {
1841. 	    	otmp->rknown = TRUE;
1842. 		if (otmp->quan > 1L) {
1843. 		    if(!carried(otmp))
1844. 			(void) splitobj(otmp, otmp->quan - 1L);
1845. 		    else
1846. 			otmp = splitobj(otmp, 1L);
1847. 		}
1848. 		pline("Ulch - That %s was rustproofed!", xname(otmp));
1849. 		/* The regurgitated object's rustproofing is gone now */
1850. 		otmp->oerodeproof = 0;
1851. 		make_stunned(HStun + rn2(10), TRUE);
1852. 		You("spit %s out onto the %s.", the(xname(otmp)),
1853. 			surface(u.ux, u.uy));
1854. 		if (carried(otmp)) {
1855. 			freeinv(otmp);
1856. 			dropy(otmp);
1857. 		}
1858. 		stackobj(otmp);
1859. 		return 1;
1860. 	}
1861. 	/* KMH -- Slow digestion is... undigestable */
1862. 	if (otmp->otyp == RIN_SLOW_DIGESTION) {
1863. 		pline("This ring is undigestable!");
1864. 		(void) rottenfood(otmp);
1865. 		if (otmp->dknown && !objects[otmp->otyp].oc_name_known
1866. 				&& !objects[otmp->otyp].oc_uname)
1867. 			docall(otmp);
1868. 		return (1);
1869. 	}
1870. 	if (otmp->oclass != FOOD_CLASS) {
1871. 	    int material;
1872. 	    victual.reqtime = 1;
1873. 	    victual.piece = otmp;
1874. 		/* Don't split it, we don't need to if it's 1 move */
1875. 	    victual.usedtime = 0;
1876. 	    victual.canchoke = (u.uhs == SATIATED);
1877. 		/* Note: gold weighs 1 pt. for each 1000 pieces (see */
1878. 		/* pickup.c) so gold and non-gold is consistent. */
1879. 	    if (otmp->oclass == GOLD_CLASS)
1880. 		basenutrit = ((otmp->quan > 200000L) ? 2000
1881. 			: (int)(otmp->quan/100L));
1882. 	    else if(otmp->oclass == BALL_CLASS || otmp->oclass == CHAIN_CLASS)
1883. 		basenutrit = weight(otmp);
1884. 	    /* oc_nutrition is usually weight anyway */
1885. 	    else basenutrit = objects[otmp->otyp].oc_nutrition;
1886. 	    victual.nmod = basenutrit;
1887. 	    victual.eating = TRUE; /* needed for lesshungry() */
1889. 	    material = objects[otmp->otyp].oc_material;
1890. 	    if (material == LEATHER || material == BONE || material == DRAGON_HIDE) {
1891. 	 		u.uconduct.unvegan++;
1892. 	    		violated_vegetarian();
1893. 	    } else if (material == WAX)
1894. 			u.uconduct.unvegan++;
1895. 	    u.uconduct.food++;
1897. 	    if (otmp->cursed)
1898. 		(void) rottenfood(otmp);
1900. 	    if (otmp->oclass == WEAPON_CLASS && otmp->opoisoned) {
1901. 		pline("Ecch - that must have been poisonous!");
1902. 		if(!Poison_resistance) {
1903. 		    losestr(rnd(4));
1904. 		    losehp(rnd(15), xname(otmp), KILLED_BY_AN);
1905. 		} else
1906. 		    You("seem unaffected by the poison.");
1907. 	    } else if (!otmp->cursed)
1908. 		pline("This %s is delicious!",
1909. 		      otmp->oclass == GOLD_CLASS ? foodword(otmp) :
1910. 		      singular(otmp, xname));
1912. 	    eatspecial();
1913. 	    return 1;
1914. 	}
1916. 	if(otmp == victual.piece) {
1917. 	/* If they weren't able to choke, they don't suddenly become able to
1918. 	 * choke just because they were interrupted.  On the other hand, if
1919. 	 * they were able to choke before, if they lost food it's possible
1920. 	 * they shouldn't be able to choke now.
1921. 	 */
1922. 	    if (u.uhs != SATIATED) victual.canchoke = FALSE;
1923. 	    victual.piece = touchfood(otmp);
1924. 	    You("resume your meal.");
1925. 	    start_eating(victual.piece);
1926. 	    return(1);
1927. 	}
1929. 	/* nothing in progress - so try to find something. */
1930. 	/* tins are a special case */
1931. 	/* tins must also check conduct separately in case they're discarded */
1932. 	if(otmp->otyp == TIN) {
1933. 	    start_tin(otmp);
1934. 	    return(1);
1935. 	}
1937. 	/* KMH, conduct */
1938. 	u.uconduct.food++;
1940. 	victual.piece = otmp = touchfood(otmp);
1941. 	victual.usedtime = 0;
1943. 	/* Now we need to calculate delay and nutritional info.
1944. 	 * The base nutrition calculated here and in eatcorpse() accounts
1945. 	 * for normal vs. rotten food.  The reqtime and nutrit values are
1946. 	 * then adjusted in accordance with the amount of food left.
1947. 	 */
1948. 	if(otmp->otyp == CORPSE) {
1949. 	    int tmp = eatcorpse(otmp);
1950. 	    if (tmp == 2) {
1951. 		/* used up */
1952. 		victual.piece = (struct obj *)0;
1953. 		return(1);
1954. 	    } else if (tmp)
1955. 		dont_start = TRUE;
1956. 	    /* if not used up, eatcorpse sets up reqtime and may modify
1957. 	     * oeaten */
1958. 	} else {
1959. 	    victual.reqtime = objects[otmp->otyp].oc_delay;
1960. 	    if (otmp->otyp != FORTUNE_COOKIE &&
1961. 		(otmp->cursed ||
1962. 		 (((monstermoves - otmp->age) > (int) otmp->blessed ? 50:30) &&
1963. 		(otmp->orotten || !rn2(7))))) {
1965. 		if (rottenfood(otmp)) {
1966. 		    otmp->orotten = TRUE;
1967. 		    dont_start = TRUE;
1968. 		}
1969. 		consume_oeaten(otmp, 1);	/* oeaten >>= 1 */
1970. 	    } else fprefx(otmp);
1971. 	}
1973. 	/* re-calc the nutrition */
1974. 	if (otmp->otyp == CORPSE) basenutrit = mons[otmp->corpsenm].cnutrit;
1975. 	else basenutrit = objects[otmp->otyp].oc_nutrition;
1977. #ifdef DEBUG
1978. 	debugpline("before rounddiv: victual.reqtime == %d", victual.reqtime);
1979. 	debugpline("oeaten == %d, basenutrit == %d", otmp->oeaten, basenutrit);
1980. #endif
1981. 	victual.reqtime = (basenutrit == 0 ? 0 :
1982. 		rounddiv(victual.reqtime * (long)otmp->oeaten, basenutrit));
1983. #ifdef DEBUG
1984. 	debugpline("after rounddiv: victual.reqtime == %d", victual.reqtime);
1985. #endif
1986. 	/* calculate the modulo value (nutrit. units per round eating)
1987. 	 * note: this isn't exact - you actually lose a little nutrition
1988. 	 *	 due to this method.
1989. 	 * TODO: add in a "remainder" value to be given at the end of the
1990. 	 *	 meal.
1991. 	 */
1992. 	if (victual.reqtime == 0 || otmp->oeaten == 0)
1993. 	    /* possible if most has been eaten before */
1994. 	    victual.nmod = 0;
1995. 	else if ((int)otmp->oeaten >= victual.reqtime)
1996. 	    victual.nmod = -((int)otmp->oeaten / victual.reqtime);
1997. 	else
1998. 	    victual.nmod = victual.reqtime % otmp->oeaten;
1999. 	victual.canchoke = (u.uhs == SATIATED);
2001. 	if (!dont_start) start_eating(otmp);
2002. 	return(1);
2003. }
2005. /* Take a single bite from a piece of food, checking for choking and
2006.  * modifying usedtime.  Returns 1 if they choked and survived, 0 otherwise.
2007.  */
2008. STATIC_OVL int
2009. bite()
2010. {
2011. 	if(victual.canchoke && u.uhunger >= 2000) {
2012. 		choke(victual.piece);
2013. 		return 1;
2014. 	}
2015. 	if (victual.doreset) {
2016. 		do_reset_eat();
2017. 		return 0;
2018. 	}
2019. 	force_save_hs = TRUE;
2020. 	if(victual.nmod < 0) {
2021. 		lesshungry(-victual.nmod);
2022. 		consume_oeaten(victual.piece, victual.nmod); /* -= -nmod */
2023. 	} else if(victual.nmod > 0 && (victual.usedtime % victual.nmod)) {
2024. 		lesshungry(1);
2025. 		consume_oeaten(victual.piece, -1);		  /* -= 1 */
2026. 	}
2027. 	force_save_hs = FALSE;
2028. 	recalc_wt();
2029. 	return 0;
2030. }
2032. #endif /* OVLB */
2033. #ifdef OVL0
2035. void
2036. gethungry()	/* as time goes by - called by moveloop() and domove() */
2037. {
2038. 	if (u.uinvulnerable) return;	/* you don't feel hungrier */
2040. 	if ((!u.usleep || !rn2(10))	/* slow metabolic rate while asleep */
2041. 		&& (carnivorous(youmonst.data) || herbivorous(youmonst.data))
2042. 		&& !Slow_digestion)
2043. 	    u.uhunger--;		/* ordinary food consumption */
2045. 	if (moves % 2) {	/* odd turns */
2046. 	    /* Regeneration uses up food, unless due to an artifact */
2047. 	    if (HRegeneration || ((ERegeneration & (~W_ART)) &&
2048. 				(ERegeneration != W_WEP || !uwep->oartifact)))
2049. 			u.uhunger--;
2050. 	    if (near_capacity() > SLT_ENCUMBER) u.uhunger--;
2051. 	} else {		/* even turns */
2052. 	    if (Hunger) u.uhunger--;
2053. 	    /* Conflict uses up food too */
2054. 	    if (HConflict || (EConflict & (~W_ARTI))) u.uhunger--;
2055. 	    /* +0 charged rings don't do anything, so don't affect hunger */
2056. 	    /* Slow digestion still uses ring hunger */
2057. 	    switch ((int)(moves % 20)) {	/* note: use even cases only */
2058. 	     case  4: if (uleft &&
2059. 			  (uleft->spe || !objects[uleft->otyp].oc_charged))
2060. 			    u.uhunger--;
2061. 		    break;
2062. 	     case  8: if (uamul) u.uhunger--;
2063. 		    break;
2064. 	     case 12: if (uright &&
2065. 			  (uright->spe || !objects[uright->otyp].oc_charged))
2066. 			    u.uhunger--;
2067. 		    break;
2068. 	     case 16: if (u.uhave.amulet) u.uhunger--;
2069. 		    break;
2070. 	     default: break;
2071. 	    }
2072. 	}
2073. 	newuhs(TRUE);
2074. }
2076. #endif /* OVL0 */
2077. #ifdef OVLB
2079. void
2080. morehungry(num)	/* called after vomiting and after performing feats of magic */
2081. register int num;
2082. {
2083. 	u.uhunger -= num;
2084. 	newuhs(TRUE);
2085. }
2088. void
2089. lesshungry(num)	/* called after eating (and after drinking fruit juice) */
2090. register int num;
2091. {
2092. 	/* See comments in newuhs() for discussion on force_save_hs */
2093. 	boolean iseating = (occupation == eatfood) || force_save_hs;
2094. #ifdef DEBUG
2095. 	debugpline("lesshungry(%d)", num);
2096. #endif
2097. 	u.uhunger += num;
2098. 	if(u.uhunger >= 2000) {
2099. 	    if (!iseating || victual.canchoke) {
2100. 		if (iseating) {
2101. 		    choke(victual.piece);
2102. 		    reset_eat();
2103. 		} else
2104. 		    choke(occupation == opentin ? tin.tin : (struct obj *)0);
2105. 		/* no reset_eat() */
2106. 	    }
2107. 	} else {
2108. 	    /* Have lesshungry() report when you're nearly full so all eating
2109. 	     * warns when you're about to choke.
2110. 	     */
2111. 	    if (u.uhunger >= 1500) {
2112. 		if (!victual.eating || (victual.eating && !victual.fullwarn)) {
2113. 		    pline("You're having a hard time getting all of it down.");
2114. 		    nomovemsg = "You're finally finished.";
2115. 		    if (!victual.eating)
2116. 			multi = -2;
2117. 		    else {
2118. 			victual.fullwarn = TRUE;
2119. 			if (victual.canchoke && victual.reqtime > 1) {
2120. 			    /* a one-gulp food will not survive a stop */
2121. 			    if (yn_function("Stop eating?",ynchars,'y')=='y') {
2122. 				reset_eat();
2123. 				nomovemsg = (char *)0;
2124. 			    }
2125. 			}
2126. 		    }
2127. 		}
2128. 	    }
2129. 	}
2130. 	newuhs(FALSE);
2131. }
2134. int
2135. unfaint()
2136. {
2137. 	(void) Hear_again();
2138. 	if(u.uhs > FAINTING)
2139. 		u.uhs = FAINTING;
2140. 	stop_occupation();
2141. 	flags.botl = 1;
2142. 	return 0;
2143. }
2145. #endif /* OVLB */
2146. #ifdef OVL0
2148. boolean
2149. is_fainted()
2150. {
2151. 	return((boolean)(u.uhs == FAINTED));
2152. }
2154. void
2155. reset_faint()	/* call when a faint must be prematurely terminated */
2156. {
2157. 	if(is_fainted()) nomul(0);
2158. }
2160. #if 0
2161. void
2162. sync_hunger()
2163. {
2165. 	if(is_fainted()) {
2167. 		flags.soundok = 0;
2168. 		nomul(-10+(u.uhunger/10));
2169. 		nomovemsg = "You regain consciousness.";
2170. 		afternmv = unfaint;
2171. 	}
2172. }
2173. #endif
2175. void
2176. newuhs(incr)		/* compute and comment on your (new?) hunger status */
2177. boolean incr;
2178. {
2179. 	unsigned newhs;
2180. 	static unsigned save_hs;
2181. 	static boolean saved_hs = FALSE;
2182. 	int h = u.uhunger;
2184. 	newhs = (h > 1000) ? SATIATED :
2185. 		(h > 150) ? NOT_HUNGRY :
2186. 		(h > 50) ? HUNGRY :
2187. 		(h > 0) ? WEAK : FAINTING;
2189. 	/* While you're eating, you may pass from WEAK to HUNGRY to NOT_HUNGRY.
2190. 	 * This should not produce the message "you only feel hungry now";
2191. 	 * that message should only appear if HUNGRY is an endpoint.  Therefore
2192. 	 * we check to see if we're in the middle of eating.  If so, we save
2193. 	 * the first hunger status, and at the end of eating we decide what
2194. 	 * message to print based on the _entire_ meal, not on each little bit.
2195. 	 */
2196. 	/* It is normally possible to check if you are in the middle of a meal
2197. 	 * by checking occupation == eatfood, but there is one special case:
2198. 	 * start_eating() can call bite() for your first bite before it
2199. 	 * sets the occupation.
2200. 	 * Anyone who wants to get that case to work _without_ an ugly static
2201. 	 * force_save_hs variable, feel free.
2202. 	 */
2203. 	/* Note: If you become a certain hunger status in the middle of the
2204. 	 * meal, and still have that same status at the end of the meal,
2205. 	 * this will incorrectly print the associated message at the end of
2206. 	 * the meal instead of the middle.  Such a case is currently
2207. 	 * impossible, but could become possible if a message for SATIATED
2208. 	 * were added or if HUNGRY and WEAK were separated by a big enough
2209. 	 * gap to fit two bites.
2210. 	 */
2211. 	if (occupation == eatfood || force_save_hs) {
2212. 		if (!saved_hs) {
2213. 			save_hs = u.uhs;
2214. 			saved_hs = TRUE;
2215. 		}
2216. 		u.uhs = newhs;
2217. 		return;
2218. 	} else {
2219. 		if (saved_hs) {
2220. 			u.uhs = save_hs;
2221. 			saved_hs = FALSE;
2222. 		}
2223. 	}
2225. 	if(newhs == FAINTING) {
2226. 		if(is_fainted()) newhs = FAINTED;
2227. 		if(u.uhs <= WEAK || rn2(20-u.uhunger/10) >= 19) {
2228. 			if(!is_fainted() && multi >= 0 /* %% */) {
2229. 				/* stop what you're doing, then faint */
2230. 				stop_occupation();
2231. 				You("faint from lack of food.");
2232. 				flags.soundok = 0;
2233. 				nomul(-10+(u.uhunger/10));
2234. 				nomovemsg = "You regain consciousness.";
2235. 				afternmv = unfaint;
2236. 				newhs = FAINTED;
2237. 			}
2238. 		} else
2239. 		if(u.uhunger < -(int)(200 + 20*ACURR(A_CON))) {
2240. 			u.uhs = STARVED;
2241. 			flags.botl = 1;
2242. 			bot();
2243. 			You("die from starvation.");
2244. 			killer_format = KILLED_BY;
2245. 			killer = "starvation";
2246. 			done(STARVING);
2247. 			/* if we return, we lifesaved, and that calls newuhs */
2248. 			return;
2249. 		}
2250. 	}
2252. 	if(newhs != u.uhs) {
2253. 		if(newhs >= WEAK && u.uhs < WEAK)
2254. 			losestr(1);	/* this may kill you -- see below */
2255. 		else if(newhs < WEAK && u.uhs >= WEAK)
2256. 			losestr(-1);
2257. 		switch(newhs){
2258. 		case HUNGRY:
2259. 			if (Hallucination) {
2260. 			    You((!incr) ?
2261. 				"now have a lesser case of the munchies." :
2262. 				"are getting the munchies.");
2263. 			} else
2264. 			    You((!incr) ? "only feel hungry now." :
2265. 				  (u.uhunger < 145) ? "feel hungry." :
2266. 				   "are beginning to feel hungry.");
2267. 			if (incr && occupation &&
2268. 			    (occupation != eatfood && occupation != opentin))
2269. 			    stop_occupation();
2270. 			break;
2271. 		case WEAK:
2272. 			if (Hallucination)
2273. 			    pline((!incr) ?
2274. 				  "You still have the munchies." :
2275.       "The munchies are interfering with your motor capabilities.");
2276. 			else if (incr &&
2277. 				(Role_if(PM_WIZARD) || Race_if(PM_ELF) ||
2278. 				 Role_if(PM_VALKYRIE)))
2279. 			    pline("%s needs food, badly!",
2280. 				  (Role_if(PM_WIZARD) || Role_if(PM_VALKYRIE)) ?
2281. 				  urole.name.m : "Elf");
2282. 			else
2283. 			    You((!incr) ? "feel weak now." :
2284. 				  (u.uhunger < 45) ? "feel weak." :
2285. 				   "are beginning to feel weak.");
2286. 			if (incr && occupation &&
2287. 			    (occupation != eatfood && occupation != opentin))
2288. 			    stop_occupation();
2289. 			break;
2290. 		}
2291. 		u.uhs = newhs;
2292. 		flags.botl = 1;
2293. 		bot();
2294. 		if ((Upolyd ? u.mh : u.uhp) < 1) {
2295. 			You("die from hunger and exhaustion.");
2296. 			killer_format = KILLED_BY;
2297. 			killer = "exhaustion";
2298. 			done(STARVING);
2299. 			return;
2300. 		}
2301. 	}
2302. }
2304. #endif /* OVL0 */
2305. #ifdef OVLB
2307. /* Returns an object representing food.  Object may be either on floor or
2308.  * in inventory.
2309.  */
2310. struct obj *
2311. floorfood(verb,corpsecheck)	/* get food from floor or pack */
2312. 	const char *verb;
2313. 	int corpsecheck; /* 0, no check, 1, corpses, 2, tinnable corpses */
2314. {
2315. 	register struct obj *otmp;
2316. 	char qbuf[QBUFSZ];
2317. 	char c;
2318. 	boolean feeding = (!strcmp(verb, "eat"));
2320. 	/* if we can't touch floor objects then use invent food only */
2321. 	if (!can_reach_floor() ||
2322. #ifdef STEED
2323. 		(feeding && u.usteed) || /* can't eat off floor while riding */
2324. #endif
2325. 		((is_pool(u.ux, u.uy) || is_lava(u.ux, u.uy)) &&
2326. 		    (Wwalking || is_clinger(youmonst.data) ||
2327. 			(Flying && !Breathless))))
2328. 	    goto skipfloor;
2330. 	if (feeding && metallivorous(youmonst.data)) {
2331. 	    struct obj *gold;
2332. 	    struct trap *ttmp = t_at(u.ux, u.uy);
2334. 	    if (ttmp && ttmp->tseen && ttmp->ttyp == BEAR_TRAP) {
2335. 		/* If not already stuck in the trap, perhaps there should
2336. 		   be a chance to becoming trapped?  Probably not, because
2337. 		   then the trap would just get eaten on the _next_ turn... */
2338. 		Sprintf(qbuf, "There is a bear trap here (%s); eat it?",
2339. 			(u.utrap && u.utraptype == TT_BEARTRAP) ?
2340. 				"holding you" : "armed");
2341. 		if ((c = yn_function(qbuf, ynqchars, 'n')) == 'y') {
2342. 		    u.utrap = u.utraptype = 0;
2343. 		    deltrap(ttmp);
2344. 		    return mksobj(BEARTRAP, TRUE, FALSE);
2345. 		} else if (c == 'q') {
2346. 		    return (struct obj *)0;
2347. 		}
2348. 	    }
2350. 	    if (youmonst.data != &mons[PM_RUST_MONSTER] &&
2351. 		(gold = g_at(u.ux, u.uy)) != 0) {
2352. 		if (gold->quan == 1L)
2353. 		    Sprintf(qbuf, "There is 1 gold piece here; eat it?");
2354. 		else
2355. 		    Sprintf(qbuf, "There are %ld gold pieces here; eat them?",
2356. 			    gold->quan);
2357. 		if ((c = yn_function(qbuf, ynqchars, 'n')) == 'y') {
2358. 		    obj_extract_self(gold);
2359. 		    return gold;
2360. 		} else if (c == 'q') {
2361. 		    return (struct obj *)0;
2362. 		}
2363. 	    }
2364. 	}
2366. 	/* Is there some food (probably a heavy corpse) here on the ground? */
2367. 	for (otmp = level.objects[u.ux][u.uy]; otmp; otmp = otmp->nexthere) {
2368. 		if(corpsecheck ?
2369. 		(otmp->otyp==CORPSE && (corpsecheck == 1 || tinnable(otmp))) :
2370. 		    feeding ? (otmp->oclass != GOLD_CLASS && is_edible(otmp)) :
2371. 						otmp->oclass==FOOD_CLASS) {
2372. 			Sprintf(qbuf, "There %s %s here; %s %s?",
2373. 				otense(otmp, "are"),
2374. 				doname(otmp), verb,
2375. 				(otmp->quan == 1L) ? "it" : "one");
2376. 			if((c = yn_function(qbuf,ynqchars,'n')) == 'y')
2377. 				return(otmp);
2378. 			else if(c == 'q')
2379. 				return((struct obj *) 0);
2380. 		}
2381. 	}
2383.  skipfloor:
2384. 	/* We cannot use ALL_CLASSES since that causes getobj() to skip its
2385. 	 * "ugly checks" and we need to check for inedible items.
2386. 	 */
2387. 	otmp = getobj(feeding ? (const char *)allobj :
2388. 				(const char *)comestibles, verb);
2389. 	if (corpsecheck && otmp)
2390. 	    if (otmp->otyp != CORPSE || (corpsecheck == 2 && !tinnable(otmp))) {
2391. 		You_cant("%s that!", verb);
2392. 		return (struct obj *)0;
2393. 	    }
2394. 	return otmp;
2395. }
2397. /* Side effects of vomiting */
2398. /* added nomul (MRS) - it makes sense, you're too busy being sick! */
2399. void
2400. vomit()		/* A good idea from David Neves */
2401. {
2402. 	make_sick(0L, (char *) 0, TRUE, SICK_VOMITABLE);
2403. 	nomul(-2);
2404. }
2406. int
2407. eaten_stat(base, obj)
2408. register int base;
2409. register struct obj *obj;
2410. {
2411. 	long uneaten_amt, full_amount;
2413. 	uneaten_amt = (long)obj->oeaten;
2414. 	full_amount = (obj->otyp == CORPSE) ? (long)mons[obj->corpsenm].cnutrit
2415. 					: (long)objects[obj->otyp].oc_nutrition;
2416. 	if (uneaten_amt > full_amount) {
2417. 	    impossible(
2418. 	  "partly eaten food (%ld) more nutritious than untouched food (%ld)",
2419. 		       uneaten_amt, full_amount);
2420. 	    uneaten_amt = full_amount;
2421. 	}
2423. 	base = (int)(full_amount ? (long)base * uneaten_amt / full_amount : 0L);
2424. 	return (base < 1) ? 1 : base;
2425. }
2427. /* reduce obj's oeaten field, making sure it never hits or passes 0 */
2428. void
2429. consume_oeaten(obj, amt)
2430. struct obj *obj;
2431. int amt;
2432. {
2433.     /*
2434.      * This is a hack to try to squelch several long standing mystery
2435.      * food bugs.  A better solution would be to rewrite the entire
2436.      * victual handling mechanism from scratch using a less complex
2437.      * model.  Alternatively, this routine could call done_eating()
2438.      * or food_disappears() but its callers would need revisions to
2439.      * cope with victual.piece unexpectedly going away.
2440.      *
2441.      * Multi-turn eating operates by setting the food's oeaten field
2442.      * to its full nutritional value and then running a counter which
2443.      * independently keeps track of whether there is any food left.
2444.      * The oeaten field can reach exactly zero on the last turn, and
2445.      * the object isn't removed from inventory until the next turn
2446.      * when the "you finish eating" message gets delivered, so the
2447.      * food would be restored to the status of untouched during that
2448.      * interval.  This resulted in unexpected encumbrance messages
2449.      * at the end of a meal (if near enough to a threshold) and would
2450.      * yield full food if there was an interruption on the critical
2451.      * turn.  Also, there have been reports over the years of food
2452.      * becoming massively heavy or producing unlimited satiation;
2453.      * this would occur if reducing oeaten via subtraction attempted
2454.      * to drop it below 0 since its unsigned type would produce a
2455.      * huge positive value instead.  So far, no one has figured out
2456.      * _why_ that inappropriate subtraction might sometimes happen.
2457.      */
2459.     if (amt > 0) {
2460. 	/* bit shift to divide the remaining amount of food */
2461. 	obj->oeaten >>= amt;
2462.     } else {
2463. 	/* simple decrement; value is negative so we actually add it */
2464. 	if ((int) obj->oeaten > -amt)
2465. 	    obj->oeaten += amt;
2466. 	else
2467. 	    obj->oeaten = 0;
2468.     }
2470.     if (obj->oeaten == 0) {
2471. 	if (obj == victual.piece)	/* always true unless wishing... */
2472. 	    victual.reqtime = victual.usedtime;	/* no bites left */
2473. 	obj->oeaten = 1;	/* smallest possible positive value */
2474.     }
2475. }
2477. #endif /* OVLB */
2478. #ifdef OVL1
2480. /* called when eatfood occupation has been interrupted,
2481.    or in the case of theft, is about to be interrupted */
2482. boolean
2483. maybe_finished_meal(stopping)
2484. boolean stopping;
2485. {
2486. 	/* in case consume_oeaten() has decided that the food is all gone */
2487. 	if (occupation == eatfood && victual.usedtime >= victual.reqtime) {
2488. 	    if (stopping) occupation = 0;	/* for do_reset_eat */
2489. 	    (void) eatfood(); /* calls done_eating() to use up victual.piece */
2490. 	    return TRUE;
2491. 	}
2492. 	return FALSE;
2493. }
2495. #endif /* OVL1 */
2497. /*eat.c*/