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Revision as of 20:21, 25 September 2006

Below is the full text to end.c from the source code of NetHack 3.4.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.4.0/end.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

The NetHack General Public License applies to screenshots, source code and other content from NetHack.

This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)end.c	3.4	2001/09/24	*/
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    #define NEED_VARARGS	/* comment line for pre-compiled headers */
7.    #include "hack.h"
8.    #include "eshk.h"
9.    #ifndef NO_SIGNAL
10.   #include <signal.h>
11.   #endif
12.   #include "dlb.h"
14.   	/* these probably ought to be generated by makedefs, like LAST_GEM */
19.   struct valuable_data { long count; int typ; };
21.   struct valuable_data
22.   	gems[LAST_GEM+1 - FIRST_GEM + 1], /* 1 extra for glass */
23.   	amulets[LAST_AMULET+1 - FIRST_AMULET];
25.   static struct val_list { struct valuable_data *list; int size; } valuables[] = {
26.   	{ gems,    sizeof gems / sizeof *gems },
27.   	{ amulets, sizeof amulets / sizeof *amulets },
28.   	{ 0, 0 }
29.   };
31.   #ifndef NO_SIGNAL
32.   STATIC_PTR void FDECL(done_intr, (int));
33.   # if defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS) || defined (__EMX__)
34.   static void FDECL(done_hangup, (int));
35.   # endif
36.   #endif
37.   STATIC_DCL void FDECL(disclose,(int,BOOLEAN_P));
38.   STATIC_DCL void FDECL(get_valuables, (struct obj *));
39.   STATIC_DCL void FDECL(sort_valuables, (struct valuable_data *,int));
40.   STATIC_DCL void FDECL(add_artifact_score, (struct obj *));
41.   STATIC_DCL void FDECL(display_artifact_score, (struct obj *,winid));
42.   STATIC_DCL void FDECL(savelife, (int));
43.   STATIC_DCL void FDECL(list_vanquished, (int, BOOLEAN_P));
44.   STATIC_DCL void FDECL(list_genocided, (int, BOOLEAN_P));
45.   STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(should_query_disclose_option, (int, int*));
47.   #if defined(__BEOS__) || defined(MICRO) || defined(WIN32) || defined(OS2)
48.   extern void FDECL(nethack_exit,(int));
49.   #else
50.   #define nethack_exit exit
51.   #endif
53.   #define done_stopprint program_state.stopprint
55.   #ifdef AMIGA
56.   # define NH_abort()	Abort(0)
57.   #else
58.   # ifdef SYSV
59.   # define NH_abort()	(void) abort()
60.   # else
61.   # define NH_abort()	abort()
62.   # endif
63.   #endif
65.   /*
66.    * The order of these needs to match the macros in hack.h.
67.    */
68.   static NEARDATA const char *deaths[] = {		/* the array of death */
69.   	"died", "choked", "poisoned", "starvation", "drowning",
70.   	"burning", "dissolving under the heat and pressure",
71.   	"crushed", "turned to stone", "turned into slime",
72.   	"genocided", "panic", "trickery",
73.   	"quit", "escaped", "ascended"
74.   };
76.   static NEARDATA const char *ends[] = {		/* "when you..." */
77.   	"died", "choked", "were poisoned", "starved", "drowned",
78.   	"burned", "dissolved in the lava",
79.   	"were crushed", "turned to stone", "turned into slime",
80.   	"were genocided", "panicked", "were tricked",
81.   	"quit", "escaped", "ascended"
82.   };
84.   extern const char *killed_by_prefix[];
87.   /*ARGSUSED*/
88.   void
89.   done1(sig_unused)   /* called as signal() handler, so sent at least one arg */
90.   int sig_unused;
91.   {
92.   #ifndef NO_SIGNAL
93.   	(void) signal(SIGINT,SIG_IGN);
94.   #endif
95.   	if(flags.ignintr) {
96.   #ifndef NO_SIGNAL
97.   		(void) signal(SIGINT, (SIG_RET_TYPE) done1);
98.   #endif
99.   		clear_nhwindow(WIN_MESSAGE);
100.  		curs_on_u();
101.  		wait_synch();
102.  		if(multi > 0) nomul(0);
103.  	} else {
104.  		(void)done2();
105.  	}
106.  }
109.  /* "#quit" command or keyboard interrupt */
110.  int
111.  done2()
112.  {
113.  	if(yn("Really quit?") == 'n') {
114.  #ifndef NO_SIGNAL
115.  		(void) signal(SIGINT, (SIG_RET_TYPE) done1);
116.  #endif
117.  		clear_nhwindow(WIN_MESSAGE);
118.  		curs_on_u();
119.  		wait_synch();
120.  		if(multi > 0) nomul(0);
121.  		if(multi == 0) {
122.  		    u.uinvulnerable = FALSE;	/* avoid ctrl-C bug -dlc */
123.  		    u.usleep = 0;
124.  		}
125.  		return 0;
126.  	}
127.  #if defined(WIZARD) && (defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS) || defined(LATTICE))
128.  	if(wizard) {
129.  	    int c;
130.  # ifdef VMS
131.  	    const char *tmp = "Enter debugger?";
132.  # else
133.  #  ifdef LATTICE
134.  	    const char *tmp = "Create SnapShot?";
135.  #  else
136.  	    const char *tmp = "Dump core?";
137.  #  endif
138.  # endif
139.  	    if ((c = ynq(tmp)) == 'y') {
140.  		(void) signal(SIGINT, (SIG_RET_TYPE) done1);
141.  		exit_nhwindows((char *)0);
142.  		NH_abort();
143.  	    } else if (c == 'q') done_stopprint++;
144.  	}
145.  #endif
146.  #ifndef LINT
147.  	done(QUIT);
148.  #endif
149.  	return 0;
150.  }
152.  #ifndef NO_SIGNAL
153.  /*ARGSUSED*/
154.  STATIC_PTR void
155.  done_intr(sig_unused) /* called as signal() handler, so sent at least one arg */
156.  int sig_unused;
157.  {
158.  	done_stopprint++;
159.  	(void) signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
160.  # if defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS)
161.  	(void) signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
162.  # endif
163.  	return;
164.  }
166.  # if defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS) || defined(__EMX__)
167.  static void
168.  done_hangup(sig)	/* signal() handler */
169.  int sig;
170.  {
171.  	program_state.done_hup++;
172.  	(void)signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
173.  	done_intr(sig);
174.  	return;
175.  }
176.  # endif
177.  #endif /* NO_SIGNAL */
179.  void
180.  done_in_by(mtmp)
181.  register struct monst *mtmp;
182.  {
183.  	char buf[BUFSZ];
184.  	boolean distorted = (boolean)(Hallucination && canspotmon(mtmp));
186.  	You("die...");
187.  	mark_synch();	/* flush buffered screen output */
188.  	buf[0] = '\0';
189.  	/* "killed by the high priest of Crom" is okay, "killed by the high
190.  	   priest" alone isn't */
191.  	if ((mtmp->data->geno & G_UNIQ) != 0 && !(mtmp->data == &mons[PM_HIGH_PRIEST] && !mtmp->ispriest)) {
192.  	    if (!type_is_pname(mtmp->data))
193.  		Strcat(buf, "the ");
194.  	    killer_format = KILLED_BY;
195.  	}
196.  	if (mtmp->minvis)
197.  		Strcat(buf, "invisible ");
198.  	if (distorted)
199.  		Strcat(buf, "hallucinogen-distorted ");
201.  	if(mtmp->data == &mons[PM_GHOST]) {
202.  		char *gn = NAME(mtmp);
203.  		if (!distorted && !mtmp->minvis && *gn) {
204.  			Strcat(buf, "the ");
205.  			killer_format = KILLED_BY;
206.  		}
207.  		Sprintf(eos(buf), (*gn ? "ghost of %s" : "ghost%s"), gn);
208.  	} else if(mtmp->isshk) {
209.  		Sprintf(eos(buf), "%s %s, the shopkeeper",
210.  			(mtmp->female ? "Ms." : "Mr."), shkname(mtmp));
211.  		killer_format = KILLED_BY;
212.  	} else if (mtmp->ispriest || mtmp->isminion) {
213.  		/* m_monnam() suppresses "the" prefix plus "invisible", and
214.  		   it overrides the effect of Hallucination on priestname() */
215.  		killer = m_monnam(mtmp);
216.  		Strcat(buf, killer);
217.  	} else {
218.  		Strcat(buf, mtmp->data->mname);
219.  		if (mtmp->mnamelth)
220.  		    Sprintf(eos(buf), " called %s", NAME(mtmp));
221.  	}
223.  	if (multi) Strcat(buf, ", while helpless");
224.  	killer = buf;
225.  	if (mtmp->data->mlet == S_WRAITH)
226.  		u.ugrave_arise = PM_WRAITH;
227.  	else if (mtmp->data->mlet == S_MUMMY && urace.mummynum != NON_PM)
228.  		u.ugrave_arise = urace.mummynum;
229.  	else if (mtmp->data->mlet == S_VAMPIRE && Race_if(PM_HUMAN))
230.  		u.ugrave_arise = PM_VAMPIRE;
231.  	else if (mtmp->data == &mons[PM_GHOUL])
232.  		u.ugrave_arise = PM_GHOUL;
233.  	if (u.ugrave_arise >= LOW_PM &&
234.  				(mvitals[u.ugrave_arise].mvflags & G_GENOD))
235.  		u.ugrave_arise = NON_PM;
236.  	if (touch_petrifies(mtmp->data))
237.  		done(STONING);
238.  	else
239.  		done(DIED);
240.  	return;
241.  }
243.  /*VARARGS1*/
244.  void
245.  panic VA_DECL(const char *, str)
246.  	VA_START(str);
247.  	VA_INIT(str, char *);
249.  	if (program_state.panicking++)
250.  	    NH_abort();	/* avoid loops - this should never happen*/
252.  	if (iflags.window_inited) {
253.  	    raw_print("\r\nOops...");
254.  	    wait_synch();	/* make sure all pending output gets flushed */
255.  	    exit_nhwindows((char *)0);
256.  	    iflags.window_inited = 0; /* they're gone; force raw_print()ing */
257.  	}
259.  	raw_print(!program_state.something_worth_saving ?
260.  		  "Program initialization has failed." :
261.  		  "Suddenly, the dungeon collapses.");
262.  #if defined(WIZARD) && !defined(MICRO)
263.  	if (!wizard)
264.  	    raw_printf("Report error to \"%s\"%s.",
265.  # ifdef WIZARD_NAME	/*(KR1ED)*/
266.  			WIZARD_NAME,
267.  # else
268.  			WIZARD,
269.  # endif
270.  			!program_state.something_worth_saving ? "" :
271.  			" and it may be possible to rebuild.");
272.  	if (program_state.something_worth_saving) {
273.  	    set_error_savefile();
274.  	    (void) dosave0();
275.  	}
276.  #endif
277.  	{
278.  	    char buf[BUFSZ];
279.  	    Vsprintf(buf,str,VA_ARGS);
280.  	    raw_print(buf);
281.  	}
282.  #if defined(WIZARD) && (defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS) || defined(LATTICE))
283.  	if (wizard)
284.  	    NH_abort();	/* generate core dump */
285.  #endif
286.  	VA_END();
287.  	done(PANICKED);
288.  }
290.  STATIC_OVL boolean
291.  should_query_disclose_option(category, defquery)
292.  int category;
293.  int *defquery;
294.  {
295.  	int idx;
296.  	char *dop = index(disclosure_options, category);
297.  	if (dop && defquery) {
298.  		idx = (dop - disclosure_options) / sizeof(char);
299.  		if (idx < 0 || idx > (NUM_DISCLOSURE_OPTIONS - 1)) {
300.  			impossible(
301.  				"should_query_disclose_option: bad disclosure index %d %c",
302.  				idx, category);
303.  			*defquery = DISCLOSE_PROMPT_DEFAULT_YES;
304.  			return TRUE;
305.  		}
306.  		if (flags.end_disclose[idx] == DISCLOSE_YES_WITHOUT_PROMPT) {
307.  			*defquery = 'y';
308.  			return FALSE;
309.  		} else if (flags.end_disclose[idx] == DISCLOSE_NO_WITHOUT_PROMPT) {
310.  			*defquery = 'n';
311.  			return FALSE;
312.  		} else if (flags.end_disclose[idx] == DISCLOSE_PROMPT_DEFAULT_YES) {
313.  			*defquery = 'y';
314.  			return TRUE;
315.  		} else if (flags.end_disclose[idx] == DISCLOSE_PROMPT_DEFAULT_NO) {
316.  			*defquery = 'n';
317.  			return TRUE;
318.  		}
319.  	}
320.  	if (defquery)impossible("should_query_disclose_option: bad category %c", category);
321.  	else impossible("should_query_disclose_option: null defquery");
322.  	return TRUE;
323.  }
325.  STATIC_OVL void
326.  disclose(how,taken)
327.  int how;
328.  boolean taken;
329.  {
330.  	char	c = 0;
331.  	char	qbuf[QBUFSZ];
332.  	int defquery;
333.  	boolean ask;
335.  	if (invent) {
336.  	    if(taken)
337.  		Sprintf(qbuf,"Do you want to see what you had when you %s?",
338.  			(how == QUIT) ? "quit" : "died");
339.  	    else
340.  		Strcpy(qbuf,"Do you want your possessions identified?");
342.  	    ask = should_query_disclose_option('i', &defquery);
343.  	    if (!done_stopprint) {
344.  		if (ask)
345.  		   c = yn_function(qbuf, ynqchars, defquery);
346.  		if ((!ask && defquery == 'y') || (ask && c == 'y')) {
347.  			/* New dump format by maartenj@cs.vu.nl */
348.  			struct obj *obj;
350.  			for (obj = invent; obj; obj = obj->nobj) {
351.  			    makeknown(obj->otyp);
352.  			    obj->known = obj->bknown = obj->dknown = obj->rknown = 1;
353.  			}
354.  			(void) display_inventory((char *)0, TRUE);
355.  			container_contents(invent, TRUE, TRUE);
356.  		}
357.  		if (ask && c == 'q')  done_stopprint++;
358.  	    }
359.  	}
361.   	ask = should_query_disclose_option('a', &defquery);
362.  	if (!done_stopprint) {
363.  	    if (ask)
364.  		c = yn_function("Do you want to see your attributes?",ynqchars, defquery);
365.  	    if ((!ask && defquery == 'y') || (ask && c == 'y'))
366.  		enlightenment(how >= PANICKED ? 1 : 2); /* final */
367.  	    if (ask && c == 'q') done_stopprint++;
368.  	}
370.  	ask = should_query_disclose_option('v', &defquery);
371.  	if (!done_stopprint)
372.  	    list_vanquished(defquery, ask);
374.  	ask = should_query_disclose_option('g', &defquery);
375.  	if (!done_stopprint)
376.  	    list_genocided(defquery, ask);
378.  	ask = should_query_disclose_option('c', &defquery);
379.  	if (!done_stopprint) {
380.  	    if (ask)
381.  		c = yn_function("Do you want to see your conduct?",ynqchars,defquery);
382.  	    if ((!ask && defquery == 'y') || (ask && c == 'y'))
383.  		show_conduct(how >= PANICKED ? 1 : 2);
384.  	    if (ask && c == 'q') done_stopprint++;
385.  	}
386.  }
388.  /* try to get the player back in a viable state after being killed */
389.  STATIC_OVL void
390.  savelife(how)
391.  int how;
392.  {
393.  	u.uswldtim = 0;
394.  	u.uhp = u.uhpmax;
395.  	if (u.uhunger < 500) {
396.  	    u.uhunger = 500;
397.  	    newuhs(FALSE);
398.  	}
399.  	/* cure impending doom of sickness hero won't have time to fix */
400.  	if ((Sick & TIMEOUT) == 1) {
401.  	    u.usick_type = 0;
402.  	    Sick = 0;
403.  	}
404.  	if (how == CHOKING) init_uhunger();
405.  	nomovemsg = "You survived that attempt on your life.";
406.  	flags.move = 0;
407.  	if(multi > 0) multi = 0; else multi = -1;
408.  	if(u.utrap && u.utraptype == TT_LAVA) u.utrap = 0;
409.  	flags.botl = 1;
410.  	u.ugrave_arise = NON_PM;
411.  	HUnchanging = 0L;
412.  	curs_on_u();
413.  }
415.  /*
416.   * Get valuables from the given list.  Revised code: the list always remains
417.   * intact.
418.   */
419.  STATIC_OVL void
420.  get_valuables(list)
421.  struct obj *list;	/* inventory or container contents */
422.  {
423.      register struct obj *obj;
424.      register int i;
426.      /* find amulets and gems, ignoring all artifacts */
427.      for (obj = list; obj; obj = obj->nobj)
428.  	if (Has_contents(obj)) {
429.  	    get_valuables(obj->cobj);
430.  	} else if (obj->oartifact) {
431.  	    continue;
432.  	} else if (obj->oclass == AMULET_CLASS) {
433.  	    i = obj->otyp - FIRST_AMULET;
434.  	    if (!amulets[i].count) {
435.  		amulets[i].count = obj->quan;
436.  		amulets[i].typ = obj->otyp;
437.  	    } else amulets[i].count += obj->quan; /* always adds one */
438.  	} else if (obj->oclass == GEM_CLASS && obj->otyp < LUCKSTONE) {
439.  	    i = min(obj->otyp, LAST_GEM + 1) - FIRST_GEM;
440.  	    if (!gems[i].count) {
441.  		gems[i].count = obj->quan;
442.  		gems[i].typ = obj->otyp;
443.  	    } else gems[i].count += obj->quan;
444.  	}
445.      return;
446.  }
448.  /*
449.   *  Sort collected valuables, most frequent to least.  We could just
450.   *  as easily use qsort, but we don't care about efficiency here.
451.   */
452.  STATIC_OVL void
453.  sort_valuables(list, size)
454.  struct valuable_data list[];
455.  int size;		/* max value is less than 20 */
456.  {
457.      register int i, j;
458.      struct valuable_data ltmp;
460.      /* move greater quantities to the front of the list */
461.      for (i = 1; i < size; i++) {
462.  	if (list[i].count == 0) continue;	/* empty slot */
463.  	ltmp = list[i]; /* structure copy */
464.  	for (j = i; j > 0; --j)
465.  	    if (list[j-1].count >= ltmp.count) break;
466.  	    else {
467.  		list[j] = list[j-1];
468.  	    }
469.  	list[j] = ltmp;
470.      }
471.      return;
472.  }
474.  STATIC_OVL void
475.  add_artifact_score(list)
476.  struct obj *list;
477.  {
478.      struct obj *otmp;
480.      for (otmp = list; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj)
481.  	if (otmp->oartifact ||
482.  			otmp->otyp == BELL_OF_OPENING ||
483.  			otmp->otyp == SPE_BOOK_OF_THE_DEAD ||
484.  			otmp->otyp == CANDELABRUM_OF_INVOCATION) {
485.  	    u.urexp += (arti_cost(otmp) * 5 / 2);
486.  	if (Has_contents(otmp))
487.  	    add_artifact_score(otmp->cobj);
488.      }
489.  }
491.  STATIC_OVL void
492.  display_artifact_score(list,endwin)
493.  struct obj *list;
494.  winid endwin;
495.  {
496.      char pbuf[BUFSZ];
497.      struct obj *otmp;
499.      for (otmp = list; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj) {
500.  	if (otmp->oartifact ||
501.  			otmp->otyp == BELL_OF_OPENING ||
502.  			otmp->otyp == SPE_BOOK_OF_THE_DEAD ||
503.  			otmp->otyp == CANDELABRUM_OF_INVOCATION) {
504.  	    short dummy;
506.  	    makeknown(otmp->otyp);
507.  	    otmp->known = otmp->bknown = otmp->dknown =
508.  		otmp->rknown = 1;
509.  	    /* assumes artifacts don't have quan>1 */
510.  	    Sprintf(pbuf, "%s%s (worth %ld %s and %ld points)",
511.  		the_unique_obj(otmp) ? "The " : "",
512.  		otmp->oartifact ? artifact_name(xname(otmp), &dummy) :
513.  			OBJ_NAME(objects[otmp->otyp]),
514.  		arti_cost(otmp), currency(2L), 
515.  		arti_cost(otmp) * 5 / 2);
516.  	    putstr(endwin, 0, pbuf);
517.  	}
518.  	if (Has_contents(otmp))
519.  	    display_artifact_score(otmp->cobj,endwin);
520.      }
521.  }
523.  /* Be careful not to call panic from here! */
524.  void
525.  done(how)
526.  int how;
527.  {
528.  	boolean taken;
529.  	char kilbuf[BUFSZ], pbuf[BUFSZ];
530.  	winid endwin = WIN_ERR;
531.  	boolean bones_ok, have_windows = iflags.window_inited;
532.  	struct obj *corpse = (struct obj *)0;
533.  	long umoney;
535.  	/* kilbuf: used to copy killer in case it comes from something like
536.  	 *	xname(), which would otherwise get overwritten when we call
537.  	 *	xname() when listing possessions
538.  	 * pbuf: holds Sprintf'd output for raw_print and putstr
539.  	 */
540.  	if (how == ASCENDED || (!killer && how == GENOCIDED))
541.  		killer_format = NO_KILLER_PREFIX;
542.  	/* Avoid killed by "a" burning or "a" starvation */
543.  	if (!killer && (how == STARVING || how == BURNING))
544.  		killer_format = KILLED_BY;
545.  	Strcpy(kilbuf, (!killer || how >= PANICKED ? deaths[how] : killer));
546.  	killer = kilbuf;
547.  #ifdef WIZARD
548.  	if (wizard && how == TRICKED) {
549.  		You("are a very tricky wizard, it seems.");
550.  		return;
551.  	}
552.  #endif
553.  	if (how < PANICKED) u.umortality++;
554.  	if (Lifesaved && (how <= GENOCIDED)) {
555.  		pline("But wait...");
556.  		makeknown(AMULET_OF_LIFE_SAVING);
557.  		Your("medallion %s!",
558.  		      !Blind ? "begins to glow" : "feels warm");
559.  		if (how == CHOKING) You("vomit ...");
560.  		You_feel("much better!");
561.  		pline_The("medallion crumbles to dust!");
562.  		if (uamul) useup(uamul);
564.  		(void) adjattrib(A_CON, -1, TRUE);
565.  		if(u.uhpmax <= 0) u.uhpmax = 10;	/* arbitrary */
566.  		savelife(how);
567.  		if (how == GENOCIDED)
568.  			pline("Unfortunately you are still genocided...");
569.  		else {
570.  			killer = 0;
571.  			killer_format = 0;
572.  			return;
573.  		}
574.  	}
575.  	if ((
576.  #ifdef WIZARD
577.  			wizard ||
578.  #endif
579.  			discover) && (how <= GENOCIDED)) {
580.  		if(yn("Die?") == 'y') goto die;
581.  		pline("OK, so you don't %s.",
582.  			(how == CHOKING) ? "choke" : "die");
583.  		if(u.uhpmax <= 0) u.uhpmax = u.ulevel * 8;	/* arbitrary */
584.  		savelife(how);
585.  		killer = 0;
586.  		killer_format = 0;
587.  		return;
588.  	}
590.      /*
591.       *	The game is now over...
592.       */
594.  die:
595.  	program_state.gameover = 1;
596.  	/* in case of a subsequent panic(), there's no point trying to save */
597.  	program_state.something_worth_saving = 0;
598.  	/* render vision subsystem inoperative */
599.  	iflags.vision_inited = 0;
600.  	/* might have been killed while using a disposable item, so make sure
601.  	   it's gone prior to inventory disclosure and creation of bones data */
602.  	inven_inuse(TRUE);
604.  	/* Sometimes you die on the first move.  Life's not fair.
605.  	 * On those rare occasions you get hosed immediately, go out
606.  	 * smiling... :-)  -3.
607.  	 */
608.  	if (moves <= 1 && how < PANICKED)	/* You die... --More-- */
609.  	    pline("Do not pass go.  Do not collect 200 %s.", currency(200L));
611.  	if (have_windows) wait_synch();	/* flush screen output */
612.  #ifndef NO_SIGNAL
613.  	(void) signal(SIGINT, (SIG_RET_TYPE) done_intr);
614.  # if defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS) || defined (__EMX__)
615.  	(void) signal(SIGQUIT, (SIG_RET_TYPE) done_intr);
616.  	(void) signal(SIGHUP, (SIG_RET_TYPE) done_hangup);
617.  # endif
618.  #endif /* NO_SIGNAL */
620.  	bones_ok = (how < GENOCIDED) && can_make_bones();
622.  	if (how == TURNED_SLIME)
623.  	    u.ugrave_arise = PM_GREEN_SLIME;
625.  	if (bones_ok && u.ugrave_arise < LOW_PM) {
626.  	    /* corpse gets burnt up too */
627.  	    if (how == BURNING)
628.  		u.ugrave_arise = (NON_PM - 2);	/* leave no corpse */
629.  	    else if (how == STONING)
630.  		u.ugrave_arise = (NON_PM - 1);	/* statue instead of corpse */
631.  	    else if (u.ugrave_arise == NON_PM &&
632.  		     !(mvitals[u.umonnum].mvflags & G_NOCORPSE)) {
633.  		corpse = mk_named_object(CORPSE, &mons[u.umonnum],
634.  				       u.ux, u.uy, plname);
635.  		Sprintf(pbuf, "%s, %s%s", plname,
636.  			killer_format == NO_KILLER_PREFIX ? "" :
637.  			killed_by_prefix[how],
638.  			killer_format == KILLED_BY_AN ? an(killer) : killer);
639.  		make_grave(u.ux, u.uy, pbuf);
640.  	    }
641.  	}
643.  	if (how == QUIT) {
644.  		killer_format = NO_KILLER_PREFIX;
645.  		if (u.uhp < 1) {
646.  			how = DIED;
647.  			u.umortality++;	/* skipped above when how==QUIT */
648.  			/* note that killer is pointing at kilbuf */
649.  			Strcpy(kilbuf, "quit while already on Charon's boat");
650.  		}
651.  	}
652.  	if (how == ESCAPED || how == PANICKED)
653.  		killer_format = NO_KILLER_PREFIX;
655.  	if (how != PANICKED) {
656.  	    /* these affect score and/or bones, but avoid them during panic */
657.  	    taken = paybill(how != QUIT);
658.  	    paygd();
659.  	    clearpriests();
660.  	} else	taken = FALSE;	/* lint; assert( !bones_ok ); */
662.  	clearlocks();
664.  	if (have_windows) display_nhwindow(WIN_MESSAGE, FALSE);
666.  	if (strcmp(flags.end_disclose, "none") && how != PANICKED)
667.  		disclose(how, taken);
668.  	/* finish_paybill should be called after disclosure but before bones */
669.  	if (bones_ok && taken) finish_paybill();
671.  	/* calculate score, before creating bones [container gold] */
672.  	{
673.  	    long tmp;
674.  	    int deepest = deepest_lev_reached(FALSE);
676.  #ifndef GOLDOBJ
677.  	    umoney = u.ugold;
678.  	    tmp = u.ugold0;
679.  #else
680.  	    umoney = money_cnt(invent);
681.  	    tmp = u.umoney0;
682.  #endif
683.  	    umoney += hidden_gold();	/* accumulate gold from containers */
684.  	    tmp = umoney - tmp;		/* net gain */
686.  	    if (tmp < 0L)
687.  		tmp = 0L;
688.  	    if (how < PANICKED)
689.  		tmp -= tmp / 10L;
690.  	    u.urexp += tmp;
691.  	    u.urexp += 50L * (long)(deepest - 1);
692.  	    if (deepest > 20)
693.  		u.urexp += 1000L * (long)((deepest > 30) ? 10 : deepest - 20);
694.  	    if (how == ASCENDED) u.urexp *= 2L;
695.  	}
697.  	if (bones_ok) {
698.  #ifdef WIZARD
699.  	    if (!wizard || yn("Save bones?") == 'y')
700.  #endif
701.  		savebones(corpse);
702.  	    /* corpse may be invalid pointer now so
703.  		ensure that it isn't used again */
704.  	    corpse = (struct obj *)0;
705.  	}
707.  	/* update gold for the rip output, which can't use hidden_gold()
708.  	   (containers will be gone by then if bones just got saved...) */
709.  #ifndef GOLDOBJ
710.  	u.ugold = umoney;
711.  #else
712.  	done_money = umoney;
713.  #endif
715.  	/* clean up unneeded windows */
716.  	if (have_windows) {
717.  	    wait_synch();
718.  	    display_nhwindow(WIN_MESSAGE, TRUE);
719.  	    destroy_nhwindow(WIN_MAP);
720.  	    destroy_nhwindow(WIN_STATUS);
721.  	    destroy_nhwindow(WIN_MESSAGE);
724.  	    if(!done_stopprint || flags.tombstone)
725.  		endwin = create_nhwindow(NHW_TEXT);
727.  	    if(how < GENOCIDED && flags.tombstone) outrip(endwin, how);
728.  	} else
729.  	    done_stopprint = 1; /* just avoid any more output */
731.  /* changing kilbuf really changes killer. we do it this way because
732.     killer is declared a (const char *)
733.  */
734.  	if (u.uhave.amulet) Strcat(kilbuf, " (with the Amulet)");
735.  	else if (how == ESCAPED) {
736.  	    if (Is_astralevel(&u.uz))	/* offered Amulet to wrong deity */
737.  		Strcat(kilbuf, " (in celestial disgrace)");
738.  	    else if (carrying(FAKE_AMULET_OF_YENDOR))
739.  		Strcat(kilbuf, " (with a fake Amulet)");
740.  		/* don't bother counting to see whether it should be plural */
741.  	}
743.  	if (!done_stopprint) {
744.  	    Sprintf(pbuf, "%s %s the %s...", Goodbye(), plname,
745.  		   how != ASCENDED ?
746.  		      (const char *) ((flags.female && urole.name.f) ?
747.  		         urole.name.f : urole.name.m) :
748.  		      (const char *) (flags.female ? "Demigoddess" : "Demigod"));
749.  	    putstr(endwin, 0, pbuf);
750.  	    putstr(endwin, 0, "");
751.  	}
753.  	if (how == ESCAPED || how == ASCENDED) {
754.  	    register struct monst *mtmp;
755.  	    register struct obj *otmp;
756.  	    register struct val_list *val;
757.  	    register int i;
759.  	    for (val = valuables; val->list; val++)
760.  		for (i = 0; i < val->size; i++) {
761.  		    val->list[i].count = 0L;
762.  		}
763.  	    get_valuables(invent);
765.  	    /* add points for collected valuables */
766.  	    for (val = valuables; val->list; val++)
767.  		for (i = 0; i < val->size; i++)
768.  		    if (val->list[i].count != 0L)
769.  			u.urexp += val->list[i].count
770.  				  * (long)objects[val->list[i].typ].oc_cost;
772.  	    add_artifact_score(invent);
774.  	    keepdogs(TRUE);
775.  	    viz_array[0][0] |= IN_SIGHT; /* need visibility for naming */
776.  	    mtmp = mydogs;
777.  	    if (!done_stopprint) Strcpy(pbuf, "You");
778.  	    if (mtmp) {
779.  		while (mtmp) {
780.  		    if (!done_stopprint)
781.  			Sprintf(eos(pbuf), " and %s", mon_nam(mtmp));
782.  		    if (mtmp->mtame)
783.  			u.urexp += mtmp->mhp;
784.  		    mtmp = mtmp->nmon;
785.  		}
786.  		if (!done_stopprint) putstr(endwin, 0, pbuf);
787.  		pbuf[0] = '\0';
788.  	    } else {
789.  		if (!done_stopprint) Strcat(pbuf, " ");
790.  	    }
791.  	    if (!done_stopprint) {
792.  		Sprintf(eos(pbuf), "%s with %ld point%s,",
793.  			how==ASCENDED ? "went to your reward" :
794.  					"escaped from the dungeon",
795.  			u.urexp, plur(u.urexp));
796.  		putstr(endwin, 0, pbuf);
797.  	    }
799.  	    if (!done_stopprint)
800.  		display_artifact_score(invent,endwin);
802.  	    /* list valuables here */
803.  	    for (val = valuables; val->list; val++) {
804.  		sort_valuables(val->list, val->size);
805.  		for (i = 0; i < val->size && !done_stopprint; i++) {
806.  		    int typ = val->list[i].typ;
807.  		    long count = val->list[i].count;
809.  		    if (count == 0L) continue;
810.  		    if (objects[typ].oc_class != GEM_CLASS || typ <= LAST_GEM) {
811.  			otmp = mksobj(typ, FALSE, FALSE);
812.  			makeknown(otmp->otyp);
813.  			otmp->known = 1;	/* for fake amulets */
814.  			otmp->dknown = 1;	/* seen it (blindness fix) */
815.  			otmp->onamelth = 0;
816.  			otmp->quan = count;
817.  			Sprintf(pbuf, "%8ld %s (worth %ld %s),",
818.  				count, xname(otmp),
819.  				count * (long)objects[typ].oc_cost, currency(2L));
820.  			obfree(otmp, (struct obj *)0);
821.  		    } else {
822.  			Sprintf(pbuf,
823.  				"%8ld worthless piece%s of colored glass,",
824.  				count, plur(count));
825.  		    }
826.  		    putstr(endwin, 0, pbuf);
827.  		}
828.  	    }
830.  	} else if (!done_stopprint) {
831.  	    /* did not escape or ascend */
832.  	    if (u.uz.dnum == 0 && u.uz.dlevel <= 0) {
833.  		/* level teleported out of the dungeon; `how' is DIED,
834.  		   due to falling or to "arriving at heaven prematurely" */
835.  		Sprintf(pbuf, "You %s beyond the confines of the dungeon",
836.  			(u.uz.dlevel < 0) ? "passed away" : ends[how]);
837.  	    } else {
838.  		/* more conventional demise */
839.  		const char *where = dungeons[u.uz.dnum].dname;
841.  		if (Is_astralevel(&u.uz)) where = "The Astral Plane";
842.  		Sprintf(pbuf, "You %s in %s", ends[how], where);
843.  		if (!In_endgame(&u.uz) && !Is_knox(&u.uz))
844.  		    Sprintf(eos(pbuf), " on dungeon level %d",
845.  			    In_quest(&u.uz) ? dunlev(&u.uz) : depth(&u.uz));
846.  	    }
848.  	    Sprintf(eos(pbuf), " with %ld point%s,",
849.  		    u.urexp, plur(u.urexp));
850.  	    putstr(endwin, 0, pbuf);
851.  	}
853.  	if (!done_stopprint) {
854.  	    Sprintf(pbuf, "and %ld piece%s of gold, after %ld move%s.",
855.  		    umoney, plur(umoney), moves, plur(moves));
856.  	    putstr(endwin, 0, pbuf);
857.  	}
858.  	if (!done_stopprint) {
859.  	    Sprintf(pbuf,
860.  	     "You were level %d with a maximum of %d hit point%s when you %s.",
861.  		    u.ulevel, u.uhpmax, plur(u.uhpmax), ends[how]);
862.  	    putstr(endwin, 0, pbuf);
863.  	    putstr(endwin, 0, "");
864.  	}
865.  	if (!done_stopprint)
866.  	    display_nhwindow(endwin, TRUE);
867.  	if (endwin != WIN_ERR)
868.  	    destroy_nhwindow(endwin);
870.  	/* "So when I die, the first thing I will see in Heaven is a
871.  	 * score list?" */
872.  	if (flags.toptenwin) {
873.  	    topten(how);
874.  	    if (have_windows)
875.  		exit_nhwindows((char *)0);
876.  	} else {
877.  	    if (have_windows)
878.  		exit_nhwindows((char *)0);
879.  	    topten(how);
880.  	}
882.  	if(done_stopprint) { raw_print(""); raw_print(""); }
883.  	terminate(EXIT_SUCCESS);
884.  }
887.  void
888.  container_contents(list, identified, all_containers)
889.  struct obj *list;
890.  boolean identified, all_containers;
891.  {
892.  	register struct obj *box, *obj;
893.  	char buf[BUFSZ];
895.  	for (box = list; box; box = box->nobj) {
896.  	    if (Is_container(box) && box->otyp != BAG_OF_TRICKS) {
897.  		if (box->cobj) {
898.  		    winid tmpwin = create_nhwindow(NHW_MENU);
899.  		    Sprintf(buf, "Contents of %s:", the(xname(box)));
900.  		    putstr(tmpwin, 0, buf);
901.  		    putstr(tmpwin, 0, "");
902.  		    for (obj = box->cobj; obj; obj = obj->nobj) {
903.  			if (identified) {
904.  			    makeknown(obj->otyp);
905.  			    obj->known = obj->bknown =
906.  			    obj->dknown = obj->rknown = 1;
907.  			}
908.  			putstr(tmpwin, 0, doname(obj));
909.  		    }
910.  		    display_nhwindow(tmpwin, TRUE);
911.  		    destroy_nhwindow(tmpwin);
912.  		    if (all_containers)
913.  			container_contents(box->cobj, identified, TRUE);
914.  		} else {
915.  		    pline("%s empty.", Tobjnam(box, "are"));
916.  		    display_nhwindow(WIN_MESSAGE, FALSE);
917.  		}
918.  	    }
919.  	    if (!all_containers)
920.  		break;
921.  	}
922.  }
925.  /* should be called with either EXIT_SUCCESS or EXIT_FAILURE */
926.  void
927.  terminate(status)
928.  int status;
929.  {
930.  #ifdef MAC
931.  	getreturn("to exit");
932.  #endif
933.  	/* don't bother to try to release memory if we're in panic mode, to
934.  	   avoid trouble in case that happens to be due to memory problems */
935.  	if (!program_state.panicking) {
936.  	    freedynamicdata();
937.  	    dlb_cleanup();
938.  	}
940.  	nethack_exit(status);
941.  }
943.  STATIC_OVL void
944.  list_vanquished(defquery, ask)
945.  int defquery;
946.  boolean ask;
947.  {
948.      register int i, lev;
949.      int ntypes = 0, max_lev = 0, nkilled;
950.      long total_killed = 0L;
951.      char c;
952.      winid klwin;
953.      char buf[BUFSZ];
955.      /* get totals first */
956.      for (i = LOW_PM; i < NUMMONS; i++) {
957.  	if (mvitals[i].died) ntypes++;
958.  	total_killed += (long)mvitals[i].died;
959.  	if (mons[i].mlevel > max_lev) max_lev = mons[i].mlevel;
960.      }
962.      /* vanquished creatures list;
963.       * includes all dead monsters, not just those killed by the player
964.       */
965.      if (ntypes != 0) {
966.      	if (ask)
967.  	    c = yn_function("Do you want an account of creatures vanquished?",
968.  				ynqchars, defquery);
969.  	if (ask && c == 'q') done_stopprint++;
970.  	if ((!ask && defquery == 'y') || (ask && c == 'y')) {
971.  	    klwin = create_nhwindow(NHW_MENU);
972.  	    putstr(klwin, 0, "Vanquished creatures:");
973.  	    putstr(klwin, 0, "");
975.  	    /* countdown by monster "toughness" */
976.  	    for (lev = max_lev; lev >= 0; lev--)
977.  	      for (i = LOW_PM; i < NUMMONS; i++)
978.  		if (mons[i].mlevel == lev && (nkilled = mvitals[i].died) > 0) {
979.  		    if ((mons[i].geno & G_UNIQ) && i != PM_HIGH_PRIEST) {
980.  			Sprintf(buf, "%s%s",
981.  				!type_is_pname(&mons[i]) ? "The " : "",
982.  				mons[i].mname);
983.  			if (nkilled > 1) {
984.  			    switch (nkilled) {
985.  	    			case 2:  Sprintf(eos(buf)," (twice)");  break;
986.  	    			case 3:  Sprintf(eos(buf)," (thrice)");  break;
987.  	    			default: Sprintf(eos(buf)," (%d time%s)",
988.  				    		nkilled, plur(nkilled));
989.  				break;
990.  			    }
991.  			}
992.  		    } else {
993.  			/* trolls or undead might have come back,
994.  			   but we don't keep track of that */
995.  			if (nkilled == 1)
996.  			    Strcpy(buf, an(mons[i].mname));
997.  			else
998.  			    Sprintf(buf, "%d %s",
999.  				    nkilled, makeplural(mons[i].mname));
1000. 		    }
1001. 		    putstr(klwin, 0, buf);
1002. 		}
1003. 	    /*
1004. 	     * if (Hallucination)
1005. 	     *     putstr(klwin, 0, "and a partridge in a pear tree");
1006. 	     */
1007. 	    if (ntypes > 1) {
1008. 		putstr(klwin, 0, "");
1009. 		Sprintf(buf, "%ld creatures vanquished.", total_killed);
1010. 		putstr(klwin, 0, buf);
1011. 	    }
1012. 	    display_nhwindow(klwin, TRUE);
1013. 	    destroy_nhwindow(klwin);
1014. 	}
1015.     }
1016. }
1018. /* number of monster species which have been genocided */
1019. int
1020. num_genocides()
1021. {
1022.     int i, n = 0;
1024.     for (i = LOW_PM; i < NUMMONS; ++i)
1025. 	if (mvitals[i].mvflags & G_GENOD) ++n;
1027.     return n;
1028. }
1030. STATIC_OVL void
1031. list_genocided(defquery, ask)
1032. int defquery;
1033. boolean ask;
1034. {
1035.     register int i;
1036.     int ngenocided;
1037.     char c;
1038.     winid klwin;
1039.     char buf[BUFSZ];
1041.     ngenocided = num_genocides();
1043.     /* genocided species list */
1044.     if (ngenocided != 0) {
1045.     	if (ask)
1046. 	    c = yn_function("Do you want a list of species genocided?",
1047. 				ynqchars, defquery);
1048. 	if (ask && c == 'q') done_stopprint++;
1049. 	if ((!ask && defquery == 'y') || (ask && c == 'y')) {
1050. 	    klwin = create_nhwindow(NHW_MENU);
1051. 	    putstr(klwin, 0, "Genocided species:");
1052. 	    putstr(klwin, 0, "");
1054. 	    for (i = LOW_PM; i < NUMMONS; i++)
1055. 		if (mvitals[i].mvflags & G_GENOD) {
1056. 		    if ((mons[i].geno & G_UNIQ) && i != PM_HIGH_PRIEST)
1057. 			Sprintf(buf, "%s%s",
1058. 				!type_is_pname(&mons[i]) ? "" : "the ",
1059. 				mons[i].mname);
1060. 		    else
1061. 			Strcpy(buf, makeplural(mons[i].mname));
1062. 		    putstr(klwin, 0, buf);
1063. 		}
1065. 	    putstr(klwin, 0, "");
1066. 	    Sprintf(buf, "%d species genocided.", ngenocided);
1067. 	    putstr(klwin, 0, buf);
1069. 	    display_nhwindow(klwin, TRUE);
1070. 	    destroy_nhwindow(klwin);
1071. 	}
1072.     }
1073. }
1075. /*end.c*/