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Below is the full text to mapglyph.c from the source code of NetHack 3.4.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.4.0/mapglyph.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)mapglyph.c	3.4	2000/08/18	*/
2.    /* Copyright (c) David Cohrs, 1991				  */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    #include "hack.h"
6.    #if defined(TTY_GRAPHICS)
7.    #include "wintty.h"	/* for prototype of has_color() only */
8.    #endif
9.    #include "color.h"
11.   int explcolors[] = {
12.   	CLR_BLACK,	/* dark    */
13.   	CLR_GREEN,	/* noxious */
14.   	CLR_BROWN,	/* muddy   */
15.   	CLR_BLUE,	/* wet     */
16.   	CLR_MAGENTA,	/* magical */
17.   	CLR_ORANGE,	/* fiery   */
18.   	CLR_WHITE,	/* frosty  */
19.   };
21.   #if !defined(TTY_GRAPHICS)
22.   #define has_color(n)  TRUE
23.   #endif
25.   #ifdef TEXTCOLOR
26.   #define zap_color(n)  color = iflags.use_color ? zapcolors[n] : NO_COLOR
27.   #define cmap_color(n) color = iflags.use_color ? defsyms[n].color : NO_COLOR
28.   #define obj_color(n)  color = iflags.use_color ? objects[n].oc_color : NO_COLOR
29.   #define mon_color(n)  color = iflags.use_color ? mons[n].mcolor : NO_COLOR
30.   #define invis_color(n) color = NO_COLOR
31.   #define pet_color(n)  color = iflags.use_color ? mons[n].mcolor : NO_COLOR
32.   #define warn_color(n) color = iflags.use_color ? def_warnsyms[n].color : NO_COLOR
33.   #define explode_color(n) color = iflags.use_color ? explcolors[n] : NO_COLOR
34.   # if defined(REINCARNATION) && defined(ASCIIGRAPH)
35.   #  define ROGUE_COLOR
36.   # endif
38.   #else	/* no text color */
40.   #define zap_color(n)
41.   #define cmap_color(n)
42.   #define obj_color(n)
43.   #define mon_color(n)
44.   #define invis_color(n)
45.   #define pet_color(c)
46.   #define warn_color(n)
47.   #define explode_color(n)
48.   #endif
50.   #ifdef ROGUE_COLOR
51.   # if defined(USE_TILES) && defined(MSDOS)
52.   #define HAS_ROGUE_IBM_GRAPHICS (iflags.IBMgraphics && !iflags.grmode && \
53.   	Is_rogue_level(&u.uz))
54.   # else
55.   #define HAS_ROGUE_IBM_GRAPHICS (iflags.IBMgraphics && Is_rogue_level(&u.uz))
56.   # endif
57.   #endif
59.   /*ARGSUSED*/
60.   void
61.   mapglyph(glyph, ochar, ocolor, ospecial, x, y)
62.   int glyph, *ocolor, x, y;
63.   int *ochar;
64.   unsigned *ospecial;
65.   {
66.   	register int offset;
67.   	int color = NO_COLOR;
68.   	uchar ch;
69.   	unsigned special = 0;
71.       /*
72.        *  Map the glyph back to a character and color.
73.        *
74.        *  Warning:  For speed, this makes an assumption on the order of
75.        *		  offsets.  The order is set in display.h.
76.        */
77.       if ((offset = (glyph - GLYPH_WARNING_OFF)) >= 0) {	/* a warning flash */
78.       	ch = warnsyms[offset];
79.   # ifdef ROGUE_COLOR
81.   	    color = NO_COLOR;
82.   	else
83.   # endif
84.   	    warn_color(offset);
85.       } else if ((offset = (glyph - GLYPH_SWALLOW_OFF)) >= 0) {	/* swallow */
86.   	/* see swallow_to_glyph() in display.c */
87.   	ch = (uchar) showsyms[S_sw_tl + (offset & 0x7)];
88.   #ifdef ROGUE_COLOR
89.   	if (HAS_ROGUE_IBM_GRAPHICS && iflags.use_color)
90.   	    color = NO_COLOR;
91.   	else
92.   #endif
93.   	    mon_color(offset >> 3);
94.       } else if ((offset = (glyph - GLYPH_ZAP_OFF)) >= 0) {	/* zap beam */
95.   	/* see zapdir_to_glyph() in display.c */
96.   	ch = showsyms[S_vbeam + (offset & 0x3)];
97.   #ifdef ROGUE_COLOR
98.   	if (HAS_ROGUE_IBM_GRAPHICS && iflags.use_color)
99.   	    color = NO_COLOR;
100.  	else
101.  #endif
102.  	    zap_color((offset >> 2));
103.      } else if ((offset = (glyph - GLYPH_EXPLODE_OFF)) >= 0) {	/* explosion */
104.  	ch = showsyms[(offset % MAXEXPCHARS) + S_explode1];
105.  	explode_color(offset / MAXEXPCHARS);
106.      } else if ((offset = (glyph - GLYPH_CMAP_OFF)) >= 0) {	/* cmap */
107.  	ch = showsyms[offset];
108.  #ifdef ROGUE_COLOR
109.  	if (HAS_ROGUE_IBM_GRAPHICS && iflags.use_color) {
110.  	    if (offset >= S_vwall && offset <= S_hcdoor)
111.  		color = CLR_BROWN;
112.  	    else if (offset >= S_arrow_trap && offset <= S_polymorph_trap)
113.  		color = CLR_MAGENTA;
114.  	    else if (offset == S_corr || offset == S_litcorr)
115.  		color = CLR_GRAY;
116.  	    else if (offset >= S_room && offset <= S_water)
117.  		color = CLR_GREEN;
118.  	    else
119.  		color = NO_COLOR;
120.  	} else
121.  #endif
122.  	    cmap_color(offset);
123.      } else if ((offset = (glyph - GLYPH_OBJ_OFF)) >= 0) {	/* object */
124.  	if (offset == BOULDER && iflags.bouldersym) ch = iflags.bouldersym;
125.  	else ch = oc_syms[(int)objects[offset].oc_class];
126.  #ifdef ROGUE_COLOR
127.  	if (HAS_ROGUE_IBM_GRAPHICS && iflags.use_color) {
128.  	    switch(objects[offset].oc_class) {
129.  		case GOLD_CLASS: color = CLR_YELLOW; break;
130.  		case FOOD_CLASS: color = CLR_RED; break;
131.  		default: color = CLR_BRIGHT_BLUE; break;
132.  	    }
133.  	} else
134.  #endif
135.  	    obj_color(offset);
136.      } else if ((offset = (glyph - GLYPH_RIDDEN_OFF)) >= 0) {	/* mon ridden */
137.  	ch = monsyms[(int)mons[offset].mlet];
138.  #ifdef ROGUE_COLOR
140.  	    /* This currently implies that the hero is here -- monsters */
141.  	    /* don't ride (yet...).  Should we set it to yellow like in */
142.  	    /* the monster case below?  There is no equivalent in rogue. */
143.  	    color = NO_COLOR;	/* no need to check iflags.use_color */
144.  	else
145.  #endif
146.  	    mon_color(offset);
147.  	    special |= MG_RIDDEN;
148.      } else if ((offset = (glyph - GLYPH_BODY_OFF)) >= 0) {	/* a corpse */
149.  	ch = oc_syms[(int)objects[CORPSE].oc_class];
150.  #ifdef ROGUE_COLOR
151.  	if (HAS_ROGUE_IBM_GRAPHICS && iflags.use_color)
152.  	    color = CLR_RED;
153.  	else
154.  #endif
155.  	    mon_color(offset);
156.  	    special |= MG_CORPSE;
157.      } else if ((offset = (glyph - GLYPH_DETECT_OFF)) >= 0) {	/* mon detect */
158.  	ch = monsyms[(int)mons[offset].mlet];
159.  #ifdef ROGUE_COLOR
161.  	    color = NO_COLOR;	/* no need to check iflags.use_color */
162.  	else
163.  #endif
164.  	    mon_color(offset);
165.  	/* Disabled for now; anyone want to get reverse video to work? */
166.  	/* is_reverse = TRUE; */
167.  	    special |= MG_DETECT;
168.      } else if ((offset = (glyph - GLYPH_INVIS_OFF)) >= 0) {	/* invisible */
169.  	ch = DEF_INVISIBLE;
170.  #ifdef ROGUE_COLOR
172.  	    color = NO_COLOR;	/* no need to check iflags.use_color */
173.  	else
174.  #endif
175.  	    invis_color(offset);
176.  	    special |= MG_INVIS;
177.      } else if ((offset = (glyph - GLYPH_PET_OFF)) >= 0) {	/* a pet */
178.  	ch = monsyms[(int)mons[offset].mlet];
179.  #ifdef ROGUE_COLOR
181.  	    color = NO_COLOR;	/* no need to check iflags.use_color */
182.  	else
183.  #endif
184.  	    pet_color(offset);
185.  	    special |= MG_PET;
186.      } else {							/* a monster */
187.  	ch = monsyms[(int)mons[glyph].mlet];
188.  #ifdef ROGUE_COLOR
189.  	if (HAS_ROGUE_IBM_GRAPHICS && iflags.use_color) {
190.  	    if (x == u.ux && y == u.uy)
191.  		/* actually player should be yellow-on-gray if in a corridor */
192.  		color = CLR_YELLOW;
193.  	    else
194.  		color = NO_COLOR;
195.  	} else
196.  #endif
197.  	    mon_color(glyph);
198.      }
200.  #ifdef TEXTCOLOR
201.      /* Turn off color if no color defined, or rogue level w/o PC graphics. */
202.  # ifdef REINCARNATION
203.  #  ifdef ASCIIGRAPH
204.      if (!has_color(color) || (Is_rogue_level(&u.uz) && !HAS_ROGUE_IBM_GRAPHICS))
205.  #  else
206.      if (!has_color(color) || Is_rogue_level(&u.uz))
207.  #  endif
208.  # else
209.      if (!has_color(color))
210.  # endif
211.  	color = NO_COLOR;
212.  #endif
213.      if (ochar)
214.  	*ochar = (int)ch;
215.      else
216.      	impossible("glyphmap(): Invalid output character buffer.");
218.      if (ospecial)
219.  	*ospecial = special;
220.      else
221.      	impossible("glyphmap(): Invalid special feature return buffer.");
223.  #ifdef TEXTCOLOR
224.      if (ocolor)
225.  	*ocolor = color;
226.      else
227.      	impossible("glyphmap(): Invalid color  buffer.");
228.  #endif
229.      return;
230.  }
232.  /*mapglyph.c*/