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Latest revision as of 14:06, 4 March 2008

Below is the full text to steed.c from the source code of NetHack 3.4.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.4.0/steed.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

The NetHack General Public License applies to screenshots, source code and other content from NetHack.

This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)steed.c	3.4	2002/03/09	*/
2.    /* Copyright (c) Kevin Hugo, 1998-1999. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    #include "hack.h"
8.    #ifdef STEED
10.   /* Monsters that might be ridden */
11.   static NEARDATA const char steeds[] = {
13.   };
15.   STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(landing_spot, (coord *, int));
17.   /*** Putting the saddle on ***/
19.   /* Can this monster wear a saddle? */
20.   boolean
21.   can_saddle(mtmp)
22.   	struct monst *mtmp;
23.   {
24.   	struct permonst *ptr = mtmp->data;
26.   	return (index(steeds, ptr->mlet) && (ptr->msize >= MZ_MEDIUM) &&
27.   			(!humanoid(ptr) || ptr->mlet == S_CENTAUR) &&
28.   			!amorphous(ptr) && !noncorporeal(ptr) &&
29.   			!is_whirly(ptr) && !unsolid(ptr));
30.   }
33.   int
34.   use_saddle(otmp)
35.   	struct obj *otmp;
36.   {
37.   	struct monst *mtmp;
38.   	struct permonst *ptr;
39.   	int chance;
40.   	const char *s;
43.   	/* Can you use it? */
44.   	if (nohands(youmonst.data)) {
45.   		You("have no hands!");	/* not `body_part(HAND)' */
46.   		return 0;
47.   	} else if (!freehand()) {
48.   		You("have no free %s.", body_part(HAND));
49.   		return 0;
50.   	}
52.   	/* Select an animal */
53.   	if (u.uswallow || Underwater || !getdir((char *)0)) {
54.   	    pline(Never_mind);
55.   	    return 0;
56.   	}
57.   	if (!u.dx && !u.dy) {
58.   	    pline("Saddle yourself?  Very funny...");
59.   	    return 0;
60.   	}
61.   	if (!isok(u.ux+u.dx, u.uy+u.dy) ||
62.   			!(mtmp = m_at(u.ux+u.dx, u.uy+u.dy)) ||
63.   			!canspotmon(mtmp)) {
64.   	    pline("I see nobody there.");
65.   	    return 1;
66.   	}
68.   	/* Is this a valid monster? */
69.   	if (mtmp->misc_worn_check & W_SADDLE ||
70.   			which_armor(mtmp, W_SADDLE)) {
71.   	    pline("%s doesn't need another one.", Monnam(mtmp));
72.   	    return 1;
73.   	}
74.   	ptr = mtmp->data;
75.   	if (touch_petrifies(ptr) && !Stone_resistance) {
76.   	    char kbuf[BUFSZ];
78.   	    You("touch %s.", mon_nam(mtmp));
79.    	    if (!(poly_when_stoned(youmonst.data) && polymon(PM_STONE_GOLEM))) {
80.   			Sprintf(kbuf, "attempting to saddle %s", a_monnam(mtmp));
81.   			instapetrify(kbuf);
82.    	    }
83.   	}
84.   	if (ptr == &mons[PM_INCUBUS] || ptr == &mons[PM_SUCCUBUS]) {
85.   	    pline("Shame on you!");
86.   	    exercise(A_WIS, FALSE);
87.   	    return 1;
88.   	}
89.   	if (mtmp->isminion || mtmp->isshk || mtmp->ispriest ||
90.   			mtmp->isgd || mtmp->iswiz) {
91.   	    pline("I think %s would mind.", mon_nam(mtmp));
92.   	    return 1;
93.   	}
94.   	if (!can_saddle(mtmp)) {
95.   		You_cant("saddle such a creature.");
96.   		return 1;
97.   	}
99.   	/* Calculate your chance */
100.  	chance = ACURR(A_DEX) + ACURR(A_CHA)/2 + 2*mtmp->mtame;
101.  	chance += u.ulevel * (mtmp->mtame ? 20 : 5);
102.  	if (!mtmp->mtame) chance -= 10*mtmp->m_lev;
103.  	if (Role_if(PM_KNIGHT))
104.  	    chance += 20;
105.  	switch (P_SKILL(P_RIDING)) {
106.  	case P_ISRESTRICTED:
107.  	case P_UNSKILLED:
108.  	default:
109.  	    chance -= 20;	break;
110.  	case P_BASIC:
111.  	    break;
112.  	case P_SKILLED:
113.  	    chance += 15;	break;
114.  	case P_EXPERT:
115.  	    chance += 30;	break;
116.  	}
117.  	if (Confusion || Fumbling || Glib)
118.  	    chance -= 20;
119.  	else if (uarmg &&
120.  		(s = OBJ_DESCR(objects[uarmg->otyp])) != (char *)0 &&
121.  		!strncmp(s, "riding ", 7))
122.  	    /* Bonus for wearing "riding" (but not fumbling) gloves */
123.  	    chance += 10;
124.  	else if (uarmf &&
125.  		(s = OBJ_DESCR(objects[uarmf->otyp])) != (char *)0 &&
126.  		!strncmp(s, "riding ", 7))
127.  	    /* ... or for "riding boots" */
128.  	    chance += 10;
129.  	if (otmp->cursed)
130.  	    chance -= 50;
132.  	/* Make the attempt */
133.  	if (rn2(100) < chance) {
134.  	    You("put the saddle on %s.", mon_nam(mtmp));
135.  	    freeinv(otmp);
136.  	    /* mpickobj may free otmp it if merges, but we have already
137.  	       checked for a saddle above, so no merger should happen */
138.  	    (void) mpickobj(mtmp, otmp);
139.  	    mtmp->misc_worn_check |= W_SADDLE;
140.  	    otmp->owornmask = W_SADDLE;
141.  	    otmp->leashmon = mtmp->m_id;
142.  	    update_mon_intrinsics(mtmp, otmp, TRUE);
143.  	} else
144.  	    pline("%s resists!", Monnam(mtmp));
145.  	return 1;
146.  }
149.  /*** Riding the monster ***/
151.  /* Can we ride this monster?  Caller should also check can_saddle() */
152.  boolean
153.  can_ride(mtmp)
154.  	struct monst *mtmp;
155.  {
156.  	return (mtmp->mtame && humanoid(youmonst.data) &&
157.  			!verysmall(youmonst.data) && !bigmonst(youmonst.data) &&
158.  			(!Underwater || is_swimmer(mtmp->data)));
159.  }
162.  int
163.  doride()
164.  {
165.  	boolean forcemount = FALSE;
167.  	if (u.usteed)
168.  	    dismount_steed(DISMOUNT_BYCHOICE);
169.  	else if (getdir((char *)0) && isok(u.ux+u.dx, u.uy+u.dy)) {
170.  #ifdef WIZARD
171.  	if (wizard && yn("Force the mount to succeed?") == 'y')
172.  		forcemount = TRUE;
173.  #endif
174.  	    return (mount_steed(m_at(u.ux+u.dx, u.uy+u.dy), forcemount));
175.  	} else
176.  	    return 0;
177.  	return 1;
178.  }
181.  /* Start riding, with the given monster */
182.  boolean
183.  mount_steed(mtmp, force)
184.  	struct monst *mtmp;	/* The animal */
185.  	boolean force;		/* Quietly force this animal */
186.  {
187.  	struct obj *otmp;
188.  	char buf[BUFSZ];
189.  	struct permonst *ptr;
192.  	/* Sanity checks */
193.  	if (u.usteed) {
194.  	    if (!force)
195.  	    	You("are already riding %s.", mon_nam(u.usteed));
196.  	    return (FALSE);
197.  	}
199.  	/* Is the player in the right form? */
200.  	if (Hallucination && !force) {
201.  	    pline("Maybe you should find a designated driver.");
202.  	    return (FALSE);
203.  	}
204.  	/* While riding Wounded_legs refers to the steed's,
205.  	 * not the hero's legs.
206.  	 * That opens up a potential abuse where the player
207.  	 * can mount a steed, then dismount immediately to
208.  	 * heal leg damage, because leg damage is always
209.  	 * healed upon dismount (Wounded_legs context switch).
210.  	 * By preventing a hero with Wounded_legs from
211.  	 * mounting a steed, the potential for abuse is
212.  	 * minimized, if not eliminated altogether.
213.  	 */
214.  	if (Wounded_legs) {
215.  	    Your("%s are in no shape for riding.", makeplural(body_part(LEG)));
216.  #ifdef WIZARD
217.  	    if (force && wizard && yn("Heal your legs?") == 'y')
218.  		HWounded_legs = EWounded_legs = 0;
219.  	    else
220.  #endif
221.  	    return (FALSE);
222.  	}
224.  	if (Upolyd && (!humanoid(youmonst.data) || verysmall(youmonst.data) ||
225.  			bigmonst(youmonst.data))) {
226.  	    if (!force)
227.  	    	You("won't fit on a saddle.");
228.  	    return (FALSE);
229.  	}
230.  	if(!force && (near_capacity() > SLT_ENCUMBER)) {
231.  	    You_cant("do that while carrying so much stuff.");
232.  	    return (FALSE);
233.  	}
235.  	/* Can the player reach and see the monster? */
236.      if (u.uswallow || u.ustuck || u.utrap || Punished) {
237.          if (!force) {
238.  		if (Punished)
239.  			You("are unable to swing your %s over.",
240.  				body_part(LEG)); 
241.  		else
242.          		You("are stuck here for now.");
243.  	}
244.          return (FALSE);
245.      }
246.  	if (!mtmp || (!force && ((Blind && !Blind_telepat) ||
247.  		mtmp->mundetected ||
248.  		mtmp->m_ap_type == M_AP_FURNITURE ||
249.  		mtmp->m_ap_type == M_AP_OBJECT))) {
250.  	    if (!force)
251.  	    	pline("I see nobody there.");
252.  	    return (FALSE);
253.  	}
255.  	/* Is this a valid monster? */
256.  	otmp = which_armor(mtmp, W_SADDLE);
257.  	if (!otmp) {
258.  	    pline("%s is not saddled.", Monnam(mtmp));
259.  	    return (FALSE);
260.  	}
261.  	ptr = mtmp->data;
262.  	if (touch_petrifies(ptr) && !Stone_resistance) {
263.  	    char kbuf[BUFSZ];
265.  	    You("touch %s.", mon_nam(mtmp));
266.   	    Sprintf(kbuf, "attempting to ride %s", an(mtmp->data->mname));
267.  	    instapetrify(kbuf);
268.  	}
269.  	if (!mtmp->mtame || mtmp->isminion) {
270.  	    if (!force)
271.  	    	pline("I think %s would mind.", mon_nam(mtmp));
272.  	    return (FALSE);
273.  	}
274.  	if (!force && !Role_if(PM_KNIGHT) && !(--mtmp->mtame)) {
275.  	    /* no longer tame */
276.  	    newsym(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
277.  	    pline("%s resists%s!", Monnam(mtmp),
278.  		  mtmp->mleashed ? " and its leash comes off" : "");
279.  	    if (mtmp->mleashed) m_unleash(mtmp, FALSE);
280.  	    return (FALSE);
281.  	}
282.  	if (!force && Underwater && !is_swimmer(ptr)) {
283.  	    You_cant("ride that creature while under water.");
284.  	    return (FALSE);
285.  	}
286.  	if (!can_saddle(mtmp) || !can_ride(mtmp)) {
287.  	    if (!force)
288.  	    	You_cant("ride such a creature.");
289.  	    return (0);
290.  	}
292.  	/* Is the player impaired? */
293.  	if (!force && !is_floater(ptr) && !is_flyer(ptr) &&
294.  			Levitation && !Lev_at_will) {
295.  	    You("cannot reach %s.", mon_nam(mtmp));
296.  	    return (FALSE);
297.  	}
298.  	if (!force && uarm && is_metallic(uarm) &&
299.  			greatest_erosion(uarm)) {
300.  	    Your("%s armor is too stiff to be able to mount %s.",
301.  			uarm->oeroded ? "rusty" : "corroded",
302.  			mon_nam(mtmp));
303.  	    return (FALSE);
304.  	}
305.  	if (!force && (Confusion || Fumbling || Glib || Wounded_legs ||
306.  		otmp->cursed || (u.ulevel+mtmp->mtame < rnd(MAXULEV/2+5)))) {
307.  	    if (Levitation) {
308.  		pline("%s slips away from you.", Monnam(mtmp));
309.  		return FALSE;
310.  	    }
311.  	    You("slip while trying to get on %s.", mon_nam(mtmp));
313.  	    /* Unfortunately we don't have a version of the monster-naming
314.  	     * function that works well with "a" and "the" but ignores
315.  	     * hallucination.  Fortunately, we know the monster must be saddled
316.  	     * at this point, and that it can't have type_is_pname(), so we
317.  	     * don't need to worry about the special cases such a function
318.  	     * would have to consider.
319.  	     */
320.  	    Sprintf(buf, "slipped while mounting a saddled %s",
321.  		    m_monnam(mtmp));
322.  	    losehp(rn1(5,10), buf, NO_KILLER_PREFIX);
323.  	    return (FALSE);
324.  	}
326.  	/* Success */
327.  	if (!force) {
328.  	    if (Levitation && !is_floater(ptr) && !is_flyer(ptr))
329.  	    	/* Must have Lev_at_will at this point */
330.  	    	pline("%s magically floats up!", Monnam(mtmp));
331.  	    You("mount %s.", mon_nam(mtmp));
332.  	}
333.  	u.usteed = mtmp;
334.  	remove_monster(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
335.  	teleds(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
336.  	return (TRUE);
337.  }
340.  /* You and your steed have moved */
341.  void
342.  exercise_steed()
343.  {
344.  	if (!u.usteed)
345.  		return;
347.  	/* It takes many turns of riding to exercise skill */
348.  	if (u.urideturns++ >= 100) {
349.  	    u.urideturns = 0;
350.  	    use_skill(P_RIDING, 1);
351.  	}
352.  	return;
353.  }
356.  /* The player kicks or whips the steed */
357.  void
358.  kick_steed()
359.  {
360.  	char He[4];
361.  	if (!u.usteed)
362.  	    return;
364.  	/* [ALI] Various effects of kicking sleeping/paralyzed steeds */
365.  	if (u.usteed->msleeping || !u.usteed->mcanmove) {
366.  	    /* We assume a message has just been output of the form
367.  	     * "You kick <steed>."
368.  	     */
369.  	    Strcpy(He, mhe(u.usteed));
370.  	    *He = highc(*He);
371.  	    if ((u.usteed->mcanmove || u.usteed->mfrozen) && !rn2(2)) {
372.  		if (u.usteed->mcanmove)
373.  		    u.usteed->msleeping = 0;
374.  		else if (u.usteed->mfrozen > 2)
375.  		    u.usteed->mfrozen -= 2;
376.  		else {
377.  		    u.usteed->mfrozen = 0;
378.  		    u.usteed->mcanmove = 1;
379.  		}
380.  		if (u.usteed->msleeping || !u.usteed->mcanmove)
381.  		    pline("%s stirs.", He);
382.  		else
383.  		    pline("%s rouses %sself!", He, mhim(u.usteed));
384.  	    } else
385.  		pline("%s does not respond.", He);
386.  	    return;
387.  	}
389.  	/* Make the steed less tame and check if it resists */
390.  	if (u.usteed->mtame) u.usteed->mtame--;
391.  	if (!u.usteed->mtame && u.usteed->mleashed) m_unleash(u.usteed, TRUE);
392.  	if (!u.usteed->mtame || (u.ulevel+u.usteed->mtame < rnd(MAXULEV/2+5))) {
393.  	    newsym(u.usteed->mx, u.usteed->my);
394.  	    dismount_steed(DISMOUNT_THROWN);
395.  	    return;
396.  	}
398.  	pline("%s gallops!", Monnam(u.usteed));
399.  	u.ugallop += rn1(20, 30);
400.  	return;
401.  }
403.  /*
404.   * Try to find a dismount point adjacent to the steed's location.
405.   * If all else fails, try enexto().  Use enexto() as a last resort because
406.   * enexto() chooses its point randomly, possibly even outside the
407.   * room's walls, which is not what we want.
408.   * Adapted from mail daemon code.
409.   */
410.  STATIC_OVL boolean
411.  landing_spot(spot, forceit)
412.  coord *spot;	/* landing position (we fill it in) */
413.  int forceit;
414.  {
415.      int x, y, distance, min_distance = -1;
416.      boolean found = FALSE;
418.      for (x = u.ux-1; x <= u.ux+1; x++)
419.    	for (y = u.uy-1; y <= u.uy+1; y++) {
420.  	    if (!isok(x, y) || (x == u.ux && y == u.uy)) continue;
422.  	    if (ACCESSIBLE(levl[x][y].typ) &&
423.  			!MON_AT(x,y) && !closed_door(x,y)) {
424.  		distance = distu(x,y);
425.  		if (min_distance < 0 || distance < min_distance ||
426.  			(distance == min_distance && rn2(2))) {
427.  		    spot->x = x;
428.  		    spot->y = y;
429.  		    min_distance = distance;
430.  		    found = TRUE;
431.  		}
432.  	    }
433.  	}
435.      /* If we didn't find a good spot and forceit is on, try enexto(). */
436.      if (forceit && min_distance < 0 &&
437.  		!enexto(spot, u.ux, u.uy, youmonst.data))
438.  	return FALSE;
440.      return found;
441.  }
443.  /* Stop riding the current steed */
444.  void
445.  dismount_steed(reason)
446.  	int reason;		/* Player was thrown off etc. */
447.  {
448.  	struct monst *mtmp;
449.  	struct obj *otmp;
450.  	coord cc;
451.  	const char *verb = "fall";
452.  	boolean repair_leg_damage = TRUE;
453.  	unsigned save_utrap = u.utrap;
454.  	boolean have_spot = landing_spot(&cc,0);
456.  	mtmp = u.usteed;		/* make a copy of steed pointer */
457.  	/* Sanity check */
458.  	if (!mtmp)		/* Just return silently */
459.  	    return;
461.  	/* Check the reason for dismounting */
462.  	otmp = which_armor(mtmp, W_SADDLE);
463.  	switch (reason) {
464.  	    case DISMOUNT_THROWN:
465.  		verb = "are thrown";
466.  	    case DISMOUNT_FELL:
467.  		You("%s off of %s!", verb, mon_nam(mtmp));
468.  		if (!have_spot) have_spot = landing_spot(&cc,1);
469.  		losehp(rn1(10,10), "riding accident", KILLED_BY_AN);
470.  		set_wounded_legs(BOTH_SIDES, (int)HWounded_legs + rn1(5,5));
471.  		repair_leg_damage = FALSE;
472.  		break;
473.  	    case DISMOUNT_POLY:
474.  		You("can no longer ride %s.", mon_nam(u.usteed));
475.  		if (!have_spot) have_spot = landing_spot(&cc,1);
476.  		break;
477.  	    case DISMOUNT_ENGULFED:
478.  		/* caller displays message */
479.  		break;
480.  	    case DISMOUNT_BONES:
481.  		/* hero has just died... */
482.  		break;
483.  	    case DISMOUNT_GENERIC:
484.  		/* no messages, just make it so */
485.  		break;
486.  	    case DISMOUNT_BYCHOICE:
487.  	    default:
488.  		if (otmp && otmp->cursed) {
489.  		    You("can't.  The saddle seems to be cursed.");
490.  		    otmp->bknown = TRUE;
491.  		    return;
492.  		}
493.  		if (!have_spot) {
494.  		    You("can't. There isn't anywhere for you to stand.");
495.  		    return;
496.  		}
497.  		if (!mtmp->mnamelth) {
498.  			pline("You've been through the dungeon on %s with no name.",
499.  				an(mtmp->data->mname));
500.  			if (Hallucination)
501.  				pline("It felt good to get out of the rain.");
502.  		} else
503.  			You("dismount %s.", mon_nam(mtmp));
504.  	}
505.  	/* While riding these refer to the steed's legs
506.  	 * so after dismounting they refer to the player's
507.  	 * legs once again.
508.  	 */
509.  	if (repair_leg_damage) HWounded_legs = EWounded_legs = 0;
511.  	/* Release the steed and saddle */
512.  	u.usteed = 0;
513.  	u.ugallop = 0L;
515.  	/* Set player and steed's position.  Try moving the player first
516.  	   unless we're in the midst of creating a bones file. */
517.  	if (reason == DISMOUNT_BONES) {
518.  	    /* move the steed to an adjacent square */
519.  	    if (enexto(&cc, u.ux, u.uy, mtmp->data))
520.  		rloc_to(mtmp, cc.x, cc.y);
521.  	    else	/* evidently no room nearby; move steed elsewhere */
522.  		rloc(mtmp);
523.  	    return;
524.  	}
525.  	if (!DEADMONSTER(mtmp)) {
526.  	    place_monster(mtmp, u.ux, u.uy);
527.  	    if (!u.uswallow && !u.ustuck && have_spot) {
528.  		struct permonst *mdat = mtmp->data;
530.  		/* The steed may drop into water/lava */
531.  		if (!is_flyer(mdat) && !is_floater(mdat) && !is_clinger(mdat)) {
532.  		    if (is_pool(u.ux, u.uy)) {
533.  			if (!Underwater)
534.  			    pline("%s falls into the %s!", Monnam(mtmp),
535.  							surface(u.ux, u.uy));
536.  			if (!is_swimmer(mdat) && !amphibious(mdat)) {
537.  			    killed(mtmp);
538.  			    adjalign(-1);
539.  			}
540.  		    } else if (is_lava(u.ux, u.uy)) {
541.  			pline("%s is pulled into the lava!", Monnam(mtmp));
542.  			if (!likes_lava(mdat)) {
543.  			    killed(mtmp);
544.  			    adjalign(-1);
545.  			}
546.  		    }
547.  		}
548.  	    /* Steed dismounting consists of two steps: being moved to another
549.  	     * square, and descending to the floor.  We have functions to do
550.  	     * each of these activities, but they're normally called
551.  	     * individually and include an attempt to look at or pick up the
552.  	     * objects on the floor:
553.  	     * teleds() --> spoteffects() --> pickup()
554.  	     * float_down() --> pickup()
555.  	     * We use this kludge to make sure there is only one such attempt.
556.  	     *
557.  	     * Clearly this is not the best way to do it.  A full fix would
558.  	     * involve having these functions not call pickup() at all, instead
559.  	     * calling them first and calling pickup() afterwards.  But it
560.  	     * would take a lot of work to keep this change from having any
561.  	     * unforseen side effects (for instance, you would no longer be
562.  	     * able to walk onto a square with a hole, and autopickup before
563.  	     * falling into the hole).
564.  	     */
565.  		/* [ALI] No need to move the player if the steed died. */
566.  		if (!DEADMONSTER(mtmp)) {
567.  		    /* Keep steed here, move the player to cc;
568.  		     * teleds() clears u.utrap
569.  		     */
570.  		    in_steed_dismounting = TRUE;
571.  		    teleds(cc.x, cc.y);
572.  		    in_steed_dismounting = FALSE;
574.  		    /* Put your steed in your trap */
575.  		    if (save_utrap)
576.  			(void) mintrap(mtmp);
577.  		}
578.  	    /* Couldn't... try placing the steed */
579.  	    } else if (enexto(&cc, u.ux, u.uy, mtmp->data)) {
580.  		/* Keep player here, move the steed to cc */
581.  		rloc_to(mtmp, cc.x, cc.y);
582.  		/* Player stays put */
583.  	    /* Otherwise, kill the steed */
584.  	    } else {
585.  		killed(mtmp);
586.  		adjalign(-1);
587.  	    }
588.  	}
590.  	/* Return the player to the floor */
591.  	in_steed_dismounting = TRUE;
592.  	(void) float_down(0L, W_SADDLE);
593.  	in_steed_dismounting = FALSE;
594.  	flags.botl = 1;
595.  	if (reason != DISMOUNT_ENGULFED) {
596.  		(void)encumber_msg();
597.  		vision_full_recalc = 1;
598.  	}
599.  	return;
600.  }
602.  void
603.  place_monster(mon, x, y)
604.  struct monst *mon;
605.  int x, y;
606.  {
607.      if (mon == u.usteed ||
608.  	    /* special case is for convoluted vault guard handling */
609.  	    (DEADMONSTER(mon) && !(mon->isgd && x == 0 && y == 0))) {
610.  	impossible("placing %s onto map?",
611.  		   (mon == u.usteed) ? "steed" : "defunct monster");
612.  	return;
613.      }
614.      mon->mx = x, mon->my = y;
615.      level.monsters[x][y] = mon;
616.  }
618.  #endif /* STEED */
620.  /*steed.c*/