Source:NetHack 3.4.0/trap.c

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Below is the full text to trap.c from the source code of NetHack 3.4.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.4.0/trap.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

The NetHack General Public License applies to screenshots, source code and other content from NetHack.

This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)trap.c	3.4	2001/09/06	*/
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    #include "hack.h"
7.    extern const char *destroy_strings[];
9.    STATIC_DCL void FDECL(dofiretrap, (struct obj *));
10.   STATIC_DCL void NDECL(domagictrap);
11.   STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(emergency_disrobe,(boolean *));
12.   STATIC_DCL int FDECL(untrap_prob, (struct trap *ttmp));
13.   STATIC_DCL void FDECL(cnv_trap_obj, (int, int, struct trap *));
14.   STATIC_DCL void FDECL(move_into_trap, (struct trap *));
15.   STATIC_DCL int FDECL(try_disarm, (struct trap *,BOOLEAN_P));
16.   STATIC_DCL void FDECL(reward_untrap, (struct trap *, struct monst *));
17.   STATIC_DCL int FDECL(disarm_holdingtrap, (struct trap *));
18.   STATIC_DCL int FDECL(disarm_landmine, (struct trap *));
19.   STATIC_DCL int FDECL(disarm_squeaky_board, (struct trap *));
20.   STATIC_DCL int FDECL(disarm_shooting_trap, (struct trap *, int));
21.   STATIC_DCL int FDECL(try_lift, (struct monst *, struct trap *, int, BOOLEAN_P));
22.   STATIC_DCL int FDECL(help_monster_out, (struct monst *, struct trap *));
23.   STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(thitm, (int, struct monst *, struct obj *, int));
24.   STATIC_DCL int FDECL(mkroll_launch,
25.   			(struct trap *,XCHAR_P,XCHAR_P,SHORT_P,long));
26.   STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(isclearpath,(coord *, int, SCHAR_P, SCHAR_P));
27.   #ifdef STEED
28.   STATIC_OVL int FDECL(steedintrap, (struct trap *, struct obj *));
29.   #endif
31.   #ifndef OVLB
32.   STATIC_VAR const char *a_your[2];
33.   STATIC_VAR const char *A_Your[2];
34.   STATIC_VAR const char *the_your[2];
35.   STATIC_VAR const char tower_of_flame[];
36.   STATIC_VAR const char *A_gush_of_water_hits;
38.   #else
40.   STATIC_VAR const char *a_your[2] = { "a", "your" };
41.   STATIC_VAR const char *A_Your[2] = { "A", "Your" };
42.   STATIC_VAR const char *the_your[2] = { "the", "your" };
43.   STATIC_VAR const char tower_of_flame[] = "tower of flame";
44.   STATIC_VAR const char *A_gush_of_water_hits = "A gush of water hits";
46.   #endif /* OVLB */
48.   #ifdef OVLB
50.   /* called when you're hit by fire (dofiretrap,buzz,zapyourself,explode) */
51.   boolean			/* returns TRUE if hit on torso */
52.   burnarmor(victim)
53.   struct monst *victim;
54.   {
55.       struct obj *item;
56.       char buf[BUFSZ];
57.       int mat_idx;
59.       if (!victim) return 0;
60.   #define burn_dmg(obj,descr) rust_dmg(obj, descr, 0, FALSE, victim)
61.       while (1) {
62.   	switch (rn2(5)) {
63.   	case 0:
64.   	    item = (victim == &youmonst) ? uarmh : which_armor(victim, W_ARMH);
65.   	    if (item) {
66.   		mat_idx = objects[item->otyp].oc_material;
67.   	    	Sprintf(buf,"%s helmet", materialnm[mat_idx] );
68.   	    }
69.   	    if (!burn_dmg(item, item ? buf : "helmet")) continue;
70.   	    break;
71.   	case 1:
72.   	    item = (victim == &youmonst) ? uarmc : which_armor(victim, W_ARMC);
73.   	    if (item) {
74.   		(void) burn_dmg(item, cloak_simple_name(item));
75.   		return TRUE;
76.   	    }
77.   	    item = (victim == &youmonst) ? uarm : which_armor(victim, W_ARM);
78.   	    if (item) {
79.   		(void) burn_dmg(item, xname(item));
80.   		return TRUE;
81.   	    }
82.   #ifdef TOURIST
83.   	    item = (victim == &youmonst) ? uarmu : which_armor(victim, W_ARMU);
84.   	    if (item)
85.   		(void) burn_dmg(item, "shirt");
86.   #endif
87.   	    return TRUE;
88.   	case 2:
89.   	    item = (victim == &youmonst) ? uarms : which_armor(victim, W_ARMS);
90.   	    if (!burn_dmg(item, "wooden shield")) continue;
91.   	    break;
92.   	case 3:
93.   	    item = (victim == &youmonst) ? uarmg : which_armor(victim, W_ARMG);
94.   	    if (!burn_dmg(item, "gloves")) continue;
95.   	    break;
96.   	case 4:
97.   	    item = (victim == &youmonst) ? uarmf : which_armor(victim, W_ARMF);
98.   	    if (!burn_dmg(item, "boots")) continue;
99.   	    break;
100.  	}
101.  	break; /* Out of while loop */
102.      }
103.      return FALSE;
104.  #undef burn_dmg
105.  }
107.  /* Generic rust-armor function.  Returns TRUE if a message was printed;
108.   * "print", if set, means to print a message (and thus to return TRUE) even
109.   * if the item could not be rusted; otherwise a message is printed and TRUE is
110.   * returned only for rustable items.
111.   */
112.  boolean
113.  rust_dmg(otmp, ostr, type, print, victim)
114.  register struct obj *otmp;
115.  register const char *ostr;
116.  int type;
117.  boolean print;
118.  struct monst *victim;
119.  {
120.  	static NEARDATA const char *action[] = { "smoulder", "rust", "rot", "corrode" };
121.  	static NEARDATA const char *msg[] =  { "burnt", "rusted", "rotten", "corroded" };
122.  	boolean vulnerable = FALSE;
123.  	boolean grprot = FALSE;
124.  	boolean is_primary = TRUE;
125.  	boolean vismon = (victim != &youmonst) && canseemon(victim);
126.  	int erosion;
128.  	if (!otmp) return(FALSE);
129.  	switch(type) {
130.  		case 0: vulnerable = is_flammable(otmp);
131.  			break;
132.  		case 1: vulnerable = is_rustprone(otmp);
133.  			grprot = TRUE;
134.  			break;
135.  		case 2: vulnerable = is_rottable(otmp);
136.  			is_primary = FALSE;
137.  			break;
138.  		case 3: vulnerable = is_corrodeable(otmp);
139.  			grprot = TRUE;
140.  			is_primary = FALSE;
141.  			break;
142.  	}
143.  	erosion = is_primary ? otmp->oeroded : otmp->oeroded2;
145.  	if (!print && (!vulnerable || otmp->oerodeproof || erosion == MAX_ERODE))
146.  		return FALSE;
148.  	if (!vulnerable) {
149.  	    if (flags.verbose) {
150.  		if (victim == &youmonst)
151.  		    Your("%s %s not affected.", ostr, vtense(ostr, "are"));
152.  		else if (vismon)
153.  		    pline("%s's %s %s not affected.", Monnam(victim), ostr,
154.  			  vtense(ostr, "are"));
155.  	    }
156.  	} else if (erosion < MAX_ERODE) {
157.  	    if (grprot && otmp->greased) {
158.  		grease_protect(otmp,ostr,victim);
159.  	    } else if (otmp->oerodeproof || (otmp->blessed && !rnl(4))) {
160.  		if (flags.verbose) {
161.  		    if (victim == &youmonst)
162.  			pline("Somehow, your %s %s not affected.",
163.  			      ostr, vtense(ostr, "are"));
164.  		    else if (vismon)
165.  			pline("Somehow, %s's %s %s not affected.",
166.  			      mon_nam(victim), ostr, vtense(ostr, "are"));
167.  		}
168.  	    } else {
169.  		if (victim == &youmonst)
170.  		    Your("%s %s%s!", ostr,
171.  			 vtense(ostr, action[type]),
172.  			 erosion+1 == MAX_ERODE ? " completely" :
173.  			    erosion ? " further" : "");
174.  		else if (vismon)
175.  		    pline("%s's %s %s%s!", Monnam(victim), ostr,
176.  			vtense(ostr, action[type]),
177.  			erosion+1 == MAX_ERODE ? " completely" :
178.  			  erosion ? " further" : "");
179.  		if (is_primary)
180.  		    otmp->oeroded++;
181.  		else
182.  		    otmp->oeroded2++;
183.  		update_inventory();
184.  	    }
185.  	} else {
186.  	    if (flags.verbose) {
187.  		if (victim == &youmonst)
188.  		    Your("%s %s completely %s.", ostr,
189.  			 vtense(ostr, Blind ? "feel" : "look"),
190.  			 msg[type]);
191.  		else if (vismon)
192.  		    pline("%s's %s %s completely %s.",
193.  			  Monnam(victim), ostr,
194.  			  vtense(ostr, "look"), msg[type]);
195.  	    }
196.  	}
197.  	return(TRUE);
198.  }
200.  void
201.  grease_protect(otmp,ostr,victim)
202.  register struct obj *otmp;
203.  register const char *ostr;
204.  struct monst *victim;
205.  {
206.  	static const char txt[] = "protected by the layer of grease!";
207.  	boolean vismon = victim && (victim != &youmonst) && canseemon(victim);
209.  	if (ostr) {
210.  	    if (victim == &youmonst)
211.  		Your("%s %s %s", ostr, vtense(ostr, "are"), txt);
212.  	    else if (vismon)
213.  		pline("%s's %s %s %s", Monnam(victim),
214.  		    ostr, vtense(ostr, "are"), txt);
215.  	} else {
216.  	    if (victim == &youmonst)
217.  		Your("%s %s",aobjnam(otmp,"are"), txt);
218.  	    else if (vismon)
219.  		pline("%s's %s %s", Monnam(victim), aobjnam(otmp,"are"), txt);
220.  	}
221.  	if (!rn2(2)) {
222.  	    otmp->greased = 0;
223.  	    if (carried(otmp)) {
224.  		pline_The("grease dissolves.");
225.  		update_inventory();
226.  	    }
227.  	}
228.  }
230.  struct trap *
231.  maketrap(x,y,typ)
232.  register int x, y, typ;
233.  {
234.  	register struct trap *ttmp;
235.  	register struct rm *lev;
236.  	register boolean oldplace;
238.  	if ((ttmp = t_at(x,y)) != 0) {
239.  	    if (ttmp->ttyp == MAGIC_PORTAL) return (struct trap *)0;
240.  	    oldplace = TRUE;
241.  	    if (u.utrap && (x == u.ux) && (y == &&
242.  	      ((u.utraptype == TT_BEARTRAP && typ != BEAR_TRAP) ||
243.  	      (u.utraptype == TT_WEB && typ != WEB) ||
244.  	      (u.utraptype == TT_PIT && typ != PIT && typ != SPIKED_PIT)))
245.  		    u.utrap = 0;
246.  	} else {
247.  	    oldplace = FALSE;
248.  	    ttmp = newtrap();
249.  	    ttmp->tx = x;
250.  	    ttmp->ty = y;
251.  	    ttmp->launch.x = -1;	/* force error if used before set */
252.  	    ttmp->launch.y = -1;
253.  	}
254.  	ttmp->ttyp = typ;
255.  	switch(typ) {
256.  	    case STATUE_TRAP:	    /* create a "living" statue */
257.  	      { struct monst *mtmp;
258.  		struct obj *otmp, *statue;
260.  		statue = mkcorpstat(STATUE, (struct monst *)0,
261.  					&mons[rndmonnum()], x, y, FALSE);
262.  		mtmp = makemon(&mons[statue->corpsenm], 0, 0, NO_MM_FLAGS);
263.  		if (!mtmp) break; /* should never happen */
264.  		while(mtmp->minvent) {
265.  		    otmp = mtmp->minvent;
266.  		    otmp->owornmask = 0;
267.  		    obj_extract_self(otmp);
268.  		    (void) add_to_container(statue, otmp);
269.  		}
270.  		statue->owt = weight(statue);
271.  		mongone(mtmp);
272.  		break;
273.  	      }
274.  	    case ROLLING_BOULDER_TRAP:	/* boulder will roll towards trigger */
275.  		(void) mkroll_launch(ttmp, x, y, BOULDER, 1L);
276.  		break;
277.  	    case HOLE:
278.  	    case PIT:
279.  	    case SPIKED_PIT:
280.  	    case TRAPDOOR:
281.  		lev = &levl[x][y];
282.  		if (*in_rooms(x, y, SHOPBASE) &&
283.  			((typ == HOLE || typ == TRAPDOOR) || IS_DOOR(lev->typ)))
284.  		    add_damage(x, y,		/* schedule repair */
285.  			(IS_DOOR(lev->typ) && !flags.mon_moving) ? 200L : 0L);
286.  		lev->doormask = 0;	/* subsumes altarmask, icedpool... */
287.  		if (IS_ROOM(lev->typ)) /* && !IS_AIR(lev->typ) */
288.  		    lev->typ = ROOM;
290.  		/*
291.  		 * some cases which can happen when digging
292.  		 * down while phazing thru solid areas
293.  		 */
294.  		else if (lev->typ == STONE || lev->typ == SCORR)
295.  		    lev->typ = CORR;
296.  		else if (IS_WALL(lev->typ) || lev->typ == SDOOR)
297.  		    lev->typ = level.flags.is_maze_lev ? ROOM :
298.  			       level.flags.is_cavernous_lev ? CORR : DOOR;
300.  		unearth_objs(x, y);
301.  		break;
302.  	}
303.  	if (ttmp->ttyp == HOLE) ttmp->tseen = 1;  /* You can't hide a hole */
304.  	else ttmp->tseen = 0;
305.  	ttmp->once = 0;
306.  	ttmp->madeby_u = 0;
307.  	ttmp->dst.dnum = -1;
308.  	ttmp->dst.dlevel = -1;
309.  	if (!oldplace) {
310.  	    ttmp->ntrap = ftrap;
311.  	    ftrap = ttmp;
312.  	}
313.  	return(ttmp);
314.  }
316.  void
317.  fall_through(td)
318.  boolean td;	/* td == TRUE : trap door or hole */
319.  {
320.  	d_level dtmp;
321.  	char msgbuf[BUFSZ];
322.  	const char *dont_fall = 0;
323.  	register int newlevel = dunlev(&;
325.  	/* KMH -- You can't escape the Sokoban level traps */
326.  	if(Blind && Levitation && !In_sokoban(& return;
328.  	do {
329.  	    newlevel++;
330.  	} while(!rn2(4) && newlevel < dunlevs_in_dungeon(&;
332.  	if(td) {
333.  	    struct trap *t=t_at(u.ux,;
334.  	    if (!In_sokoban(& {
335.  		if (t->ttyp == TRAPDOOR)
336.  			pline("A trap door opens up under you!");
337.  		else 
338.  			pline("There's a gaping hole under you!");
339.  	    }
340.  	} else pline_The("%s opens up under you!", surface(u.ux,;
342.  	if (In_sokoban(& && Can_fall_thru(&
343.  	    ;	/* KMH -- You can't escape the Sokoban level traps */
344.  	else if(Levitation || u.ustuck || !Can_fall_thru(&
345.  	   || Flying || is_clinger(
346.  	   || (Inhell && !u.uevent.invoked &&
347.  					newlevel == dunlevs_in_dungeon(&
348.  		) {
349.  	    dont_fall = "don't fall in.";
350.  	} else if (>msize >= MZ_HUGE) {
351.  	    dont_fall = "don't fit through.";
352.  	} else if (!next_to_u()) {
353.  	    dont_fall = "are jerked back by your pet!";
354.  	}
355.  	if (dont_fall) {
356.  	    You(dont_fall);
357.  	    /* hero didn't fall through, but any objects here might */
358.  	    impact_drop((struct obj *)0, u.ux,, 0);
359.  	    if (!td) {
360.  		display_nhwindow(WIN_MESSAGE, FALSE);
361.  		pline_The("opening under you closes up.");
362.  	    }
363.  	    return;
364.  	}
366.  	if(*u.ushops) shopdig(1);
367.  	if (Is_stronghold(& {
368.  	    find_hell(&dtmp);
369.  	} else {
370.  	    dtmp.dnum =;
371.  	    dtmp.dlevel = newlevel;
372.  	}
373.  	if (!td)
374.  	    Sprintf(msgbuf, "The hole in the %s above you closes up.",
375.  		    ceiling(u.ux,;
376.  	schedule_goto(&dtmp, FALSE, TRUE, 0,
377.  		      (char *)0, !td ? msgbuf : (char *)0);
378.  }
380.  /*
381.   * Animate the given statue.  May have been via shatter attempt, trap,
382.   * or stone to flesh spell.  Return a monster if successfully animated.
383.   * If the monster is animated, the object is deleted.  If fail_reason
384.   * is non-null, then fill in the reason for failure (or success).
385.   *
386.   * The cause of animation is:
387.   *
388.   *	ANIMATE_NORMAL  - hero "finds" the monster
389.   *	ANIMATE_SHATTER - hero tries to destroy the statue
390.   *	ANIMATE_SPELL   - stone to flesh spell hits the statue
391.   *
392.   * Perhaps x, y is not needed if we can use get_obj_location() to find
393.   * the statue's location... ???
394.   */
395.  struct monst *
396.  animate_statue(statue, x, y, cause, fail_reason)
397.  struct obj *statue;
398.  xchar x, y;
399.  int cause;
400.  int *fail_reason;
401.  {
402.  	struct permonst *mptr;
403.  	struct monst *mon = 0;
404.  	struct obj *item;
405.  	coord cc;
407.  	if (statue->oxlth && statue->oattached == OATTACHED_MONST) {
408.  	    cc.x = x,  cc.y = y;
409.  	    mon = montraits(statue, &cc);
410.  	    if (mon && mon->mtame && !mon->isminion)
411.  		wary_dog(mon, TRUE);
412.  	} else {
413.  	    /*
414.  	     * Guard against someone wishing for a statue of a unique monster
415.  	     * (which is allowed in normal play) and then tossing it onto the
416.  	     * [detected or guessed] location of a statue trap.  Normally the
417.  	     * uppermost statue is the one which would be activated.
418.  	     */
419.  	    mptr = &mons[statue->corpsenm];
420.  	    if (mptr->geno & G_UNIQ) {
421.  	        if (fail_reason) *fail_reason = AS_MON_IS_UNIQUE;
422.  	        return (struct monst *)0;
423.  	    }
424.  	    mon = makemon(mptr, x, y, NO_MINVENT);
425.  	}
427.  	if (!mon) {
428.  	    if (fail_reason) *fail_reason = AS_NO_MON;
429.  	    return (struct monst *)0;
430.  	}
432.  	/* if statue has been named, give same name to the monster */
433.  	if (statue->onamelth)
434.  	    mon = christen_monst(mon, ONAME(statue));
435.  	/* transfer any statue contents to monster's inventory */
436.  	while ((item = statue->cobj) != 0) {
437.  	    obj_extract_self(item);
438.  	    (void) add_to_minv(mon, item);
439.  	}
440.  	m_dowear(mon, TRUE);
441.  	delobj(statue);
442.  	/* mimic statue becomes seen mimic; other hiders won't be hidden */
443.  	if (mon->m_ap_type) seemimic(mon);
444.  	else mon->mundetected = FALSE;
445.  	if ((x == u.ux && y == || cause == ANIMATE_SPELL)
446.  	    pline_The("statue comes to life!");
447.  	else if (cause == ANIMATE_SHATTER)
448.  	    pline("Instead of shattering, the statue suddenly comes alive!");
449.  	else /* cause == ANIMATE_NORMAL */
450.  	    You("find %s posing as a statue.", a_monnam(mon));
451.  	/* avoid hiding under nothing */
452.  	if (x == u.ux && y == &&
453.  		Upolyd && hides_under( && !OBJ_AT(x, y))
454.  	    u.uundetected = 0;
456.  	if (fail_reason) *fail_reason = AS_OK;
457.  	return mon;
458.  }
460.  /*
461.   * You've either stepped onto a statue trap's location or you've triggered a
462.   * statue trap by searching next to it or by trying to break it with a wand
463.   * or pick-axe.
464.   */
465.  struct monst *
466.  activate_statue_trap(trap, x, y, shatter)
467.  struct trap *trap;
468.  xchar x, y;
469.  boolean shatter;
470.  {
471.  	struct monst *mtmp = (struct monst *)0;
472.  	struct obj *otmp = sobj_at(STATUE, x, y);
473.  	int fail_reason;
475.  	/*
476.  	 * Try to animate the first valid statue.  Stop the loop when we
477.  	 * actually create something or the failure cause is not because
478.  	 * the mon was unique.
479.  	 */
480.  	deltrap(trap);
481.  	while (otmp) {
482.  	    mtmp = animate_statue(otmp, x, y,
483.  		    shatter ? ANIMATE_SHATTER : ANIMATE_NORMAL, &fail_reason);
484.  	    if (mtmp || fail_reason != AS_MON_IS_UNIQUE) break;
486.  	    while ((otmp = otmp->nexthere) != 0)
487.  		if (otmp->otyp == STATUE) break;
488.  	}
490.  	if (Blind) feel_location(x, y);
491.  	else newsym(x, y);
492.  	return mtmp;
493.  }
495.  void
496.  dotrap(trap, trflags)
497.  register struct trap *trap;
498.  unsigned trflags;
499.  {
500.  	register int ttype = trap->ttyp;
501.  	register struct obj *otmp;
502.  	boolean already_seen = trap->tseen;
503.  	boolean webmsgok = (!(trflags & NOWEBMSG));
505.  	nomul(0);
507.  	/* KMH -- You can't escape the Sokoban level traps */
508.  	if (In_sokoban(& &&
509.  			(ttype == PIT || ttype == SPIKED_PIT || ttype == HOLE ||
510.  			ttype == TRAPDOOR)) {
511.  	    /* The "air currents" message is still appropriate -- even when
512.  	     * the hero isn't flying or levitating -- because it conveys the
513.  	     * reason why the player cannot escape the trap with a dexterity
514.  	     * check, clinging to the ceiling, etc.
515.  	     */
516.  	    pline("Air currents pull you down into %s %s!",
517.  	    	a_your[trap->madeby_u],
518.  	    	defsyms[trap_to_defsym(ttype)].explanation);
519.  	    /* then proceed to normal trap effect */
520.  	} else if (already_seen) {
521.  	    if ((Levitation || Flying) &&
522.  		    (ttype == PIT || ttype == SPIKED_PIT || ttype == HOLE ||
523.  		    ttype == BEAR_TRAP)) {
524.  		You("%s over %s %s.",
525.  		    Levitation ? "float" : "fly",
526.  		    a_your[trap->madeby_u],
527.  		    defsyms[trap_to_defsym(ttype)].explanation);
528.  		return;
529.  	    }
530.  	    if(!Fumbling && ttype != MAGIC_PORTAL && ttype != ANTI_MAGIC &&
531.  		(!rn2(5) ||
532.  	    ((ttype == PIT || ttype == SPIKED_PIT) && is_clinger( {
533.  		You("escape %s %s.",
534.  		    (ttype == ARROW_TRAP && !trap->madeby_u) ? "an" :
535.  			a_your[trap->madeby_u],
536.  		    defsyms[trap_to_defsym(ttype)].explanation);
537.  		return;
538.  	    }
539.  	}
541.  	switch(ttype) {
542.  	    case ARROW_TRAP:
543.  		seetrap(trap);
544.  		pline("An arrow shoots out at you!");
545.  		otmp = mksobj(ARROW, TRUE, FALSE);
546.  		otmp->quan = 1L;
547.  		otmp->owt = weight(otmp);
548.  		otmp->opoisoned = 0;
549.  #ifdef STEED
550.  		if (u.usteed && !rn2(2) && steedintrap(trap, otmp)) /* nothing */;
551.  		else
552.  #endif
553.  		if (thitu(8, dmgval(otmp, &youmonst), otmp, "arrow")) {
554.  		    obfree(otmp, (struct obj *)0);
555.  		} else {
556.  		    place_object(otmp, u.ux,;
557.  		    if (!Blind) otmp->dknown = 1;
558.  		    stackobj(otmp);
559.  		    newsym(u.ux,;
560.  		}
561.  		break;
562.  	    case DART_TRAP:
563.  		seetrap(trap);
564.  		pline("A little dart shoots out at you!");
565.  		otmp = mksobj(DART, TRUE, FALSE);
566.  		otmp->quan = 1L;
567.  		otmp->owt = weight(otmp);
568.  		if (!rn2(6)) otmp->opoisoned = 1;
569.  #ifdef STEED
570.  		if (u.usteed && !rn2(2) && steedintrap(trap, otmp)) /* nothing */;
571.  		else
572.  #endif
573.  		if (thitu(7, dmgval(otmp, &youmonst), otmp, "little dart")) {
574.  		    if (otmp->opoisoned)
575.  			poisoned("dart",A_CON,"poison dart",10);
576.  		    obfree(otmp, (struct obj *)0);
577.  		} else {
578.  		    place_object(otmp, u.ux,;
579.  		    if (!Blind) otmp->dknown = 1;
580.  		    stackobj(otmp);
581.  		    newsym(u.ux,;
582.  		}
583.  		break;
584.  	    case ROCKTRAP:
585.  		{
586.  		    int dmg = d(2,6); /* should be std ROCK dmg? */
588.  		    seetrap(trap);
589.  		    otmp = mksobj_at(ROCK, u.ux,, TRUE, FALSE);
590.  		    otmp->quan = 1L;
591.  		    otmp->owt = weight(otmp);
593.      pline("A trap door in the %s opens and a rock falls on your %s!",
594.  			    ceiling(u.ux,,
595.  			    body_part(HEAD));
597.  		    if (uarmh) {
598.  			if(is_metallic(uarmh)) {
599.  			    pline("Fortunately, you are wearing a hard helmet.");
600.  			    dmg = 2;
601.  			} else if (flags.verbose) {
602.  			    Your("%s does not protect you.", xname(uarmh));
603.  			}
604.  		    }
606.  		    if (!Blind) otmp->dknown = 1;
607.  		    stackobj(otmp);
608.  		    newsym(u.ux,;	/* map the rock */
610.  		    losehp(dmg, "falling rock", KILLED_BY_AN);
611.  		    exercise(A_STR, FALSE);
612.  		}
613.  		break;
615.  	    case SQKY_BOARD:	    /* stepped on a squeaky board */
616.  		if (Levitation || Flying) {
617.  		    if (!Blind) {
618.  			seetrap(trap);
619.  			if (Hallucination)
620.  				You("notice a crease in the linoleum.");
621.  			else
622.  				You("notice a loose board below you.");
623.  		    }
624.  		} else {
625.  		    seetrap(trap);
626.  		    pline("A board beneath you squeaks loudly.");
627.  		    wake_nearby();
628.  		}
629.  		break;
631.  	    case BEAR_TRAP:
632.  		if(Levitation || Flying) break;
633.  		seetrap(trap);
634.  		if(amorphous( || is_whirly( ||
635.  						    unsolid( {
636.  		    pline("%s bear trap closes harmlessly through you.",
637.  			    A_Your[trap->madeby_u]);
638.  		    break;
639.  		}
640.  		if(
641.  #ifdef STEED
642.  		   !u.usteed &&
643.  #endif
644.>msize <= MZ_SMALL) {
645.  		    pline("%s bear trap closes harmlessly over you.",
646.  			    A_Your[trap->madeby_u]);
647.  		    break;
648.  		}
649.  		u.utrap = rn1(4, 4);
650.  		u.utraptype = TT_BEARTRAP;
651.  #ifdef STEED
652.  		if (u.usteed) {
653.  		    pline("%s bear trap closes on %s %s!",
654.  			A_Your[trap->madeby_u], s_suffix(mon_nam(u.usteed)),
655.  			mbodypart(u.usteed, FOOT));
656.  		} else
657.  #endif
658.  		{
659.  		    pline("%s bear trap closes on your %s!",
660.  			    A_Your[trap->madeby_u], body_part(FOOT));
661.  		    if(u.umonnum == PM_OWLBEAR || u.umonnum == PM_BUGBEAR)
662.  			You("howl in anger!");
663.  		}
664.  		exercise(A_DEX, FALSE);
665.  		break;
667.  	    case SLP_GAS_TRAP:
668.  		seetrap(trap);
669.  		if(Sleep_resistance || breathless( {
670.  		    You("are enveloped in a cloud of gas!");
671.  		    break;
672.  		}
673.  		pline("A cloud of gas puts you to sleep!");
674.  		flags.soundok = 0;
675.  		fall_asleep(-rnd(25), TRUE);
676.  		afternmv = Hear_again;
677.  #ifdef STEED
678.  		(void) steedintrap(trap, (struct obj *)0);
679.  #endif
680.  		break;
682.  	    case RUST_TRAP:
683.  		seetrap(trap);
684.  		if (u.umonnum == PM_IRON_GOLEM) {
685.  		    pline("%s you!", A_gush_of_water_hits);
686.  		    You("are covered with rust!");
687.  		    rehumanize();
688.  		    break;
689.  		} else if (u.umonnum == PM_GREMLIN && rn2(3)) {
690.  		    pline("%s you!", A_gush_of_water_hits);
691.  		    (void)split_mon(&youmonst, (struct monst *)0);
692.  		    break;
693.  		}
695.  	    /* Unlike monsters, traps cannot aim their rust attacks at
696.  	     * you, so instead of looping through and taking either the
697.  	     * first rustable one or the body, we take whatever we get,
698.  	     * even if it is not rustable.
699.  	     */
700.  		switch (rn2(5)) {
701.  		    case 0:
702.  			pline("%s you on the %s!", A_gush_of_water_hits,
703.  				    body_part(HEAD));
704.  			(void) rust_dmg(uarmh, "helmet", 1, TRUE, &youmonst);
705.  			break;
706.  		    case 1:
707.  			pline("%s your left %s!", A_gush_of_water_hits,
708.  				    body_part(ARM));
709.  			if (rust_dmg(uarms, "shield", 1, TRUE, &youmonst))
710.  			    break;
711.  			if (u.twoweap || (uwep && bimanual(uwep)))
712.  			    erode_obj(u.twoweap ? uswapwep : uwep, FALSE, TRUE);
713.  glovecheck:		(void) rust_dmg(uarmg, "gauntlets", 1, TRUE, &youmonst);
714.  			/* Not "metal gauntlets" since it gets called
715.  			 * even if it's leather for the message
716.  			 */
717.  			break;
718.  		    case 2:
719.  			pline("%s your right %s!", A_gush_of_water_hits,
720.  				    body_part(ARM));
721.  			erode_obj(uwep, FALSE, TRUE);
722.  			goto glovecheck;
723.  		    default:
724.  			pline("%s you!", A_gush_of_water_hits);
725.  			for (otmp=invent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj)
726.  				    (void) snuff_lit(otmp);
727.  			if (uarmc)
728.  			    (void) rust_dmg(uarmc, cloak_simple_name(uarmc),
729.  						1, TRUE, &youmonst);
730.  			else if (uarm)
731.  			    (void) rust_dmg(uarm, "armor", 1, TRUE, &youmonst);
732.  #ifdef TOURIST
733.  			else if (uarmu)
734.  			    (void) rust_dmg(uarmu, "shirt", 1, TRUE, &youmonst);
735.  #endif
736.  		}
737.  		update_inventory();
738.  		break;
740.  	    case FIRE_TRAP:
741.  		seetrap(trap);
742.  		dofiretrap((struct obj *)0);
743.  		break;
745.  	    case PIT:
746.  	    case SPIKED_PIT:
747.  		/* KMH -- You can't escape the Sokoban level traps */
748.  		if (!In_sokoban(& && (Levitation || Flying)) break;
749.  		seetrap(trap);
750.  		if (!In_sokoban(& && is_clinger( {
751.  		    if(trap->tseen) {
752.  			You("see %s %spit below you.", a_your[trap->madeby_u],
753.  			    ttype == SPIKED_PIT ? "spiked " : "");
754.  		    } else {
755.  			pline("%s pit %sopens up under you!",
756.  			    A_Your[trap->madeby_u],
757.  			    ttype == SPIKED_PIT ? "full of spikes " : "");
758.  			You("don't fall in!");
759.  		    }
760.  		    break;
761.  		}
762.  		if (!In_sokoban(& {
763.  		   char verbbuf[BUFSZ];
764.  #ifdef STEED
765.  		   if (u.usteed)
766.  		   	Sprintf(verbbuf,"lead %s",
767.  				x_monnam(u.usteed,
768.  					 u.usteed->mnamelth ? ARTICLE_NONE : ARTICLE_THE,
769.  				 	 "poor", SUPPRESS_SADDLE, FALSE));
770.  		   else
771.  #endif
772.  		    Strcpy(verbbuf,"fall");
773.  		   You("%s into %s pit!", verbbuf, a_your[trap->madeby_u]);
774.  		}
775.  		/* wumpus reference */
776.  		if (Role_if(PM_RANGER) && !trap->madeby_u && !trap->once &&
777.  			In_quest(& && Is_qlocate(& {
778.  		    pline("Fortunately it has a bottom after all...");
779.  		    trap->once = 1;
780.  		} else if (u.umonnum == PM_PIT_VIPER ||
781.  			u.umonnum == PM_PIT_FIEND)
782.  		    pline("How pitiful.  Isn't that the pits?");
783.  		if (ttype == SPIKED_PIT) {
784.  		    char *predicament = "on a set of sharp iron spikes";
785.  #ifdef STEED
786.  		    if (u.usteed) {
787.  			pline("%s lands %s!",
788.  				upstart(x_monnam(u.usteed,
789.  					 u.usteed->mnamelth ? ARTICLE_NONE : ARTICLE_THE,
790.  				 	 "poor", SUPPRESS_SADDLE, FALSE)), predicament);
791.  		    } else
792.  #endif
793.  		    You("land %s!", predicament);
794.  		}
795.  		if (!Passes_walls)
796.  		    u.utrap = rn1(6,2);
797.  		u.utraptype = TT_PIT;
798.  #ifdef STEED
799.  		if (!steedintrap(trap, (struct obj *)0)) {
800.  #endif
801.  		if (ttype == SPIKED_PIT) {
802.  		    losehp(rnd(10),"fell into a pit of iron spikes",
804.  		    if (!rn2(6))
805.  			poisoned("spikes", A_STR, "fall onto poison spikes", 8);
806.  		} else
807.  		    losehp(rnd(6),"fell into a pit", NO_KILLER_PREFIX);
808.  		if (Punished && !carried(uball)) {
809.  		    unplacebc();
810.  		    ballfall();
811.  		    placebc();
812.  		}
813.  		selftouch("Falling, you");
814.  		vision_full_recalc = 1;	/* vision limits change */
815.  		exercise(A_STR, FALSE);
816.  		exercise(A_DEX, FALSE);
817.  #ifdef STEED
818.  		}
819.  #endif
820.  		break;
821.  	    case HOLE:
822.  	    case TRAPDOOR:
823.  		seetrap(trap);
824.  		if (!Can_fall_thru(& {
825.  		    impossible("dotrap: %ss cannot exist on this level.",
826.  			       defsyms[trap_to_defsym(ttype)].explanation);
827.  		    break;		/* don't activate it after all */
828.  		}
829.  		fall_through(TRUE);
830.  		break;
832.  	    case TELEP_TRAP:
833.  		seetrap(trap);
834.  		tele_trap(trap);
835.  		break;
836.  	    case LEVEL_TELEP:
837.  		seetrap(trap);
838.  		level_tele_trap(trap);
839.  		break;
841.  	    case WEB: /* Our luckless player has stumbled into a web. */
842.  		seetrap(trap);
843.  		if (amorphous( || is_whirly( ||
844.  						    unsolid( {
845.  		    if (acidic( || u.umonnum == PM_GELATINOUS_CUBE ||
846.  			u.umonnum == PM_FIRE_ELEMENTAL) {
847.  			if (webmsgok)
848.  			    You("%s %s spider web!",
849.  				(u.umonnum == PM_FIRE_ELEMENTAL) ? "burn" : "dissolve",
850.  				a_your[trap->madeby_u]);
851.  			deltrap(trap);
852.  			newsym(u.ux,;
853.  			break;
854.  		    }
855.  		    if (webmsgok) You("flow through %s spider web.",
856.  			    a_your[trap->madeby_u]);
857.  		    break;
858.  		}
859.  		if (webmaker( {
860.  		    if (webmsgok)
861.  		    	pline(trap->madeby_u ? "You take a walk on your web."
862.  					 : "There is a spider web here.");
863.  		    break;
864.  		}
865.  		if (webmsgok) {
866.  		   char verbbuf[BUFSZ];
867.  		   verbbuf[0] = '\0';
868.  #ifdef STEED
869.  		   if (u.usteed)
870.  		   	Sprintf(verbbuf,"lead %s",
871.  				x_monnam(u.usteed,
872.  					 u.usteed->mnamelth ? ARTICLE_NONE : ARTICLE_THE,
873.  				 	 "poor", SUPPRESS_SADDLE, FALSE));
874.  		   else
875.  #endif
877.  		    Sprintf(verbbuf, "%s", Levitation ? (const char *)"float" :
878.  		      		locomotion(, "stumble"));
879.  		   You("%s into %s spider web!", verbbuf, a_your[trap->madeby_u]);
880.  		}
881.  		u.utraptype = TT_WEB;
883.  		/* Time stuck in the web depends on your strength. */
884.  		{
885.  		    register int str = ACURR(A_STR);
887.  		    if (str <= 3) u.utrap = rn1(6,6);
888.  		    else if (str < 6) u.utrap = rn1(6,4);
889.  		    else if (str < 9) u.utrap = rn1(4,4);
890.  		    else if (str < 12) u.utrap = rn1(4,2);
891.  		    else if (str < 15) u.utrap = rn1(2,2);
892.  		    else if (str < 18) u.utrap = rnd(2);
893.  		    else if (str < 69) u.utrap = 1;
894.  		    else {
895.  			u.utrap = 0;
896.  			if (webmsgok)
897.  				You("tear through %s web!", a_your[trap->madeby_u]);
898.  			deltrap(trap);
899.  			newsym(u.ux,;	/* get rid of trap symbol */
900.  		    }
901.  		}
902.  		break;
904.  	    case STATUE_TRAP:
905.  		(void) activate_statue_trap(trap, u.ux,, FALSE);
906.  		break;
908.  	    case MAGIC_TRAP:	    /* A magic trap. */
909.  		seetrap(trap);
910.  		if (!rn2(30)) {
911.  		    deltrap(trap);
912.  		    newsym(u.ux,;	/* update position */
913.  		    You("are caught in a magical explosion!");
914.  		    losehp(rnd(10), "magical explosion", KILLED_BY_AN);
915.  		    Your("body absorbs some of the magical energy!");
916.  		    u.uen = (u.uenmax += 2);
917.  		} else domagictrap();
918.  #ifdef STEED
919.  		(void) steedintrap(trap, (struct obj *)0);
920.  #endif
921.  		break;
923.  	    case ANTI_MAGIC:
924.  		seetrap(trap);
925.  		if(Antimagic) {
926.  		    shieldeff(u.ux,;
927.  		    You_feel("momentarily lethargic.");
928.  		} else drain_en(rnd(u.ulevel) + 1);
929.  		break;
931.  	    case POLY_TRAP: {
932.  	        char verbbuf[BUFSZ];
933.  		seetrap(trap);
934.  #ifdef STEED
935.  		if (u.usteed)
936.  			Sprintf(verbbuf, "lead %s",
937.  				x_monnam(u.usteed,
938.  					 u.usteed->mnamelth ? ARTICLE_NONE : ARTICLE_THE,
939.  				 	 (char *)0, SUPPRESS_SADDLE, FALSE));
940.  		else
941.  #endif
942.  		 Sprintf(verbbuf,"%s",
943.  		    Levitation ? (const char *)"float" :
944.  		    locomotion(, "step"));
945.  		You("%s onto a polymorph trap!", verbbuf);
946.  		if(Antimagic || Unchanging) {
947.  		    shieldeff(u.ux,;
948.  		    You_feel("momentarily different.");
949.  		    /* Trap did nothing; don't remove it --KAA */
950.  		} else {
951.  #ifdef STEED
952.  		    (void) steedintrap(trap, (struct obj *)0);
953.  #endif
954.  		    deltrap(trap);	/* delete trap before polymorph */
955.  		    newsym(u.ux,;	/* get rid of trap symbol */
956.  		    You_feel("a change coming over you.");
957.  		    polyself(FALSE);
958.  		}
959.  		break;
960.  	    }
961.  	    case LANDMINE:
962.  		if (Levitation || Flying) {
963.  		    if (!already_seen && rn2(3)) break;
964.  		    seetrap(trap);
965.  		    pline("%s %s in a pile of soil below you.",
966.  			    already_seen ? "There is" : "You discover",
967.  			    trap->madeby_u ? "the trigger of your mine" :
968.  					     "a trigger");
969.  		    if (already_seen && rn2(3)) break;
970.  		    pline("KAABLAMM!!!  The air currents set %s%s off!",
971.  			    already_seen ? a_your[trap->madeby_u] : "",
972.  			    already_seen ? " land mine" : "it");
973.  		} else {
974.  #ifdef STEED
975.  		    /* prevent landmine from killing steed, throwing you to
976.  		     * the ground, and you being affected again by the same
977.  		     * mine because it hasn't been deleted yet
978.  		     */
979.  		    static boolean recursive_mine = FALSE;
981.  		    if (recursive_mine) break;
982.  #endif
983.  		    seetrap(trap);
984.  		    pline("KAABLAMM!!!  You triggered %s land mine!",
985.  					    a_your[trap->madeby_u]);
986.  #ifdef STEED
987.  		    recursive_mine = TRUE;
988.  		    (void) steedintrap(trap, (struct obj *)0);
989.  		    recursive_mine = FALSE;
990.  #endif
991.  		    set_wounded_legs(LEFT_SIDE, rn1(35, 41));
992.  		    set_wounded_legs(RIGHT_SIDE, rn1(35, 41));
993.  		    exercise(A_DEX, FALSE);
994.  		}
995.  		blow_up_landmine(trap);
996.  		newsym(u.ux,;		/* update trap symbol */
997.  		losehp(rnd(16), "land mine", KILLED_BY_AN);
998.  		/* fall recursively into the pit... */
999.  		if ((trap = t_at(u.ux, != 0) dotrap(trap, 0);
1000. 		fill_pit(u.ux,;
1001. 		break;
1003. 	    case ROLLING_BOULDER_TRAP:
1004. 		seetrap(trap);
1005. 		pline("Click! You trigger a rolling boulder trap!");
1006. 		if(!launch_obj(BOULDER, trap->launch.x, trap->launch.y,
1007. 		      trap->launch2.x,trap->launch2.y, ROLL)) {
1008. 		    deltrap(trap);
1009. 		    newsym(u.ux,;	/* get rid of trap symbol */
1010. 		    pline("Fortunately for you, no boulder was released.");
1011. 		}
1012. 		break;
1014. 	    case MAGIC_PORTAL:
1015. 		seetrap(trap);
1016. 		domagicportal(trap);
1017. 		break;
1019. 	    default:
1020. 		seetrap(trap);
1021. 		impossible("You hit a trap of type %u", trap->ttyp);
1022. 	}
1023. }
1025. #ifdef STEED
1026. STATIC_OVL int
1027. steedintrap(trap, otmp)
1028. struct trap *trap;
1029. struct obj *otmp;
1030. {
1031. 	struct monst *mtmp = u.usteed;
1032. 	struct permonst *mptr;
1033. 	int tt;
1034. 	boolean in_sight;
1035. 	boolean trapkilled = FALSE;
1036. 	boolean steedhit = FALSE;
1038. 	if (!u.usteed || !trap) return 0;
1039. 	mptr = mtmp->data;
1040. 	tt = trap->ttyp;
1041. 	mtmp->mx = u.ux;
1042. 	mtmp->my =;
1044. 	in_sight = !Blind;
1045. 	switch (tt) {
1046. 		case ARROW_TRAP:
1047. 			if(!otmp) {
1048. 				impossible("steed hit by non-existant arrow?");
1049. 				return 0;
1050. 			}
1051. 			if(thitm(8, mtmp, otmp, 0)) trapkilled = TRUE;
1052. 			steedhit = TRUE;
1053. 			break;
1054. 		case DART_TRAP:
1055. 			if(!otmp) {
1056. 				impossible("steed hit by non-existant dart?");
1057. 				return 0;
1058. 			}
1059. 			if(thitm(7, mtmp, otmp, 0)) trapkilled = TRUE;
1060. 			steedhit = TRUE;
1061. 			break;
1062. 		case SLP_GAS_TRAP:
1063. 		    if (!resists_sleep(mtmp) && !breathless(mptr) &&
1064. 				!mtmp->msleeping && mtmp->mcanmove) {
1065. 			    mtmp->mcanmove = 0;
1066. 			    mtmp->mfrozen = rnd(25);
1067. 			    if (in_sight) {
1068. 				pline("%s suddenly falls asleep!",
1069. 				      Monnam(mtmp));
1070. 			    }
1071. 			}
1072. 			steedhit = TRUE;
1073. 			break;
1074. 		case LANDMINE:
1075. 			if (thitm(0, mtmp, (struct obj *)0, rnd(16)))
1076. 			    trapkilled = TRUE;
1077. 			steedhit = TRUE;
1078. 			break;
1079. 		case PIT:
1080. 		case SPIKED_PIT:
1081. 			if (mtmp->mhp <= 0 ||
1082. 				thitm(0, mtmp, (struct obj *)0,
1083. 				      rnd((tt == PIT) ? 6 : 10)))
1084. 			    trapkilled = TRUE;
1085. 			steedhit = TRUE;
1086. 			break;
1087. 		case POLY_TRAP: 
1088. 		    if (!resists_magm(mtmp)) {
1089. 			if (!resist(mtmp, WAND_CLASS, 0, NOTELL)) {
1090. 			(void) newcham(mtmp, (struct permonst *)0, FALSE);
1091. 			if (!can_saddle(mtmp) || !can_ride(mtmp)) {
1092. 				dismount_steed(DISMOUNT_POLY);
1093. 			} else {
1094. 				You("have to adjust yourself in the saddle on %s.",
1095. 					x_monnam(mtmp,
1096. 					 mtmp->mnamelth ? ARTICLE_NONE : ARTICLE_A,
1097. 				 	 (char *)0, SUPPRESS_SADDLE, FALSE));
1098. 			}
1100. 		    }
1101. 		    steedhit = TRUE;
1102. 		    break;
1103. 		default:
1104. 			return 0;
1105. 	    }
1106. 	}
1107. 	if(trapkilled) {
1108. 		dismount_steed(DISMOUNT_POLY);
1109. 		return 2;
1110. 	}
1111. 	else if(steedhit) return 1;
1112. 	else return 0;
1113. }
1114. #endif /*STEED*/
1116. /* some actions common to both player and monsters for triggered landmine */
1117. void
1118. blow_up_landmine(trap)
1119. struct trap *trap;
1120. {
1121. 	scatter(trap->tx, trap->ty, 4,
1123. 		(struct obj *)0);
1124. 	del_engr_at(trap->tx, trap->ty);
1125. 	wake_nearto(trap->tx, trap->ty, 400);
1126. 	if (IS_DOOR(levl[trap->tx][trap->ty].typ))
1127. 	    levl[trap->tx][trap->ty].doormask = D_BROKEN;
1128. 	/* TODO: destroy drawbridge if present */
1129. 	/* caller may subsequently fill pit, e.g. with a boulder */
1130. 	trap->ttyp = PIT;		/* explosion creates a pit */
1131. 	trap->madeby_u = FALSE;		/* resulting pit isn't yours */
1132. }
1134. #endif /* OVLB */
1135. #ifdef OVL3
1137. /*
1138.  * Move obj from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2)
1139.  *
1140.  * Return 0 if no object was launched.
1141.  *        1 if an object was launched and placed somewhere.
1142.  *        2 if an object was launched, but used up.
1143.  */
1144. int
1145. launch_obj(otyp, x1, y1, x2, y2, style)
1146. short otyp;
1147. register int x1,y1,x2,y2;
1148. int style;
1149. {
1150. 	register struct monst *mtmp;
1151. 	register struct obj *otmp, *otmp2;
1152. 	register int dx,dy;
1153. 	struct obj *singleobj;
1154. 	boolean used_up = FALSE;
1155. 	boolean otherside = FALSE;
1156. 	int dist;
1157. 	int tmp;
1158. 	int delaycnt = 0;
1160. 	otmp = sobj_at(otyp, x1, y1);
1161. 	/* Try the other side too, for rolling boulder traps */
1162. 	if (!otmp && otyp == BOULDER) {
1163. 		otherside = TRUE;
1164. 		otmp = sobj_at(otyp, x2, y2);
1165. 	}
1166. 	if (!otmp) return 0;
1167. 	if (otherside) {	/* swap 'em */
1168. 		int tx, ty;
1170. 		tx = x1; ty = y1;
1171. 		x1 = x2; y1 = y2;
1172. 		x2 = tx; y2 = ty;
1173. 	}
1175. 	if (otmp->quan == 1L) {
1176. 	    obj_extract_self(otmp);
1177. 	    singleobj = otmp;
1178. 	    otmp = (struct obj *) 0;
1179. 	} else {
1180. 	    singleobj = splitobj(otmp, 1L);
1181. 	    obj_extract_self(singleobj);
1182. 	}
1183. 	newsym(x1,y1);
1184. 	/* in case you're using a pick-axe to chop the boulder that's being
1185. 	   launched (perhaps a monster triggered it), destroy context so that
1186. 	   next dig attempt never thinks you're resuming previous effort */
1187. 	if ((otyp == BOULDER || otyp == STATUE) &&
1188. 	    singleobj->ox == digging.pos.x && singleobj->oy == digging.pos.y)
1189. 	    (void) memset((genericptr_t)&digging, 0, sizeof digging);
1191. 	dist = distmin(x1,y1,x2,y2);
1192. 	bhitpos.x = x1;
1193. 	bhitpos.y = y1;
1194. 	dx = sgn(x2 - x1);
1195. 	dy = sgn(y2 - y1);
1196. 	switch (style) {
1197. 	    case ROLL:
1198. 			delaycnt = 2;
1199. 			/* fall through */
1200. 	    default:
1201. 			if (!delaycnt) delaycnt = 1;
1202. 			if (!cansee(bhitpos.x,bhitpos.y)) curs_on_u();
1203. 			tmp_at(DISP_FLASH, obj_to_glyph(singleobj));
1204. 			tmp_at(bhitpos.x, bhitpos.y);
1205. 	}
1207. 	/* Set the object in motion */
1208. 	while(dist-- > 0 && !used_up) {
1209. 		struct trap *t;
1210. 		tmp_at(bhitpos.x, bhitpos.y);
1211. 		tmp = delaycnt;
1213. 		/* -- Delay only if hero sees it */
1214. 		if (cansee(bhitpos.x, bhitpos.y))
1215. 			while (tmp-- > 0) delay_output();
1217. 		bhitpos.x += dx;
1218. 		bhitpos.y += dy;
1219. 		t = t_at(bhitpos.x, bhitpos.y);
1221. 		if ((mtmp = m_at(bhitpos.x, bhitpos.y)) != 0) {
1222. 			if (otyp == BOULDER && throws_rocks(mtmp->data)) {
1223. 			    if (rn2(3)) {
1224. 				pline("%s snatches the boulder.",
1225. 					Monnam(mtmp));
1226. 				(void) mpickobj(mtmp, singleobj);
1227. 				used_up = TRUE;
1228. 				break;
1229. 			    }
1230. 			}
1231. 			if (ohitmon(mtmp,singleobj,
1232. 					(style==ROLL) ? -1 : dist, FALSE)) {
1233. 				used_up = TRUE;
1234. 				break;
1235. 			}
1236. 		} else if (bhitpos.x == u.ux && bhitpos.y == {
1237. 			if (multi) nomul(0);
1238. 			if (thitu(9 + singleobj->spe,
1239. 				  dmgval(singleobj, &youmonst),
1240. 				  singleobj, (char *)0))
1241. 			    stop_occupation();
1242. 		}
1243. 		if (style == ROLL) {
1244. 		    if (down_gate(bhitpos.x, bhitpos.y) != -1) {
1245. 		       if (ship_object(singleobj, bhitpos.x, bhitpos.y, FALSE)){
1246. 				used_up = TRUE;
1247. 				break;
1248. 			}
1249. 		    }
1250. 		    if (t && otyp == BOULDER) {
1251. 			switch(t->ttyp) {
1252. 			case LANDMINE:
1253. 			    if (rn2(10) > 2) {
1254. 			  	pline(
1255. 				  "KAABLAMM!!!%s",
1256. 				  cansee(bhitpos.x, bhitpos.y) ?
1257. 					" The rolling boulder triggers a land mine." : "");
1258. 				deltrap(t);
1259. 				del_engr_at(bhitpos.x,bhitpos.y);
1260. 				place_object(singleobj, bhitpos.x, bhitpos.y);
1261. 				fracture_rock(singleobj);
1262. 				scatter(bhitpos.x,bhitpos.y, 4,
1264. 					(struct obj *)0);
1265. 				if (cansee(bhitpos.x,bhitpos.y))
1266. 					newsym(bhitpos.x,bhitpos.y);
1267. 			        used_up = TRUE;
1268. 			    }
1269. 			    break;		
1270. 			case LEVEL_TELEP:
1271. 			case TELEP_TRAP:
1272. 			    if (cansee(bhitpos.x, bhitpos.y))
1273. 			    	pline("Suddenly the rolling boulder disappears!");
1274. 			    else
1275. 			    	You_hear("a rumbling stop abruptly.");
1276. 			    if (t->ttyp == TELEP_TRAP)
1277. 				rloco(singleobj);
1278. 			    else {
1279. 				int newlev = random_teleport_level();
1280. 				d_level dest;
1282. 				if (newlev == depth(& || In_endgame(&
1283. 				    continue;
1284. 				add_to_migration(singleobj);
1285. 				get_level(&dest, newlev);
1286. 				singleobj->ox = dest.dnum;
1287. 				singleobj->oy = dest.dlevel;
1288. 				singleobj->owornmask = (long)MIGR_RANDOM;
1289. 			    }
1290. 		    	    seetrap(t);
1291. 			    used_up = TRUE;
1292. 			    break;
1293. 			}
1294. 			if (used_up) break;
1295. 		    }
1296. 		    if (flooreffects(singleobj, bhitpos.x, bhitpos.y, "fall")) {
1297. 			used_up = TRUE;
1298. 			break;
1299. 		    }
1300. 		    if (otyp == BOULDER &&
1301. 		       (otmp2 = sobj_at(BOULDER, bhitpos.x, bhitpos.y)) != 0) {
1302. 			char *bmsg =
1303. 				" as one boulder sets another in motion";
1304. 		    	You_hear("a loud crash%s!",
1305. 				cansee(bhitpos.x, bhitpos.y) ? bmsg : "");
1306. 			obj_extract_self(otmp2);
1307. 			place_object(singleobj, bhitpos.x, bhitpos.y);
1308. 			singleobj = otmp2;
1309. 			otmp2 = (struct obj *)0;
1310. 			wake_nearto(bhitpos.x, bhitpos.y, 10*10);
1311. 		    }
1312. 		}
1313. 		if (otyp == BOULDER && closed_door(bhitpos.x,bhitpos.y)) {
1314. 			if (cansee(bhitpos.x, bhitpos.y))
1315. 				pline_The("boulder crashes through a door.");
1316. 			levl[bhitpos.x][bhitpos.y].doormask = D_BROKEN;
1317. 			if (dist) unblock_point(bhitpos.x, bhitpos.y);
1318. 		}
1319. 	}
1320. 	tmp_at(DISP_END, 0);
1321. 	if (!used_up) {
1322. 		place_object(singleobj, x2,y2);
1323. 		newsym(x2,y2);
1324. 		return 1;
1325. 	} else
1326. 		return 2;
1327. }
1328. #endif /* OVL3 */
1329. #ifdef OVLB
1331. void
1332. seetrap(trap)
1333. 	register struct trap *trap;
1334. {
1335. 	if(!trap->tseen) {
1336. 	    trap->tseen = 1;
1337. 	    newsym(trap->tx, trap->ty);
1338. 	}
1339. }
1341. #endif /* OVLB */
1342. #ifdef OVL3
1344. STATIC_OVL int
1345. mkroll_launch(ttmp, x, y, otyp, ocount)
1346. struct trap *ttmp;
1347. xchar x,y;
1348. short otyp;
1349. long ocount;
1350. {
1351. 	struct obj *otmp;
1352. 	register int tmp;
1353. 	schar dx,dy;
1354. 	int distance;
1355. 	coord cc;
1356. 	coord bcc;
1357. 	int trycount = 0;
1358. 	boolean success = FALSE;
1359. 	int mindist = 4;
1361. 	if (ttmp->ttyp == ROLLING_BOULDER_TRAP) mindist = 2;
1362. 	distance = rn1(5,4);    /* 4..8 away */
1363. 	tmp = rn2(8);		/* randomly pick a direction to try first */
1364. 	while (distance >= mindist) {
1365. 		dx = xdir[tmp];
1366. 		dy = ydir[tmp];
1367. 		cc.x = x; cc.y = y;
1368. 		/* Prevent boulder from being placed on water */
1369. 		if (ttmp->ttyp == ROLLING_BOULDER_TRAP
1370. 				&& is_pool(x+distance*dx,y+distance*dy))
1371. 			success = FALSE;
1372. 		else success = isclearpath(&cc, distance, dx, dy);
1373. 		if (ttmp->ttyp == ROLLING_BOULDER_TRAP) {
1374. 			boolean success_otherway;
1375. 			bcc.x = x; bcc.y = y;
1376. 			success_otherway = isclearpath(&bcc, distance,
1377. 						-(dx), -(dy));
1378. 			if (!success_otherway) success = FALSE;
1379. 		}
1380. 		if (success) break;
1381. 		if (++tmp > 7) tmp = 0;
1382. 		if ((++trycount % 8) == 0) --distance;
1383. 	}
1384. 	if (!success) {
1385. 	    /* create the trap without any ammo, launch pt at trap location */
1386. 		cc.x = bcc.x = x;
1387. 		cc.y = bcc.y = y;
1388. 	} else {
1389. 		otmp = mksobj(otyp, TRUE, FALSE);
1390. 		otmp->quan = ocount;
1391. 		otmp->owt = weight(otmp);
1392. 		place_object(otmp, cc.x, cc.y);
1393. 		stackobj(otmp);
1394. 	}
1395. 	ttmp->launch.x = cc.x;
1396. 	ttmp->launch.y = cc.y;
1397. 	if (ttmp->ttyp == ROLLING_BOULDER_TRAP) {
1398. 		ttmp->launch2.x = bcc.x;
1399. 		ttmp->launch2.y = bcc.y;
1400. 	} else
1401. 		ttmp->launch_otyp = otyp;
1402. 	newsym(ttmp->launch.x, ttmp->launch.y);
1403. 	return 1;
1404. }
1406. STATIC_OVL boolean
1407. isclearpath(cc,distance,dx,dy)
1408. coord *cc;
1409. int distance;
1410. schar dx,dy;
1411. {
1412. 	uchar typ;
1413. 	xchar x, y;
1415. 	x = cc->x;
1416. 	y = cc->y;
1417. 	while (distance-- > 0) {
1418. 		x += dx;
1419. 		y += dy;
1420. 		typ = levl[x][y].typ;
1421. 		if (!isok(x,y) || !ZAP_POS(typ) || closed_door(x,y))
1422. 			return FALSE;
1423. 	}
1424. 	cc->x = x;
1425. 	cc->y = y;
1426. 	return TRUE;
1427. }
1428. #endif /* OVL3 */
1429. #ifdef OVL1
1431. int
1432. mintrap(mtmp)
1433. register struct monst *mtmp;
1434. {
1435. 	register struct trap *trap = t_at(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
1436. 	boolean trapkilled = FALSE;
1437. 	struct permonst *mptr = mtmp->data;
1438. 	struct obj *otmp;
1440. 	if (!trap) {
1441. 	    mtmp->mtrapped = 0;	/* perhaps teleported? */
1442. 	} else if (mtmp->mtrapped) {	/* is currently in the trap */
1443. 	    if (!trap->tseen &&
1444. 		cansee(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my) && canseemon(mtmp) &&
1445. 		(trap->ttyp == SPIKED_PIT || trap->ttyp == BEAR_TRAP ||
1446. 		 trap->ttyp == HOLE || trap->ttyp == PIT ||
1447. 		 trap->ttyp == WEB)) {
1448. 		/* If you come upon an obviously trapped monster, then
1449. 		 * you must be able to see the trap it's in too.
1450. 		 */
1451. 		seetrap(trap);
1452. 	    }
1454. 	    if (!rn2(40)) {
1455. 		if (sobj_at(BOULDER, mtmp->mx, mtmp->my) &&
1456. 			(trap->ttyp == PIT || trap->ttyp == SPIKED_PIT)) {
1457. 		    if (!rn2(2)) {
1458. 			mtmp->mtrapped = 0;
1459. 			if (canseemon(mtmp))
1460. 			    pline("%s pulls free...", Monnam(mtmp));
1461. 			fill_pit(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
1462. 		    }
1463. 		} else {
1464. 		    mtmp->mtrapped = 0;
1465. 		}
1466. 	    } else if (metallivorous(mptr)) {
1467. 		if (trap->ttyp == BEAR_TRAP) {
1468. 		    if (canseemon(mtmp))
1469. 			pline("%s eats a bear trap!", Monnam(mtmp));
1470. 		    deltrap(trap);
1471. 		    mtmp->meating = 5;
1472. 		    mtmp->mtrapped = 0;
1473. 		} else if (trap->ttyp == SPIKED_PIT) {
1474. 		    if (canseemon(mtmp))
1475. 			pline("%s munches on some spikes!", Monnam(mtmp));
1476. 		    trap->ttyp = PIT;
1477. 		    mtmp->meating = 5;
1478. 		}
1479. 	    }
1480. 	} else {
1481. 	    register int tt = trap->ttyp;
1482. 	    boolean in_sight, tear_web, see_it,
1483. 		    inescapable = ((tt == HOLE || tt == PIT) &&
1484. 				   In_sokoban(& && !trap->madeby_u);
1485. 	    const char *fallverb;
1487. 	    if (!inescapable &&
1488. 		    ((mtmp->mtrapseen & (1 << (tt-1))) != 0 ||
1489. 			(tt == HOLE && !mindless(mtmp->data)))) {
1490. 		/* it has been in such a trap - perhaps it escapes */
1491. 		if(rn2(4)) return(0);
1492. 	    } else {
1493. 		mtmp->mtrapseen |= (1 << (tt-1));
1494. 	    }
1495. 	    /* Monster is aggravated by being trapped by you.
1496. 	       Recognizing who made the trap isn't completely
1497. 	       unreasonable; everybody has their own style. */
1498. 	    if (trap->madeby_u && rnl(5)) setmangry(mtmp);
1500. 	    /* bug?  `in_sight' ought to be split to distinguish between
1501. 	       trap_in_sight and can_see_victim to handle invisible monsters */
1502. 	    in_sight = canseemon(mtmp);
1503. 	    switch (tt) {
1504. 		case ARROW_TRAP:
1505. 			otmp = mksobj(ARROW, TRUE, FALSE);
1506. 			otmp->quan = 1L;
1507. 			otmp->owt = weight(otmp);
1508. 			otmp->opoisoned = 0;
1509. 			if (in_sight) seetrap(trap);
1510. 			if(thitm(8, mtmp, otmp, 0)) trapkilled = TRUE;
1511. 			break;
1512. 		case DART_TRAP:
1513. 			otmp = mksobj(DART, TRUE, FALSE);
1514. 			otmp->quan = 1L;
1515. 			otmp->owt = weight(otmp);
1516. 			if (!rn2(6)) otmp->opoisoned = 1;
1517. 			if (in_sight) seetrap(trap);
1518. 			if(thitm(7, mtmp, otmp, 0)) trapkilled = TRUE;
1519. 			break;
1520. 		case ROCKTRAP:
1521. 			otmp = mksobj(ROCK, TRUE, FALSE);
1522. 			otmp->quan = 1L;
1523. 			otmp->owt = weight(otmp);
1524. 			if (in_sight) seetrap(trap);
1525. 			if (thitm(0, mtmp, otmp, d(2, 6)))
1526. 			    trapkilled = TRUE;
1527. 			break;
1529. 		case SQKY_BOARD:
1530. 			if(is_flyer(mptr)) break;
1531. 			/* stepped on a squeaky board */
1532. 			if (in_sight) {
1533. 			    pline("A board beneath %s squeaks loudly.", mon_nam(mtmp));
1534. 			    seetrap(trap);
1535. 			} else
1536. 			   You_hear("a distant squeak.");
1537. 			/* wake up nearby monsters */
1538. 			wake_nearto(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my, 40);
1539. 			break;
1541. 		case BEAR_TRAP:
1542. 			if(mptr->msize > MZ_SMALL &&
1543. 				!amorphous(mptr) && !is_flyer(mptr) &&
1544. 				!is_whirly(mptr) && !unsolid(mptr)) {
1545. 			    mtmp->mtrapped = 1;
1546. 			    if(in_sight) {
1547. 				pline("%s is caught in %s bear trap!",
1548. 				      Monnam(mtmp), a_your[trap->madeby_u]);
1549. 				seetrap(trap);
1550. 			    } else {
1551. 				if((mptr == &mons[PM_OWLBEAR]
1552. 				    || mptr == &mons[PM_BUGBEAR])
1553. 				   && flags.soundok)
1554. 				    You_hear("the roaring of an angry bear!");
1555. 			    }
1556. 			}
1557. 			break;
1559. 		case SLP_GAS_TRAP:
1560. 		    if (!resists_sleep(mtmp) && !breathless(mptr) &&
1561. 				!mtmp->msleeping && mtmp->mcanmove) {
1562. 			    mtmp->mcanmove = 0;
1563. 			    mtmp->mfrozen = rnd(25);
1564. 			    if (in_sight) {
1565. 				pline("%s suddenly falls asleep!",
1566. 				      Monnam(mtmp));
1567. 				seetrap(trap);
1568. 			    }
1569. 			}
1570. 			break;
1572. 		case RUST_TRAP:
1573. 		    {
1574. 			struct obj *target;
1576. 			if (in_sight)
1577. 			    seetrap(trap);
1578. 			switch (rn2(5)) {
1579. 			case 0:
1580. 			    if (in_sight)
1581. 				pline("%s %s on the %s!", A_gush_of_water_hits,
1582. 				    mon_nam(mtmp), mbodypart(mtmp, HEAD));
1583. 			    target = which_armor(mtmp, W_ARMH);
1584. 			    (void) rust_dmg(target, "helmet", 1, TRUE, mtmp);
1585. 			    break;
1586. 			case 1:
1587. 			    if (in_sight)
1588. 				pline("%s %s's left %s!", A_gush_of_water_hits,
1589. 				    mon_nam(mtmp), mbodypart(mtmp, ARM));
1590. 			    target = which_armor(mtmp, W_ARMS);
1591. 			    if (rust_dmg(target, "shield", 1, TRUE, mtmp))
1592. 				break;
1593. 			    target = MON_WEP(mtmp);
1594. 			    if (target && bimanual(target))
1595. 				erode_obj(target, FALSE, TRUE);
1596. glovecheck:		    target = which_armor(mtmp, W_ARMG);
1597. 			    (void) rust_dmg(target, "gauntlets", 1, TRUE, mtmp);
1598. 			    break;
1599. 			case 2:
1600. 			    if (in_sight)
1601. 				pline("%s %s's right %s!", A_gush_of_water_hits,
1602. 				    mon_nam(mtmp), mbodypart(mtmp, ARM));
1603. 			    erode_obj(MON_WEP(mtmp), FALSE, TRUE);
1604. 			    goto glovecheck;
1605. 			default:
1606. 			    if (in_sight)
1607. 				pline("%s %s!", A_gush_of_water_hits,
1608. 				    mon_nam(mtmp));
1609. 			    for (otmp=mtmp->minvent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj)
1610. 				(void) snuff_lit(otmp);
1611. 			    target = which_armor(mtmp, W_ARMC);
1612. 			    if (target)
1613. 				(void) rust_dmg(target, cloak_simple_name(target),
1614. 						 1, TRUE, mtmp);
1615. 			    else {
1616. 				target = which_armor(mtmp, W_ARM);
1617. 				if (target)
1618. 				    (void) rust_dmg(target, "armor", 1, TRUE, mtmp);
1619. #ifdef TOURIST
1620. 				else {
1621. 				    target = which_armor(mtmp, W_ARMU);
1622. 				    (void) rust_dmg(target, "shirt", 1, TRUE, mtmp);
1623. 				}
1624. #endif
1625. 			    }
1626. 			}
1627. 			if (mptr == &mons[PM_IRON_GOLEM]) {
1628. 				if (in_sight)
1629. 				    pline("%s falls to pieces!", Monnam(mtmp));
1630. 				else if(mtmp->mtame)
1631. 				    pline("May %s rust in peace.",
1632. 								mon_nam(mtmp));
1633. 				mondied(mtmp);
1634. 				if (mtmp->mhp <= 0)
1635. 					trapkilled = TRUE;
1636. 			} else if (mptr == &mons[PM_GREMLIN] && rn2(3)) {
1637. 				(void)split_mon(mtmp, (struct monst *)0);
1638. 			}
1639. 			break;
1640. 		    }
1641. 		case FIRE_TRAP:
1642.  mfiretrap:
1643. 			see_it = cansee(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
1644. 			if (in_sight)
1645. 			    pline("A %s erupts from the %s under %s!",
1646. 				  tower_of_flame,
1647. 				  surface(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my), mon_nam(mtmp));
1648. 			else if (see_it)  /* evidently `mtmp' is invisible */
1649. 			    You("see a %s erupt from the %s!",
1650. 				tower_of_flame, surface(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my));
1652. 			if (resists_fire(mtmp)) {
1653. 			    if (in_sight) {
1654. 				shieldeff(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my);
1655. 				pline("%s is uninjured.", Monnam(mtmp));
1656. 			    }
1657. 			} else {
1658. 			    int num = d(2,4);
1660. 			    if (thitm(0, mtmp, (struct obj *)0, num))
1661. 				trapkilled = TRUE;
1662. 			    else
1663. 				/* we know mhp is at least `num' below mhpmax,
1664. 				   so no (mhp > mhpmax) check is needed here */
1665. 				mtmp->mhpmax -= rn2(num + 1);
1666. 			}
1667. 			if (burnarmor(mtmp) || rn2(3)) {
1668. 			    (void) destroy_mitem(mtmp, SCROLL_CLASS, AD_FIRE);
1669. 			    (void) destroy_mitem(mtmp, SPBOOK_CLASS, AD_FIRE);
1670. 			    (void) destroy_mitem(mtmp, POTION_CLASS, AD_FIRE);
1671. 			}
1672. 			if (burn_floor_paper(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my, see_it, FALSE) &&
1673. 				!see_it && distu(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my) <= 3*3)
1674. 			    You("smell smoke.");
1675. 			if (is_ice(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my))
1676. 			    melt_ice(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my);
1677. 			if (see_it) seetrap(trap);
1678. 			break;
1680. 		case PIT:
1681. 		case SPIKED_PIT:
1682. 			fallverb = "falls";
1683. 			if (is_flyer(mptr) || is_floater(mptr) ||
1684. 				(mtmp->wormno && count_wsegs(mtmp) > 5) ||
1685. 				is_clinger(mptr)) {
1686. 			    if (!inescapable) break;	/* avoids trap */
1687. 			    fallverb = "is dragged";	/* sokoban pit */
1688. 			}
1689. 			if (!passes_walls(mptr))
1690. 			    mtmp->mtrapped = 1;
1691. 			if (in_sight) {
1692. 			    pline("%s %s into %s pit!",
1693. 				  Monnam(mtmp), fallverb,
1694. 				  a_your[trap->madeby_u]);
1695. 			    if (mptr == &mons[PM_PIT_VIPER] || mptr == &mons[PM_PIT_FIEND])
1696. 				pline("How pitiful.  Isn't that the pits?");
1697. 			    seetrap(trap);
1698. 			}
1699. 			mselftouch(mtmp, "Falling, ", FALSE);
1700. 			if (mtmp->mhp <= 0 ||
1701. 				thitm(0, mtmp, (struct obj *)0,
1702. 				      rnd((tt == PIT) ? 6 : 10)))
1703. 			    trapkilled = TRUE;
1704. 			break;
1705. 		case HOLE:
1706. 		case TRAPDOOR:
1707. 			if (!Can_fall_thru(& {
1708. 			 impossible("mintrap: %ss cannot exist on this level.",
1709. 				    defsyms[trap_to_defsym(tt)].explanation);
1710. 			    break;	/* don't activate it after all */
1711. 			}
1712. 			if (is_flyer(mptr) || is_floater(mptr) ||
1713. 				mptr == &mons[PM_WUMPUS] ||
1714. 				(mtmp->wormno && count_wsegs(mtmp) > 5) ||
1715. 				mptr->msize >= MZ_HUGE) {
1716. 			    if (inescapable) {	/* sokoban hole */
1717. 				if (in_sight) {
1718. 				    pline("%s seems to be yanked down!",
1719. 					  Monnam(mtmp));
1720. 				    /* suppress message in mlevel_tele_trap() */
1721. 				    in_sight = FALSE;
1722. 				    seetrap(trap);
1723. 				}
1724. 			    } else
1725. 				break;
1726. 			}
1727. 			/* Fall through */
1728. 		case LEVEL_TELEP:
1729. 		case MAGIC_PORTAL:
1730. 			{
1731. 			    int mlev_res;
1732. 			    mlev_res = mlevel_tele_trap(mtmp, trap,
1733. 							inescapable, in_sight);
1734. 			    if (mlev_res) return(mlev_res);
1735. 			}
1736. 			break;
1738. 		case TELEP_TRAP:
1739. 			mtele_trap(mtmp, trap, in_sight);
1740. 			break;
1742. 		case WEB:
1743. 			/* Monster in a web. */
1744. 			if (webmaker(mptr)) break;
1745. 			if (amorphous(mptr) || is_whirly(mptr) || unsolid(mptr)){
1746. 			    if(acidic(mptr) ||
1747. 			       mptr == &mons[PM_GELATINOUS_CUBE] ||
1748. 			       mptr == &mons[PM_FIRE_ELEMENTAL]) {
1749. 				if (in_sight)
1750. 				    pline("%s %s %s spider web!",
1751. 					  Monnam(mtmp),
1752. 					  (mptr == &mons[PM_FIRE_ELEMENTAL]) ?
1753. 					    "burns" : "dissolves",
1754. 					  a_your[trap->madeby_u]);
1755. 				deltrap(trap);
1756. 				newsym(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
1757. 				break;
1758. 			    }
1759. 			    if (in_sight) {
1760. 				pline("%s flows through %s spider web.",
1761. 				      Monnam(mtmp),
1762. 				      a_your[trap->madeby_u]);
1763. 				seetrap(trap);
1764. 			    }
1765. 			    break;
1766. 			}
1767. 			tear_web = FALSE;
1768. 			switch (monsndx(mptr)) {
1769. 			    case PM_OWLBEAR: /* Eric Backus */
1770. 			    case PM_BUGBEAR:
1771. 				if (!in_sight) {
1772. 				    You_hear("the roaring of a confused bear!");
1773. 				    mtmp->mtrapped = 1;
1774. 				    break;
1775. 				}
1776. 				/* fall though */
1777. 			    default:
1778. 				if (mptr->mlet == S_GIANT ||
1779. 				    (mptr->mlet == S_DRAGON &&
1780. 					extra_nasty(mptr)) || /* excl. babies */
1781. 				    (mtmp->wormno && count_wsegs(mtmp) > 5)) {
1782. 				    tear_web = TRUE;
1783. 				} else if (in_sight) {
1784. 				    pline("%s is caught in %s spider web.",
1785. 					  Monnam(mtmp),
1786. 					  a_your[trap->madeby_u]);
1787. 				    seetrap(trap);
1788. 				}
1789. 				mtmp->mtrapped = tear_web ? 0 : 1;
1790. 				break;
1791. 			    /* this list is fairly arbitrary; it deliberately
1792. 			       excludes wumpus & giant/ettin zombies/mummies */
1793. 			    case PM_TITANOTHERE:
1794. 			    case PM_BALUCHITHERIUM:
1795. 			    case PM_PURPLE_WORM:
1796. 			    case PM_JABBERWOCK:
1797. 			    case PM_IRON_GOLEM:
1798. 			    case PM_BALROG:
1799. 			    case PM_KRAKEN:
1800. 			    case PM_MASTODON:
1801. 				tear_web = TRUE;
1802. 				break;
1803. 			}
1804. 			if (tear_web) {
1805. 			    if (in_sight)
1806. 				pline("%s tears through %s spider web!",
1807. 				      Monnam(mtmp), a_your[trap->madeby_u]);
1808. 			    deltrap(trap);
1809. 			    newsym(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
1810. 			}
1811. 			break;
1813. 		case STATUE_TRAP:
1814. 			break;
1816. 		case MAGIC_TRAP:
1817. 			/* A magic trap.  Monsters usually immune. */
1818. 			if (!rn2(21)) goto mfiretrap;
1819. 			break;
1820. 		case ANTI_MAGIC:
1821. 			break;
1823. 		case LANDMINE:
1824. 			if(rn2(3))
1825. 				break; /* monsters usually don't set it off */
1826. 			if(is_flyer(mptr)) {
1827. 				boolean already_seen = trap->tseen;
1828. 				if (in_sight && !already_seen) {
1829. 	pline("A trigger appears in a pile of soil below %s.", mon_nam(mtmp));
1830. 					seetrap(trap);
1831. 				}
1832. 				if (rn2(3)) break;
1833. 				if (in_sight) {
1834. 					newsym(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
1835. 					pline_The("air currents set %s off!",
1836. 					  already_seen ? "a land mine" : "it");
1837. 				}
1838. 			} else if(in_sight) {
1839. 			    newsym(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
1840. 			    pline("KAABLAMM!!!  %s triggers %s land mine!",
1841. 				Monnam(mtmp), a_your[trap->madeby_u]);
1842. 			}
1843. 			if (!in_sight)
1844. 				pline("Kaablamm!  You hear an explosion in the distance!");
1845. 			blow_up_landmine(trap);
1846. 			if(thitm(0, mtmp, (struct obj *)0, rnd(16)))
1847. 				trapkilled = TRUE;
1848. 			else {
1849. 				/* monsters recursively fall into new pit */
1850. 				if (mintrap(mtmp) == 2) trapkilled=TRUE;
1851. 			}
1852. 			/* a boulder may fill the new pit, crushing monster */
1853. 			fill_pit(trap->tx, trap->ty);
1854. 			if (mtmp->mhp <= 0) trapkilled = TRUE;
1855. 			if (unconscious()) {
1856. 				multi = -1;
1857. 				nomovemsg="The explosion awakens you!";
1858. 			}
1859. 			break;
1861. 		case POLY_TRAP:
1862. 		    if (resists_magm(mtmp)) {
1863. 			shieldeff(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
1864. 		    } else if (!resist(mtmp, WAND_CLASS, 0, NOTELL)) {
1865. 			(void) newcham(mtmp, (struct permonst *)0, FALSE);
1866. 			if (in_sight) seetrap(trap);
1867. 		    }
1868. 		    break;
1871. 		    if (!is_flyer(mptr)) {
1872. 		        newsym(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my);
1873. 			if (in_sight)
1874. 			  pline("Click! %s triggers %s.", Monnam(mtmp),
1875. 				  trap->tseen ?
1876. 				  "a rolling boulder trap" :
1877. 				  something);
1878. 			if (launch_obj(BOULDER, trap->launch.x, trap->launch.y,
1879. 				       trap->launch2.x, trap->launch2.y, ROLL)) {
1880. 			  if (in_sight) trap->tseen = TRUE;
1881. 			  else You_hear(Hallucination ?
1882. 					"someone bowling." :
1883. 					"rumbling in the distance.");
1884. 			  if (mtmp->mhp <= 0) trapkilled = TRUE;
1885. 			} else {
1886. 			  deltrap(trap);
1887. 			  newsym(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my);
1888. 			}
1889. 		      }
1890. 		    break;
1892. 		default:
1893. 			impossible("Some monster encountered a strange trap of type %d.", tt);
1894. 	    }
1895. 	}
1896. 	if(trapkilled) return 2;
1897. 	return mtmp->mtrapped;
1898. }
1900. #endif /* OVL1 */
1901. #ifdef OVLB
1903. /* Combine cockatrice checks into single functions to avoid repeating code. */
1904. void
1905. instapetrify(str)
1906. const char *str;
1907. {
1908. 	if (Stone_resistance) return;
1909. 	if (poly_when_stoned( && polymon(PM_STONE_GOLEM))
1910. 	    return;
1911. 	You("turn to stone...");
1912. 	killer_format = KILLED_BY;
1913. 	killer = str;
1914. 	done(STONING);
1915. }
1917. void
1918. minstapetrify(mon,byplayer)
1919. struct monst *mon;
1920. boolean byplayer;
1921. {
1922. 	if (resists_ston(mon)) return;
1923. 	if (cansee(mon->mx, mon->my))
1924. 		pline("%s turns to stone.", Monnam(mon));
1925. 	if (poly_when_stoned(mon->data)) {
1926. 		mon_to_stone(mon);
1927. 		return;
1928. 	}
1929. 	if (byplayer) {
1930. 		stoned = TRUE;
1931. 		xkilled(mon,0);
1932. 	} else monstone(mon);
1933. }
1935. void
1936. selftouch(arg)
1937. const char *arg;
1938. {
1939. 	char kbuf[BUFSZ];
1941. 	if(uwep && uwep->otyp == CORPSE && touch_petrifies(&mons[uwep->corpsenm])
1942. 			&& !Stone_resistance) {
1943. 		pline("%s touch the %s corpse.", arg,
1944. 		        mons[uwep->corpsenm].mname);
1945. 		Sprintf(kbuf, "%s corpse", an(mons[uwep->corpsenm].mname));
1946. 		instapetrify(kbuf);
1947. 	}
1948. 	/* Or your secondary weapon, if wielded */
1949. 	if(u.twoweap && uswapwep && uswapwep->otyp == CORPSE &&
1950. 			touch_petrifies(&mons[uswapwep->corpsenm]) && !Stone_resistance){
1951. 		pline("%s touch the %s corpse.", arg,
1952. 		        mons[uswapwep->corpsenm].mname);
1953. 		Sprintf(kbuf, "%s corpse", an(mons[uswapwep->corpsenm].mname));
1954. 		instapetrify(kbuf);
1955. 	}
1956. }
1958. void
1959. mselftouch(mon,arg,byplayer)
1960. struct monst *mon;
1961. const char *arg;
1962. boolean byplayer;
1963. {
1964. 	struct obj *mwep = MON_WEP(mon);
1966. 	if (mwep && mwep->otyp == CORPSE && touch_petrifies(&mons[mwep->corpsenm])) {
1967. 		if (cansee(mon->mx, mon->my)) {
1968. 			pline("%s%s touches the %s corpse.",
1969. 			    arg ? arg : "", arg ? mon_nam(mon) : Monnam(mon),
1970. 			    mons[mwep->corpsenm].mname);
1971. 		}
1972. 		minstapetrify(mon, byplayer);
1973. 	}
1974. }
1976. void
1977. float_up()
1978. {
1979. 	if(u.utrap) {
1980. 		if(u.utraptype == TT_PIT) {
1981. 			u.utrap = 0;
1982. 			You("float up, out of the pit!");
1983. 			vision_full_recalc = 1;	/* vision limits change */
1984. 			fill_pit(u.ux,;
1985. 		} else if (u.utraptype == TT_INFLOOR) {
1986. 			Your("body pulls upward, but your %s are still stuck.",
1987. 			     makeplural(body_part(LEG)));
1988. 		} else {
1989. 			You("float up, only your %s is still stuck.",
1990. 				body_part(LEG));
1991. 		}
1992. 	}
1993. 	else if(Is_waterlevel(&
1994. 		pline("It feels as though you've lost some weight.");
1995. 	else if(u.uinwater)
1996. 		spoteffects(TRUE);
1997. 	else if(u.uswallow)
1998. 		You(is_animal(u.ustuck->data) ?
1999. 			"float away from the %s."  :
2000. 			"spiral up into %s.",
2001. 		    is_animal(u.ustuck->data) ?
2002. 			surface(u.ux, :
2003. 			mon_nam(u.ustuck));
2004. 	else if (Hallucination)
2005. 		pline("Up, up, and awaaaay!  You're walking on air!");
2006. 	else if(Is_airlevel(&
2007. 		You("gain control over your movements.");
2008. 	else
2009. 		You("start to float in the air!");
2010. #ifdef STEED
2011. 	if (u.usteed && !is_floater(u.usteed->data) &&
2012. 						!is_flyer(u.usteed->data)) {
2013. 	    if (Lev_at_will)
2014. 	    	pline("%s magically floats up!", Monnam(u.usteed));
2015. 	    else {
2016. 	    	You("cannot stay on %s.", mon_nam(u.usteed));
2017. 	    	dismount_steed(DISMOUNT_GENERIC);
2018. 	    }
2019. 	}
2020. #endif
2021. 	return;
2022. }
2024. void
2025. fill_pit(x, y)
2026. int x, y;
2027. {
2028. 	struct obj *otmp;
2029. 	struct trap *t;
2031. 	if ((t = t_at(x, y)) &&
2032. 	    ((t->ttyp == PIT) || (t->ttyp == SPIKED_PIT)) &&
2033. 	    (otmp = sobj_at(BOULDER, x, y))) {
2034. 		obj_extract_self(otmp);
2035. 		(void) flooreffects(otmp, x, y, "settle");
2036. 	}
2037. }
2039. int
2040. float_down(hmask, emask)
2041. long hmask, emask;     /* might cancel timeout */
2042. {
2043. 	register struct trap *trap = (struct trap *)0;
2044. 	d_level current_dungeon_level;
2045. 	boolean no_msg = FALSE;
2047. 	HLevitation &= ~hmask;
2048. 	ELevitation &= ~emask;
2049. 	if(Levitation) return(0); /* maybe another ring/potion/boots */
2051. 	if (Punished && !carried(uball) &&
2052. 	    (is_pool(uball->ox, uball->oy) ||
2053. 	     ((trap = t_at(uball->ox, uball->oy)) &&
2054. 	      ((trap->ttyp == PIT) || (trap->ttyp == SPIKED_PIT) ||
2055. 	       (trap->ttyp == TRAPDOOR) || (trap->ttyp == HOLE))))) {
2056. 			u.ux0 = u.ux;
2057. 			u.uy0 =;
2058. 			u.ux = uball->ox;
2059. = uball->oy;
2060. 			movobj(uchain, uball->ox, uball->oy);
2061. 			newsym(u.ux0, u.uy0);
2062. 			vision_full_recalc = 1;	/* in case the hero moved. */
2063. 	}
2064. 	/* check for falling into pool - added by GAN 10/20/86 */
2065. 	if(!Flying) {
2066. 		/* kludge alert:
2067. 		 * drown() and lava_effects() print various messages almost
2068. 		 * every time they're called which conflict with the "fall
2069. 		 * into" message below.  Thus, we want to avoid printing
2070. 		 * confusing, duplicate or out-of-order messages.
2071. 		 * Use knowledge of the two routines as a hack -- this
2072. 		 * should really be handled differently -dlc
2073. 		 */
2074. 		if(is_pool(u.ux, && !Wwalking && !Swimming && !u.uinwater)
2075. 			no_msg = drown();
2077. 		if(is_lava(u.ux, {
2078. 			(void) lava_effects();
2079. 			no_msg = TRUE;
2080. 		}
2081. 	}
2082. 	if (!trap) {
2083. 	    trap = t_at(u.ux,;
2084. 	    if(Is_airlevel(&
2085. 		You("begin to tumble in place.");
2086. 	    else if (Is_waterlevel(& && !no_msg)
2087. 		You_feel("heavier.");
2088. 	    /* u.uinwater msgs already in spoteffects()/drown() */
2089. 	    else if (!u.uinwater && !no_msg) {
2090. #ifdef STEED
2091. 		if (!(emask & W_SADDLE))
2092. #endif
2093. 		{
2094. 		    boolean sokoban_trap = (In_sokoban(& && trap);
2095. 		    if (Hallucination)
2096. 			pline("Bummer!  You've %s.",
2097. 			      is_pool(u.ux, ?
2098. 			      "splashed down" : sokoban_trap ? "crashed" :
2099. 			      "hit the ground");
2100. 		    else {
2101. 			if (!sokoban_trap)
2102. 			    You("float gently to the %s.",
2103. 				surface(u.ux,;
2104. 			else {
2105. 			    /* Justification elsewhere for Sokoban traps
2106. 			     * is based on air currents. This is
2107. 			     * consistent with that.
2108. 			     * The unexpected additional force of the
2109. 			     * air currents once leviation
2110. 			     * ceases knocks you off your feet.
2111. 			     */
2112. 			    You("fall over.");
2113. 			    losehp(rnd(2), "dangerous winds", KILLED_BY);
2114. #ifdef STEED
2115. 			    if (u.usteed) dismount_steed(DISMOUNT_FELL);
2116. #endif
2117. 			    selftouch("As you fall, you");
2118. 			}
2119. 		    }
2120. 		}
2121. 	    }
2122. 	}
2124. 	/* can't rely on u.uz0 for detecting trap door-induced level change;
2125. 	   it gets changed to reflect the new level before we can check it */
2126. 	assign_level(&current_dungeon_level, &;
2128. 	if(trap)
2129. 		switch(trap->ttyp) {
2130. 		case STATUE_TRAP:
2131. 			break;
2132. 		case HOLE:
2133. 		case TRAPDOOR:
2134. 			if(!Can_fall_thru(& || u.ustuck)
2135. 				break;
2136. 			/* fall into next case */
2137. 		default:
2138. 			if (!u.utrap) /* not already in the trap */
2139. 				dotrap(trap, 0);
2140. 	}
2142. 	if (!Is_airlevel(& && !Is_waterlevel(& && !u.uswallow &&
2143. 		/* falling through trap door calls goto_level,
2144. 		   and goto_level does its own pickup() call */
2145. 		on_level(&, &current_dungeon_level))
2146. 	    (void) pickup(1);
2147. 	return 1;
2148. }
2150. STATIC_OVL void
2151. dofiretrap(box)
2152. struct obj *box;	/* null for floor trap */
2153. {
2154. 	boolean see_it = !Blind;
2155. 	int num;
2157. /* Bug: for box case, the equivalent of burn_floor_paper() ought
2158.  * to be done upon its contents.
2159.  */
2161. 	if ((box && !carried(box)) ? is_pool(box->ox, box->oy) : Underwater) {
2162. 	    pline("A cascade of steamy bubbles erupts from %s!",
2163. 		    the(box ? xname(box) : surface(u.ux,;
2164. 	    if (Fire_resistance) You("are uninjured.");
2165. 	    else losehp(rnd(3), "boiling water", KILLED_BY);
2166. 	    return;
2167. 	}
2168. 	pline("A %s %s from %s!", tower_of_flame,
2169. 	      box ? "bursts" : "erupts",
2170. 	      the(box ? xname(box) : surface(u.ux,;
2171. 	if (Fire_resistance) {
2172. 	    shieldeff(u.ux,;
2173. 	    num = rn2(2);
2174. 	} else {
2175. 	    num = d(2,4);
2176. 	    if (u.uhpmax > u.ulevel)
2177. 		u.uhpmax -= rn2(min(u.uhpmax,num + 1)), flags.botl = 1;
2178. 	}
2179. 	if (!num)
2180. 	    You("are uninjured.");
2181. 	else
2182. 	    losehp(num, tower_of_flame, KILLED_BY_AN);
2183. 	burn_away_slime();
2185. 	if (burnarmor(&youmonst) || rn2(3)) {
2186. 	    destroy_item(SCROLL_CLASS, AD_FIRE);
2187. 	    destroy_item(SPBOOK_CLASS, AD_FIRE);
2188. 	    destroy_item(POTION_CLASS, AD_FIRE);
2189. 	}
2190. 	if (!box && burn_floor_paper(u.ux,, see_it, TRUE) && !see_it)
2191. 	    You("smell paper burning.");
2192. 	if (is_ice(u.ux,
2193. 	    melt_ice(u.ux,;
2194. }
2196. STATIC_OVL void
2197. domagictrap()
2198. {
2199. 	register int fate = rnd(20);
2201. 	/* What happened to the poor sucker? */
2203. 	if (fate < 10) {
2204. 	  /* Most of the time, it creates some monsters. */
2205. 	  register int cnt = rnd(4);
2207. 	  if (!resists_blnd(&youmonst)) {
2208. 		You("are momentarily blinded by a flash of light!");
2209. 		make_blinded((long)rn1(5,10),FALSE);
2210. 		if (!Blind) Your(vision_clears);
2211. 	  } else if (!Blind) {
2212. 		You("see a flash of light!");
2213. 	  }  else
2214. 		You_hear("a deafening roar!");
2215. 	  while(cnt--)
2216. 		(void) makemon((struct permonst *) 0, u.ux,, NO_MM_FLAGS);
2217. 	}
2218. 	else
2219. 	  switch (fate) {
2221. 	     case 10:
2222. 	     case 11:
2223. 		      /* sometimes nothing happens */
2224. 			break;
2225. 	     case 12: /* a flash of fire */
2226. 			dofiretrap((struct obj *)0);
2227. 			break;
2229. 	     /* odd feelings */
2230. 	     case 13:	pline("A shiver runs up and down your %s!",
2231. 			      body_part(SPINE));
2232. 			break;
2233. 	     case 14:	You_hear(Hallucination ?
2234. 				"the moon howling at you." :
2235. 				"distant howling.");
2236. 			break;
2237. 	     case 15:	if (on_level(&, &qstart_level))
2238. 			    You_feel("%slike the prodigal son.",
2239. 			      (flags.female || (Upolyd && is_neuter( ?
2240. 				     "oddly " : "");
2241. 			else
2242. 			    You("suddenly yearn for %s.",
2243. 				Hallucination ? "Cleveland" :
2244. 			    (In_quest(& || at_dgn_entrance("The Quest")) ?
2245. 						"your nearby homeland" :
2246. 						"your distant homeland");
2247. 			break;
2248. 	     case 16:   Your("pack shakes violently!");
2249. 			break;
2250. 	     case 17:	You(Hallucination ?
2251. 				"smell hamburgers." :
2252. 				"smell charred flesh.");
2253. 			break;
2254. 	     case 18:	You_feel("tired.");
2255. 			break;
2257. 	     /* very occasionally something nice happens. */
2259. 	     case 19:
2260. 		    /* tame nearby monsters */
2261. 		   {   register int i,j;
2262. 		       register struct monst *mtmp;
2264. 		       (void) adjattrib(A_CHA,1,FALSE);
2265. 		       for(i = -1; i <= 1; i++) for(j = -1; j <= 1; j++) {
2266. 			   if(!isok(u.ux+i, continue;
2267. 			   mtmp = m_at(u.ux+i,;
2268. 			   if(mtmp)
2269. 			       (void) tamedog(mtmp, (struct obj *)0);
2270. 		       }
2271. 		       break;
2272. 		   }
2274. 	     case 20:
2275. 		    /* uncurse stuff */
2276. 		   {	struct obj pseudo;
2277. 			long save_conf = HConfusion;
2279. 			pseudo = zeroobj;   /* neither cursed nor blessed */
2280. 			pseudo.otyp = SCR_REMOVE_CURSE;
2281. 			HConfusion = 0L;
2282. 			(void) seffects(&pseudo);
2283. 			HConfusion = save_conf;
2284. 			break;
2285. 		   }
2286. 	     default: break;
2287. 	  }
2288. }
2290. /*
2291.  * Scrolls, spellbooks, potions, and flammable items
2292.  * may get affected by the fire.
2293.  *
2294.  * Return number of objects destroyed. --ALI
2295.  */
2296. int
2297. fire_damage(chain, force, here, x, y)
2298. struct obj *chain;
2299. boolean force, here;
2300. xchar x, y;
2301. {
2302.     int chance;
2303.     struct obj *obj, *otmp, *nobj, *ncobj;
2304.     int retval = 0;
2305.     int in_sight = !Blind && couldsee(x, y);	/* Don't care if it's lit */
2306.     int dindx;
2308.     for (obj = chain; obj; obj = nobj) {
2309. 	nobj = here ? obj->nexthere : obj->nobj;
2311. 	/* object might light in a controlled manner */
2312. 	if (catch_lit(obj))
2313. 	    continue;
2315. 	if (Is_container(obj)) {
2316. 	    switch (obj->otyp) {
2317. 	    case ICE_BOX:
2318. 		continue;		/* Immune */
2319. 		/*NOTREACHED*/
2320. 		break;
2321. 	    case CHEST:
2322. 		chance = 40;
2323. 		break;
2324. 	    case LARGE_BOX:
2325. 		chance = 30;
2326. 		break;
2327. 	    default:
2328. 		chance = 20;
2329. 		break;
2330. 	    }
2331. 	    if (!force && (Luck + 5) > rn2(chance))
2332. 		continue;
2333. 	    /* Container is burnt up - dump contents out */
2334. 	    if (in_sight) pline("%s catches fire and burns.", Yname2(obj));
2335. 	    if (Has_contents(obj)) {
2336. 		if (in_sight) pline("Its contents fall out.");
2337. 		for (otmp = obj->cobj; otmp; otmp = ncobj) {
2338. 		    ncobj = otmp->nobj;
2339. 		    obj_extract_self(otmp);
2340. 		    if (!flooreffects(otmp, x, y, ""))
2341. 			place_object(otmp, x, y);
2342. 		}
2343. 	    }
2344. 	    delobj(obj);
2345. 	    retval++;
2346. 	} else if (!force && (Luck + 5) > rn2(20)) {
2347. 	    /*  chance per item of sustaining damage:
2348. 	     *	max luck (full moon):	 5%
2349. 	     *	max luck (elsewhen):	10%
2350. 	     *	avg luck (Luck==0):	75%
2351. 	     *	awful luck (Luck<-4):  100%
2352. 	     */
2353. 	    continue;
2354. 	} else if (obj->oclass == SCROLL_CLASS || obj->oclass == SPBOOK_CLASS) {
2355. 	    if (obj->otyp == SCR_FIRE || obj->otyp == SPE_FIREBALL)
2356. 		continue;
2357. 	    if (obj->otyp == SPE_BOOK_OF_THE_DEAD) {
2358. 		if (in_sight) pline("Smoke rises from %s.", the(xname(obj)));
2359. 		continue;
2360. 	    }
2361. 	    dindx = (obj->oclass == SCROLL_CLASS) ? 2 : 3;
2362. 	    if (in_sight)
2363. 		pline("%s %s.", Yname2(obj), (obj->quan > 1) ?
2364. 		      destroy_strings[dindx*3 + 1] : destroy_strings[dindx*3]);
2365. 	    delobj(obj);
2366. 	    retval++;
2367. 	} else if (obj->oclass == POTION_CLASS) {
2368. 	    dindx = 1;
2369. 	    if (in_sight)
2370. 		pline("%s %s.", Yname2(obj), (obj->quan > 1) ?
2371. 		      destroy_strings[dindx*3 + 1] : destroy_strings[dindx*3]);
2372. 	    delobj(obj);
2373. 	    retval++;
2374. 	} else if (is_flammable(obj) && obj->oeroded < MAX_ERODE &&
2375. 		   !(obj->oerodeproof || (obj->blessed && !rnl(4)))) {
2376. 	    if (in_sight) {
2377. 		pline("%s %s%s.", Yname2(obj), otense(obj, "burn"),
2378. 		      obj->oeroded+1 == MAX_ERODE ? " completely" :
2379. 		      obj->oeroded ? " further" : "");
2380. 	    }
2381. 	    obj->oeroded++;
2382. 	}
2383.     }
2385.     if (retval && !in_sight)
2386. 	You("smell smoke.");
2387.     return retval;
2388. }
2390. void
2391. water_damage(obj, force, here)
2392. register struct obj *obj;
2393. register boolean force, here;
2394. {
2395. 	/* Scrolls, spellbooks, potions, weapons and
2396. 	   pieces of armor may get affected by the water */
2397. 	for (; obj; obj = (here ? obj->nexthere : obj->nobj)) {
2399. 		(void) snuff_lit(obj);
2401. 		if(obj->otyp == CAN_OF_GREASE && obj->spe > 0) {
2402. 			continue;
2403. 		} else if(obj->greased) {
2404. 			if (force || !rn2(2)) obj->greased = 0;
2405. 		} else if(Is_container(obj) && !Is_box(obj) &&
2406. 			(obj->otyp != OILSKIN_SACK || (obj->cursed && !rn2(3)))) {
2407. 			water_damage(obj->cobj, force, FALSE);
2408. 		} else if (!force && (Luck + 5) > rn2(20)) {
2409. 			/*  chance per item of sustaining damage:
2410. 			 *	max luck (full moon):	 5%
2411. 			 *	max luck (elsewhen):	10%
2412. 			 *	avg luck (Luck==0):	75%
2413. 			 *	awful luck (Luck<-4):  100%
2414. 			 */
2415. 			continue;
2416. 		} else if (obj->oclass == SCROLL_CLASS) {
2417. #ifdef MAIL
2418. 		    if (obj->otyp != SCR_MAIL)
2419. #endif
2420. 		    {
2421. 			obj->otyp = SCR_BLANK_PAPER;
2422. 			obj->spe = 0;
2423. 		    }
2424. 		} else if (obj->oclass == SPBOOK_CLASS) {
2425. 			if (obj->otyp == SPE_BOOK_OF_THE_DEAD)
2426. 				pline("Steam rises from %s.", the(xname(obj)));
2427. 			else obj->otyp = SPE_BLANK_PAPER;
2428. 		} else if (obj->oclass == POTION_CLASS) {
2429. 			if (obj->odiluted) {
2430. 				obj->otyp = POT_WATER;
2431. 				obj->blessed = obj->cursed = 0;
2432. 				obj->odiluted = 0;
2433. 			} else if (obj->otyp != POT_WATER)
2434. 				obj->odiluted++;
2435. 		} else if (is_rustprone(obj) && obj->oeroded < MAX_ERODE &&
2436. 			  !(obj->oerodeproof || (obj->blessed && !rnl(4)))) {
2437. 			/* all metal stuff and armor except (body armor
2438. 			   protected by oilskin cloak) */
2439. 			if(obj->oclass != ARMOR_CLASS || obj != uarm ||
2440. 			   !uarmc || uarmc->otyp != OILSKIN_CLOAK ||
2441. 			   (uarmc->cursed && !rn2(3)))
2442. 				obj->oeroded++;
2443. 		}
2444. 	}
2445. }
2447. /*
2448.  * This function is potentially expensive - rolling
2449.  * inventory list multiple times.  Luckily it's seldom needed.
2450.  * Returns TRUE if disrobing made player unencumbered enough to
2451.  * crawl out of the current predicament.
2452.  */
2453. STATIC_OVL boolean
2454. emergency_disrobe(lostsome)
2455. boolean *lostsome;
2456. {
2457. 	int invc = inv_cnt();
2460. 	while (near_capacity() > (Punished ? UNENCUMBERED : SLT_ENCUMBER)) {
2461. 		register struct obj *obj, *otmp = (struct obj *)0;
2462. 		register int i;
2464. 		/* Pick a random object */
2465. 		if (invc > 0) {
2466. 			i = rn2(invc);
2467. 		for (obj = invent; obj; obj = obj->nobj) {
2468. 			/*
2469. 			 * Undroppables are: body armor, boots, gloves,
2470. 			 * amulets, and rings because of the time and effort
2471. 			 * in removing them + loadstone and other cursed stuff
2472. 			 * for obvious reasons.
2473. 			 */
2474. 			if (!((obj->otyp == LOADSTONE && obj->cursed) ||
2475. 			      obj == uamul || obj == uleft || obj == uright ||
2476. 			      obj == ublindf || obj == uarm || obj == uarmc ||
2477. 			      obj == uarmg || obj == uarmf ||
2478. #ifdef TOURIST
2479. 			      obj == uarmu ||
2480. #endif
2481. 			      (obj->cursed && (obj == uarmh || obj == uarms)) ||
2482. 			      welded(obj)))
2483. 				otmp = obj;
2484. 			/* reached the mark and found some stuff to drop? */
2485. 			if (--i < 0 && otmp) break;
2487. 			/* else continue */
2488. 		}
2489. 		}
2490. #ifndef GOLDOBJ
2491. 		if (!otmp) {
2492. 			/* Nothing available left to drop; try gold */
2493. 			if (u.ugold) {
2494. 				pline("In desperation, you drop your purse.");
2495. 				/* Hack: gold is not in the inventory, so make a gold object
2496. 				 * and put it at the head of the inventory list.
2497. 				 */
2498. 				obj = mkgoldobj(u.ugold);    /* removes from u.ugold */
2499. 				u.ugold = obj->quan;         /* put the gold back */
2500. 				assigninvlet(obj);           /* might end up as NOINVSYM */
2501. 				obj->nobj = invent;
2502. 				invent = obj;
2503. 				*lostsome = TRUE;
2504. 				dropx(obj);
2505. 				continue;                    /* Try again */
2506. 			}
2507. 			/* We can't even drop gold! */
2508. 			return (FALSE);
2509. 		}
2510. #else
2511. 		if (!otmp) return (FALSE); /* nothing to drop! */	
2512. #endif
2513. 		if (otmp->owornmask && otmp != uball) remove_worn_item(otmp);
2514. 		*lostsome = TRUE;
2515. 		dropx(otmp);
2516. 		invc--;
2517. 	}
2518. 	return(TRUE);
2519. }
2521. /*
2522.  *  return(TRUE) == player relocated
2523.  */
2524. boolean
2525. drown()
2526. {
2527. 	boolean inpool_ok = FALSE, crawl_ok;
2528. 	int i, x, y;
2530. 	/* happily wading in the same contiguous pool */
2531. 	if (u.uinwater && is_pool(u.ux-u.dx, &&
2532. 	    (Swimming || Amphibious)) {
2533. 		/* water effects on objects every now and then */
2534. 		if (!rn2(5)) inpool_ok = TRUE;
2535. 		else return(FALSE);
2536. 	}
2538. 	if (!u.uinwater) {
2539. 	    You("%s into the water%c",
2540. 		Is_waterlevel(& ? "plunge" : "fall",
2541. 		Amphibious || Swimming ? '.' : '!');
2542. 	    if (!Swimming && !Is_waterlevel(&
2543. 		    You("sink like %s.",
2544. 			Hallucination ? "the Titanic" : "a rock");
2545. 	}
2547. 	water_damage(invent, FALSE, FALSE);
2549. 	if (u.umonnum == PM_GREMLIN && rn2(3))
2550. 	    (void)split_mon(&youmonst, (struct monst *)0);
2551. 	else if (u.umonnum == PM_IRON_GOLEM) {
2552. 	    You("rust!");
2553. 	    i = d(2,6);
2554. 	    if (u.mhmax > i) u.mhmax -= i;
2555. 	    losehp(i, "rusting away", KILLED_BY);
2556. 	}
2557. 	if (inpool_ok) return(FALSE);
2559. 	if ((i = number_leashed()) > 0) {
2560. 		pline_The("leash%s slip%s loose.",
2561. 			(i > 1) ? "es" : "",
2562. 			(i > 1) ? "" : "s");
2563. 		unleash_all();
2564. 	}
2566. 	if (Amphibious || Swimming) {
2567. 		if (Amphibious) {
2568. 			if (flags.verbose)
2569. 				pline("But you aren't drowning.");
2570. 			if (!Is_waterlevel(& {
2571. 				if (Hallucination)
2572. 					Your("keel hits the bottom.");
2573. 				else
2574. 					You("touch bottom.");
2575. 			}
2576. 		}
2577. 		if (Punished) {
2578. 			unplacebc();
2579. 			placebc();
2580. 		}
2581. 		vision_recalc(2);	/* unsee old position */
2582. 		u.uinwater = 1;
2583. 		under_water(1);
2584. 		vision_full_recalc = 1;
2585. 		return(FALSE);
2586. 	}
2587. 	if((Teleportation || can_teleport( &&
2588. 	   (Teleport_control || rn2(3) < Luck+2)) {
2589. 		You("attempt a teleport spell.");	/* utcsri!carroll */
2590. 		(void) dotele();
2591. 		if(!is_pool(u.ux,
2592. 			return(TRUE);
2593. 	}
2594. #ifdef STEED
2595. 	if (u.usteed) {
2596. 		dismount_steed(DISMOUNT_GENERIC);
2597. 		if(!is_pool(u.ux,
2598. 			return(TRUE);
2599. 	}
2600. #endif
2601. 	crawl_ok = FALSE;
2602. 	/* look around for a place to crawl to */
2603. 	for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
2604. 		x = rn1(3,u.ux - 1);
2605. 		y = rn1(3, - 1);
2606. 		if (goodpos(x, y, &youmonst)) {
2607. 			crawl_ok = TRUE;
2608. 			goto crawl;
2609. 		}
2610. 	}
2611. 	/* one more scan */
2612. 	for (x = u.ux - 1; x <= u.ux + 1; x++)
2613. 		for (y = - 1; y <= + 1; y++)
2614. 			if (goodpos(x, y, &youmonst)) {
2615. 				crawl_ok = TRUE;
2616. 				goto crawl;
2617. 			}
2618. crawl:;
2619. 	if (crawl_ok) {
2620. 		boolean lost = FALSE;
2621. 		/* time to do some strip-tease... */
2622. 		boolean succ = Is_waterlevel(& ? TRUE :
2623. 				emergency_disrobe(&lost);
2625. 		You("try to crawl out of the water.");
2626. 		if (lost)
2627. 			You("dump some of your gear to lose weight...");
2628. 		if (succ) {
2629. 			pline("Pheew!  That was close.");
2630. 			teleds(x,y);
2631. 			return(TRUE);
2632. 		}
2633. 		/* still too much weight */
2634. 		pline("But in vain.");
2635. 	}
2636. 	u.uinwater = 1;
2637. 	You("drown.");
2638. 	killer_format = KILLED_BY_AN;
2639. 	killer = (levl[u.ux][].typ == POOL || Is_medusa_level(& ?
2640. 	    "pool of water" : "moat";
2641. 	done(DROWNING);
2642. 	/* oops, we're still alive.  better get out of the water. */
2643. 	while (!safe_teleds()) {
2644. 		pline("You're still drowning.");
2645. 		done(DROWNING);
2646. 	}
2647. 	u.uinwater = 0;
2648. 	You("find yourself back %s.", Is_waterlevel(& ?
2649. 		"in an air bubble" : "on land");
2650. 	return(TRUE);
2651. }
2653. void
2654. drain_en(n)
2655. register int n;
2656. {
2657. 	if (!u.uenmax) return;
2658. 	You_feel("your magical energy drain away!");
2659. 	u.uen -= n;
2660. 	if(u.uen < 0)  {
2661. 		u.uenmax += u.uen;
2662. 		if(u.uenmax < 0) u.uenmax = 0;
2663. 		u.uen = 0;
2664. 	}
2665. 	flags.botl = 1;
2666. }
2668. int
2669. dountrap()	/* disarm a trap */
2670. {
2671. 	if (near_capacity() >= HVY_ENCUMBER) {
2672. 	    pline("You're too strained to do that.");
2673. 	    return 0;
2674. 	}
2675. 	if ((nohands( && !webmaker( || !>mmove) {
2676. 	    pline("And just how do you expect to do that?");
2677. 	    return 0;
2678. 	} else if (u.ustuck && sticks( {
2679. 	    pline("You'll have to let go of %s first.", mon_nam(u.ustuck));
2680. 	    return 0;
2681. 	}
2682. 	if (u.ustuck || (welded(uwep) && bimanual(uwep))) {
2683. 	    Your("%s seem to be too busy for that.",
2684. 		 makeplural(body_part(HAND)));
2685. 	    return 0;
2686. 	}
2687. 	return untrap(FALSE);
2688. }
2689. #endif /* OVLB */
2690. #ifdef OVL2
2692. /* Probability of disabling a trap.  Helge Hafting */
2693. STATIC_OVL int
2694. untrap_prob(ttmp)
2695. struct trap *ttmp;
2696. {
2697. 	int chance = 3;
2699. 	/* Only spiders know how to deal with webs reliably */
2700. 	if (ttmp->ttyp == WEB && !webmaker(
2701. 	 	chance = 30;
2702. 	if (Confusion || Hallucination) chance++;
2703. 	if (Blind) chance++;
2704. 	if (Stunned) chance += 2;
2705. 	if (Fumbling) chance *= 2;
2706. 	/* Your own traps are better known than others. */
2707. 	if (ttmp && ttmp->madeby_u) chance--;
2708. 	if (Role_if(PM_ROGUE)) {
2709. 	    if (rn2(2 * MAXULEV) < u.ulevel) chance--;
2710. 	    if (u.uhave.questart && chance > 1) chance--;
2711. 	} else if (Role_if(PM_RANGER) && chance > 1) chance--;
2712. 	return rn2(chance);
2713. }
2715. /* Replace trap with object(s).  Helge Hafting */
2716. STATIC_OVL void
2717. cnv_trap_obj(otyp, cnt, ttmp)
2718. int otyp;
2719. int cnt;
2720. struct trap *ttmp;
2721. {
2722. 	struct obj *otmp = mksobj(otyp, TRUE, FALSE);
2723. 	otmp->quan=cnt;
2724. 	otmp->owt = weight(otmp);
2725. 	/* Only dart traps are capable of being poisonous */
2726. 	if (otyp != DART)
2727. 	    otmp->opoisoned = 0;
2728. 	place_object(otmp, ttmp->tx, ttmp->ty);
2729. 	/* Sell your own traps only... */
2730. 	if (ttmp->madeby_u) sellobj(otmp, ttmp->tx, ttmp->ty);
2731. 	stackobj(otmp);
2732. 	newsym(ttmp->tx, ttmp->ty);
2733. 	deltrap(ttmp);
2734. }
2736. /* while attempting to disarm an adjacent trap, we've fallen into it */
2737. STATIC_OVL void
2738. move_into_trap(ttmp)
2739. struct trap *ttmp;
2740. {
2741. 	int bc;
2742. 	xchar x = ttmp->tx, y = ttmp->ty, bx, by, cx, cy;
2743. 	boolean unused;
2745. 	/* we know there's no monster in the way, and we're not trapped */
2746. 	if (!Punished || drag_ball(x, y, &bc, &bx, &by, &cx, &cy, &unused)) {
2747. 	    u.ux0 = u.ux,  u.uy0 =;
2748. 	    u.ux = x, = y;
2749. 	    u.umoved = TRUE;
2750. 	    newsym(u.ux0, u.uy0);
2751. 	    vision_recalc(1);
2752. 	    check_leash(u.ux0, u.uy0);
2753. 	    if (Punished) move_bc(0, bc, bx, by, cx, cy);
2754. 	    spoteffects(TRUE);	/* dotrap() */
2755. 	    exercise(A_WIS, FALSE);
2756. 	}
2757. }
2759. /* 0: doesn't even try
2760.  * 1: tries and fails
2761.  * 2: succeeds
2762.  */
2763. STATIC_OVL int
2764. try_disarm(ttmp, force_failure)
2765. struct trap *ttmp;
2766. boolean force_failure;
2767. {
2768. 	struct monst *mtmp = m_at(ttmp->tx,ttmp->ty);
2769. 	int ttype = ttmp->ttyp;
2770. 	boolean under_u = (!u.dx && !u.dy);
2771. 	boolean holdingtrap = (ttype == BEAR_TRAP || ttype == WEB);
2773. 	/* Test for monster first, monsters are displayed instead of trap. */
2774. 	if (mtmp && (!mtmp->mtrapped || !holdingtrap)) {
2775. 		pline("%s is in the way.", Monnam(mtmp));
2776. 		return 0;
2777. 	}
2778. 	/* We might be forced to move onto the trap's location. */
2779. 	if (sobj_at(BOULDER, ttmp->tx, ttmp->ty)
2780. 				&& !Passes_walls && !under_u) {
2781. 		There("is a boulder in your way.");
2782. 		return 0;
2783. 	}
2784. 	/* duplicate tight-space checks from test_move */
2785. 	if (u.dx && u.dy &&
2786. 	    bad_rock(,u.ux,ttmp->ty) &&
2787. 	    bad_rock(,ttmp->tx, {
2788. 	    if ((invent && (inv_weight() + weight_cap() > 600)) ||
2789. 		bigmonst( {
2790. 		/* don't allow untrap if they can't get thru to it */
2791. 		You("are unable to reach the %s!",
2792. 		    defsyms[trap_to_defsym(ttype)].explanation);
2793. 		return 0;
2794. 	    }
2795. 	}
2796. 	/* untrappable traps are located on the ground. */
2797. 	if (!can_reach_floor()) {
2798. #ifdef STEED
2799. 		if (u.usteed && P_SKILL(P_RIDING) < P_BASIC)
2800. 			You("aren't skilled enough to reach from %s.",
2801. 				mon_nam(u.usteed));
2802. 		else
2803. #endif
2804. 		You("are unable to reach the %s!",
2805. 			defsyms[trap_to_defsym(ttype)].explanation);
2806. 		return 0;
2807. 	}
2809. 	/* Will our hero succeed? */
2810. 	if (force_failure || untrap_prob(ttmp)) {
2811. 		if (rnl(5)) {
2812. 		    pline("Whoops...");
2813. 		    if (mtmp) {		/* must be a trap that holds monsters */
2814. 			if (ttype == BEAR_TRAP) {
2815. 			    if (mtmp->mtame) abuse_dog(mtmp);
2816. 			    if ((mtmp->mhp -= rnd(4)) <= 0) killed(mtmp);
2817. 			} else if (ttype == WEB) {
2818. 			    if (!webmaker( {
2819. 				struct trap *ttmp2 = maketrap(u.ux,, WEB);
2820. 				if (ttmp2) {
2821. 				    pline_The("webbing sticks to you. You're caught too!");
2822. 				    dotrap(ttmp2, NOWEBMSG);
2823. 				}
2824. 			    } else
2825. 				pline("%s remains entangled.", Monnam(mtmp));
2826. 			}
2827. 		    } else if (under_u) {
2828. 			dotrap(ttmp, 0);
2829. 		    } else {
2830. 			move_into_trap(ttmp);
2831. 		    }
2832. 		} else {
2833. 		    pline("%s %s is difficult to %s.",
2834. 			  ttmp->madeby_u ? "Your" : under_u ? "This" : "That",
2835. 			  defsyms[trap_to_defsym(ttype)].explanation,
2836. 			  (ttype == WEB) ? "remove" : "disarm");
2837. 		}
2838. 		return 1;
2839. 	}
2840. 	return 2;
2841. }
2843. STATIC_OVL void
2844. reward_untrap(ttmp, mtmp)
2845. struct trap *ttmp;
2846. struct monst *mtmp;
2847. {
2848. 	if (!ttmp->madeby_u) {
2849. 	    if (rnl(10) < 8 && !mtmp->mpeaceful &&
2850. 		    !mindless(mtmp->data) &&
2851. 		    mtmp->data->mlet != S_HUMAN) {
2852. 		mtmp->mpeaceful = 1;
2853. 		set_malign(mtmp);	/* reset alignment */
2854. 		pline("%s is grateful.", Monnam(mtmp));
2855. 	    }
2856. 	    /* Helping someone out of a trap is a nice thing to do,
2857. 	     * A lawful may be rewarded, but not too often.  */
2858. 	    if (!rn2(3) && !rnl(8) && u.ualign.type == A_LAWFUL) {
2859. 		adjalign(1);
2860. 		You_feel("that you did the right thing.");
2861. 	    }
2862. 	}
2863. }
2865. STATIC_OVL int
2866. disarm_holdingtrap(ttmp) /* Helge Hafting */
2867. struct trap *ttmp;
2868. {
2869. 	struct monst *mtmp;
2870. 	int fails = try_disarm(ttmp, FALSE);
2872. 	if (fails < 2) return fails;
2874. 	/* ok, disarm it. */
2876. 	/* untrap the monster, if any.
2877. 	   There's no need for a cockatrice test, only the trap is touched */
2878. 	if ((mtmp = m_at(ttmp->tx,ttmp->ty)) != 0) {
2879. 		mtmp->mtrapped = 0;
2880. 		You("remove %s %s from %s.", the_your[ttmp->madeby_u],
2881. 			(ttmp->ttyp == BEAR_TRAP) ? "bear trap" : "webbing",
2882. 			mon_nam(mtmp));
2883. 		reward_untrap(ttmp, mtmp);
2884. 	} else {
2885. 		if (ttmp->ttyp == BEAR_TRAP) {
2886. 			You("disarm %s bear trap.", the_your[ttmp->madeby_u]);
2887. 			cnv_trap_obj(BEARTRAP, 1, ttmp);
2888. 		} else /* if (ttmp->ttyp == WEB) */ {
2889. 			You("succeed in removing %s web.", the_your[ttmp->madeby_u]);
2890. 			deltrap(ttmp);
2891. 		}
2892. 	}
2893. 	newsym(u.ux + u.dx, + u.dy);
2894. 	return 1;
2895. }
2897. STATIC_OVL int
2898. disarm_landmine(ttmp) /* Helge Hafting */
2899. struct trap *ttmp;
2900. {
2901. 	int fails = try_disarm(ttmp, FALSE);
2903. 	if (fails < 2) return fails;
2904. 	You("disarm %s land mine.", the_your[ttmp->madeby_u]);
2905. 	cnv_trap_obj(LAND_MINE, 1, ttmp);
2906. 	return 1;
2907. }
2909. /* getobj will filter down to cans of grease and known potions of oil */
2910. static NEARDATA const char oil[] = { ALL_CLASSES, TOOL_CLASS, POTION_CLASS, 0 };
2912. /* it may not make much sense to use grease on floor boards, but so what? */
2913. STATIC_OVL int
2914. disarm_squeaky_board(ttmp)
2915. struct trap *ttmp;
2916. {
2917. 	struct obj *obj;
2918. 	boolean bad_tool;
2919. 	int fails;
2921. 	obj = getobj(oil, "untrap with");
2922. 	if (!obj) return 0;
2924. 	bad_tool = (obj->cursed ||
2925. 			((obj->otyp != POT_OIL || obj->lamplit) &&
2926. 			 (obj->otyp != CAN_OF_GREASE || !obj->spe)));
2928. 	fails = try_disarm(ttmp, bad_tool);
2929. 	if (fails < 2) return fails;
2931. 	/* successfully used oil or grease to fix squeaky board */
2932. 	if (obj->otyp == CAN_OF_GREASE) {
2933. 	    check_unpaid(obj);
2934. 	    obj->spe--;
2935. 	} else {
2936. 	    useup(obj);	/* oil */
2937. 	    makeknown(POT_OIL);
2938. 	}
2939. 	You("repair the squeaky board.");	/* no madeby_u */
2940. 	deltrap(ttmp);
2941. 	newsym(u.ux + u.dx, + u.dy);
2942. 	more_experienced(1, 5);
2943. 	newexplevel();
2944. 	return 1;
2945. }
2947. /* removes traps that shoot arrows, darts, etc. */
2948. STATIC_OVL int
2949. disarm_shooting_trap(ttmp, otyp)
2950. struct trap *ttmp;
2951. int otyp;
2952. {
2953. 	int fails = try_disarm(ttmp, FALSE);
2955. 	if (fails < 2) return fails;
2956. 	You("disarm %s trap.", the_your[ttmp->madeby_u]);
2957. 	cnv_trap_obj(otyp, 50-rnl(50), ttmp);
2958. 	return 1;
2959. }
2961. /* Is the weight too heavy?
2962.  * Formula as in near_capacity() & check_capacity() */
2963. STATIC_OVL int
2964. try_lift(mtmp, ttmp, wt, stuff)
2965. struct monst *mtmp;
2966. struct trap *ttmp;
2967. int wt;
2968. boolean stuff;
2969. {
2970. 	int wc = weight_cap();
2972. 	if (((wt * 2) / wc) >= HVY_ENCUMBER) {
2973. 	    pline("%s is %s for you to lift.", Monnam(mtmp),
2974. 		  stuff ? "carrying too much" : "too heavy");
2975. 	    if (!ttmp->madeby_u && !mtmp->mpeaceful && mtmp->mcanmove &&
2976. 		    !mindless(mtmp->data) &&
2977. 		    mtmp->data->mlet != S_HUMAN && rnl(10) < 3) {
2978. 		mtmp->mpeaceful = 1;
2979. 		set_malign(mtmp);		/* reset alignment */
2980. 		pline("%s thinks it was nice of you to try.", Monnam(mtmp));
2981. 	    }
2982. 	    return 0;
2983. 	}
2984. 	return 1;
2985. }
2987. /* Help trapped monster (out of a (spiked) pit) */
2988. STATIC_OVL int
2989. help_monster_out(mtmp, ttmp)
2990. struct monst *mtmp;
2991. struct trap *ttmp;
2992. {
2993. 	int wt;
2994. 	struct obj *otmp;
2995. 	boolean uprob;
2997. 	/*
2998. 	 * This works when levitating too -- consistent with the ability
2999. 	 * to hit monsters while levitating.
3000. 	 *
3001. 	 * Should perhaps check that our hero has arms/hands at the
3002. 	 * moment.  Helping can also be done by engulfing...
3003. 	 *
3004. 	 * Test the monster first - monsters are displayed before traps.
3005. 	 */
3006. 	if (!mtmp->mtrapped) {
3007. 		pline("%s isn't trapped.", Monnam(mtmp));
3008. 		return 0;
3009. 	}
3010. 	/* Do you have the necessary capacity to lift anything? */
3011. 	if (check_capacity((char *)0)) return 1;
3013. 	/* Will our hero succeed? */
3014. 	if ((uprob = untrap_prob(ttmp)) && !mtmp->msleeping && mtmp->mcanmove) {
3015. 		You("try to reach out your %s, but %s backs away skeptically.",
3016. 			makeplural(body_part(ARM)),
3017. 			mon_nam(mtmp));
3018. 		return 1;
3019. 	}
3022. 	/* is it a cockatrice?... */
3023. 	if (touch_petrifies(mtmp->data) && !uarmg && !Stone_resistance) {
3024. 		You("grab the trapped %s using your bare %s.",
3025. 				mtmp->data->mname, makeplural(body_part(HAND)));
3027. 		if (poly_when_stoned( && polymon(PM_STONE_GOLEM))
3028. 			display_nhwindow(WIN_MESSAGE, FALSE);
3029. 		else {
3030. 			char kbuf[BUFSZ];
3032. 			Sprintf(kbuf, "trying to help %s out of a pit",
3033. 					an(mtmp->data->mname));
3034. 			instapetrify(kbuf);
3035. 			return 1;
3036. 		}
3037. 	}
3038. 	/* need to do cockatrice check first if sleeping or paralyzed */
3039. 	if (uprob) {
3040. 	    You("try to grab %s, but cannot get a firm grasp.",
3041. 		mon_nam(mtmp));
3042. 	    if (mtmp->msleeping) {
3043. 		mtmp->msleeping = 0;
3044. 		pline("%s awakens.", Monnam(mtmp));
3045. 	    }
3046. 	    return 1;
3047. 	}
3049. 	You("reach out your %s and grab %s.",
3050. 	    makeplural(body_part(ARM)), mon_nam(mtmp));
3052. 	if (mtmp->msleeping) {
3053. 	    mtmp->msleeping = 0;
3054. 	    pline("%s awakens.", Monnam(mtmp));
3055. 	} else if (mtmp->mfrozen && !rn2(mtmp->mfrozen)) {
3056. 	    /* After such manhandling, perhaps the effect wears off */
3057. 	    mtmp->mcanmove = 1;
3058. 	    mtmp->mfrozen = 0;
3059. 	    pline("%s stirs.", Monnam(mtmp));
3060. 	}
3062. 	/* is the monster too heavy? */
3063. 	wt = inv_weight() + mtmp->data->cwt;
3064. 	if (!try_lift(mtmp, ttmp, wt, FALSE)) return 1;
3066. 	/* is the monster with inventory too heavy? */
3067. 	for (otmp = mtmp->minvent; otmp; otmp = otmp->nobj)
3068. 		wt += otmp->owt;
3069. 	if (!try_lift(mtmp, ttmp, wt, TRUE)) return 1;
3071. 	You("pull %s out of the pit.", mon_nam(mtmp));
3072. 	mtmp->mtrapped = 0;
3073. 	fill_pit(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
3074. 	reward_untrap(ttmp, mtmp);
3075. 	return 1;
3076. }
3078. int
3079. untrap(force)
3080. boolean force;
3081. {
3082. 	register struct obj *otmp;
3083. 	register boolean confused = (Confusion > 0 || Hallucination > 0);
3084. 	register int x,y;
3085. 	int ch;
3086. 	struct trap *ttmp;
3087. 	struct monst *mtmp;
3088. 	boolean trap_skipped = FALSE;
3090. 	if(!getdir((char *)0)) return(0);
3091. 	x = u.ux + u.dx;
3092. 	y = + u.dy;
3094. 	if ((ttmp = t_at(x,y)) && ttmp->tseen) {
3095. 		if (u.utrap) {
3096. 			You("cannot deal with traps while trapped!");
3097. 			return 1;
3098. 		}
3099. 		switch(ttmp->ttyp) {
3100. 			case BEAR_TRAP:
3101. 			case WEB:
3102. 				return disarm_holdingtrap(ttmp);
3103. 			case LANDMINE:
3104. 				return disarm_landmine(ttmp);
3105. 			case SQKY_BOARD:
3106. 				return disarm_squeaky_board(ttmp);
3107. 			case DART_TRAP:
3108. 				return disarm_shooting_trap(ttmp, DART);
3109. 			case ARROW_TRAP:
3110. 				return disarm_shooting_trap(ttmp, ARROW);
3111. 			case PIT:
3112. 			case SPIKED_PIT:
3113. 				if (!u.dx && !u.dy) {
3114. 				    You("are already on the edge of the pit.");
3115. 				    return 0;
3116. 				}
3117. 				if (!(mtmp = m_at(x,y))) {
3118. 				    pline("Try filling the pit instead.");
3119. 				    return 0;
3120. 				}
3121. 				return help_monster_out(mtmp, ttmp);
3122. 			default:
3123. 				You("cannot disable %s trap.", (u.dx || u.dy) ? "that" : "this");
3124. 				return 0;
3125. 		} /* end switch */
3126. 	} /* end if */
3128. 	if(!u.dx && !u.dy) {
3129. 	    for(otmp = level.objects[x][y]; otmp; otmp = otmp->nexthere)
3130. 		if(Is_box(otmp)) {
3131. 		    There("is %s here.", doname(otmp));
3133. 		    switch (ynq("Check for traps?")) {
3134. 			case 'q': return(0);
3135. 			case 'n': continue;
3136. 		    }
3138. 		    if((otmp->otrapped && (force || (!confused
3139. 				&& rn2(MAXULEV + 1 - u.ulevel) < 10)))
3140. 		       || (!force && confused && !rn2(3))) {
3141. 			You("find a trap on %s!", the(xname(otmp)));
3142. 			exercise(A_WIS, TRUE);
3144. 			switch (ynq("Disarm it?")) {
3145. 			    case 'q': return(1);
3146. 			    case 'n': trap_skipped = TRUE;  continue;
3147. 			}
3149. 			if(otmp->otrapped) {
3150. 			    exercise(A_DEX, TRUE);
3151. 			    ch = ACURR(A_DEX) + u.ulevel;
3152. 			    if (Role_if(PM_ROGUE)) ch *= 2;
3153. 			    if(!force && (confused || Fumbling ||
3154. 				rnd(75+level_difficulty()/2) > ch)) {
3155. 				(void) chest_trap(otmp, FINGER, TRUE);
3156. 			    } else {
3157. 				You("disarm it!");
3158. 				otmp->otrapped = 0;
3159. 			    }
3160. 			} else pline("That %s was not trapped.", xname(otmp));
3161. 			return(1);
3162. 		    } else {
3163. 			You("find no traps on %s.", the(xname(otmp)));
3164. 			return(1);
3165. 		    }
3166. 		}
3168. 	    You(trap_skipped ? "find no other traps here."
3169. 			     : "know of no traps here.");
3170. 	    return(0);
3171. 	}
3173. 	if ((mtmp = m_at(x,y))				&&
3174. 		mtmp->m_ap_type == M_AP_FURNITURE	&&
3175. 		(mtmp->mappearance == S_hcdoor ||
3176. 			mtmp->mappearance == S_vcdoor)	&&
3177. 		!Protection_from_shape_changers)	 {
3179. 	    stumble_onto_mimic(mtmp);
3180. 	    return(1);
3181. 	}
3183. 	if (!IS_DOOR(levl[x][y].typ)) {
3184. 	    if ((ttmp = t_at(x,y)) && ttmp->tseen)
3185. 		You("cannot disable that trap.");
3186. 	    else
3187. 		You("know of no traps there.");
3188. 	    return(0);
3189. 	}
3191. 	switch (levl[x][y].doormask) {
3192. 	    case D_NODOOR:
3193. 		You("%s no door there.", Blind ? "feel" : "see");
3194. 		return(0);
3195. 	    case D_ISOPEN:
3196. 		pline("This door is safely open.");
3197. 		return(0);
3198. 	    case D_BROKEN:
3199. 		pline("This door is broken.");
3200. 		return(0);
3201. 	}
3203. 	if ((levl[x][y].doormask & D_TRAPPED
3204. 	     && (force ||
3205. 		 (!confused && rn2(MAXULEV - u.ulevel + 11) < 10)))
3206. 	    || (!force && confused && !rn2(3))) {
3207. 		You("find a trap on the door!");
3208. 		exercise(A_WIS, TRUE);
3209. 		if (ynq("Disarm it?") != 'y') return(1);
3210. 		if (levl[x][y].doormask & D_TRAPPED) {
3211. 		    ch = 15 + (Role_if(PM_ROGUE) ? u.ulevel*3 : u.ulevel);
3212. 		    exercise(A_DEX, TRUE);
3213. 		    if(!force && (confused || Fumbling ||
3214. 				     rnd(75+level_difficulty()/2) > ch)) {
3215. 			You("set it off!");
3216. 			b_trapped("door", FINGER);
3217. 			levl[x][y].doormask = D_NODOOR;
3218. 			unblock_point(x, y);
3219. 			newsym(x, y);
3220. 			/* (probably ought to charge for this damage...) */
3221. 			if (*in_rooms(x, y, SHOPBASE)) add_damage(x, y, 0L);
3222. 		    } else {
3223. 			You("disarm it!");
3224. 			levl[x][y].doormask &= ~D_TRAPPED;
3225. 		    }
3226. 		} else pline("This door was not trapped.");
3227. 		return(1);
3228. 	} else {
3229. 		You("find no traps on the door.");
3230. 		return(1);
3231. 	}
3232. }
3233. #endif /* OVL2 */
3234. #ifdef OVLB
3236. /* only called when the player is doing something to the chest directly */
3237. boolean
3238. chest_trap(obj, bodypart, disarm)
3239. register struct obj *obj;
3240. register int bodypart;
3241. boolean disarm;
3242. {
3243. 	register struct obj *otmp = obj, *otmp2;
3244. 	char	buf[80];
3245. 	const char *msg;
3246. 	coord cc;
3248. 	if (get_obj_location(obj, &cc.x, &cc.y, 0))	/* might be carried */
3249. 	    obj->ox = cc.x,  obj->oy = cc.y;
3251. 	otmp->otrapped = 0;	/* trap is one-shot; clear flag first in case
3252. 				   chest kills you and ends up in bones file */
3253. 	You(disarm ? "set it off!" : "trigger a trap!");
3254. 	display_nhwindow(WIN_MESSAGE, FALSE);
3255. 	if (Luck > -13 && rn2(13+Luck) > 7) {	/* saved by luck */
3256. 	    /* trap went off, but good luck prevents damage */
3257. 	    switch (rn2(13)) {
3258. 		case 12:
3259. 		case 11:  msg = "explosive charge is a dud";  break;
3260. 		case 10:
3261. 		case  9:  msg = "electric charge is grounded";  break;
3262. 		case  8:
3263. 		case  7:  msg = "flame fizzles out";  break;
3264. 		case  6:
3265. 		case  5:
3266. 		case  4:  msg = "poisoned needle misses";  break;
3267. 		case  3:
3268. 		case  2:
3269. 		case  1:
3270. 		case  0:  msg = "gas cloud blows away";  break;
3271. 		default:  impossible("chest disarm bug");  msg = (char *)0;
3272. 			  break;
3273. 	    }
3274. 	    if (msg) pline("But luckily the %s!", msg);
3275. 	} else {
3276. 	    switch(rn2(20) ? ((Luck >= 13) ? 0 : rn2(13-Luck)) : rn2(26)) {
3277. 		case 25:
3278. 		case 24:
3279. 		case 23:
3280. 		case 22:
3281. 		case 21: {
3282. 			  struct monst *shkp = 0;
3283. 			  long loss = 0L;
3284. 			  boolean costly, insider;
3285. 			  register xchar ox = obj->ox, oy = obj->oy;
3287. 			  /* the obj location need not be that of player */
3288. 			  costly = (costly_spot(ox, oy) &&
3289. 				   (shkp = shop_keeper(*in_rooms(ox, oy,
3290. 				    SHOPBASE))) != (struct monst *)0);
3291. 			  insider = (*u.ushops && inside_shop(u.ux, &&
3292. 				    *in_rooms(ox, oy, SHOPBASE) == *u.ushops);
3294. 			  pline("%s!", Tobjnam(obj, "explode"));
3295. 			  Sprintf(buf, "exploding %s", xname(obj));
3297. 			  if(costly)
3298. 			      loss += stolen_value(obj, ox, oy,
3299. 						(boolean)shkp->mpeaceful, TRUE);
3300. 			  delete_contents(obj);
3301. 			  for(otmp = level.objects[u.ux][];
3302. 							otmp; otmp = otmp2) {
3303. 			      otmp2 = otmp->nexthere;
3304. 			      if(costly)
3305. 				  loss += stolen_value(otmp, otmp->ox,
3306. 					  otmp->oy, (boolean)shkp->mpeaceful,
3307. 					  TRUE);
3308. 			      delobj(otmp);
3309. 			  }
3310. 			  wake_nearby();
3311. 			  losehp(d(6,6), buf, KILLED_BY_AN);
3312. 			  exercise(A_STR, FALSE);
3313. 			  if(costly && loss) {
3314. 			      if(insider)
3315. 			      You("owe %ld %s for objects destroyed.",
3316. 							loss, currency(loss));
3317. 			      else {
3318. 				  You("caused %ld %s worth of damage!",
3319. 							loss, currency(loss));
3320. 				  make_angry_shk(shkp, ox, oy);
3321. 			      }
3322. 			  }
3323. 			  return TRUE;
3324. 			}
3325. 		case 20:
3326. 		case 19:
3327. 		case 18:
3328. 		case 17:
3329. 			pline("A cloud of noxious gas billows from %s.",
3330. 							the(xname(obj)));
3331. 			poisoned("gas cloud", A_STR, "cloud of poison gas",15);
3332. 			exercise(A_CON, FALSE);
3333. 			break;
3334. 		case 16:
3335. 		case 15:
3336. 		case 14:
3337. 		case 13:
3338. 			You_feel("a needle prick your %s.",body_part(bodypart));
3339. 			poisoned("needle", A_CON, "poisoned needle",10);
3340. 			exercise(A_CON, FALSE);
3341. 			break;
3342. 		case 12:
3343. 		case 11:
3344. 		case 10:
3345. 		case 9:
3346. 			dofiretrap(obj);
3347. 			break;
3348. 		case 8:
3349. 		case 7:
3350. 		case 6: {
3351. 			int dmg;
3353. 			You("are jolted by a surge of electricity!");
3354. 			if(Shock_resistance)  {
3355. 			    shieldeff(u.ux,;
3356. 			    You("don't seem to be affected.");
3357. 			    dmg = 0;
3358. 			} else
3359. 			    dmg = d(4, 4);
3360. 			destroy_item(RING_CLASS, AD_ELEC);
3361. 			destroy_item(WAND_CLASS, AD_ELEC);
3362. 			if (dmg) losehp(dmg, "electric shock", KILLED_BY_AN);
3363. 			break;
3364. 		      }
3365. 		case 5:
3366. 		case 4:
3367. 		case 3:
3368. 			if (!Free_action) {                        
3369. 			pline("Suddenly you are frozen in place!");
3370. 			nomul(-d(5, 6));
3371. 			exercise(A_DEX, FALSE);
3372. 			nomovemsg = You_can_move_again;
3373. 			} else You("momentarily stiffen.");
3374. 			break;
3375. 		case 2:
3376. 		case 1:
3377. 		case 0:
3378. 			pline("A cloud of %s gas billows from %s.",
3379. 						hcolor((char *)0),
3380. 						the(xname(obj)));
3381. 			if(!Stunned) {
3382. 			    if (Hallucination)
3383. 				pline("What a groovy feeling!");
3384. 			    else if (Blind)
3385. 				You("%s and get dizzy...",
3386. 				    stagger(, "stagger"));
3387. 			    else
3388. 				You("%s and your vision blurs...",
3389. 				    stagger(, "stagger"));
3390. 			}
3391. 			make_stunned(HStun + rn1(7, 16),FALSE);
3392. 			make_hallucinated(HHallucination + rn1(5, 16),FALSE,0L);
3393. 			break;
3394. 		default: impossible("bad chest trap");
3395. 			break;
3396. 	    }
3397. 	    bot();			/* to get immediate botl re-display */
3398. 	}
3400. 	return FALSE;
3401. }
3403. #endif /* OVLB */
3404. #ifdef OVL0
3406. struct trap *
3407. t_at(x,y)
3408. register int x, y;
3409. {
3410. 	register struct trap *trap = ftrap;
3411. 	while(trap) {
3412. 		if(trap->tx == x && trap->ty == y) return(trap);
3413. 		trap = trap->ntrap;
3414. 	}
3415. 	return((struct trap *)0);
3416. }
3418. #endif /* OVL0 */
3419. #ifdef OVLB
3421. void
3422. deltrap(trap)
3423. register struct trap *trap;
3424. {
3425. 	register struct trap *ttmp;
3427. 	if(trap == ftrap)
3428. 		ftrap = ftrap->ntrap;
3429. 	else {
3430. 		for(ttmp = ftrap; ttmp->ntrap != trap; ttmp = ttmp->ntrap) ;
3431. 		ttmp->ntrap = trap->ntrap;
3432. 	}
3433. 	dealloc_trap(trap);
3434. }
3436. boolean delfloortrap(ttmp)
3437. register struct trap *ttmp;
3438. {
3439. 	/* Destroy a trap that emanates from the floor. */
3440. 	/* some of these are arbitrary -dlc */
3441. 	if (ttmp && ((ttmp->ttyp == SQKY_BOARD) ||
3442. 		     (ttmp->ttyp == BEAR_TRAP) ||
3443. 		     (ttmp->ttyp == LANDMINE) ||
3444. 		     (ttmp->ttyp == FIRE_TRAP) ||
3445. 		     (ttmp->ttyp == PIT) ||
3446. 		     (ttmp->ttyp == SPIKED_PIT) ||
3447. 		     (ttmp->ttyp == HOLE) ||
3448. 		     (ttmp->ttyp == TRAPDOOR) ||
3449. 		     (ttmp->ttyp == TELEP_TRAP) ||
3450. 		     (ttmp->ttyp == LEVEL_TELEP) ||
3451. 		     (ttmp->ttyp == WEB) ||
3452. 		     (ttmp->ttyp == MAGIC_TRAP) ||
3453. 		     (ttmp->ttyp == ANTI_MAGIC))) {
3454. 	    register struct monst *mtmp;
3456. 	    if (ttmp->tx == u.ux && ttmp->ty == {
3457. 		u.utrap = 0;
3458. 		u.utraptype = 0;
3459. 	    } else if ((mtmp = m_at(ttmp->tx, ttmp->ty)) != 0) {
3460. 		mtmp->mtrapped = 0;
3461. 	    }
3462. 	    deltrap(ttmp);
3463. 	    return TRUE;
3464. 	} else
3465. 	    return FALSE;
3466. }
3468. /* used for doors (also tins).  can be used for anything else that opens. */
3469. void
3470. b_trapped(item, bodypart)
3471. register const char *item;
3472. register int bodypart;
3473. {
3474. 	register int lvl = level_difficulty();
3475. 	int dmg = rnd(5 + (lvl < 5 ? lvl : 2+lvl/2));
3477. 	pline("KABOOM!!  %s was booby-trapped!", The(item));
3478. 	wake_nearby();
3479. 	losehp(dmg, "explosion", KILLED_BY_AN);
3480. 	exercise(A_STR, FALSE);
3481. 	if (bodypart) exercise(A_CON, FALSE);
3482. 	make_stunned(HStun + dmg, TRUE);
3483. }
3485. /* Monster is hit by trap. */
3486. /* Note: doesn't work if both obj and d_override are null */
3487. STATIC_OVL boolean
3488. thitm(tlev, mon, obj, d_override)
3489. register int tlev;
3490. register struct monst *mon;
3491. register struct obj *obj;
3492. int d_override;
3493. {
3494. 	register int strike;
3495. 	register boolean trapkilled = FALSE;
3497. 	if (d_override) strike = 1;
3498. 	else if (obj) strike = (find_mac(mon) + tlev + obj->spe <= rnd(20));
3499. 	else strike = (find_mac(mon) + tlev <= rnd(20));
3501. 	/* Actually more accurate than thitu, which doesn't take
3502. 	 * obj->spe into account.
3503. 	 */
3504. 	if(!strike) {
3505. 		if (obj && cansee(mon->mx, mon->my))
3506. 		    pline("%s is almost hit by %s!", Monnam(mon), doname(obj));
3507. 	} else {
3508. 		int dam = 1;
3510. 		if (obj && cansee(mon->mx, mon->my))
3511. 			pline("%s is hit by %s!", Monnam(mon), doname(obj));
3512. 		if (d_override) dam = d_override;
3513. 		else if (obj) {
3514. 			dam = dmgval(obj, mon);
3515. 			if (dam < 1) dam = 1;
3516. 		}
3517. 		if ((mon->mhp -= dam) <= 0) {
3518. 			int xx = mon->mx;
3519. 			int yy = mon->my;
3521. 			monkilled(mon, "", AD_PHYS);
3522. 			if (mon->mhp <= 0) {
3523. 				newsym(xx, yy);
3524. 				trapkilled = TRUE;
3525. 			}
3526. 		}
3527. 	}
3528. 	if (obj && (!strike || d_override)) {
3529. 		place_object(obj, mon->mx, mon->my);
3530. 		stackobj(obj);
3531. 	} else if (obj) dealloc_obj(obj);
3533. 	return trapkilled;
3534. }
3536. boolean
3537. unconscious()
3538. {
3539. 	return((boolean)(multi < 0 && (!nomovemsg ||
3540. 		u.usleep ||
3541. 		!strncmp(nomovemsg,"You regain con", 14) ||
3542. 		!strncmp(nomovemsg,"You are consci", 14))));
3543. }
3545. static char lava_killer[] = "molten lava";
3547. boolean
3548. lava_effects()
3549. {
3550.     register struct obj *obj, *obj2;
3551.     int dmg;
3552.     boolean usurvive;
3554.     burn_away_slime();
3555.     if (likes_lava( return FALSE;
3557.     if (!Fire_resistance) {
3558. 	if(Wwalking) {
3559. 	    dmg = d(6,6);
3560. 	    pline_The("lava here burns you!");
3561. 	    if(dmg < u.uhp) {
3562. 		losehp(dmg, lava_killer, KILLED_BY);
3563. 		goto burn_stuff;
3564. 	    }
3565. 	} else
3566. 	    You("fall into the lava!");
3568. 	usurvive = Lifesaved || discover;
3569. #ifdef WIZARD
3570. 	if (wizard) usurvive = TRUE;
3571. #endif
3572. 	for(obj = invent; obj; obj = obj2) {
3573. 	    obj2 = obj->nobj;
3574. 	    if(is_organic(obj) && !obj->oerodeproof) {
3575. 		if(obj->owornmask) {
3576. 		    if (usurvive)
3577. 			Your("%s into flame!", aobjnam(obj, "burst"));
3579. 		    if(obj == uarm) (void) Armor_gone();
3580. 		    else if(obj == uarmc) (void) Cloak_off();
3581. 		    else if(obj == uarmh) (void) Helmet_off();
3582. 		    else if(obj == uarms) (void) Shield_off();
3583. 		    else if(obj == uarmg) (void) Gloves_off();
3584. 		    else if(obj == uarmf) (void) Boots_off();
3585. #ifdef TOURIST
3586. 		    else if(obj == uarmu) setnotworn(obj);
3587. #endif
3588. 		    else if(obj == uleft) Ring_gone(obj);
3589. 		    else if(obj == uright) Ring_gone(obj);
3590. 		    else if(obj == ublindf) Blindf_off(obj);
3591. 		    else if(obj == uamul) Amulet_off();
3592. 		    else if(obj == uwep) uwepgone();
3593. 		    else if (obj == uquiver) uqwepgone();
3594. 		    else if (obj == uswapwep) uswapwepgone();
3595. 		}
3596. 		useupall(obj);
3597. 	    }
3598. 	}
3600. 	/* s/he died... */
3601. 	u.uhp = -1;
3602. 	killer_format = KILLED_BY;
3603. 	killer = lava_killer;
3604. 	You("burn to a crisp...");
3605. 	done(BURNING);
3606. 	while (!safe_teleds()) {
3607. 		pline("You're still burning.");
3608. 		done(BURNING);
3609. 	}
3610. 	You("find yourself back on solid %s.", surface(u.ux,;
3611. 	return(TRUE);
3612.     }
3614.     if (!Wwalking) {
3615. 	u.utrap = rn1(4, 4) + (rn1(4, 12) << 8);
3616. 	u.utraptype = TT_LAVA;
3617. 	You("sink into the lava, but it only burns slightly!");
3618. 	if (u.uhp > 1)
3619. 	    losehp(1, lava_killer, KILLED_BY);
3620.     }
3621.     /* just want to burn boots, not all armor; destroy_item doesn't work on
3622.        armor anyway */
3623. burn_stuff:
3624.     if(uarmf && !uarmf->oerodeproof && is_organic(uarmf)) {
3625. 	/* save uarmf value because Boots_off() sets uarmf to null */
3626. 	obj = uarmf;
3627. 	Your("%s bursts into flame!", xname(obj));
3628. 	(void) Boots_off();
3629. 	useup(obj);
3630.     }
3631.     destroy_item(SCROLL_CLASS, AD_FIRE);
3632.     destroy_item(SPBOOK_CLASS, AD_FIRE);
3633.     destroy_item(POTION_CLASS, AD_FIRE);
3634.     return(FALSE);
3635. }
3637. #endif /* OVLB */
3639. /*trap.c*/