Source:NetHack 3.4.3/include/monflag.h

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Below is the full text to include/monflag.h from NetHack 3.4.3. To link to a particular line, write Source:NetHack 3.4.3/include/monflag.h#line123, for example.

/*	SCCS Id: @(#)monflag.h	3.4	1996/05/04	*/
/* Copyright (c) 1989 Mike Threepoint				  */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */

The NetHack General Public License applies to screenshots, source code and other content from NetHack.

This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

#ifndef MONFLAG_H
#define MONFLAG_H

#define MS_SILENT	0	/* makes no sound */
#define MS_BARK		1	/* if full moon, may howl */
#define MS_MEW		2	/* mews or hisses */
#define MS_ROAR		3	/* roars */
#define MS_GROWL	4	/* growls */
#define MS_SQEEK	5	/* squeaks, as a rodent */
#define MS_SQAWK	6	/* squawks, as a bird */
#define MS_HISS		7	/* hisses */
#define MS_BUZZ		8	/* buzzes (killer bee) */
#define MS_GRUNT	9	/* grunts (or speaks own language) */
#define MS_NEIGH	10	/* neighs, as an equine */
#define MS_WAIL		11	/* wails, as a tortured soul */
#define MS_GURGLE	12	/* gurgles, as liquid or through saliva */
#define MS_BURBLE	13	/* burbles (jabberwock) */
#define MS_ANIMAL	13	/* up to here are animal noises */
#define MS_SHRIEK	15	/* wakes up others */
#define MS_BONES	16	/* rattles bones (skeleton) */
#define MS_LAUGH	17	/* grins, smiles, giggles, and laughs */
#define MS_MUMBLE	18	/* says something or other */
#define MS_IMITATE	19	/* imitates others (leocrotta) */
#define MS_ORC		MS_GRUNT	/* intelligent brutes */
#define MS_HUMANOID	20	/* generic traveling companion */
#ifdef KOPS
#define MS_ARREST	21	/* "Stop in the name of the law!" (Kops) */
#define MS_SOLDIER	22	/* army and watchmen expressions */
#define MS_GUARD	23	/* "Please drop that gold and follow me." */
#define MS_DJINNI	24	/* "Thank you for freeing me!" */
#define MS_NURSE	25	/* "Take off your shirt, please." */
#define MS_SEDUCE	26	/* "Hello, sailor." (Nymphs) */
#define MS_VAMPIRE	27	/* vampiric seduction, Vlad's exclamations */
#define MS_BRIBE	28	/* asks for money, or berates you */
#define MS_CUSS		29	/* berates (demons) or intimidates (Wiz) */
#define MS_RIDER	30	/* astral level special monsters */
#define MS_LEADER	31	/* your class leader */
#define MS_NEMESIS	32	/* your nemesis */
#define MS_GUARDIAN	33	/* your leader's guards */
#define MS_SELL		34	/* demand payment, complain about shoplifters */
#define MS_ORACLE	35	/* do a consultation */
#define MS_PRIEST	36	/* ask for contribution; do cleansing */
#define MS_SPELL	37	/* spellcaster not matching any of the above */
#define MS_WERE		38	/* lycanthrope in human form */
#define MS_BOAST	39	/* giants */

#define MR_FIRE		0x01	/* resists fire */
#define MR_COLD		0x02	/* resists cold */
#define MR_SLEEP	0x04	/* resists sleep */
#define MR_DISINT	0x08	/* resists disintegration */
#define MR_ELEC		0x10	/* resists electricity */
#define MR_POISON	0x20	/* resists poison */
#define MR_ACID		0x40	/* resists acid */
#define MR_STONE	0x80	/* resists petrification */
/* other resistances: magic, sickness */
/* other conveyances: teleport, teleport control, telepathy */

/* individual resistances */
#define MR2_SEE_INVIS	0x0100	/* see invisible */
#define MR2_LEVITATE	0x0200	/* levitation */
#define MR2_WATERWALK	0x0400	/* water walking */
#define MR2_MAGBREATH	0x0800	/* magical breathing */
#define MR2_DISPLACED	0x1000	/* displaced */
#define MR2_STRENGTH	0x2000	/* gauntlets of power */
#define MR2_FUMBLING	0x4000	/* clumsy */

#define M1_FLY		0x00000001L	/* can fly or float */
#define M1_SWIM		0x00000002L	/* can traverse water */
#define M1_AMORPHOUS	0x00000004L	/* can flow under doors */
#define M1_WALLWALK	0x00000008L	/* can phase thru rock */
#define M1_CLING	0x00000010L	/* can cling to ceiling */
#define M1_TUNNEL	0x00000020L	/* can tunnel thru rock */
#define M1_NEEDPICK	0x00000040L	/* needs pick to tunnel */
#define M1_CONCEAL	0x00000080L	/* hides under objects */
#define M1_HIDE		0x00000100L	/* mimics, blends in with ceiling */
#define M1_AMPHIBIOUS	0x00000200L	/* can survive underwater */
#define M1_BREATHLESS	0x00000400L	/* doesn't need to breathe */
#define M1_NOTAKE	0x00000800L	/* cannot pick up objects */
#define M1_NOEYES	0x00001000L	/* no eyes to gaze into or blind */
#define M1_NOHANDS	0x00002000L	/* no hands to handle things */
#define M1_NOLIMBS	0x00006000L	/* no arms/legs to kick/wear on */
#define M1_NOHEAD	0x00008000L	/* no head to behead */
#define M1_MINDLESS	0x00010000L	/* has no mind--golem, zombie, mold */
#define M1_HUMANOID	0x00020000L	/* has humanoid head/arms/torso */
#define M1_ANIMAL	0x00040000L	/* has animal body */
#define M1_SLITHY	0x00080000L	/* has serpent body */
#define M1_UNSOLID	0x00100000L	/* has no solid or liquid body */
#define M1_THICK_HIDE	0x00200000L	/* has thick hide or scales */
#define M1_OVIPAROUS	0x00400000L	/* can lay eggs */
#define M1_REGEN	0x00800000L	/* regenerates hit points */
#define M1_SEE_INVIS	0x01000000L	/* can see invisible creatures */
#define M1_TPORT	0x02000000L	/* can teleport */
#define M1_TPORT_CNTRL	0x04000000L	/* controls where it teleports to */
#define M1_ACID		0x08000000L	/* acidic to eat */
#define M1_POIS		0x10000000L	/* poisonous to eat */
#define M1_CARNIVORE	0x20000000L	/* eats corpses */
#define M1_HERBIVORE	0x40000000L	/* eats fruits */
#define M1_OMNIVORE	0x60000000L	/* eats both */
#ifdef NHSTDC
#define M1_METALLIVORE	0x80000000UL	/* eats metal */
#define M1_METALLIVORE	0x80000000L	/* eats metal */

#define M2_NOPOLY	0x00000001L	/* players mayn't poly into one */
#define M2_UNDEAD	0x00000002L	/* is walking dead */
#define M2_WERE		0x00000004L	/* is a lycanthrope */
#define M2_HUMAN	0x00000008L	/* is a human */
#define M2_ELF		0x00000010L	/* is an elf */
#define M2_DWARF	0x00000020L	/* is a dwarf */
#define M2_GNOME	0x00000040L	/* is a gnome */
#define M2_ORC		0x00000080L	/* is an orc */
#define M2_DEMON	0x00000100L	/* is a demon */
#define M2_MERC		0x00000200L	/* is a guard or soldier */
#define M2_LORD		0x00000400L	/* is a lord to its kind */
#define M2_PRINCE	0x00000800L	/* is an overlord to its kind */
#define M2_MINION	0x00001000L	/* is a minion of a deity */
#define M2_GIANT	0x00002000L	/* is a giant */
#define M2_MALE		0x00010000L	/* always male */
#define M2_FEMALE	0x00020000L	/* always female */
#define M2_NEUTER	0x00040000L	/* neither male nor female */
#define M2_PNAME	0x00080000L	/* monster name is a proper name */
#define M2_HOSTILE	0x00100000L	/* always starts hostile */
#define M2_PEACEFUL	0x00200000L	/* always starts peaceful */
#define M2_DOMESTIC	0x00400000L	/* can be tamed by feeding */
#define M2_WANDER	0x00800000L	/* wanders randomly */
#define M2_STALK	0x01000000L	/* follows you to other levels */
#define M2_NASTY	0x02000000L	/* extra-nasty monster (more xp) */
#define M2_STRONG	0x04000000L	/* strong (or big) monster */
#define M2_ROCKTHROW	0x08000000L	/* throws boulders */
#define M2_GREEDY	0x10000000L	/* likes gold */
#define M2_JEWELS	0x20000000L	/* likes gems */
#define M2_COLLECT	0x40000000L	/* picks up weapons and food */
#ifdef NHSTDC
#define M2_MAGIC	0x80000000UL	/* picks up magic items */
#define M2_MAGIC	0x80000000L	/* picks up magic items */

#define M3_WANTSAMUL	0x0001		/* would like to steal the amulet */
#define M3_WANTSBELL	0x0002		/* wants the bell */
#define M3_WANTSBOOK	0x0004		/* wants the book */
#define M3_WANTSCAND	0x0008		/* wants the candelabrum */
#define M3_WANTSARTI	0x0010		/* wants the quest artifact */
#define M3_WANTSALL	0x001f		/* wants any major artifact */
#define M3_WAITFORU	0x0040		/* waits to see you or get attacked */
#define M3_CLOSE	0x0080		/* lets you close unless attacked */

#define M3_COVETOUS	0x001f		/* wants something */
#define M3_WAITMASK	0x00c0		/* waiting... */

/* Infravision is currently implemented for players only */
#define M3_INFRAVISION	0x0100		/* has infravision */
#define M3_INFRAVISIBLE 0x0200		/* visible by infravision */

#define MZ_TINY		0		/* < 2' */
#define MZ_SMALL	1		/* 2-4' */
#define MZ_MEDIUM	2		/* 4-7' */
#define MZ_HUMAN	MZ_MEDIUM	/* human-sized */
#define MZ_LARGE	3		/* 7-12' */
#define MZ_HUGE		4		/* 12-25' */
#define MZ_GIGANTIC	7		/* off the scale */

/* Monster races -- must stay within ROLE_RACEMASK */
/* Eventually this may become its own field */
#define MH_ELF		M2_ELF
#define MH_ORC		M2_ORC

/* for mons[].geno (constant during game) */
#define G_UNIQ		0x1000		/* generated only once */
#define G_NOHELL	0x0800		/* not generated in "hell" */
#define G_HELL		0x0400		/* generated only in "hell" */
#define G_NOGEN		0x0200		/* generated only specially */
#define G_SGROUP	0x0080		/* appear in small groups normally */
#define G_LGROUP	0x0040		/* appear in large groups normally */
#define G_GENO		0x0020		/* can be genocided */
#define G_NOCORPSE	0x0010		/* no corpse left ever */
#define G_FREQ		0x0007		/* creation frequency mask */

/* for mvitals[].mvflags (variant during game), along with G_NOCORPSE */
#define G_KNOWN		0x0004		/* have been encountered */
#define G_GENOD		0x0002		/* have been genocided */
#define G_EXTINCT	0x0001		/* have been extinguished as
					   population control */
#define MV_KNOWS_EGG	0x0008		/* player recognizes egg of this
					   monster type */

#endif /* MONFLAG_H */