Source:NetHack 3.6.0/src/region.c

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Below is the full text to region.c from the source code of NetHack 3.6.0. To link to a particular line, write [[Source:NetHack 3.6.0/src/region.c#line123]], for example.

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/* NetHack 3.6	region.c	$NHDT-Date: 1446892454 2015/11/07 10:34:14 $  $NHDT-Branch: master $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.36 $ */
/* Copyright (c) 1996 by Jean-Christophe Collet  */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */

#include "hack.h"
#include "lev.h"

* This should really go into the level structure, but
* I'll start here for ease. It *WILL* move into the level
* structure eventually.

static NhRegion **regions;
static int n_regions = 0;
static int max_regions = 0;

#define NO_CALLBACK (-1)

boolean FDECL(inside_gas_cloud, (genericptr, genericptr));
boolean FDECL(expire_gas_cloud, (genericptr, genericptr));
boolean FDECL(inside_rect, (NhRect *, int, int));
boolean FDECL(inside_region, (NhRegion *, int, int));
NhRegion *FDECL(create_region, (NhRect *, int));
void FDECL(add_rect_to_reg, (NhRegion *, NhRect *));
void FDECL(add_mon_to_reg, (NhRegion *, struct monst *));
void FDECL(remove_mon_from_reg, (NhRegion *, struct monst *));
boolean FDECL(mon_in_region, (NhRegion *, struct monst *));

#if 0
NhRegion *FDECL(clone_region, (NhRegion *));
void FDECL(free_region, (NhRegion *));
void FDECL(add_region, (NhRegion *));
void FDECL(remove_region, (NhRegion *));

#if 0
void FDECL(replace_mon_regions, (struct monst *,struct monst *));
void FDECL(remove_mon_from_regions, (struct monst *));
NhRegion *FDECL(create_msg_region, (XCHAR_P,XCHAR_P,XCHAR_P,XCHAR_P,
const char *,const char *));
boolean FDECL(enter_force_field, (genericptr,genericptr));
NhRegion *FDECL(create_force_field, (XCHAR_P,XCHAR_P,int,long));

STATIC_DCL void FDECL(reset_region_mids, (NhRegion *));

static callback_proc callbacks[] = {

/* Should be inlined. */
inside_rect(r, x, y)
NhRect *r;
int x, y;
return (boolean) (x >= r->lx && x <= r->hx && y >= r->ly && y <= r->hy);

* Check if a point is inside a region.
inside_region(reg, x, y)
NhRegion *reg;
int x, y;
int i;

if (reg == (NhRegion *) 0 || !inside_rect(&(reg->bounding_box), x, y))
return FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < reg->nrects; i++)
if (inside_rect(&(reg->rects[i]), x, y))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;

* Create a region. It does not activate it.
NhRegion *
create_region(rects, nrect)
NhRect *rects;
int nrect;
int i;
NhRegion *reg;

reg = (NhRegion *) alloc(sizeof(NhRegion));
/* Determines bounding box */
if (nrect > 0) {
reg->bounding_box = rects[0];
} else {
reg->bounding_box.lx = 99;
reg-> = 99;
reg->bounding_box.hx = 0;
reg->bounding_box.hy = 0;
reg->nrects = nrect;
reg->rects =
nrect > 0 ? (NhRect *) alloc((sizeof(NhRect)) * nrect) : (NhRect *) 0;
for (i = 0; i < nrect; i++) {
if (rects[i].lx < reg->bounding_box.lx)
reg->bounding_box.lx = rects[i].lx;
if (rects[i].ly < reg->
reg-> = rects[i].ly;
if (rects[i].hx > reg->bounding_box.hx)
reg->bounding_box.hx = rects[i].hx;
if (rects[i].hy > reg->bounding_box.hy)
reg->bounding_box.hy = rects[i].hy;
reg->rects[i] = rects[i];
reg->ttl = -1L; /* Defaults */
reg->attach_2_u = FALSE;
reg->attach_2_m = 0;
/* reg->attach_2_o = NULL; */
reg->enter_msg = (const char *) 0;
reg->leave_msg = (const char *) 0;
reg->expire_f = NO_CALLBACK;
reg->enter_f = NO_CALLBACK;
reg->can_enter_f = NO_CALLBACK;
reg->leave_f = NO_CALLBACK;
reg->can_leave_f = NO_CALLBACK;
reg->inside_f = NO_CALLBACK;
reg->n_monst = 0;
reg->max_monst = 0;
reg->monsters = (unsigned int *) 0;
reg->arg = zeroany;
return reg;

* Add rectangle to region.
add_rect_to_reg(reg, rect)
NhRegion *reg;
NhRect *rect;
NhRect *tmp_rect;

tmp_rect = (NhRect *) alloc(sizeof(NhRect) * (reg->nrects + 1));
if (reg->nrects > 0) {
(void) memcpy((genericptr_t) tmp_rect, (genericptr_t) reg->rects,
(sizeof(NhRect) * reg->nrects));
free((genericptr_t) reg->rects);
tmp_rect[reg->nrects] = *rect;
reg->rects = tmp_rect;
/* Update bounding box if needed */
if (reg->bounding_box.lx > rect->lx)
reg->bounding_box.lx = rect->lx;
if (reg-> > rect->ly)
reg-> = rect->ly;
if (reg->bounding_box.hx < rect->hx)
reg->bounding_box.hx = rect->hx;
if (reg->bounding_box.hy < rect->hy)
reg->bounding_box.hy = rect->hy;

* Add a monster to the region
add_mon_to_reg(reg, mon)
NhRegion *reg;
struct monst *mon;
int i;
unsigned *tmp_m;

if (reg->max_monst <= reg->n_monst) {
tmp_m = (unsigned *) alloc(sizeof(unsigned)
* (reg->max_monst + MONST_INC));
if (reg->max_monst > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < reg->max_monst; i++)
tmp_m[i] = reg->monsters[i];
free((genericptr_t) reg->monsters);
reg->monsters = tmp_m;
reg->max_monst += MONST_INC;
reg->monsters[reg->n_monst++] = mon->m_id;

* Remove a monster from the region list (it left or died...)
remove_mon_from_reg(reg, mon)
NhRegion *reg;
struct monst *mon;
register int i;

for (i = 0; i < reg->n_monst; i++)
if (reg->monsters[i] == mon->m_id) {
reg->monsters[i] = reg->monsters[reg->n_monst];

* Check if a monster is inside the region.
* It's probably quicker to check with the region internal list
* than to check for coordinates.
mon_in_region(reg, mon)
NhRegion *reg;
struct monst *mon;
int i;

for (i = 0; i < reg->n_monst; i++)
if (reg->monsters[i] == mon->m_id)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;

#if 0
/* not yet used */

* Clone (make a standalone copy) the region.
NhRegion *
NhRegion *reg;
NhRegion *ret_reg;

ret_reg = create_region(reg->rects, reg->nrects);
ret_reg->ttl = reg->ttl;
ret_reg->attach_2_u = reg->attach_2_u;
ret_reg->attach_2_m = reg->attach_2_m;
/* ret_reg->attach_2_o = reg->attach_2_o; */
ret_reg->expire_f = reg->expire_f;
ret_reg->enter_f = reg->enter_f;
ret_reg->can_enter_f = reg->can_enter_f;
ret_reg->leave_f = reg->leave_f;
ret_reg->can_leave_f = reg->can_leave_f;
ret_reg->player_flags = reg->player_flags; /* set/clear_hero_inside,&c*/
ret_reg->n_monst = reg->n_monst;
if (reg->n_monst > 0) {
ret_reg->monsters = (unsigned int *)
alloc((sizeof (unsigned)) * reg->n_monst);
(void) memcpy((genericptr_t) ret_reg->monsters,
(genericptr_t) reg->monsters,
sizeof (unsigned) * reg->n_monst);
} else
ret_reg->monsters = (unsigned int *) 0;
return ret_reg;

#endif /*0*/

* Free mem from region.
NhRegion *reg;
if (reg) {
if (reg->rects)
free((genericptr_t) reg->rects);
if (reg->monsters)
free((genericptr_t) reg->monsters);
if (reg->enter_msg)
free((genericptr_t) reg->enter_msg);
if (reg->leave_msg)
free((genericptr_t) reg->leave_msg);
free((genericptr_t) reg);

* Add a region to the list.
* This actually activates the region.
NhRegion *reg;
NhRegion **tmp_reg;
int i, j;

if (max_regions <= n_regions) {
tmp_reg = regions;
regions =
(NhRegion **) alloc(sizeof(NhRegion *) * (max_regions + 10));
if (max_regions > 0) {
(void) memcpy((genericptr_t) regions, (genericptr_t) tmp_reg,
max_regions * sizeof(NhRegion *));
free((genericptr_t) tmp_reg);
max_regions += 10;
regions[n_regions] = reg;
/* Check for monsters inside the region */
for (i = reg->bounding_box.lx; i <= reg->bounding_box.hx; i++)
for (j = reg->; j <= reg->bounding_box.hy; j++) {
/* Some regions can cross the level boundaries */
if (!isok(i, j))
if (MON_AT(i, j) && inside_region(reg, i, j))
add_mon_to_reg(reg, level.monsters[i][j]);
if (reg->visible && cansee(i, j))
newsym(i, j);
/* Check for player now... */
if (inside_region(reg, u.ux,

* Remove a region from the list & free it.
NhRegion *reg;
register int i, x, y;

for (i = 0; i < n_regions; i++)
if (regions[i] == reg)
if (i == n_regions)

/* Update screen if necessary */
reg->ttl = -2L; /* for visible_region_at */
if (reg->visible)
for (x = reg->bounding_box.lx; x <= reg->bounding_box.hx; x++)
for (y = reg->; y <= reg->bounding_box.hy; y++)
if (isok(x, y) && inside_region(reg, x, y) && cansee(x, y))
newsym(x, y);

regions[i] = regions[n_regions - 1];
regions[n_regions - 1] = (NhRegion *) 0;

* Remove all regions and clear all related data (This must be down
* when changing level, for instance).
register int i;

for (i = 0; i < n_regions; i++)
n_regions = 0;
if (max_regions > 0)
free((genericptr_t) regions);
max_regions = 0;
regions = (NhRegion **) 0;

* This function is called every turn.
* It makes the regions age, if necessary and calls the appropriate
* callbacks when needed.
register int i, j, k;
int f_indx;

/* End of life ? */
/* Do it backward because the array will be modified */
for (i = n_regions - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (regions[i]->ttl == 0L) {
if ((f_indx = regions[i]->expire_f) == NO_CALLBACK
|| (*callbacks[f_indx])(regions[i], (genericptr_t) 0))

/* Process remaining regions */
for (i = 0; i < n_regions; i++) {
/* Make the region age */
if (regions[i]->ttl > 0L)
/* Check if player is inside region */
f_indx = regions[i]->inside_f;
if (f_indx != NO_CALLBACK && hero_inside(regions[i]))
(void) (*callbacks[f_indx])(regions[i], (genericptr_t) 0);
/* Check if any monster is inside region */
if (f_indx != NO_CALLBACK) {
for (j = 0; j < regions[i]->n_monst; j++) {
struct monst *mtmp =
find_mid(regions[i]->monsters[j], FM_FMON);

if (!mtmp || mtmp->mhp <= 0
|| (*callbacks[f_indx])(regions[i], mtmp)) {
/* The monster died, remove it from list */
k = (regions[i]->n_monst -= 1);
regions[i]->monsters[j] = regions[i]->monsters[k];
regions[i]->monsters[k] = 0;
--j; /* current slot has been reused; recheck it next */

* check whether player enters/leaves one or more regions.
in_out_region(x, y)
xchar x, y;
int i, f_indx;

/* First check if we can do the move */
for (i = 0; i < n_regions; i++) {
if (inside_region(regions[i], x, y) && !hero_inside(regions[i])
&& !regions[i]->attach_2_u) {
if ((f_indx = regions[i]->can_enter_f) != NO_CALLBACK)
if (!(*callbacks[f_indx])(regions[i], (genericptr_t) 0))
return FALSE;
} else if (hero_inside(regions[i]) && !inside_region(regions[i], x, y)
&& !regions[i]->attach_2_u) {
if ((f_indx = regions[i]->can_leave_f) != NO_CALLBACK)
if (!(*callbacks[f_indx])(regions[i], (genericptr_t) 0))
return FALSE;

/* Callbacks for the regions we do leave */
for (i = 0; i < n_regions; i++)
if (hero_inside(regions[i]) && !regions[i]->attach_2_u
&& !inside_region(regions[i], x, y)) {
if (regions[i]->leave_msg != (const char *) 0)
if ((f_indx = regions[i]->leave_f) != NO_CALLBACK)
(void) (*callbacks[f_indx])(regions[i], (genericptr_t) 0);

/* Callbacks for the regions we do enter */
for (i = 0; i < n_regions; i++)
if (!hero_inside(regions[i]) && !regions[i]->attach_2_u
&& inside_region(regions[i], x, y)) {
if (regions[i]->enter_msg != (const char *) 0)
if ((f_indx = regions[i]->enter_f) != NO_CALLBACK)
(void) (*callbacks[f_indx])(regions[i], (genericptr_t) 0);
return TRUE;

* check whether a monster enters/leaves one or more region.
m_in_out_region(mon, x, y)
struct monst *mon;
xchar x, y;
int i, f_indx;

/* First check if we can do the move */
for (i = 0; i < n_regions; i++) {
if (inside_region(regions[i], x, y) && !mon_in_region(regions[i], mon)
&& regions[i]->attach_2_m != mon->m_id) {
if ((f_indx = regions[i]->can_enter_f) != NO_CALLBACK)
if (!(*callbacks[f_indx])(regions[i], mon))
return FALSE;
} else if (mon_in_region(regions[i], mon)
&& !inside_region(regions[i], x, y)
&& regions[i]->attach_2_m != mon->m_id) {
if ((f_indx = regions[i]->can_leave_f) != NO_CALLBACK)
if (!(*callbacks[f_indx])(regions[i], mon))
return FALSE;

/* Callbacks for the regions we do leave */
for (i = 0; i < n_regions; i++)
if (mon_in_region(regions[i], mon)
&& regions[i]->attach_2_m != mon->m_id
&& !inside_region(regions[i], x, y)) {
remove_mon_from_reg(regions[i], mon);
if ((f_indx = regions[i]->leave_f) != NO_CALLBACK)
(void) (*callbacks[f_indx])(regions[i], mon);

/* Callbacks for the regions we do enter */
for (i = 0; i < n_regions; i++)
if (!hero_inside(regions[i]) && !regions[i]->attach_2_u
&& inside_region(regions[i], x, y)) {
add_mon_to_reg(regions[i], mon);
if ((f_indx = regions[i]->enter_f) != NO_CALLBACK)
(void) (*callbacks[f_indx])(regions[i], mon);
return TRUE;

* Checks player's regions after a teleport for instance.
register int i;

for (i = 0; i < n_regions; i++)
if (!regions[i]->attach_2_u && inside_region(regions[i], u.ux,

* Ditto for a specified monster.
struct monst *mon;
register int i;

for (i = 0; i < n_regions; i++) {
if (inside_region(regions[i], mon->mx, mon->my)) {
if (!mon_in_region(regions[i], mon))
add_mon_to_reg(regions[i], mon);
} else {
if (mon_in_region(regions[i], mon))
remove_mon_from_reg(regions[i], mon);

#if 0
/* not yet used */

* Change monster pointer in regions
* This happens, for instance, when a monster grows and
* need a new structure (internally that is).
replace_mon_regions(monold, monnew)
struct monst *monold, *monnew;
register int i;

for (i = 0; i < n_regions; i++)
if (mon_in_region(regions[i], monold)) {
remove_mon_from_reg(regions[i], monold);
add_mon_to_reg(regions[i], monnew);

* Remove monster from all regions it was in (ie monster just died)
struct monst *mon;
register int i;

for (i = 0; i < n_regions; i++)
if (mon_in_region(regions[i], mon))
remove_mon_from_reg(regions[i], mon);

#endif /*0*/

* Check if a spot is under a visible region (eg: gas cloud).
* Returns NULL if not, otherwise returns region.
NhRegion *
visible_region_at(x, y)
xchar x, y;
register int i;

for (i = 0; i < n_regions; i++)
if (inside_region(regions[i], x, y) && regions[i]->visible
&& regions[i]->ttl != -2L)
return regions[i];
return (NhRegion *) 0;

show_region(reg, x, y)
NhRegion *reg;
xchar x, y;
show_glyph(x, y, reg->glyph);

* save_regions :
save_regions(fd, mode)
int fd;
int mode;
int i, j;
unsigned n;

if (!perform_bwrite(mode))
goto skip_lots;

bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &moves, sizeof(moves)); /* timestamp */
bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &n_regions, sizeof(n_regions));
for (i = 0; i < n_regions; i++) {
bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->bounding_box, sizeof(NhRect));
bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->nrects, sizeof(short));
for (j = 0; j < regions[i]->nrects; j++)
bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->rects[j], sizeof(NhRect));
bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->attach_2_u, sizeof(boolean));
n = 0;
bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->attach_2_m, sizeof(unsigned));
n = regions[i]->enter_msg != (const char *) 0
? strlen(regions[i]->enter_msg)
: 0;
bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &n, sizeof n);
if (n > 0)
bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) regions[i]->enter_msg, n);
n = regions[i]->leave_msg != (const char *) 0
? strlen(regions[i]->leave_msg)
: 0;
bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &n, sizeof n);
if (n > 0)
bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) regions[i]->leave_msg, n);
bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->ttl, sizeof(long));
bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->expire_f, sizeof(short));
bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->can_enter_f, sizeof(short));
bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->enter_f, sizeof(short));
bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->can_leave_f, sizeof(short));
bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->leave_f, sizeof(short));
bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->inside_f, sizeof(short));
bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->player_flags,
sizeof(unsigned int));
bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->n_monst, sizeof(short));
for (j = 0; j < regions[i]->n_monst; j++)
bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->monsters[j],
bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->visible, sizeof(boolean));
bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->glyph, sizeof(int));
bwrite(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->arg, sizeof(anything));

if (release_data(mode))

rest_regions(fd, ghostly)
int fd;
boolean ghostly; /* If a bones file restore */
int i, j;
unsigned n;
long tmstamp;
char *msg_buf;

clear_regions(); /* Just for security */
mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &tmstamp, sizeof(tmstamp));
if (ghostly)
tmstamp = 0;
tmstamp = (moves - tmstamp);
mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &n_regions, sizeof(n_regions));
max_regions = n_regions;
if (n_regions > 0)
regions = (NhRegion **) alloc(sizeof(NhRegion *) * n_regions);
for (i = 0; i < n_regions; i++) {
regions[i] = (NhRegion *) alloc(sizeof(NhRegion));
mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->bounding_box, sizeof(NhRect));
mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->nrects, sizeof(short));

if (regions[i]->nrects > 0)
regions[i]->rects =
(NhRect *) alloc(sizeof(NhRect) * regions[i]->nrects);
for (j = 0; j < regions[i]->nrects; j++)
mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->rects[j], sizeof(NhRect));
mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->attach_2_u, sizeof(boolean));
mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->attach_2_m, sizeof(unsigned));

mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &n, sizeof n);
if (n > 0) {
msg_buf = (char *) alloc(n + 1);
mread(fd, (genericptr_t) msg_buf, n);
msg_buf[n] = '\0';
regions[i]->enter_msg = (const char *) msg_buf;
} else
regions[i]->enter_msg = (const char *) 0;

mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &n, sizeof n);
if (n > 0) {
msg_buf = (char *) alloc(n + 1);
mread(fd, (genericptr_t) msg_buf, n);
msg_buf[n] = '\0';
regions[i]->leave_msg = (const char *) msg_buf;
} else
regions[i]->leave_msg = (const char *) 0;

mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->ttl, sizeof(long));
/* check for expired region */
if (regions[i]->ttl >= 0L)
regions[i]->ttl =
(regions[i]->ttl > tmstamp) ? regions[i]->ttl - tmstamp : 0L;
mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->expire_f, sizeof(short));
mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->can_enter_f, sizeof(short));
mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->enter_f, sizeof(short));
mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->can_leave_f, sizeof(short));
mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->leave_f, sizeof(short));
mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->inside_f, sizeof(short));
mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->player_flags,
sizeof(unsigned int));
if (ghostly) { /* settings pertained to old player */
mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->n_monst, sizeof(short));
if (regions[i]->n_monst > 0)
regions[i]->monsters =
(unsigned *) alloc(sizeof(unsigned) * regions[i]->n_monst);
regions[i]->monsters = (unsigned int *) 0;
regions[i]->max_monst = regions[i]->n_monst;
for (j = 0; j < regions[i]->n_monst; j++)
mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->monsters[j],
mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->visible, sizeof(boolean));
mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->glyph, sizeof(int));
mread(fd, (genericptr_t) &regions[i]->arg, sizeof(anything));
/* remove expired regions, do not trigger the expire_f callback (yet!);
also update monster lists if this data is coming from a bones file */
for (i = n_regions - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (regions[i]->ttl == 0L)
else if (ghostly && regions[i]->n_monst > 0)

/* update monster IDs for region being loaded from bones; `ghostly' implied */
NhRegion *reg;
int i = 0, n = reg->n_monst;
unsigned *mid_list = reg->monsters;

while (i < n)
if (!lookup_id_mapping(mid_list[i], &mid_list[i])) {
/* shrink list to remove missing monster; order doesn't matter */
mid_list[i] = mid_list[--n];
} else {
/* move on to next monster */
reg->n_monst = n;

#if 0
/* not yet used */

*                                                              *
*                      Create Region with just a message       *
*                                                              *

NhRegion *
create_msg_region(x, y, w, h, msg_enter, msg_leave)
xchar x, y;
xchar w, h;
const char *msg_enter;
const char *msg_leave;
NhRect tmprect;
NhRegion *reg = create_region((NhRect *) 0, 0);

if (msg_enter)
reg->enter_msg = dupstr(msg_enter);
if (msg_leave)
reg->leave_msg = dupstr(msg_leave);
tmprect.lx = x; = y;
tmprect.hx = x + w;
tmprect.hy = y + h;
add_rect_to_reg(reg, &tmprect);
reg->ttl = -1L;
return reg;

*                                                              *
*                      Force Field Related Cod                 *
*                      (unused yet)                            *

enter_force_field(p1, p2)
genericptr_t p1;
genericptr_t p2;
struct monst *mtmp;

if (p2 == (genericptr_t) 0) { /* That means the player */
if (!Blind)
You("bump into %s. Ouch!",
Hallucination ? "an invisible tree"
: "some kind of invisible wall");
} else {
mtmp = (struct monst *) p2;
if (canseemon(mtmp))
pline("%s bumps into %s!", Monnam(mtmp), something);
return FALSE;

NhRegion *
create_force_field(x, y, radius, ttl)
xchar x, y;
int radius;
long ttl;
int i;
NhRegion *ff;
int nrect;
NhRect tmprect;

ff = create_region((NhRect *) 0, 0);
nrect = radius;
tmprect.lx = x;
tmprect.hx = x; = y - (radius - 1);
tmprect.hy = y + (radius - 1);
for (i = 0; i < nrect; i++) {
add_rect_to_reg(ff, &tmprect);
ff->ttl = ttl;
if (!in_mklev && !context.mon_moving)
set_heros_fault(ff); /* assume player has created it */
/* ff->can_enter_f = enter_force_field; */
/* ff->can_leave_f = enter_force_field; */
return ff;

#endif /*0*/

*                                                              *
*                      Gas cloud related code                  *
*                                                              *

* Here is an example of an expire function that may prolong
* region life after some mods...
expire_gas_cloud(p1, p2)
genericptr_t p1;
genericptr_t p2 UNUSED;
NhRegion *reg;
int damage;

reg = (NhRegion *) p1;
damage = reg->arg.a_int;

/* If it was a thick cloud, it dissipates a little first */
if (damage >= 5) {
damage /= 2; /* It dissipates, let's do less damage */
reg->arg = zeroany;
reg->arg.a_int = damage;
reg->ttl = 2L; /* Here's the trick : reset ttl */
return FALSE;  /* THEN return FALSE, means "still there" */
return TRUE; /* OK, it's gone, you can free it! */

inside_gas_cloud(p1, p2)
genericptr_t p1;
genericptr_t p2;
NhRegion *reg;
struct monst *mtmp;
int dam;

reg = (NhRegion *) p1;
dam = reg->arg.a_int;
if (p2 == (genericptr_t) 0) { /* This means *YOU* Bozo! */
if (u.uinvulnerable || nonliving( || Breathless)
return FALSE;
if (!Blind) {
Your("%s sting.", makeplural(body_part(EYE)));
make_blinded(1L, FALSE);
if (!Poison_resistance) {
pline("%s is burning your %s!", Something,
You("cough and spit blood!");
losehp(Maybe_Half_Phys(rnd(dam) + 5), "gas cloud", KILLED_BY_AN);
return FALSE;
} else {
return FALSE;
} else { /* A monster is inside the cloud */
mtmp = (struct monst *) p2;

/* Non living and non breathing monsters are not concerned */
if (!(nonliving(mtmp->data) || is_vampshifter(mtmp))
&& !breathless(mtmp->data)) {
if (cansee(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my))
pline("%s coughs!", Monnam(mtmp));
if (heros_fault(reg))
if (haseyes(mtmp->data) && mtmp->mcansee) {
mtmp->mblinded = 1;
mtmp->mcansee = 0;
if (resists_poison(mtmp))
return FALSE;
mtmp->mhp -= rnd(dam) + 5;
if (mtmp->mhp <= 0) {
if (heros_fault(reg))
monkilled(mtmp, "gas cloud", AD_DRST);
if (mtmp->mhp <= 0) { /* not lifesaved */
return TRUE;
return FALSE; /* Monster is still alive */

NhRegion *
create_gas_cloud(x, y, radius, damage)
xchar x, y;
int radius;
int damage;
NhRegion *cloud;
int i, nrect;
NhRect tmprect;

cloud = create_region((NhRect *) 0, 0);
nrect = radius;
tmprect.lx = x;
tmprect.hx = x; = y - (radius - 1);
tmprect.hy = y + (radius - 1);
for (i = 0; i < nrect; i++) {
add_rect_to_reg(cloud, &tmprect);
cloud->ttl = rn1(3, 4);
if (!in_mklev && !context.mon_moving)
set_heros_fault(cloud); /* assume player has created it */
cloud->inside_f = INSIDE_GAS_CLOUD;
cloud->expire_f = EXPIRE_GAS_CLOUD;
cloud->arg = zeroany;
cloud->arg.a_int = damage;
cloud->visible = TRUE;
cloud->glyph = cmap_to_glyph(damage ? S_poisoncloud : S_cloud);
return cloud;

/* for checking troubles during prayer; is hero at risk? */
int i, f_indx, n = 0;

for (i = 0; i < n_regions; i++) {
/* only care about regions that hero is in */
if (!hero_inside(regions[i]))
f_indx = regions[i]->inside_f;
/* the only type of region we understand is gas_cloud */
if (f_indx == INSIDE_GAS_CLOUD) {
/* completely harmless if you don't need to breathe */
if (nonliving( || Breathless)
/* minor inconvenience if you're poison resistant;
not harmful enough to be a prayer-level trouble */
if (Poison_resistance)
return n ? TRUE : FALSE;

/* for fixing trouble at end of prayer;
danger detected at start of prayer might have expired by now */
NhRegion *r = 0;
int i, f_indx, n = 0;

for (i = 0; i < n_regions; i++) {
/* only care about regions that hero is in */
if (!hero_inside(regions[i]))
f_indx = regions[i]->inside_f;
/* the only type of region we understand is gas_cloud */
if (f_indx == INSIDE_GAS_CLOUD) {
if (!n++ && regions[i]->ttl >= 0)
r = regions[i];

if (n > 1 || (n == 1 && !r)) {
/* multiple overlapping cloud regions or non-expiring one */
} else if (r) {
pline_The("gas cloud enveloping you dissipates.");
} else {
/* cloud dissipated on its own, so nothing needs to be done */
pline_The("gas cloud has dissipated.");
/* maybe cure blindness too */
if ((Blinded & TIMEOUT) == 1L)
make_blinded(0L, TRUE);
