Source:NetHack 3.0.0/getline.c

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Below is the full text to getline.c from the source code of NetHack 3.0.0. To link to a particular line, write [[NetHack 3.0.0/getline.c#line123]], for example.

Warning! This is the source code from an old release. For the latest release, see Source code

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

1.    /*	SCCS Id: @(#)getline.c	3.0	89/06/16
2.    /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
3.    /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
5.    #include "hack.h"
6.    #include "func_tab.h"
8.    /*
9.     * Some systems may have getchar() return EOF for various reasons, and
10.    * we should not quit before seeing at least NR_OF_EOFS consecutive EOFs.
11.    */
12.   #ifdef SYSV
13.   #define	NR_OF_EOFS	20
14.   #endif
16.   char morc = 0;	/* tell the outside world what char he used */
18.   extern char erase_char, kill_char;	/* from appropriate tty.c file */
20.   /*
21.    * Read a line closed with '\n' into the array char bufp[BUFSZ].
22.    * (The '\n' is not stored. The string is closed with a '\0'.)
23.    * Reading can be interrupted by an escape ('\033') - now the
24.    * resulting string is "\033".
25.    */
26.   void
27.   getlin(bufp)
28.   register char *bufp;
29.   {
30.   	register char *obufp = bufp;
31.   	register int c;
33.   	flags.toplin = 2;		/* nonempty, no --More-- required */
34.   	for(;;) {
35.   		(void) fflush(stdout);
36.   		if((c = Getchar()) == EOF) {
37.   			*bufp = 0;
38.   			return;
39.   		}
40.   		if(c == '\033') {
41.   			*obufp = c;
42.   			obufp[1] = 0;
43.   			return;
44.   		}
45.   		if(c == erase_char || c == '\b') {
46.   			if(bufp != obufp) {
47.   				bufp--;
48.   				putstr("\b \b");/* putsym converts \b */
49.   			} else	bell();
50.   		} else if(c == '\n') {
51.   			*bufp = 0;
52.   			return;
53.   		} else if(' ' <= c && c < '\177' && 
54.   			    (bufp-obufp < BUFSZ-1 || bufp-obufp < COLNO)) {
55.   				/* avoid isprint() - some people don't have it
56.   				   ' ' is not always a printing char */
57.   			*bufp = c;
58.   			bufp[1] = 0;
59.   			putstr(bufp);
60.   			bufp++;
61.   		} else if(c == kill_char || c == '\177') { /* Robert Viduya */
62.   				/* this test last - @ might be the kill_char */
63.   			while(bufp != obufp) {
64.   				bufp--;
65.   				if(curx == 1 && cury > 1) {
66.   					putstr("\b \b\b");
67.   					curx = CO;
68.   				} else putstr("\b \b");
69.   			}
70.   		} else
71.   			bell();
72.   	}
73.   }
75.   void
76.   getret() {
77.   	cgetret("");
78.   }
80.   void
81.   cgetret(s)
82.   register char *s;
83.   {
84.   	putsym('\n');
85.   	if(flags.standout)
86.   		standoutbeg();
87.   	putstr("Hit ");
88.   	putstr(flags.cbreak ? "space" : "return");
89.   	putstr(" to continue: ");
90.   	if(flags.standout)
91.   		standoutend();
92.   	xwaitforspace(s);
93.   }
96.   void
97.   xwaitforspace(s)
98.   register char *s;	/* chars allowed besides space or return */
99.   {
100.  	register int c;
102.  	morc = 0;
104.  	while((c = readchar()) != '\n') {
105.  	    if(flags.cbreak) {
106.  		if(c == ' ') break;
107.  		if(s && index(s,c)) {
108.  			morc = c;
109.  			break;
110.  		}
111.  		bell();
112.  	    }
113.  	}
114.  }
116.  static int last_multi;
118.  char *
119.  parse()
120.  {
121.  #ifdef LINT	/* static char in_line[COLNO]; */
122.  	char in_line[COLNO];
123.  #else
124.  	static char in_line[COLNO];
125.  #endif
126.  	register int foo;
128.  	multi = 0;
129.  	flags.move = 1;
130.  	curs_on_u();
132.  	if (!flags.num_pad || (foo = readchar()) == 'n')
133.  	    while((foo = readchar()) >= '0' && foo <= '9') {
134.  		multi = 10*multi+foo-'0';
135.  		if (multi < 0 || multi > LARGEST_INT)
136.  			multi = LARGEST_INT;
137.  		if (multi > 9) {
138.  			remember_topl();
139.  			home();
140.  			cl_end();
141.  			Printf("Count: %d", multi);
142.  		}
143.  		last_multi = multi;
144.  	    }
145.  # ifdef REDO
146.  	if (foo == DOAGAIN || in_doagain)
147.  		multi = last_multi;
148.  	else {
149.  		savech(0);	/* reset input queue */
150.  		savech(foo);
151.  	}
152.  # endif
153.  	if(multi) {
154.  		multi--;
155.  		save_cm = in_line;
156.  	}
157.  	in_line[0] = foo;
158.  	in_line[1] = 0;
159.  	if(foo == 'g' || foo == 'G'){
160.  		in_line[1] = Getchar();
161.  #ifdef REDO
162.  		savech(in_line[1]);
163.  #endif
164.  		in_line[2] = 0;
165.  	}
166.  	if(foo == 'm' || foo == 'M'){
167.  		in_line[1] = Getchar();
168.  #ifdef REDO
169.  		savech(in_line[1]);
170.  #endif
171.  		in_line[2] = 0;
172.  	}
173.  	clrlin();
174.  	return(in_line);
175.  }
177.  #ifdef UNIX
178.  static void
179.  end_of_input()
180.  {
181.  	settty("End of input?\n");
182.  	clearlocks();
183.  	exit(0);
184.  }
185.  #endif
187.  char
188.  readchar() {
189.  	register int sym;
191.  	(void) fflush(stdout);
192.  #ifdef UNIX
193.  	if((sym = Getchar()) == EOF)
194.  # ifdef NR_OF_EOFS
195.  	{ /*
196.  	   * Some SYSV systems seem to return EOFs for various reasons
197.  	   * (?like when one hits break or for interrupted systemcalls?),
198.  	   * and we must see several before we quit.
199.  	   */
200.  		register int cnt = NR_OF_EOFS;
201.  		while (cnt--) {
202.  		    clearerr(stdin);	/* omit if clearerr is undefined */
203.  		    if((sym = Getchar()) != EOF) goto noteof;
204.  		}
205.  		end_of_input();
206.  	     noteof:	;
207.  	}
208.  # else
209.  		end_of_input();
210.  # endif /* NR_OF_EOFS /**/
211.  #else
212.  	sym = Getchar();
213.  #endif /* UNIX */
214.  	if(flags.toplin == 1)
215.  		flags.toplin = 2;
216.  	return((char) sym);
217.  }
219.  #ifdef COM_COMPL
220.  /* Read in an extended command - doing command line completion for
221.   * when enough characters have been entered to make a unique command.
222.   * This is just a modified getlin().   -jsb
223.   */
224.  void
225.  get_ext_cmd(bufp)
226.  register char *bufp;
227.  {
228.  	register char *obufp = bufp;
229.  	register int c;
230.  	int com_index, oindex;
232.  	flags.toplin = 2;		/* nonempty, no --More-- required */
234.  	for(;;) {
235.  		(void) fflush(stdout);
236.  		if((c = readchar()) == EOF) {
237.  			*bufp = 0;
238.  			return;
239.  		}
240.  		if(c == '\033') {
241.  			*obufp = c;
242.  			obufp[1] = 0;
243.  			return;
244.  		}
245.  		if(c == erase_char || c == '\b') {
246.  			if(bufp != obufp) {
247.  				bufp--;
248.  				putstr("\b \b"); /* putsym converts \b */
249.  			} else	bell();
250.  		} else if(c == '\n') {
251.  			*bufp = 0;
252.  			return;
253.  		} else if(' ' <= c && c < '\177') {
254.  				/* avoid isprint() - some people don't have it
255.  				   ' ' is not always a printing char */
256.  			*bufp = c;
257.  			bufp[1] = 0;
258.  			oindex = 0;
259.  			com_index = -1;
261.  			while(extcmdlist[oindex].ef_txt != NULL){
262.  				if(!strncmp(obufp, extcmdlist[oindex].ef_txt,
263.  				    strlen(obufp)))
264.  					if(com_index == -1) /* No matches yet*/
265.  					    com_index = oindex;
266.  					else /* More than 1 match */
267.  					    com_index = -2;
268.  				oindex++;
269.  			}
270.  			if(com_index >= 0){
271.  				Strcpy(obufp, extcmdlist[com_index].ef_txt);
272.  				/* finish printing our string */
273.  				putstr(bufp);
274.  				bufp = obufp; /* reset it */
275.  				if(strlen(obufp) < BUFSIZ-1 &&
276.  				 strlen(obufp) < COLNO)
277.  					/* set bufp at the end of our string */
278.  					bufp += strlen(obufp);
279.  			} else {
280.  				putstr(bufp);
281.  				if(bufp-obufp < BUFSZ-1 && bufp-obufp < COLNO)
282.  					bufp++;
283.  			}
284.  		} else if(c == kill_char || c == '\177') { /* Robert Viduya */
285.  				/* this test last - @ might be the kill_char */
286.  			while(bufp != obufp) {
287.  				bufp--;
288.  				putstr("\b \b");
289.  			}
290.  		} else
291.  			bell();
292.  	}
294.  }
295.  #endif /* COM_COMPL */