Source:NetHack 3.6.0/src/dig.c

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Below is the full text to dig.c from the source code of NetHack 3.6.0. To link to a particular line, write [[Source:NetHack 3.6.0/src/dig.c#line123]], for example.

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.

Top of file

 /* NetHack 3.6	dig.c	$NHDT-Date: 1449269915 2015/12/04 22:58:35 $  $NHDT-Branch: NetHack-3.6.0 $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.103 $ */
 /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
 /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
 #include "hack.h"
 static NEARDATA boolean did_dig_msg;
 STATIC_DCL boolean NDECL(rm_waslit);
 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(mkcavepos,
                       (XCHAR_P, XCHAR_P, int, BOOLEAN_P, BOOLEAN_P));
 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(mkcavearea, (BOOLEAN_P));
 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(dig_up_grave, (coord *));
 STATIC_DCL int FDECL(adj_pit_checks, (coord *, char *));
 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(pit_flow, (struct trap *, SCHAR_P));
 /* Indices returned by dig_typ() */
 #define DIGTYP_ROCK 1
 #define DIGTYP_STATUE 2
 #define DIGTYP_DOOR 4
 #define DIGTYP_TREE 5


 STATIC_OVL boolean
     register xchar x, y;
     if (levl[u.ux][].typ == ROOM && levl[u.ux][].waslit)
         return TRUE;
     for (x = u.ux - 2; x < u.ux + 3; x++)
         for (y = - 1; y < + 2; y++)
             if (isok(x, y) && levl[x][y].waslit)
                 return TRUE;
     return FALSE;


 /* Change level topology.  Messes with vision tables and ignores things like
  * boulders in the name of a nice effect.  Vision will get fixed up again
  * immediately after the effect is complete.
 mkcavepos(x, y, dist, waslit, rockit)
 xchar x, y;
 int dist;
 boolean waslit, rockit;
     register struct rm *lev;
     if (!isok(x, y))
     lev = &levl[x][y];
     if (rockit) {
         register struct monst *mtmp;
         if (IS_ROCK(lev->typ))
         if (t_at(x, y))
             return;                   /* don't cover the portal */
         if ((mtmp = m_at(x, y)) != 0) /* make sure crucial monsters survive */
             if (!passes_walls(mtmp->data))
                 (void) rloc(mtmp, TRUE);
     } else if (lev->typ == ROOM)
     unblock_point(x, y); /* make sure vision knows this location is open */
     /* fake out saved state */
     lev->seenv = 0;
     lev->doormask = 0;
     if (dist < 3)
         lev->lit = (rockit ? FALSE : TRUE);
     if (waslit)
         lev->waslit = (rockit ? FALSE : TRUE);
     lev->horizontal = FALSE;
     /* short-circuit vision recalc */
     viz_array[y][x] = (dist < 3) ? (IN_SIGHT | COULD_SEE) : COULD_SEE;
     lev->typ = (rockit ? STONE : ROOM);
     if (dist >= 3)
         impossible("mkcavepos called with dist %d", dist);
     feel_newsym(x, y);


 register boolean rockit;
     int dist;
     xchar xmin = u.ux, xmax = u.ux;
     xchar ymin =, ymax =;
     register xchar i;
     register boolean waslit = rm_waslit();
     if (rockit)
         pline("Crash!  The ceiling collapses around you!");
         pline("A mysterious force %s cave around you!",
               (levl[u.ux][].typ == CORR) ? "creates a" : "extends the");
     display_nhwindow(WIN_MESSAGE, TRUE);
     for (dist = 1; dist <= 2; dist++) {
         /* top and bottom */
         if (dist < 2) { /* the area is wider that it is high */
             for (i = xmin + 1; i < xmax; i++) {
                 mkcavepos(i, ymin, dist, waslit, rockit);
                 mkcavepos(i, ymax, dist, waslit, rockit);
         /* left and right */
         for (i = ymin; i <= ymax; i++) {
             mkcavepos(xmin, i, dist, waslit, rockit);
             mkcavepos(xmax, i, dist, waslit, rockit);
         flush_screen(1); /* make sure the new glyphs shows up */
     if (!rockit && levl[u.ux][].typ == CORR) {
         levl[u.ux][].typ = ROOM;
         if (waslit)
             levl[u.ux][].waslit = TRUE;
         newsym(u.ux,; /* in case player is invisible */
     vision_full_recalc = 1; /* everything changed */


 /* When digging into location <x,y>, what are you actually digging into? */
 dig_typ(otmp, x, y)
 struct obj *otmp;
 xchar x, y;
     boolean ispick;
     if (!otmp)
         return DIGTYP_UNDIGGABLE;
     ispick = is_pick(otmp);
     if (!ispick && !is_axe(otmp))
         return DIGTYP_UNDIGGABLE;
     return ((ispick && sobj_at(STATUE, x, y))
                ? DIGTYP_STATUE
                : (ispick && sobj_at(BOULDER, x, y))
                   ? DIGTYP_BOULDER
                   : closed_door(x, y)
                      ? DIGTYP_DOOR
                      : IS_TREE(levl[x][y].typ)
                         ? (ispick ? DIGTYP_UNDIGGABLE : DIGTYP_TREE)
                         : (ispick && IS_ROCK(levl[x][y].typ)
                            && (!level.flags.arboreal
                                || IS_WALL(levl[x][y].typ)))
                            ? DIGTYP_ROCK
                            : DIGTYP_UNDIGGABLE);


     if (occupation == dig) {
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;


 #define BY_YOU (&youmonst)
 #define BY_OBJECT ((struct monst *) 0)
 dig_check(madeby, verbose, x, y)
 struct monst *madeby;
 boolean verbose;
 int x, y;
     struct trap *ttmp = t_at(x, y);
     const char *verb =
         (madeby == BY_YOU && uwep && is_axe(uwep)) ? "chop" : "dig in";
     if (On_stairs(x, y)) {
         if (x == xdnladder || x == xupladder) {
             if (verbose)
                 pline_The("ladder resists your effort.");
         } else if (verbose)
             pline_The("stairs are too hard to %s.", verb);
         return FALSE;
     } else if (IS_THRONE(levl[x][y].typ) && madeby != BY_OBJECT) {
         if (verbose)
             pline_The("throne is too hard to break apart.");
         return FALSE;
     } else if (IS_ALTAR(levl[x][y].typ)
                && (madeby != BY_OBJECT || Is_astralevel(&
                    || Is_sanctum(& {
         if (verbose)
             pline_The("altar is too hard to break apart.");
         return FALSE;
     } else if (Is_airlevel(& {
         if (verbose)
             You("cannot %s thin air.", verb);
         return FALSE;
     } else if (Is_waterlevel(& {
         if (verbose)
             pline_The("water splashes and subsides.");
         return FALSE;
     } else if ((IS_ROCK(levl[x][y].typ) && levl[x][y].typ != SDOOR
                 && (levl[x][y].wall_info & W_NONDIGGABLE) != 0)
                || (ttmp
                    && (ttmp->ttyp == MAGIC_PORTAL
                        || ttmp->ttyp == VIBRATING_SQUARE
                        || (!Can_dig_down(& && !levl[x][y].candig)))) {
         if (verbose)
             pline_The("%s here is too hard to %s.", surface(x, y), verb);
         return FALSE;
     } else if (sobj_at(BOULDER, x, y)) {
         if (verbose)
             There("isn't enough room to %s here.", verb);
         return FALSE;
     } else if (madeby == BY_OBJECT
                /* the block against existing traps is mainly to
                   prevent broken wands from turning holes into pits */
                && (ttmp || is_pool_or_lava(x, y))) {
         /* digging by player handles pools separately */
         return FALSE;
     return TRUE;


     register struct rm *lev;
     register xchar dpx = context.digging.pos.x, dpy = context.digging.pos.y;
     register boolean ispick = uwep && is_pick(uwep);
     const char *verb = (!uwep || is_pick(uwep)) ? "dig into" : "chop through";
     lev = &levl[dpx][dpy];
     /* perhaps a nymph stole your pick-axe while you were busy digging */
     /* or perhaps you teleported away */
     if (u.uswallow || !uwep || (!ispick && !is_axe(uwep))
         || !on_level(&context.digging.level, &
         || ((context.digging.down ? (dpx != u.ux || dpy !=
                                   : (distu(dpx, dpy) > 2))))
         return 0;
     if (context.digging.down) {
         if (!dig_check(BY_YOU, TRUE, u.ux,
             return 0;
     } else { /* !context.digging.down */
         if (IS_TREE(lev->typ) && !may_dig(dpx, dpy)
             && dig_typ(uwep, dpx, dpy) == DIGTYP_TREE) {
             pline("This tree seems to be petrified.");
             return 0;
         if (IS_ROCK(lev->typ) && !may_dig(dpx, dpy)
             && dig_typ(uwep, dpx, dpy) == DIGTYP_ROCK) {
             pline("This %s is too hard to %s.",
                   is_db_wall(dpx, dpy) ? "drawbridge" : "wall", verb);
             return 0;
     if (Fumbling && !rn2(3)) {
         switch (rn2(3)) {
         case 0:
             if (!welded(uwep)) {
                 You("fumble and drop %s.", yname(uwep));
             } else {
                 if (u.usteed)
                     pline("%s and %s %s!", Yobjnam2(uwep, "bounce"),
                           otense(uwep, "hit"), mon_nam(u.usteed));
                     pline("Ouch!  %s and %s you!", Yobjnam2(uwep, "bounce"),
                           otense(uwep, "hit"));
                 set_wounded_legs(RIGHT_SIDE, 5 + rnd(5));
         case 1:
             pline("Bang!  You hit with the broad side of %s!",
             Your("swing misses its mark.");
         return 0;
     context.digging.effort +=
         10 + rn2(5) + abon() + uwep->spe - greatest_erosion(uwep) + u.udaminc;
     if (Race_if(PM_DWARF))
         context.digging.effort *= 2;
     if (context.digging.down) {
         struct trap *ttmp = t_at(dpx, dpy);
         if (context.digging.effort > 250 || (ttmp && ttmp->ttyp == HOLE)) {
             (void) dighole(FALSE, FALSE, (coord *) 0);
             (void) memset((genericptr_t) &context.digging, 0,
                           sizeof context.digging);
             return 0; /* done with digging */
         if (context.digging.effort <= 50
             || (ttmp && (ttmp->ttyp == TRAPDOOR || ttmp->ttyp == PIT
                          || ttmp->ttyp == SPIKED_PIT))) {
             return 1;
         } else if (ttmp && (ttmp->ttyp == LANDMINE
                             || (ttmp->ttyp == BEAR_TRAP && !u.utrap))) {
             /* digging onto a set object trap triggers it;
                hero should have used #untrap first */
             dotrap(ttmp, FORCETRAP);
             /* restart completely from scratch if we resume digging */
             (void) memset((genericptr_t) &context.digging, 0,
                           sizeof context.digging);
             return 0;
         } else if (ttmp && ttmp->ttyp == BEAR_TRAP && u.utrap) {
             if (rnl(7) > (Fumbling ? 1 : 4)) {
                 char kbuf[BUFSZ];
                 int dmg = dmgval(uwep, &youmonst) + dbon();
                 if (dmg < 1)
                     dmg = 1;
                 else if (uarmf)
                     dmg = (dmg + 1) / 2;
                 You("hit yourself in the %s.", body_part(FOOT));
                 Sprintf(kbuf, "chopping off %s own %s", uhis(),
                 losehp(Maybe_Half_Phys(dmg), kbuf, KILLED_BY);
             } else {
                 You("destroy the bear trap with %s.",
                     yobjnam(uwep, (const char *) 0));
                 u.utrap = 0; /* release from trap */
             /* we haven't made any progress toward a pit yet */
             context.digging.effort = 0;
             return 0;
         if (IS_ALTAR(lev->typ)) {
             altar_wrath(dpx, dpy);
         /* make pit at <u.ux,> */
         if (dighole(TRUE, FALSE, (coord *) 0)) {
             context.digging.level.dnum = 0;
             context.digging.level.dlevel = -1;
         return 0;
     if (context.digging.effort > 100) {
         register const char *digtxt, *dmgtxt = (const char *) 0;
         register struct obj *obj;
         register boolean shopedge = *in_rooms(dpx, dpy, SHOPBASE);
         if ((obj = sobj_at(STATUE, dpx, dpy)) != 0) {
             if (break_statue(obj))
                 digtxt = "The statue shatters.";
                 /* it was a statue trap; break_statue()
                  * printed a message and updated the screen
                 digtxt = (char *) 0;
         } else if ((obj = sobj_at(BOULDER, dpx, dpy)) != 0) {
             struct obj *bobj;
             if ((bobj = sobj_at(BOULDER, dpx, dpy)) != 0) {
                 /* another boulder here, restack it to the top */
                 place_object(bobj, dpx, dpy);
             digtxt = "The boulder falls apart.";
         } else if (lev->typ == STONE || lev->typ == SCORR
                    || IS_TREE(lev->typ)) {
             if (Is_earthlevel(& {
                 if (uwep->blessed && !rn2(3)) {
                     goto cleanup;
                 } else if ((uwep->cursed && !rn2(4))
                            || (!uwep->blessed && !rn2(6))) {
                     goto cleanup;
             if (IS_TREE(lev->typ)) {
                 digtxt = "You cut down the tree.";
                 lev->typ = ROOM;
                 if (!rn2(5))
                     (void) rnd_treefruit_at(dpx, dpy);
             } else {
                 digtxt = "You succeed in cutting away some rock.";
                 lev->typ = CORR;
         } else if (IS_WALL(lev->typ)) {
             if (shopedge) {
                 add_damage(dpx, dpy, 10L * ACURRSTR);
                 dmgtxt = "damage";
             if (level.flags.is_maze_lev) {
                 lev->typ = ROOM;
             } else if (level.flags.is_cavernous_lev && !in_town(dpx, dpy)) {
                 lev->typ = CORR;
             } else {
                 lev->typ = DOOR;
                 lev->doormask = D_NODOOR;
             digtxt = "You make an opening in the wall.";
         } else if (lev->typ == SDOOR) {
             cvt_sdoor_to_door(lev); /* ->typ = DOOR */
             digtxt = "You break through a secret door!";
             if (!(lev->doormask & D_TRAPPED))
                 lev->doormask = D_BROKEN;
         } else if (closed_door(dpx, dpy)) {
             digtxt = "You break through the door.";
             if (shopedge) {
                 add_damage(dpx, dpy, 400L);
                 dmgtxt = "break";
             if (!(lev->doormask & D_TRAPPED))
                 lev->doormask = D_BROKEN;
         } else
             return 0; /* statue or boulder got taken */
         if (!does_block(dpx, dpy, &levl[dpx][dpy]))
             unblock_point(dpx, dpy); /* vision:  can see through */
         feel_newsym(dpx, dpy);
         if (digtxt && !context.digging.quiet)
             pline1(digtxt); /* after newsym */
         if (dmgtxt)
             pay_for_damage(dmgtxt, FALSE);
         if (Is_earthlevel(& && !rn2(3)) {
             register struct monst *mtmp;
             switch (rn2(2)) {
             case 0:
                 mtmp = makemon(&mons[PM_EARTH_ELEMENTAL], dpx, dpy,
                 mtmp = makemon(&mons[PM_XORN], dpx, dpy, NO_MM_FLAGS);
             if (mtmp)
                 pline_The("debris from your digging comes to life!");
         if (IS_DOOR(lev->typ) && (lev->doormask & D_TRAPPED)) {
             lev->doormask = D_NODOOR;
             b_trapped("door", 0);
             newsym(dpx, dpy);
         context.digging.lastdigtime = moves;
         context.digging.quiet = FALSE;
         context.digging.level.dnum = 0;
         context.digging.level.dlevel = -1;
         return 0;
     } else { /* not enough effort has been spent yet */
         static const char *const d_target[6] = { "",        "rock", "statue",
                                                  "boulder", "door", "tree" };
         int dig_target = dig_typ(uwep, dpx, dpy);
         if (IS_WALL(lev->typ) || dig_target == DIGTYP_DOOR) {
             if (*in_rooms(dpx, dpy, SHOPBASE)) {
                 pline("This %s seems too hard to %s.",
                       IS_DOOR(lev->typ) ? "door" : "wall", verb);
                 return 0;
         } else if (dig_target == DIGTYP_UNDIGGABLE
                    || (dig_target == DIGTYP_ROCK && !IS_ROCK(lev->typ)))
             return 0; /* statue or boulder got taken */
         if (!did_dig_msg) {
             You("hit the %s with all your might.", d_target[dig_target]);
             did_dig_msg = TRUE;
     return 1;


 /* When will hole be finished? Very rough indication used by shopkeeper. */
     if (occupation != dig || !*u.ushops)
         return -1;
     return ((250 - context.digging.effort) / 20);


 /* Return typ of liquid to fill a hole with, or ROOM, if no liquid nearby */
 fillholetyp(x, y, fill_if_any)
 int x, y;
 boolean fill_if_any; /* force filling if it exists at all */
     register int x1, y1;
     int lo_x = max(1, x - 1), hi_x = min(x + 1, COLNO - 1),
         lo_y = max(0, y - 1), hi_y = min(y + 1, ROWNO - 1);
     int pool_cnt = 0, moat_cnt = 0, lava_cnt = 0;
     for (x1 = lo_x; x1 <= hi_x; x1++)
         for (y1 = lo_y; y1 <= hi_y; y1++)
             if (is_moat(x1, y1))
             else if (is_pool(x1, y1))
                 /* This must come after is_moat since moats are pools
                  * but not vice-versa. */
             else if (is_lava(x1, y1))
     if (!fill_if_any)
         pool_cnt /= 3; /* not as much liquid as the others */
     if ((lava_cnt > moat_cnt + pool_cnt && rn2(lava_cnt + 1))
         || (lava_cnt && fill_if_any))
         return LAVAPOOL;
     else if ((moat_cnt > 0 && rn2(moat_cnt + 1)) || (moat_cnt && fill_if_any))
         return MOAT;
     else if ((pool_cnt > 0 && rn2(pool_cnt + 1)) || (pool_cnt && fill_if_any))
         return POOL;
         return ROOM;


 digactualhole(x, y, madeby, ttyp)
 register int x, y;
 struct monst *madeby;
 int ttyp;
     struct obj *oldobjs, *newobjs;
     register struct trap *ttmp;
     char surface_type[BUFSZ];
     struct rm *lev = &levl[x][y];
     boolean shopdoor;
     struct monst *mtmp = m_at(x, y); /* may be madeby */
     boolean madeby_u = (madeby == BY_YOU);
     boolean madeby_obj = (madeby == BY_OBJECT);
     boolean at_u = (x == u.ux) && (y ==;
     boolean wont_fall = Levitation || Flying;
     if (at_u && u.utrap) {
         if (u.utraptype == TT_BURIEDBALL)
         else if (u.utraptype == TT_INFLOOR)
             u.utrap = 0;
     /* these furniture checks were in dighole(), but wand
        breaking bypasses that routine and calls us directly */
     if (IS_FOUNTAIN(lev->typ)) {
         SET_FOUNTAIN_WARNED(x, y); /* force dryup */
         dryup(x, y, madeby_u);
     } else if (IS_SINK(lev->typ)) {
         breaksink(x, y);
     } else if (lev->typ == DRAWBRIDGE_DOWN
                || (is_drawbridge_wall(x, y) >= 0)) {
         int bx = x, by = y;
         /* if under the portcullis, the bridge is adjacent */
         (void) find_drawbridge(&bx, &by);
         destroy_drawbridge(bx, by);
     if (ttyp != PIT && (!Can_dig_down(& && !lev->candig)) {
         impossible("digactualhole: can't dig %s on this level.",
         ttyp = PIT;
     /* maketrap() might change it, also, in this situation,
        surface() returns an inappropriate string for a grave */
     if (IS_GRAVE(lev->typ))
         Strcpy(surface_type, "grave");
         Strcpy(surface_type, surface(x, y));
     shopdoor = IS_DOOR(lev->typ) && *in_rooms(x, y, SHOPBASE);
     oldobjs = level.objects[x][y];
     ttmp = maketrap(x, y, ttyp);
     if (!ttmp)
     newobjs = level.objects[x][y];
     ttmp->madeby_u = madeby_u;
     ttmp->tseen = 0;
     if (cansee(x, y))
     else if (madeby_u)
     if (ttyp == PIT) {
         if (madeby_u) {
             if (x != u.ux || y !=
                 You("dig an adjacent pit.");
                 You("dig a pit in the %s.", surface_type);
             if (shopdoor)
                 pay_for_damage("ruin", FALSE);
         } else if (!madeby_obj && canseemon(madeby))
             pline("%s digs a pit in the %s.", Monnam(madeby), surface_type);
         else if (cansee(x, y) && flags.verbose)
             pline("A pit appears in the %s.", surface_type);
         if (at_u) {
             if (!wont_fall) {
                 u.utrap = rn1(4, 2);
                 u.utraptype = TT_PIT;
                 vision_full_recalc = 1; /* vision limits change */
             } else
                 u.utrap = 0;
             if (oldobjs != newobjs) /* something unearthed */
                 (void) pickup(1);   /* detects pit */
         } else if (mtmp) {
             if (is_flyer(mtmp->data) || is_floater(mtmp->data)) {
                 if (canseemon(mtmp))
                     pline("%s %s over the pit.", Monnam(mtmp),
                           (is_flyer(mtmp->data)) ? "flies" : "floats");
             } else if (mtmp != madeby)
                 (void) mintrap(mtmp);
     } else { /* was TRAPDOOR now a HOLE*/
         if (madeby_u)
             You("dig a hole through the %s.", surface_type);
         else if (!madeby_obj && canseemon(madeby))
             pline("%s digs a hole through the %s.", Monnam(madeby),
         else if (cansee(x, y) && flags.verbose)
             pline("A hole appears in the %s.", surface_type);
         if (at_u) {
             if (!u.ustuck && !wont_fall && !next_to_u()) {
                 You("are jerked back by your pet!");
                 wont_fall = TRUE;
             /* Floor objects get a chance of falling down.  The case where
              * the hero does NOT fall down is treated here.  The case
              * where the hero does fall down is treated in goto_level().
             if (u.ustuck || wont_fall) {
                 if (newobjs)
                     impact_drop((struct obj *) 0, x, y, 0);
                 if (oldobjs != newobjs)
                     (void) pickup(1);
                 if (shopdoor && madeby_u)
                     pay_for_damage("ruin", FALSE);
             } else {
                 d_level newlevel;
                 if (*u.ushops && madeby_u)
                     shopdig(1); /* shk might snatch pack */
                 /* handle earlier damage, eg breaking wand of digging */
                 else if (!madeby_u)
                     pay_for_damage("dig into", TRUE);
                 You("fall through...");
                 /* Earlier checks must ensure that the destination
                  * level exists and is in the present dungeon.
                 newlevel.dnum =;
                 newlevel.dlevel = + 1;
                 goto_level(&newlevel, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE);
                 /* messages for arriving in special rooms */
         } else {
             if (shopdoor && madeby_u)
                 pay_for_damage("ruin", FALSE);
             if (newobjs)
                 impact_drop((struct obj *) 0, x, y, 0);
             if (mtmp) {
                 /*[don't we need special sokoban handling here?]*/
                 if (is_flyer(mtmp->data) || is_floater(mtmp->data)
                     || mtmp->data == &mons[PM_WUMPUS]
                     || (mtmp->wormno && count_wsegs(mtmp) > 5)
                     || mtmp->data->msize >= MZ_HUGE)
                 if (mtmp == u.ustuck) /* probably a vortex */
                     return;           /* temporary? kludge */
                 if (teleport_pet(mtmp, FALSE)) {
                     d_level tolevel;
                     if (Is_stronghold(& {
                         assign_level(&tolevel, &valley_level);
                     } else if (Is_botlevel(& {
                         if (canseemon(mtmp))
                             pline("%s avoids the trap.", Monnam(mtmp));
                     } else {
                         get_level(&tolevel, depth(& + 1);
                     if (mtmp->isshk)
                         make_angry_shk(mtmp, 0, 0);
                     migrate_to_level(mtmp, ledger_no(&tolevel), MIGR_RANDOM,
                                      (coord *) 0);


  * Called from dighole(), but also from do_break_wand()
  * in apply.c.
 liquid_flow(x, y, typ, ttmp, fillmsg)
 xchar x, y;
 schar typ;
 struct trap *ttmp;
 const char *fillmsg;
     boolean u_spot = (x == u.ux && y ==;
     if (ttmp)
         (void) delfloortrap(ttmp);
     /* if any objects were frozen here, they're released now */
     unearth_objs(x, y);
     if (fillmsg)
         pline(fillmsg, typ == LAVAPOOL ? "lava" : "water");
     if (u_spot && !(Levitation || Flying)) {
         if (typ == LAVAPOOL)
             (void) lava_effects();
         else if (!Wwalking)
             (void) drown();


 /* return TRUE if digging succeeded, FALSE otherwise */
 dighole(pit_only, by_magic, cc)
 boolean pit_only, by_magic;
 coord *cc;
     register struct trap *ttmp;
     struct rm *lev;
     struct obj *boulder_here;
     schar typ;
     xchar dig_x, dig_y;
     boolean nohole;
     if (!cc) {
         dig_x = u.ux;
         dig_y =;
     } else {
         dig_x = cc->x;
         dig_y = cc->y;
         if (!isok(dig_x, dig_y))
             return FALSE;
     ttmp = t_at(dig_x, dig_y);
     lev = &levl[dig_x][dig_y];
     nohole = (!Can_dig_down(& && !lev->candig);
     if ((ttmp && (ttmp->ttyp == MAGIC_PORTAL
                   || ttmp->ttyp == VIBRATING_SQUARE || nohole))
         || (IS_ROCK(lev->typ) && lev->typ != SDOOR
             && (lev->wall_info & W_NONDIGGABLE) != 0)) {
         pline_The("%s %shere is too hard to dig in.", surface(dig_x, dig_y),
                   (dig_x != u.ux || dig_y != ? "t" : "");
     } else if (is_pool_or_lava(dig_x, dig_y)) {
         pline_The("%s sloshes furiously for a moment, then subsides.",
                   is_lava(dig_x, dig_y) ? "lava" : "water");
         wake_nearby(); /* splashing */
     } else if (lev->typ == DRAWBRIDGE_DOWN
                || (is_drawbridge_wall(dig_x, dig_y) >= 0)) {
         /* drawbridge_down is the platform crossing the moat when the
            bridge is extended; drawbridge_wall is the open "doorway" or
            closed "door" where the portcullis/mechanism is located */
         if (pit_only) {
             pline_The("drawbridge seems too hard to dig through.");
             return FALSE;
         } else {
             int x = dig_x, y = dig_y;
             /* if under the portcullis, the bridge is adjacent */
             (void) find_drawbridge(&x, &y);
             destroy_drawbridge(x, y);
             return TRUE;
     } else if ((boulder_here = sobj_at(BOULDER, dig_x, dig_y)) != 0) {
         if (ttmp && (ttmp->ttyp == PIT || ttmp->ttyp == SPIKED_PIT)
             && rn2(2)) {
             pline_The("boulder settles into the %spit.",
                       (dig_x != u.ux || dig_y != ? "adjacent " : "");
             ttmp->ttyp = PIT; /* crush spikes */
         } else {
              * digging makes a hole, but the boulder immediately
              * fills it.  Final outcome:  no hole, no boulder.
             pline("KADOOM! The boulder falls in!");
             (void) delfloortrap(ttmp);
         return TRUE;
     } else if (IS_GRAVE(lev->typ)) {
         digactualhole(dig_x, dig_y, BY_YOU, PIT);
         return TRUE;
     } else if (lev->typ == DRAWBRIDGE_UP) {
         /* must be floor or ice, other cases handled above */
         /* dig "pit" and let fluid flow in (if possible) */
         typ = fillholetyp(dig_x, dig_y, FALSE);
         if (typ == ROOM) {
              * We can't dig a hole here since that will destroy
              * the drawbridge.  The following is a cop-out. --dlc
             pline_The("%s %shere is too hard to dig in.",
                       surface(dig_x, dig_y),
                       (dig_x != u.ux || dig_y != ? "t" : "");
             return FALSE;
         lev->drawbridgemask &= ~DB_UNDER;
         lev->drawbridgemask |= (typ == LAVAPOOL) ? DB_LAVA : DB_MOAT;
         liquid_flow(dig_x, dig_y, typ, ttmp,
                     "As you dig, the hole fills with %s!");
         return TRUE;
         /* the following two are here for the wand of digging */
     } else if (IS_THRONE(lev->typ)) {
         pline_The("throne is too hard to break apart.");
     } else if (IS_ALTAR(lev->typ)) {
         pline_The("altar is too hard to break apart.");
     } else {
         typ = fillholetyp(dig_x, dig_y, FALSE);
         if (typ != ROOM) {
             lev->typ = typ;
             liquid_flow(dig_x, dig_y, typ, ttmp,
                         "As you dig, the hole fills with %s!");
             return TRUE;
         /* magical digging disarms settable traps */
         if (by_magic && ttmp
             && (ttmp->ttyp == LANDMINE || ttmp->ttyp == BEAR_TRAP)) {
             int otyp = (ttmp->ttyp == LANDMINE) ? LAND_MINE : BEARTRAP;
             /* convert trap into buried object (deletes trap) */
             cnv_trap_obj(otyp, 1, ttmp, TRUE);
         /* finally we get to make a hole */
         if (nohole || pit_only)
             digactualhole(dig_x, dig_y, BY_YOU, PIT);
             digactualhole(dig_x, dig_y, BY_YOU, HOLE);
         return TRUE;
     return FALSE;


 coord *cc;
     struct obj *otmp;
     xchar dig_x, dig_y;
     if (!cc) {
         dig_x = u.ux;
         dig_y =;
     } else {
         dig_x = cc->x;
         dig_y = cc->y;
         if (!isok(dig_x, dig_y))
     /* Grave-robbing is frowned upon... */
     exercise(A_WIS, FALSE);
     if (Role_if(PM_ARCHEOLOGIST)) {
         adjalign(-sgn(u.ualign.type) * 3);
         You_feel("like a despicable grave-robber!");
     } else if (Role_if(PM_SAMURAI)) {
         You("disturb the honorable dead!");
     } else if ((u.ualign.type == A_LAWFUL) && (u.ualign.record > -10)) {
         You("have violated the sanctity of this grave!");
     switch (rn2(5)) {
     case 0:
     case 1:
         You("unearth a corpse.");
         if (!!(otmp = mk_tt_object(CORPSE, dig_x, dig_y)))
             otmp->age -= 100; /* this is an *OLD* corpse */
     case 2:
         if (!Blind)
             pline(Hallucination ? "Dude!  The living dead!"
                                 : "The grave's owner is very upset!");
         (void) makemon(mkclass(S_ZOMBIE, 0), dig_x, dig_y, NO_MM_FLAGS);
     case 3:
         if (!Blind)
             pline(Hallucination ? "I want my mummy!"
                                 : "You've disturbed a tomb!");
         (void) makemon(mkclass(S_MUMMY, 0), dig_x, dig_y, NO_MM_FLAGS);
         /* No corpse */
         pline_The("grave seems unused.  Strange....");
     levl[dig_x][dig_y].typ = ROOM;
     del_engr_at(dig_x, dig_y);
     newsym(dig_x, dig_y);


 struct obj *obj;
     const char *sdp, *verb;
     char *dsp, dirsyms[12], qbuf[BUFSZ];
     boolean ispick;
     int rx, ry, downok, res = 0;
     /* Check tool */
     if (obj != uwep) {
         if (!wield_tool(obj, "swing"))
             return 0;
             res = 1;
     ispick = is_pick(obj);
     verb = ispick ? "dig" : "chop";
     if (u.utrap && u.utraptype == TT_WEB) {
         pline("%s you can't %s while entangled in a web.",
               /* res==0 => no prior message;
                  res==1 => just got "You now wield a pick-axe." message */
               !res ? "Unfortunately," : "But", verb);
         return res;
     /* construct list of directions to show player for likely choices */
     downok = !!can_reach_floor(FALSE);
     dsp = dirsyms;
     for (sdp = Cmd.dirchars; *sdp; ++sdp) {
         /* filter out useless directions */
         if (u.uswallow) {
             ; /* all directions are viable when swallowed */
         } else if (movecmd(*sdp)) {
             /* normal direction, within plane of the level map;
                movecmd() sets u.dx, u.dy, and returns ! */
             if (!dxdy_moveok())
                 continue; /* handle NODIAG */
             rx = u.ux + u.dx;
             ry = + u.dy;
             if (!isok(rx, ry) || dig_typ(obj, rx, ry) == DIGTYP_UNDIGGABLE)
         } else {
             /* up or down; we used to always include down, so that
                there would always be at least one choice shown, but
                it shouldn't be a likely candidate when floating high
                above the floor; include up instead in that situation
                (as a silly candidate rather than a likely one...) */
             if (( > 0) ^ downok)
         /* include this direction */
         *dsp++ = *sdp;
     *dsp = 0;
     Sprintf(qbuf, "In what direction do you want to %s? [%s]", verb, dirsyms);
     if (!getdir(qbuf))
         return res;
     return use_pick_axe2(obj);


 /* MRKR: use_pick_axe() is split in two to allow autodig to bypass */
 /*       the "In what direction do you want to dig?" query.        */
 /*       use_pick_axe2() uses the existing u.dx, u.dy and    */
 struct obj *obj;
     register int rx, ry;
     register struct rm *lev;
     struct trap *trap, *trap_with_u;
     int dig_target;
     boolean ispick = is_pick(obj);
     const char *verbing = ispick ? "digging" : "chopping";
     if (u.uswallow && attack(u.ustuck)) {
         ; /* return 1 */
     } else if (Underwater) {
         pline("Turbulence torpedoes your %s attempts.", verbing);
     } else if ( < 0) {
         if (Levitation)
             You("don't have enough leverage.");
             You_cant("reach the %s.", ceiling(u.ux,;
     } else if (!u.dx && !u.dy && ! {
         char buf[BUFSZ];
         int dam;
         dam = rnd(2) + dbon() + obj->spe;
         if (dam <= 0)
             dam = 1;
         You("hit yourself with %s.", yname(uwep));
         Sprintf(buf, "%s own %s", uhis(), OBJ_NAME(objects[obj->otyp]));
         losehp(Maybe_Half_Phys(dam), buf, KILLED_BY);
         context.botl = 1;
         return 1;
     } else if ( == 0) {
         if (Stunned || (Confusion && !rn2(5)))
         rx = u.ux + u.dx;
         ry = + u.dy;
         if (!isok(rx, ry)) {
             return 1;
         lev = &levl[rx][ry];
         if (MON_AT(rx, ry) && attack(m_at(rx, ry)))
             return 1;
         dig_target = dig_typ(obj, rx, ry);
         if (dig_target == DIGTYP_UNDIGGABLE) {
             /* ACCESSIBLE or POOL */
             trap = t_at(rx, ry);
             if (trap && trap->ttyp == WEB) {
                 if (!trap->tseen) {
                     There("is a spider web there!");
                 pline("%s entangled in the web.", Yobjnam2(obj, "become"));
                 /* you ought to be able to let go; tough luck */
                 /* (maybe `move_into_trap()' would be better) */
                 nomul(-d(2, 2));
                 multi_reason = "stuck in a spider web";
                 nomovemsg = "You pull free.";
             } else if (lev->typ == IRONBARS) {
             } else if (IS_TREE(lev->typ))
                 You("need an axe to cut down a tree.");
             else if (IS_ROCK(lev->typ))
                 You("need a pick to dig rock.");
             else if (!ispick && (sobj_at(STATUE, rx, ry)
                                  || sobj_at(BOULDER, rx, ry))) {
                 boolean vibrate = !rn2(3);
                 pline("Sparks fly as you whack the %s.%s",
                       sobj_at(STATUE, rx, ry) ? "statue" : "boulder",
                       vibrate ? " The axe-handle vibrates violently!" : "");
                 if (vibrate)
                     losehp(Maybe_Half_Phys(2), "axing a hard object",
             } else if (u.utrap && u.utraptype == TT_PIT && trap
                        && (trap_with_u = t_at(u.ux,
                        && (trap->ttyp == PIT || trap->ttyp == SPIKED_PIT)
                        && !conjoined_pits(trap, trap_with_u, FALSE)) {
                 int idx;
                 for (idx = 0; idx < 8; idx++) {
                     if (xdir[idx] == u.dx && ydir[idx] == u.dy)
                 /* idx is valid if < 8 */
                 if (idx < 8) {
                     int adjidx = (idx + 4) % 8;
                     trap_with_u->conjoined |= (1 << idx);
                     trap->conjoined |= (1 << adjidx);
                     pline("You clear some debris from between the pits.");
             } else if (u.utrap && u.utraptype == TT_PIT
                        && (trap_with_u = t_at(u.ux, {
                 You("swing %s, but the rubble has no place to go.",
                     yobjnam(obj, (char *) 0));
             } else
                 You("swing %s through thin air.", yobjnam(obj, (char *) 0));
         } else {
             static const char *const d_action[6] = { "swinging", "digging",
                                                      "chipping the statue",
                                                      "hitting the boulder",
                                                      "chopping at the door",
                                                      "cutting the tree" };
             did_dig_msg = FALSE;
             context.digging.quiet = FALSE;
             if (context.digging.pos.x != rx || context.digging.pos.y != ry
                 || !on_level(&context.digging.level, &
                 || context.digging.down) {
                 if (flags.autodig && dig_target == DIGTYP_ROCK
                     && !context.digging.down && context.digging.pos.x == u.ux
                     && context.digging.pos.y ==
                     && (moves <= context.digging.lastdigtime + 2
                         && moves >= context.digging.lastdigtime)) {
                     /* avoid messages if repeated autodigging */
                     did_dig_msg = TRUE;
                     context.digging.quiet = TRUE;
                 context.digging.down = context.digging.chew = FALSE;
                 context.digging.warned = FALSE;
                 context.digging.pos.x = rx;
                 context.digging.pos.y = ry;
                 assign_level(&context.digging.level, &;
                 context.digging.effort = 0;
                 if (!context.digging.quiet)
                     You("start %s.", d_action[dig_target]);
             } else {
                 You("%s %s.", context.digging.chew ? "begin" : "continue",
                 context.digging.chew = FALSE;
             set_occupation(dig, verbing, 0);
     } else if (Is_airlevel(& || Is_waterlevel(& {
         /* it must be air -- water checked above */
         You("swing %s through thin air.", yobjnam(obj, (char *) 0));
     } else if (!can_reach_floor(FALSE)) {
         cant_reach_floor(u.ux,, FALSE, FALSE);
     } else if (is_pool_or_lava(u.ux, {
         /* Monsters which swim also happen not to be able to dig */
         You("cannot stay under%s long enough.",
             is_pool(u.ux, ? "water" : " the lava");
     } else if ((trap = t_at(u.ux, != 0
                && uteetering_at_seen_pit(trap)) {
         dotrap(trap, FORCEBUNGLE);
         /* might escape trap and still be teetering at brink */
         if (!u.utrap)
             cant_reach_floor(u.ux,, FALSE, TRUE);
     } else if (!ispick
                /* can only dig down with an axe when doing so will
                   trigger or disarm a trap here */
                && (!trap || (trap->ttyp != LANDMINE
                              && trap->ttyp != BEAR_TRAP))) {
         pline("%s merely scratches the %s.", Yobjnam2(obj, (char *) 0),
     } else {
         if (context.digging.pos.x != u.ux || context.digging.pos.y !=
             || !on_level(&context.digging.level, &
             || !context.digging.down) {
             context.digging.chew = FALSE;
             context.digging.down = TRUE;
             context.digging.warned = FALSE;
             context.digging.pos.x = u.ux;
             context.digging.pos.y =;
             assign_level(&context.digging.level, &;
             context.digging.effort = 0;
             You("start %s downward.", verbing);
             if (*u.ushops)
         } else
             You("continue %s downward.", verbing);
         did_dig_msg = FALSE;
         set_occupation(dig, verbing, 0);
     return 1;


  * Town Watchmen frown on damage to the town walls, trees or fountains.
  * It's OK to dig holes in the ground, however.
  * If mtmp is assumed to be a watchman, a watchman is found if mtmp == 0
  * zap == TRUE if wand/spell of digging, FALSE otherwise (chewing)
 watch_dig(mtmp, x, y, zap)
 struct monst *mtmp;
 xchar x, y;
 boolean zap;
     struct rm *lev = &levl[x][y];
     if (in_town(x, y)
         && (closed_door(x, y) || lev->typ == SDOOR || IS_WALL(lev->typ)
             || IS_FOUNTAIN(lev->typ) || IS_TREE(lev->typ))) {
         if (!mtmp) {
             for (mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon) {
                 if (DEADMONSTER(mtmp))
                 if (is_watch(mtmp->data) && mtmp->mcansee && m_canseeu(mtmp)
                     && couldsee(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my) && mtmp->mpeaceful)
         if (mtmp) {
             if (zap || context.digging.warned) {
                 verbalize("Halt, vandal!  You're under arrest!");
                 (void) angry_guards(!!Deaf);
             } else {
                 const char *str;
                 if (IS_DOOR(lev->typ))
                     str = "door";
                 else if (IS_TREE(lev->typ))
                     str = "tree";
                 else if (IS_ROCK(lev->typ))
                     str = "wall";
                     str = "fountain";
                 verbalize("Hey, stop damaging that %s!", str);
                 context.digging.warned = TRUE;
             if (is_digging())


 /* Return TRUE if monster died, FALSE otherwise.  Called from m_move(). */
 register struct monst *mtmp;
     register struct rm *here;
     int pile = rnd(12);
     here = &levl[mtmp->mx][mtmp->my];
     if (here->typ == SDOOR)
         cvt_sdoor_to_door(here); /* ->typ = DOOR */
     /* Eats away door if present & closed or locked */
     if (closed_door(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my)) {
         if (*in_rooms(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my, SHOPBASE))
             add_damage(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my, 0L);
         unblock_point(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my); /* vision */
         if (here->doormask & D_TRAPPED) {
             here->doormask = D_NODOOR;
             if (mb_trapped(mtmp)) { /* mtmp is killed */
                 newsym(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
                 return TRUE;
         } else {
             if (!rn2(3) && flags.verbose) /* not too often.. */
                 draft_message(TRUE); /* "You feel an unexpected draft." */
             here->doormask = D_BROKEN;
         newsym(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
         return FALSE;
     } else if (here->typ == SCORR) {
         here->typ = CORR;
         unblock_point(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
         newsym(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
         draft_message(FALSE); /* "You feel a draft." */
         return FALSE;
     } else if (!IS_ROCK(here->typ) && !IS_TREE(here->typ)) /* no dig */
         return FALSE;
     /* Only rock, trees, and walls fall through to this point. */
     if ((here->wall_info & W_NONDIGGABLE) != 0) {
         impossible("mdig_tunnel:  %s at (%d,%d) is undiggable",
                    (IS_WALL(here->typ) ? "wall"
                     : IS_TREE(here->typ) ? "tree" : "stone"),
                    (int) mtmp->mx, (int) mtmp->my);
         return FALSE; /* still alive */
     if (IS_WALL(here->typ)) {
         /* KMH -- Okay on arboreal levels (room walls are still stone) */
         if (flags.verbose && !rn2(5))
             You_hear("crashing rock.");
         if (*in_rooms(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my, SHOPBASE))
             add_damage(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my, 0L);
         if (level.flags.is_maze_lev) {
             here->typ = ROOM;
         } else if (level.flags.is_cavernous_lev
                    && !in_town(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my)) {
             here->typ = CORR;
         } else {
             here->typ = DOOR;
             here->doormask = D_NODOOR;
     } else if (IS_TREE(here->typ)) {
         here->typ = ROOM;
         if (pile && pile < 5)
             (void) rnd_treefruit_at(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
     } else {
         here->typ = CORR;
         if (pile && pile < 5)
             (void) mksobj_at((pile == 1) ? BOULDER : ROCK, mtmp->mx, mtmp->my,
                              TRUE, FALSE);
     newsym(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);
     if (!sobj_at(BOULDER, mtmp->mx, mtmp->my))
         unblock_point(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my); /* vision */
     return FALSE;


 #define STRIDENT 4 /* from pray.c */
 /* draft refers to air currents, but can be a pun on "draft" as conscription
    for military service (probably not a good pun if it has to be explained) */
 boolean unexpected;
      * [Bug or TODO?  Have caller pass coordinates and use the travel
      * mechanism to determine whether there is a path between
      * destroyed door (or exposed secret corridor) and hero's location.
      * When there is no such path, no draft should be felt.]
     if (unexpected) {
         if (!Hallucination)
             You_feel("an unexpected draft.");
             /* U.S. classification system uses 1-A for eligible to serve
                and 4-F for ineligible due to physical or mental defect;
                some intermediate values exist but are rarely seen */
             You_feel("like you are %s.",
                      (ACURR(A_STR) < 6 || ACURR(A_DEX) < 6
                       || ACURR(A_CON) < 6 || ACURR(A_CHA) < 6
                       || ACURR(A_INT) < 6 || ACURR(A_WIS) < 6) ? "4-F"
                                                                : "1-A");
     } else {
         if (!Hallucination) {
             You_feel("a draft.");
         } else {
             /* "marching" is deliberately ambiguous; it might mean drills
                 after entering military service or mean engaging in protests */
             static const char *draft_reaction[] = {
                 "enlisting", "marching", "protesting", "fleeing",
             int dridx;
             /* Lawful: 0..1, Neutral: 1..2, Chaotic: 2..3 */
             dridx = rn1(2, 1 - sgn(u.ualign.type));
             if (u.ualign.record < STRIDENT)
                 /* L: +(0..2), N: +(-1..1), C: +(-2..0); all: 0..3 */
                 dridx += rn1(3, sgn(u.ualign.type) - 1);
             You_feel("like %s.", draft_reaction[dridx]);


 /* digging via wand zap or spell cast */
     struct rm *room;
     struct monst *mtmp;
     struct obj *otmp;
     struct trap *trap_with_u = (struct trap *) 0;
     int zx, zy, diridx = 8, digdepth, flow_x = -1, flow_y = -1;
     boolean shopdoor, shopwall, maze_dig, pitdig = FALSE, pitflow = FALSE;
      * Original effect (approximately):
      * from CORR: dig until we pierce a wall
      * from ROOM: pierce wall and dig until we reach
      * an ACCESSIBLE place.
      * Currently: dig for digdepth positions;
      * also down on request of Lennart Augustsson.
      * 3.6.0: from a PIT: dig one adjacent pit.
     if (u.uswallow) {
         mtmp = u.ustuck;
         if (!is_whirly(mtmp->data)) {
             if (is_animal(mtmp->data))
                 You("pierce %s %s wall!", s_suffix(mon_nam(mtmp)),
                     mbodypart(mtmp, STOMACH));
             mtmp->mhp = 1; /* almost dead */
             expels(mtmp, mtmp->data, !is_animal(mtmp->data));
     } /* swallowed */
     if ( {
         if (!Is_airlevel(& && !Is_waterlevel(& && !Underwater) {
             if ( < 0 || On_stairs(u.ux, {
                 int dmg;
                 if (On_stairs(u.ux,
                     pline_The("beam bounces off the %s and hits the %s.",
                               (u.ux == xdnladder || u.ux == xupladder)
                                   ? "ladder"
                                   : "stairs",
                 You("loosen a rock from the %s.", ceiling(u.ux,;
                 pline("It falls on your %s!", body_part(HEAD));
                 dmg = rnd((uarmh && is_metallic(uarmh)) ? 2 : 6);
                 losehp(Maybe_Half_Phys(dmg), "falling rock", KILLED_BY_AN);
                 otmp = mksobj_at(ROCK, u.ux,, FALSE, FALSE);
                 if (otmp) {
                     (void) xname(otmp); /* set dknown, maybe bknown */
             } else {
                 watch_dig((struct monst *) 0, u.ux,, TRUE);
                 (void) dighole(FALSE, TRUE, (coord *) 0);
     } /* up or down */
     /* normal case: digging across the level */
     shopdoor = shopwall = FALSE;
     maze_dig = level.flags.is_maze_lev && !Is_earthlevel(&;
     zx = u.ux + u.dx;
     zy = + u.dy;
     if (u.utrap && u.utraptype == TT_PIT
         && (trap_with_u = t_at(u.ux, {
         pitdig = TRUE;
         for (diridx = 0; diridx < 8; diridx++) {
             if (xdir[diridx] == u.dx && ydir[diridx] == u.dy)
             /* diridx is valid if < 8 */
     digdepth = rn1(18, 8);
     tmp_at(DISP_BEAM, cmap_to_glyph(S_digbeam));
     while (--digdepth >= 0) {
         if (!isok(zx, zy))
         room = &levl[zx][zy];
         tmp_at(zx, zy);
         delay_output(); /* wait a little bit */
         if (pitdig) { /* we are already in a pit if this is true */
             coord cc;
             struct trap *adjpit = t_at(zx, zy);
             if ((diridx < 8) && !conjoined_pits(adjpit, trap_with_u, FALSE)) {
                 digdepth = 0; /* limited to the adjacent location only */
                 if (!(adjpit && (adjpit->ttyp == PIT
                                  || adjpit->ttyp == SPIKED_PIT))) {
                     char buf[BUFSZ];
                     cc.x = zx;
                     cc.y = zy;
                     if (!adj_pit_checks(&cc, buf)) {
                         if (buf[0])
                     } else {
                         /* this can also result in a pool at zx,zy */
                         dighole(TRUE, TRUE, &cc);
                         adjpit = t_at(zx, zy);
                 if (adjpit
                     && (adjpit->ttyp == PIT || adjpit->ttyp == SPIKED_PIT)) {
                     int adjidx = (diridx + 4) % 8;
                     trap_with_u->conjoined |= (1 << diridx);
                     adjpit->conjoined |= (1 << adjidx);
                     flow_x = zx;
                     flow_y = zy;
                     pitflow = TRUE;
                 if (is_pool(zx, zy) || is_lava(zx, zy)) {
                     flow_x = zx - u.dx;
                     flow_y = zy - u.dy;
                     pitflow = TRUE;
         } else if (closed_door(zx, zy) || room->typ == SDOOR) {
             if (*in_rooms(zx, zy, SHOPBASE)) {
                 add_damage(zx, zy, 400L);
                 shopdoor = TRUE;
             if (room->typ == SDOOR)
                 room->typ = DOOR;
             else if (cansee(zx, zy))
                 pline_The("door is razed!");
             watch_dig((struct monst *) 0, zx, zy, TRUE);
             room->doormask = D_NODOOR;
             unblock_point(zx, zy); /* vision */
             digdepth -= 2;
             if (maze_dig)
         } else if (maze_dig) {
             if (IS_WALL(room->typ)) {
                 if (!(room->wall_info & W_NONDIGGABLE)) {
                     if (*in_rooms(zx, zy, SHOPBASE)) {
                         add_damage(zx, zy, 200L);
                         shopwall = TRUE;
                     room->typ = ROOM;
                     unblock_point(zx, zy); /* vision */
                 } else if (!Blind)
                     pline_The("wall glows then fades.");
             } else if (IS_TREE(room->typ)) { /* check trees before stone */
                 if (!(room->wall_info & W_NONDIGGABLE)) {
                     room->typ = ROOM;
                     unblock_point(zx, zy); /* vision */
                 } else if (!Blind)
                     pline_The("tree shudders but is unharmed.");
             } else if (room->typ == STONE || room->typ == SCORR) {
                 if (!(room->wall_info & W_NONDIGGABLE)) {
                     room->typ = CORR;
                     unblock_point(zx, zy); /* vision */
                 } else if (!Blind)
                     pline_The("rock glows then fades.");
         } else if (IS_ROCK(room->typ)) {
             if (!may_dig(zx, zy))
             if (IS_WALL(room->typ) || room->typ == SDOOR) {
                 if (*in_rooms(zx, zy, SHOPBASE)) {
                     add_damage(zx, zy, 200L);
                     shopwall = TRUE;
                 watch_dig((struct monst *) 0, zx, zy, TRUE);
                 if (level.flags.is_cavernous_lev && !in_town(zx, zy)) {
                     room->typ = CORR;
                 } else {
                     room->typ = DOOR;
                     room->doormask = D_NODOOR;
                 digdepth -= 2;
             } else if (IS_TREE(room->typ)) {
                 room->typ = ROOM;
                 digdepth -= 2;
             } else { /* IS_ROCK but not IS_WALL or SDOOR */
                 room->typ = CORR;
             unblock_point(zx, zy); /* vision */
         zx += u.dx;
         zy += u.dy;
     }                    /* while */
     tmp_at(DISP_END, 0); /* closing call */
     if (pitflow && isok(flow_x, flow_y)) {
         struct trap *ttmp = t_at(flow_x, flow_y);
         if (ttmp && (ttmp->ttyp == PIT || ttmp->ttyp == SPIKED_PIT)) {
             schar filltyp = fillholetyp(ttmp->tx, ttmp->ty, TRUE);
             if (filltyp != ROOM)
                 pit_flow(ttmp, filltyp);
     if (shopdoor || shopwall)
         pay_for_damage(shopdoor ? "destroy" : "dig into", FALSE);


  * This checks what is on the surface above the
  * location where an adjacent pit might be created if
  * you're zapping a wand of digging laterally while
  * down in the pit.
 adj_pit_checks(cc, msg)
 coord *cc;
 char *msg;
     int ltyp;
     struct rm *room;
     const char *foundation_msg =
         "The foundation is too hard to dig through from this angle.";
     if (!cc)
         return FALSE;
     if (!isok(cc->x, cc->y))
         return FALSE;
     *msg = '\0';
     room = &levl[cc->x][cc->y];
     ltyp = room->typ;
     if (is_pool(cc->x, cc->y) || is_lava(cc->x, cc->y)) {
         /* this is handled by the caller after we return FALSE */
         return FALSE;
     } else if (closed_door(cc->x, cc->y) || room->typ == SDOOR) {
         /* We reject this here because dighole() isn't
            prepared to deal with this case */
         Strcpy(msg, foundation_msg);
         return FALSE;
     } else if (IS_WALL(ltyp)) {
         /* if (room->wall_info & W_NONDIGGABLE) */
         Strcpy(msg, foundation_msg);
         return FALSE;
     } else if (IS_TREE(ltyp)) { /* check trees before stone */
         /* if (room->wall_info & W_NONDIGGABLE) */
         Strcpy(msg, "The tree's roots glow then fade.");
         return FALSE;
     } else if (ltyp == STONE || ltyp == SCORR) {
         if (room->wall_info & W_NONDIGGABLE) {
             Strcpy(msg, "The rock glows then fades.");
             return FALSE;
     } else if (ltyp == IRONBARS) {
         /* "set of iron bars" */
         Strcpy(msg, "The bars go much deeper than your pit.");
 #if 0
     } else if (is_lava(cc->x, cc->y)) {
     } else if (is_ice(cc->x, cc->y)) {
     } else if (is_pool(cc->x, cc->y)) {
     } else if (IS_GRAVE(ltyp)) {
     } else if (IS_SINK(ltyp)) {
         Strcpy(msg, "A tangled mass of plumbing remains below the sink.");
         return FALSE;
     } else if ((cc->x == xupladder && cc->y == yupladder) /* ladder up */
                || (cc->x == xdnladder && cc->y == ydnladder)) { /* " down */
         Strcpy(msg, "The ladder is unaffected.");
         return FALSE;
     } else {
         const char *supporting = (const char *) 0;
         if (IS_FOUNTAIN(ltyp))
             supporting = "fountain";
         else if (IS_THRONE(ltyp))
             supporting = "throne";
         else if (IS_ALTAR(ltyp))
             supporting = "altar";
         else if ((cc->x == xupstair && cc->y == yupstair)
                  || (cc->x == && cc->y ==
                      && sstairs.up))
             /* "staircase up" */
             supporting = "stairs";
         else if ((cc->x == xdnstair && cc->y == ydnstair)
                  || (cc->x == && cc->y ==
                      && !sstairs.up))
             /* "staircase down" */
             supporting = "stairs";
         else if (ltyp == DRAWBRIDGE_DOWN   /* "lowered drawbridge" */
                  || ltyp == DBWALL)        /* "raised drawbridge" */
             supporting = "drawbridge";
         if (supporting) {
             Sprintf(msg, "The %s%ssupporting structures remain intact.",
                     supporting ? s_suffix(supporting) : "",
                     supporting ? " " : "");
             return FALSE;
     return TRUE;


  * Ensure that all conjoined pits fill up.
 pit_flow(trap, filltyp)
 struct trap *trap;
 schar filltyp;
     if (trap && (filltyp != ROOM)
         && (trap->ttyp == PIT || trap->ttyp == SPIKED_PIT)) {
         struct trap t;
         int idx;
         t = *trap;
         levl[trap->tx][trap->ty].typ = filltyp;
         liquid_flow(trap->tx, trap->ty, filltyp, trap,
                     (trap->tx == u.ux && trap->ty ==
                         ? "Suddenly %s flows in from the adjacent pit!"
                         : (char *) 0);
         for (idx = 0; idx < 8; ++idx) {
             if (t.conjoined & (1 << idx)) {
                 int x, y;
                 struct trap *t2;
                 x = t.tx + xdir[idx];
                 y = t.ty + ydir[idx];
                 t2 = t_at(x, y);
 #if 0
                 /* cannot do this back-check; liquid_flow()
                  * called deltrap() which cleaned up the
                  * conjoined fields on both pits.
                 if (t2 && (t2->conjoined & (1 << ((idx + 4) % 8))))
                 /* recursion */
                 pit_flow(t2, filltyp);


 struct obj *
 coord *cc;
     xchar check_x, check_y;
     struct obj *otmp, *otmp2;
     if (u.utraptype == TT_BURIEDBALL)
         for (otmp = level.buriedobjlist; otmp; otmp = otmp2) {
             otmp2 = otmp->nobj;
             if (otmp->otyp != HEAVY_IRON_BALL)
             /* try the exact location first */
             if (otmp->ox == cc->x && otmp->oy == cc->y)
                 return otmp;
             /* Now try the vicinity */
              * (x-2,y-2)       (x+2,y-2)
              *           (x,y)
              * (x-2,y+2)       (x+2,y+2)
             for (check_x = cc->x - 2; check_x <= cc->x + 2; ++check_x)
                 for (check_y = cc->y - 2; check_y <= cc->y + 2; ++check_y) {
                     if (check_x == cc->x && check_y == cc->y)
                     if (isok(check_x, check_y)
                         && (otmp->ox == check_x && otmp->oy == check_y)) {
                         cc->x = check_x;
                         cc->y = check_y;
                         return otmp;
     return (struct obj *) 0;


     coord cc;
     struct obj *ball;
     cc.x = u.ux;
     cc.y =;
     ball = buried_ball(&cc);
     if (ball) {
 #if 0
         /* rusting buried metallic objects is not implemented yet */
         if (ball->timed)
             (void) stop_timer(RUST_METAL, obj_to_any(ball));
         punish(ball); /* use ball as flag for unearthed buried ball */
         u.utrap = 0;
         u.utraptype = 0;
         del_engr_at(cc.x, cc.y);
         newsym(cc.x, cc.y);


     coord cc;
     struct obj *ball;
     cc.x = u.ux;
     cc.y =;
     ball = buried_ball(&cc);
     if (ball) {
 #if 0
         /* rusting buried metallic objects is not implemented yet */
         if (ball->timed)
             (void) stop_timer(RUST_METAL, obj_to_any(ball));
         place_object(ball, cc.x, cc.y);
         u.utrap = 0;
         u.utraptype = 0;
         del_engr_at(cc.x, cc.y);
         newsym(cc.x, cc.y);


 /* move objects from fobj/nexthere lists to buriedobjlist, keeping position
    information */
 struct obj *
 bury_an_obj(otmp, dealloced)
 struct obj *otmp;
 boolean *dealloced;
     struct obj *otmp2;
     boolean under_ice;
     debugpline1("bury_an_obj: %s", xname(otmp));
     if (dealloced)
         *dealloced = FALSE;
     if (otmp == uball) {
         u.utrap = rn1(50, 20);
         u.utraptype = TT_BURIEDBALL;
         pline_The("iron ball gets buried!");
     /* after unpunish(), or might get deallocated chain */
     otmp2 = otmp->nexthere;
      * obj_resists(,0,0) prevents Rider corpses from being buried.
      * It also prevents The Amulet and invocation tools from being
      * buried.  Since they can't be confined to bags and statues,
      * it makes sense that they can't be buried either, even though
      * the real reason there (direct accessibility when carried) is
      * completely different.
     if (otmp == uchain || obj_resists(otmp, 0, 0))
         return otmp2;
     if (otmp->otyp == LEASH && otmp->leashmon != 0)
     if (otmp->lamplit && otmp->otyp != POT_OIL)
         end_burn(otmp, TRUE);
     under_ice = is_ice(otmp->ox, otmp->oy);
     if (otmp->otyp == ROCK && !under_ice) {
         /* merges into burying material */
         if (dealloced)
             *dealloced = TRUE;
         obfree(otmp, (struct obj *) 0);
         return otmp2;
      * Start a rot on organic material.  Not corpses -- they
      * are already handled.
     if (otmp->otyp == CORPSE) {
         ; /* should cancel timer if under_ice */
     } else if ((under_ice ? otmp->oclass == POTION_CLASS : is_organic(otmp))
                && !obj_resists(otmp, 5, 95)) {
         (void) start_timer((under_ice ? 0L : 250L) + (long) rnd(250),
                            TIMER_OBJECT, ROT_ORGANIC, obj_to_any(otmp));
 #if 0
     /* rusting of buried metal not yet implemented */
     } else if (is_rustprone(otmp)) {
         (void) start_timer((long) rnd((otmp->otyp == HEAVY_IRON_BALL)
                                          ? 1500
                                          : 250),
                            TIMER_OBJECT, RUST_METAL, obj_to_any(otmp));
     return  otmp2;


 bury_objs(x, y)
 int x, y;
     struct obj *otmp, *otmp2;
     if (level.objects[x][y] != (struct obj *) 0) {
         debugpline2("bury_objs: at <%d,%d>", x, y);
     for (otmp = level.objects[x][y]; otmp; otmp = otmp2)
         otmp2 = bury_an_obj(otmp, (boolean *) 0);
     /* don't expect any engravings here, but just in case */
     del_engr_at(x, y);
     newsym(x, y);


 /* move objects from buriedobjlist to fobj/nexthere lists */
 unearth_objs(x, y)
 int x, y;
     struct obj *otmp, *otmp2, *bball;
     coord cc;
     debugpline2("unearth_objs: at <%d,%d>", x, y);
     cc.x = x;
     cc.y = y;
     bball = buried_ball(&cc);
     for (otmp = level.buriedobjlist; otmp; otmp = otmp2) {
         otmp2 = otmp->nobj;
         if (otmp->ox == x && otmp->oy == y) {
             if (bball && otmp == bball && u.utraptype == TT_BURIEDBALL) {
             } else {
                 if (otmp->timed)
                     (void) stop_timer(ROT_ORGANIC, obj_to_any(otmp));
                 place_object(otmp, x, y);
     del_engr_at(x, y);
     newsym(x, y);


  * The organic material has rotted away while buried.  As an expansion,
  * we could add add partial damage.  A damage count is kept in the object
  * and every time we are called we increment the count and reschedule another
  * timeout.  Eventually the object rots away.
  * This is used by buried objects other than corpses.  When a container rots
  * away, any contents become newly buried objects.
 rot_organic(arg, timeout)
 anything *arg;
 long timeout UNUSED;
     struct obj *obj = arg->a_obj;
     while (Has_contents(obj)) {
         /* We don't need to place contained object on the floor
            first, but we do need to update its map coordinates. */
         obj->cobj->ox = obj->ox, obj->cobj->oy = obj->oy;
         /* Everything which can be held in a container can also be
            buried, so bury_an_obj's use of obj_extract_self insures
            that Has_contents(obj) will eventually become false. */
         (void) bury_an_obj(obj->cobj, (boolean *) 0);
     obfree(obj, (struct obj *) 0);


  * Called when a corpse has rotted completely away.
 rot_corpse(arg, timeout)
 anything *arg;
 long timeout;
     xchar x = 0, y = 0;
     struct obj *obj = arg->a_obj;
     boolean on_floor = obj->where == OBJ_FLOOR,
             in_invent = obj->where == OBJ_INVENT;
     if (on_floor) {
         x = obj->ox;
         y = obj->oy;
     } else if (in_invent) {
         if (flags.verbose) {
             char *cname = corpse_xname(obj, (const char *) 0, CXN_NO_PFX);
             Your("%s%s %s away%c", obj == uwep ? "wielded " : "", cname,
                  otense(obj, "rot"), obj == uwep ? '!' : '.');
         if (obj == uwep) {
             uwepgone(); /* now bare handed */
         } else if (obj == uswapwep) {
         } else if (obj == uquiver) {
     } else if (obj->where == OBJ_MINVENT && obj->owornmask) {
         if (obj == MON_WEP(obj->ocarry))
             setmnotwielded(obj->ocarry, obj);
     } else if (obj->where == OBJ_MIGRATING) {
         /* clear destination flag so that obfree()'s check for
            freeing a worn object doesn't get a false hit */
         obj->owornmask = 0L;
     rot_organic(arg, timeout);
     if (on_floor) {
         struct monst *mtmp = m_at(x, y);
         /* a hiding monster may be exposed */
         if (mtmp && !OBJ_AT(x, y) && mtmp->mundetected
             && hides_under(mtmp->data)) {
             mtmp->mundetected = 0;
         } else if (x == u.ux && y == && u.uundetected && hides_under(
             (void) hideunder(&youmonst);
         newsym(x, y);
     } else if (in_invent)


None of the following five functions are compiled.

 #if 0
 struct monst *mtmp;
     debugpline1("bury_monst: %s", mon_nam(mtmp));
     if (canseemon(mtmp)) {
         if (is_flyer(mtmp->data) || is_floater(mtmp->data)) {
             pline_The("%s opens up, but %s is not swallowed!",
                       surface(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my), mon_nam(mtmp));
         } else
             pline_The("%s opens up and swallows %s!",
                       surface(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my), mon_nam(mtmp));
     mtmp->mburied = TRUE;
     wakeup(mtmp);       /* at least give it a chance :-) */
     newsym(mtmp->mx, mtmp->my);


     if (!Levitation && !Flying) {
         if (u.uswallow)
             You_feel("a sensation like falling into a trap!");
             pline_The("%s opens beneath you and you fall in!",
         u.uburied = TRUE;
         if (!Strangled && !Breathless)
             Strangled = 6;


     u.uburied = FALSE;
     if (!uamul || uamul->otyp != AMULET_OF_STRANGULATION)
         Strangled = 0;


     if ((Teleportation || can_teleport(
         && (Teleport_control || rn2(3) < Luck+2)) {
         You("attempt a teleport spell.");
         (void) dotele();        /* calls unearth_you() */
     } else if (u.uburied) { /* still buried after 'port attempt */
         boolean good;
         if (amorphous( || Passes_walls
             || noncorporeal(
             || (unsolid(
                 && != &mons[PM_WATER_ELEMENTAL])
             || (tunnels( && !needspick( {
             You("%s up through the %s.",
                 (tunnels( && !needspick(
                    ? "try to tunnel"
                    : (amorphous(
                       ? "ooze"
                       : "phase",
             good = (tunnels( && !needspick(
                       ? dighole(TRUE, FALSE, (coord *)0) : TRUE;
             if (good)


 struct obj *otmp;
     if (cansee(otmp->ox, otmp->oy))
         pline_The("objects on the %s tumble into a hole!",
                   surface(otmp->ox, otmp->oy));
     bury_objs(otmp->ox, otmp->oy);
 #endif /*0*/


 #ifdef DEBUG
 /* bury everything at your loc and around */
     int x, y;
     for (x = u.ux - 1; x <= u.ux + 1; x++)
         for (y = - 1; y <= + 1; y++)
             if (isok(x, y))
                 bury_objs(x, y);
     return 0;
 #endif /* DEBUG */