Source:NetHack 3.6.0/src/files.c

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Below is the full text to files.c from the source code of NetHack 3.6.0. To link to a particular line, write [[Source:NetHack 3.6.0/src/files.c#line123]], for example.

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This content was modified from the original NetHack source code distribution (by splitting up NetHack content between wiki pages, and possibly further editing). See the page history for a list of who changed it, and on what dates.


Top of file

 /* NetHack 3.6	files.c	$NHDT-Date: 1449296293 2015/12/05 06:18:13 $  $NHDT-Branch: NetHack-3.6.0 $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.192 $ */
 /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
 /* NetHack may be freely redistributed.  See license for details. */
 #include "hack.h"
 #include "dlb.h"
 #include "wintty.h" /* more() */
 #if (!defined(MAC) && !defined(O_WRONLY) && !defined(AZTEC_C)) \
     || defined(USE_FCNTL)
 #include <fcntl.h>
 #include <errno.h>
 #ifdef _MSC_VER /* MSC 6.0 defines errno quite differently */
 #if (_MSC_VER >= 600)
 #define SKIP_ERRNO
 #ifdef NHSTDC
 #define SKIP_ERRNO
 #ifndef SKIP_ERRNO
 #ifdef _DCC
     extern int errno;
 #ifdef ZLIB_COMP /* RLC 09 Mar 1999: Support internal ZLIB */
 #include "zlib.h"
 #if defined(UNIX) && defined(QT_GRAPHICS)
 #include <sys/types.h>
 #include <dirent.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #if defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS) || !defined(NO_SIGNAL)
 #include <signal.h>
 #if defined(MSDOS) || defined(OS2) || defined(TOS) || defined(WIN32)
 #ifndef GNUDOS
 #include <sys\stat.h>
 #include <sys/stat.h>
 #ifndef O_BINARY /* used for micros, no-op for others */
 #define O_BINARY 0
 #define FQN_NUMBUF 4
 static char fqn_filename_buffer[FQN_NUMBUF][FQN_MAX_FILENAME];
 #if !defined(MFLOPPY) && !defined(VMS) && !defined(WIN32)
 char bones[] = "";
 char lock[PL_NSIZ + 14] = "1lock"; /* long enough for uid+name+.99 */
 #if defined(MFLOPPY)
 char bones[FILENAME]; /* pathname of bones files */
 char lock[FILENAME];  /* pathname of level files */
 #if defined(VMS)
 char bones[] = ";1";
 char lock[PL_NSIZ + 17] = "1lock"; /* long enough for _uid+name+.99;1 */
 #if defined(WIN32)
 char bones[] = "";
 char lock[PL_NSIZ + 25]; /* long enough for username+-+name+.99 */
 #if defined(UNIX) || defined(__BEOS__)
 #define SAVESIZE (PL_NSIZ + 13) /* save/99999player.e */
 #ifdef VMS
 #define SAVESIZE (PL_NSIZ + 22) /* [.save]<uid>player.e;1 */
 #if defined(WIN32)
 #define SAVESIZE (PL_NSIZ + 40) /* username-player.NetHack-saved-game */
 #define SAVESIZE FILENAME /* from macconf.h or pcconf.h */
 #if !defined(SAVE_EXTENSION)
 #ifdef MICRO
 #define SAVE_EXTENSION ".sav"
 #ifdef WIN32
 #define SAVE_EXTENSION ".NetHack-saved-game"
 char SAVEF[SAVESIZE]; /* holds relative path of save file from playground */
 #ifdef MICRO
 char SAVEP[SAVESIZE]; /* holds path of directory for save file */
 struct level_ftrack {
     int init;
     int fd;    /* file descriptor for level file     */
     int oflag; /* open flags                         */
     boolean nethack_thinks_it_is_open; /* Does NetHack think it's open? */
 } lftrack;
 #if defined(WIN32)
 #include <share.h>
 #define WIZKIT_MAX 128
 static char wizkit[WIZKIT_MAX];
 STATIC_DCL FILE *NDECL(fopen_wizkit_file);
 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(wizkit_addinv, (struct obj *));
 #ifdef AMIGA
 extern char PATH[]; /* see sys/amiga/amidos.c */
 extern char bbs_id[];
 static int lockptr;
 #ifdef __SASC_60
 #include <proto/dos.h>
 #include <libraries/dos.h>
 extern void FDECL(amii_set_text_font, (char *, int));
 #if defined(WIN32) || defined(MSDOS)
 static int lockptr;
 #ifdef MSDOS
 #define Delay(a) msleep(a)
 #define Close close
 #ifndef WIN_CE
 #define DeleteFile unlink
 #ifdef MAC
 #undef unlink
 #define unlink macunlink
 #if (defined(macintosh) && (defined(__SC__) || defined(__MRC__))) \
     || defined(__MWERKS__)
 extern char *sounddir;
 extern int n_dgns; /* from dungeon.c */
 #if defined(UNIX) && defined(QT_GRAPHICS)
 STATIC_PTR int FDECL(CFDECLSPEC strcmp_wrap, (const void *, const void *));
 STATIC_DCL char *FDECL(set_bonesfile_name, (char *, d_level *));
 STATIC_DCL char *NDECL(set_bonestemp_name);
 #ifdef COMPRESS
 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(redirect, (const char *, const char *, FILE *,
 #if defined(COMPRESS) || defined(ZLIB_COMP)
 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(docompress_file, (const char *, BOOLEAN_P));
 #if defined(ZLIB_COMP)
 STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(make_compressed_name, (const char *, char *));
 #ifndef USE_FCNTL
 STATIC_DCL char *FDECL(make_lockname, (const char *, char *));
 STATIC_DCL FILE *FDECL(fopen_config_file, (const char *, int));
 STATIC_DCL int FDECL(get_uchars, (FILE *, char *, char *, uchar *, BOOLEAN_P,
                                   int, const char *));
 int FDECL(parse_config_line, (FILE *, char *, int));
 STATIC_DCL FILE *NDECL(fopen_sym_file);
 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(set_symhandling, (char *, int));
 STATIC_DCL void FDECL(adjust_prefix, (char *, int));
 STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(copy_bytes, (int, int));
 STATIC_DCL int FDECL(open_levelfile_exclusively, (const char *, int, int));

File access handling


  * fname_encode()
  *   Args:
  *      legal       zero-terminated list of acceptable file name characters
  *      quotechar   lead-in character used to quote illegal characters as
  *                  hex digits
  *      s           string to encode
  *      callerbuf   buffer to house result
  *      bufsz       size of callerbuf
  *   Notes:
  *      The hex digits 0-9 and A-F are always part of the legal set due to
  *      their use in the encoding scheme, even if not explicitly included in
  *      'legal'.
  *   Sample:
  *      The following call:
  *  (void)fname_encode("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
  *                     '%', "This is a % test!", buf, 512);
  *      results in this encoding:
  *          "This%20is%20a%20%25%20test%21"
 char *
 fname_encode(legal, quotechar, s, callerbuf, bufsz)
 const char *legal;
 char quotechar;
 char *s, *callerbuf;
 int bufsz;
     char *sp, *op;
     int cnt = 0;
     static char hexdigits[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
     sp = s;
     op = callerbuf;
     *op = '\0';
     while (*sp) {
         /* Do we have room for one more character or encoding? */
         if ((bufsz - cnt) <= 4)
             return callerbuf;
         if (*sp == quotechar) {
             (void) sprintf(op, "%c%02X", quotechar, *sp);
             op += 3;
             cnt += 3;
         } else if ((index(legal, *sp) != 0) || (index(hexdigits, *sp) != 0)) {
             *op++ = *sp;
             *op = '\0';
         } else {
             (void) sprintf(op, "%c%02X", quotechar, *sp);
             op += 3;
             cnt += 3;
     return callerbuf;


  * fname_decode()
  *   Args:
  *      quotechar   lead-in character used to quote illegal characters as
  *                  hex digits
  *      s           string to decode
  *      callerbuf   buffer to house result
  *      bufsz       size of callerbuf
 char *
 fname_decode(quotechar, s, callerbuf, bufsz)
 char quotechar;
 char *s, *callerbuf;
 int bufsz;
     char *sp, *op;
     int k, calc, cnt = 0;
     static char hexdigits[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
     sp = s;
     op = callerbuf;
     *op = '\0';
     calc = 0;
     while (*sp) {
         /* Do we have room for one more character? */
         if ((bufsz - cnt) <= 2)
             return callerbuf;
         if (*sp == quotechar) {
             for (k = 0; k < 16; ++k)
                 if (*sp == hexdigits[k])
             if (k >= 16)
                 return callerbuf; /* impossible, so bail */
             calc = k << 4;
             for (k = 0; k < 16; ++k)
                 if (*sp == hexdigits[k])
             if (k >= 16)
                 return callerbuf; /* impossible, so bail */
             calc += k;
             *op++ = calc;
             *op = '\0';
         } else {
             *op++ = *sp++;
             *op = '\0';
     return callerbuf;


 #define UNUSED_if_not_PREFIXES_IN_USE /*empty*/
 const char *
 fqname(basenam, whichprefix, buffnum)
 const char *basenam;
 int whichprefix UNUSED_if_not_PREFIXES_IN_USE;
 int buffnum UNUSED_if_not_PREFIXES_IN_USE;
     return basenam;
     if (!basenam || whichprefix < 0 || whichprefix >= PREFIX_COUNT)
         return basenam;
     if (!fqn_prefix[whichprefix])
         return basenam;
     if (buffnum < 0 || buffnum >= FQN_NUMBUF) {
         impossible("Invalid fqn_filename_buffer specified: %d", buffnum);
         buffnum = 0;
     if (strlen(fqn_prefix[whichprefix]) + strlen(basenam)
         >= FQN_MAX_FILENAME) {
         impossible("fqname too long: %s + %s", fqn_prefix[whichprefix],
         return basenam; /* XXX */
     Strcpy(fqn_filename_buffer[buffnum], fqn_prefix[whichprefix]);
     return strcat(fqn_filename_buffer[buffnum], basenam);


 char *reasonbuf; /* reasonbuf must be at least BUFSZ, supplied by caller */
     FILE *fp;
     const char *filename;
     int prefcnt, failcount = 0;
     char panicbuf1[BUFSZ], panicbuf2[BUFSZ];
     const char *details;
     if (reasonbuf)
         reasonbuf[0] = '\0';
     for (prefcnt = 1; prefcnt < PREFIX_COUNT; prefcnt++) {
         /* don't test writing to configdir or datadir; they're readonly */
         if (prefcnt == SYSCONFPREFIX || prefcnt == CONFIGPREFIX
             || prefcnt == DATAPREFIX)
         filename = fqname("validate", prefcnt, 3);
         if ((fp = fopen(filename, "w"))) {
             (void) unlink(filename);
         } else {
             if (reasonbuf) {
                 if (failcount)
                     Strcat(reasonbuf, ", ");
                 Strcat(reasonbuf, fqn_prefix_names[prefcnt]);
             /* the paniclog entry gets the value of errno as well */
             Sprintf(panicbuf1, "Invalid %s", fqn_prefix_names[prefcnt]);
 #if defined(NHSTDC) && !defined(NOTSTDC)
             if (!(details = strerror(errno)))
                 details = "";
             Sprintf(panicbuf2, "\"%s\", (%d) %s", fqn_prefix[prefcnt], errno,
             paniclog(panicbuf1, panicbuf2);
     if (failcount)
         return 0;
         return 1;


 /* fopen a file, with OS-dependent bells and whistles */
 /* NOTE: a simpler version of this routine also exists in util/dlb_main.c */
 fopen_datafile(filename, mode, prefix)
 const char *filename, *mode;
 int prefix;
     FILE *fp;
     filename = fqname(filename, prefix, prefix == TROUBLEPREFIX ? 3 : 0);
     fp = fopen(filename, mode);
     return fp;

Level file handling

 /* ----------  BEGIN LEVEL FILE HANDLING ----------- */


 #ifdef MFLOPPY
 /* Set names for bones[] and lock[] */
     if (!ramdisk) {
         Strcpy(levels, permbones);
         Strcpy(bones, permbones);
 #ifdef AMIGA
     strncat(levels, bbs_id, PATHLEN);
     Strcat(bones, "bonesnn.*");
     Strcpy(lock, levels);
 #ifndef AMIGA
     Strcat(lock, alllevels);
 #endif /* MFLOPPY */


 /* Construct a file name for a level-type file, which is of the form
  * something.level (with any old level stripped off).
  * This assumes there is space on the end of 'file' to append
  * a two digit number.  This is true for 'level'
  * but be careful if you use it for other things -dgk
 set_levelfile_name(file, lev)
 char *file;
 int lev;
     char *tf;
     tf = rindex(file, '.');
     if (!tf)
         tf = eos(file);
     Sprintf(tf, ".%d", lev);
 #ifdef VMS
     Strcat(tf, ";1");


 create_levelfile(lev, errbuf)
 int lev;
 char errbuf[];
     int fd;
     const char *fq_lock;
     if (errbuf)
         *errbuf = '\0';
     set_levelfile_name(lock, lev);
     fq_lock = fqname(lock, LEVELPREFIX, 0);
 #if defined(MICRO) || defined(WIN32)
 /* Use O_TRUNC to force the file to be shortened if it already
  * exists and is currently longer.
     if (lev == 0)
         fd = open_levelfile_exclusively(
             fq_lock, lev, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY);
         fd = open(fq_lock, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY, FCMASK);
 #ifdef MAC
     fd = maccreat(fq_lock, LEVL_TYPE);
     fd = creat(fq_lock, FCMASK);
 #endif /* MICRO || WIN32 */
     if (fd >= 0)
         level_info[lev].flags |= LFILE_EXISTS;
     else if (errbuf) /* failure explanation */
         Sprintf(errbuf, "Cannot create file \"%s\" for level %d (errno %d).",
                 lock, lev, errno);
     return fd;


 open_levelfile(lev, errbuf)
 int lev;
 char errbuf[];
     int fd;
     const char *fq_lock;
     if (errbuf)
         *errbuf = '\0';
     set_levelfile_name(lock, lev);
     fq_lock = fqname(lock, LEVELPREFIX, 0);
 #ifdef MFLOPPY
     /* If not currently accessible, swap it in. */
     if (level_info[lev].where != ACTIVE)
 #ifdef MAC
     fd = macopen(fq_lock, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, LEVL_TYPE);
     if (lev == 0)
         fd = open_levelfile_exclusively(fq_lock, lev, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY);
         fd = open(fq_lock, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, 0);
     /* for failure, return an explanation that our caller can use;
        settle for `lock' instead of `fq_lock' because the latter
        might end up being too big for nethack's BUFSZ */
     if (fd < 0 && errbuf)
         Sprintf(errbuf, "Cannot open file \"%s\" for level %d (errno %d).",
                 lock, lev, errno);
     return fd;


 int lev;
      * Level 0 might be created by port specific code that doesn't
      * call create_levfile(), so always assume that it exists.
     if (lev == 0 || (level_info[lev].flags & LFILE_EXISTS)) {
         set_levelfile_name(lock, lev);
         if (lev == 0)
         (void) unlink(fqname(lock, LEVELPREFIX, 0));
         level_info[lev].flags &= ~LFILE_EXISTS;


     if (program_state.preserve_locks)
 #if !defined(PC_LOCKING) && defined(MFLOPPY) && !defined(AMIGA)
     eraseall(levels, alllevels);
     if (ramdisk)
         eraseall(permbones, alllevels);
         register int x;
 #ifndef NO_SIGNAL
         (void) signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
 #if defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS)
         sethanguphandler((void FDECL((*), (int) )) SIG_IGN);
         /* can't access maxledgerno() before dungeons are created -dlc */
         for (x = (n_dgns ? maxledgerno() : 0); x >= 0; x--)
             delete_levelfile(x); /* not all levels need be present */
 #endif /* ?PC_LOCKING,&c */


 #if defined(SELECTSAVED)
 /* qsort comparison routine */
 strcmp_wrap(p, q)
 const void *p;
 const void *q;
 #if defined(UNIX) && defined(QT_GRAPHICS)
     return strncasecmp(*(char **) p, *(char **) q, 16);
     return strncmpi(*(char **) p, *(char **) q, 16);


 open_levelfile_exclusively(name, lev, oflag)
 const char *name;
 int lev, oflag;
     int reslt, fd;
     if (!lftrack.init) {
         lftrack.init = 1;
         lftrack.fd = -1;
     if (lftrack.fd >= 0) {
         /* check for compatible access */
         if (lftrack.oflag == oflag) {
             fd = lftrack.fd;
             reslt = lseek(fd, 0L, SEEK_SET);
             if (reslt == -1L)
                 panic("open_levelfile_exclusively: lseek failed %d", errno);
             lftrack.nethack_thinks_it_is_open = TRUE;
         } else {
             fd = sopen(name, oflag, SH_DENYRW, FCMASK);
             lftrack.fd = fd;
             lftrack.oflag = oflag;
             lftrack.nethack_thinks_it_is_open = TRUE;
     } else {
         fd = sopen(name, oflag, SH_DENYRW, FCMASK);
         lftrack.fd = fd;
         lftrack.oflag = oflag;
         if (fd >= 0)
             lftrack.nethack_thinks_it_is_open = TRUE;
     return fd;


     int fd = lftrack.fd;
     lftrack.nethack_thinks_it_is_open = FALSE;
     lftrack.fd = -1;
     lftrack.oflag = 0;
     if (fd != -1)
         (void) close(fd);


 int fd;
     if (lftrack.fd == fd) {
         really_close(); /* close it, but reopen it to hold it */
         fd = open_levelfile(0, (char *) 0);
         lftrack.nethack_thinks_it_is_open = FALSE;
         return 0;
     return close(fd);


 int fd;
     return close(fd);
 /* ----------  END LEVEL FILE HANDLING ----------- */

Bones file handling

 /* ----------  BEGIN BONES FILE HANDLING ----------- */


 /* set up "file" to be file name for retrieving bones, and return a
  * bonesid to be read/written in the bones file.
 STATIC_OVL char *
 set_bonesfile_name(file, lev)
 char *file;
 d_level *lev;
     s_level *sptr;
     char *dptr;
     Sprintf(file, "bon%c%s", dungeons[lev->dnum].boneid,
             In_quest(lev) ? urole.filecode : "0");
     dptr = eos(file);
     if ((sptr = Is_special(lev)) != 0)
         Sprintf(dptr, ".%c", sptr->boneid);
         Sprintf(dptr, ".%d", lev->dlevel);
 #ifdef VMS
     Strcat(dptr, ";1");
     return (dptr - 2);


 /* set up temporary file name for writing bones, to avoid another game's
  * trying to read from an uncompleted bones file.  we want an uncontentious
  * name, so use one in the namespace reserved for this game's level files.
  * (we are not reading or writing level files while writing bones files, so
  * the same array may be used instead of copying.)
 STATIC_OVL char *
     char *tf;
     tf = rindex(lock, '.');
     if (!tf)
         tf = eos(lock);
     Sprintf(tf, ".bn");
 #ifdef VMS
     Strcat(tf, ";1");
     return lock;


 create_bonesfile(lev, bonesid, errbuf)
 d_level *lev;
 char **bonesid;
 char errbuf[];
     const char *file;
     int fd;
     if (errbuf)
         *errbuf = '\0';
     *bonesid = set_bonesfile_name(bones, lev);
     file = set_bonestemp_name();
     file = fqname(file, BONESPREFIX, 0);
 #if defined(MICRO) || defined(WIN32)
     /* Use O_TRUNC to force the file to be shortened if it already
      * exists and is currently longer.
     fd = open(file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_BINARY, FCMASK);
 #ifdef MAC
     fd = maccreat(file, BONE_TYPE);
     fd = creat(file, FCMASK);
     if (fd < 0 && errbuf) /* failure explanation */
         Sprintf(errbuf, "Cannot create bones \"%s\", id %s (errno %d).", lock,
                 *bonesid, errno);
 #if defined(VMS) && !defined(SECURE)
        Re-protect bones file with world:read+write+execute+delete access.
        umask() doesn't seem very reliable; also, vaxcrtl won't let us set
        delete access without write access, which is what's really wanted.
        Can't simply create it with the desired protection because creat
        ANDs the mask with the user's default protection, which usually
        denies some or all access to world.
     (void) chmod(file, FCMASK | 007); /* allow other users full access */
 #endif /* VMS && !SECURE */
     return fd;


 #ifdef MFLOPPY
 /* remove partial bonesfile in process of creation */
     const char *tempname;
     tempname = set_bonestemp_name();
     tempname = fqname(tempname, BONESPREFIX, 0);
     (void) unlink(tempname);
 #endif /* MFLOPPY */


 /* move completed bones file to proper name */
 d_level *lev;
     const char *fq_bones, *tempname;
     int ret;
     (void) set_bonesfile_name(bones, lev);
     fq_bones = fqname(bones, BONESPREFIX, 0);
     tempname = set_bonestemp_name();
     tempname = fqname(tempname, BONESPREFIX, 1);
 #if (defined(SYSV) && !defined(SVR4)) || defined(GENIX)
     /* old SYSVs don't have rename.  Some SVR3's may, but since they
      * also have link/unlink, it doesn't matter. :-)
     (void) unlink(fq_bones);
     ret = link(tempname, fq_bones);
     ret += unlink(tempname);
     ret = rename(tempname, fq_bones);
     if (wizard && ret != 0)
         pline("couldn't rename %s to %s.", tempname, fq_bones);


 open_bonesfile(lev, bonesid)
 d_level *lev;
 char **bonesid;
     const char *fq_bones;
     int fd;
     *bonesid = set_bonesfile_name(bones, lev);
     fq_bones = fqname(bones, BONESPREFIX, 0);
     nh_uncompress(fq_bones); /* no effect if nonexistent */
 #ifdef MAC
     fd = macopen(fq_bones, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, BONE_TYPE);
     fd = open(fq_bones, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, 0);
     return fd;


 d_level *lev;
     (void) set_bonesfile_name(bones, lev);
     return !(unlink(fqname(bones, BONESPREFIX, 0)) < 0);


 /* assume we're compressing the recently read or created bonesfile, so the
  * file name is already set properly */
     nh_compress(fqname(bones, BONESPREFIX, 0));
 /* ----------  END BONES FILE HANDLING ----------- */

Save file handling

 /* ----------  BEGIN SAVE FILE HANDLING ----------- */


 /* set savefile name in OS-dependent manner from pre-existing plname,
  * avoiding troublesome characters */
 boolean regularize_it;
 #ifdef VMS
     Sprintf(SAVEF, "[.save]%d%s", getuid(), plname);
     if (regularize_it)
         regularize(SAVEF + 7);
     Strcat(SAVEF, ";1");
 #if defined(MICRO)
     Strcpy(SAVEF, SAVEP);
 #ifdef AMIGA
     strncat(SAVEF, bbs_id, PATHLEN);
         int i = strlen(SAVEP);
 #ifdef AMIGA
         /* plname has to share space with SAVEP and ".sav" */
         (void) strncat(SAVEF, plname, FILENAME - i - 4);
         (void) strncat(SAVEF, plname, 8);
         if (regularize_it)
             regularize(SAVEF + i);
 #if defined(WIN32)
         static const char okchars[] =
         const char *legal = okchars;
         char fnamebuf[BUFSZ], encodedfnamebuf[BUFSZ];
         /* Obtain the name of the logged on user and incorporate
          * it into the name. */
         Sprintf(fnamebuf, "%s-%s", get_username(0), plname);
         if (regularize_it)
             ++legal; /* skip '*' wildcard character */
         (void) fname_encode(legal, '%', fnamebuf, encodedfnamebuf, BUFSZ);
         Sprintf(SAVEF, "%s%s", encodedfnamebuf, SAVE_EXTENSION);
 #else  /* not VMS or MICRO or WIN32 */
     Sprintf(SAVEF, "save/%d%s", (int) getuid(), plname);
     if (regularize_it)
         regularize(SAVEF + 5); /* avoid . or / in name */
 #endif /* WIN32 */
 #endif /* MICRO */
 #endif /* VMS   */


 int fd;
     (void) write(fd, (genericptr_t) SAVEF, sizeof(SAVEF));


 #ifndef MICRO
 /* change pre-existing savefile name to indicate an error savefile */
 #ifdef VMS
         char *semi_colon = rindex(SAVEF, ';');
         if (semi_colon)
             *semi_colon = '\0';
     Strcat(SAVEF, ".e;1");
 #ifdef MAC
     Strcat(SAVEF, "-e");
     Strcat(SAVEF, ".e");


 /* create save file, overwriting one if it already exists */
     const char *fq_save;
     int fd;
     fq_save = fqname(SAVEF, SAVEPREFIX, 0);
 #if defined(MICRO) || defined(WIN32)
     fd = open(fq_save, O_WRONLY | O_BINARY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, FCMASK);
 #ifdef MAC
     fd = maccreat(fq_save, SAVE_TYPE);
     fd = creat(fq_save, FCMASK);
 #if defined(VMS) && !defined(SECURE)
        Make sure the save file is owned by the current process.  That's
        the default for non-privileged users, but for priv'd users the
        file will be owned by the directory's owner instead of the user.
 #undef getuid
     (void) chown(fq_save, getuid(), getgid());
 #define getuid() vms_getuid()
 #endif /* VMS && !SECURE */
 #endif /* MICRO */
     return fd;


 /* open savefile for reading */
     const char *fq_save;
     int fd;
     fq_save = fqname(SAVEF, SAVEPREFIX, 0);
 #ifdef MAC
     fd = macopen(fq_save, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, SAVE_TYPE);
     fd = open(fq_save, O_RDONLY | O_BINARY, 0);
     return fd;


 /* delete savefile */
     (void) unlink(fqname(SAVEF, SAVEPREFIX, 0));
     return 0; /* for restore_saved_game() (ex-xxxmain.c) test */


 /* try to open up a save file and prepare to restore it */
     const char *fq_save;
     int fd;
 #ifdef MFLOPPY
     if (!saveDiskPrompt(1))
         return -1;
 #endif /* MFLOPPY */
     fq_save = fqname(SAVEF, SAVEPREFIX, 0);
     if ((fd = open_savefile()) < 0)
         return fd;
     if (validate(fd, fq_save) != 0) {
         (void) nhclose(fd), fd = -1;
         (void) delete_savefile();
     return fd;


 #if defined(SELECTSAVED)
 char *
 const char *filename;
     int fd;
     char *result = 0;
     Strcpy(SAVEF, filename);
     SAVEF[strlen(SAVEF) - strlen(COMPRESS_EXTENSION)] = '\0';
     if ((fd = open_savefile()) >= 0) {
         if (validate(fd, filename) == 0) {
             char tplname[PL_NSIZ];
             get_plname_from_file(fd, tplname);
             result = dupstr(tplname);
         (void) nhclose(fd);
     return result;
 #if 0
 /* --------- obsolete - used to be ifndef STORE_PLNAME_IN_FILE ----*/
 #if defined(UNIX) && defined(QT_GRAPHICS)
     /* Name not stored in save file, so we have to extract it from
        the filename, which loses information
        (eg. "/", "_", and "." characters are lost. */
     int k;
     int uid;
     char name[64]; /* more than PL_NSIZ */
 #define EXTSTR ""
     if ( sscanf( filename, "%*[^/]/%d%63[^.]" EXTSTR, &uid, name ) == 2 ) {
 #undef EXTSTR
         /* "_" most likely means " ", which certainly looks nicer */
         for (k=0; name[k]; k++)
             if ( name[k] == '_' )
                 name[k] = ' ';
         return dupstr(name);
     } else
 #endif /* UNIX && QT_GRAPHICS */
         return 0;
 /* --------- end of obsolete code ----*/
 #endif /* 0 - WAS STORE_PLNAME_IN_FILE*/
 #endif /* defined(SELECTSAVED) */


 char **
 #if defined(SELECTSAVED)
     int n, j = 0;
     char **result = 0;
 #ifdef WIN32
         char *foundfile;
         const char *fq_save;
         Strcpy(plname, "*");
 #if defined(ZLIB_COMP)
         fq_save = fqname(SAVEF, SAVEPREFIX, 0);
         n = 0;
         foundfile = foundfile_buffer();
         if (findfirst((char *) fq_save)) {
             do {
             } while (findnext());
         if (n > 0) {
             result = (char **) alloc((n + 1) * sizeof(char *)); /* at most */
             (void) memset((genericptr_t) result, 0, (n + 1) * sizeof(char *));
             if (findfirst((char *) fq_save)) {
                 j = n = 0;
                 do {
                     char *r;
                     r = plname_from_file(foundfile);
                     if (r)
                         result[j++] = r;
                 } while (findnext());
 #if defined(UNIX) && defined(QT_GRAPHICS)
     /* posixly correct version */
     int myuid = getuid();
     DIR *dir;
     if ((dir = opendir(fqname("save", SAVEPREFIX, 0)))) {
         for (n = 0; readdir(dir); n++)
         if (n > 0) {
             int i;
             if (!(dir = opendir(fqname("save", SAVEPREFIX, 0))))
                 return 0;
             result = (char **) alloc((n + 1) * sizeof(char *)); /* at most */
             (void) memset((genericptr_t) result, 0, (n + 1) * sizeof(char *));
             for (i = 0, j = 0; i < n; i++) {
                 int uid;
                 char name[64]; /* more than PL_NSIZ */
                 struct dirent *entry = readdir(dir);
                 if (!entry)
                 if (sscanf(entry->d_name, "%d%63s", &uid, name) == 2) {
                     if (uid == myuid) {
                         char filename[BUFSZ];
                         char *r;
                         Sprintf(filename, "save/%d%s", uid, name);
                         r = plname_from_file(filename);
                         if (r)
                             result[j++] = r;
 #ifdef VMS
     Strcpy(plname, "*");
     j = vms_get_saved_games(SAVEF, &result);
 #endif /* VMS */
     if (j > 0) {
         if (j > 1)
             qsort(result, j, sizeof (char *), strcmp_wrap);
         result[j] = 0;
         return result;
     } else if (result) { /* could happen if save files are obsolete */
 #endif /* SELECTSAVED */
     return 0;


 char **saved;
     if (saved) {
         int i = 0;
         while (saved[i])
             free((genericptr_t) saved[i++]);
         free((genericptr_t) saved);
 /* ----------  END SAVE FILE HANDLING ----------- */

File compression handling

 /* ----------  BEGIN FILE COMPRESSION HANDLING ----------- */


 #ifdef COMPRESS
 redirect(filename, mode, stream, uncomp)
 const char *filename, *mode;
 FILE *stream;
 boolean uncomp;
     if (freopen(filename, mode, stream) == (FILE *) 0) {
         (void) fprintf(stderr, "freopen of %s for %scompress failed\n",
                        filename, uncomp ? "un" : "");


  * using system() is simpler, but opens up security holes and causes
  * problems on at least Interactive UNIX 3.0.1 (SVR3.2), where any
  * setuid is renounced by /bin/sh, so the files cannot be accessed.
  * cf. child() in unixunix.c.
 docompress_file(filename, uncomp)
 const char *filename;
 boolean uncomp;
     char cfn[80];
     FILE *cf;
     const char *args[10];
     char opts[80];
     int i = 0;
     int f;
     boolean istty = !strncmpi(, "tty", 3);
     Strcpy(cfn, filename);
     Strcat(cfn, COMPRESS_EXTENSION);
     /* when compressing, we know the file exists */
     if (uncomp) {
         if ((cf = fopen(cfn, RDBMODE)) == (FILE *) 0)
         (void) fclose(cf);
     args[0] = COMPRESS;
     if (uncomp)
         args[++i] = "-d"; /* uncompress */
         /* we can't guarantee there's only one additional option, sigh */
         char *opt;
         boolean inword = FALSE;
         Strcpy(opts, COMPRESS_OPTIONS);
         opt = opts;
         while (*opt) {
             if ((*opt == ' ') || (*opt == '\t')) {
                 if (inword) {
                     *opt = '\0';
                     inword = FALSE;
             } else if (!inword) {
                 args[++i] = opt;
                 inword = TRUE;
     args[++i] = (char *) 0;
     /* If we don't do this and we are right after a y/n question *and*
      * there is an error message from the compression, the 'y' or 'n' can
      * end up being displayed after the error message.
     if (istty)
     f = fork();
     if (f == 0) { /* child */
         /* any error messages from the compression must come out after
          * the first line, because the more() to let the user read
          * them will have to clear the first line.  This should be
          * invisible if there are no error messages.
         if (istty)
         /* run compressor without privileges, in case other programs
          * have surprises along the line of gzip once taking filenames
          * in GZIP.
         /* assume all compressors will compress stdin to stdout
          * without explicit filenames.  this is true of at least
          * compress and gzip, those mentioned in config.h.
         if (uncomp) {
             redirect(cfn, RDBMODE, stdin, uncomp);
             redirect(filename, WRBMODE, stdout, uncomp);
         } else {
             redirect(filename, RDBMODE, stdin, uncomp);
             redirect(cfn, WRBMODE, stdout, uncomp);
         (void) setgid(getgid());
         (void) setuid(getuid());
         (void) execv(args[0], (char *const *) args);
         perror((char *) 0);
         (void) fprintf(stderr, "Exec to %scompress %s failed.\n",
                        uncomp ? "un" : "", filename);
     } else if (f == -1) {
         perror((char *) 0);
         pline("Fork to %scompress %s failed.", uncomp ? "un" : "", filename);
 #ifndef NO_SIGNAL
     (void) signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
     (void) signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
     (void) wait((int *) &i);
     (void) signal(SIGINT, (SIG_RET_TYPE) done1);
     if (wizard)
         (void) signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_DFL);
     /* I don't think we can really cope with external compression
      * without signals, so we'll declare that compress failed and
      * go on.  (We could do a better job by forcing off external
      * compression if there are no signals, but we want this for
      * testing with FailSafeC
     i = 1;
     if (i == 0) {
         /* (un)compress succeeded: remove file left behind */
         if (uncomp)
             (void) unlink(cfn);
             (void) unlink(filename);
     } else {
         /* (un)compress failed; remove the new, bad file */
         if (uncomp) {
             raw_printf("Unable to uncompress %s", filename);
             (void) unlink(filename);
         } else {
             /* no message needed for compress case; life will go on */
             (void) unlink(cfn);
         /* Give them a chance to read any error messages from the
          * compression--these would go to stdout or stderr and would get
          * overwritten only in tty mode.  It's still ugly, since the
          * messages are being written on top of the screen, but at least
          * the user can read them.
         if (istty && iflags.window_inited) {
             /* No way to know if this is feasible */
             /* doredraw(); */
 #endif /* COMPRESS */


 #if defined(COMPRESS) || defined(ZLIB_COMP)
 #define UNUSED_if_not_COMPRESS /*empty*/
 /* compress file */
 const char *filename UNUSED_if_not_COMPRESS;
 #if !defined(COMPRESS) && !defined(ZLIB_COMP)
 #pragma unused(filename)
     docompress_file(filename, FALSE);


 /* uncompress file if it exists */
 const char *filename UNUSED_if_not_COMPRESS;
 #if !defined(COMPRESS) && !defined(ZLIB_COMP)
 #pragma unused(filename)
     docompress_file(filename, TRUE);


 #ifdef ZLIB_COMP /* RLC 09 Mar 1999: Support internal ZLIB */
 STATIC_OVL boolean
 make_compressed_name(filename, cfn)
 const char *filename;
 char *cfn;
     /* Assume free-form filename with no 8.3 restrictions */
     strcpy(cfn, filename);
     strcat(cfn, COMPRESS_EXTENSION);
     return TRUE;
     char *bp = (char *) 0;
     strcpy(cfn, filename);
     if ((bp = strstri(cfn, SAVE_EXTENSION))) {
         strsubst(bp, SAVE_EXTENSION, ".saz");
         return TRUE;
     } else {
         /* find last occurrence of bon */
         bp = eos(cfn);
         while (bp-- > cfn) {
             if (strstri(bp, "bon")) {
                 strsubst(bp, "bon", "boz");
                 return TRUE;
 #endif /* SAVE_EXTENSION */
     return FALSE;
 #endif /* SHORT_FILENAMES */


 docompress_file(filename, uncomp)
 const char *filename;
 boolean uncomp;
     gzFile compressedfile;
     FILE *uncompressedfile;
     char cfn[256];
     char buf[1024];
     unsigned len, len2;
     if (!make_compressed_name(filename, cfn))
     if (!uncomp) {
         /* Open the input and output files */
         /* Note that gzopen takes "wb" as its mode, even on systems where
            fopen takes "r" and "w" */
         uncompressedfile = fopen(filename, RDBMODE);
         if (!uncompressedfile) {
             pline("Error in zlib docompress_file %s", filename);
         compressedfile = gzopen(cfn, "wb");
         if (compressedfile == NULL) {
             if (errno == 0) {
                 pline("zlib failed to allocate memory");
             } else {
                 panic("Error in docompress_file %d", errno);
         /* Copy from the uncompressed to the compressed file */
         while (1) {
             len = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), uncompressedfile);
             if (ferror(uncompressedfile)) {
                 pline("Failure reading uncompressed file");
                 pline("Can't compress %s.", filename);
                 (void) unlink(cfn);
             if (len == 0)
                 break; /* End of file */
             len2 = gzwrite(compressedfile, buf, len);
             if (len2 == 0) {
                 pline("Failure writing compressed file");
                 pline("Can't compress %s.", filename);
                 (void) unlink(cfn);
         /* Delete the file left behind */
         (void) unlink(filename);
     } else { /* uncomp */
         /* Open the input and output files */
         /* Note that gzopen takes "rb" as its mode, even on systems where
            fopen takes "r" and "w" */
         compressedfile = gzopen(cfn, "rb");
         if (compressedfile == NULL) {
             if (errno == 0) {
                 pline("zlib failed to allocate memory");
             } else if (errno != ENOENT) {
                 panic("Error in zlib docompress_file %s, %d", filename,
         uncompressedfile = fopen(filename, WRBMODE);
         if (!uncompressedfile) {
             pline("Error in zlib docompress file uncompress %s", filename);
         /* Copy from the compressed to the uncompressed file */
         while (1) {
             len = gzread(compressedfile, buf, sizeof(buf));
             if (len == (unsigned) -1) {
                 pline("Failure reading compressed file");
                 pline("Can't uncompress %s.", filename);
                 (void) unlink(filename);
             if (len == 0)
                 break; /* End of file */
             fwrite(buf, 1, len, uncompressedfile);
             if (ferror(uncompressedfile)) {
                 pline("Failure writing uncompressed file");
                 pline("Can't uncompress %s.", filename);
                 (void) unlink(filename);
         /* Delete the file left behind */
         (void) unlink(cfn);
 #endif /* RLC 09 Mar 1999: End ZLIB patch */
 /* ----------  END FILE COMPRESSION HANDLING ----------- */

File locking handling

 /* ----------  BEGIN FILE LOCKING HANDLING ----------- */
 static int nesting = 0;
 #if defined(NO_FILE_LINKS) || defined(USE_FCNTL) /* implies UNIX */
 static int lockfd; /* for lock_file() to pass to unlock_file() */
 #ifdef USE_FCNTL
 struct flock sflock; /* for unlocking, same as above */
 #define HUP if (!program_state.done_hup)
 #ifndef USE_FCNTL


 STATIC_OVL char *
 make_lockname(filename, lockname)
 const char *filename;
 char *lockname;
 #if defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS) || defined(AMIGA) || defined(WIN32) \
     || defined(MSDOS)
     Strcpy(lockname, LOCKDIR);
     Strcat(lockname, "/");
     Strcat(lockname, filename);
     Strcpy(lockname, filename);
 #ifdef VMS
         char *semi_colon = rindex(lockname, ';');
         if (semi_colon)
             *semi_colon = '\0';
     Strcat(lockname, ".lock;1");
     Strcat(lockname, "_lock");
     return lockname;
 #else /* !(UNIX || VMS || AMIGA || WIN32 || MSDOS) */
 #pragma unused(filename)
     lockname[0] = '\0';
     return (char *) 0;
 #endif /* !USE_FCNTL */


 /* lock a file */
 lock_file(filename, whichprefix, retryct)
 const char *filename;
 int whichprefix;
 int retryct;
 #if defined(PRAGMA_UNUSED) && !(defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS)) \
     && !(defined(AMIGA) || defined(WIN32) || defined(MSDOS))
 #pragma unused(retryct)
 #ifndef USE_FCNTL
     char locknambuf[BUFSZ];
     const char *lockname;
     if (nesting > 1) {
         impossible("TRIED TO NEST LOCKS");
         return TRUE;
 #ifndef USE_FCNTL
     lockname = make_lockname(filename, locknambuf);
 #ifndef NO_FILE_LINKS /* LOCKDIR should be subsumed by LOCKPREFIX */
     lockname = fqname(lockname, LOCKPREFIX, 2);
     filename = fqname(filename, whichprefix, 0);
 #ifdef USE_FCNTL
     lockfd = open(filename, O_RDWR);
     if (lockfd == -1) {
         HUP raw_printf("Cannot open file %s. This is a program bug.",
     sflock.l_type = F_WRLCK;
     sflock.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
     sflock.l_start = 0;
     sflock.l_len = 0;
 #if defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS)
 #ifdef USE_FCNTL
     while (fcntl(lockfd, F_SETLK, &sflock) == -1) {
     while ((lockfd = open(lockname, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0666)) == -1) {
     while (link(filename, lockname) == -1) {
 #ifdef USE_FCNTL
         if (retryct--) {
             HUP raw_printf(
                 "Waiting for release of fcntl lock on %s. (%d retries left).",
                 filename, retryct);
         } else {
             HUP(void) raw_print("I give up.  Sorry.");
             HUP raw_printf("Some other process has an unnatural grip on %s.",
             return FALSE;
         register int errnosv = errno;
         switch (errnosv) { /* George Barbanis */
         case EEXIST:
             if (retryct--) {
                 HUP raw_printf(
                     "Waiting for access to %s.  (%d retries left).", filename,
 #if defined(SYSV) || defined(ULTRIX) || defined(VMS)
             } else {
                 HUP(void) raw_print("I give up.  Sorry.");
                 HUP raw_printf("Perhaps there is an old %s around?",
                 return FALSE;
         case ENOENT:
             HUP raw_printf("Can't find file %s to lock!", filename);
             return FALSE;
         case EACCES:
             HUP raw_printf("No write permission to lock %s!", filename);
             return FALSE;
 #ifdef VMS /* c__translate(vmsfiles.c) */
         case EPERM:
             /* could be misleading, but usually right */
             HUP raw_printf("Can't lock %s due to directory protection.",
             return FALSE;
         case EROFS:
             /* take a wild guess at the underlying cause */
             HUP perror(lockname);
             HUP raw_printf("Cannot lock %s.", filename);
             HUP raw_printf(
   "(Perhaps you are running NetHack from inside the distribution package?).");
             return FALSE;
             HUP perror(lockname);
             HUP raw_printf("Cannot lock %s for unknown reason (%d).",
                            filename, errnosv);
             return FALSE;
 #endif /* USE_FCNTL */
 #endif /* UNIX || VMS */
 #if (defined(AMIGA) || defined(WIN32) || defined(MSDOS)) \
     && !defined(USE_FCNTL)
 #ifdef AMIGA
 #define OPENFAILURE(fd) (!fd)
     lockptr = 0;
 #define OPENFAILURE(fd) (fd < 0)
     lockptr = -1;
     while (--retryct && OPENFAILURE(lockptr)) {
 #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(WIN_CE)
         lockptr = sopen(lockname, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, SH_DENYRW, S_IWRITE);
         (void) DeleteFile(lockname); /* in case dead process was here first */
 #ifdef AMIGA
         lockptr = Open(lockname, MODE_NEWFILE);
         lockptr = open(lockname, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, S_IWRITE);
         if (OPENFAILURE(lockptr)) {
             raw_printf("Waiting for access to %s.  (%d retries left).",
                        filename, retryct);
     if (!retryct) {
         raw_printf("I give up.  Sorry.");
         return FALSE;
 #endif /* AMIGA || WIN32 || MSDOS */
     return TRUE;


 #ifdef VMS /* for unlock_file, use the unlink() routine in vmsunix.c */
 #ifdef unlink
 #undef unlink
 #define unlink(foo) vms_unlink(foo)
 /* unlock file, which must be currently locked by lock_file */
 const char *filename;
 #ifndef USE_FCNTL
     char locknambuf[BUFSZ];
     const char *lockname;
     if (nesting == 1) {
 #ifdef USE_FCNTL
         sflock.l_type = F_UNLCK;
         if (fcntl(lockfd, F_SETLK, &sflock) == -1) {
             HUP raw_printf("Can't remove fcntl lock on %s.", filename);
             (void) close(lockfd);
         lockname = make_lockname(filename, locknambuf);
 #ifndef NO_FILE_LINKS /* LOCKDIR should be subsumed by LOCKPREFIX */
         lockname = fqname(lockname, LOCKPREFIX, 2);
 #if defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS)
         if (unlink(lockname) < 0)
             HUP raw_printf("Can't unlink %s.", lockname);
         (void) nhclose(lockfd);
 #endif /* UNIX || VMS */
 #if defined(AMIGA) || defined(WIN32) || defined(MSDOS)
         if (lockptr)
         lockptr = 0;
 #endif /* AMIGA || WIN32 || MSDOS */
 #endif /* USE_FCNTL */
 /* ----------  END FILE LOCKING HANDLING ----------- */

Config file handling

 /* ----------  BEGIN CONFIG FILE HANDLING ----------- */
 const char *configfile =
 #ifdef UNIX
 #if defined(MAC) || defined(__BEOS__)
     "NetHack Defaults";
 #if defined(MSDOS) || defined(WIN32)
 /* used for messaging */
 char lastconfigfile[BUFSZ];
 #ifdef MSDOS
 /* conflict with speed-dial under windows
  * for XXX.cnf file so support of NetHack.cnf
  * is for backward compatibility only.
  * Preferred name (and first tried) is now defaults.nh but
  * the game will try the old name if there
  * is no defaults.nh.
 const char *backward_compat_configfile = "nethack.cnf";
 #ifndef MFLOPPY
 #define fopenp fopen


 fopen_config_file(filename, src)
 const char *filename;
 int src;
     FILE *fp;
 #if defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS)
     char tmp_config[BUFSZ];
     char *envp;
     /* If src != SET_IN_SYS, "filename" is an environment variable, so it
      * should hang around. If set, it is expected to be a full path name
      * (if relevant) */
     if (filename) {
 #ifdef UNIX
         if ((src != SET_IN_SYS) && access(filename, 4) == -1) {
             /* 4 is R_OK on newer systems */
             /* nasty sneaky attempt to read file through
              * NetHack's setuid permissions -- this is the only
              * place a file name may be wholly under the player's
              * control (but SYSCF_FILE is not under the player's
              * control so it's OK).
             raw_printf("Access to %s denied (%d).", filename, errno);
             /* fall through to standard names */
         } else
             if (src == SET_IN_SYS) {
             (void) strncpy(lastconfigfile, fqname(filename, SYSCONFPREFIX, 0),
                            BUFSZ - 1);
         } else
             /* always honor sysconf first before anything else */
             (void) strncpy(lastconfigfile, filename, BUFSZ - 1);
         lastconfigfile[BUFSZ - 1] = '\0';
         if ((fp = fopenp(lastconfigfile, "r")) != (FILE *) 0)
             return  fp;
         if ((fp = fopenp(filename, "r")) != (FILE *) 0) {
             return  fp;
 #if defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS)
         } else {
             /* access() above probably caught most problems for UNIX */
             raw_printf("Couldn't open requested config file %s (%d).",
                        filename, errno);
 /* fall through to standard names */
 #if defined(MICRO) || defined(MAC) || defined(__BEOS__) || defined(WIN32)
     if ((fp = fopenp(fqname(configfile, CONFIGPREFIX, 0), "r")) != (FILE *) 0)
         return fp;
     if ((fp = fopenp(configfile, "r")) != (FILE *) 0)
         return fp;
 #ifdef MSDOS
     if ((fp = fopenp(fqname(backward_compat_configfile, CONFIGPREFIX, 0),
                      "r")) != (FILE *) 0)
         return fp;
     if ((fp = fopenp(backward_compat_configfile, "r")) != (FILE *) 0)
         return fp;
 /* constructed full path names don't need fqname() */
 #ifdef VMS
     (void) strncpy(lastconfigfile, fqname("nethackini", CONFIGPREFIX, 0),
                    BUFSZ - 1);
     lastconfigfile[BUFSZ - 1] = '\0';
     if ((fp = fopenp(lastconfigfile, "r")) != (FILE *) 0) {
         return fp;
     (void) strncpy(lastconfigfile, "sys$login:nethack.ini", BUFSZ - 1);
     lastconfigfile[BUFSZ - 1] = '\0';
     if ((fp = fopenp(lastconfigfile, "r")) != (FILE *) 0) {
         return fp;
     envp = nh_getenv("HOME");
     if (!envp)
         Strcpy(tmp_config, "NetHack.cnf");
         Sprintf(tmp_config, "%s%s", envp, "NetHack.cnf");
     (void) strncpy(lastconfigfile, tmp_config, BUFSZ - 1);
     lastconfigfile[BUFSZ - 1] = '\0';
     if ((fp = fopenp(tmp_config, "r")) != (FILE *) 0)
         return fp;
 #else /* should be only UNIX left */
     envp = nh_getenv("HOME");
     if (!envp)
         Strcpy(tmp_config, ".nethackrc");
         Sprintf(tmp_config, "%s/%s", envp, ".nethackrc");
     (void) strncpy(lastconfigfile, tmp_config, BUFSZ - 1);
     lastconfigfile[BUFSZ - 1] = '\0';
     if ((fp = fopenp(lastconfigfile, "r")) != (FILE *) 0)
         return fp;
 #if defined(__APPLE__)
     /* try an alternative */
     if (envp) {
         Sprintf(tmp_config, "%s/%s", envp,
                 "Library/Preferences/NetHack Defaults");
         (void) strncpy(lastconfigfile, tmp_config, BUFSZ - 1);
         lastconfigfile[BUFSZ - 1] = '\0';
         if ((fp = fopenp(lastconfigfile, "r")) != (FILE *) 0)
             return fp;
         Sprintf(tmp_config, "%s/%s", envp,
                 "Library/Preferences/NetHack Defaults.txt");
         (void) strncpy(lastconfigfile, tmp_config, BUFSZ - 1);
         lastconfigfile[BUFSZ - 1] = '\0';
         if ((fp = fopenp(lastconfigfile, "r")) != (FILE *) 0)
             return fp;
     if (errno != ENOENT) {
         const char *details;
 /* e.g., problems when setuid NetHack can't search home
  * directory restricted to user */
 #if defined(NHSTDC) && !defined(NOTSTDC)
         if ((details = strerror(errno)) == 0)
             details = "";
         raw_printf("Couldn't open default config file %s %s(%d).",
                    lastconfigfile, details, errno);
 #endif /* Unix */
     return (FILE *) 0;


  * Retrieve a list of integers from a file into a uchar array.
  * NOTE: zeros are inserted unless modlist is TRUE, in which case the list
  *  location is unchanged.  Callers must handle zeros if modlist is FALSE.
 get_uchars(fp, buf, bufp, list, modlist, size, name)
 FILE *fp;         /* input file pointer */
 char *buf;        /* read buffer, must be of size BUFSZ */
 char *bufp;       /* current pointer */
 uchar *list;      /* return list */
 boolean modlist;  /* TRUE: list is being modified in place */
 int size;         /* return list size */
 const char *name; /* name of option for error message */
     unsigned int num = 0;
     int count = 0;
     boolean havenum = FALSE;
     while (1) {
         switch (*bufp) {
         case ' ':
         case '\0':
         case '\t':
         case '\n':
             if (havenum) {
                 /* if modifying in place, don't insert zeros */
                 if (num || !modlist)
                     list[count] = num;
                 num = 0;
                 havenum = FALSE;
             if (count == size || !*bufp)
                 return count;
         case '0':
         case '1':
         case '2':
         case '3':
         case '4':
         case '5':
         case '6':
         case '7':
         case '8':
         case '9':
             havenum = TRUE;
             num = num * 10 + (*bufp - '0');
         case '\\':
             if (fp == (FILE *) 0)
                 goto gi_error;
             do {
                 if (!fgets(buf, BUFSZ, fp))
                     goto gi_error;
             } while (buf[0] == '#');
             bufp = buf;
             raw_printf("Syntax error in %s", name);
             return count;


 adjust_prefix(bufp, prefixid)
 char *bufp;
 int prefixid;
     char *ptr;
     if (!bufp)
     /* Backward compatibility, ignore trailing ;n */
     if ((ptr = index(bufp, ';')) != 0)
         *ptr = '\0';
     if (strlen(bufp) > 0) {
         fqn_prefix[prefixid] = (char *) alloc(strlen(bufp) + 2);
         Strcpy(fqn_prefix[prefixid], bufp);


 #define match_varname(INP, NAM, LEN) match_optname(INP, NAM, LEN, TRUE)
 parse_config_line(fp, origbuf, src)
 FILE *fp;
 char *origbuf;
 int src;
 #if defined(MICRO) && !defined(NOCWD_ASSUMPTIONS)
     static boolean ramdisk_specified = FALSE;
 #ifdef SYSCF
     int n;
     char *bufp, *altp, buf[BUFSZ];
     uchar translate[MAXPCHARS];
     int len;
     /* convert any tab to space, condense consecutive spaces into one,
        remove leading and trailing spaces (exception: if there is nothing
        but spaces, one of them will be kept even though it leads/trails) */
     mungspaces(strcpy(buf, origbuf));
     /* lines beginning with '#' are comments; accept empty lines too */
     if (!*buf || *buf == '#' || !strcmp(buf, " "))
         return 1;
     /* find the '=' or ':' */
     bufp = index(buf, '=');
     altp = index(buf, ':');
     if (!bufp || (altp && altp < bufp))
         bufp = altp;
     if (!bufp)
         return 0;
     /* skip past '=', then space between it and value, if any */
     if (*bufp == ' ')
     /* Go through possible variables */
     /* some of these (at least LEVELS and SAVE) should now set the
      * appropriate fqn_prefix[] rather than specialized variables
     if (match_varname(buf, "OPTIONS", 4)) {
         /* hack: un-mungspaces to allow consecutive spaces in
            general options until we verify that this is unnecessary;
            '=' or ':' is guaranteed to be present */
         bufp = index(origbuf, '=');
         altp = index(origbuf, ':');
         if (!bufp || (altp && altp < bufp))
             bufp = altp;
         ++bufp; /* skip '='; parseoptions() handles spaces */
         parseoptions(bufp, TRUE, TRUE);
         if (plname[0])      /* If a name was given */
             plnamesuffix(); /* set the character class */
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTION", 5)) {
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "MSGTYPE", 7)) {
         (void) msgtype_parse_add(bufp);
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "HACKDIR", 4)) {
         adjust_prefix(bufp, HACKPREFIX);
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "LEVELDIR", 4)
                || match_varname(buf, "LEVELS", 4)) {
         adjust_prefix(bufp, LEVELPREFIX);
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "SAVEDIR", 4)) {
         adjust_prefix(bufp, SAVEPREFIX);
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "BONESDIR", 5)) {
         adjust_prefix(bufp, BONESPREFIX);
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "DATADIR", 4)) {
         adjust_prefix(bufp, DATAPREFIX);
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "SCOREDIR", 4)) {
         adjust_prefix(bufp, SCOREPREFIX);
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "LOCKDIR", 4)) {
         adjust_prefix(bufp, LOCKPREFIX);
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "CONFIGDIR", 4)) {
         adjust_prefix(bufp, CONFIGPREFIX);
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "TROUBLEDIR", 4)) {
         adjust_prefix(bufp, TROUBLEPREFIX);
 #ifdef MICRO
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "HACKDIR", 4)) {
         (void) strncpy(hackdir, bufp, PATHLEN - 1);
 #ifdef MFLOPPY
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "RAMDISK", 3)) {
 /* The following ifdef is NOT in the wrong
  * place.  For now, we accept and silently
  * ignore RAMDISK */
 #ifndef AMIGA
         if (strlen(bufp) >= PATHLEN)
             bufp[PATHLEN - 1] = '\0';
         Strcpy(levels, bufp);
         ramdisk = (strcmp(permbones, levels) != 0);
         ramdisk_specified = TRUE;
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "LEVELS", 4)) {
         if (strlen(bufp) >= PATHLEN)
             bufp[PATHLEN - 1] = '\0';
         Strcpy(permbones, bufp);
         if (!ramdisk_specified || !*levels)
             Strcpy(levels, bufp);
         ramdisk = (strcmp(permbones, levels) != 0);
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "SAVE", 4)) {
 #ifdef MFLOPPY
         extern int saveprompt;
         char *ptr;
         if ((ptr = index(bufp, ';')) != 0) {
             *ptr = '\0';
 #ifdef MFLOPPY
             if (*(ptr + 1) == 'n' || *(ptr + 1) == 'N') {
                 saveprompt = FALSE;
 #if defined(SYSFLAGS) && defined(MFLOPPY)
             saveprompt = sysflags.asksavedisk;
         (void) strncpy(SAVEP, bufp, SAVESIZE - 1);
 #endif /* MICRO */
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "NAME", 4)) {
         (void) strncpy(plname, bufp, PL_NSIZ - 1);
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "ROLE", 4)
                || match_varname(buf, "CHARACTER", 4)) {
         if ((len = str2role(bufp)) >= 0)
             flags.initrole = len;
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "DOGNAME", 3)) {
         (void) strncpy(dogname, bufp, PL_PSIZ - 1);
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "CATNAME", 3)) {
         (void) strncpy(catname, bufp, PL_PSIZ - 1);
 #ifdef SYSCF
     } else if (src == SET_IN_SYS && match_varname(buf, "WIZARDS", 7)) {
         if (sysopt.wizards)
             free((genericptr_t) sysopt.wizards);
         sysopt.wizards = dupstr(bufp);
         if (strlen(sysopt.wizards) && strcmp(sysopt.wizards, "*")) {
             /* pre-format WIZARDS list now; it's displayed during a panic
                and since that panic might be due to running out of memory,
                we don't want to risk attempting to allocate any memory then */
             if (sysopt.fmtd_wizard_list)
                 free((genericptr_t) sysopt.fmtd_wizard_list);
             sysopt.fmtd_wizard_list = build_english_list(sysopt.wizards);
     } else if (src == SET_IN_SYS && match_varname(buf, "SHELLERS", 8)) {
         if (sysopt.shellers)
             free((genericptr_t) sysopt.shellers);
         sysopt.shellers = dupstr(bufp);
     } else if (src == SET_IN_SYS && match_varname(buf, "EXPLORERS", 7)) {
         if (sysopt.explorers)
             free((genericptr_t) sysopt.explorers);
         sysopt.explorers = dupstr(bufp);
     } else if (src == SET_IN_SYS && match_varname(buf, "DEBUGFILES", 5)) {
         /* if showdebug() has already been called (perhaps we've added
            some debugpline() calls to option processing) and has found
            a value for getenv("DEBUGFILES"), don't override that */
         if (sysopt.env_dbgfl <= 0) {
             if (sysopt.debugfiles)
                 free((genericptr_t) sysopt.debugfiles);
             sysopt.debugfiles = dupstr(bufp);
     } else if (src == SET_IN_SYS && match_varname(buf, "SUPPORT", 7)) {
         if (
             free((genericptr_t); = dupstr(bufp);
     } else if (src == SET_IN_SYS && match_varname(buf, "RECOVER", 7)) {
         if (sysopt.recover)
             free((genericptr_t) sysopt.recover);
         sysopt.recover = dupstr(bufp);
     } else if (src == SET_IN_SYS
                && match_varname(buf, "CHECK_SAVE_UID", 14)) {
         n = atoi(bufp);
         sysopt.check_save_uid = n;
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "SEDUCE", 6)) {
         n = !!atoi(bufp); /* XXX this could be tighter */
         /* allow anyone to turn it off, but only sysconf to turn it on*/
         if (src != SET_IN_SYS && n != 0) {
             raw_printf("Illegal value in SEDUCE");
             return 0;
         sysopt.seduce = n;
     } else if (src == SET_IN_SYS && match_varname(buf, "MAXPLAYERS", 10)) {
         n = atoi(bufp);
         /* XXX to get more than 25, need to rewrite all lock code */
         if (n < 1 || n > 25) {
             raw_printf("Illegal value in MAXPLAYERS (maximum is 25).");
             return 0;
         sysopt.maxplayers = n;
     } else if (src == SET_IN_SYS && match_varname(buf, "PERSMAX", 7)) {
         n = atoi(bufp);
         if (n < 1) {
             raw_printf("Illegal value in PERSMAX (minimum is 1).");
             return 0;
         sysopt.persmax = n;
     } else if (src == SET_IN_SYS && match_varname(buf, "PERS_IS_UID", 11)) {
         n = atoi(bufp);
         if (n != 0 && n != 1) {
             raw_printf("Illegal value in PERS_IS_UID (must be 0 or 1).");
             return 0;
         sysopt.pers_is_uid = n;
     } else if (src == SET_IN_SYS && match_varname(buf, "ENTRYMAX", 8)) {
         n = atoi(bufp);
         if (n < 10) {
             raw_printf("Illegal value in ENTRYMAX (minimum is 10).");
             return 0;
         sysopt.entrymax = n;
     } else if ((src == SET_IN_SYS) && match_varname(buf, "POINTSMIN", 9)) {
         n = atoi(bufp);
         if (n < 1) {
             raw_printf("Illegal value in POINTSMIN (minimum is 1).");
             return 0;
         sysopt.pointsmin = n;
     } else if (src == SET_IN_SYS
                && match_varname(buf, "MAX_STATUENAME_RANK", 10)) {
         n = atoi(bufp);
         if (n < 1) {
                 "Illegal value in MAX_STATUENAME_RANK (minimum is 1).");
             return 0;
         sysopt.tt_oname_maxrank = n;
     /* SYSCF PANICTRACE options */
     } else if (src == SET_IN_SYS
                && match_varname(buf, "PANICTRACE_LIBC", 15)) {
         n = atoi(bufp);
 #if defined(PANICTRACE) && defined(PANICTRACE_LIBC)
         if (n < 0 || n > 2) {
             raw_printf("Illegal value in PANICTRACE_LIBC (not 0,1,2).");
             return 0;
         sysopt.panictrace_libc = n;
     } else if (src == SET_IN_SYS
                && match_varname(buf, "PANICTRACE_GDB", 14)) {
         n = atoi(bufp);
 #if defined(PANICTRACE)
         if (n < 0 || n > 2) {
             raw_printf("Illegal value in PANICTRACE_GDB (not 0,1,2).");
             return 0;
         sysopt.panictrace_gdb = n;
     } else if (src == SET_IN_SYS && match_varname(buf, "GDBPATH", 7)) {
 #if defined(PANICTRACE) && !defined(VMS)
         if (!file_exists(bufp)) {
             raw_printf("File specified in GDBPATH does not exist.");
             return 0;
         if (sysopt.gdbpath)
             free((genericptr_t) sysopt.gdbpath);
         sysopt.gdbpath = dupstr(bufp);
     } else if (src == SET_IN_SYS && match_varname(buf, "GREPPATH", 7)) {
 #if defined(PANICTRACE) && !defined(VMS)
         if (!file_exists(bufp)) {
             raw_printf("File specified in GREPPATH does not exist.");
             return 0;
         if (sysopt.greppath)
             free((genericptr_t) sysopt.greppath);
         sysopt.greppath = dupstr(bufp);
 #endif /* SYSCF */
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "BOULDER", 3)) {
         (void) get_uchars(fp, buf, bufp, &iflags.bouldersym, TRUE, 1,
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "MENUCOLOR", 9)) {
         (void) add_menu_coloring(bufp);
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "WARNINGS", 5)) {
         (void) get_uchars(fp, buf, bufp, translate, FALSE, WARNCOUNT,
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "SYMBOLS", 4)) {
         char *op, symbuf[BUFSZ];
         boolean morelines;
         do {
             /* check for line continuation (trailing '\') */
             op = eos(bufp);
             morelines = (--op >= bufp && *op == '\\');
             if (morelines) {
                 *op = '\0';
                 /* strip trailing space now that '\' is gone */
                 if (--op >= bufp && *op == ' ')
                     *op = '\0';
             /* parse here */
             if (morelines) {
                 do {
                     *symbuf = '\0';
                     if (!fgets(symbuf, BUFSZ, fp)) {
                         morelines = FALSE;
                     bufp = symbuf;
                 } while (*bufp == '#');
         } while (morelines);
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "WIZKIT", 6)) {
         (void) strncpy(wizkit, bufp, WIZKIT_MAX - 1);
 #ifdef AMIGA
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "FONT", 4)) {
         char *t;
         if (t = strchr(buf + 5, ':')) {
             *t = 0;
             amii_set_text_font(buf + 5, atoi(t + 1));
             *t = ':';
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "PATH", 4)) {
         (void) strncpy(PATH, bufp, PATHLEN - 1);
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "DEPTH", 5)) {
         extern int amii_numcolors;
         int val = atoi(bufp);
         amii_numcolors = 1L << min(DEPTH, val);
 #ifdef SYSFLAGS
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "DRIPENS", 7)) {
         int i, val;
         char *t;
         for (i = 0, t = strtok(bufp, ",/"); t != (char *) 0;
              i < 20 && (t = strtok((char *) 0, ",/")), ++i) {
             sscanf(t, "%d", &val);
             sysflags.amii_dripens[i] = val;
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "SCREENMODE", 10)) {
         extern long amii_scrnmode;
         if (!stricmp(bufp, "req"))
             amii_scrnmode = 0xffffffff; /* Requester */
         else if (sscanf(bufp, "%x", &amii_scrnmode) != 1)
             amii_scrnmode = 0;
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "MSGPENS", 7)) {
         extern int amii_msgAPen, amii_msgBPen;
         char *t = strtok(bufp, ",/");
         if (t) {
             sscanf(t, "%d", &amii_msgAPen);
             if (t = strtok((char *) 0, ",/"))
                 sscanf(t, "%d", &amii_msgBPen);
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "TEXTPENS", 8)) {
         extern int amii_textAPen, amii_textBPen;
         char *t = strtok(bufp, ",/");
         if (t) {
             sscanf(t, "%d", &amii_textAPen);
             if (t = strtok((char *) 0, ",/"))
                 sscanf(t, "%d", &amii_textBPen);
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "MENUPENS", 8)) {
         extern int amii_menuAPen, amii_menuBPen;
         char *t = strtok(bufp, ",/");
         if (t) {
             sscanf(t, "%d", &amii_menuAPen);
             if (t = strtok((char *) 0, ",/"))
                 sscanf(t, "%d", &amii_menuBPen);
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "STATUSPENS", 10)) {
         extern int amii_statAPen, amii_statBPen;
         char *t = strtok(bufp, ",/");
         if (t) {
             sscanf(t, "%d", &amii_statAPen);
             if (t = strtok((char *) 0, ",/"))
                 sscanf(t, "%d", &amii_statBPen);
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "OTHERPENS", 9)) {
         extern int amii_otherAPen, amii_otherBPen;
         char *t = strtok(bufp, ",/");
         if (t) {
             sscanf(t, "%d", &amii_otherAPen);
             if (t = strtok((char *) 0, ",/"))
                 sscanf(t, "%d", &amii_otherBPen);
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "PENS", 4)) {
         extern unsigned short amii_init_map[AMII_MAXCOLORS];
         int i;
         char *t;
         for (i = 0, t = strtok(bufp, ",/");
              i < AMII_MAXCOLORS && t != (char *) 0;
              t = strtok((char *) 0, ",/"), ++i) {
             sscanf(t, "%hx", &amii_init_map[i]);
         amii_setpens(amii_numcolors = i);
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "FGPENS", 6)) {
         extern int foreg[AMII_MAXCOLORS];
         int i;
         char *t;
         for (i = 0, t = strtok(bufp, ",/");
              i < AMII_MAXCOLORS && t != (char *) 0;
              t = strtok((char *) 0, ",/"), ++i) {
             sscanf(t, "%d", &foreg[i]);
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "BGPENS", 6)) {
         extern int backg[AMII_MAXCOLORS];
         int i;
         char *t;
         for (i = 0, t = strtok(bufp, ",/");
              i < AMII_MAXCOLORS && t != (char *) 0;
              t = strtok((char *) 0, ",/"), ++i) {
             sscanf(t, "%d", &backg[i]);
 #endif /*AMIGA*/
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "SOUNDDIR", 8)) {
         sounddir = dupstr(bufp);
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "SOUND", 5)) {
         /* These should move to wc_ options */
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "QT_TILEWIDTH", 12)) {
         extern char *qt_tilewidth;
         if (qt_tilewidth == NULL)
             qt_tilewidth = dupstr(bufp);
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "QT_TILEHEIGHT", 13)) {
         extern char *qt_tileheight;
         if (qt_tileheight == NULL)
             qt_tileheight = dupstr(bufp);
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "QT_FONTSIZE", 11)) {
         extern char *qt_fontsize;
         if (qt_fontsize == NULL)
             qt_fontsize = dupstr(bufp);
     } else if (match_varname(buf, "QT_COMPACT", 10)) {
         extern int qt_compact_mode;
         qt_compact_mode = atoi(bufp);
     } else
         return 0;
     return 1;


 const char *filename;
     return (boolean) (access(filename, 4) == 0);
 #endif /* USER_SOUNDS */


 read_config_file(filename, src)
 const char *filename;
 int src;
     char buf[4 * BUFSZ], *p;
     FILE *fp;
     boolean rv = TRUE; /* assume successful parse */
     if (!(fp = fopen_config_file(filename, src)))
         return FALSE;
     /* begin detection of duplicate configfile options */
     while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fp)) {
 #ifdef notyet
 XXX Don't call read() in parse_config_line, read as callback or reassemble
 line at this level.
 OR: Forbid multiline stuff for alternate config sources.
         if ((p = index(buf, '\n')) != 0)
             *p = '\0';
         if (!parse_config_line(fp, buf, src)) {
             static const char badoptionline[] = "Bad option line: \"%s\"";
             /* truncate buffer if it's long; this is actually conservative */
             if (strlen(buf) > BUFSZ - sizeof badoptionline)
                 buf[BUFSZ - sizeof badoptionline] = '\0';
             raw_printf(badoptionline, buf);
             rv = FALSE;
     (void) fclose(fp);
     /* turn off detection of duplicate configfile options */
     return rv;


     FILE *fp;
 #if defined(VMS) || defined(UNIX)
     char tmp_wizkit[BUFSZ];
     char *envp;
     envp = nh_getenv("WIZKIT");
     if (envp && *envp)
         (void) strncpy(wizkit, envp, WIZKIT_MAX - 1);
     if (!wizkit[0])
         return (FILE *) 0;
 #ifdef UNIX
     if (access(wizkit, 4) == -1) {
         /* 4 is R_OK on newer systems */
         /* nasty sneaky attempt to read file through
          * NetHack's setuid permissions -- this is a
          * place a file name may be wholly under the player's
          * control
         raw_printf("Access to %s denied (%d).", wizkit, errno);
         /* fall through to standard names */
     } else
         if ((fp = fopenp(wizkit, "r")) != (FILE *) 0) {
         return fp;
 #if defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS)
     } else {
         /* access() above probably caught most problems for UNIX */
         raw_printf("Couldn't open requested config file %s (%d).", wizkit,
 #if defined(MICRO) || defined(MAC) || defined(__BEOS__) || defined(WIN32)
     if ((fp = fopenp(fqname(wizkit, CONFIGPREFIX, 0), "r")) != (FILE *) 0)
         return fp;
 #ifdef VMS
     envp = nh_getenv("HOME");
     if (envp)
         Sprintf(tmp_wizkit, "%s%s", envp, wizkit);
         Sprintf(tmp_wizkit, "%s%s", "sys$login:", wizkit);
     if ((fp = fopenp(tmp_wizkit, "r")) != (FILE *) 0)
         return fp;
 #else /* should be only UNIX left */
     envp = nh_getenv("HOME");
     if (envp)
         Sprintf(tmp_wizkit, "%s/%s", envp, wizkit);
         Strcpy(tmp_wizkit, wizkit);
     if ((fp = fopenp(tmp_wizkit, "r")) != (FILE *) 0)
         return fp;
     else if (errno != ENOENT) {
         /* e.g., problems when setuid NetHack can't search home
          * directory restricted to user */
         raw_printf("Couldn't open default wizkit file %s (%d).", tmp_wizkit,
     return (FILE *) 0;


 /* add to hero's inventory if there's room, otherwise put item on floor */
 struct obj *obj;
     if (!obj || obj == &zeroobj)
     /* subset of starting inventory pre-ID */
     obj->dknown = 1;
     if (Role_if(PM_PRIEST))
         obj->bknown = 1;
     /* same criteria as lift_object()'s check for available inventory slot */
     if (obj->oclass != COIN_CLASS && inv_cnt(FALSE) >= 52
         && !merge_choice(invent, obj)) {
         /* inventory overflow; can't just place & stack object since
            hero isn't in position yet, so schedule for arrival later */
         obj->ox = 0; /* index of main dungeon */
         obj->oy = 1; /* starting level number */
         obj->owornmask =
     } else {
         (void) addinv(obj);


     FILE *fp;
     char *ep, buf[BUFSZ];
     struct obj *otmp;
     boolean bad_items = FALSE, skip = FALSE;
     if (!wizard || !(fp = fopen_wizkit_file()))
     program_state.wizkit_wishing = 1;
     while (fgets(buf, (int) (sizeof buf), fp)) {
         ep = index(buf, '\n');
         if (skip) { /* in case previous line was too long */
             if (ep)
                 skip = FALSE; /* found newline; next line is normal */
         } else {
             if (!ep)
                 skip = TRUE; /* newline missing; discard next fgets */
                 *ep = '\0'; /* remove newline */
             if (buf[0]) {
                 otmp = readobjnam(buf, (struct obj *) 0);
                 if (otmp) {
                     if (otmp != &zeroobj)
                 } else {
                     /* .60 limits output line width to 79 chars */
                     raw_printf("Bad wizkit item: \"%.60s\"", buf);
                     bad_items = TRUE;
     program_state.wizkit_wishing = 0;
     if (bad_items)
     (void) fclose(fp);


 extern struct symsetentry *symset_list;  /* options.c */
 extern struct symparse loadsyms[];       /* drawing.c */
 extern const char *known_handling[];     /* drawing.c */
 extern const char *known_restrictions[]; /* drawing.c */
 static int symset_count = 0;             /* for pick-list building only */
 static boolean chosen_symset_start = FALSE, chosen_symset_end = FALSE;
     FILE *fp;
     fp = fopen_datafile(SYMBOLS, "r", HACKPREFIX);
     return fp;


  * Returns 1 if the chose symset was found and loaded.
  *         0 if it wasn't found in the sym file or other problem.
 int which_set;
     char buf[4 * BUFSZ];
     FILE *fp;
     if (!(fp = fopen_sym_file()))
         return 0;
     symset_count = 0;
     chosen_symset_start = chosen_symset_end = FALSE;
     while (fgets(buf, 4 * BUFSZ, fp)) {
         if (!parse_sym_line(buf, which_set)) {
             raw_printf("Bad symbol line:  \"%.50s\"", buf);
     (void) fclose(fp);
     if (!chosen_symset_end && !chosen_symset_start)
         return (symset[which_set].name == 0) ? 1 : 0;
     if (!chosen_symset_end) {
         raw_printf("Missing finish for symset \"%s\"",
                    symset[which_set].name ? symset[which_set].name
                                           : "unknown");
     return 1;


 /* returns 0 on error */
 parse_sym_line(buf, which_set)
 char *buf;
 int which_set;
     int val, i;
     struct symparse *symp = (struct symparse *) 0;
     char *bufp, *commentp, *altp;
     /* convert each instance of whitespace (tabs, consecutive spaces)
        into a single space; leading and trailing spaces are stripped */
     if (!*buf || *buf == '#' || !strcmp(buf, " "))
         return 1;
     /* remove trailing comment, if any */
     if ((commentp = rindex(buf, '#')) != 0) {
         *commentp = '\0';
         /* remove space preceding the stripped comment, if any;
            we know 'commentp > buf' because *buf=='#' was caught above */
         if (commentp[-1] == ' ')
             *--commentp = '\0';
     /* find the '=' or ':' */
     bufp = index(buf, '=');
     altp = index(buf, ':');
     if (!bufp || (altp && altp < bufp))
         bufp = altp;
     if (!bufp) {
         if (strncmpi(buf, "finish", 6) == 0) {
             /* end current graphics set */
             if (chosen_symset_start)
                 chosen_symset_end = TRUE;
             chosen_symset_start = FALSE;
             return 1;
         return 0;
     /* skip '=' and space which follows, if any */
     if (*bufp == ' ')
     symp = match_sym(buf);
     if (!symp)
         return 0;
     if (!symset[which_set].name) {
         /* A null symset name indicates that we're just
            building a pick-list of possible symset
            values from the file, so only do that */
         if (symp->range == SYM_CONTROL) {
             struct symsetentry *tmpsp;
             switch (symp->idx) {
             case 0:
                 tmpsp =
                     (struct symsetentry *) alloc(sizeof (struct symsetentry));
                 tmpsp->next = (struct symsetentry *) 0;
                 if (!symset_list) {
                     symset_list = tmpsp;
                     symset_count = 0;
                 } else {
                     tmpsp->next = symset_list;
                     symset_list = tmpsp;
                 tmpsp->idx = symset_count;
                 tmpsp->name = dupstr(bufp);
                 tmpsp->desc = (char *) 0;
                 tmpsp->nocolor = 0;
                 /* initialize restriction bits */
                 tmpsp->primary = 0;
                 tmpsp->rogue = 0;
             case 2:
                 /* handler type identified */
                 tmpsp = symset_list; /* most recent symset */
                 tmpsp->handling = H_UNK;
                 i = 0;
                 while (known_handling[i]) {
                     if (!strcmpi(known_handling[i], bufp)) {
                         tmpsp->handling = i;
                         break; /* while loop */
             case 3:                  /* description:something */
                 tmpsp = symset_list; /* most recent symset */
                 if (tmpsp && !tmpsp->desc)
                     tmpsp->desc = dupstr(bufp);
             case 5:
                 /* restrictions: xxxx*/
                 tmpsp = symset_list; /* most recent symset */
                 for (i = 0; known_restrictions[i]; ++i) {
                     if (!strcmpi(known_restrictions[i], bufp)) {
                         switch (i) {
                         case 0:
                             tmpsp->primary = 1;
                         case 1:
                             tmpsp->rogue = 1;
                         break; /* while loop */
         return 1;
     if (symp->range) {
         if (symp->range == SYM_CONTROL) {
             switch (symp->idx) {
             case 0:
                 /* start of symset */
                 if (!strcmpi(bufp, symset[which_set].name)) {
                     /* matches desired one */
                     chosen_symset_start = TRUE;
                     /* these init_*() functions clear symset fields too */
                     if (which_set == ROGUESET)
                     else if (which_set == PRIMARY)
             case 1:
                 /* finish symset */
                 if (chosen_symset_start)
                     chosen_symset_end = TRUE;
                 chosen_symset_start = FALSE;
             case 2:
                 /* handler type identified */
                 if (chosen_symset_start)
                     set_symhandling(bufp, which_set);
             /* case 3: (description) is ignored here */
             case 4: /* color:off */
                 if (chosen_symset_start) {
                     if (bufp) {
                         if (!strcmpi(bufp, "true") || !strcmpi(bufp, "yes")
                             || !strcmpi(bufp, "on"))
                             symset[which_set].nocolor = 0;
                         else if (!strcmpi(bufp, "false")
                                  || !strcmpi(bufp, "no")
                                  || !strcmpi(bufp, "off"))
                             symset[which_set].nocolor = 1;
             case 5: /* restrictions: xxxx*/
                 if (chosen_symset_start) {
                     int n = 0;
                     while (known_restrictions[n]) {
                         if (!strcmpi(known_restrictions[n], bufp)) {
                             switch (n) {
                             case 0:
                                 symset[which_set].primary = 1;
                             case 1:
                                 symset[which_set].rogue = 1;
                             break; /* while loop */
         } else { /* !SYM_CONTROL */
             val = sym_val(bufp);
             if (chosen_symset_start) {
                 if (which_set == PRIMARY) {
                     update_l_symset(symp, val);
                 } else if (which_set == ROGUESET) {
                     update_r_symset(symp, val);
     return 1;


 set_symhandling(handling, which_set)
 char *handling;
 int which_set;
     int i = 0;
     symset[which_set].handling = H_UNK;
     while (known_handling[i]) {
         if (!strcmpi(known_handling[i], handling)) {
             symset[which_set].handling = i;
 /* ----------  END CONFIG FILE HANDLING ----------- */

Scoreboard creation

 /* ----------  BEGIN SCOREBOARD CREATION ----------- */
 #ifdef OS2_CODEVIEW
 #define UNUSED_if_not_OS2_CODEVIEW /*empty*/


 /* verify that we can write to scoreboard file; if not, try to create one */
 const char *dir UNUSED_if_not_OS2_CODEVIEW;
 #if defined(PRAGMA_UNUSED) && !defined(OS2_CODEVIEW)
 #pragma unused(dir)
     const char *fq_record;
     int fd;
 #if defined(UNIX) || defined(VMS)
     fq_record = fqname(RECORD, SCOREPREFIX, 0);
     fd = open(fq_record, O_RDWR, 0);
     if (fd >= 0) {
 #ifdef VMS /* must be stream-lf to use UPDATE_RECORD_IN_PLACE */
         if (!file_is_stmlf(fd)) {
                 "Warning: scoreboard file %s is not in stream_lf format",
         (void) nhclose(fd); /* RECORD is accessible */
     } else if ((fd = open(fq_record, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, FCMASK)) >= 0) {
         (void) nhclose(fd); /* RECORD newly created */
 #if defined(VMS) && !defined(SECURE)
         /* Re-protect RECORD with world:read+write+execute+delete access. */
         (void) chmod(fq_record, FCMASK | 007);
 #endif /* VMS && !SECURE */
     } else {
         raw_printf("Warning: cannot write scoreboard file %s", fq_record);
 #endif /* !UNIX && !VMS */
 #if defined(MICRO) || defined(WIN32)
     char tmp[PATHLEN];
 #ifdef OS2_CODEVIEW /* explicit path on opening for OS/2 */
     /* how does this work when there isn't an explicit path or fopenp
      * for later access to the file via fopen_datafile? ? */
     (void) strncpy(tmp, dir, PATHLEN - 1);
     tmp[PATHLEN - 1] = '\0';
     if ((strlen(tmp) + 1 + strlen(RECORD)) < (PATHLEN - 1)) {
         Strcat(tmp, RECORD);
     fq_record = tmp;
     Strcpy(tmp, RECORD);
     fq_record = fqname(RECORD, SCOREPREFIX, 0);
     if ((fd = open(fq_record, O_RDWR)) < 0) {
 /* try to create empty record */
 #if defined(AZTEC_C) || defined(_DCC) \
     || (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__AMIGA__))
         /* Aztec doesn't use the third argument */
         /* DICE doesn't like it */
         if ((fd = open(fq_record, O_CREAT | O_RDWR)) < 0) {
         if ((fd = open(fq_record, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE))
             < 0) {
             raw_printf("Warning: cannot write record %s", tmp);
         } else
             (void) nhclose(fd);
     } else /* open succeeded */
         (void) nhclose(fd);
 #else /* MICRO || WIN32*/
 #ifdef MAC
     /* Create the "record" file, if necessary */
     fq_record = fqname(RECORD, SCOREPREFIX, 0);
     fd = macopen(fq_record, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, TEXT_TYPE);
     if (fd != -1)
 #endif /* MAC */
 #endif /* MICRO || WIN32*/
 /* ----------  END SCOREBOARD CREATION ----------- */

Panic/Impossible log

 /* ----------  BEGIN PANIC/IMPOSSIBLE LOG ----------- */


 paniclog(type, reason)
 const char *type;   /* panic, impossible, trickery */
 const char *reason; /* explanation */
 #ifdef PANICLOG
     FILE *lfile;
     char buf[BUFSZ];
     if (!program_state.in_paniclog) {
         program_state.in_paniclog = 1;
         lfile = fopen_datafile(PANICLOG, "a", TROUBLEPREFIX);
         if (lfile) {
             time_t now = getnow();
             int uid = getuid();
             char playmode = wizard ? 'D' : discover ? 'X' : '-';
             (void) fprintf(lfile, "%s %08ld %06ld %d %c: %s %s\n",
                            version_string(buf), yyyymmdd(now), hhmmss(now),
                            uid, playmode, type, reason);
             (void) fclose(lfile);
         program_state.in_paniclog = 0;
 #endif /* PANICLOG */
 /* ----------  END PANIC/IMPOSSIBLE LOG ----------- */

Internal recover

 /* ----------  BEGIN INTERNAL RECOVER ----------- */


     int gfd, lfd, sfd;
     int lev, savelev, hpid, pltmpsiz;
     xchar levc;
     struct version_info version_data;
     int processed[256];
     char savename[SAVESIZE], errbuf[BUFSZ];
     struct savefile_info sfi;
     char tmpplbuf[PL_NSIZ];
     for (lev = 0; lev < 256; lev++)
         processed[lev] = 0;
     /* level 0 file contains:
      *  pid of creating process (ignored here)
      *  level number for current level of save file
      *  name of save file nethack would have created
      *  savefile info
      *  player name
      *  and game state
     gfd = open_levelfile(0, errbuf);
     if (gfd < 0) {
         raw_printf("%s\n", errbuf);
         return FALSE;
     if (read(gfd, (genericptr_t) &hpid, sizeof hpid) != sizeof hpid) {
             "Checkpoint data incompletely written or subsequently clobbered.",
                    "Recovery impossible.");
         (void) nhclose(gfd);
         return FALSE;
     if (read(gfd, (genericptr_t) &savelev, sizeof(savelev))
         != sizeof(savelev)) {
          "\nCheckpointing was not in effect for %s -- recovery impossible.\n",
         (void) nhclose(gfd);
         return FALSE;
     if ((read(gfd, (genericptr_t) savename, sizeof savename)
          != sizeof savename)
         || (read(gfd, (genericptr_t) &version_data, sizeof version_data)
             != sizeof version_data)
         || (read(gfd, (genericptr_t) &sfi, sizeof sfi) != sizeof sfi)
         || (read(gfd, (genericptr_t) &pltmpsiz, sizeof pltmpsiz)
             != sizeof pltmpsiz) || (pltmpsiz > PL_NSIZ)
         || (read(gfd, (genericptr_t) &tmpplbuf, pltmpsiz) != pltmpsiz)) {
         raw_printf("\nError reading %s -- can't recover.\n", lock);
         (void) nhclose(gfd);
         return FALSE;
     /* save file should contain:
      *  version info
      *  savefile info
      *  player name
      *  current level (including pets)
      *  (non-level-based) game state
      *  other levels
     sfd = create_savefile();
     if (sfd < 0) {
         raw_printf("\nCannot recover savefile %s.\n", SAVEF);
         (void) nhclose(gfd);
         return FALSE;
     lfd = open_levelfile(savelev, errbuf);
     if (lfd < 0) {
         raw_printf("\n%s\n", errbuf);
         (void) nhclose(gfd);
         (void) nhclose(sfd);
         return FALSE;
     if (write(sfd, (genericptr_t) &version_data, sizeof version_data)
         != sizeof version_data) {
         raw_printf("\nError writing %s; recovery failed.", SAVEF);
         (void) nhclose(gfd);
         (void) nhclose(sfd);
         return FALSE;
     if (write(sfd, (genericptr_t) &sfi, sizeof sfi) != sizeof sfi) {
         raw_printf("\nError writing %s; recovery failed (savefile_info).\n",
         (void) nhclose(gfd);
         (void) nhclose(sfd);
         return FALSE;
     if (write(sfd, (genericptr_t) &pltmpsiz, sizeof pltmpsiz)
         != sizeof pltmpsiz) {
         raw_printf("Error writing %s; recovery failed (player name size).\n",
         (void) nhclose(gfd);
         (void) nhclose(sfd);
         return FALSE;
     if (write(sfd, (genericptr_t) &tmpplbuf, pltmpsiz) != pltmpsiz) {
         raw_printf("Error writing %s; recovery failed (player name).\n",
         (void) nhclose(gfd);
         (void) nhclose(sfd);
         return FALSE;
     if (!copy_bytes(lfd, sfd)) {
         (void) nhclose(lfd);
         (void) nhclose(sfd);
         return FALSE;
     (void) nhclose(lfd);
     processed[savelev] = 1;
     if (!copy_bytes(gfd, sfd)) {
         (void) nhclose(lfd);
         (void) nhclose(sfd);
         return FALSE;
     (void) nhclose(gfd);
     processed[0] = 1;
     for (lev = 1; lev < 256; lev++) {
         /* level numbers are kept in xchars in save.c, so the
          * maximum level number (for the endlevel) must be < 256
         if (lev != savelev) {
             lfd = open_levelfile(lev, (char *) 0);
             if (lfd >= 0) {
                 /* any or all of these may not exist */
                 levc = (xchar) lev;
                 write(sfd, (genericptr_t) &levc, sizeof(levc));
                 if (!copy_bytes(lfd, sfd)) {
                     (void) nhclose(lfd);
                     (void) nhclose(sfd);
                     return FALSE;
                 (void) nhclose(lfd);
                 processed[lev] = 1;
     (void) nhclose(sfd);
      * We have a successful savefile!
      * Only now do we erase the level files.
     for (lev = 0; lev < 256; lev++) {
         if (processed[lev]) {
             const char *fq_lock;
             set_levelfile_name(lock, lev);
             fq_lock = fqname(lock, LEVELPREFIX, 3);
             (void) unlink(fq_lock);
     return TRUE;


 copy_bytes(ifd, ofd)
 int ifd, ofd;
     char buf[BUFSIZ];
     int nfrom, nto;
     do {
         nfrom = read(ifd, buf, BUFSIZ);
         nto = write(ofd, buf, nfrom);
         if (nto != nfrom)
             return FALSE;
     } while (nfrom == BUFSIZ);
     return TRUE;
 /* ----------  END INTERNAL RECOVER ----------- */
 #endif /*SELF_RECOVER*/


 /* ----------  OTHER ----------- */


 #ifdef SYSCF
 #ifdef SYSCF_FILE
     int fd;
      * All we really care about is the end result - can we read the file?
      * So just check that directly.
      * Not tested on most of the old platforms (which don't attempt
      * to implement SYSCF).
      * Some ports don't like open()'s optional third argument;
      * VMS overrides open() usage with a macro which requires it.
 #ifndef VMS
     fd = open(SYSCF_FILE, O_RDONLY);
     fd = open(SYSCF_FILE, O_RDONLY, 0);
     if (fd >= 0) {
         /* readable */
     raw_printf("Unable to open SYSCF_FILE.\n");
 #endif /* SYSCF_FILE */
 #endif /* SYSCF */


 #ifdef DEBUG
 /* used by debugpline() to decide whether to issue a message
  * from a particular source file; caller passes __FILE__ and we check
  * whether it is in the source file list supplied by SYSCF's DEBUGFILES
  * pass FALSE to override wildcard matching; useful for files
  * like dungeon.c and questpgr.c, which generate a ridiculous amount of
  * output if DEBUG is defined and effectively block the use of a wildcard */
 debugcore(filename, wildcards)
 const char *filename;
 boolean wildcards;
     const char *debugfiles, *p;
     if (!filename || !*filename)
         return FALSE; /* sanity precaution */
     if (sysopt.env_dbgfl == 0) {
         /* check once for DEBUGFILES in the environment;
            if found, it supersedes the sysconf value
            [note: getenv() rather than nh_getenv() since a long value
            is valid and doesn't pose any sort of overflow risk here] */
         if ((p = getenv("DEBUGFILES")) != 0) {
             if (sysopt.debugfiles)
                 free((genericptr_t) sysopt.debugfiles);
             sysopt.debugfiles = dupstr(p);
             sysopt.env_dbgfl = 1;
         } else
             sysopt.env_dbgfl = -1;
     debugfiles = sysopt.debugfiles;
     /* usual case: sysopt.debugfiles will be empty */
     if (!debugfiles || !*debugfiles)
         return FALSE;
 /* strip filename's path if present */
 #ifdef UNIX
     if ((p = rindex(filename, '/')) != 0)
         filename = p + 1;
 #ifdef VMS
     filename = vms_basename(filename);
     /* vms_basename strips off 'type' suffix as well as path and version;
        we want to put suffix back (".c" assumed); since it always returns
        a pointer to a static buffer, we can safely modify its result */
     Strcat((char *) filename, ".c");
      * Wildcard match will only work if there's a single pattern (which
      * might be a single file name without any wildcarding) rather than
      * a space-separated list.
      * [to NOT do: We could step through the space-separated list and
      * attempt a wildcard match against each element, but that would be
      * overkill for the intended usage.]
     if (wildcards && pmatch(debugfiles, filename))
         return TRUE;
     /* check whether filename is an element of the list */
     if ((p = strstr(debugfiles, filename)) != 0) {
         int l = (int) strlen(filename);
         if ((p == debugfiles || p[-1] == ' ' || p[-1] == '/')
             && (p[l] == ' ' || p[l] == '\0'))
             return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
 #endif /*DEBUG*/


 /* ----------  BEGIN TRIBUTE ----------- */
 /* 3.6 tribute code
 #define TITLESCOPE 2
 #define MAXPASSAGES SIZE(context.novel.pasg) /* 30 */
 static int FDECL(choose_passage, (int, unsigned));


 /* choose a random passage that hasn't been chosen yet; once all have
    been chosen, reset the tracking to make all passages available again */
 static int
 choose_passage(passagecnt, oid)
 int passagecnt; /* total of available passages, 1..MAXPASSAGES */
 unsigned oid; /* book.o_id, used to determine whether re-reading same book */
     int idx, res;
     if (passagecnt < 1)
         return 0;
     if (passagecnt > MAXPASSAGES)
         passagecnt = MAXPASSAGES;
     /* if a different book or we've used up all the passages already,
        reset in order to have all 'passagecnt' passages available */
     if (oid != || context.novel.count == 0) { = oid;
         context.novel.count = passagecnt;
         for (idx = 0; idx < MAXPASSAGES; idx++)
             context.novel.pasg[idx] = (xchar) ((idx < passagecnt) ? idx + 1
                                                                   : 0);
     idx = rn2(context.novel.count);
     res = (int) context.novel.pasg[idx];
     /* move the last slot's passage index into the slot just used
        and reduce the number of passages available */
     context.novel.pasg[idx] = context.novel.pasg[--context.novel.count];
     return res;


 /* Returns True if you were able to read something. */
 read_tribute(tribsection, tribtitle, tribpassage, nowin_buf, bufsz, oid)
 const char *tribsection, *tribtitle;
 int tribpassage, bufsz;
 char *nowin_buf;
 unsigned oid; /* book identifier */
     dlb *fp;
     char *endp;
     char line[BUFSZ], lastline[BUFSZ];
     int scope = 0;
     int linect = 0, passagecnt = 0, targetpassage = 0;
     const char *badtranslation = "an incomprehensible foreign translation";
     boolean matchedsection = FALSE, matchedtitle = FALSE;
     winid tribwin = WIN_ERR;
     boolean grasped = FALSE;
     boolean foundpassage = FALSE;
     /* check for mandatories */
     if (!tribsection || !tribtitle) {
         if (!nowin_buf)
             pline("It's %s of \"%s\"!", badtranslation, tribtitle);
         return grasped;
     debugpline3("read_tribute %s, %s, %d.", tribsection, tribtitle,
     fp = dlb_fopen(TRIBUTEFILE, "r");
     if (!fp) {
         /* this is actually an error - cannot open tribute file! */
         if (!nowin_buf)
             pline("You feel too overwhelmed to continue!");
         return grasped;
      * Syntax (not case-sensitive):
      *  %section books
      * In the books section:
      *    %title booktitle (n)
      *          where booktitle=book title without quotes
      *          (n)= total number of passages present for this title
      *    %passage k
      *          where k=sequential passage number
      * %e ends the passage/book/section
      *    If in a passage, it marks the end of that passage.
      *    If in a book, it marks the end of that book.
      *    If in a section, it marks the end of that section.
      *  %section death
     *line = *lastline = '\0';
     while (dlb_fgets(line, sizeof line, fp) != 0) {
         if ((endp = index(line, '\n')) != 0)
             *endp = 0;
         switch (line[0]) {
         case '%':
             if (!strncmpi(&line[1], "section ", sizeof("section ") - 1)) {
                 char *st = &line[9]; /* 9 from "%section " */
                 scope = SECTIONSCOPE;
                 if (!strcmpi(st, tribsection))
                     matchedsection = TRUE;
                     matchedsection = FALSE;
             } else if (!strncmpi(&line[1], "title ", sizeof("title ") - 1)) {
                 char *st = &line[7]; /* 7 from "%title " */
                 char *p1, *p2;
                 if ((p1 = index(st, '(')) != 0) {
                     *p1++ = '\0';
                     (void) mungspaces(st);
                     if ((p2 = index(p1, ')')) != 0) {
                         *p2 = '\0';
                         passagecnt = atoi(p1);
                         if (passagecnt > MAXPASSAGES)
                             passagecnt = MAXPASSAGES;
                         scope = TITLESCOPE;
                         if (matchedsection && !strcmpi(st, tribtitle)) {
                             matchedtitle = TRUE;
                             targetpassage = !tribpassage
                                              ? choose_passage(passagecnt, oid)
                                              : (tribpassage <= passagecnt)
                                                 ? tribpassage : 0;
                         } else {
                             matchedtitle = FALSE;
             } else if (!strncmpi(&line[1], "passage ",
                                  sizeof("passage ") - 1)) {
                 int passagenum = 0;
                 char *st = &line[9]; /* 9 from "%passage " */
                 while (*st == ' ' || *st == '\t')
                 if (*st && digit(*st) && (strlen(st) < 3))
                     passagenum = atoi(st);
                 if (passagenum && (passagenum <= passagecnt)) {
                     scope = PASSAGESCOPE;
                     if (matchedtitle && (passagenum == targetpassage)) {
                         if (!nowin_buf)
                             tribwin = create_nhwindow(NHW_MENU);
                             foundpassage = TRUE;
             } else if (!strncmpi(&line[1], "e ", sizeof("e ") - 1)) {
                 if (matchedtitle && scope == PASSAGESCOPE
                     && ((!nowin_buf && tribwin != WIN_ERR)
                         || (nowin_buf && foundpassage)))
                     goto cleanup;
                 if (scope == TITLESCOPE)
                     matchedtitle = FALSE;
                 if (scope == SECTIONSCOPE)
                     matchedsection = FALSE;
                 if (scope)
             } else {
                 debugpline1("tribute file error: bad %% command, line %d.",
         case '#':
             /* comment only, next! */
             if (matchedtitle && scope == PASSAGESCOPE) {
                 if (!nowin_buf && tribwin != WIN_ERR) {
                     putstr(tribwin, 0, line);
                     Strcpy(lastline, line);
                 } else if (nowin_buf) {
                     if ((int) strlen(line) < bufsz - 1)
                         Strcpy(nowin_buf, line);
     (void) dlb_fclose(fp);
     if (!nowin_buf && tribwin != WIN_ERR) {
         if (matchedtitle && scope == PASSAGESCOPE) {
             display_nhwindow(tribwin, FALSE);
             /* put the final attribution line into message history,
                analogous to the summary line from long quest messages */
             if (index(lastline, '['))
                 mungspaces(lastline); /* to remove leading spaces */
             else /* construct one if necessary */
                 Sprintf(lastline, "[%s, by Terry Pratchett]", tribtitle);
             putmsghistory(lastline, FALSE);
         tribwin = WIN_ERR;
         grasped = TRUE;
     } else {
         if (!nowin_buf)
             pline("It seems to be %s of \"%s\"!", badtranslation, tribtitle);
             if (foundpassage)
                 grasped = TRUE;
     return grasped;


 Death_quote(buf, bufsz)
 char *buf;
 int bufsz;
     unsigned death_oid = 1; /* chance of oid #1 being a novel is negligible */
     return read_tribute("Death", "Death Quotes", 0, buf, bufsz, death_oid);
 /* ----------  END TRIBUTE ----------- */