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There are six levels of encumbrance in Nethack: Unencumbered, Burdened, Stressed, Strained, Overtaxed and Overloaded. The exact inventory weight which determines which of these levels you experience is based on Strength and Constitution.

The maximum carrying capacity without becoming burdened is 1000 weight units. A player can carry up to 3000 weight units before becoming Overloaded, at which point any kind of action except dropping items becomes impossible.

Your current carrying capacity is given by the formula 25 * (Str + Con) + 50, which is then capped to a maximum of 1000.[1] For the purposes of this calculation, a strength of 18/01–18/49 maps to 19, 18/50–18/99 maps to 20, and 18/** maps to 21.[2] Gauntlets of power still count as strength 25, but because of the cap, this extra strength is unlikely to be of use unless you have a relatively low constitution.


Your encumbrance level can be reduced by:

  • Using a bag of holding
  • Gaining strength or constitution, including polymorphing into a stronger creature.
  • Dropping items

Any encumbrance past unencumbered will slow your character down. It is therefore generally a bad idea to wander around carrying too much, and almost always a bad idea to enter combat overencumbered. If you are near your encumbrance limit and about to enter combat with a monster that can lower your strength (e.g. with poison), consider dropping a few extra items temporarily to avoid becoming overencumbered during the fight.


When being suddenly polymorphed into a small creature (especially via lycanthropy), it is common to become instantly overloaded, and unable to move.

Being encumbered is generally considered a bad idea, because it slows you down and speed is crucial to survival in Nethack; further, climbing stairs becomes more difficult when Burdened (and impossible when Stressed or worse) as well as causing players to "fall down the stairs" when they attempt to descend (a fatal move when combined with a wielded cockatrice corpse).

Although being Stressed trains strength, there are far safer ways such as pushing boulders around.

External links


  1. hack.c#line2162 (carrying capacity formula)
  2. attrib.c#acurrstr (strength-mapping)