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Nymph is a class of monsters represented with a n. There are three species of nymph: water nymph, wood nymph and mountain nymph.


While not a strong attacker, is nevertheless a very dangerous monster. The main danger of nymphs is that they will charm/seduce you and steal items. They are hit-and-run artists. They can and will use even the most powerful items against you. Nymphs often carry mirrors and potions of object detection.

Dealing with the nymph

Unless with a very powerful weapon you shouldn't attack a nymph in a melee. Polearms or lances may be effective if you are very fast, but nymphs would easily outrun an early game player. Ranged weapons are the best choice against them, as well as spells and wands. Because they carry mirrors, it is not a good idea to zap them with wands of striking or with spells of force bolt because the mirrors will often break resulting in a luck penalty. Besides attack spells you can also use cancellation against them, which would make them hamless. Do NOT have a wand of sleep out in the open or in your inventory when a nymph is nearby. They will put you to sleep and rob you blind. Nymphs are often generated asleep. If you don't have a perfectly safe way to deal with one, the best idea is just to leave it asleep.

Polymorphing into a nymph

You can polymorph into any species of nymph. The polymorph is safe for your armor. This gives you two unique abilities. You can remove an iron chain with a #monster command, and you can steal gear from monsters without killing them. In order to steal, attack the monster bare-handedly. The game asks you for confirmation about peaceful monsters, but stealing does NOT make them hostile.