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A throne, \, is a special dungeon feature that occurs both in throne rooms and in special areas such as the Castle.

Looting a throne while confused generates a throne room monster and deposits a random amount of your gold in its inventory, unless there is a chest on the level, in which case the gold is put in that.

Sitting on a throne

This section is based on thrn-343.txt.

There is a 2/3 chance that nothing happens.

  • "You feel somehow out of place..."
  • "You feel very comfortable here." (polymorphed into royal monster)

Otherwise, there is an equal 1/13 chance of one of the following:

You lose d4+2 points from a random attribute, and d10 hit points.

  • <Usual attribute-loss message>

You gain 1 point to a random attribute.

  • <Usual attribute-gain message>

If shock resistant, you lose d6 hit points.

  • "An electric shock shoots through your body!"

Otherwise, you lose d30 hit points.

  • "A massive electric shock shoots through your body!"

In both cases, your constitution is abused. Items in inventory are NOT at risk of explosion.

If you are within 5 hit points of maximum, your max HP is increased by 4; hit points are then restored to maximum whether increased or not. Also cures all blindness, all sickness, and wounded legs.

  • "You feel much, much better!"

If you have any gold in your main inventory, it's all taken away.

  • "You notice you have no gold!"

Otherwise, no effect.

  • "You feel a strange sensation."

If your luck is d5 or more below zero, your luck is increased by one.

  • "You feel your luck is changing."

Otherwise, you get to make a wish.

d10 throneroom monsters appear around you.

  • "Thy audience hath been summoned, <Sire/Dame>!"

You get to genocide one species, as for an uncursed scroll of genocide.

  • "A voice echoes: "By thy Imperious order, <Sire/Dame>...""

If your luck is positive, you are blinded for 250 to 349 (more) turns; otherwise, your inventory is randomly cursed (as for a "malignant aura").

  • "A curse upon thee for sitting upon this most holy throne!"

If your luck is non-negative and you don't already have intrinsic see invisible, you acquire that intrinsic.

  • "Your vision becomes clear."

Otherwise, if the level can be magic-mapped, it is.

  • "An image forms in your mind."

Or, if the level cannot be mapped, you are confused for d30 (more) turns.

  • "A terrible drone fills your head!"

If you have negative luck, you wake all monsters on the level.

  • "You feel threatened."

Otherwise, you are teleported within the level.

  • "You feel a wrenching sensation."

You can identify items from your inventory as per a blessed scoll:

        # items:  1    2    3    4   all
        chance:  1/5  1/5  1/5  1/5  1/5
  • "You are granted an insight."

You are confused for 15+d7 (more) turns.

  • "Your mind turns into a pretzel!"

Whether anything happened or not, if you are still sitting on the throne (haven't teleported away), there is a 1/3 chance that the throne will then disappear.

  • "The throne vanishes in a puff of logic."

The phrase "vanishes in a puff of logic," is taken from the Douglas Adams comedy series, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. To be precise, it comes from an aside where humanity convinces God that he doesn't exist, and God "vanishes in a puff of logic."

Given these possibilities, it is safest to take the following precautions before sitting on a throne:

  • Drop all your gold, or stash it in a container, so it won't be taken away.
  • Have a unicorn horn so that you can undo bad effects such as blindness and attribute loss.
  • Have positive luck.
  • Be able to deal with several monsters if they appear.

See also

This page is based on a spoiler by Dylan O'Donnell. The original license is:

Redistribution, copying, and editing of these spoilers, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

  1. The original contributors to any spoiler must continue to be credited.
  2. Any modifications to the spoiler must be acknowledged and credited.